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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1868, p. 3

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cu; 2ndGa. T-ecuer., ll. Twa fat ahacp, l1t, John Alen Twa eweo? lct, Chuc. Piaeoe ý 2as J. i Mllen.2, Two ewelambsitltesh. Keeler; tnd Chas. P.coe. Aged nuloteCi, . OS cs.goe j 2ndq W. 0 Bhserllug ra, cé e ud 2bd, Chanlet JEGS Keuer, .B Ied -la lùieusuletand luS, Chu. Pcsceo Bl3otec,. Spiran; 2luS, W., Gor. F'l1I *s:::o,:MinoUsAlleu; lsd, H. reib. TnIooriitof et ter, lote ns U'x i Gleudiatàlng 1 2ad, dU. A. Breteusn. Alsofl Ton 168 of more tot aheese, lst 'Ai go. whidlî 60 Iboof.Me t Il ict,iscs. 8éilnso Two dozes apples, set leatisas 4 varie. dles, lui, #a#. Roekie; luS, M. Giiîespie. Reint - Hait bd#Ëel et petati el». JsMoe.Brook S s1er; 20àd'A&. Mophaden, Dc.an terisi, lai, A. 13ieîhonns Desen camaits, lati A. Hill. wt Dezen bouts, li, Peter Èanuulcbaet. Peck entons, W. & D. -Carmsicisasl six heada eabbaget la!, 'A. Bretisetur, JE Coverli, ici, Wss. W&Y. Place wank qulît, let, Wo. Baird, Imm Fife yards fisiled edots, lii John Hart; ' tRd, R. B. Way. Pie lard& Ilanuel, lat i, W P . Car. plEîn michael 1 2udî John Hart. J iT g Pain et laiskeis, lst, B. B. W.'; 2ad, acr John Hart.,r mto Sisai, 1lut Gee. Hart;-,2ud, W, W.>. TOWNE YJ.Id, lot, e-Go. Reekie; 2ude, nTutisa ( Bide upper baser, lut, N. McLeani. Bde harneas leatiser, -1.î, N. MeLesn. Sot-of et h..>double hamnesu, lI, 1H. Set et ingle harneis, lot, Tisas. May'. * Palrmne'& caif boots, lit, N. bIeLean. Iton piew, let, B. MeDoaad. Wooden plcw, li, H. McDonmaid. ,Wagon, lat, Valileityne ; 2nd,, W..w Young, Pair oet harovcwslit, MeDaisald. DucoatzesAluRy.-Mr. W.. Gardaon give two prises' $5 and $3, for tise .we Lest eulilg colts or fllies, sired b>' hjimalion "Parmeri' Doligisî.ee Pssîrick Keessan took the lat prize, aud Josephb BarLer tise A ciros aCampany> can set a gaed cxam- file in the cause of lsumnaisty. Tisayes & Noyeo, an leîuving thc Ptavince, placcd ton pZs oent, cf tise greos rccipts of Satuirdssy alteunacn'c performance et st. Cathsarinsa In thesa hnda of Mayor IBurnus for the boile. Ait of tise Pao, peaple ai Red River. MiLTusa>' Dicsîeio.-MtIl tery district No, 2j là uýder the ecw erder, conuposad efthtie coutica cf Norfolk, norts sud coulis idigs, IBrantî, mrtis aid sautiâ id- ingo, Mailwand, Monsck, Wellaind, Lin. coin, Weuîwoîîis, nons sudd sentisridisîgs, xiitea, Peel, Cnndovoii, Grey', isassi and cenutb idinga, Simca., uortis sud acuii idiugo, Onaianonons sudd sentisridîngs, thecaies cf Tarante aîsd Hamilion, and lb. provisionai judicial distriit of Algema. Tise wife o et iaHan. M. Cameron, Qoeen'a Printer, died ut Ottawa au Frida>'. lier reainls were resnoyed by railwy>'te èiaruis ou Manda>'. 'sVistly hlsrkets. Whtby, Oct. litis, 1868. Barbe>'..........$1,47 te *1,50. ** Pall iea.....1,35 te 1,40.- Opiing docie........ .1,10 Peau ... a.........Socle te 8.5018, 4ye... .......... . 80es ta 82cîs. BIRTI. XuEYER.-0n Ssslrday, tise lot is s. Iis wife ot Tises. Keyers, Esq., of s dangis. 1DLED. 1tÀPBELL.-AtýWiibj, an thse l2th_ miaged 86 years and sir usonîlsa, Mrs. Cacuspisebi, wife of James A. Canspbell> Esq., editor anid proprietor ef the Witby CGaseUsaii. efâtaesnl i!tauea place ram iser late nesidence, Danueti, Io Roy. Dr. Tisernton's banial igreund, tbis (Thurdhay) merniug aiten o'clock. NEW. ADVERTISEMIENTS. PAIN KILLER 1 An axtemnhl samd iisiersii îraeti>'for tisee (Il C11AMP & PAIN IIN thse STO3IACII, Bruîmes, Blurns a tl sde, Sprais, Ssvoîlitig or tha Joliis, Toutlisseli, 1'uîsiii ttue ace, NeureigilIid iieniiutissîei, Soe r sant, Suddslc Colda, Cossglis, &c. Use t asicesfoîr Rny ni- tîcse, aujd- you will sua ver de witiîout fh, W B. Baure of lusttiaus 1 Stlti b> al Druggists. rEIIIY DAVIS & SOîN, 305$, LAUDER&MLOE Darristers sud Attorney%, SOIIOSIN CIIANERY, &o. Torante, and bMesillâss'a BinaI. isdio,ininîz Mr. llaldan's Office, Brook oit., W liitby, Ustarie. ilIo. ;. noms, uQ. 0. à. W. "LAEIs. wu MILOCS. Witby, Oct. 14, 18ii8. 41, LIFE,. ASSOCIATIION 0F October12, 18C8. C. A. JONES,1 Sos.sCurai, 14nivav. LECTURE. BPV THE Rev. Mrt. Cartwright, A LECTURE vili ha delîvetb>' tIse aboya .tI nassei ppulirlecturer, on isie acs WVednesday, 21et of October, AT TIIE IALL OP TE MECHANICSI INSTITUE,1 ne Je J. ICHIEP Whitby, Oct. 14, 1868. oRsaioss uf landl are cae ssi a goatiy For tormw to )F ETIE BE i and a large SU m9not be surpase TYLI AIND' HOMÉ-%MÂDE E quality or prices. tind AIl Orderis puné tually 1 attended tO. IËepaim nxetitly done. emwber the place, near>y opposite the Bla nk of Montreal, Street, WhIhby. f, September 32, 1isog.'39' ADVERTISEMENTS. ),T1C El lornlignert afrs for sale tise follow- sinliaql FAIIM JJÂNDd, viz s- as, baing part olllot 140a.ilin tbô suamlon cf the 'SHIP of :PICKERING, îs'I2ilg5 tis ernof tise tirdasa can. arsre ta thiebuilding., yeusug (iraisard eus tise preinissi. l, app>' (Yib>' letter, poit-psid,) Jt.- RAMZR GREENqwooD, SOLICITOR, &a., WilisiTy, ONTr, 'IVlltisy, Pet. 14, 1888S. 41n-41 1TRAY ED, STU1AYED Ista tise roemis;escof the ssi- %criber, TWO 81 I A'. Tise bwner au Juave tise minss by proving praperty aud paying expeoses. - Wu. TEFFREY, Wisthy, (Oct. 14, 1868. 41 NOTICIE& N (TICU'iiA lsesaby rîven, tisat ssplieatlon yl hËý sntsiçs.snt tise isext gms. lo:so tisa Legisitstuia ni tisa Provinsce of Onstario, for sssssasdmesis ta tisaAct (if Isneospavsticssoathie Tajrate ssîd Niplisisg Iuiwssy Companyi LEYS, MaNiIlIlill & ItOBiilTSOi, . Zolcit orsfer Apldimso.. Fort Whitby and Port Ferry RAIL WAYO Tenders For Building. TIF, Port Wiiti'yasnd l'art Perry llallway T('ostulpnny, lisvisstr rccivesi tisa roqssred isnaiit of nsiitipi ioi.etecissîllatism ta coustrisct theisa}iwssy train Po'rt Wliltisy ta lPart Perry, tire n'>w propac to rs'oeive ten- durs, or oiors frîsm lprtes 10for builintg susd <sriippirsg ssld IIsiilwssy. Issferintion andsirisrticiar. mri'y bhal 0s11ai «Ipisiicstiis to tise 1 residei ofi tisa Causîai-sy, ,lsRe hliglz.o'wEsq., of lPart I'erry, or lis% Vicor.i'reîs.idesst, N. G. lUoyiiuldm, Esq, of Whtby. JIOUT. J. WIL40N, office posrt Wlsitluy & P~ort Ferry Easlway 3apny Octîîier 14, 1868. - 41 ~ENCOURAGE, (3ANADIAN GEMIUS! 1Tiie Greatest .Labor-saving Machine of the. Day!1 To the. Ladies of Whitby and County of Ontario! The New Dominion Steam Washing Machine! Can b. uuied ini any Poiler! Only Four Dollars. T IIIlS MACHIINEI operates lupon pural> Asosilt niss rrfciffIcs. It ti l failctinig alid disîsjosîmes, sutiral>' witlslabor end tise voar o! clinhscs'. TlIsa ilt Imss ds eteutuni b>'tise ac- tion of iro, iraeiriveus up tisro' tise clusiers, 11011rAisii uîlcîtisa cîtliem, and fore'] tlsrauga t sa falric witii ustoiiiigrnpidiy, eleauissg it îerfeetly witliont rnbbisîg. Itlsî.s beau t'hsreughly tested,tind prosseuneedtiunequalleti si. a c1ltes ,v thtsar b>'tiss i uve used lu. AIl fauines, fronsitfise iiGat laina. t-3the beat lliiks.ti-, casis sua Wiid Vetectl>'andi vus. ease, siiiît flisc wiibosrd. For tiuuuuusaim h i. isviluutilo, Fa.4tise rubisng, îliiîug cund pretsin>'prce.smnt recesarhi>' fuiFt ties mssrearleums. It in trusly si lor andi itle isavilag insventions.Wuitsisg vili no longesr ha a lisar-dslip, saii a, Iil das iuy a terror suasd dreassl te lissusswivt.s; Tisa lveition catsb. used ins eus> huiler, iltithee loy price o! tIsa artice, e4. pla-e, utitssn ftise re ce nrv lIsiiisly.This usaclsisa Ins heuts ieti sud îilaoruugislï tsourd by tidiercit parties, frais wlionî Lttiosiuai hlave boeus resiveti. TESTIMONIALS. blr, .L. llousec, Mrs4. Joli. ilitiniltcn, Mrs. W. Il. iligiisa, irs. Il. J. Iiscdissll, Airs. J. Il. lJroouwosd,àlira%. M. tYDono%«aus, Irs., A. Il. Cochrnue, Mm.s. Jas. Byrtie, litr. J. Il. 1'arry birs. L. Fsirbisnkt4, »Mrs. .J. Agev, Mr».. l. Co (chirae Ara. AI. Harper, Aira. Dr. Eaasotwo , Ara, k. Cudaltel, Air*. Conît- son. CAUTION. Al ioclilisasmatie oroIt inlutise ('eunity cf Ontarioa ati Durusurnsmnst have thse pro prio- tuo' stansp, issamissg data cf patent and bis liîtiaia on the battons, ait eaci u nîti ven>'lu- frlu!gctolisut wsll ba precutei t e safull ez tant ofthe tia ls. H. JPEDLAJR, voîavîs, soia Ageat tfor tise noneoteur d ant inl tisa Cauli> cf Onstarioaend Dsurhamu. (>slawa, Sept. 23, 1808. se C. A# JONEO, tlarriatert, Saliciter ln Chancer>', Atm terneyq> C, & OU c lieas remnoveti, MAi.Offce ta loti deen aver tise OmmAisa B.tyïx. Wlitby, 0-et. 7, 1868. 40 Wanted Immediately. A FIBST-CLABS Diinig-maem girl; alue a go s aImber-meli., Appi>' toi 211R8. D. KENT, Withy, Oct. 7, 1865, 40 TO OUR PATRONS. T îlE dîsasmrosus lire iiolsdemroyeti aur WLIorlum, ncsstte uir sking sume- dicte panyisst o! ail notue s and neecuw ist vs 1are nev put due, toalal jus lu re-isuiîding tise smon. A prompt reasisie wilî be iseceasar BROWN &T1AITTERSONa Wisîtby, Oct. 7, 1868. 40. 13aNKLUPT Stocjk or Goolds FOR SALE Dy TENDER* T END lO nellln tisaIl addressed Jasu's$llock, ]lrock street. Wiltby, wilI bc, re- ouîved up te Saturday, the. l7th instant, At isoon, for thea Stock-iis.Trad, balonerissg to tin Estete af of J9JIN bMMAliIN; of Oisin wa, Utstuslo, ail Insuivent, ooossl4lg of an aaeartnsiit Dry Goode, Hardware, groberied, Crockery, Ëeady-made Clothing, &c., &Cet &ce Tise Stoade asiunts ta $5294, lis làstgond arder,assd #ell *arts thoa utîeonssot tio duspomad te ptellhso. in purcir.ser mssy ai a Ã"ante Io carry an isUsI;te«ot is thea game premsus as tise lieai Esstste vlil bc moiti nes the 55w directe. The Villaize 5f 9*itra l i. uîrcsdd bynue of tisa fitscsst Agrriossltsîrs Dixtricts iln tisa Pro- vlrscs ofr(sstarls, sandi tie lnsolvsst lisno bran lns bsssisso,,thora for îspwssvsjssof 20 yeari,sasnd ins osn siceliesat biisst4olsssot tion. Tünders miîat stato tise tarin. of pssrehssse, wisetiser cashs or tisue, fi tise lattert fienains ofisirotila sccuriîy. . No isior wil nsc bdsrt1l iceecaptel, uis satlmi'uctory lirauirespecte. Intendissg pfslirsasers sssly viaw thea Stock, b>' a"r)isnîg ta the undoarsslssd. JAMER 1UOLflEN, octeiber 11h, Ibos. 40 PIANO FOR SALE. -a-- A plendlid 7-oetss Pianso, sviich took tisa Ati.8irt-prizo ett fia Russto.n Exhîibitions, ix afterd for sale. It in of lKisser's issske. sînd làa o lrot-celstss Plissao, sas regards toasndi. Ilîiis. Appiy ta GEO. HIlJAMf At tiOeCIssiONsO1LE Offlia, Wi -Wiitby, Oct. Di 1808. 40 BTILAYIED OR STOLEN From a Iliid on lot 85, eigtith ennesuios af cf Alexasnsder W il Iini, lot' A. el-hîh conîcsfiaîs Piceing. %Whoaver vil! rs'tsrsslier te flia awsser, or give îlssPrmotion cr lier wiorasisotlîus wll ba sstably rewardcd. If fosîslipid n n persanse custody a fier tiuis nt)tice, tisay will 1;0 prasecssted. ALEX. WILKIN, Octal,., Sts, 1868. Sin-4) GREAT AUCTION SALE 0IF TIOROTUH.REED DUR IA ÀM S Grade Cattie. rr'illtSuhicriherlisus eceivel lngtruetlon [t, cier for ae, nt TII [S'rL 9 lIA', lot Na. 17. 7th , oiseessin cf tisaTOWNSIlé P IIKIIGe!gliît mile Dufflin'sCrack .T.Uon ýWeenosjday, Oct. 2lst, 188, Pasrt cf tise minable Ilird belanging te JOHN MILLER, ESQ i 1 two-yeiur aid Gonersul Purpesa Euture colt, simed I l Lard Clyde"; 1 tisroa year aId Fiil> lus fan! ta 'Conquercr."1 DIIRRAMS-TI!OROY..IREDS. 1 four-year ciià Bull, Prince ai Bourbon u; ana twc-year clul Bull, Lard Dseie Second;- 1 Bul Calu, Nawe MG.; 1 do. Lor.d (Jisi; 1do. Sir. John A.,i do Sir Walter; 1 d~o. Willie 1 tIa. Lord i)roughcm; 1 do. Blondin; i Bull Cssîf Jarkhans; 1 do. Prinuce; 1 do. Jerry; 1 sge.d (2evBessie fMamirll; 1 3-voisnid Csuw, aid of Pisseiig; 1 8-vear nid Cow, Lilly Dale;* 1 2-ye oki Beiter,,Jeannie;IIofr Cal, tia <.'; 1idoc. UiIy; 1 do. Fasny. GRADES. 4 twa-r-enr aId liciters, cli wel.bred, andi iiu cailita a Tliseraiglis.recs iisl; 1 twa yeer aId Heifer, noarl>' titarcsulisrud; 1 Milcis Ccv; 1 8-year aid (tew enud leifer Cal!. SHEEP. 6 eica to m ere& Caoseiold Sbesuring lisaus; 8 Sheerliig Zms, ver> goati and isred frans pure iniportacl Steak; 24 Ham Teunlu,, ail ~ood; 18 woll5.bred wev.; 10 Siseaîliug Evea; Tise Subseriber isega te sa t>'tat tise Stock ativertised Iolamocuisrger msu usussrs ssind spcra lis qieli>' tea suu'uiing lue lisa et e la ise Public. Andth Ie mine unre- s[ervati ciarectert , viitax i srrieti eut ft tisa luat atnssu aloevil! be strieti>' aduured te lus cectiotlcs itis tîsi,. Ilerdl Bock Pedigress of tise Dssrlamus will busfursslised eitisa ale. W on eccounit et tiselarge <Uantit>' cf Stock te h. dispc.ed af, thse polo wilI pamitive- ]y' cammence au 10 e. tm. Lunuchsst 1 p. nm, TEIlAS 0F BAL-lu usantia'credîl given b>' furnisisig arpoved seocurit>'; lu- tereat (ro ay onf'etmale i net pelti vison due. W- Teesu willi be nitishe Dullin'% Creek Station, Grand Truuk 1ave>', tise nigisi pre- viens and ssoruiug eortisa sale, to couve>' parties te sud tram tise sale. THO&. MYERS, Auctioseerb -Piekerlng, Sept. 21, 1868. td-389 TO JRENT OR ]FARM ON SITARES. SoWt'l-balfe! lot Np: 20, ti tise rd con- s cessian et Whtby, 100 ÀACRES. Appi>' ta JAS. LANONp klifaWkhUby. Wbltby, Sept. 2, 1868. -8 SIIEEP STIRAY.ED. Rom leI 2iT$rd con. Whihy, 18hesilng F Eve and,, EspLamb, usa.leuiwFthtwo sou roi mring tbe »me,. e, giving uufrmicuo wi5i>'é tise>'are te ha taund i yl h.suitabî>' ne- varerd- sd ma n>'eeret4Udnlg tisesu alter ibis n;"twee hle prssentedi. JOSIAiECUL1)E VhiiS, Set. 3, 188.39 ShbOS~liOOT~ 45 and Winter Taade, which'will b 1 asold y tha ~~Il~ Cannot be be4 it ee '~-Mens, Caif, h, <anid Co4hide Poots .0. O '-Womens' Goat, Kid, lm1 Caif BPts. «a(~ GýXisses' &Cides'POS&Shoos .e azr' Gentiemepns E-gii L eadEl- tic Boots. FELTý OVERSHOES, -allt'zýes, - Laidies' titd AGents' Besi Seved and Pegu- ged Workmade to order by CASTLJPI1eOX.ý Repa irs ne atly executcud* Remnember'the stand -inext door Northî of Royal Canadian Bank, MMillan's Block, Brýàck-st.. Whitby. Henry's Rifle Cartridges- FTOR -SALE9 VERY CHEAP. Wbitbjy, September. 2nà, 1868. R. J. YARNOLD, 35 ýWflM ]3G 2O INTIMATE TIIA.T OUh~ VFILLe U STSCK Is now complote, comprIsing an extensive assortment of FanCy «& ZS¶aple Dry ACoods, MILLINERY & M1ANTLES, AT VERY LOW PRICES. Black Suis',i Colarod Siks, Fasncy Dress StufF.i, FrenchIs Mriiuocs, Ail weol Rleps, Winceys, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces, Featlisrs, Veivets, Vcivet Rilibon, Blanket.ý, Flais, Siiswls, Manticis, Balinomsil Skirtus, Mandea Cloths, Breakfasut Shass, Nisbias, %Vooi Scsrfs, Whsite Caltons, Cire>' do. Printti, Linings, lîcIellmorad Cloli, Bîscît Dooskinis, Silk Mixoti Coatingo, Scotch Tweeds, Canadiais Tsccds, Ilats anti Caps, NceI Tics and Collaroi Bmaccza, Umbrellati, Catais Ticka, Stripe llassions, Towellirugs, Sisectings, Mlilliiiei'y oodsq, A fnill assortmont cf Ready-madc Cbothing Clotîsing ruade te erder. 8o" F'iînily best Brands. Groce îies and Jdquors of thel HIAMILTON &co.1 Whitby, Septeniber 30, 1868. 39 FmJJRNJ zMUA 1 w JNO.. TILL & C0o.,ý Would respectfully cail attention to their large Stock of FurDi- ture and Cabinet Ware ; ail of the newest styleî3 and design. An examination of their FIRST-CLASS STOCK, will warrant them in saying that there is none superior in the Dominiou. 07e~ Uplolstering of ail kinds, an'd the work guarantced te bc executed in a superior manner. 0:7' Particular attention their NEW SPRING MATTRASSES. is requested to Funerals FuIly Supplied-. C~ash for any quantity of FEATIIERS. JNO. TILL M O Whitby, Sept. 9, 1868. Caldwell's Brick Block. can convlitie the clasctiUyeiàai t&,Y SDominion Warerooîns; "< 18 THE PLAt O BtrJ0 111V'irE ---? At the-ieowestpossible prices. -Frthe -MILLI-- -9 NERY EPARTENTwehavco eiured soceT-are. IN THE MANTLE& DRUSS MAKING WWe are prepared to execute ail orders, on gz>e Shoi'test PosibIe Notice. 4>AND IN THE LATEST STYLJPS. T'ioin eatriit the 9as VIPU Tiii. 3 - a LOWYES & POWELL, Dominion Warcrooms, Whitby. Wluitby, Sept, i5th, 1868. 37 o GENTLEMEN' - -TÂI4LO 0RITG AND FURNIS1IING HQITSE, ALEXANDERPR JNGLE iake8 leave espètfully.td, idform ig liàfriend8 and phtrorn thàt his Stock of 9-e WINTER OLOTH8, 4:9 is now vcry complsste, aund cf thse very bedi quality, and that lie is prcpared ta muike np with dis- patois, anid In tise lateat styles Gentlemen'~s Garmenîs: Gentlernenos Furnishing Goods -of eivery description, embréîng-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &c., &c. g~NO FIT NO PAY!1 Brock ai., Wiitby, Sept.A108, 65 Enlargementi ii6] z3>.£37 ÂLE±AN1~ER PRINGLE, - 86-1>' of - -PremiusQs, INCUEIlsE ol STOUCL IH1E Subseriber would respetul announce to lhis ohC cuçz- tomers, and thie publie eerauly, hat. having enlarged *liea t re te double its fermer asie, ho il§, ln conseqisence; nfferd'ed robini ta show, this season a Stock twie as large aMiie lins ever ollercd befere of Box, Parlor & oookinigStoves, Dumb Stoves, Coal Stoves, Agricultural Fui-naces, Cistern PummBrs and Ensmebled Presenve Kettle@, Tinware of ever>' descriptian, Chl rcnsr Carriaiges, &c- &., tegother iviîh tise etier Coin Stoves, ivili be fosînd the CELEBPbATEL) AR-MSTRONG, and the GEjNIE IRON, DUKE STOVES, whieh can an!>' be purebascd inu Listawn, at bis atture. Eave-tyrougliing and Job Wcrk peomptly attedded tô. Any qnantity.ot good Cordwoad takes in excisange. Whitby, Sept. 22, 1868. HATCH AXOTUIIR %ONDIiII'tL MMRE 0F CONSUMPTION ff lx CANADAÀ. bMiais. Voerr&saxsv 1sg-O (sgIfeilis sly i awe io yoo a. weillau la tse publiclaIofuos youo aube moumt wssiderfssl cure cf conssiiispioi. aftë easnplissi dlns sy perroni, livthe au.oa! tise ea Slisosis lesssdy lsud -les.1Jcauglsed egesi dont> day snd nigis, expriratisug Isrge qutites masser. ssisd bal il greatin aisonlylftlis.lsi col chillis cveey das!sisevere usîghis owesis cver' iligitfsil u bwteisb. riîssq çai11sotd Ieh sweasing, I1waa saos: deprived or henp b usies iià welan bth lus or atappeî- l . tWaa i if duceul ilsti cauldiiardlyasîaki m lne fwË àdiuee the <sre cfsa -viciaiss for s leiib cf lime, 1lbutsisdsug no relire,1 trsed derest recipes. but ai -willueut àa>' goWs effeel. 8iquire Pl'enusL antRails, reciscn . me tSa uie tise irrat iisuossees lleniedy; Irlcureul hec laules sut asic. wsti lis iun.; mmo eaas cana- menced susing it 1beanm.Sag« breser, sud wsiàl1lssd', finlphed ihi. conspiraient. th. eaëgIs, expeelorasiasu!o maIer. paout lislo ngs, elsilis. Oaaealintigj&. ift andtioistiuiig lis ssis camse siraste ,sud beathy. t lu nov over 5v,,usMosti smsulh1quistis ltemesly, end tisere bave beeau sijasptoseta!ils diseuase trurussig. 5usd i have teroi, sud siiamwnirscal.' liser sud beitershais I bave bresi for sssaL.yym t trust vais wil llkettkisows ta Ise publie. tisat ise>' me>'b limsade avare oftise peeulisrvlrieaaoftl usl woudctfullaisian ltcmedy.-, ' PETItSC. iz .Li Erncse"in,(Un. af Lesmoz & AddinssastOii: Ta ali l o is fi mis>consc.-Ts a lta eMt t issi 1 have ber. nefqossintild vus uhe uuisnve Prier C. isliiller. F .q, for sauy yeuoirssudave tnovss bim et. alwayulto ; técf tise ver>' b i ehsjecldiliy,aud a vcry cauului sid credilîla perpais; sui o m cassIdsa$ ibsa t rcon sofely Vouch isfrbe trulli ofise abase, casu> oiser asasement mode îsy Iins. 381 ly REV~ . . .8. UARI'Elt Becter or SAu To Jobbers& Teawsters,4 rTIE St1BSCIIIBEP. wsunts ta lct, lis lots id TL suit i1splic.îîis, ltise cutting n ar. bling, ds.riisgthe cnsisiissi iister, cf a uautity af maW loge en~d sîsinglaIo oime., _ 1ý :gr Foi fssriicularaospplyrta R. T. JIfARUISON. - Broalcliu, Oei. 1, 1868. 88.tf TO BE LET T IEEROS.RiBtesesu, Parlor anti a0J.- moisit, nîsinri)saheti. Apply sut Mr. Coclsranaf Stare, or ai ltis Oflice. Ocilîber let, 1868. 80 is IFi'.EBY GIVEX tlsst an apIlestlesit sviîî be issdie te tisa Judge ot4lse Siirra0 gaia Court cf tise Casuty cf Ontarioa 'after ttis expiration of twessty day!ombuAl'iiat af tisanotice -b .m I ni l ol siY' towisshp ofUr su itze Caunty CI oGatiria %wislasv te bespraiisted gsadian at Margaret Anas (biunren, James Cailaren, ud 1Mary (Col- loren, infasstcisildrest cf Thamas, Collerons lie of ise towisvîsip cf Broce, in the siid-Coaaty, cf Ontario. dceonscd, and tis id Mary- An Collsiren is w idow. listeii t281day cf Septembor, hý.s 1868 SAMUIEL 1.t!OCUR»IANFe. 80Socisrfer A pplieant. INSOLVENTACT 0r 1664.' Province of Onara, l uthe coust>'Court Couu>'ai o tria o f tis Canty cf On- ToWit: tarie. In théemoateror f JAMES McCULLOUGI,- OR sso1tînt. 0 1 TUESDAY, tiha eighth day ai DEEM.7 ,J BER isei, -et twiva o'clock noco, ornae sinon sa eneai "s isbcisesird, tia uuderusgsed will appi>' ta tiha JUngofo!tisasald Coùtrifor aiLsaure; lianderits sauitci. JAMES McClYLLOUGI4. _y A. MAIRS, Bis Attorney', ad litrin. Whitby. 2211d Sept. 1868. 10sss-ié VALUABIiE F(armfor Sale T EI tiubmcrsbcrs aler loi x0sole t uVerY de- Airable Fasss, tIsaPropejty Oa ileisatae <*tt Thew, coutasssfiug F1JITACE,usO< orluse, basig oo ofa!tise uirtiserly part or lat 28, su tisa iii'cuueuFront concessm ion 1 ~ thes 'WM. BRYAN8 ýTOWNSHIP Tise Psorns IA beaitti!i -. frbitUsge tise vitiîsfo! nndahl'ards evcmy Iai buome Iunses, ead liyul cf tistation snd Wl lo v q m 0 19;- byousl ail douit, te vil! sceoma moat vail yl heoan or siar tifs'1 O ui7Anibun osîso3 - upon.. 'Tha rocertymuai IB -R O borsirtacSrs ote Beg tri ,1l attention of persos requing Cookcing, - arlor, and Box &Ào'W tu their new patterns, wisicsh the>' are affering at exÉeedingi>' leW priem' SWoe Pipes, Elbows, &o.0, a heios Patent Duwb Stoyes. Il. & B. havingr enlarged their premises. have- added largely ta thair fermer Stade, making on e of tisalarges. and 'best sssortedStocks m tise Countrs TO BLAOK-SMITHS.-Â ýood'asëoïtment of the best brands oflIren, Ste 1i, c, c. ow on han s and ata pniges u8uailv ' aid for a munh inferior qslty; uo orsemnaulsraspifilet, boita, spridg&c Fer pismtlculars app>' Os. io W. il, M Wliitby, Seihi. 8t IMPRQY Col 01 and Laznps,-cheaper than theceheapest,, Ceai OUj only î 35cente per gaon. TO ýýPAINTÉEg-4iame nglish groümd lead3 Engliih boiled Hnose fnrnishing and Houa. Bii1idiIn Rard 'atë, a5 complete a assriment. Ot>.Nota the filtt-at .- %VhhLby, sept-23, !ig5. JaiJT. si; 2ndt Witon; lad 2n4 lat, Jams os5. Nellis; laveI, Johin Johun lot, Janie*-. ion gtd;- 1. c Afhone>' 1JantesNe. Donald Ne>,.; ne* Ileulin, ;isy Cahl ard Leur, lot, flenry' hrd, Miarleu ewiug sin- :iar4ed tise tie gaod 0 preved te Oliety'a Peli 'riners, 6îlh 12nd iIna, ilatio v FerailiHai! lie sôaexten. tiser. were Itisa, de- ReaceS;A. anr, eAch, ments). On.- Reacis; J. laàncister; 'Etiards réal et <dot s.Brtholat ta Se shows- as; lsd, H. purpoce, te skir ; ZUS,- Je:. Beekie. fer genel e, . Ba rl purpose, rle t, lad, W. à f -1 '1 51 4 j

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