)ers ana Cou wolI, if plot botter ian -by going -tg Or nTom uooabe, a htil yk, org. ,18.tfS Farm for Sale AT TUE VILLAGE Or l)tFFIN'8 (3-REEK!1 B ]UG Nnh-air f lt No. lot lut" lot. TOWN8 r Of EICKERINO as85 "undoa.T good siato cf1outsatlcu. W 'TYEMS EASY-tlle Indlmputabis. Ou.4-ourtli of purcelns mou.y oenly roquired clown, th. blance ean romain under wor"pe, to sultpurohaser. W. WIIITEODIE, Dufiiu'mm Creok, t Apgusf IrA, 1808. $moS41 De F.' 'BURKE, Fally Groeem, Wise '& spirit KIxO S., EAST, OSUAWA. mOJWKEY a GLAS WAR A> W ELL SELECTED STOCK 07 AU. KXINDS, M ' b A s o lsemy lieuse la (Anoes . May 209118. 2 lIV.E ýR Y! r:IIZ UNDREtMIGiqD »ZSIRES! TOI IN- ,I. form jus frMondeansd patrons, thât lie ise gin rosumeà bîmeluese aethLie eid, WUIBY LTVERYV STABLES Lloly ooeupled by Umeu'r. Coithard aud Ilrmstrorsg oncrouslo ienmbor sud qurt, orthea uAd and so10AdeA leon&sut - lonru it. oeuvoyanueesand voellou. oulhe fprenilse., )w hope. by boing iu s position te uîmet lMe -vante of euetouiers té miera #a s or publie MODERATE. ..' W -CHARCES RID AE N. B.- CovereA <lenvoes. or familles N, ZAY, PropiitoT. W0u2, pi , 1860, - .it New, Bakery AND, PT!fl undermad respeclflly Iufornaielime Lpbli ele atIms te etolly prepared té 11l with prompitude 411 e4 n teh lconmkr sudUâffluusleusr lno, .I ral, spomge, -sud ail éther' lit l of Coat ,Tarte sud-Biseutle e1 tlob o.t qualit7', li- n etert, Sardinea, Ceeue Nuls,, Oi-gr Boer, &oe. J. ucDOUûGALL, Bake*r, Oonfactlomer, &., Brook et, Wbuiqlt, Jaiy 16,18M7. -20 THE IUTIUD LIVIE STOCK Whitby, Sp iier. 2nd, 1868. MACHES &4là JEw I ERI. T ÂMES JOHINSTON'bega to eall the attention of intending jpurchasers to bis NEW STOCK. 0F GOLD -AND SILVER WATCLIES, JRWELLER-Y Clocks, &c.1 ail of which: will be sold- at the lowost prices, con- iat*nft with good quality, WATOEES, LOCKS * EwELLZBY# Carefllepaired., Wlâiby, May 41, 1868. -l FRESH ALE! ALDWELL &CO."S. We beg to an nounce the arrivaI of a lot of the aborIe CelebrtatedAle, In packages of "'f 15 and 30 gal- lons, and as ire have nmade perman- ent arrangements for' a supply TWICE A WEEK, parties unay re- ly ùpon getting it FRESHI, and at MNanuîfacturera'pre% .freight uAd- T. ]EL cKIMAN k Ce. Wbitby, Auguat Oh. si THEOLD STAND!1 ES TABRLI18HE D I 533. le reference te an annïouncement of dissolution of the copartner- oipjeretofore existing botwen TILL & BI>., the undemsgn.d dtisir.lsto Infenu his friendesud nummous patron tbat bo stuli continu# the busivess establlsbed by his late fathoer, lu 1888, at ltheO 0 STAND, Nos. 8 and 4,ý TILL'8 BLOCK, BROOK STRtEET, WBITJ3T, viore h. wil Ib.e lwsys fotmd.Teady te attend to the wants of castomer. An entire Dow stock the icet manu acured Fuai ture. UPIIOLOTERY AS UINDERTAKING AND FMUNALS Splidu eewoe Borne splendid specimens of Picturo Frames,, and Gilding. Remember ale Old Stand. Wbitby, May 4, 1 868. 99ZIR*3C 18.Iy TIIS.LAWLER, W.9OSE8E&RETÂIL CENERAL CRoCER,^ WINE AND SPIRIT TUE ÇHEQUERED STORE., BCrOOK TgREET, WRT.. for al kitids of ftrme-rs' produce; j itemember the place. Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. o.1- on the corner. W Imm 33 -15r Coaria.ge, Factory CA-RRIAC*ES &- BUCGGIE8 0feeydescito kept on hand and made to order, from the latctvaud bou e in,*~tho aboe 0carniage works. Wlt h nrae facilities now at bis dlisposa, tic undcrsigned in botter prcpared thon, ever to exeoute aU'lrendrs promùptly, with wiieh ho may be. lavered. ý,Brook St., Whitby, june 9, 1888, .M. 0, DON'OVMIq. *DIVISION, COURTS IN TRE COU NTYOFONTARUO.1 FOIR THEYEAR 1868. N.,htY. ...............illu * . 2 8 i 2 î i 2 i 2.. "2,'Ioerug..............8... 2 . . . ... . 4.l9Sgo di 4a.eeo * 1:' o .lbr. 14 Si 15 09.... ... . 1 .. 0 s 21 ...go........... . 1 1 27 ...... 5 .. 2 di :caVerlo......... ....22.. ..2 6 . ... 221... d70 Athorley. '..... ..... 4 .. ..80*.... ...S ... 24L. Z. BU&RHIAJI. Wliitby, January 1011, 1808.Jiuz $1.5,000IN P R ESENTS! AT IIQYTS' NEW PIIOTOGRAPII GAIJLERY1 OSHIAWA CORNER 0IF KING & SINCOE STRtEET$, FuIST FLOOR. Prises consiat of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, l3rooches and Jewoiy et all kinds; aise Sewing Machine, Paintings,ý Albums, and a va- iety cf excelle nt dlocks. Life-lîke likenesses taken in a few seconds, in a manner to en- mire perfe.et satisfaction. IW SeBis for manner of distribution of pre- sents. Now is the chance for ail to secore cnduring rIIOTOGRAPlIS, and valu-able presents, nt a lessaprice than most photogr.aphers charge for the pice. turcs alone. Oshawa, Mlarch 24, 1868. 12- 4&6 IVIC MA.RKET 1BLOCK. CORNER of BYRON & DTJNDAS Sis. The snbscriberýs FaIl Stock of choice Family Groccries is now compicte, with evcry article -noualiy kept in a first-clas establishment, con- sioting in part cf- Young Hyson, lapanq colored and uncolcred, and Congou Teas, ground and unground Coffees, 8pices, Popper, Auispice, -Cinnamon, Clo'vos, Loemon, Orange, and Citron Peel,' Sugarsfrom the boit Cubaq to theo luost groumdt Byrups of the boat varioties.. A complote Stock of first-class Pleur, Oats, Corn, and Bftck-whoat meal, Food of alkindz, t> vory cheap for Cash. ..ÇO In addiion te the above, I1 have added a compicte assortmnent of Crockcry, frein an individuai Sait-ceilar, te a firot-clus set cf china, ail of which wiii bc sold very chcap for cash. fy luette la net te be mneroid. Cash paid fer any quantity of geed Butter. R.m.mber the placecorner of 1Iyron and Dunda s ts., Whitby, L BROWN.1 WBITBY, NOV.. 27, 1807. M.H.COCHRANE 18 ,now receiving- Uipc greater portion. of bis~ FALLT'f &1VTE0ND Whicb Io dopai very large.and comp tmnent. tir Pricm very m'dé The higbest l ail ldnds of iaPari Osisà wa, sept2 SPECIAL INDIJCEMENTS FOR CJASE[ Y. G.wol kintdly solicit the attention of lhs Custemers n the Publie, ,to hla neéw suad variedl Stock of seasonable DRY GOQDS,, on which will be allowed (5 per, cent discount') for ail COASH PURCHASES of $ 00, and over. ý Just to hand a fre'sh supply ot' choe GROCERtE S, the bighcst CAS17 price paid- for'any1 quantity of ,GOOD BUTTER, AT ----e--- UJLJ) l.N14 I Hardware, Paints, Ois, and Dye Stuffe, ai- ways on baud, at reasouable prics, at OLD NO. la N. B.-Wated--8O,OOO Bush. of Barlcy. 5OO~} " What. 109C O " Peas.- 55000 " Oats. Remember the place, OLD No. I., et the discount offcrcd for Cash on Dry Goods. YEOMAN*T#GIBSON. Y.G.would' respectfully inform parties having accounts falling dure lst of October, that, unless P'aid when, due, 10 per cent will be chairged from that date. GBON Whitby sept. 91 1868. TIIOS. PLUSSEIL & SONS' CELEBRATEI» ATCIIES.* -lIE gunbpicberhcçgs te ell theoattentin of Tthoge about pnrchtieing to the folloving, frr mn mv Tc.tjinonia-l% lie, bas Te- ceivd f001 prartiest, ivueioave boon wcarirg theae vatobes for semai lime. 'The Subseriho ler b-y cerfl limat ltme vatces h i pnrlimed from James Johniston, insit-orcturcd. hy Timos. Ruesell & Sen,,Oore me ircpresenttd, thoronghly teliible lIme keopors. WbItby. Thmo Snbpcnibrlie1 relîy certiflas limat, lime vateli hoie rlrmedrom Jime,, Joîmnston, inaufit4cured by Tîmeg. .tRliocli i l on, i.as represeulced, atmoroigmy raliable lime keeper, Former, Iolasin IIA fulsgrtinemtitnlaCelUandi Sllrr JAMES JOUNOTON, Wattel;mnaltr, Brook Street. Wilitby, sept. 2, 1868., as . 'o >.ime ma >wnej n.~et eea 1i7 5117y vacant property ln Town.. Ceveial p Jets, f(ir o to simx lots, fezced, in thé-nelborboed eof lime ne o linn C 1:1010elto urc, TIllEE ACRES, fonoed, known se theeld Crick(ot FilId. T WO ACRE.S, fencd, weut of Cricket iuel 1-S ACRE, fonend, oeat of Crickletd S LOTS, fenocd, ve. of reeldouco cf Ji 19. Gerrio, Xuq. .4 LMT, fanoeil, yod c f Brook g csudl South of rés!'elce o f Nathan Arnod. 1' 1 LO)TS, fonced, LaI of Brock Street, as preInt occupiod by -, S. Sprowie. W-AIà o uverai village Lxro, In Varions pojr4fte !o ev. BUSINESS PREMISE:S. Thio vacant Lot sdjoining Loves & PoeeWs, Brook street, 87 feût fronmt, os test deep, tesa Iane. The vacant Lot Southi of Royal Canidian Rank, 22 fe Iront, 98 fect dcep,leo a lune. - -Lot. Eût of- Broo k Street, opposite te 10 acres on Brook slrel, North of Eaiiway bridge, W1JLD LOTSe mata, sonth Y'ï 9, 111hi con, 100 aires. 6 d"-Il1 3,i2th '6 100 il 64 dé il 4,lSLt si100 dU di 4l20, 9th '.100 I Ramia,, Pt. Lot 16, Srd "180 £ dé Lot 15r, 4111 Il200I& soeirvilIe, -Lot 7, 221h 2« 44 Eldon, Westl4 94, 5-1 l 10 Ilo3xyey, lnt 12, 4th 1600" Guil River, Lot ai, 65 66 fmelely, Lots 60A7, 4111 M400 9 Break,-9 Eap4 Pt. 18, 91 " 9e llfowlck, bol 22, 151h "100 9" East Dary Boad, Lot 2;5, 3rd ALEARLE INDIAN LANDS. IMILL SITE nt tho moulli cf lioer River. Village of flaverlon, - Acres. PIORT PE RRY9- SoVeral villge b ots, suilable for buemues-3 locations, and privato reaidencos. IgtrAise village-lots mn Brighton sud la lthe Village d lyrcl.hini,Township of Mama. The imbscriber aving xdetermuinci teclose ont thée vholeocf his el E1 tâte bnum thue- prosent yenr, ifpossible, lime abore properlîca are offeed atl1ev fgures, and on long toma ci îayrncnt. J. HAM PERRY, -Wlilby. 4111 jnly, 1898. m-2 - NWLY IMPORT]ËD PAFER T 1Eundcrmgned toge te imioni lime pull- T îe ihat lie ham purcliased dmrl hie e cMt eto)i ngad lto'PL'r P 4 PE£ R HIIGIN G S Seîeeted carelnlly by him,«eif,, vhlh ho han on sale at VerY Roduceal Prie., c~-Painîzg, tGralmmllg, Glazsug, anA Paper llangamg, oxemjil, Ia vesk- manlik anid expeditiona inonne,, as usual., - A. C. WILBOÀ, Dandas S8treet, Whlltby WlbApril S, 1808,-ift Bil a cery. 6'haa Toronto. JAIMEN KE1T BARRIST.ER & AI BSolioir in laChanc Omoxz-iexl deer te Cauipbel, Brook;L., %VI WLatby, Nov. 18, 16611 S. . l Fi" SOLWITOR, NOTAR' Oshava, C. W. W. H.B l Wbitby, Jsu. 28, 1862 OILARLES C. A TTOEÃŽ<Ey AT LA en,Brk,. W. A TYCEN£T-AT-LA iie It.y i.4 W.Roi amut le etitryoisle, O J&MES L Dundas Street. W- thbe pot ffle. Ct#CHRANE E 13asmu s udam-Otrle Hall. S8CoawoLL. B f Ceunty Crevu Attorney. fort 'arqy, tGth U-em LwY[ANENGLI D AIIIUITERAT'LA1M I>e" ery, Convoyaneer,4 qimeoesât-cýppoeito île DuSo-,CARS0I Conoullation of Vaxtà ci 4F.., CAunes, X. le.#. 1 ~Whitbyi eluly 20, io DR. MHAr sITRGEON, ACCII Rasmaxoz & Oryrez- Weât cf tho 'Eoglitih Clic Whiti.y,ý. Ug. 4, 1861 R.lu. J. GUN * IRGEO7<TO T'ME DByron Street, Whiîb., V .W. FERRi IIiOUGI Ã, lk, p.m. JOHIN V *- NOTAUT 1 WLiII.y, April lSth, i SOWNCL?..KA& TiI VICTORIA TTLLIAII iCOTTF VVa Wu. lyntou's.>' à JOHN Bol ~.SALC DIRECT IFORTATIONýu BEG 'T.O.ANNOUNCE'TIIE. RRIVÀL OF THEIR Ex-Steamships P'èruvian, 5esVctoriani, Ottawa, &c, being 1 cha»ed byonYof the flrnlithe o-i