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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Sep 1868, p. 4

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bit- 49b tu » atof n i ramog-uSon- ~~ttu~a4map- ba b 1ib "ud aIv*e adafl br.ad. Parlb~b iu~o1 arriage brobors, but Chicago wlickia divorce- lIwyuM 1bu p oil Plae fo, r cu hid.aE &Sa, Th it ilWorka, aei Qa*&, toiiont (vo. . 'lghi toto in Tbr.mhng ".binui Plain, 'ae-aeot~of §mbuiDlnp, AÀ wlnartsuie Of die: -a bi tèry.' À PaJin" derteeofaîr-on1a ~1!iebrtkîibs Idfiromî em.-fbrlc@. BTRAY laWE< MLAB OýU inteti " 41wi. 0 a Ewe And Lib. Theo wnereroqrber1d et psy cxponses and take tisein awssyj> cheiot ,*Aec théy iii Ub. muid aeordlng tW law, te doimy Mmre. EmtnbrLot 81, Blokeu Front, Whltby. 8otmo 9,.k$08. Sin-ge WHITBY. E. AMSTONO, - - proprictor. -N0 TIC-E" Conntyof Ontr 0, hcrchy given that Toý Mit -_ ,tue Cc(3qrt of Assize Al -Pa,p <» Il tsad Termitier, and ihurie Gmt,! DliverY, viliibecIsolden lu sud for the COUutyf a trieê In thse ,court fluse, In, thse Tow U of Wbit.ty, on TUOI(dayv, Otober 27th, 1868, At'the hour of '12 o'aiock', noon, of .whiels ail Coroners, Juetica 0 f ths e ot,atisditi! othent concerned ivili Lake notice anud goveru tisen- -NELSON' G. EEYNoLD.S, Per IL . .Toniinsop. biiortll s oc9, Id-Bso Grand Trunk Railway Hotelli AT WIIITJJY STATION, WX1M. (YNMIL ividig perielîe i îoltel _ nd îrouuuisesknown aus the Granid Trunik iMotel , W îitb'y station, bego W itsforuus Iin fricn'tut and tise trsvling puhîllo duat ho lues fittcd np the. houf o' and ,,ablis lu filrmt- cliaisstyle, uîîîd by attention 10te e nts ef thomie Whîo lavor hfun wlih their patroniage trlots w nierit' a coortinuuc8of their custoun. W- Partics taiing the train andi leat iug heréses wiiFh hue thtm well isken care of tilii 'Iolerotu1rùe.1 Wiltbiy, sept., IBOS,35 A MILLION- AND à QUARTER M01NEYî TO L!.OAN. T IXY. Snbmcriher lias recels-ad Instructions' Ir .fons a gentlemian wlîo lhan e largem aonumî *b ,ofOi ley ited ln Eiiglisis secuntie,te tlu- *iU tht smre tor Jihn, lhi thl. sud asjpIiîng (Jountice, on golPrsirpry or Debei-ý turps I iii. ýcontinue te repremiint Ilrce of the IagpMonetry Inutltuts mlu thé Dominion, tisaI und monoy un thse mont advautageus Sar lso a large number of veil eniltivated vino, sud-sny quautlty of Wilid Lndi, for mals eiîoep. For furtiser prtîculirs, apply te OMcslAssgue, L.ney Jirckor, Conmîs- monor, Notary7PubIlo, t&c., &fo. .OFFICE-eondFloor, IlcMillau'm Block, trook strut, WhitbTr. W.Be3-Iam also priparesl te invoist ilu 1l tý lundsef Dobouturos. (.reuboeksbou'ngit sd;iti; a armge '%ùaUty of Slver. 1e aie. JAS . IOLDEN. BW BUKEY GRAIN ýýDRILL 0o wu pisisu TO CAML ATTmrTO OeUR EUK YE GRAN,. ]RILL.,I WE WARRANT IT TO 80W - "' lijAtS, éi d " ,1.M ,10 - -.- RSSSED 00, lu ltse0msWIagaz aiom, upon r.ete Wo.4LN .,vWlitby, Septéimber. '2nd, 186 8. KINC, aadianBak cUn' R. J.YARNOJID, W.ATCIES, &'ýJEWELLE'RY. JMES JOHNSTON begs t eall the attention of intending prchasers to lus IN4W STOCOK,,0F GOLDAND SILYER WATCIJES, -JEýWEL'LERY, Clocks, kcQ afl'of whicli wil be. eold at the, lowesit prâ'. on sistent w!th gomv quality., WTCECOE& WLItRCrffyeird Wýhity, May 4, 1868.> 18.ly We beg, te announee ',the arrivaI of a lot of the above Cele'brated Aie, In packages of lot,,15 and' 30 -gal- loua, and as we have made perman- ent arrangementsî for *a supply TWICE A WEEK, parties may. re- ly ýupon g tn' FRESH, tândâ't Manufacturera' prices, freight add- T. H. XeMILLAN' & CO. Whitby, Augustat GI. ai TH OLD--STAND!O E8T A BLUSH- E D 18333 In'reference te an announcement of dissolution of the copartuer- aisip beretofore existiug between TILL & BRO., thse unders:gued desires te inform h is fricuds and nunieresîs patron that lie sf111 continues tise, bitusestabliabed by hlm late fatiser lu 1833, at tihe ')LD STAN-D, Nos. 8 and 4,' TILL'$ BLOCK, BROCK STREET, Wtil'nBY, where hxo viii be always found ready te attend te tise vanta ofe ustomers.- An entiro ncw stock of thse bout munufactured Furniture. UPLIOLSTERY Ag UNDERTAKIG AND FUNkERALS.SBuppled ao heretofore. LFSome'splendid specimens of PictureFrames, and GiMing. 1 ? .aeoiçeur cao vte io&ace, Whitby, May 4, 18688. 18-iy lAVA Taver -Keepe can suit tiienSelvea as wi ronto, or elsewhere. Cash. for ail ki Remember the place. [Whitbyý,Septi. 16, 1868- C rageEI reil, if not better than by going to Ti inuds of farmners produce., Re FRANOISti No ,on the. corner.. - - ' Thre CY a roi] 0f ever description kept on handl and made 'to crder, from the, lates uu mbsîd 09gs at thse above carnage works. With the epcrensed facilitiesnov At bis dispoual, tise undersignedlis botter prepared than ever to excouto -al erdero promptly, with which ho may be favored. Brock St., Whitby, «Tune 9, 1868, M. O. DONOYAN91 DIV1ISION COURTS 114 THE COU NTY 0OF ONTARU.O,ý ]FOR mHm lAm"188._____ ýo. 21 ýýliý i 2 1 2 1 .1 1 1 1rAi 011 rnnc iler . 1 - a . I 29 ..i .... 4 80 3, manches -e0 No.] Wli..... ............ ..II2 4. Uxbrid 14 31 1 20 . ... . .. o s 2, ii ern ........ ........ 1..... .... 27 .... ..2 '6, Ibnaverto,................... . 22 ,-... 28 I.... .... 6t.... 22 . 7, Atheriey ........... ...... .... 24 ... .. 30 ...j . .. 8 .. 24 Z. BVRNHAM, Whitbye January lOtis, 1868. Ju,.,o,. $15,OO N PR ESEN ! AT LIOYTS' NEW PIIOTOGRAPII &GALLERY, OSIIAWÂ CORNER 0F KING & SINCOE STREETS, FIRUT FLOOR. Prizes consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Brooches and Jewely ef ail kinds; also Sewing Machine, Paintinge, Albumsy and a va- iety of' excelle ut docks. Life-like likenesses taken in a few seconds, :in a, manner to en- sure perfect satisfaiction. IW' See Bis for- manner of distribution of pre. sents. Now is the chance for ail te seoure enduring P11OTOGRAPHS, and valusble presents, at a less price than meut photographers charge for thse pie- tures alone. Oshawa, Marcis 24, 1868. 12 MRý.KET BLOCK. CORNER of BYRON & DUNDAsSiSs. The snbscriber's Fail Stock of choice Family' Groceries is now cemplete, with every article usually kept in a llrsL-eckisetablishment, con- sisting ipart ef- Yrounlg H yÏonIP apan, colored and uclrd and Congou'Teas, ground and unground- Coffees, Bpiceu Peppert Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Lemoin, Orange, -ani Citron, Peel, Sugaru, tom the. best. Cuba, té the. fiest groundl Syrups of the. best varieties. A complet. Stock of first-claso Plour, Oats, Corn, and Euck-wheat meal, Foed of allJç.indsl olm' very cheap for Caséh. - 4: In addition to the above, I have added a - compicte sssortment ef Crockery, freiný an individual Saît-celIar, to a firut-clas set of China, ail of wbicis wiii besold'very cbeap foeuah, My motte is net tbe undersold. Cash puid ferany quantity of peoi Butter. Remember the. place, corner of Byron and Dunda Sta., Whitby. L. BROWN. tt-47 1WHVIITBY, NOV. 27, 1867. BOOTS & QHES. 0fthe Rigkt Fit -and .llake. TLe sîubscriber begs to return 1 us sincere thankg tb friends "ïgteutu. er tueery lleral pt=tigexteuded te bm' inuce ho comewuecod'b"s fW hin"iultla ordero10 ileprut'reqalremauts of busines, hb e s uoy 1h. preinisea, nevfmpaots, rrnuitvo. to aux îlem, znceo, TIIEZ ACRES, fencreti, kno'wnatiste olti L'ricket Field. To,ÂCEfývc, a .p' eit cricket ml. 14~ ACRE, lenced, outI of Cricket fl. 6 LOTS, fonceti, west ef reeltien, S 0i J. 4 LOTS, fenced, wegt 'efBrook @tract, ant Sentiso e Iadeuce et Nathan Arnold' ~~~~'ýL" 'iS fuiiEste rook Strect, At proeut occupied bhy J. S. 8prowlo. LgAie severai village Lots, lu varions BUSINESS PREMISES. Tise vacant Lot adjolning Lovea & Poweiî'a, Brook street, 37ý foùt front, 9e feu deep, 1te a -Tise vacant Lot Seutis of Royal Canadian Bianki, 22 feçtliront " 98 (bat deep, te a Iane. Easot» uo0f Breck st«reet, eppeasite te 10 acfeson Brook street, INorths ef Eaiîvey bridgo. W1LD 7LOTS. Mars, South X~ 9, tti con, 100 aorcs. 66, si t618, l2th If 100 il 66, 4, isthIl 00si 66 -z' - th-LOU Raimat Pt. Lot 16, Brd il 180 66 Lot là, 4tis 20W Sesuervilie, Lot 7, 1gth" 200" Bidon,, Wet-X, 24, 8nh <'100 DegieY, Lot -12, 4th "200w Guil Ràivei, Lot ai, 65 Bexiey, L]otiS '& 7, -eh "400 Brochi,. Euat Pt.18, -9th 66" 95 Hlowtek, ýLot 22, ISth 66 100 has Bsry Roat, Lot 25,8ii4" ALDEMARLE 11NDIAN LANDS. MILL.SITE asttise mentis of Beavor River. Village oet Baverten, --Acresq. P0"R T- P-ERRY, Seecral village Lots, susable for, business locations, àanti îvte resîtiencea. j9 Aise village Iots lu Brigiston ant inl tise Village of Brecin, -T6oip of Mars. Tise subscriber lseving doterusineci te close ont tise wisole of isis .'Ccuiil tate business tise presient year, if possible, thée above properties ae offereti st loy :figures,, anti on long ternis of paynicnt. -Apply te, J. HAM FERRY, Wuumav. Wisitby, 4th July, 1868. 4snon-27 NEWLY IMPORTED P PE R HANG 'IN GS. T R1E undersignecl beg a telîsteru the pub- j.lic tisat llieieus purcismatduninoe, lus. e- cent atay lu Engiend, a lot ci SPLEXDID PÂPER INGNS Selecteci caret uhly by iislf, visicis ihaoon sale at Very Eeduced Pi'rces. aud Paper fsngsag, exeenteslusn a vork- unsuliko and expeditions issnner,,as nmnal. A. C.' WILSON, Wihitby, Apnil 8, 1868.ý 14tfi NEW CARRIAGU4AND, WaggnShop- la preparet temaunutures ti er, &i kisîise or INSUR. Ci ICORPOATED J», TE.I Legislature of Oonneoticut, Witisperpetual Charter. I 10,0,de-. positeïd vitistse Coniptrollie = sculyfor i'olicy Hoîtiers§. Thias(Compansy l; nov preparel te iuuePo- licies on-LIVE STOCK, 'ageinst botlt ]DEATH -AND THIEFT, AtHmod0ràste Rates et Prcniiuni baseti on aa Englisis expenience of over FIFti.rY YEARS. Thée Pioneer Ctbmpaay -of Amnse-ss HOMEE OFFICJE.-No 258 Main Street, Hrrtford, (Jonî. r BRANCU ICE.-8Wasbington Street. Boston., ESsuat & WAMMURns, hL*uua. gens; 1-06 Brosudvay, Nev York, Coorp t MoLia, 3Managers ; M 0Wuluut $nci 'i riadeiplias, P. & E. A.' Cessass, Managers; 49 -Las SadlieStreet, Clsiesge, biu S& SOUTHswcx,, Messagers. - Appiy te, 1le FAIRBANKS, J.v. February 20, 1867. D.,F. ,BUIR KE, FamlIy Groce, Wine & Spirit No., 2, MMEHAEL8àBLOtk, KING ST.. EÂST, OSHAWA. OROGKERY & GLAS SWAR < A WELL SELECTED STOCK FRESII TEAN, SUGARS, GROCERIES, &o. OF ALL KIND, . tâe As chesp aa auy hos inluCanada. . May 29tis, "687. 21' LI1V ER Y - DU; T L NDERSIGNED DEBIRES,' TO; IN- Tiern him fnlcîuds tandipatrens tisaIluho ha gain resuuiej businessAtaItise adRO ýWHITBY ILIVEIRY,BTABL'ES it Latcly occupleti by Mcsrs. Cenlhard andi Armstrong.SH gw' lleving encreasodth ie nunibor andi qnailty cf tis ti, anti aiso adiedt teand im- prored tihtiso nvsyaiscs andtieclos-on tise TAce presui "Beatt opeés iy beiig in a< positIon te-ioozO to tiseVnta of oustomeJrs to moiIlaesiare é of pubie patronage. W, CHARGES DIODERATEs, N. B.-Covereti, Couveyancoa for famuilles sud hlde.lm roipt attendance, se biretotore î2-ly te ail orders. N. RAY, PropraStor. Whitby, Ap ril 8, 186.14 T I tZlIios. -. oct sud renovatod, snd isey mr- prepareci -te ercoumnodate tihe trevelling publiee Tise Bar stockeot with tise besst liqusors sud cigare, and an atteniiva estier alwstys tiatteýndaisce.. CLARK ttVICKERY, eruprietors Br',oklin, April, 1866. 11 FAREWELL & cGEE, ARIE tBLIC. ENY, KLL& OMO£ -One cloor nortis of thse Po-3t ()Hce, Oiava; anti - oFeeter'.% Block, oppoaltte Town Hall, Bovmanvile. JE.Fmmvzx.r..IL MOGEZL JOHN L. 'W ATKI .St SITRGE-ON DE1NTIST. Onmu.--Over JAS. BYRNL'S ModicaIHaII, Brook Street, Wlsitby. W Ali ork warrsted.- Familles atteudeat iprivaI. renidences. TICETU EXÈTRACTEI> I~WITOUT PAIN, .M~ BY TUE USE OF N TROUS OXIDE LAUGRIN( GMS, OR TUE NE~W DENTAL BOOMS, JNDAS STR ETi WBI]TBY,-C. W. JSS-Ove. M. Il. CoSsane'à Store. ltyf,Joule 26, Ise. 20 Land! Land!', --- Pn RiE Subicrubr effem thelso llowiuglilu; ef T landis, vlslch h. vil! sel unta b'J-FA IR- VALUATIoN,g 'i S. >S, Ne. 8, lu 2nti ceucesîpe of-Reaeby 70 aoro&Teleafet-- - - Cî. 'E4 00ie. BARIBIW Bin chai Teronte. .TAI tory Publil Campboll, Wiuithy, sOLICMT Oalawg BRrook Stri Wisitby, CEI ÂTTORJ ou, -rnock A TTOR! Chai Dtto les" tise Poat O Hall. SIH. coma Bairrister try uice, JPcory, L consulta O.A. OAMU. * Byrond De C'l Os -.t 10ickp v Wlsitby, TIIOS. LALWLER, WIIOLESALE & IRETÂIL GIEN ERAL C-ROQER, WINE AND SPIRIT,- CROCKRY&GLAS8WARE. TUIE OHEQUERED STORE. BROK STETnlr, WHITBY. . 1 &--«1-- 1 lý

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