Abbot Boya. Mr. A. Ho0pe, anthor of II À Book about Doines," boas pubilbd lu Edinburgh s cempanion volume called -'IlAÀDook-a&bout By, Hetells us stthe beglnu-iug wbat "I dort thlaîk mach ot your gentie- manly, nei:$ lpo, sud I abomînste your pretty, cdlemnate boys, sud 1 have Dot sa mach ftthsa sasene -peopile-veu your good, lever boys, Who afealways eL the baindof her classes, sud nover do att>- t naunezlty, ebeept wheu It la found 01uit. But I like te happy, healtby; un- sophltlcated boy, wbo js a boy, sud net a young gentleman ;-ctive, restieue, gen- - rousi --brave sud trutbful, simple sud purs.maind'ed, Who thinka IL hall a, Pics. sure tO boar pain sithout crying, clmbs te tre outs bis trousets, bu troquent tu=bes bumps sud bruisem,'and cornes home noe wtien splasied over wiit -Âprc pea cf Broughtam, a' ver good stery in geiug tite round efthtie Engliait Ps' pets, shici-t erongly Marke bis characteris. tie iLidifo'renCe Le ut.hepowers tbat b.otes whsn juil esîering spcn bis profession. Titero sau a roi. amug t.e Scotch judgca sud te- senior titubera ef tb. bar, -chen os irçcit, titt îey -only sd te priviloge of; th. Juniors sere imited *te sherry sud port. Tte circuit wua 5 Ayr,aud Broughtam hiappened te sut under t.eoat. Thte card caeedosa te it sud tes crosseatlte table, but oeach lime iL d 50 oBroughamnt lled bia gluss. Titis Wa4becs observed hy Ite presideut. $Do YOD ose, sasia bis lordsitip te bis fieudi on the rigittsud lefI, 'thst Young. impudent flios Broughtami hlped himseif te dar t' If ho tries iL agîlu, l'il speak te im.' Rousd came teclaret, and Broughtam ua uuai filled a bumper. 'MUliser Brougitam,, * exclalmed bis lirdsitip, ore rolundo, Uneaîs - claret?' I I ues witl ,5m'y lord, sud exeel-. let,' wastttcreply. À goed anecdote la bld cf a mas samod Eentley, s conomed dinker, who wonld neyer drink sit a friesd or lu publié, sud sîssys bitterly denict, sites a littho over. cate, cicr tastiug iquor. One day nmm bâd sitnouecsaconcealed ibesuselves lu bis eceni, sud wsiteh.liquor sas rmusulug desu bim tbreat, soizeat hlm iit ose atms erocked aud bis mentit open, aud holding hlm fat sit as air cf unlumpit, oied: 'Abe lientiey, ce bave caugitt Yen al luet I Yen nover drink, -eh Il No oee ould suppose buithat Jeattey wold haie se- knosledged-lte tact. Net ho; euh thte tacet grave aud inezpresalie face, he calinly, sud la a dlgol4ed masser, sai! * 'Geuntlemen, My saneidleDot Bestley Il, HORTICULTIURAL IMAXliIIU--CUtiStO Sc, quaistanoese if doirable, if selest Iem. Noyer soct.e seed cf dissension. Weed your library. Gel as mucit ite'.s ee s yon eau. Attend ta wall flocers sud trias coxcomits. Ilutuite te cunnabr-keep cecl. Do uci peacb. Avoid flevers cf speech. 'Beddlng eut' in goôd for planta, but sot for fiensts Take te adviceocf te sage, or yen may rue te cossequcuce. Amcng tho- gifle te s newly marriod pair -auta town lu New Jersey the otber avoulng, sas a brostu sent te the lady ne cotnpanlcd with (ho teilowing sentiment, ~Tlalatiilotifit mortfroua me, caubew u ,tutota>; lita usiatno auseatthe broda>' part, l tortaustbtor Mr. . PttionecfNiagara Palla, <.11 lutt de rapiads aboi, the papr.oeila euee day lu$ wek wis uperitesdisg a gang soif a uldo'desu te river, Thte ladies la London ore guuhîy ef queer vagéielsif se may believe a correspond. eotp site'sale ho sas a lady lu Rotton lIst t eter dal, vithla amousd ef hait où ber head fultwe <set iigb, sud not a hale of ît saturai. He saylteé ladies geameally are dressiug titeir headels u that Tltey ire comulisiug iu Rechoetor sud eloeehere luate State, abat tte bot sud dry' seather bas cisaed sirisage lua te wbeît,.,asud titat t.e op will be below tbi Most ci Lhe sovereigne cf Europe have cenlelbuted tesard pîyu for the magni- liceut maacleuntte, ùMii&la. Nape' Ieon wèsenet uaed te subseribe; perhaps they thougt thît as ho b.d donc more tin any-ther te furnit itaecorps., ho bad doue eneugit. Fifty.fouf bourr-in a lnrurlous car will ike.oui, rom the &shore of Lskemlchlgau sud a t.mpeiturc up luInte ieies, te -te sues espped Mountains ef Colorado, whéeeovercoits are lu demsnd, A >.cr ce tso 890 es Mati Yi.era.Oflen cou- sumd. The. sttempt te maiksboredeab go do"a -a dlcacy lea à alure,. People, mà y talk herse al day, but thby viII nottest hlm.' ______ 18laites sies mion o eUks*ils great orges lu Bouton. Th. t e ok mes ever *100. * Why arejok. lieutit at Booms. the dii tley are te bottey crack. Why are young vidowslie a baud ef EtbloÈkso"mlnstrulO Bocaue thoy do YEOMAN GIBSON.1 N. B.-The HigllesL Osh Price. paid for Butter. 'Farmers- Produce taken in exohange for, goods. YEOMAN GIBSON'S« R.nmer tUp6e-OldJNo. 1, .Laing'e Corner In order to-affect a clearance, they offer 1 ý balance of their Stock at cosT thée PIIJCE, UNTIL THIE 2th DAY 0F AUGUST. 8:? Mr. Rlobert Camnpbell bas Jeft for Bri- tain, to fpurchase their FALL & WINTER STOCK, which will be found much larger than usual. oj» Due notice wiiI be given on arrivai of their Fail IDmportations. R. & J. CAMPBELL, Whitby and Manchester, July 9th, 1868. 27 TeHE OLD STAND! ESTABLISHED 1833. In reference to an annonneement of dissointion of the copartner- ship heretofore existing betwocn TILL & 1311., the undersigned ilesires to inforin hie f riendsanad nunierous patrons that ho stili continues the. business established b y bis late father, in 1833, at tho OLU STAND, Mon. 3 sud 4, TILL' BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WIIITBY, where he wilI be aiways bouud ready to attend to the wauts of customeroq. An. entirely New Stock of the best Manufatured Furniture. U.PHOLSTERY AS USUAL. UNDERTAIING AND FUNERÂLS Sluppied as heretofore. W.Some splendid specimens of Pictnre Frames, and Gilding. Remember the Old Stand. Whitbyi-May 4e 1868. TliOSO- xcrJmmc TMJC'XX..l. LAWLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CENERAL OROCER, WINE ANU -SPIRIT CROCKLERY & GLASSWARE. TIuE CHEQUERED STORE. BROOK ST9EBETO, WUITBY. KING. STREET, OSHAWA, STAPLE &FANOY iDRY GOS MILLINRY, &. ÂTFACTUfRER OF £W CLOTHING9 BOOTS AND SHOES.- &Ct, W- A Oood Wokum aWmated tôdo Iadiasfewed Work Âlwas o had, nglsh oleLeather, .English Kip, Frenon T i photogiaphers na, ana la vas- nuer k en-ý stion, ef pre. IAPHSI and 0 for the Pic. tiares -81013. 1 Osha ws. Mach 2L-~1868.,. Single Reapers and Mower 9, and'Reapers and Mowers Combined. The subsoribers would call the attention of the. Agrieultural com- munity to their Stock of Implementa, where yuil be found almost evertbing the Par- nieai eua nire. and essecWIal at tbis season of the vear. to their Stock of Whbat greater desideratum than a. cool cc fortable well-fitting '33£YC: wM YIM-IlMX I In. warm wvcather '! And tiiere is -no di culty in obtainin'g these if people would only go to the i place. t THE ONTARLO BOOT &8S10E STOI BÂNDELL'S la the place to get suited.< t aundShesofth batvaieyan nsupaie wVIan Boos ndShesoft JObStvrePH and BAcNDELLan RE~A PE RS ÀAND U W WERK ,jS hil, fo La&d'Gents' Misses' audChildreus' w'easr. Repaire as usuai 0f several kinds, and of the Latest Make.* To which'ail the La& test Iniprovements ond necesar by practicable tests dtîring the lust season, have been 'ddc&, B.,ÀI'sOhio Reaper and Mower combined, Cayiiga Chief Reap- or aud Mower combined, the Manning Single Reapor, the Cayuga Junior Mower.-0f sny and ail of the. above Machines, we invite a trial. They are manufactured with care, of te D6esi ./Paleria 1 4' Ilor kmansMp And cau be gnaranteed to the purebaser to givc satisfaction upon a air triai, or no sale BROWN & PATTERSON. Whitby July -26 INDIA & CHINA'TEA COi. HOME DEPOT LJONDON & LIVERPOOL No. 23, HosDital St Montreal. Pure and GENUINE T1EAS, of splendid naturai Ilavôr, importedl direct rom the Company's Plantations in ASS A .!, and on -the slopei; of the If IMALAYAS, blendod with the fine-et products of CUINA Only Two Qualitica, vx. --70c. or $1 per lb, cithor Blaek, Green or Mixod. Fine Housebold Tee, couabiiingStrength and Flavor, 70 cents per lb. inoa;tprocurable........................ ....i1 dollar per lb. Sgr' Soid in Paokots and Canisters by the Compsny's Agents, lu every City and Town in Canada. T R ADE Agent for Oshawa, MR. MARK~ a. WC4 M A R K. ROBINSON, x 4» MARKET BLO CE. (-/ORNER of BYRON & DTJNDAS Sts. The subscriber's Fail Stock of choice- Family Groceries is now complete, with every article usunlly kept lu a firot-claa establishment, con- aisting in part of- Young Hysou, Japan, colored and uncolored> and Congou Toast grouud andd miground CofooeeS~ picei Popper, Allapice, Cinnamon. Cloveso Lemont Orangef and Citron Pool, Bugarsq fron t the bout -Cubat t te fineit grounds Byrups of the bout, varietios, . A'complote Stoc>k of first las Fleur, Oas, Corn, and Buck-wheat moal, Food of all kindop t> very choap for Cash.,u4O In addition- to theý abov, I lhaâve added a compîcte assortment of Crocery, rom mn individual Saît-cellar, te a Blrut-duessmet cf China, .11 cf shicb wil te s"Id vcry ebesp for cash. My motte ln sot te b. uuderaeid, Cash pald fer auj quantity of good Butter. Remember the plac, corner et Byron sud Dundas Ste., W'hitty. WHITBY, NOV. 27, 1867. L. BROWN. BOOTS & sEQES- 0f- t&eRiglit Ft nd .I1e Tke -subseriber begat eun i iere tbanks t6 friends and oustmemsfor the v lbM i mtoesg ete d uce so.h. oommenced buinessfor uoi&er te mïeet'the.prset requirement et busin'es, be bu removed tOtiie promises, -I ' MM' Whitby, Junc Otb, 1868. DIVISION C( 28 IYURTS IN -THE C01u NTaY -O F '0N T A R.10, FOR THE YA 868 tb 2 1 1 1 1 1 1~ No. 1, Wltitbiy............2 ~2 2 2.Î, -.8 "8, Mlanchlester & Prince Abr. 18 80 ... 14 29P 8 0 " 4. uzbridge........... ....... .. 14 s 5 P ..10 il- "58 Cannington ............... .... 21 2 " 6, l5eavorto................ .... 2.... ..-: 2 7, &thorlev .................. U .....808 ..21 Z. BUERN.N Whitby, Jauuary lOtit, 1868. oz., TH1E MOINTIIEAL. TEA COMFPNY., The whole Dominion should buy their Teas .6t he Imaportes, THE MONTREAL TEA COMPeANY. s-a 6 HOSPITAL STRECETt NONTREAL. O R TEAS, lrti ot eeatssby it at aseical attoritiesandaad uges of Tes, 0 ltauve bo aoanuo .qi e iend frc4. froat saty artiiriaal eotoring orf;a1îot sabt neo ofien naed lo insprove lte appoarance of Tes. Tlacy are uîaequaalled féer atreugli&sud Ilaour Tlay aava-aaea eiosta or hor itriast woth eciaa uniud lacoitit, ocotaontyo sud hih dereeo<plsaue indrlkiîa tlem. e aell or ii.aalest possi'tl profita, dccl inga sivug a, it coaanhe et15e t, 2e. erlb.UnrTes treput Dp an 5, 12, là , 20> sud 25 lb. oxe, ad ae wrratedpur au< tro Iretn pisoonsaubttaneex. Ordc'rs .for four Jils. boxa 10 1 lb boesor ue 0, orLitlb.boxsea canag trc a aay Railway Station lu Cauada.Teswil hoforardd iîmetatty n reeit o Lie odorb>'niailecutituig moncyjor îlemony cn b ellotedoaadeivey 1>' xpr..ana, wîer lcre are express menittel ari, bolow thoeatotnu0o $pou sve peoilwilcbo btter tua soud thea,'moze> wiiis t s order. Wliere a 2.9 lb. box wooll b.toju0nIt four lenilsOlbtag tther contd ,aeatd for four 5 1h. boxes, or Iso 12 lbs. bores. Wie sod> atn te oae iaddreas c arrange pata>, aias uîatrkcltc box plami', sotlita clapprty gottheir owîaTest. Ie warrant ail the Tea we Sel! 1< give entire satitfÀaetiou. If tho>' are tant sasi>ftactory tbey can b. retnrned ut our oxpenoe. BLACK( TEA. Englidi Breakfast, Broken Leaf 8tror.g Tol, 4-e., 50.; FitwFlaîvoured New Sesson de., 55ce., 0e. ati l650. Ver>' Beat Puil Fiasiored I ao., 7,5e.; souada (Jototta, 45c. ; ici Flavoed de2.,'60e.; Very Fine do.,do., 75c.; Japruaî, (oua>, 50c., 5c., Fitti, 600., Ver>' Finte, ose, Pine»t, 740J/ GBEEN TEA. Twauay,51k, 5e.,65e; YnugilyonSOcO6e .70e.;Fine do.,*75e., Very Fine, Sic.;' Su fnoi an sd Ver>' Chio, 81t; Fnli)t inaowaer, $go* -Iïxtrn.iiuprfine do, $1. 1'. eUsnot mntioitellitsa titIIserenlsr equauhiis> hea. 'lea oui>'aolAd by tiiCompany. W Au, exellenat Mixed 'To% euntd bis sont for doc, sud 70e.; vet>' good for onimon purposea, 600, Ont of ovor eue tlionaud Teiatimouiala, va insert te followittg oicn7t.-it laitarait>' a year aie. 1purehtaad the iraiteet oTea (Mtin your bous e.Jbve ptr mse ue silice. suama pi"Ioinstpeae u f(,n bdmu ait I bau lit ever>' eue grevait a i 6aatury, as wrl setata cx- ceedbagly eltej aapon.1111er-or uiy, F. DM165116. imire tatr TeCo,.t lnne. ll la very strattge, bt at itte. ibave iteeti drltskla.g yor Tra 1 bave lacet, qnlte traoecrot a eanrtlrt, iu cotala alwaya psitt me afier breakfast. iataritute ithis te iae patria>'o(yoaar Tes, ant! sshah oniaus a ensoteter. 54 ai. J ibnatreitu , Uctreat. MetaîesiApril 166.-Tdbe !toniral T situpa> 6eas lu. et otra;W oic at is ibrotgla miatke. I. Ci~~T1, y sCe'l mostreei TuCo>patieasc f osOFSEAIsas.TAWA. O.rvs.To x ai ohgtaBreab(aslonat!lYoungtgymonTes siicta yen snlme glvei s et asaalse tien. oennaay eà peco ay futuare eiders. ours, &o., M EI 'Besare of padiera or ransera u-sing ornomtsae, or oli'erint our Teas lu antali packages. Note the addrems-The MontrealTe Cofiipany, 6flospital St. otra NEWLY IMPORTED cent stiq u ej't e I Ias ja, Graialug, Oiatusr, v sudPayr la sga xeclca lu .werk- c per:t maaI Sos naner asnaal A. C. WILSON, DILtda stree*,Whtb> ,Mining '1Whltby, Jij TIUE RAW * a '4 js. M a', .4 'i e INCORPOBATED BY TRE LegisIature of (Connecticut, With a perpetusi Charter. to- 100,000, de- p O;ted with te owptrollus as seenit; for ±'olicy Holderà . Titis <Jompaay 114 now preparcltimisaP- lieles on LI ET STOCK, aitinat both t DEATH AND THEFT. At nioderaste Mates of 1'reminm baged on sa :English exzpertence of over P1P1ýyY TIARS. rTe Pioncer Compurny of Asmenen. 110MB UOFZIOE.-1o M M ain StresS, lIrrtford, Conta. ;jarBRANCR <FK-ICES.-gô Wabtýe& Street, 1Bostonl, $Srrnx k W.aUmf3Rma s- îl crs; 10(5 Broadws>.. New Tork, Coms& loLwr, Monagers; 480 Phrt$te% i-j ladelplia, F. & E. A. Cosuax, Msau«ers; 49 Ua Salle btreet, Chicago, miAsm&ma ocre, managers. Apply to, IL. FAIRBANKS, Jr., AGENTr, Warr. Febrnary Q0, 1867., D'a F. BUR KEY Famili, Grocer, Wine & Spirit No0. 2, IOHAEL'8 ELO',L KING- ST.. EAST, osRAw.A. CROCKERY & GLASSWH A WELL SELECTED STOCK COFFEER, SUGAES, GRoCEEIE5, &.. OF ALL KINDS, As obeapj as -suy hous la Canaa. I My29tit, 1807.-, 1 îLIV E RY!l pa ' avIbisdaybe tae u.areps TOWN 0,,F WHRITBY, IL.5 " S8d Sept, -ýTbaS.Ifasny oftheb.frorgint OMAlsb6 nei aild sihtïitenty datys a te l.t Ste ame 6e 'Y' 1 1 L -1 - IL r à lr% Tr eëý <1 1 il