nuiesedi dofflvwu brougbt to me, AU&.Il', 1M0, à Dr. Udvi id O.mbrdp, item Dr. =xuMtki.t o t ofc<anu.14 YFWo ,TW501-dO Lord, lb.. liat 1 ha" Daise boum lu tiie City er London Msd Ukews.ltbat 1have lS y tise su d 1n.eapsi 2 2 h. ty e the Ivo oonpi1ees:echEnu *smdeM krm Iressud eertbquake; mn, ilbave 06mortsp la Heror ieh5The.. ldwsvleto bave an yecloosmýasLT ~on tbateoutyt -And netM etOf tii.con Tbo Ton mayet denit ithea'm me Th0atpl o.OLord,'eomble tie bokt ns alt beMWr hUis, sud =kt-au0 etosgo mn iea whlhslop, bave nsond;-,sud, LordThou hai *d 'Tt fluesof the. vlcked re short,' sud 1 trust Thou yl net tom"StTly prmises, havln1p cbee.dmeestate la revmTlSoa In. P., a preligagsYoung mn. Lord, keep _o__f- îde trousibkinu,.sud, lift l . Thy w, ot tb.eb no ,nng fund. Kep my son oet of «ei' p oni, sud frein amng bouse. MAndscti y Lord, lainlgbltu by presr sm froni thisee s ad §rM and malte MYser. vent bonest sud carefol, vhilet 1,Thy amrant, lie dovu ln Tii., t Lrd WUAT Aoc -ro Mà .ar.-"People *bout te muy,Whvio lshteafilou itheproer &Pl, are rsermis te followlag PM&ed Uses sdie, 0; Siiakespeare, 1. Bua. ,lohiia $ 1. Frsiuk1w .24, Dast, lpsr, Fier, johaon, Burke, seot, 26. Tysho Brsb.j Byres,. Washlgtenad Bomsysls, 27. Pée m sterling. 28. Unmas sMd Nlon? 29. Bars.,80. Cbaaasr, ' ogarth sud P.ll, 32, Weodworth sMd NY av, . Sir Wiliam Jones sMd Welllatou, 8t. Wulbefomc, 3U. Iather, 42. Addlsont 44. Weelq Mad Yesgo 41. Sflt, 49. Baffes,65, 014 Psrtlaut tua'., 120. Ac oer Facucom ra Gacâ,- Â gorgeant eofià @ Lifeguard evry vain, but peesed o e mchbrsvery, vesa wstsh haa, to e hobad ftened a muebet bell, being tee poor te bnyawsvtcii. Tihe Ring, hesriag-or ibis, wishod te eoz- Pm b i. ta ridiculeSteppias op ttei soldior, b. snid i se6frgocntyon mut bave beenseoomlal; I1sumen 1veut a wth; mine tellu me l t iee-ilock 1 boy mach la yonceIl Tbé soldier, gueulsg the lu. tendion ef ibi.Ring-, bat notilg dsnnted, lomieilydîev forthti.bai&1 l, ai 6'Yoar Mjssty, ml vateh le seier 6 nor 6 .oeob, but telle mal oftte s 1lok aI, iaotmi mot lm ever rssdy te die for year maee.1 'Bermy mifriead, sdded the Klg, mach mov.d, '4take Ibiste t« bue pii. bous t vbieb tedis for us,1'1ai the came tu'. glving lim is ova va't!b, etndsd vth javela. BIA-78oras Uuîrcu stà la.-'In Io80 b.tirerse 41 mles of rilOmd traci thb. unitoi &maes, la 18M lb. namur blat iaeroesd 10 2,147 miles; la 1850 ta 1,418 mle., sud la 1800 t 20,. M 1 mles. Frea' 1860 tae 1865, a prbo -mors favorable te tiie destrnetieta .oggalo ofn rlîroide, 5,000 aditione a" l.of teshvers boilL It Io esmale tbas by tbe endof 1870 tbers yl b.u01, MO mleés of truck la reaulat order; tIls sttlb. end cf t§lm yoe409000 milsa vill b. u m lsd, or ou mis oreery 900 mes, voues and dldtenTb@;aggregaii am ot lb...4000 Wmleeball, sud te b ooupbWete shl be jour, is esthà set 000 par m"l. SI vayof speelon Il leMWate bsi lb. 482#9 miles -of ios la GeesiBâtsaal b.eloes-of 186, va » olem.tIs £4564U000;1-as-m liaa 1wseauwbdebt of ubai bgdom, andà Éeeda, haL .. ha i &Mte. d glb. m oe NoGa uuu.-Bail for Bn. t am liuphy vas fanished on Salu- md lbey vre hbaledfro jail lb. mas,4 vith a jousg vitevb. am hlm , 4.4lalel,. se je $100,M0 sou « io a FM ey afresa.. e 8 p Rb, lb. faUes et muhmu te pait meti lb...lave lissa bm&m-e slesdsesle is g.ttlsg s tIcusmdleltee M puely dbbi.estd adir Tirt Ii ed. Whihby, An à d at, add- T.,L ]ELNTLuANir Go. gueta. sii 8 [OR QUAI1I le, Tavern Keepers and Co'untry Merchants eau suit tlieumeCs .well if not botter 41em. y in 40 hoTo-.ý ronte, or elsewhel'e.- Cash -fdr A kinds of farmers produce. Remember the. place.. nr 1WhitbySe&Pt. 16, 1868. THE-OLD- STAD ESTABLISHED 183 3ë In reference to an annonuement of dissolution of the. copartner- sblp hew.tefew.eUng b.twem TILL,& BEO., the andeMpend deere tloferahie frioesud nanmoue petron that b. etili continues the. businees eotalled 1y hie Ie fatbe ln1888, et the OLD STAND, os. 8 sud 4 TILL'S BLOCS, B19OCK BTREE, IIITBY, Whou o Mbe llalwesonnd remdy te attend te the.vente of coetomers Au entrenew &"tof lb. but nuà fct urdFrniture. ITPaOLOTERY AS UNDERTAKIG AN» FOUNIRALBuppllo4 u herete. gMSome oplendid specimens of Picture Frames, sud Miling. Remmbertue 0U Siand. Wbitbyt May 44, M6. 18-Iy1 THOSe LAWLER,. WHOLESALE & RETAIL C 1ENERAL CROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT THE CHEQUERED STOREi. 13ROCIREWRT! KING' STREET, OSHAWA, STÂILE &1ANGY'DRY GOODS, éMILLINERY, &c. MANUFACTURER 0F or CLOTHIING, BOOTS,. AND SHROES. &C. 1W'AGood Workmau Wa.ted t do Ladies Sewed Work Âlways on hand, Englsh Sole Luather, gls Kip, Trenclh uf I ai kW$deof QnaissiLetb.r Md lldbngu. 'Farina for Sale, PAlet 1, ln Orchard, sud goal eupplý "vle .on04iIîl 100 amro, more or leus. abutl 80 acresunuder eulUvivso. On thé Place. ares large Jram» bouse, yul geod sllai, tue berne, tueehede, horne tsie, catlle- pIs.le vsl vleri, a1 ladvli id lt aloesf Wbily 910-Botb Pl"ace r. =ubord. Pot- afflne=,ison Ibis 1.11.Tofnna remsenble. a ol te a r I ti1 1 yorterJe Ert HOp I n, ýapis « JUlMir' Whllby, Aag.' 18 1585. If-as Farm for Sale.' AT TuEB VIILIOAGE 0F D. F.-BURKE, KING or.. £AIT, OSHAWA. à WE L ECTED STOCIr FricicoTEkS,' SKGAE5. o ALI INs, &I As Cesp aan ybiouaslaCondu&" La1 V 11, 1587. 1 OMMVERY! W7 "I- %wagh. $rat l,- w ' Srd, 1858, Smce4l Whllby, NO. il on the. corner.1 9W x x O IE 9 Carnage Factory. CARRIACES &BU OCIES 0f ever description kept on hand sud made to order, from the. WItetsubeatdesi oph tii.abev ag v ewrbe. Wlth the enercSed "adlite nov ah bis - e1,the undermgedisetter prepared Ibsu vert execte a&U «dors premaptly, with which ha may 1» favered. t 1Brook et V htby, JUDO 9y,1868, DIVISION COURTS 114 TUE COUNTY 0F ONTARNOP 110. 1, WbIi ,........... ....... 2 1 2 1 1 1 1.. 1 12 1 "21'okrlg............8 2 2 2 2 à 1. 11" = 8,ao... wrhi'flDO5MWft. la1 . 1 4 .. 4 9'8 " Ceunli.... .... .....21 .... .....27 .... .....5 21 wbltby, January 101h, 1M6. $15,OO N.PRESENTS! IIOYTS' NEW PIIOTOGRAPIT GALLERY, OSHAWA CORNER 0F KINO k &SIJIOESTRIETS, 111»T FLOORt. o0- Prime con"ia of Gold snd Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Brooches MI' ewe> f al kinds; lo ewing Machine, aintings Albumih and a va. bely e excllen t clocha. Life-like likenesse taken in a few seconds, in a manner to en- sure perfetsatisfaction. IW" Se Bills for manner of diitribution of po Sente New le the chance for al W secure enduring MEOTOGRAPHS,sd valuable present., at a les. price than most photographere charge for the pic. turcs alone. Osbas, Msrch 24, 1868. 12 HÂAREET BLOCE CORNER of BYRON & DIJNDAS Sts. The snbscriber's rail Stock of ehoice Family Groceries is now comple., ith every article usually kept in a first-cla.. establiéhMent, con- sistîng in part of- Young Hysouik apaii, colored aud unco1ored, and Congou Tes., ground sud unground Cofkes, Spices, ]Popper, AUIspice Cinnamon, ClovoeLomon, Orange, sud Citron Pl, Sugars, rom the. beet Cubai o to ie it gromid, Byrups of the. best varieties. A complote Stock of firtelaus Plour, Oata, 0Com, sad Bnek-whnat malt Food of ail kinda, t: very cheap for eauh. 49S lu addition te the above, I have added a cpmpicteaasortment of Or«dkey, froni m individus! Saît-cell, te a first-clau fstt fchina, aIl of vhlch vwil b. soldvry cb.ap for cabh.I ymotte le net te b. undOmd. Oeu psld for an,' quantity eofgpolBaue. En.,ber the plme, cerner et Byron and Dandai Sti., Wbitby. 1- IMTBY, NOV. 21, 1807. M.H.COCHRANE Io now receiving the greater portion of 'bis fAlL [111111 m a As we buy our gudi fur cu you wmU lind it te your tage teo eU i sd examine pries before pnrebaaing elswee. The higliest price in cash paid for WHEAT, I3ÂRLE aU là knds of Farmers' Produce. FILI, SPECIAI INDIJCEMENTS FO1L CASHI ATOLP NO. 1ie' Y,. 6. Wo0uld 1kindly solicit the. attention ef his Customers aud. the Public, 'te us new ana varied Stock et seasonable DRY GOODS, on wbich wili be aliowed (5 perdcent discount,) for -ai CASH PURCHÂSES of $1 00, sud over. Just to band a fresh supply of cboie GROCERIES, the highest CASH price paid for any quantity of GOOD BUTTER, AT OLD NO. L. Hiard ware., Pà intS, Ois, and Dye Stuffti, al- ways on hand; at reasouable prices, at OLP NO- la N. B.-Wanted-0,000 Bush. of Barley. 50,000 " W4eéat# 3,000 " Rye. 10,000 " Peasi 5,000 " Oats. <4 the discount offered for asIi oný Dry Gýoods.* YEOMAN GIBSON. Y. G. would respectfully inform parties having accounts fâiiîg due lst of October, that, unlesa paid when due, 10 per cent will be charged from that date. Y. GIBSON. Whitby Sept..9, 1868. TIIOS. RUJSSELL& SONS' CELEDEATED WATCUE5 reroi -8. rien] obreaL,, 66 iid =- W»a Ia asmmrsou.- muend by tho j bymdl vwbo eained 19, as nthbe SO- Towsip and Couoty EktâfOr si s reaaonbl rats.- - &P IMto WALKE104 Ashburn, Sept. 14,1-8, tff New Baker-y AND ali " o Clerinde- &IlCake, si h ao sud Con lkfisiy laSo41 A0 to ,Herc, er kinds , Ccos Nuls" MI:el3", J. ndOU Aloolob Baker, confeetienu, ;61Broek e#L WhltyJuyldS67.28 aAMIW&OwiBiLEs -0F STOCK THE HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSURÂNCE COM1P'NY INOI'OBATED BY TRE LegislatUre ai'ConeclicUt1 With prbiulCharter. W siee,ope, de- k'oliey sut preparei to isue Po- DEATH AND THEFT. At moderato IWtotfePromism.,baud om aa English experiene. of oier YIFTY YAIW. The Pioncer CempYenofetAmena. ROUE 2M1J -i 18Main tSb.4 Hrrtfod,-Conu.E-N gB BEAZCU OPICUU. fWa1, $®s, Boston, Srmmr & WâaURMm n' W;106 BroedwalilNewYrgdm LIIâFry . FAIRBANS, Jr.,ý r ~1E Subscriber legs te oeil the attention of tL:oee about prehiieng te he followiîîg, from smong loanv Ie&tlmonlils ho ban re- celvad froms parties, who bave beaen weariug thos watcbos for omne ime. The Subscriber boroby certifies thot the vatches bu pureliagcd from James Joliiston, muutuued by Thes. kuacil & Son, oretas îsirpented, toouglily rolable lime bcepora. Mus. 1. IKBRIEN, Wbiltby. The Subecriber liereby cerrtifisthei vateli h. purchr"dl hem Jame,, .olnoton, nsuiu0.tured ly Tho%, îmel AS ni.. n reprex&utrd, sthorofîjciily roliableime lcoepcr. Former, BelMu. À full m1 aas eun lu Goed sud 511,cr JAMES JOIINSTON, Waclîmakc, Brok Street. DIRECT- IMPORTATIONS?1 EGTO >ýANNOUNOE -TUE ÂRRWVAL OF THEBIR E-Steamships .Peravian, .Yoetoirian, Ottawua, êc,1 being pur- caudnaébone of thefirm iiae 57. NEWLY IMPORTED 1IEANGI-N GS. PÂPER IIANGINGS9 saie « ho ha onS wtes la valmîsug, Gralmiag, Glazïg, Wbitby, AulI 8, Iode. U.t NEW cAEijgGAwai) ar,n1r Dalce- Vletaris Toronto. iener Caa'pbil, Broc WbU7 oi s. c S ILTOE OH-ava D AII Ba. il.b1p Dunds irsi > cL.CIIILt Wae0-amAt Portbry,à TYI B CL'~ MiD Wbltby,J motel onW Jewei izit n.4 w"Itrls Whîch is vey large- andcomplete in ever, 8.psrtment. Ir Primesveiy, much meduced. BOOTS &'SH OEE Suitable for Fali and Winter wear, se1llini nt 8rcs astonis"hi"gy o CÂL AND SEE. M.OI.COCHRRANEo i - 1 APPII 1 vobmary W, 186 1 1 M. 0. DONOVANg 1 VW, * PROWN. tf-«