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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1868, p. 2

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*Tuossda vemluq IUa About 100 et the moud mon c1 th. tovnship véesprosent? seugmI vicm e vo tloeded Mo,Jebn Cal. do, Daiel Lsm:oo, James Dryden, iJohn CsmphoIl, Dr. .Wgnnon, eoongo Llddit, S. M. Themas, Dr. Foot, R..,T. Harrison, ko. Tho meeting vu organllye ,iig M. JamsDnjdon#0te béhir; Mmd ap-. painting. Mr. R. T. Harrison ,Sc. havY. MSi.tloldà, Vio-Preidnt et Ïb. Pont Whlsby -sud Port Penny Raiivay Company, Brnut addneoss the meeting sud vas. toilod by Ummn. Parny, Dnaperand J. B3. Csrpbell, cf Beach, lu fayot of tic. propeod by.iav nov beor. tho natupayens of tic.' townsip teaid #pb.hextint cf $16,000 by wsy e ofsovoarde the cou- olruîtlou of ithe ptoposed rtaiivay. Ail et lce speakers vote listoued te vltb msrked atmîloummd a dsop Interest lu-lb. nadir- tabligu a manfestod by Il promeut, At the.aoi@'o a sbov of bands vas taken and lb. ibal;mau deesroed the meeting te ho muuan lu la aver oft he pnoposed by.lsw -net s single baud baviug boan ralaed aglint IL. A "ote of îbanks vas thon psssd ta the ehaîrman for bis able co- duetlu nlb. chair, vhou tbî meeting &(tmr bavlng giron Ibne eheers for tb. Quou and tbrolimes Ibree lot the railwaytdis Parsad, enid privai.Blsckso*o iJOsavs art tldi et th«, rAvgý-oaoh socerlqg 18 pointe ot f20., Theuhootiag at 700 ysqds vwu eentincod tis .(Wodosay,> momtlmg, bot wuî wbat reàuîts va, bave mt hoard. Disught Ketch. À math i Drougbti,' opeil ta thé d!aught players cf the Couuty of Outarlo, Ï«th lb iblormodal of tho Club Md tbé pb&mploushp of tho eeuuty, vas payodaet uthe Rebsea Houet, on tho ovouisg of the. 14#h of Angus laut. Tbo lellowlug' art theo garnes won b7 the rosp..tiv. play- I wsito1.. .010-3 JS, bis 0110- J. Gouig... O0-1 J. . Gto.*.10- John Frao..0 01- . 0. Gordon..01010-2 Os.iosn 0101-8 W. McGiab. ..iOIO- Job, 'evuaa...000-OJ. .Om on...I00-5 M.TwaI....01010-5T. Talor. ...1010000-2 Oeo. Robson... 0010-t1Gin. Y ai....1101-8 00.se, P.-000-01. K. Oaon...111-3 Id. Thwato...... -0 L K. Uordon..111-4 Tbe tomber of garnis te ho playod vus thée Ont tht.. von-. edra.s nôt boing iueludid, sud aller a very bfon on ctat tbé modal, vbhiclafitofIIIer, and of boautl. fol -wirhraushlp, vus swarded toMNr. J. K. 'Gordon, wbo le ontifled te bold the s..., sobjeeste othe oltus of the club, whieh oentitlo any imemberor et poson Who rna7 boeatter bicorne a member se caa- longe the vinner once la oe yoïr fer the tvo yosrs fleit after théo sarnombéat e won by tb. respective boldor, nsoub viaOnrit ablo te bold1 It fortwIo soccisslve - - ..., oa .11Af en aiths. ecmes et I o saoressewvasplayod-et 'oronto, lut Tbursdsy uerninge hotw4ena lb. Ontario ilubef t éity61, sud the Whibl, ub, sud rtsuitod, asivs. auttelpatad, lu, ihe vietoq etf tbe6'<er(mer.The ballvas il'flcdtt At 6.30a. M.9 sud afer a baud fougbt struggle etoeue heur ,amd aabaft vus von by the Wbitby boys. The Ou. anles m'on th@ thnoe toilovlng gie..in tbre.qurs c f au -leur, and veto -do- esired vînuna. Tlwýicutmest eedellnÎ sud cerdiallti pnivaaliîd, sud siten tice. sume vas eoncloded, the Ontario# gave, tb.. beart y elsooef«oir l ate oppen.,- ents, vbe, lua à lue menuet, returned lb. compliment., Tb# Tornuto ýpleyers con. isted of Mur. T.Srono, captsin, John litant, C. Sb.as, F . B. Wbltlemono, J. Mitoeel, W. Clark., 1. Joue, W. I. Meu. isugict, J Lousn J. T. Hotulbrook,,J. Foy# and P. AnoldFj suad lice Whltby clob vas veli represeutid by D. Van Vlacok, ceptaîn, RM H. Jemeson, W. H. Card, Gao. H. HMm, J. K. Leslie, M. C. ..>nde, W. J. Sornervili., 3. Blov, R. ruer, C. Campbell# J. Pringlo, sud W. Bronov. Lt labut fairt te b hb)plsy- nrs te mention tbat veto oppoeid by lice Mmo Ivelvo vbo played se viii on Tues- la>, against1 sho Six Nation lbOisas. Tbe returu match -laile qeme cff lu l'biîby, about tb. end of Ibis rnonth. Aynuasox Srisr SooLPaiss Lmi.- Tbe folioving fi a list of prises avarded to tb. popils cf thce Anderson sîneet sebol MKiss MoAlian's>, at the bte midsummi' zxarinstion. Lt vu not icauded lu to us for publication vlîb the oticer prize liste, nbleb acconuls for is Isto appearsucé 1- -e.zeral Projfcfency-it Division.- 1il, Emme Blair; 2ad, Esther Warkup ; Omd, Fanule Stephenson; 49h, Maggie Dow; itb, Aui.Sierieker; 6gb, Jae Dow; Itbl Oco. Anderson; 81.h Jesephc robusten. 2ud Divisiou-lst Aniso Nevsom; 2ad, Win, O. Jehuston. O Divisio.-lst, Maggie Holden; 2od, Minai. Siator; 3rd, Isàholia Andei. sou; 4îb, Mary Grant; 5îb, Wrn. Ander- son; Otb, Bessu. Auditson-; Ttb, Ailes Taylor, 4th Divislou.-ll, B. Stenicicet; 2u0, ras. golden; MI ,Auuis Andorson;1-4th, Willi, Newoom. Good Conduct.-Maggie Dow., VoLvxrUNT Gé ur ?AT Toagowlro.-A vis- tern paper oaya that tovards tb. latter sud of Sîptember the Voluul6er Artilo nud 3avslry cf tbis district viii go inte, camp for a seas o f Odr ietTornto. The fore nderians i ii cousist cf lb.HeMm. iltou, Torontoeand Wellaud Field Balle'i ries, tic. Goveruor.gersmls Body Onard, thi Oak Ridges, Msrkbam, Grimnsby, Dut- ford sud st. Catbariues îreops ef Cavslry, aud probabi> tb. Port Hope snd Cobourg troops. istmorarsa Euv£sianas.-Tbe enter. prisiug proprietens ofthie Tosoute Even. iuvg Telegrapic comnoed lic. publication of s mormng Isun. cf lcir shot ou Mondayi t. We have neesîivedîbo fluai numbet, wviie compatis vony farvabi>. witc tice ethîn mornlng dsiiiîs et Tcnonto, sud coutains al lice latest neop t pe bout ef publication. Meurs. Robertsen h Cook desenve th. gresteat musa l their nev nndenakiag ; viieb, vs are certain, lice enlerpnie sud shility vith wFicbhtbhei publications are coaductsd viii ho sure te brnug licou. Suanuu DuvmE. Wegett tbave lu mence a1t WiimOgelen Haey, a geiioa. vell-kmovu 10 many of ont readens, diofi ver> auddoumly, aithlice aidenes of bis uotbor laa, MEU. Donald MeKa>', Pickering, ôo -Salurda>lut. Mn. Hay lied justr torned frout Wiblt hyvbn bo wu useed vitb>s violent fit cf- cnging, durnug vicb ho horst a hiood-vosaol, asin; liseealla'The deceasod wu iigbly rospicted, snd leavos a largo circie cf friemds te meurs bis eary do"ase. Rcs.hSe'u Wavomss-Atteutile la a tnd le-îisdv@rtisimotinluchIer Urt. Dtydouiovep o&, iced by Un. miil, tlat tbe remve be actorlad sud nîqined le grant hie erîou tlb.trea- Surrin flvr of,49bn 8bit PALS., for lthe tum ot $24.U8 Mspsureeout Ibias Jy toudoredfor sirvoeng lot No., "80 luib te 9thi con.t, nudot àeluéne6on00intheoeom- missionet eotov4lands., Mn. Drfdleu proentod au estirnate ofthbe reoipls sudOzpeiwitumthsfie cerpera. tion for the pressat jean. SOn motioneof r. Drydin, seeonded by )En. Wills, a by4a vwu psased lbneugb Its Varions stsge levylug a rat@ ot eue tocili of a miii én tbe dollar le rais. fbm Mr. pean aovod, usended by Mn. Fishro, datMo t$reutrr ho sd là boriby itstrueted té.psy M. Bu»rrovs te'b.tmof $1 pet ve, Ite b. by bim ixpended iu bobaif o,,Mns. Tevston, su3 indigent peréon, uui facon eioders, sud the Ineasarer 'la fortbeo-antboeized te stop-ail psyrnul l Astr iWharau, au indigent peoo. Me.' Willis rnoved, seouded by M. Spertibat th. roove ho sud Je boteby authoriz o egrant bie onden ou theo-tria- auner iu fayot cf Robent Bnssb fer the mm et $25, that sum bsviugbeen païd b> birn as commissionor, iii- frol.t of lot 29, 8îb con. P Mn. Willls rneved, secè'diàdby Mr. Spoara, that ib 1e eve-b. ý'ândJis hîr.by sauîorized te furuisbh Chas. Sîster vitic iCOiba gour ntmd SOibe te Mi. Whoelon, both beiug indigent pera4cs. Mn. Spoitrs 1movéd,«eoudod by Mn. Wilii, Ibat the tn.asurer,îbansd la bereby sutbnodiz te psyth o si012-40 toesec voluntier bolebiglui; 0 te Brooklilueorn- pany, for their attendauce at Battalion drillin laWbitby ini Juead Jalyl 16, iou produelug a eertifieate fron tbeli coin. rnanding.oduf feer e iol'attendance ut siO drill. A by.law lu aasist le building s relitoad by way ef bonus froin Port Wbhitby te Port Porry, vws introdqced, sud passedl tbrougb ils severai roudlngs. Counoil adjeamned untîl monday, sept. Piîckering Tovnship Ceuat1l. Saturdsy, Aug. 29th 168 Ceaucil umet pursueutt 0a tljounrniant. ilembers ail prisent oecept Mr. Miller. i Petitions pnîseted-by Mr. Panker for sid te vidoit MeUlInt, sud by Mr. Grefn for sid le John Ceiras. Mr. Parker gave notice Ibat b. vili at lb. nexl meeting cf thicneuil move for isve to latrodace s by.lav te appoint s uoiiector of thei rates tonrlice carrent jear.1 On motion et Mt. Wixson, tic. Ireasaner vas ordensd te psy Jame Jackson tice usn of $5, for a sbeep kilied by dogs. -Ou motion cf Mn. green, lice tressant vas ordened to psy lic. fouiowing accoanta vizs 10 Ueo. B. Stock, $40,58, te J. h; B. Sionifen, $7.12 for plouk, sud to F. Meen, $2.10, fur aid to vidoit Fyke. Mdr. Parksenrnovîd ltslice reeve he snticorized and requin0 toeixicute a cou- vienis of part of tic. north haIt of tic. iead sllowancc hîlveen lots 32 and 33 in tice lit cou,, lu fayot cf James C. Taylor- oft Iis tovnshcip. Mn. Parker mcvod ticet Mmt. Mcolt> be alloved 50 cents e viek, aukiltoTicos. Tripp ho snthorizid lu snpply ber vitb neuessrles to Ihal amenaI, thal John Cains b. ailoved 75, cents a v eek, sud that James Mcqay supply hici vith ne. eemisso luta alna, and report lu Ibis councletalt lut meeting, in Decmben neat, Mn. Parken muved IbsI lb.eroe"igrant bis ondin on lb. Ireasuren lu fayot of M. Nigicuvauder, for lice usamof $45, heiag amantt îxponded by hlm for-lice enection, cf a bridge on aide lin. betwesu lots 34 and 85 in a tisTb con. Oua motion cf Mt. Wixiou, a hy-lav vas pâasod toeni lot 1a lu the 4ib cou.9 te psy fci expouses cf tsicu.rvey thîreof. Mr. Green moved tbasthlie teev" b. anticonscd lu cause e pieu or', ap of aIl lice unregisterid villagi-s la liig tovnship ta b. made ou tci scalo rîqaired by.iav, 1 ad tu b. dopouiled iunlice regislry office in Ibis county, sud that the expmases at- teadiug tic. same b. peid__b> s local i upon- ici retepayera efthlie vilages lu sd- cordace viîic Cap. 93 cf thé f3csolidated Statutes-of Upper -Canada. - jOu motion ef Mr. .Grien l#eni d Dorae4 titi sept. l9,41968.- Dmsreuoivu Fias ox -miNogaM7 iRmLwvar.-Snnnidale, Aug. R.-The line bas bený ra'Vsgiug etnd heb otethîe lest weâk. . Vestorda>', alioàtIl à M.9 a igi wind raîsed. al&in about 2 bouri lice vil. the twnsnîp eofzarisnam.. Bsut Unoige là osked, yen, COMMAm"Ec, te gve $5,000, ,eWee tbe corporation of Torontotebs- tbo Oral step. To ask that large suin front ni te, irnIld saralway for tbe benefit of Toronto, anud Toronto dola g nothlng lu nid, la just a litle tooruch of à good bhing.ls I1Is object te lb. by-lav* on the, grounds, Ibat wî havi -ne g uarantee th.t the rond viii ever b. buiît. The Toronto gentlemein assert thot lb., road',wiii bo bullt, but rallw4 promises .are net. of mach value. Whîle those gentlemen maoy be very estimable and wortby ln Ibeir priva te cApacity, the7 are net; able yet lu build Railways out ef their privat Mens. Tbat is a large underteking, and the town- sbips onust Iurnisb tbe money. But vbile finding, the means lot us -take'care that we g!et what ire bargain for, otberivi;oe-we ivili, bave eut mono, te pay,, and na -road. Aceording te the Nipisning -charter, the momnenst the' by4faw -inpossed and tbe dîe4ntures ised, lhey pau sln be bauds of trustees bcb placed en lihe marke'tand old at once. Therefore, neit year the township viii hare lb. full railvay tex te pay, although the firsIterd of tb. ron.d may net havo been made, .or*even for thal malter lihe road commenced. The pro- coods of the debeiitures are te b. usid- for thb roand, but -for vhat part, icie e ne -uaranie vbatever. The rondi na y be bult frein Teooto te Morkhamn illage, andZ Vtbridgspu or it. Or suppose a mectoen*bàuld eb. buit rom Bexley le Beaveton, tbeeby Totonto conttolling a certain trkd ln Nortb Victoria througb LUke Simocoe and tho Northern Rasiivay, and tii Lbridge dil'entures=etfor tMat ôtVm&t 1 Stranger thingu i. v appened before. At present, licere lo even no guernbee lint thie read vaîl run througb tb. township of Uxbridge at ail The charter does flot ly down the line, nor the by-iov. The Directors bave doclared by resolution ilteir opinions as te tbe route, but, wben licey-bave eut money, tice saine power that passed tbe resolution oate- pol t W hatevet may bc their inten- ktiono, and ovin supposing ticeir intentions te bc honest, the present provisionai board wiii not olvays b. Directors. The hoard eiected hy the stockholders wili seîtlé tbe qjuestion cf route, and it vili bc detérmin. ei t suit the vievu cf the Directotu,wbea tho rond lu p ut undît controot. I arn avare lico I t lu lîeld that the by.Iaw would bu illegal, If iL oontoined conditions, Put whyiliiegaifl3ocaueo lihe Niplssing charter wiii net oilow coaditionel bylaws. Wbo obtained tbo passage cf the Nipissing charter? h.ormcwoarnoai. ing cia ror ocir moncy. Illihose mon yere in erneat, and vote willing that tbe bonus of cacb township sbould bu spent i n the wonbp ould succ a charter bave hein ohan D? y no muons. But provision would bave bein mode that esch townshiip couid-protecl itsecifand sieuro the rond ln the tovnship before the dehenluires vere asked for, fTho Dirctors of tic. Nipissing nov rcqui te us le paoeby-love wilhout conditions, becauso lbe chaorter viii net admit, ef conditions, vile it vas Ibose very mon>vice obtained the charter ia Ils prcsent shape. If tbîy are siacere and honest la tbeir present professions, vould iL net bave been more business-like, te bave lad theu necessory pover, givîn la tbe charter. Tley nov ask us te trust aIt te thiein, bilo lbey took avuy tbe power for us te protuot ourselves. Tbey say thce b -loy must hi paseed just s, or net ot aL Ticat may answer for tbose City' gentlemen th, theït empîcyces, but le as- suming more thon liei yiomanry efthis tovnship- ý'i1I subinit te. If Lb. Nipis iagr charter preventu protection and guarantees la the hy-iaw, the aid con be givea under the gînerai Raiivoy Act. Un. det sec. 75O, Con. Statutes of Canada, power le givea te munîcipalilies te asît roilva>' companies in a variety of cvays. Among others tb. municipaiity "*mey iind" lute eoompaay debentures or money.flad the Uxhridge by-lav bien got. up undîr that oct, thon vi oould bave proper and saving condit.ions in th. by- lev, and -s proteot tbe townsbip that vlan aur môaey vas paid, at leaut ve would bave a rood. The line could be laid do*n and stations named. Notiig would thon be left le chance, and tihe dg- bînturîs vo would keep ourselvis, until tic, conditions vire compliud witb. Thal I arn sureisla Iemout sensible course. Tt lu net yet tee loto te rectify the hluader. Let ttbe-ounoil miel and repual lthe pre- sent $50,000 by-lav, and vicen another is introduced lut il be under the Roilvay Act te lead the money et o rate cf Inltr Mlles of rond, 'Uxbridge te To- routo-...... ....... 42 miles viiic Toronte 80 mlles farlicer fnom lice emutera market thon Wicitby, making le MXontreal, a saving of 52 miles lu laveur ut Wib.Nipissing rond, narrau gciage, vltctransipina t Tnronte, -for -he beneefit ol vicest buyersanad comwîsiolon mirebants, ien BF AII> minus. SWbilby, rond, broad guage,. wilbout transhipmnent, froin tie linglb and breedtb of eut nov Dominion, ,lanavis>' particu- lart, tb. Wlîiîby rond bhm lic. prefience, la ils OrsI cési te thice Tovnship bîing' onfiy tvo-flftbe sked for 'ytic. Nipiusing; la ils longlic boing;20 miles te Wbitbyj. as againat- 42 te Toron te, aad vichat lu urili et more importance, litshaguage, neceiviag eut sai frein, Qodericb, oas Osb frein Nova Scotie, and menciandise frein Mon- Ireal, la unbreken bulk, and sending tice Pruduct" of tce.soit and othebforent, ver tb o c a pîsl and shorte t road te the Ameniconeanor SasLiemarket. Con their le an>' hesitation oa.eut port vhicic et those tivo rends te support. Jn the case of the Nipiusing,ý Uxbrîdge sud Scott îrade vould h.- dravn onut fbte ceunI>', sud vith Ibeir brade would go their sympathies. Ticese tovnships vouid soon loue Iheir influence iunLthe Counly. Cnuncil, and ne longer vould vo bave couaty grants te makie ronds te stations on a Toronto railwoy. Ia the case et tbe Wicitby, Uxbridge and Scott veuid cou- solidate tic. couat>' intereos. The leva of Whitby, vitb West Wliitby, Beach, Scugog, Uxbridge and Scott, vith other townsbips, vouid bave a contrliîng rail- va>' Influence la the Ceuni>'Concil. Thon, grals couid bc ohtoiaed for rod la Uxhtidge and Scott, cadlng fl) the lI.z bridge' station, forvhaL ili îlot couovould buefit lUxhnidge ad Scott, vould- build up Uxbridge village, help lice roand, and l,î of benofil le lice couaty as a vhlîee The rond consolidaling and centroting the trade of the county. On the Nipissing rond, 'Uubrildge vouid b. but a uay station, having but a umali i;ection et county norththlesupport IL. Uxby idge, a terminus of lice Whilby rond, veuid fautl grev in importance and mater- lal vealti, centreliag sas il vuld lice rade ofthticownship, ns wev efastatof Scott, Georgina, and a portion et Brook. Witic the Nipisuiag, vo become, isoioted, ad au n naturel consequince. jeous> vould spring up, le our delrîmeal su viii au that et Scott.Wit lice Wicithy noand our interesîs vouid ho consoiidated,--and lice interîsta of the boira et' Whitby and lice count>' ot large voould Se-our intoeala On ever>' band, therefoeoit appoars lei nme, licol vs cannet inistake eut dut>' on lice pressaI occasion. My intereuto, the interests oetbridge village, of Scott, and lh short etfI<oticOntario, pointle tbe Whitby rond as our brue rond.- W. have lice main lino frnm WhiLhy te Lake Scu. gog seoured, the contracl for vihiob ii bo let befoe a dellar et pnivote stock is subscribed for lice Nipissing. Wo have ai, ready $10,000 irecured b>' Beachi for tho extension te 'Uxbridgi, and surely our chances are botter vitb a live eompany finat is vorklag quietly, but nevertiieles surel>' and, uucoessfuliy, than viti thce Nipissing compan>, icci éà yet bas dene netblng but ospend mony-vic out de- boutures, or some oticer dehentures viii yet bave te po>'. Iteliceeantime tbere lu no hurt>'- for Uxbridge 10o ct, tilthlie Nîpîusiag cem- pan>' uicwhov the ic.> viiuild Ici tond, fcevn itic our $80,000. Let te coi.ncil for lice p rosent, repeal îhe by-lav, or tailing lIaI, 'VOTÉ iv DN aI lic elle1. 1Wait for a 1ev monthu for the.-W!hîtby rond, and Ibmn if thatlfails, let the'ouncii 'inîroduce s by-lav under thi railva>' act, 1with propersafe-guards olud guarautees. And in>' ord for it, aine eut of eyir>' Ston vil i support ut. The> Whitby rond lu 1my Oirst cicoice, fer tics many renions mua- îioned,-ond as noticing lu le ho gained xxcurn r Txzu, b>' rusicing- ou wilb lice iNipiasing by.lav aI presint lot us just alide onrtlime.; And wbhen liche Toronto and Nipissing people subucribi their t 150,000,privabe stock andin the charter,- . 1d are ptepardd te let a contract, va kitfor lei understand eut true pesi. 1 tien. 1 remaom yours trul>', LEGION. BUlxlridge, Sept. lot, 1868. RbAILRà OA>ouLcaîiocs vaouaix CAPnaLas :nett-* EKllL&e , OasUaINiJUOZD AND wus sliâoOl eouenimiel çt se bneof th boy, the sttreftili ansd top cf the heed vere destroyed. Tbe body efthlie gnand- son, vho vasuaamïant Young of 11 yeans, in oui> tscoguisi.hîe tromthie facto -given &bove. Th ic ali cfof É. *an Otden vas -tetali>' destuoyod. What the motive for diring these pnimisea could ho, vwiii ouI> be detormined on a future' invetigation. Lt rnay bave hein te diaîtéet attentionu, or- Ibhere Me>' bave been pirsonai, resiens for Wt lau cuber cabe nu excuse eau bW eftered. thoeeis a sarmisosud probably revelalbioc moï establisb tie îruîic of it, ibat tice Van Ondon femily vere Birst rnurder nid d bet tben the promises voe r ed te covir op ibi r' iscuvîny. So-me etftthe- citiïI mtats thal pistol &bots veto beard aItic.e lime -of tb. alanm, sud it la probable thai the. anfonlunate farniiy vie rnnrdired iu their sloop, tl i le lgod ticat Mn. Van Ordîn droit from bhis baneuls, Moers. Noble h, S:roug, nt Windsor, $500 ou Saturds>', sud ticat ma>' bave hein a mo- tive fer Ibis horrible pnocodiug, that b. vu dog ged te 1 bisihomeo, sud vith bis fami!>, brutaily nssaauated, noue hoiug4 loft to tellI tbo horrible tale. Mn. Van1 Alien's miii vas Innuedto n eethousand dollars In the Commer cial, sudQne -ticon. sand lua iteueu7s. * Capt. ebarab vas arrested Snday evén- ing on suspicion, nid vas ternanded 4ai to--doy (Wedbiada.) Tits W*i r vms ýTaixuomo.-A 1 Young mu arnimd Jocepb De G-rt alias McMallia,9 vu:cornuited te gl ilu To. routeoun Moaday. on a warrant, of ecommik., ment lsuîed hy Mn. Wbîlen, J.P,charged vith sîealiug_ s puis et boots, fnom a man nomîd Yaki, Ietoawffville,, s foin days be. fore. Tice prisonir, aged -about 18 yemra,- bsd benubat a toit deys hofore roleased fnom tic. Wiithy geol, vbere be aerved a rnontb for a slinioffence.-Cilobe. - Au elderly Euglisb lady von no- lergîl> et a Badin.Badeu gambig haulu I Juiy, licol tci institution vas ou the verge of bankroply*<. A suit vas hrought. lu Bugland 4baeasor- vant for cempiusation for beiug iscicargcdl witcont notice. H er master'pliadid îbsî after tic. family Wbheeu aîrved fon smre lime vitb vîak les-lice voman vas vatchîd, aud il vas foùnd ticE4tshe penned oui tic. finit hrev mb e ajug for bisof, thoen watoncd, the rernanddtook il up mies. Whdn ttaud vith lice effence ahi vas abusive, and vua t once disrnissd. Judgmont for thi master. 'N or...a.. ê.Jn ,1.modicine. vife. an& -Ob, I yull tae.il, by ali msaul fior it Io sure 10 do good oni weay or lb. otic., ansvened th.eoffeetieute vite. A sas espiain, -trading regularly te lic. African couet, vu invitid t10 meet s com. mile e o a (ociet>' for the evangelisation .of Afnice. - Among narnerous questions touciag lice religion ufthtic. Â<ieen race h. vus suked, 'Do lice sabjecta cofKing Dahomey keep Sanda>'?V 'Keep Sanday 7' b. neplied; 'yia,! and every darnedtinig ticîy eau. loy thieinads ou.' A young mon nainet Picoen, vbci vas 10 bave bien martial -iu Montreol on Ticuuda>', basdisappearid, ant islubelieveti te bavebMn mardined b>' a rival. : Six herses engaged in u auling 1la mbin toe stuaticu atiingersoli worékilled b>' lice backing cf a fneigbtl bain aI au unex- pecteti inoment. Tic. leama vere vluble onies, andth lc osvas considerabl. Tuiere vas getolxcitement inuQaobec Onc. ste exe File but lhe preper staft toi deuIl>' s butry-caae. - The receul nains 1 flines un Canada anaft t cf distant ol$nictu. A Àgenaino gicoullh& Albany, Iudiana, îlAt lu its breast sud disap An active Dabuque step-motber and ulalci ciudîd bis ecceutriclîl, aicothenr mn's vils. Dr. Bock, cf Lipsil patent inedicines b>' à nostrcin as il appears gnedieutsand tlcoil Tic. Chines. bave a Gras Valley, Calituru bar reoin ihîre iki Amenican style., Marriages on borsel lic. Wesl. Ticy mo> bIndu ceremenien. An apparatas for te dto*ig, la describec ush poli, viLh books îlot con bc lauortod ii or iyes.' Who vouki Cbemicai anaiyuis aie caaks'oflager le toit impOrta te bis 5Op mont as la conloinod I briocl. Yet eurt eut ou il lon. «Jobnsfié-seis 1 ,ou maltera connected cf a nev Bociprocity .Tice Parliarnt of 1 tilt Oetob.r 2nd. Pite-Meruicat Davi ,been.arrested fot inde TIi -naine oethie Il shobet iuLondon la tic A daine Auoeistio 'Viare, Mn. ed ou MOCKRI 27îic uit., 19 C. A. Mot Mado., Ont ;V' n evi- Tic. Triai ef Whaiou. tice sud ef snob peiod Ibeabsolate ocitait The tiliof Whaleîufor thb. murdîr e of ot hs iion fstn h th. Beu, Thomu D'Arcy McGeo viii liste vitb Mn. Gerdonfor lice champeniii .ommoei n e ;Fidsy t-n t tie Cily>"sud Mîdal viii requIn. te uctlfylb.hece. T et Ottas4F1iAslut eucîtJusiîeorty, Mr. GIo, Ruhaun, vbe viii maki the tI Risicards pnîsidlng. M. O'Fainill, cf necessan> arrangements in lhe mater.- (1 Qhebu charge of tic. dofoces, but s<o. b. Io Det a membor et the Ontario Bsnti o CoicosnT à-r Tocomro. -A crlckst match w isnetb.oioard as consil lu an Oitanlîo -boîvo' itis ~iliary 'sud .Civilisausoet Court. Ho bai ticenîfons tetélu.d lice Hou. Caonada,9sud tics retenu match, veto play. il J.-H amrnt h@lb.Hou. M.C. Camîron, .0 lu Toronteo dniug lut weik. Thea31 %ae Roneti ýCKeio1Esq,lte conaluet Miitary proved 10e strn or thoisr op.D lb.detuuc vien ic.cas conesap otpouentsansd itou botb gaines ecsily, no viii triai. Knr. OaJiiiy, et Kingston, who lbe ioeu by the folloiug scores -lot gani eendacîed lice prnrny exarinstions vith 1ILTO. OvLAS se- -mach shility, viii net for thci.Crova. jet Conugs i 104 49vLTN 2 Thé. trialvi iietono lleu toeitthonu 2n3d d"86 os9 2 tice amuons Fenian tIsu, et Toronto; sud - ,- o tb. ussoît viii b. locicid for vitic avidity. - 190 147 s The Miliîany wluuing by 48ruans. T HoMU ss1S0or mv VOLUsrssn.-Tvo lu tic. neto metec, tb.Militany icored ji tatoabie horsis vers occidentsialy shot b> 100 sud 165 rouaa I hein r ran d second Ji torne voiouaioos,wville sal tangît preeiee, inulini spectlvoly, and tb.elvilians 106 et Oshawas,.isîelyi -Onu4 asovnod by sud 98 ruas. Mn, Jamenes Lang, cf Ibis Mr Sius l an sd vslaed et $150 ; the lova, pisyed, sud pîsysO veli, toe, on thb.t othîr vas a spiendid -cardaeorcone-. civilisu aide, palllng 4 rous lu theo finit louglug te T. N. Gibica, Isq., M. P., The -coings sud 15 lu tci second cf lt.efinît isîtein, I s tcoagict, viii nîcovîr. gaino te his credit, sud 21 sud 31 l inh c Ssruzcui Ac7cZnsie.-A little b h e ti.i1ig f(bCîtn naec icon eft r. lRlicard Snov, et Pont Wbitby, IBîrLa Ln.-A rigle mateh betveu vwu kiced on lice foroicosd by a berce, N.rirpuy htyIfsty u o vhiceho ub. a hatoisg,cn Taeadsy attîn- 6, Gnisnwood lnfautry, came off aI lh. meen lutf predaeiug vicelthbmilctons Olt Oshawa rangs on Monda> lut, lot $100,.f s conpoudfracture. Tb. litlîsfeliov Tic. Wîthy Company',svilibe eu s lie lu s veny pneîsnlous condition; sud frnmtic.é subjoinsil score, vote vtIe- bis nîeoveny lse ousidîrsd doahîtut.- toions, by 20 points. Fins ix Riucs.-A barna, vithlluitCou- vncTr. toula, héooging te M. Jamea Aclcuey, on ey40. C tl.Darnol.. 804 24 8-16 02404-10 lot No.Olintbe8theou.of Bosch, wuva$gti. #toy.... $3242-14 20284-140 destroyid by fim ou FniOay efuraooa lut. eg. akr..2a8a -8 448-1 Thé gir@ orlginated-frobutnlug eladers Cor. Watn., 4 8 8 44-18 a884 4 2-14 bievu y b hlgb vint! prevailinq et tieheng.Ying. 84- 484- time, (rom s. barniag svernp about e 90 5 1 quarter et s mile distant te s sînsv stock 000y. 40<)>- k nean theb arn, vbieh 4Î9ght- fin-Ici lriv. Gîbson.... 448 88-17 228 28-18 fiamesé spresdil te lice building. , M. " Ballsrd. .2 0 8 208-10 -.88248-15 Corp Pidd. 22 22-11 88208-11 AskuelyesIou, -vslesta, Io about $2, 000 ; Mei. Bcs. 8 8 8.42-15 O04 884-14 cf viclebho bu s-lausurauce of $600ino 2 S or ib..... 0a58j2-J6 20284-12 itbo Ontario Fsrmer's Mtusi Cempany. ;7 'VoLun2aaPice x iavCeLumtT.- -Foo-n Bacs iv Nsvuaaxs.-Mr. W. Thé mouibens et No. S Ce,, Celumbus E.H3adiugq ot Nev Yonk, endiDeK.àÇ Rifle, vpre iuspeeted' hy Captalu and 0ofSimcoeor ansà Iv. mile race for $1,0 ÀdjusutJonis, ou n idlsy tenoou luit; snd tiéc caoepiubip of canada, at Nov. aller vbleic a pie-nie vwu iold luns&novo ýmaket , oMou>1y last. Tic. rasevu acavaI aud Evsythug aase of v1lwon iiy tic. former iu 24 minutes and 26 snd lthe day vu ojoyed b> as large num s' ae e os elg u1Aned ber of pesons. aft«toad. Mn. Harding lasà veli buceva ic. Ma. Yaasou unionesthatho _podestiau nd am o mv the 4<6 bre. mil. las rooelvod a nov stock ef boots sudchami on cf Amonles," 21e vu ai cue ohmo. -'Hls dventiàemont appearc lu other lime, s rObidOnt Oet bis ceut>;, aisudlà saluns, te vil.ic ve vld direct tlb.t-aI. 61c996dengaeto h@ DaillY NOUa, la Now sentiles et lulsudlng psr.laauers. York City. - ogagserzei-W@regret (Mcre for tic PciarotA aAW-t .H -Îathcu's sluiIbis ot evu) ihatvs e rs Dam, wubebu boom manager cf tic. cfieu le êtralt veeli vcn vsae nfomod theo f thlEIceHa Wgrbc ai Oshawa,, Ion lb. ,àaAaa f et tCsOaVrOL.ticatMr. Kirk- put î bnëeoyestc, vs. proe'lod -iith a

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