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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1868, p. 1

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0AIILoJIk MCJIZllàoot La $ltaof tn, eAth, ICur t IMosé ý e1tu 9-g -Î3 F~lB-Wsten .UUC nil To ronto,july o, Iul. nolHe ÇUCIANEs L tg 15 0111TM(IL0W* ÂTTItNixzv'yoKON- ~taio, arrlster and Atnsys-a, t i l itaoeery, No'sny Puîblic *0,e- GEORGE itl, »AUt]«Z LJi, RoDLILT J. WILSON# B At USTIteATL'UNEY AT LAW, 4oIIt~sfIhnerye.Whitby1 <i.W. polt,- Victoria llîiliding, Bfrook Mt. Wsltey. P ARtItgTElt-AT.LAW ANI) SOLWCITOU M litUii*Jlîoory. lono -iT rut t. tausscl'on. 1A5V1iAUoe&é.o àtY - 14xt loër to tihe Ston% of IL & JI' Csnspbotl, Brook 8L., Wlitby, ust. V!l~*tly, 14«. Is18, 37. ,46 - ~LTOT(1(1NQTABY 1PUBLIC, t&e. *o. nuBrooktC.sW, ATTUU2LEY T LAW, $UITOR EN AOaco Notary Public 40onveysneeT, u* lEto e î4r>t'ticeon oiiick itraU-. 491 A M5tOILAMO(N, DnnsiAteut I~y'Tiîeedoorn IWeet of the, 1'oat (5ic..16 C(ýCIIIIANJI & OCIRANE. B AIILSTE".ATTI E01,etNVEY- LYMAN ENGILINI19 LIL IL. DARMTEU T LA, âoloitr inUha0 Base5.CAIII8UN JAW, Coentsios t l/mîttnsip f recofotcharge. Wbltby, July 20, 1508, 2 DR. HANCOCK, à anteieAosvuz-i"t-ut liUSe, W bitby, Wet t htiste li h Chîîrclt. Wliîtl)y, Ang. -4, 18518. roi1 TIL. J. G U iNN, M. D. iURG LON TU THE CUUNTY UL, j Byron etroet, W hiLby. _____ D"1. . eRIgiliE, M. 1). YitUUIIAII. Ow* rrwsc llowce.-8 te l0 a. n., and 5 to 8 J odu' N V. H' 18 'RN V H MOTARY PUBLIC. lrUA TIOAI USTON,. T otTco-T.ow idi l!iouret#to I .'ch'<,k. VICTORIA J10TEL. JoislicuKluMiT.yl IIAJR-DRESSIM4 AND SIIAVING SALOONq ]JiUJCK Wr, III1TBY. WSi*Tby.515 0t 112 1IL IK r mOSTZl. 4 dilby al. 221 68 X.BYTNbog»a 10sufonus the lu- w habita tise CoiIt->' of Victoria sud A srreunuding aunties, tisaSblsis openod thea SlIotel ou Willlim ttreet laeot>' oneollb>' 1 oPeettatsd as. holis issult iltted auidsrrlah- Id cl u lirai styl,visiort iii lnd eror'cotîva- nlenee. Wsnes, Liquors sud lgars of tise tbosS equalt>. À5'anattent-ive otlet always la stè-fend -COMMERCIAL.'HOTEL9, uitoc0K WUT., WflITBY. T PE *ubsesiber begi cýemsuunnes te is T frî,sw-'ssaidîîsepujsiel, tiat ho lbuiae- gume poâuvjonofheh oy * sud fa- lu A aupenies Maunar,, vîtiev.ry oonvossl! One sfor tIhe reeP;Itlou of guet. ta sd tie-tra- Mr Bonjt -bacommdat-ionsude sapeslot -wào, liquorxandsu cigars. God stalling, wlighaoivmoed yards, anda sholIve olen &i-- WgyonioepsomIses. Charges IodeCi-te. E. In. CALDWELL. VARS & DEVLIN., t iIAQTJCALoull of oOstario RW 1345AGENT, &ac., also Agent ti.r :%Zrm6ts4idlpnaoeC.i Aitblon ho -~ ~ ~~~i à..lCAPTi' Q Dt*. rcd, esslide asd ted non bt hlo Lie eso<tb*e Tise fouir.ler lessséin oiud, tuiqste lldtte ot lioaud in tise' Li* ",loges fur ilxbrilge sud Boavertoit leave Caotu1lotieinsiaiways In atteudance GEORGE CORMACK. Es «UE JUiIAI'lCa enter, aud .14 Jolner.Gnemot! W hitty, A sgroqun UN DE RT -4Tk I N G.- F NEA I»ansato sulnlberandaltiie. Brooklin DruS Storc. do~n &WSV 1"%EÀLE tiii ruki, Patent >tolieiues X) pâatsEIo0118, byo $tuff, ,Confection. ar>', &oc su 1Iexad Lknorsof thse boat quality Jlrookliu, C. W,, 18op 2 (Os-agt Au MiSante ihueL W t( E;I ps-opaed (o gis-c tinsie sud iuiging les- sîogis.,te aas liîtj ubans'ber Of! pu;cUsl. ApaýIctton e bt odent heOffice of Jolin (LAT£iE rATrbi,) NELSC.N 8BT. .TORONTO, Nt>lTIt OF KIN<G M1 BASSETT d& KEEBLE, - Piueuquimits. T IJI rorefo na i tiuyanulosunees te mesr f niotsumd, utadihtumuue, 9Aswell aos ucan homne, liut tlimey Iiae tîmket; thî4 sl,'vceis s c'>usl'ormmily fittei np 1',nt-lche niuoesm Of gncaa siud the travoiig public. Time>' wil blt oiid li Clati <-Oieisii 'cnsuittt-i<.lsmu'cc malc isil Iel-ave notllimig iiilaioncmL01JOimmir l'etrt,tu grive autisactlnis tu aiuIw-lac sus> iisoi tment vutli a YEOMIAN QII33ON. C OM2ISION M1ER CLLaÀvz IKSUnANCJI, d QENEXIAL Ifd Whitby, Jan., lotit 1886. 2 ]REVEIRE HOtTSE, B. PLANK, - - - - Pctoo~ SJttages te sim frnusWlîltlîycaîl dm11>' Et-en>' attention pîsid te guest%. Cunctul isud atten- tve wacrs. 9 I 1868. 1868. TI-IE LIVERlPOOL AND LONDON IN SIJIAN (3 COMP'.N Y. lias iseen lu exixîene o ity-tw-o ycasss andi dîsng tfiatponlocl lha@ pais! 1msmm es xc'udiisg tire and a laiftîuillilon ponailascterliug. Tic dimburosmeiit ut tis etornmuns sun, ovor a vIde unes, luis, witlmouit coiîbt, olitni- ,Imta-.d ttitue itiilsai<,toftlialnmtiitlou, ils tIse u ,iliciccotl'uii osii.noi , t- crali>', wlicrever ILlf e l ratlrmKmiutca lu It ifrpt 7e-s, 1131M, to isrue 1'reiiuuus alui- uniouuuled to .................£,f7Q lu lotlOtis ;.su, 131........ 170 , ilts>ea.18,54.............m,7 am ot-hyeur no 14....... ...... 7j3,,82 Oneo yessn luter, 1807............. £1,5 Tise Pire Regsprve jeuud i9 now $4,127,404 Vrie Litu eucsrveo iid fal îsw $,282,468 Tit is 19, I'my reî>rcmslctl :lsrougiloutu-- tario siîd îîî,-,y if'iiuciîtluil Agtitto, 10 W19OUI aP-Plicasties, fur lIsiîîcîsc snsy bc iodo.l - G. F. C. 8.11T111 Rî-sîlt;ac CTiLARY, M<JSTRYLSL. L.FAIIAN KS, Jie., Aoz.qr, WY)IsOY, (e Itii*r On: TUE ONTARIO FARIlF11S' MUTJALi INSURANCE COMP'Y. rrIIÎ8 Com~pany lA sow fuly orgilzed,ud JL l Prptird, oc'-pFt riaks on latin liiml i , 101tisir coutstit, (Joutry sclsooi Moss dClitiichc,,. Titome wisliulng to lu- sure, sud tlsereby support a lleme iussnsco t2orpimîiy, Suve 5-0w agiopportuniey of doiug go, by nrplyiug ofihnet thé. ilead offlce, or te agn> of t je locsls, etna. urrates wilii hafcund ans iow a% ti9gse of mn>' neupoisible iMutual lu- surance Comnpany lu Canada. L. FAIRB3ANKS, Jit., pff4EIEAni. ITEAD OFFICE-Thé Old hlegismry OMile BuildinglBrook str-ect, Wiitby. HIOTEL & PIREMISES FOR SALE. 7T'HAT old estsblimised and welIi InoiM n]gi- . tel, tise' CENTRAL IIOUSE, EPEOM, SplendId s-omy Atabling, ansd dirlng a liemI, 2 etller,,wit- Que or evo acres et Ian! eitaeh- ,nemna ho alemrèd, sud "Jne yonng Pear- iug Orcisard. Tiser. are tvo w-cls w-inb good ps ic sud excel lent vmser. Pjary Tise w-isole wilI bcî sold nS a ba&rgalu, sud le one cf the iset chances lu tise Domfiuilc for uactive bDues amass. WiII b. excimangoal ion arinprOpent>'. For terni, dec.,uAppIjl y lu ltten, pre-palmI) top Octobe WILLIAM lit .TLr,, Ge-os Ayerse GENEBAL 0XMT, AZtD wacera WM"go ,fliçana *- g eruisicin- Pop IL ,Temhisn - W it y i M p t . , 1 8 6 8.t i d Query!< Why laIt is t h e lais uch a fruafor plotunies 1AT CLMR'S GALLJERY? It le beusaoheu bas t0sa hest Galsylcit>Iitise </oiuiy, anliJaismuepaience vitichilis-en tisas,tais> otlier As-fiat lnu lb. Couite>, aat dcou do quit. ois gowd varIt se susy other -isu la tise Coutil>'. tgir Tbuu's vhut's (l'e matter, o dou't b. bidwkwandl about coniuig foi Ward. 13150C ST., WUiUT. Wlsiutby, Noev. .12, 1867. 45 JOHN CARTERI LICEN8ED AUCTIONE1ER. ONTARTIO, YORK& PFEL. tRESIDENL'E-Lôt 9, Bib Con., jmnrkbam.-Post OfJcc-Uniossville' SALYSaenii-udou on t-ie smio-tesoticeo,sud ounrossonsble tera. 'Ternis eau le macle A. buis prisited At theo Chisotelo offtecfor Mls. Carter. 17 WELLINGTO)N 1UTEL, MAIiIHAM. BRIITISH lAMIRICAIN ASSURANCE COtMPANY Capital, $400,000. - lit lot rils,1boya (.mmenpav, «lu, re t Inosus-e prom-cnt>- agaiisas, L0eS BF cri 0,0-lc umosri -ble tcrtii,.- LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-l2uea.Agent Wbiîby FARIEWELL &JcGE AiI-TI.8 ATTriUN LYS, SOLICI. MAR-Eis VUB 4C Bits, AND ?NU. Os-mit: -One dour nontis cf the letfle Osimsswsm; and IcF'i'ar' Bvk, oîposite Towni Ibli, Jonsvhu J1. E. FîuI;wruie. B. Mctlm. 13 JO HN L. WAI'KISI SURICIION DIINTIST. Clnrcu:--Ovtr jAS. B13126E's medielJHall. irAil wonk wsrrssited. l'atrilie» atteualddat private ronâesics. VILLAGE iO QYW.ITÉVA;t kxrowz AM TUkÉ OP, tEboelx5B1017degrable otand, il thé0,y on. in UJ*& tivingl neI loiwonl oitoued anddoinga i loig, lie wisb., to e "ilont and rotfre (rom i DO.it flot .old befcret te datî Oto *111 b. tentd SePt. 22, 1289. Grand, Trunk Railway Holg AT wi'Tjy STATiON.- IITM, O*XlILbwlrpnrebagied the 1: I) sdpromiffl knownu te Gi Tunuk JiouIl, Wlit6y stâtion, bep ýtio fuit hl», fisput and thse traveling publie tisat bu. fiîted op lthe boute irsd stable, lu iff e1a»n iyle, and by attention te the wenti thitow*iso levor bin with tlsir atrom trustq to ment à ortiuuanaof e tier enit( W- Partios tisking the train sud lam, horg.e,, l bave thomniwell takm ure of thetir rotinn Wlsttby, Sept., lffl. A. MILLION iAND à QUARTI MONEY TO LOiU 'it largo ber it ltel bui rend nage ER T 1rtEowhbseenliais receivoed Instructions s-est tiii saine for ljilun utîsis sud a.JU»iuping Cousles, ou pocl Par=s 1'roporty, on Dsbeui- turcs. 1 ttili continue ta mapresa-ut tisrce cf the lorgis t;Monetar>' In.tltutiouus in thaiDounitiiis. tht l bnd moue>' oit tiso mt ad-aitagcons (crin. 'A,", a las-go numbîer o! WC-1l cultivatod Farisndasdn>' quaentit>' cf Wil Lua, for otl(- liîcap. For furtîser patilculons , apply te JAMELS IZOLDEN, O1IM4l Assina-c, IMono>' 1'rokcn, Couimia- ah,îier, Notary'nbic, d&c;, dec. OFFICE,-Second Flocr, M c3illa's ]Block, Bnock istnaet, W bmlll, Aunxut 24th, 1868. 84 76.lt 12 am atme Iroparosi to lifrt Iln kîu ds of l>LIsttnnts <e-enlS acks benglit anal molal; a010a loi qutihyofSivo tr ouoJAS. JIOLDEN, IMPROVED GRAIN DRILL 0c-1 'W£ E Is TO CALL ATTENTONTVOx s BUtTCK EYE GRAIN DRILI WF WA1 RAIST IT TO S0W WJIEAT, OATS, & E AS E TEETII En EXTUACTE» riT-srssIMAN ANT OlIEtu 1DRILL 5111)2 WITHGUT PAIN, ..O'm BY TTUE USE OP It la4 isuos-tll-iioidiu, lli!l inuthe United tatao (4,('00,) four tionaieugl of tlieus )Ovillg boae bîilt lu oîîce laimlusu-iii 011m0, feu- tIi NIT-ROUS OXIDE LAUGIIING GAtS,f Screw iistead of Gear Wheola. ail ugo M 3 w -5. 0it11 IICIÇEv LO CAL AlNZESTI-JET109 unltIlil'rcce nmsdc lois timeowing, as ua. AT IJ 'Wc can milip ai once, upon raceipe 0 w . -. jordurp. DENTAL IIOCMS, DUNDAÏS STREET, WMfTBY,-C. W. R>o)MS.-'UOi. Mb. Il. Coclirasse's Store. Wliitby, Juea28, 1867. 25 SHIOE TOOLS & FINDINGS. l'ego, Sitea Nai, Bbc.. sci IJO ble d cima re aies, ke.. &c., Mr WIIOLESALE AND R1ETAIL. u-IAN& OLIVER, 12-1>' -114 braI SrnsuuvloseIOe'o VMPc> o £r xZsc>E M. Amas-ican St-casE Trimmers, esuai Pai. cfoisu izea Squaires, eu'm-md flilu tai-sitçi Edfe*. iiaiwcv-d ais.nl Sfugimsi aaid Aurim nYiit',y a.Lesi5'N-d leq ame l'psast., uai crtisa i-ast quàalsynd ai beweat prices I RAN & OLIVERp 125 laipmr ard lanlwuroenge St, Tomante. TO 0MACHINIST81 Sisal tunies.oci,telqaei, Centre Caniges, Vemrni Caimpens, Stan Cbiper Raesi, Clisper tiquanm a, es' Utiii ku'euiqres, 8e r - te;iana-sg Cimiperxsa d M M'kera, 1;,sei t'.ýla5 mmd Tce, Pâttaiet mei'a, t-cet iceci, &c., ibn sala' b> - RVAN &OLIVER, sLly 114 Yonge Si., Toronto, TO CABINe~T MAKERS AND Ul'UOLSERERS.t liai Besiiqi, Cunies5 UnaitTowS* p-ea Tviiie, Clisr valb, Bmaull S rowaslegesea ILVAN &OLIVE-8- Geseal HÊdare Mscla toi>'~ ~ 'io ItYug A ~ns n RY>AN &' OLIVERg S impoiRTrite op BÀRDWÀRE?, 114 >YONGE STJ<EETq TORONTO. -il F.W. GLEN, EX-Cutor, * OsevaOsm 'h 'y if t. B Land-!--,Land! T ~jlE fubseriben offens tIse fllnwiug lint of Llans, wieh ho will beli ut a DOJ FAIR VALUATION-Çg S. %, Nn. B,'lu ndconcession of Reach, 70 acres clisred. E. Yt, No. 10, lu the Brd concoason of Boachs 10 acies cieared. No. 29. in tise lotb conceasion of Dalington, ri ocres logred. No. i, lu 8iih con., Mars, 5seres eoens . I/ No. 27, lu 2ud oconcSsioa hty 100acres ln Somenvilo-500 D *acr esn luley, 200 acres lisLaztou-400 acrez in flelnsont. Appi>' pensonal>', or by letter, poat-ppsid, wo R. E.,1'EIIRY, doinnas-y Bib, 1868, Public Noticeý Jrs iebyg.ka-n, tSia pplicatioa w-i Seb ru ade b!î tis, Pouisr s m i PavflnuPr= of tho Province of Ontas-lo, nt lis lsoxt, sesgaloi, lo- an Act ane-ndissg thesIlAct e iicorporate Ch. Port Whitby andl Vost l'e-ny Essy Cosupuny" by nlas-ginugtise po*,es cf thse sala Cosinp'nv lu tise Isylng put and coustructa. iug ufthisoî popose! Iteilva>' glilisg sncb Cosupun>' tlmefustis er, power iufauthorit- to ],%y ont, contiue, extendansd euainttristr proposeu lay, te ich in olt apoi tise, vaters cfLaIote isc, ut ornée-r Bearerton, as Lie>' ua> elce. Andl fnrther to la>' ont, usîruct a!ia" l a a niofols. lI ailva'> trons subispart iboi- thl.'e moi!estre,io 1h. VILLAGE OF UXBBIOG ; w-lististe peme rlghto, povoni sud priilèes toe id.i >Compansy ins-espet thereef as are oessfrdý ýupon thom b>i sessid Aet cfflIncorporati"s, sn! Alo am seuilng *tise sais st b>'strlsclngont IronsLs th sruoty4Lbsrd seioui tesot is 3srcvU4, -la &Wys," muanifl Llsreaitér of tise "bla a n d cueai sduients tise- te. - 1 Dso hstwenty-flh dY oetopteiuber, il 'en y lv> cuspan>. BIV-TAKl[EN AT PA AT LOWEST 0A18U 1IICS, AT JAS. ]I, GaIrniE' D)rtugstore, 1>,nau otU CoaIOil.and Lanip' Wbitby» Béet.2cri,18 . fin- ilnvestme nt ilE IMTJ1 &ND VlA7ÇCo~iin ýT bave fndu for nvetm tb"ri LoanA niade for flired poniods, or repayse byanimual instalhntea Fortiser and ful intonsnatmoncar. b. 1WA lttr, addrexxed to thse Comm!Uia,-.àý Klingaton, or froni L. IRA B Jr Rosi Estate & GOnORUI Ager Orzacsz-lroeck Stréct, Wisitby, Sept 15~i 86& ONTAIO OTEL. WHIT]3Y. AUMfON BUSINES THOMASMYRS LICENSFII)C ~ONlifor tie Con of Cutarim,. dteli-o to infisrn, hi,, Mone aud tfîli tinjt lie ix rmudy e" lietofopre repeve =rlr for sielý of stock, fmsrn mnpl mmt,&C, asud îhîet Ailonders loftbit utI Cn=,cxj'office n-itibe duir attended to. ""y* 0f1sao imu an d teona ms kuown on opplicmttïon nt tise Cnuors.g oCm( or nt liack',, hotci, wlsero boouks ith contn are kopt use umeal. Wliby us21h, 1861. tE- Intereolcziialflailway 1 TO- CONIRACTOR-Q T IlF. undcrsigucd hlu st-uil b> t-be Gow o eniment f.nCaisada tfa infus-m Intoîsdi' Coutractots -hst staun catI>' day tendersw-i ha invita-j fon the cxoeuuîiou ut certain portier Of thIse coloisial hliivis> betwean Rivet du lrinp anduim tiiouski, lu tise Proviucet Qîsebec; seiwccu nuiro and Amlzenat, lis SI P'rovince of Nova iteoti- sud betweeî Dul 110114Ce and Bstlimrast luthe Province- cf Ne' It lailitenid oult let tise wonk lun seciions e divisionst, rnmunur rom 15 to 35 miles scgord isuir t-o the ituation anîd local ernssaes Thme aunt-cys su-cnow lus progrmas, and ii part e'snsilcm, mnai the objeet or th!is notice i tou aford is)mtand,,sg atotierasctuns asplt oppos .nuit>' cf exguuuiiig the grofnaiet omco, The platns, proflm', mm,ecifctiou, cossditilen ot coitract, fa'rms ocftetnrder, uîsml utimen docu uncsita, scqnincd tonrtise iiuf'riatimis sîd guii aoeo uit ni-toroarue ios-isiigpnctîareml sai wheunomai>, (ut tm'icli <lu. notice vilI )ft itivcss> vii W a(son at 1hue Ultaiitiy figineen- ha.if] liailfsmuc. let, 8ilmisa., Diiuil Rinu ouiki, Itiviero dus Lotuî. sud tOttawa. - tSAJ4YDFUD FLEMING, Intoeoloiuiiul Ialitis>' Office, ttawa, se-pt., l12,l>68. fi- OMMERCIAL HOTEL, JAMES PlINGLE9 a . Propricter. e' s- Lan 0frSle T H ? nt itW c;t q usnct ,oft hî ee t lulf 01 cotii)25 se-ne,, -4 elcarmudjpart of (luet,- talc oftF1 teslut ienyUmi-'l,li. ises-care 1n0 buildiugs ou tue lumn'I. lu-r psnîieîianipi flply t-o tIse Executonu, GEOIiE IJICKINGJIOTTOI1, BaIsant 1P. O. TIIOMAS IIo1GSON, o r t* - Rg ls, W.mlT. iILLTNGRI Soicitor, Whbtb'r. wlithy, Auguqt- Isili, 1868. tf-BS. Prof, J., Post, lA'; tise isonos-of emsunigta ibsms cal friecda, ilu Whltiy, Clint bols ps- e r eeeO ff is' Plpilau fur instruction on tie cominbal e 70TSezpeniessce, be feIr vsanccmont of' t 0i, W-ho usay' heplaeeelunden bis» tuluion. Instruction gis-en bu tlsorough Bues, Rus- usouý, Count-er-p>olut, Ptige, Theor>' cf )Muai. cai Iomposition, andh psticulan sueniion w-iii bogivon to tise cultivation ofîbtoe..I8 'EFtMu :-nstuotor sftha Piano, $10, tbqony of musical compmition, "pc. extra *11. W5.itbt, S.ptcmbcr 23,1867 ' bis H IÇAM hem te luths-m .he pubi shi10 f9UCe4edeal )AIL 0- M. KELLER, us Agent for tise Cainda WegstFa mr'ILmàuraee Coy, (OFIHAMIILTON.) e Tise& Canada Wat" lina apurely FoTai-mers' CqouspR -an ed liailb.eadranou f et hang BuRh#r 4 t zo ses; - p ~ g p , 5Is ~* l~ A m ours: AnJ h IDJK evrbenatsik-TboieJlbpb. 4ow Wosuiermoe bis erroe~ M be~*i. ~ gena e~bag Osl. àfield or Iabqo f as j tqç cJ4fn nerei bis t"Moa. À Io iq ' " el- i,' '> tau SUti-,Per goe 'oct. sorexeign 0* Engeud.- erjtl vewke1 o , se, sepre»ees oe& st 5I~~ b4 tLre4, Ili e a nS stO r b v e b ee u i rdnr er f b i ufelf 1 55 rr 5 1 it iÎ4Vjl;innthse Içonun n w lii , su( anoroers of Date ?Or live Mutl Tihe sligbtest re~opgio,oI j wti erf ee. son ;- - a sd EugisJus, ontit e »orféeofhint1s 1402,4 Btçplot,, and j Hri, LbnBlelsard sudêffoeMnMr< iellsaoed.c d fnst sS 9s~r es Nest Ueury thse Tsrt 4pade,êsa~.Never bad Bue goveatky alord; eloud bdhW d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ,uas atrEila-d bwehu>"- u Çrdardiff s-noble a pdprjo-f! n-bsns o *'a sn i £dsvfidaTlslrd ï¶Butte ýi3nto-;tii.>pnmcpigur. ua ates,'bis Young fôu43nzsly'py - w '1eijr' S'x- appeasn, ' esripou, tiere cm hbo mg blitheprl;vll.e -f E J w , ' d c ~ ~ e i s M a y a i d s s i t 4 e c e e ~ i é l g n l l c uée c 0 00o, w e l - d e i n a d l je d ' - e g 1 1 . l uh, !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~J ThnJit is othnnsacsne wsssayar :I a 000,000 francs Ie year. ha..m.eSa..sgfoe-fnskeage t. I y ~ roiuallaniôbsr hani. ~ cyn gold, A pruoily inuen, -TI.. 700151Dmen are Xe#alyiek licztjsnaus - ljes. tia st ISL f-eorne New York mer. #t, dsus <moiio.T4' et tiie Tistuno; ciisate thOui a a 1v days ego e lad - la -té bk. om etiing . m ore tlan ée o m n,oçnd Ti,, goo illIa sud ISArYtgetlaécaseou obolr'n ill beir t'O austteof47,000,.. mistaltiug ofien tb.fr desire, for 4àbisjîtO ual ~ ' TilA rm , Fou Me rea d ils ou od ,vs eI« l a à e , l i el uit' e--b!> t esui y , fa ter tsem neïe t - Go ai sVsatorl-uzsay as thgb.e yectisatesepitatéi binsro bemjiî,tii.y arc fit forit 5Otiiiig bejoes' t 1~ la,,t. ~~iii P o ssit ly h e * 60 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 o r $ 75 ,0 0 0,- . C O U Uo in u sii f u man lt 9 T 4 r t c s b>' lhln' J~o Wdoere O0 apropmt, tisatdruwe IaL or ti- Tanît fiin f->iuî ieabievetliai isod j. nt youglarqtls. As eýompared vi-ths royal ont setviuig au appreutlkeàip-tcart- --a" T u n d s v o lu le tu e t se ce ~ su f o s c o m s ee n . E n gla no d , it M ay iso vp A l t a t th e y f td d th e m oe li d , W fi e u t be j i i osà ' oéâiùlýtise Pinu of W f4past -Itda us er.prepared for t"cr lire vork, oduu s tise governuscn:tiseIboficcoécaaiou ully ', -- Cu t . D iec t vit i u c is d i fie u tie es e't l' o I li ig a?' roy alty ' viti w t iird e! l. C ardif V isaI ' I L iî b o p dý{ otfin~. ~ d e p iv e t i e . f t h e ir es s ee T imf l o v , e o e . m u r M a je s ty e a u n o e u > l d o s e nlt d c l r e o ei s e , s d- n e c s o o n 86 ilig colloqny la aaid tô have, Saison"Place ber o*n9, th apend a esi e",more cf taon vaitingin vain for such a a l, oi sonebrebewenfý'ýISet60,autanafiftbof tishaen' into-politica, agencioes, &a. vI : btua'ofie u issait a 2 Thegrctoreasody for al ls lsi tis to 'E1cv man> nmale mobons bave yeï n l ' Aeternu par çecutisie sefollo*ing, thoitongily leurnied. h t"' -ç youn enil' V ' - ventscmcu t-"Waui- a a cool nd'oety.ôe ijo eIdut iècen :When:er ODmar ipra r " . Uclprinter, v is ecomrtn'6ako l»àti e rois beneb f,'& e-maeÉlneýïkô? 'Ter.y P e D o yl l CTi p r ry o i g er V o r e n ' e p rtm e n t l1 s i ti g o r e t 81w g u e i êt b t v . 1 b y e Ansnlk. A, wll tnisd'S.A sn spblisbig:bus . Wold aloeo pt u comen.cé e1J55t1 @ i n e r d a y ir o n r g ild e d ' t ie Bis > e t 0 0 î a P ýr o fe s e o r i ip fn m up y o ! th é e c a d m i e . V o c a io n h ée da i, I f w er e- aý £ t i ?a 'W iat wv e t .condition e of r lise-. paiitiug 4and p éniuauhip, geom etn>, trig - ,t at ibis iulied lobr vI -t astà V b a i d b e f o r a o s r r i a g e J ' u o m t ii , s d fm a i n > t h e r s c6 i n e s . b im s a i v n , a n d p r a p g a é m P o i f Niver s men more smisérnsble.. Heaid psrticlily sited teýS«L se a p etr té "à; Time fitteed Saa> i n yig ta disekv.e' L s i f T' d id ut g iv o lm a p ro m ise ith in , m u li e* a n e l al e h r c s'-o r, se- a 'lo cal-, d ésira b le ro d e ,t e s uscceso,, fo o ts.p p -c n t o y a ck s e d b l o v b ri s e- !w - l p r ac i e r . H o e l d b a v e g o o b j c c t l cq t s i e a b l e t t l o i e l u f t s a n e loaeu it '4 q éhee t O1 o th I" 01 heblne heo crowbar.9 ortm s sait but -select élscsof -you1 à*" ho eattse lime of ou ii iage ladies, té insircest hem in tise 4ighei If, vioer or a baciselor?'Il branchbes. Té's dcuisL or eisirepodlist hlie ipence a Dai. 'A, 1), iuels Wi doverdid jYOD a»y 2 Ab, hovon ,ld b. lnvslusble as'le un do ai- go oawsy Witt[ yeur ssoffaeue. - ijt4IL- -:Ase-m W h liko-of use totvnd'ek pwls~p ViItmlrlïi as bs&c ortonor singer la _1 foýioFi*ng iterestin.g suecdte, w-hiclhw-e second bard busband 7 -DIol leoklike tb W cho3ir.,vouid board w-ts s samill uoOi- - is euî 'ou-gfninsvudues'i vife cf s vidwer Ail legs and con-- cly pions. For fntrtiseïrticulainqnire W tlesi!aOUts âpec'pect- aaij' EmrPiion, like a ffick tunkey 1 A vidow-er 9 so Broin'osa5loon -. for one ulslumg tàisat uefutl or bctis May -1 ho bleased if Id n sot ah rlir an F±CLLT ADng s u (atrong drink for, example,>ss ire:salid et culd m aid, sd btsnig p a fom ily on b ut. _,adieu- ft n aug si ti e u e ! h ar es u th a e q q j0e e t fo r mss> Otler bur Ulil termilk aud pratie. r1gloen,tsici ecrieoftbà miesa, or ,ennicis.9u tiingdîobacco, for exemple).- lieier éber1-iflieaYonIom lulune I ew-ppre- oley 11wse yug«- -bouse là BrIstol viWb. talesja-o~mo - ermen clnJr~ ô ~ ai--litr wbe us usitisu sxtyyears Le- spent sixMee mid f Acidlteociser vise abue"joie& -tise-dr etiglsdsur" in on0e9iji~u a a nvrnoxne,' b e n e f lt o f s o g P r c t i e d i l ub i e p r o f e s s i o n Ire 1 u 1 e e 1 i o v u u e r t i er - vo o l d 1 s usàr q , 4A g e t e a i e l erwi e s î t u s t s ud va t oc i i clo ely th eo n fi u e n c, o f o v a. g i l v ho e o id g Ir. e u g e ai!o m e le tte., 1 V s s u o is t c n o nIek ov mov f tli r- p p e rs p o n A fa m ll > o f c il d re n , o t a e s e a ti w - e o a M a ff r i! to . k e e a a tbîe g s ix p e n c e d yh ou 1 1 Ver : m ga , 0 a tise recul; of hi. observation, tisat i, -sut tfissu eueisehoeuld spe#k Fi-oaci with fi leprou ,jiuirtss o *exe tiotse s colars f boil' ezas Eniss cet ol> Oùifr n .8Bmiou t u1't.yau~ ire W-ho bave a&cMS te novspaperc aât heom CeppiaglormuCw Magnallkt"'a Qneïtbon5 ,Takfisg oeuh lcpnl i ea t a. ifvien COMParedttio Levse bave nct. rb> iseant 1I lIsoetromnce 1inluaIl tise cb. ' là cv b re e- tg-ar ctiona )cf courthp-I m'eau, iluail tise sloge (â65rpnsis. £92 4,b >W 1. Bot er readers, excellent lu p i-ounS u. trtbip cofficti oni- wbat is m re oué .iacI s d d ie n e es , ) £ 9 d tIn - et ' or ciation, odcneaayroi ondor.111 tisotbe .m akig (bat beef4tek.pndd.on 1a' y ,',<lleu thaseti'h ï - s t a n d in g i . - i c g b , T o m I in o i s's a l t e r i & c d i l t - i t o i e r I e i ; e e ' d y o < s In 2. T iey are botter spelle s , ai o ne' su attraction , reé m oie m bs, ft e rcj m a ci - t e c î g u a £ ,2 5 i o 8 . - Swode itb sse-easd aceuacy. vion isauty ls departai, wb-tthén- otAiss u fiften tsoueanJ o1là.. r - 3 . T s > b t 1 a s p a ir t i sýl J su o le d g 0 , I o e d ob j e e s - l asu '. b e co m e a n o b j c t, ( t e so res a n ' et- o m u eu s - p rid o ela r b. n ri g e o n- ra p h in l o m t b a f tie f n tiis c u s al osile ,) s u '»it-l D L t ld I a t i l e s ao o v e d i e s i x e c r . q u i e s o t i e r , s e t i e n e f r p i p o t ' ba s ' i sa d e n uiia n l f h t i e b c f b r i o d a n d i 5 1 e v . ! I t t e a c c u m u l a e a t - p à i ' 1- t e in f s u il a r v i t i e lo c a tio n s o f in 1 t e c re r b e r f i e tt'e 1 O o a n e u's 0l te t l e mmit n o a v e -sb ê ci v oti & - im puortant p acco sd lition s, go c um este -, tko sný àdvce and le rn t e Cook 1 T hé n ta e not b e m ; -o h a t u or ft aS1W .' e t c . $s y h a ll y o u r4 g n t i. mD i n u s r tio n ,- e i u g r 3 0 0f! l u is . s n s-t h b o s s u4 e , e n s > ist- 4 byare butter gnawmnnisu,fer tieà v.t m'ver luinlsbonestnls o! y'our bus- ba -ie'cfortedItuae-, 1 w-itb e$ a newiPepen hbusmade. thon faiiliar vii b sud,. sud ycur Jabot lié, accoptablo uto. i vcsig~oo d >arsc ever >' v oie y tif s tyle, fro a tie co nom o us- h lm oe n w he u yo u a,, b ai l d f aliteen M ela n , ve n 6 $ 3,do ai- , ad e,'m u a e - place dv rtisament te tie flus ed roud ciludrený.* Tese i l your g rls Cook t o t ishe s m£â o c menqr us ecnh i e , ~ scîasesicai orstory of th ise ausn tise> sud yen shah Se blesseaeove by 'tis e.ua!i o ievlfr theflo- o'. - more readily app e iend tie te nt, sd co - e ation tsit om s fte o Y *>é'ou. Ts a s d i o h ,v la e o i e w m sequertly anal«yze its construction vit iigs cf tise justL e-usIeet, sud aimînor AYnc moo lcrhty. een-auî utkeir dueta rI a o usiderA. ' 0nkebecomingimcno tts 5. Tiset-vnte boîter compositions,, s-ticus lave no veigt ist iiYen, reffeet loy f8i faEgibmni l.f-h- ing1 f irMoi-ton Peto, as te tise uupeortf igbetter 'Janguage, couesining motoeiufiultely reerblo it lu for jour i!augitm fBila.iarniu-,oéamm!; t h o g t s d m o r e c le r l > ' e x p r o e & .l e0 i eo c u i r a ris t e , sn d r l r d e f a c t o j 6 -ï v i i e n tire of n s , e c c u . W J s y P ron tise eimportntfa(sts tlmneo import.,cýf ag0' baeoltsu os îvr ouge.painter si>neih.4bodgiai, st tiings eau h e deduce ! t- i ith olf W .r' r sua d s ubèred > s d or se e =st Y lu i gita lcno fo skgra ina t 1. T ie réopgonibility cff i s 'preeu lu ths e i-ap» ,-.- h m sc . ourna ., a it or It t exa t l esi îmta i of sud gri â P ro id i nig ite tat r o seihc !ale M o st h alti. 1 a' e elle jn t o f o o m l s ; s u a d ss fr e k fu i lu to u er a u !d u uie sta ud i ng y x p r ea d . G o w Ma. .- s a u il îstra ti ei cf -11 1o1, >e v n l it C o w -O f la s ts u -,s a d ,cie -- te e-f 2. Tise asislte necésiuyof pensonai greaet grovti of tI!$s country since theis daysoabatagtdul& tW lfalot vaSer, and vwithe-ttch ispeceas thit, - supervision 01 tiselsild'a reedung is' vso i]lsauinFnsekiu 'w-as Postiaste parents. ' générual f hat w-msstin the "Colonies i se la-oieey si" 'The Engli suan lu e uid;isi l se ot l hi oh gg, ficmtiai iréforth exiibitai! "à ey Aahbujslsasi~ natChoses, our toe ise ad,w-tbho k el!ot i isooffgiicune noc * ir ca o Riaius 7E BÀit. CEaie-b e, a muicn i e u i it c o gr s, ccr ni et>' est a nd ù fis. em i -r u ~ sl 1 1- l 1 1 1- ré &J ý Land for'Sale,,

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