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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1868, p. 3

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Janet S . ..B 1,umny Wodhone;o~ e-<. v J<te O0llIvr,. y. Il , de ..A . Jaaant ilsIl.....do g.A :a' (lu~ordon 40 ..do ..... Antôlnette l'aime r ooklIn,.. . B-.. f AlfrdWc .Ahn....B 11lfleiamvpli,,.... a...... Uam*CIuay,.J'eern.........A rdl Jos. .........WhIty.-. lâ.ý .Aeu~rlirow.,Rl.... ........A oianis. BereIard ...a........AÀ garali, Berhard.dp..... ..... W. Il, ywr.;.rtAbt. Weiginton crogby Uiig...... Ji iUrCI, Yetr,... *do. ... .........O Anie. J4tan.do........A Ge'aorg ravë,,.ok.......8. .....A WO1jjis, dk, Oo ,nb A -k.. ....A. OCaube,,Iaion..d...........A Johin oin .Ule..........BA Juro r.acr do......A D,è,i J, lin A.... , ... . JoleoroLdlsia,,ih.tl Ei>,t u '.lc>ua d oi. Autvdi. lniîiê. .'ciMnhu... ......A l'alianM&raken.lon7>.......... Duncan Muoitt(e. . . doI......A I.41, P M<Ir,.. ..............W Mi<imR IIQ nguLE, A . .15. 1- tI ;rihi.. UPRilO... Yt I.iioî, l'.iid ... <Jo.. ..... 1%u ply to ,'u"'......... sFESS.IONAIr GL~OBE# ittuay iliialîy iaîprirtiiflt ttiîitteiC wj! coUrau, for sat..e it.-t tifa..W'<'wiicis vr'Tiay (,oux 'istixulo Cotrair lhae ressolved te meii THE DAILY GLOBE Aun a pil l'ibrero lairlt'oe tlt-entire seoçalon N'n08E DOLlAR. 'fi.. çttper wili 4onti.isietieli <nornii.îgluath rcpotti « to <J balejl ni tu c raaiag ,ona, sfid avery lare iti40ii.it Ci i st. ile'aa slaidJ geutcre csniig. Astaosî% tlaer Ilk'ely Iokiv1cumeflO~ire> tfii 49441l twttlmgît, t1i. 'Ilrnbea r ait .isratl lAtii, And lte Coîloe alyat QtîýIIo0?5'> lK mwuw Isit'iîli tiA <a ifii hsrm, aici îlab'>rtiiii f *l,O00i turî.i tri d*. ovilerp m sloiaid homent tIn: ltuaecliitly .d- .irasped btu e 1'ubliers ut lTut<Jauni Tc- rorate.*43 FARM TO RENTI C ONTAINING 10 ACRIDS, good and, W) -Ct Lawie!. use eOletred) iaitiatea on the KýIItsptoaleaou, Olt -lot 7, lu the 2r.d Com- of P>ickrng. riacrr e ua rond a totie dweliiair lonne. oan the *Pvoî,crty, g<îod itunt, 'ttillem, &c., ont't ad tarn SA *plisil I opJ.ittlity l% or- ilred ton ail cita dettirouo ut fr.njiinga iarm. Appi> te * UELO. W. CLABRE, lYorkville. Or te Jeux DIsoW, Port Witby. e. 4, 1 sit' sin-4.3 Cash! Cash! T DEii U NIFI<SGi% l)wîI Jpi'y tite laglicot .L ceii price.fur aD tîly uitity et -WHITE BtÂNS, POT&TOZO, AND £LAX SEE D. jeux J<EIrli, Octobi28, 885.43 WANTE1) TO 0 RENT 9 M NAJ -i1!(rse, vilagardon, in Wldt- WbiyOt.2, 181M9 SHEEF BTRAYED. S Mr. Jubis t'ieo,iO t ho$, isn th iasdenté"î- uîatl4ra oif wililleul tu 'tlisir t'tcovti7, vilii <' oititbliy rewrdo4.If hfouai Ir ally >pei'i.olla css-woy, altOr e date, titey vil! b. pros- 1'ïcekeirtg ct,2, 1U60, ii4 ILIF.ER STRAY El). 0-TIAYED, ou ti, dia yof e enty Pair, .7 a tvo>-yeur old iiifeL-îIurge for beai' g- vii. celr-lotiiing toe i nidr'>igsied. Ara poron retsaruiaig lier, orglihiifurmik- tion ama te liai vutarebot, viibu asitabil> JAS. L VAVIDSON, 'NOT£Al Mb iCdE * .*"m - il bM.r.y <lie tua plO«i do et du ameiiD frr 0$t a &'Uufow lm. 4pj 44~ Whih le3 Cauh;:4n, Ready -lIadeCoIù, Clotho, Flannels, Blankets, Oarpets4 &a. Wbhtby Md Masicbam t0.. Sîb, CH REAF GOODIS T liE subscriber would beg to intiniate that he la now, in re- ceipt of bisFait Stock of FIISHI7FÂMILY (.4ROCERIES, Complete i vr departmnent. lHe ivould direct special atten- tin= is large and com plete assortment of Crockerùy, GIass &- Earthenware (iltssware in sets te match, Lamps, Clmr.cys, &c, ail of whiec. lie i-, deterinined to sell as cheap as any -boue lihtwn ; in fsct--beun« îîût te be undersold. Cail and see. SFLOj0Rx AND FEU+D0, AS USIJAL Cash paid for any quantity -8f good Firkin Butter. Cornet J3yron&badas..sts, eppoisite the Rebson Ileuse. Witby, October 28, 1868. A FE W QUE STIONS % ANSWER"ýED FOR TUIE BENEFIT OF 0 'INTENDING BUYBRS, o Where eau thdso I3eautiful AII-wool EmnpresO tA Clotlis in ail the ditterent colors be got ? 0 0 Lu E> c * - E a - <n Q 0 o z AT DOMINION WARÈROOMS. W'here eau French Maerines, in ail colors, be hadl clteappest in town ? AT DOMINlON LWAtEIIOOMS. Where eau the beat selection of PressG'oods in the Geunty lb a]?1 AT DOUINION WAREIIOOMS. Where can the moràt Fashionable Dress Trimmiugrs bc purcbàied ?0 AT DOMINION WVAREIIOOM1S. Whcre eau a Splendidl Silk Velvet Mantle be bad ? AT DOMINION WAIIEROOMS. Where can Velveteen Mautdes. or any kind of MantIe cf the Latesit Style b bailus? AT DOMINION WAR1EROOMS. Where eau the most Fa.Lionable Miiliraery in the County bc had ? AT DOMINION WAREIIOOMS. Whore can a Ileavy Be0aver Overcoat bc had? AT DOMINION WAIIEIIOOMS. Where can a suit of Ciothes bc got np meut tyish ? AT DOMINION WATREIOOMS. What mre so a.the largest seleetion ci f 8 1 ixtures, Tweeds, &c. DOMINION WARE1ROOMS. Wliat gtore bas tise bestot secstion 01 Whitney§;, iMoitos, Beaver, and Pilot Clothos?DOIONWPRO1S Wh#Veroecaui every kind cf Ligbht or IIceavy Maànte Clotha bc uad ? AT DO311NIONX WA11TRROOMS. Wiuero esu Crouloy'u Tapeotry Carpets, 4-c,, bh ot? -AT DOMINION WAREROOMS. Whcre eau Ail- wool sud Union Carpets be1ud ? AT DOMINION WAflER0OOMS. Where-ean the luiget selectien cf Dry Goodo, Miliînery, Iieady-uinde Ciothiuge Groce-rie9ý&e., bc bad ? AT DOMI1NION WAUEROOMS. a a amatI a' M r» mua Dm61 o r» ma-p a' o (n r» a LOWES & POWELLIP Dominion Wazerooms, Whitby. Wbitby, Oct, 21.1, 1868. BOARDIERS. O N 08 WOGENTLEMEN CAlS BE WJoltby, Oct. 19, 1last42 NO TICIE, TO IIE CONTIRAOTORS., Usieaudiboraur1padtoe lt eo- leqiair.d be b.rad L aEulway, Mt0,11 otat*oiuab=* . mJl d enanlT«oort. Par. Lie dulateu oeoraeljf111l>na u»@m ru tii. ]kmpain.dMIzêi »0& falari ,42 p Barrissais and Attorneys, SOLIÇ(WTORS IN CIIANCERY, Uc U ld uÎiz11el Brook 04t, 'Nbiby, VUI)W*io IWIltbyOCt. 14, 100L. STBAYMeD OR sTOLEN Front a a 4à oc$M, .lgbth, eoceeaioai of lVbtbxa vbteavrluns Idfeuttbeo povty ' oern.Wbeveî viii îeurn ber le the Zliieb. ; radd i oa uall" ay lwe l *Wm l ter noti&e, they Vin b. émou"e 1 *.r 1<bo 180, Baie-. 81540 I G, e> I. M qqUE ROYA liMonL r ý ow fite'dn-p'in'the beat order for j ,the,.Yeception oi.guesta.Evr, itetiou paid tpýtrayçllezs, a~ d convenicni apartJints poidfrCuuecatavle' for tlie diÉplay Pf-gobak.'ý $::>The recent alterations meinCeiiie prcnfe, render the TOOms Igb tsome, bealthy, and onetb. The table supplied with everytbidinýguui~oabd the charge as muderate am any olher hotel in town, V'Roo y Stabling, Shede, and L'ulosed yard room for frmers' teamu. !Iji*bY, Ont , Oet. 21, lus3. J(ENqT &WLF WEBEG TO INTIMATE THAT OUhi A1T{ la no w complete, comprisirg an extensive assortment of Fay&tPle Dry Cod s, MILLINERY & MANTLFS, AT VERY LOW PRICES. Fanrcy LIres'> Stiff, wintceya, l'rîn ngs, iatlicr, Veiret Ribbon, linhefs, Ba.lmoraîl skirtf, Bjreakfast Siamtai ' IvlîitecCotton, Gry do. l'tisitii, Litbngt, Kif ee lWack Broard Clotho, Biuck Docsîns, Silk -MixediCatts SeicthTweed%>, Caradian 'tweeds, liais mnd Coup, N-eck Ticg andi collant, (','to4 Tickq, IGoods, A fllt ass ortotncut of flady-made Clotluing Clotldng made teordzeru i"Faînlily Groccrites bout Brandý* Whitby, Septembc'r 30, 1SGS. .1' ~ '--i - i 'J JNO. anîd L1quoî's of the1 HAMILTON & CO.1 4' 'bas Ef t.-k' 41 TILL & Co.., Would re.rpectfully eall attention te their large Stock of Furni- ture and Cabinet Ware ; ail of the newest style-; and desigu. An examiuatien of their FIRST-CLASS STOCK, will warrant tbem in saying that thore ia none superier in the Dominion. 0---i'Jpbolstering, of -ail kinds, armd thé work guaranteed to be exeented in a superior manner. 033, Particular titention their NEW SPILING MiTTRALSSES . is requested tot D Funerals Fully >Suppliedû (l'ash for any quantity-of ,FEATIIERS4, SWhitby, sept- 9,11868. JNO. TIL-t& 00..' awei's Brick, Blmtk (~'Genti ýtic Boots. FELI Ladies' rn ged Work matie I Repairs n stand-next door, Henr ýoyal cal y's Rfle artri r~ SAL VERYCHEAP. ges, Ras -.YARNOI1D9 Whitby,, eptember. 2ud, 1868. 351 «BOOTS-" &--SEQ0ES 0f the..Biglat Fit and,.:Maiie. EGS o inorinhis friends and custornersi that lie bas receiv- B Eeds C.very' large s t 0 tk 0 f Fal !,& infter Boots ,& S'hoeS, OF TuE BE ST'STYLE 1AND MAKE. Also on hand a large Stock of H02iE--MADE Boots and, Shoés which cannot be surpamsd for qizalityor prices. gffmAl Orderspunct*ually.attended to. Repairs ne.tly dou.e.- Remember the place, nearly opposite the Bank of Miontreal, Brock Street, Whitby. Whitby, september 32, 1868.1<, 38' GEiNTIEMlEN'S TAILO RING ALEXANDERPIRINGLE Takes leave rcspectfully to luform bis fiendsau4 patrons that his Stock of W- WINTER CLOTHS, "ýàis now very complote, and of the very best quality,- and that heis Prpreé to muke up with is- Patcht, and lithe Jtest te enlmn.Grments. GcnÏ]èmen ~ unsun.Goo6ds oôf éery description, embrcîngý-Shirté, tollars, Soeks," Braces, &c., &c, SNO FIT NO. PAY. 1 Brock st., wlîiby, S.1 t 1,1868. ALEXA1VDER PIGE 3t1-Iy Enlargement of, Premises,- IN.CREA.SE o! 'STOCK@- j1 lESubscriber would rspctulyannounc3t tOe bhseold cùq- tomera, and the publie eerly that. baving enL4rged hia 'tore to double its former Mize, ha in conséquence, affOrded rOono tesho'w this season a Stock twiee as large ýas ho boas ever effered before of Box, Parlor & cookiig -Stoves, Dunib Stoves, Coal 8tovffli Agricultural Furnacea, C _isteiiI Puî0',s Bra sd Enamelled Preserve Ketties, Tinwarecof every' ecipin Ch 1drinà' Carniages, &e. c., tegether with> the éther Cookiinpg Stores, *111 be found the CELEIZIATED AffISTRONG, sud the GENUINE IltOSý DUKE STOVES, wbich dati ouly bepurehased in tLhis* town, nt lus store.' Favc.trcnghing and Job Wcrk promptly attendcd to. Any quauîity of. goodCordwood taken in exehaug«e. litby, Sept, 22, 1868. HATCH WMI. BRYANq> & BR0. Beg to eau attention of pr'sreurn C-ôoking4 Parlor, and Box Stoveg, to their new pattérna, w" htley are offering-ài exeeédingly, low prices. $toi . Pipes, Eibewg, &&c.- is a tch'. Patbit Dnwb Stoved. Il."& B. lbàiing euIarged- thèîi' premiseé. have added laigely te their formner Stock, nisking lo of tbd lfargen aSix!bust amsrted Stocks in the County.. ofîiron, Steel, <b., A&o., now ou land, and at priees gmnnliy oaid lfor a- much laferiorquau alto11H oree nIM4rasps, Spr. b ipngs, &0.:,~ Cý oa 1 sd. Lampa, cbeajper tlin the'ehea"eti .<oaIÙI1 only' TO. 411TÊIS.-J-amesd English gronndIed glsbie =& MSI'N O-teY Ow'- . Hottýe furnisbing and Hose BttiM'iùg HsOZcdwr(oiW îleIý mortnàut. "O;- Note the fa4t-at *bitbyHATOIT21 il, ibo'JSroilto pDany 1.,. , t 2tla h. fi-; .0 ut vii l 0icft yoiar erder in a 1ew j,ý ieiqj .t he tsaait"ai.doet nt;give entire ai; izetioas, WCo iii remoro 0it witlion;aiti 3qea ai tIr. flhack1a itotel, orai l'itarfiwifl hepraaaptîy attoîd't £W7 Thae plce of ti i rvciableiiir mesgit fias oly 81,'Or $1,Q5 wban put up for yî IL ».-Towni end T;,Wnàbi, right for ut!, Appy to - z k. -A. LAILEY, The fofowile p2riesit lsiaa i -t,- liOttrlil<.ld, tO WbOintCrei'tCuO 1 hua fýl>'tu . .1 y,',Mr, liomoa,1à Itf,.-; .t W..a<oit Mi' .1.il. 4esrie, 31r, iifr aaarc<,,î Dal9a'.Creek, Mr. J7. F.'?lie)rie 1nsrChzaa,,Laaflia,"> Creek. - 11 V1ittqr, Ocat. 21,. 11863. -TEAC IIEjulR-WAN TE1 ,.ectii>n No. 5, P'ickerîing, te Cz-mmeae 1 .Jan ar,1969. Saayliberai, te aeompc-tl,' Appiy, encloriaag Téstimoniais, te or DAXIEL MCiLuADy, i " Bull St-ray--ed. A 5MIAls TWO-YEAR OLt) EU' Came mb tia. epromiaea cf tteaubacril, L.otis Nio. 18a and Ji, W *thoel;éon of 1'ccn- iat'g. Vie owaaer iî eqno.ited te'-preo lpwrty-, psy ozpeaaae, and tak. limaw»y, ol wiisae .wil bo a l ameoog te, law. I'ikeîng« HENRY GORDON-. i1arriser, SoJtcaltog la Chance";yAi toineyli &cF., &c. j W~t reoeealbis 0111e. t lo br ever 11,, Oa.-iruAao I3ÂIL htbOc.t. 'f, 1868;- TO OrVa PATRONWS. dEcimutrenbi :re wbicb ýdeastroi-pid i ýT Woks. Doajae i aiguar are Dow- patuet l"., id id in te-lîaifdui1aj "aM. A promnpt reàpane..111h lcCOatitz-. BROWN & PA.'1TERSO40N. INSOILVENT ACTOF 18&,~ Province cf Ontario, Inutté ConlatCeý, coutia or 0e (>ntarorothi eunty of Q Z0 wit: tarie. sIn th attere! ofJAMES MoOULLOUG il, 0 ' TUFSDA, the elgbtbiaey di Dzc3F -JBY.Sinext, ottwelve 0o'oîon, or', aonota'>e0una.i en ou aeard tbo uud41fliiga wsl lipy te tho jade or tte8.1<1 court, a Wulgo, utadr thei, nid nlié Attorney4 ,xJt Wbi"tby, 22n1 diopt. 1868. iMuPROVsED. FAR1_4' Te ne]] Rent, or let on Dkaiei- îrAl;tetol ent, or lot on St*a-o. j! W ht2.1oenftuiocf Uxbrida, 100 acres>, 70 saes a efrael. Aeply (if by letter, poskat-ad)tei lfoTiCE.-AIIparti«. are l*vbl cutt' dronvimaog timlper orwood of aaykid vo dîo?,iromlte aner. lot, Smai]uy pemeff ota doi!igao'; allr ti'dat,are trespmaargau wil .oetreatod:uailauel,t ah.heffaite*cteu a the. lav. - S. FUIEZ, &-m~.SPt. 15, 1fus. tf- PIANO -PO AL r r ,01,35. LL. 1868. a pua&d. s rUAUa- ýpy Dy" Dcbellta a ibboi m4 ,Ir". WeitWe urtry. EN 1 48 otf Me st. #rand, Pick- 1 be holà on 15, 1668 VIIITBIO 0 plirpoa.e o aiugs yeur, ,etiiug e te lu dii> »bil begiison, ansd Mi. IWELL, 43, rd!1 ic it JImcr' ,.icet Book raierai netea ineo buit 1 ex ie been tet Beoir te ahli roeelv. kq 7UJ r, Stoves toVOS 9ý

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