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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1868, p. 1

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I~.ZIS?3.ATLAWAND 5OLICITUS ADlit laisoury. Iutuir-J oet4. Toronto, . 55 uàmJzo-ü.t door ote .stor4 ef a. kJ, Qsunpbeil, Brook é6t.1 WhlUy, Cnt. Wttltthy, Noy., 1 07.41 s. B. FAIRBë. S, W, a, 0 l NOAitPiC, e.Le ms , x LI<S BrokSt91t ThT OSy, A LB, 1. 0'cm I CRAIwor Es C.arNELLERnvyncr TOEYAhI-LA.W, SLICITO 19 ýXLTJB, ATE5Y~TORNE SLICOR I Oluancerysud otarr sPubli ou&aac&09 $A ILb foxj . ., 1 W. X. ~TCtenlaJ1e4'k cotq crira ttor n Ee. o ro te' 4 pot otlte 26t- ieainSe 1865. 15 CICILIl *f- & COIA tryAuni«, W Yit yi4Y- la chan 20 865.0. -2 ÇEk . i . IoES AT LAWSolIeis Stlu Cihan- TUl., ADON k LAW T ie#,osnf-urao ur,i W in.,ltby, J u ly 10. 27 R.JOÉN 0lJNNmoul. B. W. FJ0INRBAN, M. P. -,bt JaIn. 2V6. H M M. OTATO b pUBL iC.m hOu ilo0.m iTLIA.5uots and clET0E.(11 sk luWa intcyuoti.)' 2 l at4 JeUN'RO14.1864.- io~N~O'aHOE estlieto bteronUiberbtMo Wbitby, .b b, Us 42 ]Brookdii Dr,1Wg o§4xp T'I%1ALEit lu Ipra6, 'atnt e4lolur» Io,, k..dfs eWy &Wineq and lquortth bstuei for adioli poIpoî'eg. 'Brooklan, 0. W., 180p 26 (OrganW J a M4ll aâ hO k,., Whil'.). LBpropared t 8v éiéeàýi88wc sousoatlouta b. midi atibe.'Of ie* o on L WtlsurgeonDetaiover Jne Byn' ieimi lalt Brook êt. Wtstby;' NELSP-N ST.'TORONTOt NOERTJLOF KJNQST.- borne,ibat ty bave tikon the Above premIsaes whieol aii evpMr rspt omvoaletlv aoi eomfortably jtI U ptor thé éoomaot orgaa' u det##,&ailoe* lTiae wli b. round in constant per»onul,,attoudwce, and wli leave notblu% naîdoilo on their jpart'to aire *Oatiitaoutlontu ill Wo »Y fsvor t eau wla agit. I84Â0 F ENTON, ,COJfTION4W rOprAtor 19N ARTENj nroalo riu cTermeeaubo desi ASSURNCE OU P-NY CaLE> doah,bor40%000. '8 Ws re o1loerae auen l e n1À)66 rJ sitd g . hp!. ~qo i 'Carter. #t 17b trm ,u - - WELLINAgenMtEWLb OA IkVIOKERY, - Proprietore. Beg mogt resectiulJy toe luforinthlbnabl- tt oft ha t oïtty cfOterlot sat tbey havé Ieaaed tho-Above premîceai lsitly oýceUplealby sandy Poirio, whieh thley'hiave uowly a r'luh- .4 sud r4Dovated, cAnd lbey st , prepured to ,oeWïmmodute the s travelling publi0. The Bar otocked wlth tho beait liquér ot, aitear, sud ar. inetlaato awyaltteudance. froprietors FÂBntWE LL & JIcGEE, DATMTTEU ATT(GRNEYS, St),LICI- ËB'Tum co(VyVaIicEEs, AND nu- TANESPtIILIC. Omowu,-On$ door north or tbe'PostUme$e, O*Ibswo; endl MeVeeer» ZStok, opposite * TuwuMal, POWznanvlle. J. i" E.Fazwz.B. M1400M INUUNC, * ENEL GET.2~O N L. WATKIS91 Whithv. .Jan. lotls1 iw. B. PLANK, -- -- Portr tire oua4lr Q uewryl W.by là Il Uial tht;a la fuch à,rmu for pctare. CLÂJtK'S GALIERY ? Il la bmouo ha ha. the' bot iallorY lu h. £'ouuty, asud baitmore' pitloiee yth obllJren titan sauy cher ArflIsilu tb. £oatsty, sud conu do qut. soigood wrrk asany-other Maul luthe Coubty.1 1 1 1 RW'Thot'. hs' tteuatter;, ocdo't ho bti4kwarc¶ aboutt ogiltig forra'rd. BRIOCK ST., WHITIfl. Whlty, ov.12,1807. 4 THE ýLANCASÛIRE pliais ANO LIFB Klng sud Chu >SteasToronto. 8. . DarneÂw-cLÀaz &* (cio. lsdAgente f1r vots lo, y, , TR.IJVIROOL,ý plcNel ~~~1'E,, euesr4dra, O11>x rmth Ooafl.--Or rJAS. BYEI<E'&Medl alal. Býrook Street, Wbltby. WN AiUwork varrauteal. Famillea attendeal et ptirte résideuces, TEETII m"EXTBACTEI) Or' WITHOUT PAIN, JEa BY Tilt USE OP MTROUS OXIDE LAUGIIG GAS, OZ TUE 1NEW -- ljO3ALANMSTHETIC, AT DENTAL EOOlw,, DUNDAS STREET,. WH-ITBY, C. W. XOOS-Cve M. IL Cocobrane', Store. Whltey, Jane,26, 1867. 25 A &IVOLITE190 12.17ýjsq dndoserae cidwr, 'Irez.,Toon. T . MAOHIN 18TS Pair Ot mntohd ormo..a. 14ý a Z UnleHSeuIn aràm., .. 4 312- :1" Horm ..4. 4-' 3 2 ~ffn 4 $-2 *Oà,Oi4 qlvdao thaêFIoaI nq bemlc,.4 32- Two y.s i4.,iêOl,..4 3,.2 e 2 stallion. .... ..........4 'S 2 Mare an& FOtil, oër -evidence' tbinrp lt a àase eu lo t. 4 S .- 2 Toer old nreCo..432 Pie year obil enire Cl..4 3SA Hor. Cltet SCS . 43 2 Pair matehed 'oss ' 3 2 -cam Il .-cattie* THOROauH BED, Bull . .. $-3 Two yearod 31 . .43 Yea»ui Bll .. 4 3 Bull' CiL..........4 3 Miioh Cov, giving mu'ik or lm cai . ,~... 4 3 Two y car oid lIciter. ...4 3' Yearling, Heifor.. .-. .. . .4 3 Heifer Caif... .o.. ....... 4 3 Bul..... ......... 4 3 Two year old Bull ........ 4 8 Yearling' Bail ............ 4 3 Bull Cot......4 3 Milelu Cov, giviug milk d n .....fe.............. 43r Two year cid' Hefr.'. ...4 3 Yearing Hio....4 3 Heifer Caif, .............. 4 3 GAILOWAT. Bull......................4 3.2 Two year oid Bl....4 3 2 Yearling Bal.......... .. 4 3 2 'Bull, Caîf.... ....... 4 3 2 Mdlleb Ccv, glviug milk cr in Maf............... ....4 3 2 Two year oldRelfr ......4 3 2 Yearling Heifor......... 4 3 2 bliter Caf.....4 3 2 Bull.........4 3 2 Tir year old Bull....... & o4 8 2 'Yearling ul. ....4 3 2 Jul CSIf,................. 4 3 2 MIich ( Cow, giving milk or la caîf 00 ... . .......o4 2 Z Tvo yeir old Holfcr.4.4 3 2, Yearling Heifer ..........4 3 2 ifer Cuit................. 4 2 2 ATESII. Bull................ 4 3 2 Two year blid Bail........4 3 2 'Yearling Bull........ 4 3 2 Buil Caîf....o. ...... ... 4 3 2 Milch-Cowt gîving>niik-or la caîf....... ...... 4 3 2 Tw'o year oid Hifr 4 3 2 Yearling Heffer.....4 3. HoUter Caf..... 4 3 2 FAT OATZLE. Fat Oz or Ser....4 a 2 Fat CoworHeifer......... 4 3 2 1 WORXING CAMTL. Yoko Working Oren......4 3 2' mon ms.ZI-B;hoop. - Rani........3 $2 1 Wéhe "g Rmb......... 3 2 1 Rani, .............1 TvoEwes............ 3 TwcShorlig Be, 3 2 i1 Two Ewe Lambe ........3 &21 R*bmLmnb..... .. 32 Tvo Sbearling Eves..3 2 1 TWo Evtaeb. .. 5ODTRDOWtoi RrçMpgpII Wmt 4 ~1ozg ~d......1.50 1., 50 2o041,91waBue, eorà .bokÇwQte, k0 .'. . . 0 1 . det o Orauego, M.5O 1m60 44 0 .en ....' 2 OCIZ -b- 2dr............ .. 400, 3rd'...300; Parder,....b...... 4f00 Pair Biack Spaie.....$1 150è "Dorkiug.....re......1 '500~ ilmburke..........1 500 "Fola............1 50o " , maltotdeo.r..t. 1 50c Piueon, scolleor ;.i1 0. u&'Fgl .....T.r.e...... . 1.500 "GOU, iaged b eed..bitor0 tre ......s... 2.. .... .... $2 Guluper adFowbe...... 15 Beet-ot, lo$4 $u2r u D ow gneby eibito4r, disgtinctwom l ter on4-3 tre..........à....... $2 i3 bîuHred............$. $4 $3$2 Mw ogmae, hig.... 6 4 S-2 TnBrie à$ Mhin. 6 4 32 Wagur w o rslV9 1 ... te.ar.....0. 4 3. 2 market.. * h... 43 2 Twoliora Dria.$ ........04 $3 2 $e o Brs,'wo ....4' 3 2 Tw. Roue CSltigh-....... 4 3 2 IroIloi4h.....i,......4' 3 2 S4 3 2 Granp i........ 4 82 STrw os Cattitor.4 3 i ..~ ldg .......... -4 3 2 Grai 'Pll............4 3 2 B&mw, Cutter, forkebora. Cerne She.....3 2 J On.é"* ]UNs Cuvtr 3 21 r. Rakw...... ý.-..2150 Fang NMiie-.. ...... 32 1J0 Cheee r......$ $-504 Grasing ahue 2i50( Haf-doama Hgay Jloiks... 2 50( -fait dozmn, manare l 'orks 2 1 50. Hai doea tee 'Hce~ 2 1 50c "'~Sigi .1 .' 2' j 12 TableApls summer, 12co~da~~ie.....$150 11' Ful ,ClQtbp, bol" MUt, pnàsn4 pv.by 10 yards Fuit Clotb, lactory mnade..............1.60 1 m.e, -î d ùoreby 1. and . "ýo - îa p. . . 1.50 1 10 yards $atinet, atr »0 yards 'Flanuet,. Jioe- baud., ail yod.........150 iI badcotnwi. 1.60 1 10oyard lim.oi 0àfaeoA mad8, al yo0.......16 10Pairds FiaBtknuel, .... 5.5y 66 -Cottonwa 750500. .S' 10ck yard....C...~...5o50oi Pai W oe Bia . .6a 0e' do- ibt...... .. 70' 150 Shebord's Plaiod......0*1 Paintlen s eUg .15e50eý "ni De ocks ..........75ô i0 Cothto Stone. 75e 0e w F " Socks............ .7e50e1 > Plaoin Wyoon Mute....o lac5e150e1 Plainoen yrnL.7 150e1 1011,.liaeio iu tmnturd tat 5$3 $ 2ib iaid resse....o,".........1.02 3Ib iai ressedy1baud -3 1 L erady. rgise...........1.50 $1 2hl' Des.....1.60 1 G'eutiemaN'e Shlrt.......1.50, 1 Lany's roinet g 150.i pien of uli .......1.50 1 p t Bed over......1.50 1 Cr ottwor ner pane 1.50 1 Haik Couerpan. .... 1.50 1 Fane>'Baet...........1.50 li ffney Kittng.......10 Embroidaer n Wor t...d. 1.50 1 iCroeetiaWork.......... 50 1 Rase ephrli'Wl 150 1 Fit fler Wo......15 GuiureWok.......1.50r,1 CWnaxWrk.....150 1 OcFrnens taledi0Wr 1.50. 1 ;ï eme LQulini 150 -1 Waxlr pui...... 151 .150 1 FansmyoBaske..........1.50r 1 ?fi. ~1.50 1 c rlejalwn' ,00rôe Ap..........1.50p« 1 ' i:a Cdiatraw. 150 1 Fèater Fg,les.....1.50, 1 (»iüwa ZohrFoes....1.50 1i Sp Hai J»eweery......1.50 1 Watir tJies............150, I Wax Shila...........1.50 Farmrs' reat.......150 Wenld Ydar olobivs 1 00 Wora Oey2afuled net Wonld j our ereset" e - o Wha etIsI uden n-morai1 $1 Smater, ~Jitcraturt. How fleebles abked sheOld li. 1'aebloo -lad 4soksed 1Mr. MHein. veaîher's .daugterifs awonld give hlm1 a lift oDtoet pbJelrdom, sud mab aduala "jas.t" Il lherefore,, heame ubsolutll, naoaaryte get' the oid man's permisson, se, ce PFeablea sud, that saungemeats aight h. ud for popping- the conjugal pa1bles Wad ha'd ratier pop the inter. rogatory te ajilof ld Merrivesther's dhngh- tar, Osudbis idais. and hi&s-foale consin, sud bis sn iHs nluthe, country, sud th. vhola cf bis m eerelations, ibun sai old Merive.thar.-. But i hid£to bodoua,ý aud onh st, devnand stodisal ent'ua speechi, vblc-hob. aste diorge te .14 mrrivaather the very &rutchance, ho' got4 w.- Zob1 Bqeebl.edropped lu ou hlm on Smuday eveaulg, irben ail the,"-m llyhadmesdoralte clus meeting, snd fopul bna bings u lubeer ssuro, trying te oaicula*M h.exctnumber cf qathi r.tentior, couil helalvitu bioviuthebond offislm. - - "Hor%vreyou, Pebe7V' sui eld Met. nlvestber,6asPeebiesvailkedilusas vhite aa piece of cheiky, anal trembling as if ha bial mvallovad a coudopa ., eartbquui.- Peebi« Sos a fM& - e anver,- becansho vasn'tse about LItspeech.. Ha kuev ba baoe keep hýié-grîp open Il irbile h. hal ilther., or ik ventS s@ip akay fkomý hlm quichker tîhao sueiled cel tbrough aen engur bole.. Se ho blunteal right ont às "mrMerrlvqeather, air, perbaoi May net ba kuevu te yen, sire ltaI durlpg 44 extensive perloal of anome ire. jean.,i have bean uniiengageA lun the. -presoution ef 'aIs abat mo, and kiepiug il secrt ait tbis tinue, vIile, I theughs yen vas teuding tb.,store. IWell, hy George,,yodnu's u et lemu, Dov, *in'$ ye I', - 11Peeblas beal te baglil ov1,0er &gala tu gel lta rn cf il. ,j;.,_î "1fr. marriw#eàsber, i; Pethaps il May uot h. uninovu ,te yen tWh a dng un ex- tanaive pensealof fiue e ""a.,1 baveban enaged al1h.proseotion of a 'aommor Melal ntrprisavsdetersutionlo pro- "Bit' dean, Peebi ad belp yennsalf 10 heer. Don't stand there holding jour bat like a bind beggar' iith tho e lyi Wbat 1h.matte: výiti yen, auyhovw? 1 nover sikir jeubebava jounseif ao la ail MI hemn day à." 'Péisia noobeal ont agua, aud bad te irauder basïkfor a fresb atart. : Mr. _Meriveatiier, sir s t Il meot ba 'ninovn to, yen -tbat.,dnnng, an eztende< -er ofi~ etia irei 9 1bave beau né. gaÏed hatba proseontien cf a '.Oernanercla isttirpliàw ith îlU admiaatlou te procure "Âwhaesiadld Mervatlr butPFeeblesh.ld uohli h aç ,i!9F4worda fi it vus hi. opf1 e - »--4 veut- -n: 01n tie hopeth Iat 1 Oy.I uegh& enter vedL2e k, auatew my#Asrtfuly- Poe ovu..- 1 bave ha.. a l.a.lywMn,"e$Ir,sal "ahi itl , eible.jaadI slglÏd loi drejpWa4iu. ËRevis lb..14élitsn' wslL "imh,' unh.ashava te Yentust <bp get, a5sd liéd' uapiy vuth uer for about tvo menthe, sud stibthesud oet flua lim .h tld a couflalgutial tuiomi ibats lia venul villiagly taie more trouble sud undorgo a million more dog.bi!eos te ge# nid of ber. Uns. gorratvas langed as anu aou.'. pliesl iaemordur ei Proldent -Liunaolto. Bntier, ic '2onght t. evw, m»y$ <batl' e vas mnrdanod. The testinuony, ouv-wiel she vas ecvicteal vas thatof font, men-' Bicer, hfentgomeny Clear' ad Couoi.r preceu sacenudrels. Baker io nov deadt Mentgomery is nov lu prison for ambaziiomeut, Clea7en bas beau ceuviateal cf an infamoùo-offence, vIile Coucver fi senvut u a term iu the peuite-nian>. ËrsîuKing, vho proventeal' Mr. .Sur, rate's daughler front aeeing the Presldeut in bItaIt ef ber mother, committed suicida bY dnovning, in the North Rivet,Wvitla Lae, w*ho supporteal King la his conunc tevar.ls Miss Surratt, shot Itimucîf. IHar son Vas ieafor thb. mre offenct'but the change vas anudened. Comment is du- On th. 151h mat., a singuier <14.1 ph.. nomenon eccarred off'San Pedreý, ucutharu tCalifonnie, A sanies cf vires commenceal gôivig aPOth 4en h moscniug <la tide to taise sixty-threu or slxty-fout <cet abOe 1h. ordiuary high valet mari, vhl vu f oleovel by th. fmlling of tba tlde an Fequsi distance belIcr the usuel low vaser mark. The rime and fali eeCUnred regu.- 1iatly .evary baif heur, for seet b ours, creatlug conelal'uam among th. lu. habitants doug the coast in ttaêviily. The pbeuomauou lu attnibuto -ntee ubanadistarbance. 1h. "«Graoiau bond" at pressaI prie- îised hy Amrina dies, may ha rasdhly s ucqnifràd by eatiDg green apples. Ingersoli ha. reutad the baiebhal championship* front Woedstock by siz t Au éecellent cura for dyspepela hto -giveaibout" dog a plae eof meut1 and. Ohebm hlm ii ha dropai i. Tirea bondroédboies cf Canadls oeemaý hava heen shippeal from Montra t te I Enlana by tho ",8t. Lievrouce." The steasbip Grernanfa bningu a 10ot Ã"f veluable sock <o Mr. Cochraune ;rÃ"a bder coul $5,000. Total valu.etfAi-- 4'

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