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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1868, p. 2

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- hil. disoulug the poliey ofthtie gey. Orymo$ lrepotltg our Minerai lI4 amisu ohm 0(flait# superur, vo los the gaï.. l4Slt 4mor'Arge" 17Im to, i in1huaier Éïy, atout folev. ie s nll oadl fic(rus Fort, William; in ýb1Qh dlrsoîiou Ihbhoabondo tu £goma' wu turmoe bo p ono Thuardday, tb. lOtis Jl, mtr baing Af. àlulai ldg lu erasuppty of wood. The. ezeursionlate ba, theoeforo, fre a daim aulil acnon o boe, vitimg ith 'mineamiod otbrplaces of inioreat, alroady, notoed in tise. colamne. Aflor aboutan" bou,' eisalsrg vreacisci'a poins op- poslmte te moutis of tise ICtmoatos a , river, wbere thse goza came î misî a unaute of elgbt guasbeii gfired fromt tbe Fort- POIt? ILLIAM *aeut ho miles dissomt (rom tise paceof,! amboroge, sud about bit aatoile <1100 thé môutisof this, river, vas neubd by the eourelealitialunttse 4lgonihbots. Tise Fait isol! Ila aoli atoue building'of iwo atogiee, aboit 40 fot square. Isis bili ou thb, margin. of ibm river, vboliy copr- toctudi by distor ce lliode, in. aril..- iery, au far as va could e, belug tvo amnal old.4aUisieed isizoumdera. Tt i. thé clalof trading port of tise, mdeom Bey Cornpany, in ibis sectiom. Ur. Johm M- ltyre le tise ot factor àai u.place. He bu o banode voilt furished boutse, in the enclosure adjoinimg thse Fort, sud hé Iteo evei-eloehcd store, iboereIso gaudy gonds vbh iiitheldionsMot affect, ara -ut out l im àpting arroy. Aruumd the iocolity of the. Fcrtt groupe oft[milans, ml amd (mnl-the mumibers of thse las- -les iargely prepoderatig -vtereoattèeod .-ftor tho Most part aested llstlesanmd IÇlokig visb quiet msmoocrn upon the. poiUy iaugbimg mcurionlec. But fre- quemîly the daon prylug *le ot dorneof the more curiousof o! is quavs igbî b.é caught peiug out fromt ber saal-ovrl e! fo and isoad, attemîivaly examiing tise gay dresse&. ofthie ladies of thé com. paml. Tisa fomisoigefefr oa our ober. votion vomi, appeared 10 bc decontly odotis si-tb. mou feave la ezeptional caus,) being (or b. tuai1 pari ra/,ged, tiseir ca- furnmein5 mod adop lnpart of ludian, and vusî appeored te be ibe csei'off garmeuts ofthuri ite brobren. Thse principal population ot tIte loolity lo nt Tau iXcIflTSl' Missiox, stated &bout tva mile. taniser up tise tirer, snd embraclmg upwardaotf 000 la- dions. Tise Indiana ofthéii district are ail itomn nCatbolics. Tlbey bava o Vary bomdaorne and couvouîiently buit cisrcis; thboonicîdo appearonse aud intérlor &Uorn- ment of viib weuld put ta aborne many o! tise churclios blouglng to faviored con- grogatlome ia poputoudistricts lu Canada. Tis mission la in charge of Rov. Faîber Dttrauquot, <oIso i.aoSuperintendent cf Mis.oions),amd lu. Faisan Clsone.; Ptier Duraumt hune occuPie tise' position formrfeldeuby1Rey. Faîber Prouîz wiso fi cesot affectionalely remensbered by tise ludiama. Thore are alto iv. loy brethero aetishe station, Tbe residomco of tse fia.- ternly le a picture of ealmesa ahideoa. lines ; but, as rigbt b.e epectod, barily frnished and supplied with few dorneaic cornforuy achmoles tbe mensefor thesenc- Joymet of eoce or luzury. But thèeo Christinu pientera, happy lu tbe good vork Io wbicis Ihey bare devoted stirainel «waedimg theb boiga of Christianuclviii- saîlon ore mot alome quise contentsd wtb tfuir lot, but happy in wel- doing. Their osaIai dpleîy have boom et qvmod vits rnarkod susceso, amd tise7are lookoi up ta utS tise rost affectlonaje revereseo by their someihat vayvard charge. Tier greatest difflclty is the ludiana la, aW t10 sy, ihon wbite meu got angés, thé.; for thé rough, adventuromc clmofo thé latter viso vîsit tboso remet@ regions serve ass aytbimg but a moral ex- ample t tise radimrna. ThéeBer. Fatisers recoived the excuralumiate Mot couteouc- il, cendusîuti os îbrougb lb. ohapol, the rotideco, a tise earfotul t uded tbe bet aré ci l s,W s Iàvs 'id se and the steamer v,» ouisgea te soy me. Whsitelo smiletisa., is mal bu iîtini clm oby, sud ihéca e e nt ricb is - covorlosot c aliver,. oré e bs nmde. rTis boli. rocky prornontory jutoa ou$ amd- demiy itutifeB14, asud ritea preçlpiatoly to:a helght of neanrly 14.00 (et. 1$ vê.ry imch reqemables tise Hill of Hetl on Au .n1 >lrged senmie. The' Momîreal,,Mimiug Comnpany haie bai for somm lime ai4 n ezplerlmg -party ozamiiming lb. telooaliîy,uder thé ouaperimom- eue o Mr. UcFn>rlaae, and their efforts. wro rovand!db W1ev a. befto s r- rivi, by thé- iisovory et thé aîlchest vlin eaiver oie yes toonu:inthéevsol!e of the labo Supenior minerai 'regien0. la- oms blaut,, ibis ssîsi utabout 1200 lb. tise ore làaosud te be vort'. $200. Tihe native silvor le piuly disoernablo tothe nmltedý oye. Tise "in, le- men <ast vide aui of -nasCort-!imoi cotenotAi Who apiataocf h do euoas boing tbo'richeat minorai diueovery yet mado ou ielhor socf Lake. Superier. Fos 'Y»&AOULT. About fOvo o'closk on, Fiidaymorang, the Mlgomna got (alrly .tariei on ber re- laom trip; ber course lyiug.ialrnoÎî direculy threugh thé centre of tise Laki. >Thé log continuimg, no stoppage vu, mado uaoût vo arrivai et tise Sault Ste, Marie, visicis was reached about moon, oun Saluriay. Heau'LT.LITiES &~Tq cu ? Invitation&c vesextendei hou s. excur, sieniats by Mi. Simnpson, mombe4r-fer tise Algerna district, and Shérif Carmey, and thé atearner havlng croiaod over tetise, Gamadian aide mou. et theé ecurslonlats avolled tissrneof.ttho oppeilumlty le go shore. Mr. Simsom' s omicome rosi deuce aui veli laid out groumi are about a mile fromt thé wharf, thé houe ittoîf hé lut a vory consplieod object trom tise river, Tise excursienist. vere emîertolusoi moit hupitably by iim, and he waeMI. cel( seat kiud aud nmremiîtimg lu bis at- tentions to-ai. Weucun oniy uce ihéme languago t owarda Mr. Slsorhf-CarneyvWho, ulula bis famlty, recetved thee members ef tiso Proua, ani théir -lady comupsalons lu tise tecuraien. vits a catà millefsnfUb.,uiad vers messu crou id tbiser kini attentiono during our visit, 7 nov70 rs uanis 'onouaiis go curfau. Thé aherif'. houm. la a curio.ity luin te vay. It met ouilserves ni à reaideuce tor bionn mcd farnily ;but lf i toacotise court hocu.; urrogato ami crowu offces ; sud tise portion of it cmlod tise court roou», ou Saturdoy, vhoée .ldge Prince, vilS grin pompociîy, oxpeunde tise beoutiecf tbo lay ef onglaei to tise maivea;; iscouvert. ed loto tiso cbufaiou Sudaye, i soeei- vine seceoslaeield. Botter tioed (aud ho issorve. tisen) are, beveven, nov 'in store for tise siseriff; a mev gaol amd court house being lu cour..e! ferecîiom, sud cor. tainly fat before îhey vire meedei. Tise ealab6ose, aI present trovuasàtise gaolc, aree t rasnc bloojs, 12 >4 14 foot eob, aurrouuiei by higi staockadès. Thsy are aitmatei rigisi and loft cf tis he eilY' bouse, for tise maie ami faeiale prisoneni. lu tise former twe prisouers vere uudorgoimg »en. Lenu, sudjin tis.latter uhore vas a bal-. breei vomau cemfiued for lmrcer.cy. Their pumisismeut lu thoeouating cribo durnug tise scorcbimg veatisor vu about ni bai as héimg conuinai ifatheé "Black bis oleetCal- cutis." TEZ SAIlLI 091Me1CiAA #lotoC Tise village colitise Saouît Ste. Marie, on tise Cansadieaidse, ombiaces four or ie ismuirsi oftascatterei population, It pre. mounta very difterent aspect <o tise butlimg appearauce andi voit stockai!d storea ai tise othér, or Amrnea aide, ot thé river. Thore are altegesiser bust tree surea-very meagenly applied-ln lise place. Il derive. ic importance <rom hbc. img tisa reaideuceofe thé Juidge, amil SSeriff' ani Collector of Outons, ami being tise seaet ofthtio immber for tise DimOluet. las aux TO .155101 mizIs. * Havinzg rqaained about tho heurs tnd spaitb river te Jrucemluesl10, Y Bruce mine to St. Jooeph'e To Suit Ste. Mari .... 60 66 "Point aux 6a..... "Michipiceton. station.135 " s "micbioicoton , 45i...,-Il " td. 1908«. ,4 130 " bFort-william ..... . 80 " "Tistimier* Bay Xining "Dogç,Lake. ..... .- Or aitogothér......831 miles. W. bi a Primtiug Preoo board, and prinsi 60numbors o! tise CaMin Preu, commancing Momàday, uiy i Suis, ami ouid. ing satur4ay, 'Juiyl9tfs, Inclusive. Wo baiy',uions ou beard .véry ovon- ing, uhibich oh ucS 1tovanda s ucm tbo general -ploede of tise (rip. Divine service ani aermns mthé Iwo Sunimy. vo voie ou valor., 1Meétinga o! thé Asaociation asticis lesolutioua vere p.s.d. Addren anami utertaiumeutt b Cakptain'a Mclntomi s aiFerry, ani tise ofleoua of tise sitarnsat. Théevaratien etftise Ibernoinéter vu very renankable on LaiteSupeier, ubere «e feumi our boat frequentiy1 in tise midât età deuce log. Thé nots saikiiug variationvue tise' talliug of tise ubernotmeteromfrin 15 d#- greue at Osuit Ste. Marieltp 55 degreope vithin 12 heurs aftrvania, on lise open Lake. 1Tis eoxcuruionistm vore evryvwheéeoi pitabiy received, sudotl$img coli exceed thé Oncuton" attention poli îo ail by thse ollicers of t sitombol. Membets ocilise Pnou, e!faIl aboies et polifio, ero onaisici<o judle forrihéin. iea ot thé evil of*&tet@ ftise bai policy of tise goversmeuyin lu ihir sanmetul legia- lotiou respecltig ibis nest Minerat disticit. Tise Algoma le a staunob andiefoboat. We maie tise round trip em.-bout 1600o mils, tartlmg oi s aturnilay veonsm, 41y hIs, su ad arniving a& Colliigwood aisit- pu&t tueo, cl0ock on Mondsy murulîg, lu perfect safety, ail Improvod lits héaltisuni wltisout accident of amy inid. rAni nov a partlug vend te ourt riendiy guemvste on pamlei thée tcunslonisse. Tisey vere His ijenor Juige McPbersm of Owen Sound, ami Captain Biih, ovuer and muter o! tise fine teamer Frank Smiti, alan o! tise latter place. Tbo conpmmy o! tiso gentleman ouded sucS te tise eujooeuenofet tierip. Tisey bSo as it vee. o, onthing et au opportunity et judgiug et tise iser lit# et membora Of tise Pness, ami they nuit bave letaed tisat, nosvsîbasaudimg tior paper uarsjomrnalisst con be d"jotly gond fell9vW" hntiseygei togelber. lu future tripe ve enly viis tisat a judge ani a captai., 1ke oui fripai. frein Oven Sound, may b. o! tise conspon. Tise ladiea 1 Tise enisaion wvoli e an uupanionbleoee iii vo(ail lu tellimg heu Mach tune preseuce, tise influence, ani tise grace anamsccornplsmhmouta o! the la- dies conîibutei gthie pleame of tise ex. cursion, Tiusiuging uni music uculi have nais amy place charmnug ; but on tise voler-ani viti tise excellent piano pie- viied ou benn-it vas more thon ialighl. foi. Mtost et out lady frionis vete excellent performena. We couti lislcu te ties forever, sud vitb thé pool exclain- "limg-Rig-uueio âdvea "To mblghtent bm gay, anud klutilo ho loi- loin;1 "semis iere1 ike pkneta in heaven, 66Dy bmrmounyes lawa atouc aie kepts isov- tng."1 As ve bave sali, thé exctsrsioniste ove machofethtie peunre ofthtie trip te tise préencemofetthé ladies; ami vo trust that on future excursiens tbel viii alvoya tors part et thé cornpny- thé test sud mont ohemng part-me sboy dii ou tise occsaiom et thé excursion te Port William. Nova otte. 'iulators appeau teo have.,accompliahéi 1h11e isy Ihéir trip to Nova«Cotla. otr sec voigni, s opluiou i. fovor the saine individuai ia desgigated-hu ouni a vent fer bis siliy 8140g in lut vocis'. indicalor. h la 'Put forviri uM areply to'oui "rebute ef bis gratmitioka in- solence tevardse t u a nd -peeple -of tise loin of -Witby, thaueis- belons. Insteai ef excuseeor apieky, as me et-- pected, for bis mliconduct, vo revuet te perceiv a tis te condtictona cf tise ia- dicator permit hlm ho repeat bis lusulîs, ani aggravale visat Se bau already sai by imduiging in porenual abuse. But oui reaiders out undelctami tisaIthis "Bumpa", le a sort of local celobrity, lu Sic vay. go sots tise bubfon ri publie gatberin,#; "Jes neaninglomamartnt uiinge,, la sud eut o! placo,om mfooccaioma,end visicis hu vouli tain bave pousfer vit.lio poseuesaou lazbautiblo 'stockt o! Impudent ataurance, le @ver readyto moeuni a piatform, or-.go lu" for a l'emperanco acreocis, (visicis Se vould iiamnsa $"lecture,"> ami by pan- homimie gesticulatiou, sud nmenou i laug phrases give tise boys a di gufav.'y Tisse. qualificationa serve bilm, (oui sornetines te &Omo purpose, at placelt) for eim- ettlinuani enu, Bis iaucceaa, 5ev. vrt that cf tise clovunlunLthe circus ; vuh s edulference, tbaî "6Bumpa"ln ag- lue b. b applaud e hoS l is snpî laughed at. But, ",Bumpe," aliseough vuigsr sud ilieuste, considera hinetf a bora gonime, amidisu snccee inlu ecoinng a là« aimirlmg "snoba" (&is la a tarin of hic ovu) ld bis village-illitaratu qw im- seit-viso beliove Ibat DBusidl'&"mo puspiis" Tisswuostho "6T.tporarf " ltt. lu charge of tise indicaor, dtirimg tise absence o! theoediior on thé Presa Ex enrion:t l'en wu thé Oort cf person vise, abuiug thé tornperary pemition lu iici b. Ceuni bsimut ptacai oiqt oivuotoge off hs te c"a $f ur upon tise teun etWhnf'. by, usisg thé coption et IlBiliards," tise botteor teoonceai bis naioliniy1IBut lot us brietly recipitisiste thse circaismeae that lai teutisis fllov'a impudent ran- sp.eloiziug go oui naefofr - th"us res - paseiug on théir patience. On.e o ur bvîînoue bai expensi a 1-go portion o! s insn in building ami fnrniabing a isadeome billiard parleur. At'its open- tmg be enteutaiued a mumben et isefienis righl Sospizably, sud tise occasion vas neiice inl botS lovn papere aflor tise muai cosnpliinmany mauner. f W. vere absment aI tisetise,>aassualiseoui cotenporary, viioifaci vwu very Well itnovu to tise uniter iii tise Fndica,<r] Tisr. va met tise fiet 'vend luntise notices of tise oeon. img ami entertainmnnicaicnlâted ho give offamme teamyI Oe. Ami cetaiuly, if ve foun n im comut eta imitar ecaiou in ln u nOshavo paper, vo ahomld item il n groat place et officions impertinenceou oui part te criticize or fini faul ititi. Net an, isowover, iPismnny Ned." rhibla bp. lieus character, wvisevlofet for tvo veeiss lun charge oet iboeVindcator, oal(sn self et the lomglns opportu6'oiu se pbcb '1" b sgrnobo4y. .Tise oè,nin Ï& att billion parler afftdisi hi eÀde4'ei ocomaien, ani b. ii pt fàill$»-Jn go' bis vulogtybtis te- top ?of bis bWel> 8:3 Ccla ofn u grarnratiôal 4sMné,p Gfry velei; seitmg iàeapatblo ci distin guiabimg betuen tise respocàibie duties et the jeuruallat ami tise mouteotise itinerant lecturer. Biliania; Wbkby, the Whiîby Pneu: thé "lleiinog o nsmsnuu, tise comsunluy a va&luablecitizen, ondle frieuda a sinme reovouent anti- pioasiu compardlon. We alncetely sys- pathTutb vitsla hresvel vidov ami hope tht'he "viso tempera the uli to the aisei 1laMb p MOI grant ber sncb consola. tie e.1s~*ume isa aSIe 10 bestov. Roms a vusrîrne ow Enîroa.-We re- gret te perceivo, by tlegrana lu lb. d.4iiy, -papars -of Wedesiay, tit, a difflecnily bu orsne. ét*veeu an ;i frieni, me. J. H. Ai lu,anud Mn. lKbert Boyle, editor e! tise Pic. ton Times. Prom isc heverding et thé tae grime ilu volappt-ar tuSatishe editor et tise ee,nludiscmig tise ailver question, maie sumnecomimenta visicis Ur. Altou re gardedi es of a persomat eoarter ; ami reoomimg visat ise ceuciv.i te boau in- suIt, Mn: Aita", os tise telegrapis Susil,_ *daevoneiy iblsiUM. Boyle, on thse aide valk, lu frout et tise Post Offite.99 W. regret lb. untawani cincauneaces tisat l o t tii&assaoit. BotS tise gentle, ,men occmpy respectable pesitions. MnU. Alleu vaa fon o long tino s rosident et tise leowi et Wiiby, wvolt egaudei amd i iihy nespectoi by ail wvise teim -1ami Mn. Boytl m e arndmipapor ramisveny isigis anongst tise locat prou o! tisa Domnion. Wesat York Election. The fellovlmg s the alate efthlie poil lu West York et tise close o! tise second day z- Vaagban. Wrigist lot Divisiion Ricismond ill$t,200 2ui do B--ck 82 Sru do Kilibung, 4 o'coc'......118 Yenk. 4et Divilsion, 3ri Cou BSu -do Carito Boll. 4 80 48 ession 89 41 n. 1 6 84 S 644 2-49 Etobicoira',fohingtem.,. 89 42 Wright's&rajonily,40à. PusniIoe Do. P55?LAND, os Daoustru. -W. are mmli gratfiei te no- lice shai Dr. Pomîlami, o! Drogboio, bac bien mode thé reeiliat et a very compli- rntary dii' se ami vatuabto prtsontotsen, onu tise Cosplion o!fisit j«Iietier .n practiceosa àpisyician, in tisaI place. Tise Drogiseda Clonierealire annnneng thé particulors addistise telloeoig tribut.:- "Tise people o! Droghseda, hy vison Dr. Pentiamditle SIiin higis regard, vilii e glad to eisau at he buae rcoivsd ubstan. tial proof of tise esteen ami affecîiem ou- tertainsi for isi by is afeIiou citizons, ami ail vil nunite in sayimg tisît in ibis instance su Semeur Sas boom vorthily bisoîed." Dr. Penîlandisi uole eof11ev. Mn. Peut land, of ibis bm. JEvELEluT AUD FANOT GoeiS.-Mr. Jehisuton le mevii roceipt o! large auji- lin beiis stock of jeveoery sud fanoy Tod .4 hoede have bosu ver>' cane. (uliy e.lectei, by,his.lftami tise pnicea vili ho ftonuntomimbimgty loy -for thse qisalit'. lHe keeps idayaja nband a stock ef Russell & Son'. superior gli oandalva'r vatcisef. 1CAas-SaLi A- i ffiuuresràkCeIS.- Thé continuation oethue cbcop cale a4 Maesers. Hamiltonk Coe., lsa avortisei for joi lonier. Nirnsssîe A niAs-i. - Lise <evumbipe o! * ýeîfey andsi*Lxtezibave, ve nnierstand, lafflei the by-lavs, gramtilg a bonus te îtiý Nipiatiug s1i vay. Thé àoem betvoou boiS la *40,000. LatesI Furopeas. the London cabmen are ounetike., Fîpara ste udeciioito cce Pt office s Presidont ofthtie Spaulais Cabinet. A se cres printins office bus boom dlacoveréi 'as Vleuia, Spsim, uhéro 'one' o! tise eeenmly pîsbiiubed névolu'ttiomai>' journoi as#wu'is.nd.1 foui compocitert are arrested, ami villibe sont te Fernando Po. - - 'SaLard-Lieutenant f ettlaiila b ho' Net là cludýing thse Uxlsidge usioncis, vse baiet a-once,-mnoue tisu tuedollars brought intolise Townshsip, for every one dollar we promise te pay twenty Iears hence At tis cme rate, fr-tise Uxbriige brorici, ve venud have an expeidiue o! .flftzj tousand dollarss.-for tise proposai bonus aetito hucai dllars-or at tise rate -Otju'édolltro for e. Tisat u is aI I coula apreîly, gecdinivetmsent. To mako fic b,:uni par ceul, reccive tise cash lu baud xeW, oui 'bave irom ns i tenrty yoans le puy'tise 100per ceul, on visicit thse 500 IlisêeWla;n Véry fair opcli. You tmust bc.sr.iu s indrs liat I only calcu. lie tise expenditure- at $8.000 per Mile, ieavini $1,000 or $8,000 for mron, aui rolling -stock, Ooncequentiy, for thse $80000- bonus for the moin lino, vo uitl have expenlici ln tihe Tevn*hip thee ubolo. $80,000, ani - $34,000: more.. Foi tIhe $10,000 for thie Uxilge b ranch.,wve viii have tise *10,000 oend ,0 mrtik 2u atotal et en vu$40,000 sud 874,000ý bides. Nov ieueare nice, susýob have distributed in our iduail -uriog tise next <vouve moulus.' But yenus"y 'ýtise circuliation o!fereigu capital- viii b. bat * temperary lu duration.' Of course, thse visolo $114,000 vili Se aIt uent in one year. But, my dear air, tise aoi-k ailbe permanent, suidlise mouey yull remain usîi us ; or if pontions e! the sssney do paso from tise Townshîip, saine oeelu tise townshsip yull reip its quivalent, sud Se' just se g.uci tise better oflt En n wordf, L htld tbat tise actual exycuditune ef $114,- 000 lunlise tovnshsip, ta one ye<zr, moka» thse township just su mnuch icher, oui tisaI cidiser tIse ooriey or ils reprcscuta- tive, ln vbatevc-r shape yen picote, wilr' alwayât romain wilS ut-. Toý flie ne bigisor greuài thon tisoe poion asumei Sy yourseîf, tise boum- sliip Must b. largely tbe'lgaîun by tise passage o! tise by-law. - &eoad.-You give your ceriuood oud' iutist>r rezisonts. - Anser.-Surcly, my frieni, jon cannât be lu eArnsat l isaI etyen say udolt tis iscad 1 Suppose ait acre e of wodland, proince 40 couds, yen say tise advouce ins cordvooi vili Se one dollar, pe or o. Doea not tis a moiteaulmruciiete incrciu in value et $40 pr acre, for evony acre et woed land lu ech ? las 1806, tisas- sesser reluruci for Reach, 4,119 acre o! un ccdeland. Thisvs oeMa y saafly =ont-ude &,,,ilWood land. But IeI ne call il 4,000 acres. Yen isaveb$,000'acroa o! occupied land, sud ire maly aatoy as. sumo thât fitteon per cent e! ibis sasvood lan ; '<bus moiting 8.700 acres in Il; or if jeu picoise esay 8,000 ocres. Thsis 8,- 000 acres cf vooi land, nov occupiod by nosidents 0ofBosch, veug,Wcordng to yoar o s hiaoine,, bo eshaucei un value. $4-tO poacre, makl g for the 8,000 -acrei,: thre.e hmnlied anti twcufg £ktoucand dol- lars, the instant tise rsilvsy le open ; Se- ing exact-iy amour limes morer thon oui visole ruilway bonusL. But if te Ibis vo, aiso aid tise 4.000 acres -of vooti land, net tccupied, iro have a total of ineceasai valu. of $480,000, procii'sly TSVELVB limas lise' amount o! tise Serina Seriousiy, yen do net messi te aay ttsat,$480.000 incraas- ai vllu on one 16description ut property, alono,, la a detriment te Reocis? 1- mlii give yen credit for botter judgment and cisait4bly oassume tisaI yen diii iot exact- iy knov visaI yen vers vniting about. Titan,n a te l ussier intoreat z-Yen assume tisatishe incroaset profits- on luin- ber veu be onc dollar oudilffty cents, par X. Grantetis Accunding tejyour viev Ibis vonld bo alotste feacisI FOl. lov up jour ovu argmntoua lutIle atasbier. Sup sete Prt IépeRailway roisi its lumer arff wodollars pes- Il, andti ta tise surplus lumbei of Rosch ami Uxbiulge couli fini neoSon outiet thon <bat Rail- vsy. Tison, aceording te jeur argument, Rends vouli b."ishe gaitner," aoui1.aup- *pose, wouli kespon gaing utsup- porIý-o se tise Rivoy rai s tarif, .Le, $10 pr M I Tison, lumbor, te carry ont jour, logic, vul1 b gvn say, anti Lcacis venld grovrrieS ou tise oporation i Wisat a happy 'ussd confenîci ,stote of abigsfor"tise--peopleoro! iteotzl'bcis Port Hope Rosi mpwcarniesaboutaixty, mihi. foutt o! lîunier amnualy. When, voiee tsils buill tisaItutsat lumtben? 8lnee i.Road las bee.% opsuedi At> Liàisay vo t>ow fini sow millo, 'clingle machines, amd stave fsciorics. Tise legs teb snppiy ibeo su Is are net unfnequenlly floatei o dititauce o! one bunudilimiles. Ou then.Sturgeon Lakse usters vo ilui *reetei saw.miléof thse lrgistsize. Dur- lue tise lut vintas' a large cav Miii vas onu pur-tions of Noi isep but observe t! have Ias ovu pas-îclt <sare'r. oeevillage mate cause for jes àusotiser. Nov, my- sequence te Leach; i ire lu '-tgmitist orr %hiip of Yoi kvisoti lia o! amy borsefit tet As tisecame quasti roundimg evcry cli Canada, and yen wii sver. istainnsvei ou it if le oîiingt aunant rant sud hypq assume tisai large Ie luge-voltitoving are ftise finit impoi cossues t o misoan,- venin uonsy une act ýUw u Ons tbis ene peint aione-caoting aside rMe 3n4 eI overy otisar conei4eration'-Rcals venuveàI vould ite a goid oui Profitable iravstment by venudblI oa"is-g tise by.lsw. D;ut yen Say 6-pont ami tiseI Penny viii beco me LIncOrpera-ted wiîis vide: kunovledge aproasi bonîtiaies," ors Imusai again la yenr daeply deploeo jour ignorance, tise mnore spespl uupardomiabie, Seing yonrselfaiceuscil!or, kiMilyI, nr sund prcsumed <e ituow aometising e! mattera liI -municspal mattera. lre jon ava4re tisaIr., Fomsorn bc£irc l'art Perry, or' sny oùthor village in buruif LRacis, on elewevsr. ou 'bocome Imcos'por. Who1 Adu * tai a ici> large incroeu npopulstion îo thé peo muat taise place.? Tom vwits me te tub- pins andi cee e. 10 -- -Municipal Alà 1866, auJParv T4 un' tue corporation, oissu sesc, 2) fr ev-en>' aditionol 1000 seuls pot more tbom 200 acres. Tise boannarles tisereone con- not b Wver y wide-psad.Tura &gainm b sec. 23 ontiyen yl -alose. tisatou <ho Incorporation of a village or tovu tis e w corporation 7"c.hah romain lhable te cilj tise dubîs or iabilities'l previously cou- liciztci or incnnred; or if arisitration Se- couses necesui th ie ame can bu bai un. dor suS soc. 7 of sec.00, ami arbitraless appointai mmdci sec. 83, lu tisaI cus Port Penny venu dciose one msarbitrator, a"h one, and thoso Ivo a <bird mon, *Thoeu arbilîstont ýtiesettîs #,ali nettese boîvoon tise bue corperations, >andieter- mine tise liabilly of, eaci for otttandimg drebt, tsiting into consideration tise relative ivautage tleaoc erporatien lu tise original érection et.tise debt, aud aise tise probable lucreassiabilit>' o! esch tb psy titi tisé entire debt is exlingmsisised. Yen cannot therefere help but ses tisat evon asouli PortPeri becomne iricerporati.,tiso day atter tise p'iusing of-the -by-lav, ih couli net ahirk, o eeiota o! ils responsi.- Sulit>'. Tise arbitrators venuoseul!e tisat peint fsirly oui justi>' betvosm tise Ivo corporaztions. I frequcntly beard tha yout vere "vIl m p" in Municipal Lay, and îbcrefoe ceau ýscorceiy alîou usyself te at- tuibute jour upsîdonabis bunniar, on tiss beatteignorance'ale. Arn I rong Winimtitig tisaI in tbis caseyen alto lry te vilfîtîl>' oisropresr.? Fourtr. -Yeo> a"'" o effort vra made, ut thse proper tîno, b obtiinan ex- tensian etfte PorI WisitSy oui Poil Pet-s- Railwa>' Charter, so as to include lixbnidge." ' lbu people, tiserefore, are te letuent il as a more guli sud bai V' b catch Voe o»,. AÀnwr.-1 amn s-eil>' very soir>' <bat jeu sholiý bave matie, thu.feregomng state- usant, It le aimpi>' nutrus. if jonhbave of cpethtIe Cliarter by yen, as iutneduc- cd la lie Housse, sud prinled.-pezse -as vwil ume te sec. 19 on. page 0I. Tiser. Yen vil! tissdtiie 11oivg section.z - 1 *'Ti *allI andm niabcSlavfui for tise aSaid compnuvte suite ouicosusimi,.a voteacg vils ti ami ii 1su ai higisI (nomt tevusisi I unmi, dctar i 4 13»Y yenl

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