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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Sep 1868, p. 4

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f (~ ~ A/ i -ntai.of the ourtalat, amidet greate.ppIsu ,qîld eoéienced "Fatber, das father," 4 f1 O . Bv.ry word vas diouileti, and ohi -Lng the. balla wlth ,geat feeling; In f rJer, 'hevevert te foill- deoribe te. cee 4w/Meh followeà sacli verse 15 lu unoeesary lî) sive *Il ltt ie 1ry'. ouq s- "ailier, dear Irallir, corne, hom,e wlh me nOv,ý llie Carki it le aéipe 9rie eeI(gon >1 t,,u proimLsd, dmr Millier, ihat youwouî%1, e home, Au goenn a.yeurdgirfit waa wu$don.. Usîr farc hbusonieo ui-our hous. la ait dank, An4 nailorta bocu Wiclîîg aluee900, %VII otlttl. ienu,>' ao al(ek li ler arme, AndDoone iii" bnet but ome, Oorno home, conteéborne, 'contei homre, MIIlII ae lbior u'rn(suber, cone home, At the,çcoieîoi of thé lust lino thé drop. eg5drow iup, displosing thefeeulin fiat thé door eof à publie bouae la drunikea, lhîgmutddl@e ali, .vitlb pipe sud"pot before lli». Little Mary was srylng lota rg hlm î'î>m bis cest$ aIthé s ame' timé poinîlug te it curtain buhind, ai' eh. teck up thé. ré- i, ain< from Cth lady, and tonchlngilysang, Come home, ' lc. This oher curtain cmIuisnow drawu aslide, disolosing a wrétebed tom, vii thé poor mother iting ou thé round vith'a sulky boy In ber lap, and la w me apt cf feeding hlmt with a speen. Fimuita *ne6oly wltbthé drawiug Wcfthé r, urtain, the lime.lilght vas brought tc, bear OPeuC thé tableau, giviug th eai ruI>' a te,:rtllng effect, ACter a mment or two lse ecî-drop came dova, aud thé lady t-iocoeded s-- f alilgeî.ln, efne bhime W11l4 me nOsv "ho a Il lan .te t)i~rAk,'awoi <koitig,goli) IffiitiglL r rowil ruldrr. amI IIuîaniy la worse, î'itioillisa la worae, tnîcil irnn aujlie wl iel, tlerblosýiahritro î,îriiog allaiitI dci, fidti titI ws the fumeag~e ah,'uegît fieta bille- Col" qflekly, or letib. i iio gîo fiibuge. Isill hontea,,'Coma homne, icade aillehr, den,'alier, cogne. hotu,," 7116 set drop rigs eagaîn, sud nov the ulsld bau hcld of thé pewterpet, tr>iug -'tald4olt' rom ber vl,'ouigen parent,sand a i 3i continus tthe tve0 lestlines, à"Corne i otîté, le,, te ti.chcr. curtain le dravu î.-sde, sud ve next uoe the child lying i :îeîebed-ouî on lie mobr'tilcpj sud as i, juet raises lis lutile boad ud alle back 'ili a gasp, vith thé ime.lighs strongl>' lectiug open It, theré was a resut>' about low h iole -terrible te view- gobe verdi I eard from lail 'paru of théehallcomiug iým thé femalé portion cf thie audience, t- hile tsare trichîcd down man>' a rcugh baie clheck, Wu have ceeu "B800sa trply,ll Thé Stranger,' 4 Jane 5horee leasî Lynu," suad othor effective pièces iayed, but neyer bofore dli ve iîeu e '-ch ae-acone of gêneri cryiog. Thé 1 incipai fosture calietI te mind thé pic. i ,re of the611Slter of Mercy," viti thé 1 ying child lu her lep, aid thé desth vas t,4r(ull nuturai. Eveui thé lady vbc, ing wacs ffeced, sud could scarooe> pro. ctod wlîh the third verse s- Pallier. irtar ither, cam orne oeWigiMe nov, rIis ittil la theasteple alrites Ibrie i (gonig, gosîg, 'ii ou, ig un onaly. dm0 bours arc 00 long, Alit Kaouw,îlithes.angtl'. olilith, ,î*ai, p were lbge Vry lai word. ltai lie aid. 1 veul 1ta il,> pap-tomdingll. corne home. corne lhome, corne home, 14lgs.. (teber, deai fallier couie boint.Pi  iuthé curtain irceo, <iielesiug lit), ilsry on ber kuces appéaiing te ber father, vIlio, wîti !tée pet élevated, lu lu théeset cf trlkiug ber vwith it, as ah. singe, * Coeieomel, ensd tien the huck curtain mm avc asde, shoving thé mother prayiug tvéz a, chld'u coffin. But nov the gobe nturt eu til uhore freely, sud twe fémales w- rs esrried out iCaing. Théescons vas iruly harrcviug, snd ve gladl>' turned onv <yes ave>.-, An Additione 'verse ws uug0Dabout "Por Ben>"belng - viithéheangele w bore. -The droproué; thé father, cober b; û,y lu vééplurdoier thé coffin viithéh i --ethér, aundi ltile Mary, on ber liuées, s:aîggI, i Heme, homé, fathér, doàr 1ither'a Cons home 1"li t ibis moment i e othér' curtailu fsdra"u aside, sud lUtile l'enuy làu caspended ovér thé coffin viii %,ingc, smlins dovuaopén <bosS sud polât. ing upwa&rds., The (alher falis forwardou lis fi"., thé eut drop descendsid for & minute alle bushed uave teli o f: tie 46Thera" sald. a verkiug-mau b>'outr ide es hé béavgà a ig cf relief, d"Ur. lIipurgeon , dever preaebed a boter sermonu taO4aI I >-.auexpression te hilci vwe aastateRsud tion. loft thé hall,. se rm s" &r Sle,- EBEINGESTATU 0F TE 'T A .Ti'W2' TLU' fiTr 1,1L rrw'w Iu order to affect,*i clearance, the - feth - balance of thw, stoé1cýt yfer UNTiL THE 2Oth DAY 0F AUGtJST. tgin, to purchase their FALL &-àWINTeR fQj pTCwihJwl be found. much larger than usual '~, > . er Due'notice w114 be given on arriv'ai' 0f their Fail importations. Whitby aud 3Maucheuter, 3u1y 9th,1868 . .27 THEOL STD! in refermne to an ainnounceinent of dissolution of the copartner- ship heretoforeécxistlng between TILL &k MO., -the understgned désiresto, inféra bis ficnds and mnerons patron thst ho stili continues thé business established b>' is late father, ln 1888, at the. OLD STAND, Nos. 3 and 4, TILL'S BLOCK, BROCX BTREET, WIIITBY, where ho vili b. slways found read>' 50 attend to thé vants. cf customers. An -entire Dew stock cf tho best manufàotured Furniture. , UPU1OLST£RY A USUAL. UNDERTAKING AND FtJNZRALB Supplied'a eeooe W»Some splendid specimens of Pieture FramÙesi, anld Gilkung. Remember the Old ,Stand. Wluitbyt Mê 4, 1868, '~~Tmé. Krxa. T11OS, LA WL ER, WHIOLESALE & 'RETAIL CEIËNERAL CýROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT OROKERY &GLAssWARL- TUIE CHEQUERED STOREi.e". nEOck -STI#ET, WRITBY. KINO 8ý-TR!E1EtOSÀA STLPAE a DLOOS MILLINERIY, &c. MA IFÂC1 wER 0Fo oe-CLO.GBOOTS- ÂND SHOES: '&c, I~ Go* ~m~Î 'Wut~,% doI~ii~ iwd Work; "&w êounLind, ý lei oe e D~Eglisk Ki',Frencil Os 1 ,I aui »% 0kl anY si i ier, and min - i'r ;.uu'THE HT oiitF4L NTRO AromEg'. MUUAR -~ i E CIAL, NOT1:cE Single Reapers and,-Doweýro,, and Reapr 41 d~Mo*.rs Combined Th;'e subseribers would calt hé dàttention of the Agrieuliural com- munity tf . tbMr ýk pfjmpleàients,.,wbere wlll b. found almost evmrthinz the. Par- M , MAY requfr., >d4 .pgcial1Y at thiga î pf she year. tto týi o Of ZAPER.,$ ,,AND 'MOWERS', Ofeveralkinds,add'of1the-LatestMake.. ,To which althe La- test Ii:provéments found necessary by practicable tests during the lust sesson, have been sdded. Bi1's Ohio Reaper and Mower combined, Caynga Chef Reap. S and Nio-er combined,ý the Mfanning Blâg .le Reaper, thé Cayug'i Junior' Nfower.-Of an>' sud al of the aboveÎMach1nes, we invite a trial;. They are manufatured wlth #are- of the A&nd eu b. garateed to tiie pnrchaser to give satisfac-tion upona1ai riai, onosale. Whlty, Jly 4BROWN &PATTERSON. HOME DEPOT LONDON& 'LIVERPOOLJ No. 23, Hoëoital,,,,t.NMo'treal' Pure and GENUINE TEAS, 6<' slendid naturel faâv *o, mported direct fromn the Comipany'& Plantations in ASA, antI.on the uiopes of the IIIMALAYAB, blended with the fineuit products cf CHINA. Oniy Two Qualities, viz. :-7Oc. or $1 peor lb, eltber*Black, Grééi Or ixd. FineHiousehold Tes, cousbining îtrength and Flavor, 70 cents per lb, Vinet pocurble...................idollarper lb Md inl l Packets and Canisteralby the Company's. Agents, in, ever>' City andI Tov lCanada. - TR AD E Agent for Oshawa, MA RK. MR.- MARK- ]ROBINSONj i MÂKET BLOCK.*4 - -0 - CORNER 'of BYRON & DIJNDAS Ss The subsoribers's Fll 'Stock.of;choice FamilyGroceriesIs now. complote, with -every article us"ul> kept in a 6rt-cLms estàblishment, ou uisting m ipart cf- - Yoýung.Hymsonp Japan, colored and uncolored, and Congou Tea, groiund and inround CoffeesP Spios., P'pper, A Cumaon, Iove,Lemon Orange and&-, oei Poè~l, j Suprka, fi thé bes1fOuba, toe i.fi.est ground, Syirûps ýef the beat 'varieti. A ç0mp e'te Btocký«ffixst-pIas# Pleur, Oato, -Oorn, andý Btwhe1it meall, Peed of all kinda. very cheap for Cah ILu addcaition ta t eioye, I-have adde>d 0a ompIcte asiorfximent of Cochr>' <rm a i~iviuala1tce1ar4ta, afirii-clasu set of China, slof hi'~ cr11 s.old 'Tr ehe P ,Iprcash, My m otta lu flot te be.u dçm od. ,Ç ssk idfor an y' quantit>' of gooButter. Remember thé place, corne: cof Byronatud Diiodus Ste, Whtby.ý WurnBr, NOV. 27îsa186. -. BROWNt BOlýeOTS & SHES fke Rg t, Fit' anid Make, ,,TLe-UWnbei" AjeurÉ"-'è sncee hans t fHndsan 2ba Meormi It Company. , Merxlm155 Git»T&-Iî la neurly a year saime h prcaciie hai ebesi ef Tee (rm yenrbouse. hsav purebaaed uy- ain.> na au icaedto issthrm yen lbe Tea ba& ia erery caaq »voved moaîaaue(acs,v,a. weill aneg Ilesniyhep. Yeurs very fini>, '- * FDEN l <ln.axa.--'be TràTi purebaaced of von in bMarcihba, ircu eatala(stun.sd theiaver fhIs lvery. finIe l-4very s.range, but situce 1have becs' driokiig your Tea tiawe besqulîe frec I(rotamarurz,wbgeA Wotal mv.ypaisn moe ebresit 1atirlibute Ibiohe i.pur!Iýr>OtytuirTe. u aaicnhneacamr YOM napfliy, - -~e7 8,IfNQST.-0 azas, itm"4ApýiM.-Tothe elntreal eaCouipmyï upitel Street, Mnrd WcItc wt Ia aurae b lrgesmont o! tea ldai e bave lbiwar<Id (or you ta dilr.st parts. of ie DominIon, sdve ar.pIad ho Iqtiyonr livui s npid biereasigig. MWcpresnme youv Tesare gi rnggesseraaiialw%ac4ont t - - -.-: - MaqgerCaadInExpresa Co-y Oxata-Ti tex sEnglieb Brcùkfaataad IYanng Byaaa ;eawihy en muegives gv.atasl(c ion.Yn mu>' expeci usy fnute ondora. Youro, Se, M . SKIN<NERI. -<"Bevure of pedilen or runuers nalng ouï uasue,er selffflug oui Team inu amali. paclties. Nothiug teesthanàacattie ecid. - - - - - --. - lNt&uhéèéddreu.+-ýTbo MentroalTea, Company', 6 Hospital St., Montres!. P Car: -CARRIAGES 0fl very. descrption kept on h kstgta bot eun, ai ý t ha aboiv acltie u t hie disposaI, th e U fd exe cuto all orders promptly, 'with whb DIVISION COURTS, IN- TRIE COU - O~T F ONTARIO, FOR TmEYER 86. Me .0. DONOYAN, 9 -4- in. lii 8e', I'àwhtb -1r Princet, -' Albert,- ICO P ............ue riceAir. . .. 8 8 .. 1 P. " 5, c4un ...... ....t...o1 .......27 . 5 ... 1 . po itcd h -ob ï6, Iié5Vl7ill......... ..... .l22....2..... ...6...2&2 . peoiiey Holdara.. lE 9,Ahre'. ......... ..0 ........ '24Th' C<on' j1 ii-î - icies on flVETi Z. BIJENHAW. Whltby, Jannar>' lotI, 1868.,- - 'Jmo DEATH, A]ý At moderato 1lstes of :Bag4ai expérienee of Theé Pioneer Cou% 111E ýýMONTREAL ThA, COMP'NY. 1rt'l'Il. CL . 'à neWBssOé llrlaon--snonu -uy ' asacrem055GK i mjiéiexo, Tu1E, MONTREALTEA COMPANY. 0 11 HOSPITAL STREET, KONTEAL, ('UR TUÂS, atter tIiernootoseere tests b>' thé beetuméial authrite san ud ndgof eTes, PJhave bean prconed te lbc quît. pure, ad<e rs u'atfes ooagfP01,0013u» flsrrour. Tii.y bave bean chosen fer thi air intrinie vortb kaopsluIs mid hateeou Ing s savlug te the consumier of 150. t o o. ror lb. Our Tes" are put'up ta 5,12, 15,"20,&sud 25 lb, bçoe,and are varranted pure sud tre. <froi.posoas subistances. Orierc. fer four 01b. boxe£, tvc IS lb. box#s, or Ïoe20, cr28 lbl. box salnt carrnage trte st6. tlIaastatIon luI Canada. Tes vil! bc forwarded Immediately cu rcelpt cf tue order b>' Is! ànrt*in1t- iseu.yo tih. mono>' eau b. colléedon ideliver>' hy expres.s-muun, iere tuer. areefi, noce.. seendiugncera aem by diathetuount of $10 to saezexen#e'itwviiib. éttr odthée'mlute> vlth the ordor. Paliere a253lb. box wbolbc toc t, fu auiselb gtgtereui moid for four 5 lb. boxus, or twco 1211b. boies. '.e oud senZmIte ee adrecanage asd gir. eùtntleati6"aeioua. Itic>' are no sautfater>'thé> eau be returuedas our expeus,. - BLACJ< TEL. - Euglish Brenkfast, BrokenILeaf Strcug Ts i.So. ieFlavonred ËN e semun do., 60e. and 65c.; YeyM Fe ulFlavored do., 75e.;tendCoî, 1;KdiFlve d.Oa; Veir> Fine do. do., 75.; Japait, (bcd, SO. 5e, "n.,oea, ' o Fine, 6be%, inet, 73c. TwankCay, 50C., 550., 65.; Young Ilyson, Soc, 680e.45. 70e.' Flue do.. 75é, Véry Flue, S5p.; Superflue sud Ver> Clisle, $1;j Flue Gunnpevder, 8bc iExra j erifud. I Teaam net meiioned in thisetrcular equali> hap Tauysl b'iisCmpn' W' An excellent MixetI'Tes could ha sent for 6e sud 70.; ver>' gebfer mmon parposes, Ont cf ôtIrroee thcussnd Testlmenials, vefusent the follovlng - ladopismaF. E.A. oime, issgers; 49 Ua sille Street, c.hiezago, MAss Sôvtwo Managero . Feobs'ary O167I D.F.BURKj9 Famll>' Giééer, Wl.. & Spirit No. 2,9 IHE' LC XING-E9T.. E*ST; 51iâ !f .'lpI -Vzmv.... nraamasDV S UGAflES GUOCEBIES, &0, 0F &LL MUIDS, Mnay f is, 1867. 21 L1-VE RY ! GILI Toronto.- IB 1o1icitoQr lin ha tory Publie, 4-c- 4Omwuc-xt door 1 A.ýcmpbeil, Brook mStL, wulthy,Noall S SI. F SOLICITORL, NOTA OMshaia, e.w%. W. il, 1B .Jcoak Stru et. Wlitby, jan. 23, 19 ClIAÇLES4  T-JRsEy AT on, Brock, C. W. ~TOR2Il-AT- Ah Pt,!It ory *oWsz, t.iW.a 4 DB ucrs andrert r 9 IL LTiit. AT ceun,>'Croîen A'r Porti rm, 2;th te D C. i'£RA LA DUSrite, SlCfSIJ £urney,1- in.. J C). C14JN VOIYL-LXJ Wlsitby, .Jan;2~ L.OUGE N TOTii Jeetadsliulins 1 Gla«a, iTve oe o.14,154 ROI1, .ii. 1 l

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