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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1868, p. 3

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en the 2n4 e 7sh lut., UsbrL~Ige, .4u<ipt FalWhe 0.....00-8 .5 8prlag. ...... ......1,0a25 Barley ........ 90e. to 6oSas POUa............5.a9e WooI........28 1025015. Ibo a 800. Boter.... . 18.0 200 HEP.......10 a 12e Pio................$8.00 1 Day.$1.AOto$12per ton#' SENTi VILLAGE 0F COLUEBUS, In tise Townobip njBoit wb!tbylntbe Coun- % < Oubla, l o. e ,roisteq r ez- IFur ternm sud fut liserprtsuaplyt tbe Propretor on théHILL," CÂTIOLIC PFIG-rN1LC! A no-nio, lunm$ f tise ENlidlgFuntiof'- A b ais mboachure aDui nm re, THUESDAY? l7th INSTANT, 111 TuIE GYOVE0 WM. HA[ÀTRICKÇ, ESQ., J, P., a 1DlNNflC ONTus «ROUND. Quadrill Band fromTorouto. r Arrangement» are belssg mieé for amure, in4oa OdtL.ltioSports.. Tickets 80 meat. Grand Trimk Rallway HEotol AT WHITDT STATION. 1X7'KO~EILhaviag purelisme th ie botel àian pEmI es. kuowuàastise Grand TrE RotaIWhitby etitliou,beg <,lf -bis friand andth ie traveling puýlietisa li bau filteti np tibo uf s anti îblem l fri- aimas style, ant irbyattention th tisewaté or tss. who Javor lit n ith their patronage trusts to mrit a eoctluuof 0thoirous.tom. hW0 Paillai tàking thée train anti lem iog homa wlllbavaeIlium weIlt"kn car. ot il thiel ratura. Wlsitby, Sept., 1508. - STEAY IW"A» 1AIZ.8 E ÂME mth lpeml*oo of lb. ubarber, Pa SEwoandLanib. Tiseowner s request- ta psy expneuatk. îbem away, otiser- wiae tli.y wlllb oiti acordlug w lia, tW L,0t, Broken FYront, Wbtby. September 9, 1860,li-S ...ysPott u 0 130 ba a W lW W 5 55 1 le ubblknown o fret, a 1, .m ~or i Bi NELSON Go , ENOLD99, amekeps Vies PunwsExr, P. W. tP. P. X.9C. , letînsr , 1S . 140 % lslZy, son lise premlae.@ ptember noito on luteudlng vepuri- :rumt ou.w Nlh dar mdoe Appiy f0, 1EV. C. G. JONES, wbithy, sepi sld 8. 25 MRL nden l u rhi roui huai etz h Onart, hmlOafrlo, fr And 4., a eontlnuai of IbeM"anetoi o mu- eou r ,.Xward AÀ arni., Wliittby, sept. sad, 1869. 2w4 ILf11,0 Se RUSSPIIJL & SONS' thos abut preiaaln9b h ollwbugé :m rrom amg ran01 Te.tim nlal e bstre %e ésuhmevlhew hsroby .eartfls that ,the. wthb.urobaad <rom James. Jobtiston, =a ufacotuùreti lby Thso&.. Buasil e&Son, areàa tree tet, iorougly sellable lime kepers. JAmEs ELACE, Alion botel, Whitby., Tise Subsorther bereby certfies 1h51 lise wateh he purahreed from James, Jobnaton, uannflstnrd lby ?oe. - Umeoll *Son, l6 e rersuei thoronuly rellable lime keepar. <ouaty Regltrar, Wbltby. or A fi iasertmenýt la Qoltisanti Suer cime -JAMES JORNîTONq, Watoismaker, Brook Street. Whltby, sept.2, 1868. os TO REQNT 0OR FÂ&RMd ON SHARIES. S OUTH-lialf of lot Nô. 50, lu thoe $rd con- ecasion or Wbltby, 100 ACRES# - pply t4 lVbttbyi &Mp. , lm6. COMMERCIAL jA*LAMOr, td*1 HOTrEL, JAImSpuiUNGLE, Proprîetore. At tent 9'n! TEnnirlndbep tW Inforbisblénmer. T OUafnien ,1tsas lie stitks sir for maklng and ti f~Boots-andi Shos, et AiSCTION BUSINESS 1069. N.D B- Wnted-ê,O 13 sb. of0Barly* 5O000 Wheat. 3,900o " Ryeb 10,000 " Peage le~~~ 5,0 ats. .i Remernber the place.< OLDI No. 1. -~"the discount offered fo'eah ou D)ry:Gopd&. n YEOMAN GIBSON. Y G,.would '>respectfully inj?"m parties ho~ing accounti aligdu , of October, thiàt, unleu plid when due, 10 prcn wil hargedýfrom that date. Y. GIBSON. Whitby, Sept. 9, 1868. JNO.I 0elTILL &G0., Would reeagctfullr cail ttention to their large Stock of Furni- An examination of their FfIRST-CLÂSS STOCK, will warrant the lusayngthat theire is tione anperior *u the Dominon ,U TJhostering- of al. kinds, and the work guýranteed to be executed in a superior manuel'. SParticular' attention is requested to their NEW SPRING MÂTTRÂSSES. VeFunerais FuIIy Supplied.. C Jash for any quantity of FEATIIERS. 1Whitby, Sept 9, 1868. JNO. TILL & Caldwell'a CO Brick Block. Just receiveda fne a sortment of BÂ1TS, AND h'; Rus JuAt. receved a very large aud well selectod - f ýthe BEST tT-ÂLITYaud -iatest style,-for 741l aud-Winter Taa4e, which will be sold at prices, that ý_Oanwf be bea ~~~~ý OgMn' af ip, and OoWhide Boots, 4:0 0*>' -Womens' Gal', -d, an Calf Boots,,41 èt> - Misses' & Childrouns' Boots& Shoos. - .4 GZ3r Genticinena' Eng--lisb Lace and,]El tic Boots. ft PLT O"5VER E~alszs Ladie'ý id Gente' Best, Sewed and Pe ged Work matlp to order by _-CASTLE FOX.. Repaire nently executted RUemehiaber-t stand -next door North of Royal (Janadiau Bank, MoMiil Block, Brook-st.. WhitIby.- ---- Whitby, Septeniber. 2nd, 1898,- oe6-. BARGÂDIý,N- DOMINION. z çq E o O w oe toahei l tse arot w- ivit tse nsecionofour<mnd, feci- , ts"861 vsc socat os$1,25 to $2,50. ual qaality, luit sesson, have colt #$3 b $4. A -FALL 0F MORE TRAN, F-. ER CENT Dosn occur every day; aud we would advfre our filen4b ttae arantate of il ýb.foe tise magnîficenit plospue WtLSALE,,< ,PiIIýCES! lW WULD &LSo EMnD OutUI ER THÂT IN CI E A E, -1) rsos wébIgèLg u alehna, &o,,I a mad sauteg i the la. I terest at tb. rate ofusixper- ent, Per1 And Wheregg ths total amounut, eqnired te obe raiseti annuaUy,, by, tspolia S rate, for re-payment of suci lYeben- tures, andtinte rest tisereon, tisera-1 by to-be ureatei and lncurred isatise muni e!one tisousanti six isandreti and AndtiWhereas, the amont ofthe whole * ratin rot of t he sit Twsid p os- by, accodtn t te t ait revlseil as- 18 aoent roiuas ther tgln nua dred a fqry-n 0 loaaati ain bôi~ed and itn délYMi, lrreopao,1e àntiWisereas, t1iea no debt of tis aàt corporation of tise &&i Townuip of heWhltby, aitisar for principal or aitai'- [au' Andi Whereas, tise annual- epaclal rate la the dollarjor paying tho intareatand ,j y lun&blmartof0'ltlpal falllssg due, oayear, or ig unfor atheg ayn u k fthe principa of tesaiddea)theia- by Intendee. tW ha incarreti, accortilng te the Actrespectlns 1h. Muùnicipal -Institutions ci tTpper Canada, la co Wmili anti-aigit.tentiss of a miii. lieréby 'enacteti by-tiso Munfcipal > Coancil of tise Corporation of tise Towns.hip'ol Whltby, tisatishe Debea- O tares of tise Corporation of tis sald" Towtmhlp of Witbr, te 1he amoant of thse sasa of filteen Lisnatiddollar,,- > la smm of not lais tisa one isaadreil >dollars, nor tues'. tisas fit'. istndrtid -m dollars,.oaii, haslniniterestat'tise rate of six pçor cnt, payable aItise z Ontario Bong,,ila tise cil> of Toronto, shalh fortiswith, alt1er tise;pasiag »o Wtii by-law, ho maie'and;execated b y this e o f the maiti (orporation, and bel' hlm daIy soignedti nd eleti with tisa corporate seal of, tisaid Corporation, or basiciso he'porio,ý h eing a mesae of tisa Couacil'of tise saîi Corporation, as , b y any hy- law of tise usit Corp i ln, hiseofter matie anti pasieti for thiatparposa, bho -appoatatité- exaceute' sud aigu 1hé' ame, sali Dehentares te ha so matie S andi ezecuteti, -tisatishe susa of seven hutirit anti fifty dollars. of tise saiti Caua of, fifteen tisoasanti dollars, for whicis fleontarei are t e eIssueti, aa aforesaiti, togetiser viti tise i atereit Non tise w-iole amoanL of.Dehanturas »se&dandi no more,- shall become -payale la "any one, ya Iar tiereaf 1er, andtihie whole of sucis sm o!flftaox' Z thoasasit dollars, for w-hidi Daben. turcs, shahlie issueti, shah ho ematie O payableilu tw-enty equai annual ln- stalmenta, cf savon isndreti anti ffty dollars eacIs wils Intarest<- attise rate 2 cf iz per cent per annasa, payahle balf yearly on tise whole ausa remain- slguapaiti, on tise tirstday of Jantsary, **anatheÏtis ia day of July, ini euhi anti every year, anti po part of tise i S principal or interest sisali b. m'ate payable at a tIme more tisais tweaty years from . l ime this by -law- sail m o o 8 s,> 2nd. Tisa w-han one haindrati thoasanti dollars, ot lise Capitail Stock of aid~ Eailway, lias een mabecribeti, and te n per cent, thereof paiti labo ise of thse Cisarteti tanks loi liis Provinee, sud-tise acting Engineer of tise nid Roati cetifies ýat flve miles of tise - JAMES - 0114111 AssIgute, Monej sionar, Notas>' Pbisild, tEe., OFF1CE~'.5oooati FItor,2 Brook SU,..; Whftb~. - Whltby, Aug. 26, 1868. COW S1TLAYED. o (mporé . Aliberal rewarti wI September lit, 1868. f5 A" XMLION AND) A -QUATER MONEY,'TO LOANd TSE Sabearlber buas ieolveti InstrudIloli <rosa ageatle aavo bmasalargamouat of moneY Isivasteti Eulaoh secunra , te in- veut tie'umnefoi'hi tl bis aadjolnlug Coun"es, ongooti Faim 1roperty, or Deben-ý tares.. Iý mîsll contiane to reproenot three of th# largeat Monetàry Institutions in the I)omlaloni that leat money ou the mont advsntageous tonna. 0- Also a large number ci wel cnltlvated Fermas, anti any -qtiantity of WIIti Labda, <ici sal cheap.- For further parftledilara,é pply te JAXES HEOLDEN, O£eial Assigasse, Money Broker,. Commis-' aloor N t1ublio, ", c. OF1'ICE;-ýSeoat Floor, MeMilan's Bloek, Brook Strot, Whitbt.. N. B.-I amn also prepareti nveat la àll kinda cf Debentfxree. - (.4reeabaoks boagbt affiti olti;; also à large quaatity of Silvor Poi sale. JAS. EOLDEI<. IMPRVED BUCK m EVE GRAIN DRILL WBu imEInE TO CALX AlTEION TO 0158 BUUK EYE GRAINDRILL, WE WARRANT IT TO B0W WHEÂT, OATS, ~M W. can s.blp aS ouf., ors. Atitileas, ?. 1v. <~ Auguat 1db, 1888. -i wV4fW"%ýý ý wàfflwàal J. YARNOL

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