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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1868, p. 4

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B. .- the fi gmw era aed utilgzlt to ïbov tt stiiey voe . seMa,.. bt the. vhs.!. a" sales $viiet vers tbo bodie. ile ln bongmbdeof pluee, 1fr. ma fira ivod tuas laâd bee naiedte sro oal. le là beli.vd tIlt tvauty4oron peubue bats bàsu killa. Tii. amok. piteby blsc, as (rom a foc. n@4 w tael the potrol.em iutedl, Isrs- cepted tue vlew of ttii. surnages iLa front, and le w. u ly after the. uldssbalwme lucrood sc that the lutenlor beasu visilet sud the .userons outlaeu fealeiaed, humsa forme ver@ ame la viidouesulitude., tuaS tii. svful ra u vsraio@,& Tb@. béetan sd deui vote overpoverlag. The. liquid fre borai! dop sii.gras, suda badge ofteembankumnt, tii. telegrapb'pois. &M &sleperes Th im su loreadinain. teuehy for sever lmiantaesasd lifterally evept te riv ouésj rlvhg f eelu sud ethL.e tbier, *ad prodaclng a heu sse intense uiat t vas impossible en spprosch wtula s considerable distance of tiietrain. Tiie p.eeagsr nu.tlheii Lodon carnagesWvIeb.d eeapud ili a Vary oillg h shecivlg te St.enMrosus volght and relogity ef thaenglune Isviug pn.vont. ad&D dauseu nsreboaad, alliibted frntm (loir cesnnluesfamedlti.llyMefthe sii ol- lisionsudi vled vltb meao oSer Inu..;- ~.désvorng te render vbaî aid tiisy could. 1r0. ecusîr, people iu the, vlolity, sud s large ummber of verkmea frm a alite qmary cararhel.spot,. vhe bldbasa iarn. ad b, the.osculofe, ,ver asie seon gâthèred on'tii &pot and, a amber cf poilis Isvlng baea gt tegotber, a line ef mon wus formai acros ie Iutervoning ssude, s" u bacieof ssivater verse bieinl the hope et sia;ifg the Dis.. Ail ties efforts provo4 traisse, bevever, sud tbc fi» oontlsusd te buén mii, iee.*AýSa.i funy outil aven, vestIge cýf tii. veodrork o! the ChesSer carnages sud oet il.Post Offce tenders wass esriy coauamed, ne- Siiog remalong but Si. trou framework aud viieeîs, tbe greater portion ot vhlel vas red hot. letvas a ceusiierable fi.. befbos îe barunscarnages coli beop- prgeidowiag, te Intense lest tbrovu eue ýb, cusd massoetfron and buruiog etubenu, san ins seach vas coensci for the, safferenu, utile more, ba ocharred remalas ef bunisu odiet Coli b. dis- eov#red. lu Moo te lcases the bodiesM vete beadles., la man, lb vasimpossible te dissorp victier the sabrer. 'vers r«lt'o, fest. - Erery partiaesof éoe "blg vasdeeîroyei ou MIl bie safferors, sud for a long siuemaouy one boidyvas rooglsd-ti4t o e! ii rnerable Lord Fatsý, WvIesaîhy vs etsbliibed * irugI en liscnlpioa nide a gold vatob, E recôvered ro1u' roais, lu bu ince -beenasoertslned blat Lord ParaIs. vu travelling iti bis vife, Lay Faruha., sud a volasi old rataun e fthtii.famlly. asi Mios Stafford, vho vu la thsse »» lrst, fri clm asitrage vitI tii. .fat Tii@ ssebrated ti allion "Jacli b theBarAu -b«" bas bsau paraoaed b, Major Peel, US Ne w Bakeryý A&ND Il'* t roptadsait l .ai1 p k and C~onfetonrFin,1ruit, 8pog, and ibidilas Waon. A iseLb tire, ardine., coeoa jiut%, Uger Ber, &o. 1J. M.DOUGALL, Bâ.ser, Cloimatosie, &o., Brook et. Wl 1 69Iyî , .28 11AIRW&OWRERS 0Fp STOCKl Il'uilRAEtFOD ÛIEJO TOcK- ilMURÂNCE CONINY ~.UAU"TOLD, 007. 1-U K~.YAKOD Wh.itbýy, 8eptember;' 2nd ,1860$. WKTCIIES,&_JEWELLERYO JAMES JOHNSTON begat cail the'. attention of intending purchumersto bisNEW S8TOCK 0F'» IGOLD AND IL VER ý WATCIIIES, JEWELLERY, C01004&c. aul o! wlilh *in' b. sold at the. lowest priceMI con- sistent with good quàlity. WATOES, LOOKS & IEWELLGRY, careffly l.pairetb Whitby, May 4, 1868. 1S-ly1 FRESH ALE!1 ALDWELL &, CO.'S. W. beg to annonnce the. arrivai Of a lot Of the. aboe Celebrated Aie, u ackgesof, 10,'15 and 30 gal- ions a l sw ave 'made perman- ent arrangements for a supply TWICE A WEEK, parties ayTe- ly upon gotting it iF'RSH, and at Manufacturra prices, freigiit add- ed. -X. k. MorAdu= *49clu Wiiitby, Anguit th. si PHE.OLD STAND!1 ESTABLISHED 1533el lu reference t-o an announcement of- dissolutionof the copartuer- Mp heretofro s xistlng betvcen TILL à; BRO., the uu'deMugned dogmres te inonm bis fetnds snd umereus patrenLIst ho stili continues the busines stabhisbed byhbis lte Wthon, ln 1888,s ths OLD STAND, Nos, 8 sud 4, TILL'S BLtOOK, BIOOK STREET, WHITBY, vber, e oVIII healvsys baund'rend, te attend t te vante cf enstomers. nu ontiro nov stock of the. bost manafured Farnituré, LTPIOLOTERY AS JOUAL INDERTAKIG AND FUNERAS BSpplied as, heretofore. (7Some splendid specimens of Picture Prames, and G«fding. &emberthe 01<1 Stand. Wbitby May 44 1868. 18.ly CENEËRAL, OROCER, *Win AND SPIRIT GECEZI &'GLA8SWAEZ TUE QHBQUBRBP STORE. BROOKSTRET, WKrd, Wiiitby, Sept. 16, 1869. Cdsh for a11 kîiadsoëffarmers' produce., PL PFRIANIS, N o. nthe.corner. w i~~ I "3 sr Carn 1age Factory. CARRIACES -#& BUCCUIES 0f everydsrption Ioept on hand and. made to order, from the ,atms u ou t desigené , Îhe abovecarnage worka. Wit.b the oncrosaed Iheiities new et bs =poa, the anderonods botter. proparod i an over to eeute ail orders promptly, with whichi ho may be Waored. Brook St., wbitby, June 91 1868, M.0. DONOVAN,, DIVISION COURTS EN TIRE-, COU NTY 0F ONTARIO, 1' 27 b 21~ id 22 WIb.........2111 23 61f ... ii 22 , Alhi..........24 .... .....0 j.... .... -,2 Z. BUBNJJÂJI. 1I5oOOO 1UN PRESENTS!1 AT IIYTS ' NEW PIIOTOGRÂPII GÂLLERY, OSIIAWA COMRER F IKING & 81>ZCOE »TREETS, FIEST FLOOB. Pizes consist of Gold and Silver Watches, GoId Chains, l3rooches and Jewely of ail kinds; aise Scwing Machine, Paintings, Albums, and a va- lety of excelle nt docks. Life-like likenesses taken in a few seconds, in a manner to en- sure perfect atisaction. W»' Sec Bills for manner of distributionof pre- sote. Now 18 the chance for ail to secure enduring P'HOTOGPAPHS, and valuable presents, at a lmn price than mont photograplicrs charge for the pic. turcs alone. Oshawa, March 24, 1868. 12 i-A. IW<>I MAREET BLOCE. C./ORNEU4R of BYRION.,& DUNDAS Sts. The subscriber's Fail Stock cf choie. Family Groceries is now complote, with every article usually kcpt in a flirs.cLuss ctablishment, cou- sioting in part of- Young Hyson, lapanw colored and uncolored, and Congou Teas, ground and imground Coffoos, Spicos Popper, AUsopice, Cinnamon, Cloveo, Lomon, Orange, and Citron Pool, Sugars, front the bout Cuba, t. the. flnost ground, Syrups of the. bout variotios. A complote, * Stock offliroteLaaS Flour, Oat& Com, and Dnok-wboat moal, Food of ail kinds, lu addition to the, above, I have added a complote a«sortaient or Cnoles, <roui au individual Salt-csiiar, te a6 irst-Cais sute f china, ail ofvhfebh viii b. sold very ebesp for cash. 1!,motte fInoS te b. undmrold. Cah ps-i for.sny quastity otgood Botter. Recusuber the. place, corner oi Byron sud Duadas St&, Whitby. L. J3ROWN. WITITBY, NOV. 270 1861, M.H. COCHRANE' I. now receiving the greater portion of his - Mr - -m-Fw lr l R%_É% _ - u m - L IRemember the 1,lace, OLD No. i. the. discount offered for. Cash on Dry Goôds. YEOMAN GIBSON. Y. :G.- would -respectfulIy- infoarm parties heving accoun la lMing due lat of Octobe;, that, unleas paid when duel 10Oper cent wil be charged from that date. 1,1 1 < .- > ý 1 Y. GIBSON. TIIOS. RUJSSELL& SONS' celved from partie#, wlso have been weatnug Lue.. vatobe. for ose ime. Tho Subseribcr hîerebIy ertilîestbat thei watcbs 1ho pureiisicd t rom .lami>sJq oIinton, iIifti'Curcu by Tues iiw.iiell & Son, arc aie zcrunîd horougbly Icimble lime keetrs. -MILS, IL. MeBRIEN, Wliitby. The gSubpMebr beroby certiftcs thiit tiie vatei)i ho poîrclpud (rm Joméj,, Jobston, înanufiieturcd by Thns, Ei,,seil & Son, ib os reeeueathioruugî.y reliable time ksepor. farmer,Busm SA ful axaortuweut in Cold andSiluer - JAMES .JOJINSTON, Watciînmk&r, Brcck street. Wbitby, sept. 2, 1869. 83 DIRECT -IMPO0RTATiO.NS _f BEG- TO ANNOUNCE- TIE ARRIVAL 0F TREIR Ex--Steamships Peruvan eoian, Ottawaà, -&c., being -pur- chased by one of the firm.in the British Markets, for- Cash!1 Their customers and the publie may rely on getting the cheapest @ta, the. balance of their stock. g8ff Tieydirect special attention to their Stock of Velveteen- and Clotu MaoUlst, Lo'udban ade.) gW' Dreus oods, Cottons, <3urpets, Clotho, and Gentlemen's Furair Goedu. C4ton Gr(aina ge, Warp, ini whitesud ceierod. <To arrive-30 cases and bales of Dry Goodo;. 20 crates of Crockery;j 10 cuis of Wsuvare, and, 100 chuit.eof Tes;il imperWe direct. Whuîby and Manouer, Sept. Oibe, 18$. 26 SE IN Z8TATE CF THE LATE JNO. ICLERKE.- FAIlCEL N.1~eiltnrlc 1, lu the clgii oonsià ou MS80Agoontain- lug lOt cr, abou3t 60 sarÛesautil- vaten.Legbouelarge nev Baina, voaag PAREL e. .-eIn )irt-bslfot lot NO. u 4ef it. soeneaslon ef Plikcnfng, 80-srs envatOn. thé place. su.lrotrii os, ihço wo., s, i-a KING ST.j àA WILL s Wimc A 4WLO South of prientc parts oet The. vacant Lot South of Royal <ianadlan Bank, 92 <oet ront, 98$ftetdcop, ici slane. S- Lot. Z"of 0<Brock sursit, opposite te Dlaves' hoteL. 10 scies on Brock sfrcet,X-orth ofEujivy WLD LOTS. Mars, Sonth3S- 9, lit naon,100 s£rs. di 13, 12th "100 "66 -1, liii "100 5 id 20, Ott, 100" Ramat PtLIOu 16, Srd 64"180 t" 66 Lot 1,5, 4th " 2w00" UeeviiLt 71 121ht] 20, Bidon, wecst -4, Sth 100 - Bcxleye Lot 12, 4t11 O - 44 Gal Rivcr, Lot si, 65d Beley, Lots 6&d 7, 4tlî 400 66 Broce, FastLlPt. 18, 91k " 95 Iloviche, Lot 22, 15t1 100 Has.t.Uary Ecsd, Uot 25, svdt ALDE&MABLE INDIAN LANDI. MILL SITE nt tbe mount,eofUcayer Biser. Village of Bevrton, - Acrff. [-"'0RT PE RRY, soccrai villag? Lot., saitable for busins icStlons, and Prvato resideoces. LM Aise vllisgs lots ln Brighton sud ln tii. Village Oft Breobin, Townshiip eofIMm,. Tha uibcfiber bavig deterirgd to coe ont 1 vtoisoe ofbis Niai y.tgto business the Presnt Yea, if PO-11le, thei abors propertiis -amc oiffred at lev Sares, sud on long terais et payaient. Apply te, H.IAM pRY, Wlàitby. 411 july, 1838. dmo&-2T NEWLY.IMPORTED PÂ>1PER, C. .A Barister,sotie] Itry Offie, Witby. DES. CAI Consulti ti>î à- A.CAJUO, x. . -WbIIiy, Ju17 Co, Et.J. 6 IURGEON TO' BDOiuîrW. edock, p. in,. RVOTAI! TIIOMA ZPOWNOLtUK-S* H 4. oea: s w IILL-LAU SCOT JOHN R 'BAI KWAs chu May 2911, De Fa,: RU, %mrIxx*

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