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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1868, p. 2

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~poI7opf tTho@, Vnvllsj boe. Myord, On Tmeeday, Out, 27tis, os lot 23, Bro- Itan Front, Plekintel aim Stock, la. plucntg, kqproperty of Mr, lbeit Pal' mr-Ts, enausetilonueeî. T.ede7, Cet. 6, on lot No. 15, M soen. PIikerlpng, Stock sud Farce Impisments, * ko.r fprop ot fMr. John -Mcoland.- plMay 0& 16,où lot No. 860,OMb0ou., WI*sby, soIt sud Forte Implomeste, &0., preperly of M. AIe«. Casl..-T. Mievs, ONLY $160 CENTS A TZAR Whitby, Tburs4lay, October 151-1868 Those Rvointiomt ln SpAlu. Oesa reouai grenisla the Ibedoroulo-in enabave olied genial attention tb Spain, glving du te bo b op" bsthe b.once * gytansd povero1 Speuisis emplie may ho iousd ftéiîl lhbargy si tifs @Yi- dem.. usa te lidlng embevu ot ite formei emovgy sud giossam beosa b.(mud lotoa Mmse sud baineMeVw itihei sunoient lahaulo tise Spasiaide have bera fai. tored by natuie wisb arrthing, but tisas * poiîlcasuanSsocial bnowlcdge vbieh fi suentlal to b. cllvated, la ovuder t pro. -smorre sud peipetueaà,uation'& giestacu. TJbey are endovst vit i mmeu e wealtb, fertile auo& populou» coloniee, a s.aboard " é od'by the tiaàtia sud tise Mediter, vaeUm>sud posue ff 1excellent bar- boum. Tle hbai Wr.lo snd iouria- tmg tovas, abandaut .auufaaluîee snd otilfil artimm s. 'Zbhve culîivuod tise &whww.,tm h aemivent muees, tielnoble sud esquieite paating& sud tiumagnifi. aent ebieobuejustilyraulug smong tbe soit voudoîful e@forts of the hutuan mind. lieïk ya beautfloi, onoioue sud fluai ble "lagage# sud tbeir Jtersture la nt vnvcrtisy cf tiss language. Tisir land overfiove vits vine sud oU, sund produore tisacholouslfriite lu alutost bîopliol ex- ,sherams.Underneas ie surface ie t lus fooad valable minerais, sud raie sud tostslysmble, ail easilyseeiselble sud la e1»oeommmulcatlon 'witb tise mosns of %Ipem beeM. opalu poeseeemines-of subersud quililver. Ob. aboànde lu ooppi1 sud beiteeppiy of fend le enormoce, wb» ieu' sund. ouSoreaise. t0 Sefouni lu pbmlty vîthi. isabovdeim.. In short, thse apaaleb nation bbau0mobeautiiull es. dowed vits Gode esilut'sbmtupoffeas wlibla ilfuiitesll avery production vhlcb oais a tel bo tsaucomai yor- gîattll tisaeuloeiti of msmhiiid- Thu peope wbo aie tbe reelpients of mueS splendid gitte baye noer e u e du- eta mauturi lendowaeute. Theisu- » sale*ie dond witb the nomes cf gîsat staseumeu, kibgs and legiglotorb. of able sud Vigorooars Iensd thel hissory le euopblei by tbe froquent uppesaace of. siitansd dislateiestoed patriots. Tier bgiariy 4le .ynd dispute# sud tisa pactl )WeU&coeour of auSpaulsisgentleman bas psW et ao a pievoîb tisoagis entbs vend. Tise people, as a vboia, Are iigi Mludod, geneiomp, tiuib( ul al ol 1n1g- aily , arm as ud aonefrit nue mques- sienaillcoesincee arelgions motte% ansd- esIsentI> tempoeosu mgl j o$thése qreas osdovme ansd noble] W arts, Whovu zfuý puueinpsfr on lb. oceasin.Torontto vasu bth ali. tord. The lntÏrets ef Toronto, andîbed aisulegi of lb. pnopooedlinos-to To. rnato, lbthe ome. Not s voîd vas sai sa te the sirantageo of liscueRail- vtasselie moibbona townsbipe, vbone monoe sseugis by tise Toronto premetera, le bullitisen. Nos ono of tiso speakers Iondomcendud te os> a tord ou tisa$ baud.' TcoloIto arsts -tre lb. bu"loenad cisors of -these ou;. 'Sposhi of 't'I Nipiesig ia., thor. asauver>1 glyt- temps tâ bellîble lb.to'Wn ofWisithy. A1 viasdeouiarraudurs thtintsl.ma~ À (<aimer toRd hlm:lisai If' hu ebIouli labewo eoép tb Wblby tbaS hi enu'o bave tc bila; e»ebocksagain ;(Iiauitov>) as tise people cf tia lova ver. mable le psy fou muais."1 No tender thore asu"iugbtr" a tiesa peakeris stpiJolie. But ln ibis aoaneeîiou n s. Woîte, te, vas tise peait. or, faiied to asy anytiia;aboutt be puls of geain, la WbiSy-abont lb. ifienam la tise prie@ ofwvissiasoibail.>, -la lb. WhlîSy and Tornooarkets ; mot di b. .sy a tord as 10 lise dlfforice ln tisa oeil ef coaoyana. <o tise ospecirs muartl, t16 bise fatumen. Mor'i d l . telbihiboares anythin; ase10 lise difl'eioue la lb.ecoioff transpcrt off Ionier te Toronto sud Whll- b>' baiSer. Yot Inforniation upon ll!ae points voAi be. tai more lImportau-to tise people cf tise uiortnlion shipa, aI -leul--ami fau moue becomin; bise pomsion of Mr. Wuou mi is .Ie1th.u e- esuboul tepise@pubof mutte n a ha Wisitby moat market. But Mn. Worte vantai t tle oa Toronto 'wdimnce. While dota; se, 6Ser, ho eheuli uet susvor, as bu di, 10 dupe ourieleai th-~in, b> makin; statlunente thoîl>cncir. rocs. Ha le nîpcîbed te haroessi- déWhen îissy (tise Touento delujgatea,> 64 vont loto 'Brook, ho fonai mon tuIla;n "10 vote $60,000 houas <o &id Iu tise con. "utinaîlion cf the rosiduftev h bhaboom "esplaiuia in thon tithIe prie.off <heu *' puco _yoold bu incruasci 10a rory déoonsidérable oxteat, sud <bey fuInll> "r otai $60,000 for tisaS objeet."1 Nov Broak bus doua notbiin; of tb. kiud,-ncr le tissu. muhIslkeliseod off <bat tovnsip iia;sol sud lu malin; lb.eas- serlicu, Mu. Wonts vas gity cf makia; aau parcuablu nilestatemeus. Tise graSlumber-urade viici elb.da- receso f bise Nipiaiulinhu omIo ls ba ti eierera b o xpuas, sud abesi lis raine off viici se10mach vas sii 'aitisae meeting, leo aIl moenebino. Wblu tise Nipiselu; lino wili bave to b. coetinctii a distance of moue tissu' 80 mile» 10 remisa lb tisituaile reaoisod by tise Wbity and Port Ferry lia. ut a distance -of <veut> miles. And tise WSltSy baîbour le -sud voaiae pre. pars <e pîr ise e t-a beotrand cibspen haîbu cf uxpeut tissa'bisaI ot Tornto. Lui botS liis bo boutît 1- monnet andIbtiseWhitby sud PorltPuni lineu b eing lise eopeeltd lb. ox- porter wvoli -cesmani tisaitraie.- W. ae ou. off tios viso vonldi ena-go tise langth cf syia;tist I Ivonldho btlie Whlîby lino'& aivantagse, le Lave she Ni- pliuta; Slit. We baie net a single tond bneay agalaiet Toronto dassimIla;, as fi le undeabi- edly Ite lalerst <o use, lbaseeuulug tise. Rtailyy. But, speakin; off lb. respective mortfs of tise Whltby soi Por Penny lins, soi .15. Tonoalo amiý -__ 7u ob d va cel Oui roopeetu Campbell vas id sud riepéeu Ms cf beras quatntueo. 'Bise bai beau for a longtîme alllmg sud bar demise bai moi be uer pectoi fer seo lima'puet. -Altisogi knoviag tha eeudaily vaetlag aval Unideî iisatslow§ bulûshidiou, ani ail oqeriog ieeme ounptlou, mà@e ner succmb. ed lotislais. 1Ârerylev dyiprviometo bar doat s mie Va uit riige Thone of oucaoomponarles viso voe>rou tisa ata Prieu Eteusslon to Foit William vili re. sembe o w hindI> agreeabla aise maie berslf inrtag tise trnp, vus avery mark of ikauuad suffeiigg-ou bei wtet trame at, tise lime. Mie. Camipbel wue second dangisiai of Br. Conad Vandun, of Owen Sommi, sud isadbeau married aboutsflftan-yeau t10 oui onrowinî fri sudcolmpiai vil~wisielos vosot slincerely sympatise. Bis aidbereave- meustvil! U..eufflciatly soconul for tise non-appoiracce of tise OGate tbis vesk. BaswBvax xxPcutaîuo.-Au ex- allons bain ou lb. faim of tb. laie Mi.r Joriapois, vicislu nov occupied by Mi.' BonIt vas lues veek totali> ooasamed by ie,,together vusb a couelderable qusu. tii of' este &ud peu, as vol as some raable faim implemealu. The brigfiu cf tise Ore leaukîovn. A man ised been thsreublng pous la tise barn, -but bai loft about tvo houri beforo tise Ore broko ont. It, le- impcted jlat_ ho-way bave houa smoking# aui tisaI tb. Ore mai bave imolierei somas lime before th.eldamee baties forth. W. bave beard that Mr. Baks vui not liuued. grJciDeu t lHaxoia.-A mlaacisely case of suicide occnrred last vo, ou tise oissi coem lon of Pickeing. Mu. John Sides, vios faims Io ltuated about a mile moitis of Kinuale, laft bis isome on moadai morulug, bain; iuformsd hls vite tisat ho vas goin; <o tise neon sudelime 10 ettis seamout foi sisieshing, vitla anelgihour. Ha novai reaced tise naigbbour'm bouse. As ho hid been rather accentrie ia bis habits, sud -occssiouaUy loft home foras day or two vithout lufoîming his faml> visither h. bad gone, Mis. ides dii not fi very maneay, ouai11 vo or tbisîcodays isad elapied vîthomi liseretuin ôf ber hus- baud. Obe tison- dispatcbcd meuseugers 10 Greenv ood, Amiley, sud Ouava, but <sile o- " btluanmy lîdiage of beir ost bumbn. On Ssîmiisy forenoon, Mr. lama. Blon, viso liums close by, sociien- tal1l7 discoffeeitise body of the ieceseed oa -thea'@dg@ off a plaeaoff voode, about a quarter of a mile ficu bis laie reidence. Tisa body wvasmupadoi rom a tie., viicibai houa cet dovu, sud vis lodged lu a ilanting direction. Tis esfot voee toticblu; tisegronnd. Hie bai Iy hiei foot sud hie coat bai beau ta iii off sud plâced bouide bum, before ho commtaid tb. avfal sot. Ou tise luquet, viicis va. eld by Dr. Taceke, on Batarday evoning9, no cause oould b. discoveici, vbich wvoliaccouaI for tise deceeed b.iag dina bperpetvssc sncb au ss,. Us. iles leulifici tisat bis vorlil>ciiecuslces voie as proipeoa as la-otiser yeans, sud there bai beau no domesilo dlscomfort or disagreameat. Mr. ide. baiaàn oxcellent faim of 112 acres, on vhlcb b.obbd, réeiid about cigisteca yeare. SHowuvasropccteib> ,bis neigi. boan u a a axioff staady habits. + The Verdiet of lb. jury vas tisaI lis deceaued Lad commtai suicide, by hbis- la tb.é 0enîn;, te Wily lubuotal. ai thoîr ate oppcueulw, îogbtison titis fiionds, to lise numbmr of fifit toaà supper at Armobionge btel,rvieS vasgotten op 1' splndid style,' sud reflected cradit on2 0 zboit ad boîais. Âfturî be stand, aid lysltoaste, sbý4bealtis cf tise 'Ouîavio clqp,'é - Toîoato, vas oosanad re. j epoadd o lyS>Mi. McNaagist sud Mu. Lugidin. The latter gentleman payed lb.e Witby le4 a> iigs ouaýplimous, #&y& ta; tisas ho vmss urprisod ai bise improve. mant bisa> bad mad a ntioi pisy, ince ho Sbd bisahepleaure of lest meeting tisom. Mr. Lugedin aiecontrasetheb.wsum, cordial racepîlon îbîy met *it in ta biby, 10 the mlgga4ly tresîment tboy receivai s a matobi uîtisa eHamlto club, playad la tbas o0k>' 'sud oouciudod asneat speechs by p 0poin a"ncus 10tb. Whitby club.$$Ihe lutter toasus w poodet by Meurs. J. K. leslie sud Ueo. H..lHam, on býha oatcf tise club. Thse partj<viry nuvilllagly,) Siohu up at aint o'lock- the lime for tise depanînre cf bise Toronto boys-al deciarla bueloevlplnu vitis the days' sport. Thse following are name off tise playors: Otanio-Jos. Lugadia, C. Soears, Wm. McNcogisi John Lagodin, T. Browa, Jas. Broum, Hornibrook, T. Mitchell, J. Evail, Hcwlitt, Murusy, Heliiwell. Witby-D. Van Viack, R. H. Jaaaiesoa, M. C. Lynde, 0eo, H. Ham, J. I.Lesmlie, N4. Brovu, John E. Pringle, R. Fraser, W. H. Card, Jas. Mitcisoly J. Blow, sud C. ýCampisol. Tise umpires voie Meusrs. Helliwell aud Joues, for thse Ontaric club ;and Meurs. Lamon und Hawkey, for tise Whitby. Tan RoTAL. HOTL.-Thie cld sud-woli. establisisud boteS bus latell 1m4 puvoheec by Mr. Darwin Kent sud Mr. Tbio. Waikor, viso fermal> open fcr business ou tise 2Oîh lit. The. bouse bas beau coxupieiely renovaediedacitclltiorugisout, ani fanisci suiv fronttop tc bottcm us nau pelagaal msnncr. bisa> cf oca ederi know persouall> Mesura. Kent à Waikcr. Both have Sud large axpaîisucc la hotel. keepia;. Tise> aie lso public favorites having alwsys Actei in a Manuor 10 give cicry satiefaction 10 tb. publia. And tise> yli te are coafideut, carry on the Royal las mauner tbat viii refleat no discredit ona'tffr management. W. bcspcak for tisut a gcod Word. We cauinot aliew lis occasion to pue vitisoal paying a veil deserved tribale 10 lise laie proprietor of tise Roya, Mr. Jacob Bryaa, vWho Su su long sud le creditabi> couductai the-business cf tise Royal, and. 2Çr 18 yean, aitogether, car ried on lise otel business i la itova. Of tise mauy bisoasaude visont ho bu aatontsined sud calerai for in bis lime, ail viliva are suie, psy him tise juil, tribute cf baving beasa acareful, ,ubltging and attentiv esIut ,ad a laniioni nuicu whoee roof tise travallor ouni isospttity, mfetI, uni respect, As a private citizen te eau al heur testimeny 10 hie gcod parts 1 ud visile vc yl regret bis joli>, porîly proseuce, iti legraîitfing te be aSIe to say bisaihosecan votire wlth that proud, hoent conviction tist ari ng tise sigisteen yoars Le Ilkopb hotel"' ho acted bis, somottînos'diffilclt part, in mais a oeanner as te gain tise respect sud cslcm et al viso buot him. Nzw LsOIL FzatX.-Ai viii b. soen b>' nous> uaI> lb.e21ss lit.MnCas Wright le not a straugur amon; as, fivicg' iaciiued in Ibis placenoeamontiss ago, li &id cf the Spire fond off AUl Sais' Charch. t muras tuai sue e t thse poition oz Mesue. Thor. Wl= bon, 'John Boys. sud 29 otisera for lb. Inunsfen off W. Hil'a tavemalilansu to RbOS. IHoigeon b. grant, ei, sud tisaI thisglairSe consrteîildt make tb. luanîfer te Mn. Hoigeons scon as bu iepotits tise ertîlcaste of the. lavera lipeclor sund lb.eboude as neqiiai b> tb. by >si> aveotfIbis ceuporalîcaý. Conacil adjonînsi outil tfiçt' Monda> la Novemben, 1to ets 10 o'elOoeka. m.ý Board cf sohool Titeeiw Tiser. vu no quorum off the Board ou Tuaiday, luts. Prasent. tiseohalrman,ý Dr. dnou, Dr. Tokai, sud Meure, Gveco, vood, Fauguson aud Pronifoot. Absent.. Dr. Carson, Captain Rove, sud Meus, YaTlruoid, Clu;;, Pur,.> sud Tbwsite. -lWe regreio t e regco ltena le chrouiclo' tise - iattention seva -1tuseishootmaltera W. leara <s tisane are soceautlyla ovee forn tsea ime -nupali, aud tisa bise toacisers'saliarisuenao tisa lim iuib. bate molyet b.oa passod. Tise negloot cf tise absent...is ueo anfair te the regalar attendantesvso have Ihas <o attend two ulgiseinateai cf one, 1Tise chairmnahà~ directed aaoliseu meeting tl e Se aRIaifor Tuesduy evuuiag nenthowbn ib is hopai thora vili T» a ful attendaace. OmmÂvWA Tàxx.-The taxes in tise vil. luge et Oshsawa rate as higi s ixlen aud-a haIt mille lunlise dollar, ibis ycau, Seing tisîs ansd ahait mille moue tisa tise raie lu Whisby, thic i souly 13 mils., Tise Vin'dicafor enquire-"1 Wb.no do tise taxes go Il' Tui e sw STEcAK W 5IIG MAOHIisN.- No Setter proof ouglat to be uoedei cf tise great aîility et thse ncw seani vaesiug machille of Mr. Pedistissu tise testimona. ile vo pablisis olsevisore. Wisou kuovui, no vouma ofa haougld ifdo lmitist la. It is thseue tising neodod lu a tamily. FUNERASciBzaoa.-The fanerai sermon et thse luto lamenledl Mrm. Campbell viii be preachod by Rer. Mu. Sauniers, on Buuday noxi, ai theo Mthisot iurcis. Nortis Ontario Aigrlcultural socaety Exhibition. Thée saunai exhibition tisis year vas iseid et Prince Albsert on the Otis and Ith intout. Il vueeli atteuded, uni tise prize lult orbidisvo gire horevitisshow bise large aumber ot exiibitors vise ebtajuci prizu. PRIZE LIST. nensas. Saddle or carriaga stallien, lot, E. Ma- jor; 2nd, Win. Touilinson, 8ud, Jas. Jawctl. Draught stallion, lot, Win. Balcon; 2nd, Jos. Moffatt. General pupoe stallion, lot, J. Brait. loy ; Loi,- Robent Dobson; gri, Obed Wilson, Biooi broed marc, lit, J. McDonald; Loi, H. C. Lyndo. Brooi mare saudle or carrnage, lot, J. COrtaiunL 2i, Jas. Holman. Draoght bvoed marc, lot, Wm. Jack; Liai, R. Franklin. Bvood more tor genoral porpoeo. let, J. Fergosçon; Loid, IL. Harpon; Spd, T. Ceaies. 'Two yaar ld ecolle colt iruugbt, loI, Alan. Lcansk; Lnd, F. Grahamu. Two year old mutre colt genoual pan- p oselut, John Lowmau; Loi, V. Woti .Two year ld antire coit sadle or car. riage, lot, J. W. Squlch ; n,-,4 Gai- gruith. Ttc year oh 611>l, goncual porpese, lot A. Scot; Lui, John Steues. Twc yemn cli fily draught, lot, Wru. Moffatt; Lnd, Jos. Iloffstt. Two yeair old fllly, sadIe ou carniage, lot. W. uni D. Carmichuel; Lnd, M. Me- oua year cld colt or llly, saddie or car- niage, it;' C. Blakcy; Lui, Robert Bn.- Oua year cli colt gencral -purpoe, let, J. C. Piikey; Lui, Wm. Coules. Wo. Coates. SSOUTIIDOWNI. Rami 184 0, . Paxton; 2nd, .John la- Tworowaes, lit sud Lai John Jacobs. Ram lamVA, G. Bommnervilia. Ttco w ambo, lot sud Lui, C. Paz- ton. Ttc fat wolbraýs, lot, E. Blet. Tvo fat mies, lat, A. Scot;, Loi, G.> 80,W, largo butee d, lit iJRlpis<; LoiJ. Ucifftt < Beau ýPig, lange, lit, H, harpon. Beu, ommiiibisa. lut, Jas.ý Philippo. Set, omali buoci, lot, John -MaDenuld. Beau plg, atuali, lot, C. IVestiake; Li,d Wm. Harrisjan., Soir pig, omali, lut, 0. Wuetlmke; Lui, C.Sharani., ONtAIN, auribsi i >M 1 1. Fali theut, l'ut, Thon, Ceates - 2nu, J.1 Thempsofn; SrI,.eltheaju., spniuug *boat, lot, John Rolpis- eni, elm Nethenton; 8vd, Bilas Page; Common harloy, lt .Notisetoujun. Lui, R. Dobon.. oses, large visite, IsotJ.W. qîaelis' Lui, B. Nauhenten. Osti, common, lot, D. Laîk; Lui, Jas. Browu, Pas, lauge, lit, J. Holman. Pous, amail, lat, John Corns; Loi, W. and H. Reynolds, Inian cern, lot, Jas. Galicvay; Lui, W. ani 11. Reynolds, Whiite bean, loi, Jeohu Parker; Lui, J Phillipo. Turnip mcci, lot, IL. Ilaiglit; 2n&, T. Lamab. Flan, lut, H. Hatrper. Taies, lit, R. Fiankl. Clove eoei, lut., Thos. Love. Timcthy ceei, lit, S. Ntherton; Lui, W. & Rl. Baird. Turnips, lit, T. Munie; Lnd, R. rinank- 1L mangels, lit, H. Ilaiglit; Lui, John Roiph. IL carrola, roi, lut, John Ilolpis; Lod, S. Nathanton. 12 cannota, white, lat, R. Netisrton;- Lui, S. Netherton. 12 bloci bacts, lot, Dr. R. Jcncs-; Lui, S. Nottierion. j B culons, lit, F. Rain;-Lui, W. & D. Carmniclanci. - - y Petatoci, pink cye, 'lt, Jas. Sharrard; Lui, C. Sharrani. Polaîces, cupa, lot Jel Poiler; Lui, T. Petalcea, any vanioty, lot, J. Wilson; Loi, H. larper. Appîci, tinter, lut, R. Seot; Lui, A. Thomson, ' T ore Li .Apples, summer, li4T., urc 2d Win. Wani. Peurs, lot, Tises. Lamub; Lui, W. A. Tomluson. PlamalAue, l1t, P. Carmichael; Lui, J. Jury. Planai., any vuioly, lotB. Yarnaol; Lui H. Haight. Grapes, lot, B. Yarnol; Lui, Rubon Tomatocu. red, lut, A. G. Somnuerville; Lui, C. Sharrand. Tematees, yelew, lut, A. Shanrand; Lui, C. Sharrari. Cabbnge, lot, J. Wiit; Lui, H. Gardniuvogotables, l1t, Johsn Parker. Grcen boume plante, lot, P. Bain. Citrons, laS, John Parker; Lui, C. Pax- ton#. Squaisces, bl, Jus. Phillipo; Li, Il. Hsight. Pumpkinm, lut, G. U. White; Lui, Jas. Hinaun. Caulifiotens, lut, ILIlaigit; Loi, A, Tonnance. Celery, lot, q. Cure:Lui, John Par. ker.% t DAtIT vaIDCE. Botter, lut, bina. B. Beynoe;Li, dMia. E. Bowv; Bn, Mis. P. Ban; 4th, Mus. J. Camplin. Chacce, but, Uns. J. Holmon. uciORETo XÂuurÂCTUKRm. Fuiei aloiS, lot, J. MeDonali, Loi, Mis. C. G. Joncs. Flannel, wisite, lot, Mus. C. Benola; Lui liii. R. Lund. Plunnol, clorci, lut, Mis. B. Bell; Lui, Mia. W. & D. Carmichael. Woolleu blankots, lut, Mis. R. B. Way; Loi, 1fis. G. Brabazon. Corerlot, lut, Mus. R. Bell; Loi, Mus W. Bard..* 1Yarnuknittini;. lot, Mis. 0. Sharani; Loi, Mns. J. Holman. Coaaterpanc, lut, Mii. R.Bell; -Loi, Mus. J. Dlolman. ý - Mite, yood, lit, MnsmJMofft; Loi, Mm J. Christie,, juo. Giov es, vootlolt, -Mis J, Shurari; Loi, Mns.31. J. Christie, j u., Bocks, voo1st, Mus. J. Christie, jan; Lui, Mu.C gaunard. Rag iag, loi, Miss R. H1arper; 2Lui, Uns.,D. Jocuingu. Be; coupeS, lot, Mus. J. Heolman; Ars. W. &Otît. L.ADIES ' MiRTUEI Gent's shirt, lat, Mis. C. Porest; Luid, Mus. Boirmon. .Lady'. bonnet, bot, Mus. Patocîl; Lui, Mua. fiemnniill. Moumter1 lut, ~ N eieu...u jTeruipslicé, lit, Neil Stevouson.1 Oharu, lut, Thot, Birciscl; Lad, J., B. Hers rab., lat, J. B. Lazier. Grain caile, lati,J B. Laer.' Set e oroe o eeolt, W. H. Warren. Bide sole leatisan, lot, Jeshus Wrights; 2ui, B. Panrisis. Bideoapper blser, lu,Josis aWright; toile B. Pannisis. .Culit nl, iroaued, lot, bosas 'Wriht; Men'% fiue boots, (esîf skia) ITt, Lot Men's çocare bots, <cot bide), lte, sDyuei & Sneoli; Lad, Loy h Bonirani. Lsdios'.flae boots, lout, Lot hAlartiani. Ladiéses oitboots, let, Lcw & Bértrani. Set (ami hamneau, fal, T. Ceurtice. Setcanula;. isannestlit, T. Coeurtice., Sot single hieseoat, T., Courtias. Bide sandie, fat, T. Countice. Genî's smop' le, sT. Courtisel 2ad,'- Jas. Hanrisoný Gentlemna's ceatilote Y. Sqairo. Haift tiousani ahiagia, lit, Mrs h Trounce. *Specimen cf cooper verlt,. lai, Thsomas Centre table, lit, W. H. Park.. Bureau, lui, W. H. Park, 'Tan Ibo. maple ogar, lot, 0. C. Joae siii, J. W. Sqaolch. Six-Ibo, hoîîoy in conab, loeb.Coley Il Liai, J. B. Lazien. Fifi> ibm,.viseat foeur, lut, A. PunI; 2nd, Manah k Proance. Fifty ihu. caîmeal, lut A. Paul. Six uheaves ain lustnawt, I H.,i per; 2ud, Joisn Roipis. Grainin; on vood, lut, W. M arais, Bountit ffou caîviagea sud sicigisu, lot, J. B. Lazior. Cepper sud linwuîe steve faraituno, laI, B. Bryau. Pair îarkeys, lot,' Thou. Ceaies j Lad, 9. Frankln. Pair getse, ist, T. Coaste; ad, Thou. Beailie. P.air ddao,- bat, T. Coates, 2ud, T. LaniS. Pair Sain-yard fowla, lute Thoua. lamb; 2ud, J. Jury. Pair barn-yard fevîs, (umal1), lut, J. Jury; 2ai, W. H. Hayes. Collection aonfoctienery, J. Hiscoals. bar trait preori in augar, lot, Miie E. Reyuoide, Lad, Mue. T. Lamb.. Jar pickles, lut, Mns. W. A. Temliuion;, 2ud, Mie. H. Mat. Jar jeu>', lit, Ure. T. C. Fonnisa; 2ud, Mrs. E. Major. 1Leuf brend, loi -Mise C. Pormn; Lai, Mrm. R. Land.- BeitS ecimnaboisesoia;, titis corenku, leit, auni Bails>, 2ud, A. Wat. son. On grain, suais, moots sud hortieultura -H. Biakl, Ra. aupai sud&Joseph Dosiry produco, denesio imanufacturas, ladies' deparnand uineaoarts.-Meuse Tistaito sud Hamilton, sud Misses _Lynde sud Shier. etf Wiiy. Sbep-mWm. Bie., a. Hickiugbcttcm sud John Smith. Caile-John Dryden an m n.* Luak., Horoa-C0. Mattiesev, W. H. Thsom' sud W*. Coaltisani.- Impiementes aidcabinet voie-I. Kot. chou, J. B. Bprovlo and J. B. Biakoîl. Msia-D-. P. Wyt, EB. Waikor -ami- E. Muai>. Mnasand Raima Agrin'euural'Show.' Tise MarsaoaidRamas Bnch Agneau..ý tarai Sboit> hli its snnai Psu lShot aI Atiscrly, on Thursia, lt insu. Tisa veatison vas fine, sud ISse' vwas-s lange numban cof visitera in attenae. Brooi marc vilS fouI at hon tact, lot, .Neah Thempsen; Liai, J. SU Clair; Sud, Tiss.Wiipps. .- n cf hisnic, lst, George' Southoru - Lui, Il Rii>; Sud,'Jas B- gber. Ounebasisel carnets, l li Jar ngiur Li, Jas. MoPhanson; Bnd, liany J'It- noy. - One buahel mangehi vunizol, lot, EL Whitney; Lui, m'a.Boultoa; 8ui, Jas. GABLDPEWVEOInAmLS "n> ituIT. ô bonis cabbage, lit, Hlenry Whitney; lini, Thos. Kelly.' Tiralve baes, lot, Alan. LaitS ;Lad, 'B. Loo; Sjii, A. Daiouhoff.r. Twelia carrela, lot. Wm.-Boultou; Lad R. Lec; Sud, Alan. Leitis. Peck cf culons, lot, John Hlesilu; Ld, James McPiesne; Sud; Tios. Kelly. Peck cf apples, lut, John Whiny-, Li, .ohu Fox; rn, 'John O'DouueILl Pair et tunkcys. lit, Oliver' Thomp«uno Loi, BcmadDat!y; Sud, Alan. MaKin- -Pair cf gnose, lot, Joisan se0onali; Lad H1eur> Revel; Bn, Bernard DuEy. Pair cf doaku, lut, Maurice O Cnnel; Lui,'Aicx. Leith; 8rn, James Daigison. iPair cf fovîs%, lst, Oliver Thompsou; '2ni- Geo. Sotteru. - luhef, cf tiincthy seci, laot,<Tames Biargiser - Lui, 1%u. Boullon ; Bai, IL O'Connell, -Ton lbn o et %aseei,1lut, Tisos. Mllis; 'Luij Jàmes Tahatu>; Sud, M. RevoIL.- Pàtr homo nzde blatnketa, lut, Joisa' O'Donnel; 2Lnd, J)hn Fox; Sud, John ileDenald. 10 yards, t lo lth, fi, <Cr, Tloyle;;. Lud,'î1mesurghcn; Bnd, JohiifcDosld 10, -yards fallai "satinot, l11t; JAmos Héoslo; Lnd,,Jismes MePhersen ;; St';-D. Haihin. 10 Yards ilanoali lut, .7aniitr Mahôucy; Lui, Lachleii HcDoiisid ; ud, James lie: Pherson. Pair of lluts, loS, Lacisian AtefIsfi r, Lui, James .&(oeuey i.Srd, _Donald M1e. Donald. Pair soaku, lit, Donalid NcDenaii;.Lnit. Lanhblan .mlconali; OBn, James Moulin. SPatchai quult, lot, TimotWy Caiili, Li, Martin Kelly; Sud, Richard Lov,,t Plain onfna> uceedla venk, let, Ueory Revel; i,2d, A. Thcrnnc; 8n, Charlei llevitt. .Made shirt, lot oui Lui, James Ho1-. Phenson ; Su d, Richsard Lee. - Tise Directonu made tise follovin; nmin- aIe -"The Dinectonu are ef opinion that Mï. John O'Donnelvas oct avaîiei tisa prizo for maie shirt, ewing te the jugea ueotcenidoring il vcnrked by thé baud, then ho utalcu ho coli hava prored te Ihe ceutrary." Broos Pail Show. Tise Brock, Agricultual Soceety'i Fait BiSb o tas Sdi ut - Jones' Corers, BuS Concession Brock, ou Fniulay', Loi met. A botter day could net bS e iired. STisèe. as avony foin exhibliioncf lire stock, aodi-if th.ehotw1intisa Floral INsll uni cf Inuploments vas not quit. ioczlen- niveon aoeecoli bava tlehei' Ihere vonu eomo very excellent articles lu lheao de- pantaiotl. . Pisjudgéà tors R. Foatèr, Beach;A Plik, Uxbiiga; 0, Hanter, '-Bosch, (Hebrses, Binme, sud Implenientg>. On Catleasd uhoep.eJ. Graham, ISseS; J. Thorisiyko andai eo. Wallace, Mar-fpos. Floral hall, John Hoiguo, Manchesten; R. Gilphin, Uxbridge; S. P. Edwariu, BRrock. -- _DraUgbt bioci mare vitis <e st aI @ ou evidenou f 'osi, belJas. Dobie ; 2dj JUlics SU.Joisu. Geaerai purposa buooi mare titis foda&a foot or eviience cf fouIlit,49A.. Bretolc H Ld, G. Biabszoa, - Span cf borsu fou draugisi 10 b. mbowm in harnois, lit, Goé, EHaddru -tU& I ttG pres $5 sand saiking 'colts ou fil "Pannons' Delug teck bthola pre 2ad. A circus c'ompa ple ln tho cause ci Noyés,con leasing perncent, ofthle ga aiternoon'u péfi in tSe handi of Mi ît efthtie pcor pec UILulAUT Dmi No. 2, àe unier il .of the conties son alinags, Bru ls Halinand, «4iiWentvortis, Hslîou, Peai, Car eont ii nugs. Si rniga, Ontario, Ibo citieef Tare tisa puovialonal ju -The vite of i Qco's Pnlnter,1 éaunis on Monai BarRe>. Psit Wheat..- Spzing do. IlEYEB.-O th ise offThetTic. jit., aged B36. Mm , Canipiuli CampDeR, Esq., e thse Widby'iatet place ram issu lai te Rer. Dr. Thorn (Thurenay> moral NEW ADV PAUZ An externai oud in CRAM? & pAý Bruis.., Bnaasnds oùf the Jois TAoi Sois Throat, But Uî t seileua or Rt1n>' vier dc vitiacat il, W- Bovine et PE 1088, LÂIJ Darnietea, SOLICITORS- 1 *Toronto, and MMim IodnâOffice,'-Br noi. . m, e- C. Whitbyl Oct. 14,

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