Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1868, p. 1

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ARTHRElE 1~NCH, JCIIÀBDION, MÂ,eÂaxa~ W1HlT1%y, BENCH. - B ,RltgT£8,AND ATTrOIINEFS-AT- Law' sollaitors tw tisa Baulocoh Mostrasi, s ud thse <Jetloratiou oh tise Coeuit>'f Ontario, lq Netsieo%, tLe., d&o., 'Wltby, . W. M. (.C C. OaOle Q. 0 IL.J. Mào»sseas.z. w'Meueytloaopenupoiled ae'erit>'. Ap- pi>' me the 0204of et is1ru, Court mlusa, southwilag Iii AIRISTER, Attorneys, Slitoru, &o. B UflCE-Weatern %,Ossuranceoo lig Chsrob$tiatToroo tOC W. -Te tontojiul> %0, 1861.S 9.11. COC»RANE, Le LO,Bç, Ç ULTY CHO WN ATTUU14 U FQR ON- tarte,SGartrtsi Attrea. -ai 80, la or tin<lisaneer>', No'sr>'Publié S&c.- 0000e-1In higlow'a Nsw Baiidhssg, bandas A> stflput' tegstuer Rstur Exiraordi ty, sud exanisoriu Cianeer>' for tiseCoiu. 1>'ss.Utatio. Office Ei'okt.,Wbitb>'. RODEN3BT Je WlSON. BAIU)TER d& ATtORNEY AT LAW, B SiictoruCsascelYdc.Witbyt C. W. fr5.-Vctralidlîsg,lirock t S.ats' ai. M@ JAIVIS, DAlgRISTEIL.At.LAW ANID SOLICITUR otronteo. » oileter lu Cbury Couveyauet, No- trite- es oorte eStorc of E. & cJ. Causpiei, ihtoct t., WhistlîyUst. 'Wlltby', Sov. ;b, 1867. --41 S. B. FAIRBANqKS, OLCTXNOTARY PUBLIC, dcc. dcc.e W. 11, BILLING8S, bsa'ion ua rsaOLu asonyOntoxc, Wbistby, Jan. se, 1882. CHIARLES C. KELLER, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN A itancer>'.glouvayatcet, dcc., Cuusg on, Brook, C;. W. go J. ,KZAMERLGltEBNWOOD, A 'TORNEF-ATr-LAW. SOLVITOX 1N À,ace> CtrPble.onvoyaneoer, gle tegtrtbUfio., ou Book tro't. 40 JAMES LAmoti, ATOIZ; Y.0.OLîC SITOP 18 Dondsoîreet. I Tisree <cous Wcs< ci tisa Peatt(Iic. l -CtoCHILANE de COC1111ANIt. AURISTERS, ATTORNEY'S, CON VEY- B. ucëensd Notarles tPublic, &e., dec, Pumuesa ALaaîo-OvitO- Opposite Towr Pc,?psar~O,îo-Biein'isBlock. S I I coîaÂua, LL. iB.,I W,. .CoomtnÂex, Ceant>' Crosen Attoarisey. Purt Porr>', 21ti Decconisar, 18. 61 LYMAN ENUL1SII, L L B.. DAltit LR lIAT iLA, 'àuoTtor lu Ulisa- SIaueed 3t,-cppouiitise PoitUttici staws, '40 Digne CAMION & LAW, Consultation oh Pastneraip trac of obarge. Wisitis>, Jul>' 20, 1588. si DR. HANCOCK, (roix aOu.asmuD à cosOa'O.) SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, dec.. Rasnaica c stollcn lsa, W h1htts est ohtie EglasChsah. Withiy, Aug. 4, 1808.8 R. J. GUNNe M. Do Si URGON TO TIR COUSTF GAUL I;y ton treet, Whitis>. t.De W. FERRIEU, E. D. SOrgies lIeuns- to 1oa. M., sud 5<tu sJQýHN V. HAM, NOTARY FUJLCa WLIthLy, Aprli lôth, 1818. THlOMAS HUSTON, VICTORIA MOTEL. TwTILLIAU I SCUTT, L'hJll£ITOlit.(Lute TV Ws. Uoyatstns'.) 2 JOUNROIIO ' .Hlair DreWsng and Shaving BAJLOON, BlLUCKêST.,IIIîTBY. SSouV-is OF 7is3 BANKr OF MOui'Azà. Wlitby, Jan. 22, '08.8 W M. IIOFR'70Nbauea ol sorm Luthélu. hsabitant&scuttise Cosi>' of lctri sund suudiii coust, thist lie hae o'pened tisa oti01W 1111mw i raut isttel>' eoupled b>' .4owets,sied sie0bas issO ltlitl.d ancbcursslsî. niene. W ues, Lîqiiersansd Gtisreof tbe beat asli>'. Ai otoui% e stbu lwa>' s th'ud COMMERCIAL, HOTEL, »ROCK uT., WIIITBX. - I l nbebr begu te aunouca to bis T i'tienu<iansd tiii.publie, tisatise bas ra- samed posesssion of tieaboya weii sudfsà- vorabl>' known boimi, soiiolsla aow Led up ~î lu as supariorinmaner, ,witb éer>' conveni- euea for t ha recption of guesta sud tise tri- vrai:>g ublie. 1' BueS smooiodatioil sud supir 'ws.,, lqeous sud olgara. Goa stabling, wih sueloseS >yards, esud stetitve Otlers asi. wsys ou tisepremisea.ý Charges Moderato. n.e.sCALDWELL, Wbitby, Jan. lit 1868. 2-1>' VARS ý& DEVL.IN. ~P RACTIOIÏL Deutlat, Osawa DeuLRbio, Slu'otl>oppo. Iloueesttept itrdshort olth i eOnt*rio . Ig- ?J9388 AGENT, &e., ise*Agent o,&Awl4a>4tMàtu4,ad lsru e.171 ou0e.sioa et Albion bel, Boutai arbat Ssqpsre, Sataubr 1h, 1817., 86 >TEE B0B50N XÃ"iua8E, DUXDABS T BET, WMIITBr,C.W.1 GEORGE BOUbIOK, Propriator. 1 T PREsubsoriber-beg0' te monetiotat b. Ji s»u loaad tise buIlisg forus.rly kuowu »odrlture'a Rtaiwshlasboienv- *4,iêf loedaoi 4ftttdop tTDbttl :ituast:d. oputtbê osI omtesisdiluh. The Raiiway Omnibus calsst thehIote,aud the. atagen for txbridgo sud 'Beatertosi Iesve the door .verysssrang. Doardo*1 gas.sy. GEOROZ ROBSON. esa f iiolisalwaysilu stieudaicea potlby, Mai îles. 20, T U IBEIIE ICIIANT, Carpeuter, sud J.jJonerGrasnSt, Whitby.A argoqIIgný tltyot-silikindo ofli mbercossstant ]y ou hand. IUN 1)ERTA K ING.1 band. 'WA IHearsteto ie on liberaltruis. Whtby, rob. Sth,9 1662. 1 rooklin Drug Store. TrEAjjER lut Drugui, Patent mosicoineu "L rl'ats, 010, Uye stulis, Confection- or',& drii. -U WWins sud Lquorssof the béat qualit>' for Mdical parpoiteg Brookli, C. W., 186p 2b (OrgcfiMd i&UnU' £7urcA, Wifb>.) I8 propared tu gir. Masie sud Siluging les sousl, tuas llmited nasther cf papila. Application 10 bu smade ah the 015ce of Jphn L. Wstkis, Surgeou Dflntlat, over Joumes Byrne's MedîientILIl, Brook âI. Whtby. CROCK ERS IMOTELIi (LAT£ PLATT'$,) NELSOFN ST- TORONTOP NORTHI OF KING ST. BIASSETT à; KEEBLE, -PbtovsîeToas. rUllgproprietora res ectfuii, annuncea ho Ltser frend's,attuad i.taîsce, ne well mas near home, tiat they> have taken tise abuvr, prenîixs wlsicil ar's lu enery reispect coîsveulintîv sua cosrfortably atted ap sur tise scoomasodution of 1us'u ie rvln u lie.Tse'will bu foaud ta l constant persoisal attaudatrca, and wii basva notiiing udoise ou thucis partto vive satialaction u wai whso may lavor tbeui wth a eau. 86 TIEOMAN GIBBON. COMMISSION MER CHA NI Yi.5tir Ap(E . flVN SuALAGENT.' eiM l - bflti ayautois ' lgjausis >" =rdâ avay ~for tus 6rWgton a Tot ký-lL bwlereips, Sud vatis uia fev ss titeisvlu .ÂTgEAW4J1AÉ of tise Ststi ans i llty larbor. As t a î WKITAIY deP. FERRY B, AmLWÂY ehIRaIt :xb 6si li., bayond ail doisisite o I, t <i.prOeer Mmic, IBrosisturot, W hMt wîLi bomo siiosl naluibie, as tis a einfiI OFJ viii bc on or ner tiis)or, iuthlsemara>'mada b>' Artu fisa m oisaug,Bq., lP.LC. 9I*, usdeld - apoIs. -Wbltb>., Spt. 1,l168 Ts rrty Most be soip imued.stel lu ordrl=cr> ootîlîs tarins e tiseIl.- fitla' s lu<btsputaîshe. - RO IN- For particulars appi>' tesaExuhora, o IKEY .JAMYS MOALLAN, - ý.gu5suoIeoctftilh>'i WILLIAM 'I!HICW ,tamb tiltise I 9Ouni>'or0 Wiltydsiesitisogie remnise Il iele 5s Or <o W. Bondy pe". ,ch ho Seýilcitor, Wluitby. Witiys>'Sph. 80, 1868. 1 go-<. Query! Wisy filte th&at thi a .làs mach a ru for pictures AT CLÂRK'S GALLE RY? it la beosuma ,ho buathebo at Gallery lis i h Couyadbas more patieuca with oiiitau tbau alisy-ther àrilst 1lu tb. Coouty, sud au' do quit* is goodwcrrk au asy othar mou n lathe C<uUfy. 1W T isss',swhit'. tii. motter, su dout't h beekward about coujsig forward. DROCE ST., WRITDýry. Wbltby, Nov. 12,- 1807. 45 JOHN CARTER# LICENBED AUCTIONEER. VOITax 0=-tiiZOV ONTARI09 YORK & PFEL. Ja'rEnsIDE4cE-]Lot S, Sîh Con., markhan.-Fout Office-Unîouville. SALES sttessded ou the ssortest notice, eud on resnable taris. Termas eau be made &&.d bil prlnted attise Chrouiole oto. for bir. carter. 17 WELLINGTON IOTEL, .MAIRKHAM. J. RUE.BOTTUMC, - Puprietor. 19-ly ASSURANCIE COM~PANY Capital, $400,000. T IE uusleriguod havlug beauaposse Aicent fuc'r tise above Comupauy, la ss)w' prupred te issanre Property aguanit Li kS DY FIEE, u theo stat vorable tursas. Aipl o, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12mos. Agent Wlsitby FAREWELL & McGEE, se u.~oe'.-, IL ~ ii'5r.L'Liu, uiiLii.A. Whitby, Jan., ltis 180. 21D B 'ISCO >FNRS, AND> NO: ITARIES PULIC. REVERE HOUSE, NAYCIIESTER, C. W. B. PLANK, -r - - - Propruetor. Sitagea to and from WWbtbr oeil dali>'. Ever>' attenstioni paid ta gsssts. Lireful -me d attouu- tirs <sters.9 TIIE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON J.Rýz= GLo»20 INSIJRANCE COMP'NY. lias bou lns exipeace thirty-two yeura, sud durlug tisai pcriod lias pad Losies cexc.seding tiva and a hait usmiloni pouuds stçrllng. Tise dliçbarmonseîs t <t<bisemormoas saut" over a wido grcs, lias, witlîost donbh, aomtrh- buted <o <hoe eabliehîuuesst of titis luaCtaution, lu tise (sunfidousce Of PUBsLI CCosRoarorTIts, Musa. OlsÂlIT, llouisioLilttIs, snd businses mou gcms- bval>', wiserever I< le repretoîstod. la 1<. firit yeur, 188, th ise P.Iremiuas imbu amounted <o .................£9,970 Iu its loti, yeu?,, 184q ............. £47,708 dé 2OtIs yeur, 18561...... *l. ....£222,27v9 66 stis yeur, *.b& ............. £78,882 oua >'ear lsetsr, 1867............. £18,066 Tise Pire Reservo Fonud la now $4,727,4684 Tise Mfà e Heerva Faud lu uuw $9,282,468 'resC Losa lieu>'fls rapretesmted throsîglsOut (Un- -tarlo asid -queaco, by ' hsuuletsiil Agont?-, <o wbouss applicationi for inanrasice me>'bcmieode. G. F. C. liMITII, Esaîuuwo Szoaks'Âhv, MO55TRUKL. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja, AGE14v, W suîlr, CLu EossOsrsmocr. Febrnar>' 17<ls, 1865. 7 TUE ONTARIO FARMEU8' MUTUAL, INSURANCE COMP'Y. rT'IiSComimu' s uu' ubi' rganizodud .5. i.s opssre,'d < so'sfptrlksoun arm buildiusgs, asi tisir costeîts, Comuntry solsool mure, ensdthereli>' upport as home Insurance Cimuan>'. isave row ais opporsit'ust fdolissa io, b>'1 itngeltisert sth lic issOoffice, out o aîs>'ol tte loc falsg enta. Unt ratis will be c unsd sa lnw as thsose oc i au>'reusonsibla IMutueilu- saramuc Comipany' la Canada. L.FAIRBANKS, Jat., 1TEAD OFFICE-Tise 010 itegisty it> 0e Buililug. Brook Street, Whltb>'. HOTEL & PREMISES - FOR SALE, T lgÂT-ld etablished sud 'Wall kuowu Ho- tel, tise CEN,]TRAL bRUSE, -EPEOXf Splendfid roon>' stabiug, aud drivilug esod, etd,aawbea o tw u suconsof ~dilc gctlserW t emaittbeat- ' ybdored,:nd aicaeoyag ig rcsard. Tiera ratwo wal S lgood pa sisp sd excelet waýer. WTise wisobewhbi be soiS at s bargein, au~ Iosaole o tebest ebsa utIse Dominion foraen ative isusînsssmua, W 111 ba excissuged lortotrinropett>'. -For termes, &., appi>' (le b>' etter, pra-paoi) WILLIAX BC t.OX, Octobe Geo. Ayers. GENIRALELÂCESIlI, AND Nu"T-PIZE, UBE-OEI 1~VNhJ'%EE. 9-1> Os'rwss -Ouo <'oct nons cfr tise PosI <Slice, (Olliio; anîd McFs'eterlit Block, olîposite Tewnvu ill, Bowssunilîo. JOHN L.WAKS S URGFON »ENTIST. Orrso,.-.Ovcr JAS. BYRNE'S Medicai Hall. Brook Streot, Witiy. 1W Ali vork wurntcd. Fasaibicoa ttcudod snt privahe ratdeaçcs. TEETI! ES EXTRACTEl)1 MrWITHOUT IPAIN, 9 BF TIIE USE OF I .7 bolufotin tbsshisbsbh. Unlarie, tisai boisas s latal>' oeeuplad b~' han -nevin tan'sluis. @a mid réuovat*d ,Sund ho,-là, prepmrcd ho a.aausmedate tbiétravelling pabIFc. Tiso Bar stocked WLlvustise boi liuerasud cigare,, mmd Brooklilu.April, 1806. 1,1>' Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. ,WUTM.'1WIL bavlnc' pureluassil ttis Ltel Tnkilotel, Whitby statiotn, beige tulisforin hie Moriand dthse taeiubule ht buà flttedl up the bouge aud stables lu firet- olap style, snd by aettlatiou <o thse w#st of tlscse wbo favor hlm wlhth thelr patronage trusts g <o eVit aeootiuutiioe of thoir ouwton1s sa» Parties "t sigtihetrain sud but.illi tiorim wjll have tbt'ui well taken care of &W1 tiseir returui. Wliltby, Septil.0.8 AMILLI1ON AND . QUARTER MONEY' TO LOAN. T EEX Suboriher bas receircd lnustructioua tru gulasnwo as a reamout of moue>' iivested lu Eajllsh securuties. w Is- vos bmesaome for biu natiis sud ssjoulng Couiniezs, on gooel Fana Iroperty, or i>ebes- tarcs.' 1 stili ountiuue t e rreueut threa of the largesit Mouetdry luatitutioua lisitise Domuîiep, tisat leud moue> ou tisa moit sdvantageous terma. 1W Aise a large nuer vf well cultivated Fùrais, sud aîuy quatil>' uf Wild Lauda, for sale clsp. For furtiser particulara , appi>' to JAMES IIOLDEN, MOiiai Asiguce, Monay Bruker, Coummis- slouer, Nutar>' I'ubio, &c., &o. OFFICE-Seooud Floor, MoMllan's Block, Brook Strect, Wiiby. Auguët 24tb, 1860. 84- N.1I,-I su aio prepared tw lavait ln ail kînda <of Debeistares. Groubek bougrlit aud soid; siso a large quantit>' ot Silver for sale. IMPROVED BUCK aE YE GRAIN DRILL. -- WE DESISE TO CALL ATTENTIOX TO OVE BUCK BYE GRAIN DRILL. WB WARRANT IT TO S0W lvIiEAT, DABLkEY, OATS, PEAS, & GRASS SEED, 131TrE TisANeANs' OT5tERILL Xiu AiE. It lat uov tiseleadiug Uri!)in ts<ha UnitedBSttes, '4, "0" f our îlîouauîud of tisein harissg beenî bail< lu one Establthsmnet inii Ull, for <bis iseason's trade. Qunitisy souris regnlated us>'a NITRUS XID LAUIII~~ ASScrew inetead of Gear Wheels.- NifosOR TE 1 CAGIN an ucueta oeisdmt1imc LOCAL AN.-ESTFIETIC, AT DENTAL ROOMS, DUNDAS STREET, 1lfIIITBY,C. W. B0t>M.-Ove' M. 1IL CoebrsmisesStore. Wiittay, Jesse 20, 1867. 25 SMOE TOUS & FINDINOS. À com p lte asersmelim or dise latesi patteras of R$boa Tos)l, s, hoi ansdt facine'l'hred. b'lc-bine S855. Rscs 1.1ege, tfib. est, . ai'4fceldanti Tuee <laies, ggW WIOLE$ALE !NU RETAIL. RYAN & OLIVER, 12-1>' 114 Fosse: Ssssu.s'Tonouivo.' WM C> m à x 1-C>XLs. Amerleuflisears. Trsnsuers and Polit# f ail size 19q4snres, esrved Bie» tou, Riglît Esiges isinprsvlem trae5Esstssh usi Aiî'riai (.us os. 5rteieUoidg~. le., 'uopo, &., ail o(f telbeit qualiiy asnd ai lcwest prices, YAN d& OLIVEJ39 <2.1>' Esmporters cf hardvare, Ymusge St., Tesonlo. TO MACHINISTSI selsuteul.. teliquaros, Csnîre Gosgev, Vernier Caipers, stees Caiper Rlates, Calper Squares, Ames' Usîlvcrsai Square., self iisgsiterl'g Ca 1eri andsi D. videra, MloFiles sud Tcil, Pamcstile ri, SObet Steei, &ae»,(fur sale b>'- RYAN, de OLIVER., 52.1>' 14 Yeuse. St., Toronto. TO CABINET AKR AND UI0S~~S - liur Sestisg, Caried lisirTow, S"f Speut4 Twiss, Chair web, iiuiiisa, S'rewi, Binugo@, aMs Tseime, Flant Paper, 01mwan, St iol Zcrews, Coffisn TrimssnigsUpoltirer' adessdRiaoos Aieu Cacver's 'rote, Extension LlP Auger tthus, Ide.. lodeca Hardware, Lie., loremisei es mireei, JXAN de OLîTEB, geauraI iisdwr AerIWhauts, 12..t>'114 Youse S, ,Tassat.. RA N & OLIVER, 114> rOXGrO T3ETI TORONTO. ifave sal's onondusaimsu sascutiusdl cfDa ih. bis alwMko, sud iiUpitmrfo -iafwss. -Mochs. .nkt o&e nd ift ToioJoeeph Rcgersi & Son's, sud cihos' Ctiesi; HliesFamlehlug'ffardware; Shecta#»ssd Yliulag'rsel lolg sauaeislcs; Niult Suis-lI, Usrdon, DmaiuiugMdsud P in Cordsg. ' a &uwht ahebOr ln henu e asotohPiea TceouiMarelhS-1712h Co uo ttu g id lea oen utiseadjoi ug bc desired. - WCc o ilip ut once, upou a recitf ordore. Fe Augus t MI, 1885. WeGLENP Ex( cator, OSHAWvA, UNr. 88 Land! Land!, -- T RIE Saboriser offcrs the followiug liât of adit, wlich ho wili mcil i ta b:J FAIR VALUATIONo«Çg S.3,No. 18, lu Oud concessions of Eeaeh, 10 ace eared. E.3,No. 19, lu the Srd coucession of Reoh No. 2s. ln the lotis cosncesssiou of Dariug<on, 60 acres clesred. No. t, lu Otis cou., Mars, 5 acres ciaared. N. B. M. No. 27, lu lud councssiou Whltby, il clered. 1000 acres lu somorvile-11,00 acrest luiBoxie>'. 200 acreslits laztou-400 acres lu Beluiont. Apply persosily, or b>' latter, postepaid, wo R. E. PERRY,. Jannar>' Stb, 1865. Public Notice L 8 bierebs>g, iren, tisat application, w111 bc made bytisaPou rWuimvAu POuPmY RA5LWA? CoîmwÂAsoteothe Provincial Parilisueut of tise Province ofOna.rio, At i. nat session, for au Act esunudiug the *1Act to hucorporata tise Pore Witby sud Port Perry Rehâlwal Comupsuy"' b>' alariig the.powers of the. sald Coipauv lu tha lsying out sud ousatruot- log <f .their propoedetihhses>' ivisiugsnob Comupany tisa frtiier power sud autisorît>' w l> ont, continue, estsudt sud cotruott hait proposed R allwsy, te sueis poiut upou 'tha wateýè rs flite inece, at'or uear Beaveitoun, sas tisey mns>'aleot. Andfùrtûr,iA,0la ', ont oustruot sud bud s brnois of sïis Ràil1Wsy thse VILLrXGZ 0F UXBRIDGE; wlUth ta ssuue rîglts, powsrs sud priviieges to tise said Coiupaus>' lu respect thareof as, iae enred, upon thon b>' tise $nd Ac t noi' rpora'tion, sud ime ameluàýig tise ud lot jb> trkiug ont bron-h tisa tnty.tbird sel~ laefts words 16proe d ays," sud il ,hhreattr of tis el ssi ection u d etisar susaudusutstiser.- to. 1 Dstod t1iss tvaunty.lfl: hdei of Septaurb.rt ]ROBERT J. WILBON, Sacrtarv ef thse PoritVW itbs>'asd Poi - Parr>'Rahlwse CouPanT t-D tes ~f Wbf$by and ~yotOntarioL, Domin$ou 84~m nab g acbne Cam b. useed A any Eoilor!, Oaly- Four, Dollars.- Ille MACIIIiIIf eaîi Ba aa> d'sp enctirel> thuslabor end ts earfi cl'tbom Tse so edsand esism, b>' ti9so - <ti ore@h, gmrauisinupýtiero ',e-Cisamabers, f rM* o tle ,clotii, sud torcel tbrougâ s.lUfbuwt touabsiulnu rispidtty, iaauMIbI$g1 Il perfectil itiiont - rnbblug. ILhsi abooms Ail tabries, frosé tfie fis9et la ces ho tii. ist blankets', eau-w use-pefeti sd h eue, wItisout <theisuboatd. For daunaésiW prasalng' proepesuout -FeSuarily .lufuir hem more or toas. 1<l tb> a lusiÃŽor and eItibes ,urlni nvention. Wasliilug'vlIi no longer ho a bardahst, an4 vshtîsg s3a> a torror àsud drcad ho--bousavnes; Tise lvouttôu eau be nud bunais>' bolIer, sud tisa mv ,prîce of lise artisais, $4.p laces 1t witin tise reach <of suer> iaui>'. Tblà maceba s eeWorid and tison.gl-byîoaîed b>' diffarsut paitieM,fri visonstoâtlusotslabà bssv'béu raceivid - mr. L. Hotucirx. us. aH IamiltonIli. W. Il. Ihiggitis, Mra.*il. J. Macdoushl, ÏRn.,J. I. Cochranue, lIra. Ju, yrue, lits. J.,1l. Peru>', ilfi. t.. Fairbanks, ldi. J. ýAgncu', lira.. S.Il. Coolirasa tIro M Marper Mus. Dr. Eastwood, MrJs. zïK. Cul,Mia. êouit-ý so.-CAUTION. Ail mWa4slnamode or sold lu tisa Ceuni>'et Ontario asd Duramasat bave lise proprios- hor' stsip, beart.sg date oh petons asudisha liula ou tise battum, ase ech ud aveu>'lu- frlssgemant viilba prosemte tisefailoe tantt ohie immu. 9010 Agent <or tise manuifactura sud sale1la tise couisty of Ostarlo and Durhamu. Oshawa, Sept. 28, 1818. 88 Tf llE tuuderssocidffors for sale tise folloit. .lhng visinabie FAlibM LANDS, riz s- fon mrttueasioit seartof lot No. il, lu tise TOWNSHiPf of PIOiKERiNG, In tba CUSUTY OF ONTARIO, sud 03 ars, adjoliisg ou the relit f tia tisird oî- cessâiosiu ut solTowushbp.80 acres «f saad laud are clear. Thor« are suitabie buildings, assd a good yoauig Unehard on tise premisp. tFor termp, appi>' (If by lotter, poil puiJ,) .7. AMER GREENWOOD, 8oLIouvoît, &0C, ¶A'rmr, ON. Wiitby, Vct. 14. 1868. 4isn-41 To Jobbers & Teamaters. TIlIE OU BSCRIBER wan u wlet, lu iota bo ILsait s pplicastt, tise enttiuir and iauliig, dt.rlug theomnisgwisster, oia quitutit>' of aaw logeasud saiglo boita. gW For paricîsiars opplytu, R. T. HARRISON. Brookliîs Oc' 1, 1868. 89.tl ]FUNDS TOR ýInvestment! T E TRUST AND "LOAN COMPANY' have fansi. for investasesi, nt thAir usual roa*e ot istereist, on tise sezarit>' of Improros Rel Estite. Lossia suade for fixed periodm, or repayable by isînl iuatalsseus. Fus',lser sind full itiîortssatlon anu be lisd by lutter, usidressiesi tisaheComuiisiuoers ut Kinston, or frim L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., lical Estste & Gesseral Agent. Os'izc-Brock Street, Wlithy, Sept 15, 1868. 86 ONTARIO HOTEL. WHITBY. E. ARMSTRONG, - - Proprletor. AUCTION _BUSINESS THOMAS NYh±LRS, L ICENSED A UCTIONEEII for th. Ceni>' 1.of Untuirlo. desires <o luforu lis friesusîs eand tise pblc hit lhal reaidy as iseretofore to recive ore= for ssle cf stock, turs ImpIe. mont,q&o.,sand liat al ordera loft at tise Catasxu...toffice solli be daly sttmesi h o. known on sbtao;latlooa ultdt isa CstxoicLoffiooa&ee, or atBlack'a butai, sebere books witb autriai are buapt n a usssi Wisitisy, Auguat loth, 18688. .84 COMMERCOIAL HOTEL, OÉHAWA. JAMES£8PRINGLE, - Poprietore Land foôr Sale.l T UE North West quarter cf tise Eut hait cf JLlot 16, lot Coli. tise townahip of Reich, outairli 25 aces ailtoarad, part of tisa as- taie cf isbt a tedesur>13611. Tise.aaéno buidiugus 0ftise land. > Fer particalars appi>' o tisa Exeototi, THOR AS U1G Bgln Os' te- WeIH. BILLINGO, Seiletior, Wbttby. Wiitby, Auut Sti, 1888. t-D. Prof.- 4J. Post H IA0 tha binur of afinosuucbsg te lbigmugil es M i leudas, lu Wiitht, ai h prié. ÉanA té-oecevaahi otrttlon - h Piano. - llavilng bailta 'oasa xee, ho fêclas coàUfieut of islug abla to'prcm)otesaraild âd- lancmennt otpupllt, Whso, syýheýplfic ;-undd bis tultioi. '- lionstCouunter-polbnt, Eunei, ?haouy of ]Hit-i clCap sit ÉsiPirtieilar Attentiou wl! be tiven t;jêeuliUvtlou of tise vhleio ttise PhaRs,'$10, tiser>' cf nualealcomposliion, m&,irS0 WbiitbySpmer,10, 8 site f <gel t~ [tisa I lt p s n o rt d i ta e lyApr a f* a - s Yot u ir, $nië.,cabsc', "Gcdblaycus" mergolw f.nr og v lov 'rîan 'o'ius~tiutnrsheyo nopeie e b stre. iç'baci - IlWisoeleïayalldsnavér suiber- laul ý«t cJ&oug.tpeeh,' - Dswa ns tudied nmusa'cua, Tht. ?fawÃ"rleaus Pieej.ua.préosiceu thoei71 iovlg tiicbug ue. pprprith t u is lse- lu tise <lati, wltb a eihd-puiser besoju - h"wU 1niit Ila tie Dapor. utise darle, whýli à chidon fièr besoin, in ý4î,dork ef*a consfortisu ron; -Nct eus cui di' ill o soate -ow b tret irongsObjoyou proeeushei, *Wlit iiouuaisdso flamipa ai1l aight; Ad h orofWbul prlu1lroc tt - And maie as u llsarasud lisser Whlhe bis inaof f<h. zoos(th laeishzing -Wihsgrad pyroitoiniule ioas Ail alon is.vtitber 1,oor blle 6bardais, 1 A womauswit lsongerlug a>'e. Soothes seh lips liai are pallid with fimtlu<ng - -lier tamialing,'isais>là crie& * Mise caes te <echoos ohf loua huzzss, "lGreat God 119 ah@ alisa ioîie Wbrestis, muât nu> littIe ouo 'atte te deas t',1 tar'1 ith-4raunp of thee marchera ormneasrer "Our Causa," "6Our Kiud," sud"Ouar Couit. -tr7," she resds, Bat uoyer oua motioad "unr poori1" And iteblooks at the i. llcarlog torches IAnd conts tise negnuicent!4*ag,,- Tissa tarus with a gasp tw lier darkpçissagait Aubd bar saat sud iisseani>' rage. Like s river of lîglît- the processIon Flows sway duwatis honny treet, And ths arratadded gaies of tisa mîduiglit i.iose on thi~rattug test. tisa music die.oui la tise diuu sfor- Alil l silence and »Peace sud rcs4t. Bave a maulso motisor paclug tisa foot, A fittie cold corpusa oni) er hresét. The La.o t the Ooans, 014 TRIS FATAL 510?. Auong tis a nu>'fait cute homeset England, tisera coulA ha noua <airer or use statel>' tbau roran Caille, OSubis. Tisere liseS Squira Coran, a flue specimen et bis asel-tteru, ragged, sud utibend *- iag as oeeoe hi. oake, jet viisl, genil, anA kundI>'. Tbe useaneut peua;eut cf hie estaba valsaS briser visen Se'mase s squire, sud siled for f se ieuotés aito iseuring bis mars> '-Fine minting j Bri- rtl veathar 1", Neatly fort>' jeara baS passeince tise equira laid bsis fait, ginl-vifs lu the- vanit eof tise Corans- nearl>' tient>' ince ho buS bunied b>' ber aide tisa eue sou of thiai abert vodiocis. YeI Cora CutIe vas not desolate.. Tise heir, iou5ha baS diod ycuug, had lived leng enougis te beavea a idose anS 'tivoerphat, babies te bis faîiser'a cire.Tisas. orlîbane vare nese grevanop, auàd tise -namiesoet Rugi sud Emina reuonnded tsteogis.tiseoutsîb, sisonted la tise fail cherry voie.eo tha heurt>' obd man. Deadi> AIS ba bova tison boths; bai Rugis vas somevisat vildsuad vayvard, and wvolSsouetîtuos tisoi leasl>' tbwart is iaîndsire's Impeiut iyu Oueacmre ebjeci aven bu>' bafèe, theus.. The oId squire vas a giant lu listera sud. atreug! h-;iebi youtis * vassîgniseed b>' fas Ofprowesu u n rlu,' eorvisicis ha uever vearied le bout. Rugis Coran, on ,the contrat>', baS mil alt ue for' '5.1 ports, sud being ausail ad dalicate lnu' frainet couaiapîly <oct to isif hls irandfatter's liarolama scoifs &bout 'lad> maltansd 'degeaerac>'.' Net Self a-langue frein tise Caiiî sai ai barge tract-ef LestS sund meorbad,- 'vrt> uibd sud louel', anaui tii tis. infetç croie ibis distTjct,,before resciiu< the ueighierlag village of *Wroti. - Onu'day lu- th isavt toef ina, ugisCorsa hA oc- casieus teigote i»isvillage. nHa- dld Dot raîonu wien expe;teS, qoddinuervu, serveS vitiseai iim. Justit uhi vu ert, 5e cama lu, ecuiag bie tàrdiaee.bysa>1' l ui that aiopidhoýus éharàtttés' iaS bec &seau on-tise moor,uanA, deraera, -he'- Su vaited .fer hM oiouu.' El. smoiher ban but prudence, vison the . squire 'brois ardice'. WheusaSn h liedS uài iýn - men nesorland offerensA neteh,' s bUd oe ilgisiayseu, sud ho. teeS sl4ge usai -oni ef bis' race àresSeàdd nceontor vilhsoyn ebungle <os - 0d'aho vu hoêvold ride 'eutCora -Mor a u t aI wi n isi nve isu Coaiso br hlm - or- 1iii gibac Il pute..d se b "! ia4-es, oihouu hbit Coran. bo,&. fth or"o - l-rinàdî AI ugis éseweï that b. did Dot 15bin b6is 'cr0g«, :veuld >bMl lIf, pua hadisbut batbe(tbtia.,b1c.551dsA> OftSif acntCpraissî botstIi lle tisoagisi-bu moeiy5d se tisougistïfor tise yjoul ba ai gai..-thàt lbe vouli,à' bis 5 àvw l ffre sivo nbtbet's. V luI' I%4 guep. -hssv otds vers ýtoe mu. , El b i. eyes Sushed, ha ilrew e-duahh-Ali- - iso~untornpeA, su bist . e-mctht: and a tui a.a. 11aefýibltAn "laI ~ ~ id b*rmiooêfeaupl lu oue iss d precepi"sud -se ho rode sw&s>'0e SýThere wpu oui> a clMay moon bUt tise, J este-aîI rîed trivoller uev hieisod., sud0à vus e. ikelj te lmes, vol on this nemo Yr e. asstree rbt oa snetlu Lon- a ;do., 1 #_Isa 'Sbuouiveut beloalI.te mt I le d>'iugA ,ftlee d,' --hi dignalle vs Rugis sitvly'faded freinthie ulud, wiseu Juil ai -cond -ebsoated tise moon, he eu bhesrâd tise 'moit, of aspurired bisOe, a-I sbadow <.11 lýou hie patb, , isanssd deai>'ci cssigt4 isb, bnldI@e, sud a plstol wu pclatéd t f -- 'Youttmoue'-or jour' lite." 1- -Tisa verdi vere spoisen qulcs>'lu in dlugulued, but iglitatesi le. T -à u jq1ît igisieneuis te 5 sée islgbvâ mW vusa lgbt.ýbilt mais, et no appiteut> t! pisla>'icifýorce ys"isa aquira reuuembes'edý bis vain boaut 'ùisofels hoit complebul>, à he aslu is sîiifug' làpoerî Thora if vas * mouoats sIleï.isesur haud wss la b",is gr'eat- co t pociet. D id1 tisa robsr -ibicis bu vas gettînismisars.? Dld tise squire mcv hé.va s esrciig for is isitel? - The hîgissesman ,spolia again, lu tisa sexa strauge voicý visîibsýeeu.d tull1oet soîisenred passion or .grief - I alva heard1 yen would noyer yîeld>o a siugle ma»." .- Tha.squirs'ebloSbelleS aittbisImpliadý Iut butheb.pietol vas tçrribly, - ne b# isead,, aud ha <eh tiil nbacs ueitire agth uer couragýe eau aa via vicies'. g ~Non vould -l jield te you," -houaS ho basew nos visat prompte4 him-ms not 'to >'ousalo bai .foýr.tisai gibet, ellov loekutsg, ver jour shouldor b" -ý The ribisere startad sbuddernugly, sud tustued . Sweift. as lighbtuiug thisequire siued his ovu pistol sud lire 'd. For s momeut tisa moorlmnet seaeed illumuiued eut ot tise fierdieis brigistou camnea ligisi, sharp, ainosi glirlisis ssriele. A second more ail vasî dans and qulat, sud tis quire reallued sisal ha steedsilona lu tise Sns meonligisi vitsa s d insust his <cet. - AÀabta -miznn vuia Mymer -Coran, et Coran, aud havas not le ha broagIsitetus paâma ou bis journey,beoause a heisd fchanceS toila>' s thai. Non, vas h bise r ve sud horror of bloodshud tisaI flisad h.is ciseik as ho roda ou.ý Noy:hie rigid àjsio. irguad tisaitise mas doserveil deatis, ouI' lyiasnoS meet t tis se a ho should have isetiyed uin honorable agentlemnan to decait. For ho usse tisai eha baS verifaed hie bout, ansd »avdShlm. rsoIt-b>' a îl@i -Tisai hanted binss iisho stood in tise great chamber cf Wroîtcl Ciocisiousa, sud asea <ho bltf bis o.d frind, tise coun>' ýtmagisîrate, ila daspaicised uo eue to Ise dadtobisr-timae nongis for tisi viss rbh roîuneud-in tise meruing. a >Thon ho teet officers et justice wvus d u, suadtise>', rsîpeoting, hus positioun, and- aute depreusion lu wbic b b.seemedpliged mvalked quleil>' aide b>' aide, a uitile va>' àbaisind bis isorie., Ai lut tise> reacbed btisa spot visera lise dead>'deed, baS talion place. To their aitoniehusent, a littie egnou> p cf people wera gsthaned about, sud 1ai tisa>'dnaw near, tisy e> sad asosud et dlamentation, sud 1tise uquire mev bus ovu - user>' meants,. one of tissu holdiug tis .bnidle of a riderbesa isorse.Tia'tre i.tauatled, visite fu.es -t him, siseo rode np, t- 1~ r- t g' 1- i ego WhaS*is tise malter Il' ha donanded 61 Oh ho socnas bu dosA 1 thebonulae saddie 119 obbed au olA Seco'tch groom., il Bom use b aSasot Ms'. Hughl' .aid uome tve or tbroeata once. - 4 i muât hava been s duel, suiS soe oue, fi fer tise youug mular' had his ovu -TTeasquirea pusied-iss hrse ibrouglutisa' crowd. O tseblond stainedi estber la>' bis autagonai t tise uigist bfreii yo Dgglraudion-tse bacS- oftblm bioS vas 'com:pîstol>' sisttered, Su i«i etofblood on! hifir boyhah,,face. -Tise itevasi k.,hi b>' tisa corps., iang&Sing the pistât frein ýtise til 9gr4ap e 5 -A .Ho hoobqS a i h s vndorliug, -bwiidercid .yoî,ý and said s It but a nues' béeaudiSsAot >.Tbeatiese quis. :nderâhood iti1...huJ undoaloo usa bis b uttnlbise5oUkl -vribaSl provohî4 Rugis go-pliecn rage to the tes t, inathe hep. ?< coOnvisclug- hlm tia bt i 'e ébaîîes' trial et braver>' thant thel .boteu u ooSma u ibai 5*5-9-9 on!Sai uigaapisiol bausa hi, seemaS, lbe, Ie honorabls Cora ofCoran, ha cobl'iscaped by sIO110 si AId IItl' 6SasaI, gl"Iml>'; anS use ivo deteranilsl offlces tfjuice came sud stoodat itseè @ide of Corsansd ii'owms #Èaitas f611 baukIn luborner auS'disus>'. Alua I fo er twie i bersévei vouas- vis seat vaklting and eseplng, -oslot boplngt lu tise proudSolS casie gteeet1 Latyman ý 'C'raniiis psréd tise lïnOmIuy f ti'l-be dIS not eavai be 'ieé ibat- the coroner'& jury raturneS a verdict eof il mhe.advesture." .Theatoiet olsiheurt .-àà.broSin, -' ugis'o fainal w&4s Sobed eout frind. Whe sart, yau ovw 7 wit adollar Iayour Posita -snd ieoroit sliows on 70Sfet sidi, 0h17orne toihem, -on @ver civ beter., sud- motsf 1, botied by eiste. sud impelled b>' te.priSa b. ui t hem, te jota 79 u a ObSocial gliaI. Yeu-céàlt.getcii ett; iiseyl buov yos "@,it for -soea hîquor, ed sud ;aayoti fAleid lnirodoi< lot eu-ad dida5i luitf,. ah>' YOD muai do tiseisonots, sud I0onSA"y Ion ara gmis Se eten(au nfetrnal lia, s>' tbmva>',) sud sais tise. np.If yois ire bv et tise baro, a igliI, if noS, roi biavs té berrose et yoar <tIenS. IEov'a it?' I Periape anme oethie Party' mighi msk9ý "ou eo a oisier dina e, but tis. chances trope, ie> oubdut knv Ion tise DntIdal frem ababaS appla. A mcsasurdidesdà iranS, Mbi 'uhiag"lu incoaneoicu itn i liquor. Dowvs is, ceai, pravail ou se' rjuaiitsnes 'te go 7lu aud have neobties glores, or boots vhs ns?1 &Caue lu snS isa a botibe of visste ivus me," tmonjiéI Say', sud iska YOD b>' tise eausud,:h -I go.Deta>avus>,Cw*1Ld-se- aat ut sn MO" Are YOu conilisuuily' utged te esât thiaga?1 ýDo ibey',suit Ica te ta se poobot4bulves, l-easdpencis, h aln.dyoi tolbiÏwodor, piper Colleai or ambuille, vhs ,tiseus? No,:tbi à "asbîng" 'buinoes lu ecuflusod te liqaer. lus liquor liberality, - or a cuteus ralisr, tisaI jexenda iiei le n e o h r "r t c l e i f v . a c c e p t e y . s b cr u s ua d cigars, buas tiese Ihtl id TaboILai>'et i ans vWho $0 iu for thein loger. Thie> oit do evinsd'escs ona drinks visaI ho vante and -pays tes' vbt is.Sdrinks. H. isu'I force&- a nisu <oeSeaue -ho don'îAdriak more. Theî aune vus Eniglalunten, Froucisma, -ansd ail eliser-puopie on tise face oftise globe, but Americanu, ýTon kinev bey-il vould be u ix et 1of thelatteraidStisa>'go la for bagor!,.Tisera vou!d b. îbirty mlx glises dranis, béces.cueemasS "sléais tis olbers.. Humbugi P ol>' b I:maginem ca e t Is, 516 tisa- mssb lug"l business exteud, bayonS tise cer.fues of liqner. Tseo gentlemen walming op- 'Broadway. Ouneu tg ttacted b>' a fiue-dia. pis>' ot boules-no, boots, shoaes, etc., lu u vldov. 4SiBois, ietoogo' lu sud have aine boots." lu otisa>'go. -"fTaieisold, Bob. Wbati >our fsnq y 7" "Tsais I'on, Tom, bai I1'm net tukuisg boots jaul nov." "lOh, gît ia. Tale isolAo One pair.n!t o'urt yen:" 9No, excuse me,_- Tous." suk omtsi RBb avesa pain, of sisoa, ioot-jacs, galter>.Tua home a pain of boontsfou jour vite. Dount as>eé me do ibis thiug alon, Bob cornes devu, sud bakeà a pair et boots. Ii'à ne use- Who conid',vitissiaud Tomn'@ up-. Cau' ibs tiugbu xtede taf0boots, cqo,,aubrallas, toots.brushea, nutmeg- grato sirts, a>'e-glaase, carpet-bage, botter, etc.? 1o0V cbeap soine 'of us coulA gct-siog, if i1conid bu. - Oit a atari, gentlemen. Don'itlai Ilbo limiieS te liquer, Ifunet, bot se, o. Teeto>lu- lors, if Ien vould ourtahi, caifiully unS vendorfully' curtail tse eunsumpîlen of- liquor, mate, anusasst ou -tiis aSsurA r'&"kiug'cuto in uvogua, vitsus;- util yeIn eau, dc ibis, yen nieedu'I expeci an>' let op lu biques' drlutiug. If yca, Fanon, votèa a iquor-drnket, va aboulA ippeabita yen to ibant aS ociety'-& ncn-aii-to- dris-asocisly-every member thereof ta 1pledge besit i ýneyer te Iaitmnute drink. DrinkingvoeulS ihen go ont et 1fuSion, ipeaiil>-, but a yen are net la lu tise Aninking lins, va test youn ëo'ciet>' 1 ouldn't Souiai. Tiseuaie'vits us, ai 1v1 eno'îtaiêseuyîbleg; se nobod>' ueed Iho &froid of aiting us. - A lady advortîscs for @&la one haisoeu isai Seing nov marJd, aise haine ftiser useof et iem, fer tise tesson tisai their amiable qnalISles araeail comblueS lu her huisaud.- - - Ais lssatt, nitcing à wonau pausbag :619P9gtus atreatsut Pied Ivestripe 'de. pendirg -<rein uýndor ber - cloali. Tise Hibumalan coi kuevlug 15.1 tses e vot stylS "ubes.. ud eea agbug in tisa iiiipae soluimad, "FaitS-msaai yoisr galbasSesare ti.i Aelargymati, lu the couresetfsermea remarlied s Yen need nuteo lap yenr 5"!ads90ofervently lu prayor isaI Yeu «Iàgt opcenbu vhisowhn <ho contribuailun box comes rotind. A per inu viseSd bion III, on being, uisaS 5v s gentleman visotier Sa -,buS 1. -Note, 1 lîrc NGS 5 boisas ou Giazun,, lus vous- i usuel. WhiýbT DanSas

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