ki t i $VhI(b~~ ~Ni~iy, I>MO! 8,1868 Ta, Drêlihli Dleotlouu. ?ba 7'fmea gIla îsbcfollovîug se thes or ltcfths cleetions fer m.mbcna of the I *@uWfgouse ut Commues: LIberale,81, . Mau o tuutî -The romaine cf lrubrlujseph Wht, of LLianots Lodge, Oshasuer estnsgued te tbeorlait sarthi> testIng place uîtb Muialo honora on Sun-. dey' lut. Aitheuogli be veather vu ver>' .mprupîdioum tlere wuequile à arge at.' te édauo!'f.1te brthrsu, oier ix:>'bbls' preseut. Bey. Brutber Wortaiî, of Oà ahs.1 us, read the c"- là service,' aud Right1 Worsbip<uI D. D. 0. 'ML MaCabe read -the1e boatlfulMmoutle fanerai service. Tlb. Baud cf lb.e54111 Ballalica vu alio in attandane., sud b>' thile performance ut th.eLed Matcb added le the impresive-1 of e utthe soisa s-Occasion. Brother1 White wu aue old sud respected Mason' b.lored by îhcelrbrern sud usîl liked b>' ai1litho kasu hles. Ho daod usltison. lâag aIl the houons due tca a(rue sudi a.cetdMuets. MzssOauoLL' Eaueuvzw. - . hora tbat Miss Caroîl' Fanreellehibition vil1 tak. psc. ou Monsde y eeniof, Dncember 21.î, in the Mdebsuies' 'Hall. We les-n .elaIomaking evan>' effort teu1bave@it gurpts5 an> ' u er fureter inteniainmntt, sud 'Inumcli askIs lebout1lai, vu taast sbu. ulli baic a bumper houaos. An sddîtianal attracton viil b. tund lanlIas fiel the# Mrs. Waîkia presidst, tihie piano. his V IanceasSmithe, w e negret 10 leana, le un usure about 16 mies fnom Byns' lalet. Il f. said she le a god deal dsmagsd. flue buslicou Olled villi voter la ouer 10 mate ber i.>' easy. fer off- cars artrlved nt Oves Sound un Sundu>' @veionlthie slosmer Boianis Maggie. Tbe steamer Alguma arlved ri Col- lingvoud on Sanda>' morniug hat, en ber Iltîrip. teutîon ls diroted te thein aeoedmsattli Iis sabject lu ethor culumns, pImbiîsbed b> cur luvusuisu, M. Dalie>', te vel knaun builden, Who is the agent. Of thîs sysbenof beiting th. proprielor cf the llome .ournqal'ayaS-111e sysbm lealcesuer, ebeaper, anad-fan mure cillaient f ban tIsai -f uanaing b>' steves inth ie o- dinar>' vay'." 0:>W. are requosAted te mention that a meeting oetîhe subseribera te th. tés1Iý mutial t, ble pnesentud ta G. IL.IYsnînell,' Esq, wull W#b 11.etaithe 96OffEu .A Joneuis, *v'er tb. Ontario 1Bask 1 on Fridas> ni, 11the 4th1l, ai 9st4 'o10lualc17-.m. cCSea.-lt la inîcaadod îo bcld a fins&tites concert shount the 22nd mani., la aid of the Siibbsîh Sool utst. Kndnouto Chaoc. Ps.îilouans ulîl ho giuets inia Ai the Cungregitiunsal Cburch, aext Sabbsth eîeuing, ni. 8. T. Gibbé wulî doiier tbc flftih ut ssenteet fdieouuses. gobjeot-$$The Stoesomiîlng the Image.'" sUl5'5Orrice cri n W. & P. P. 1I.1~ue.-M.SlkeooS, ecoatrta' goneormbs ,'uopoed eau c0"lu aMr- Arar.1ll' brick building, over the store- <orm.t>' occupied b>' Mr. J, Farquagrson. W. soc iequaste'd'lu#tatae that 1h. liaI fuv'rus..ten ders for îles asliabldhe h Lyir ô(', fthe ov feus et W ,iI S$ cnsa cmaed the proceedings .by glwl.g a stlmt-Tbo Qpeep- Wu, lho ssld, 4 loyal sonimea1lWP bt, h iy vepqln duyj boand, lu que, aboie std befor &Il others -sud epedl*ll7 on tbs thon 0@ asalo, <or th. berts of 8celmen - wsrm, ed toeus da ir Sovirelgts. Ho r.farred. tothe grl.vasoe cf whl.hb etbm.u bad formerly lth.ornplsln-4hb e sAiufthe preen.. t . SvorulgF: <smuqgst <hem. The illusrions lady uhoaI peçs illed the Britlsh Ibroceompuu" the be amply <orte pasmf ite8h.bailscado Scot- laud' ber home, sud by , odue there, ber geodnsu, sund kîndtne.b.d b. bslioesd, uc.u lb. bourtso! thï,,,Soottiab peuple, oien mure than fi Prince Charlil bied doue. No fact la tb. present oeeutry sa fulô(grealer Importance t e î6 olatid Ia tbe Q2een'arêtideneest aIlam'oral, 81,. bussaid herselfoilat "hebrýbert usa iu the Highlsnd." 'The.-Prealdent. tou- claded bis remaike vith kindly ulîhos, sud saruest prayers for tho long lif. sud bap. plue"a or tb ueesn tereigo cicr s cou- lented people. The nexi sentiment givea hy the Chair msu vas "6The Army sud Naîy sud the Cauadien Volunleer," retuarking that the deedu ut darîug, and exploits o! tb. Army and Navy utfliritain uere mallers ot' bi- tory, sud t1s1.1sau far se the Volanteers votre concern.d, lheyb.d already gîven proof et their prouestycf sheir devoted sîlsebuient te îhe Croun, sud cf their sbIliîy, la the heur of danger, tu defeud the homes sud firesidîs of Canada. ne coapledib e toastl uiîh 1e came ut Oajttaiu Dartnell. Captalu Dartueil haîiug been celled upout dued te the patform awidst chiers. Bofore respondiug lu the senti- meutf heosid, hé. doir.d, aot uni>'ou behaît utbimmelf, bus ou lhitof man>' ut bis oomntrymuen prîseut îu retura thauki for -the in*itatlerta o, gracieusl>' exteuded ibsta b>'the Preoideat 'and metebers of the St. Androuwa Siet'. 1The seniment of tho Armiy sd av , lecunîinued te s.>', vuaoua 111.reqoired ne respous ir mere vords. Their deede of valur-the sebievements cf Suemî,Irlshmen and Singlishuien spokie frth emsshves. They rîqui-rei ne pauoegyrîiý lb.>' vert writIOr lu: thoeiso>' WtUciurd ; thy vuald would ahusy# eommstid.the respect of thoir descendants, wubo wcold, as 1the French had 1, wNesse oblige,,<sel ibemielvesal-I va>'. bound to folloiWIhe igh example of tbeir aucesters. lu this coentry, said the speaker, w., se descendants of!- Englishmen, Scotchmen sud Iisbme-onr forefaîhers, uho bave uritîcu iheir recorda in past aige& have s highsud gresrespousibility lu ansver for. We,ois luberilors uf a great came and grea déeods tire bound ta lire op te îheoe, and &4 Canadisus prove our. achves vortby sous ef noble sires. <Cheers. Englsbud, the Caplain vent on tu remark, usa.of ait continental nations, an army of volonulers. 1The continental nationsa0o Europe eiîher filIed tbelr armiea by con- scription, or militar> dol>' prevailed. lu England, on th. eontrary> 1the army and nsvy (ince days efth11e presm gang) vers reclirel>' recruited b>' vluulsry enlisîmneni, And slîheugb lu Oaiuadathere bhit recenîly beau pseed s nov lau ihieli rendcreda drsft,-aoober name ferconuscription, possiblei sure ho. filt that ihenever thb hour ut danger arriîed, whenever the es came it uould nut have ltelie resorted, tbut, se un a formter occasion, au armY 0 Caniadisa Vohînteres ould be rWay tc sprinx op 51sntosiomDent'lunotice te mee4 tih fee. (Cheers.) -Captain Darînel conclnded lu very eloquenlt trmà b>' agait rreturning thanki for îhuî;honor doue bina self sud the Canadisan Vlbaters. song liy Mr, rm-" dTho B.dt Wbitd Hlmfi Exceîîeney tlbi.'1Uîror Geuerml a wu the next seni'meat. 4' The Day sud a vha henor le" v the nezt mntimet givon aià idst lo0i demonurstions ut spplanse. The Chili :tmin, in the coure.oftirhe brief remart made by bica,,'sid thal ht vas a day cb --r----lue 9->-~tnoSterecf tbe globe *ber '<dm, gto a nlbeprpreu rnI d.etiiu bad mivr fDagged ila Scella epeu.d ottecelte desi lande!ft'bilodption çmpamea arum tbem that 4uiy. ()&nid& bad now r rtved aI il&ti majoriity4 me WadletI A. stalo o! puplige. sud fI mas lie privt1oe ut îlutdbmen'toéexten6 lir h<ameind great-. noms of thcIr a*upted couniti>, lto poacoful arts sud lawi, nel b! the swurd otf lb. upprernor, but b>'vlos,.lgsaln (AsplsAuoe.> Al il ss mithîn Or umu power, It rested ulîb ourselies to mikeý Ibis lmnd trul>' grest, and acsileve for car-' stehrea desîilu>' mrthy cof the land. fruaibwlch ýWe aprâng. lTeo' ,verend genilemas couciuded amidaxt maria ex- presens oi applause b>'iain retprnlag th a u k e f r t bé se n tim en t , a soÀ r llu q il t b . saume,Lime thl l'mas aucis se muod net uni>' fiud a resfion» fuomever>' Scotch- min, but' lu the brout of every nu. re sent. btiett, ' MUisa Lynde and MI. Lawrie, ulîo meroen ored, sud sang aguit to- gethor IlWiil ye gang lu lie Highlands Lîzzie lindsai>." IlOur Sixter Societies" mas th1e next tnast-lb. baud strikiug up "Patrick'& Th1e Chairman ealled upen Ur. Camp- bell, iWhoe stumbed uvor . anuilerjecled sentence or hmo lu self deprecabien thaut hoe mas nul a momber cf the St. Patrick's auciel>', 11ev. bl ibbls respondod on behaif oet lte sons uof st George. Dr. 'raicker wuecaiied sîpon lu repi>' lu lte toast o(<'*Our' Educatlunal Inatitai. lions." lun coming formard 11e expressed 1h great omirprise 'tuaiithe, a humblie 1country' doctor, sbeuid have heen selected sud by a number ut suber Scoelimn -to respoud to the sentiment. Were 111e> trishuten thers migbl bu some excuse. But real>', 11e said, Ibis appesred, te iis te bce morse thon an Irishi bull. 'rbere were achool sîuperinitendettts, sud otîter .gentlemen cunuected wlth oducation pie- isent, sndb it mould bave been tar nmore rreusonabie te bave calied upon theut. lie 1asaid me had rensonti 10be proud utfcuir 1systea ut educatiou, pruud 'of or ma5b- f !al advsutages, sud pruud eti<lac civil sud religlous libterty' mbich me enjoycd. Ai- tthoogh s ayOusig country comparei ith 11the (TntcdStates, es buoOur edocalional t ystet, Canada mas lu nu respect beind 0il, sud mas tir afbcad ot Engiaud. WVhile j iingîand mrateu4lavoring tu slo. 1eh y educational prubleni, Canada, as il more, s teppe4 in ansd sevcred the Gordien kuot., à le reft:i-edtu the present aîstitin as te deuominationii. ur uhial mas callud *super' ýr los eaucatioii, ihicli b. coudcîtiued, sud b osid IL mas botter liait ever>' denemuuî- -Lion supported lis umu cducatioual insi- ýf Listions, ulîhoul aeeking 1the aid -eftIhe oisnte. He sald ho iras lu favor cf girls 1,birg piaced upon an eqosi footing miti boys Iu gramalar schaula ; eubogizcd the 4 educatienail inbtilutions ut Scotland; ;t proised Scotchaien generali>', sudiniada Y altegother s verj' cloquent speech, cou- kt ciudiug aitb1the weii kuownu hues oc '0 Burn'saial tgi-eut clierig- '&"A Kingîamoaie a heloil kiilist A nurqeis, imit.anud s' iiîsi sEus enahiîeat ma, ab alois its t GOutillitti enupialaa' LY his: Fras' tiPitds , at, Ir 'lls.r dglute j a is f is ittue, se. asil puide o' mentis, aitnc astitn a' aat. - 111eciergy, cotipled iii 1the naine oc n 11ev. W,.lLer Rtoss. miose absence t11 A cliairmasu said tbu regretted, mas the nexi oe sentiment. il Mr. T. P. Whlite mss caiied upon b> thi chairma in l soudlu othe gentiment the nimiufacturntîginleesta cf lhe cort' a mb uîilia i b aaýsoccstcd 111e namnes c " Mr. Wlite sud Mr. N. W. Brown, ant e6 rcspuuded brieS>'lu in uitable terni, Il OtIior sentimentl fotiowed 'a"d Ibiopar ; or tic festivilisof etIbe evenitag mer or brouglat te a close shorîl>' iter louei Le dciock be'lb.hesiuglug oft "Auld Laui et Syne." Ba t il mas resu>' at(ter this ti 11 (tu mont present.)Important part outh11 eîeuisag's entertaititrent begani, wben 1th 14 telli was clcsred ansd the volafies of Torp I-sîchore swuy'ed iah tritimpbantl>' "on th Illiht fanuaie tue,"111e oexcellenIt muai te O! the Freenaii fatuil>'putling '"Utu asndmett,it ieu, lisel."9 it atapasî lue lun1the morning mie the ceipon>' broke op aller a iaust en se joyahie uigb's ontertalument. Th1e pue1' c-lino or "fiytbe sRa mnrr more ibcy s"' r- iili save us the trouble of futher des 'k cri pilou. M- uyne,m besang scieri bý disettsmihMn. Laurie, Muss Freemai lr whu sang s couple cf gcod, songs, sn îy Miîss Janot Wilson, who pruiided aI ù tau piano, saded muchb b>' Ieir musical abil 41'l-41-etb --pat out ibe vening'a ente' vuss4 <ho eintert&Ãetofse Isedabie a p use ject, ubeb on asilide use distld b 01 nom icesletblatoesliily. %.xt' .mea 301 WodaWsay tb . a mephae. a dtide, but lb. people bave the satdtisi »sI kouicsigtisaeuIe btoadt. man.,- 're'aeudéoewuaCatsî the wlneY, ad .-býêeouý pisd te John ghir, tlb. uthor etiOfng Paonian!wKIEtoutori, and Ltheuiortge Iw plainiffIt té ~The plantil(Iiavlng provoe Mii ort- thoj gAge, thedoeedaubs' ced i Wtawss<8tj> 1 wv. Pts ep5ym nlarobe" sI ottitsii n !P test amony, telalntifi cxiled Murdochb ebe MOP aen, of Vrcotaanton, Who sword anc Office and tIasI no moneY.Wî Jd5l on oc the mortgag& , lu reply sevrerà l wîoses' lett were put In 1h. box -Who swore -Chat rom Chbm t4ePhà deÃœ'ï general rëetaulon for truth- tu. fltlaeéllüIey would flot'belleio hlm on bigosîL. -Judgtaent rezoïved. Wiî fféwitt re.. Broun.- A. Dnnovà n for i tb, plaintift. Edward Blà ke,.Q. 0., for fils itho défenidant. Bis lordship, on hesriug eau the plead1ugs v esdad sirgumeula Of to jcotinsel, ujtiot heïilng auy evidence, goli disuiiased lb. plalntliY'a billwith cosls,on pan th11 -round thast'th'omaltera lan question ?r, had, ennslresdy. decided in- a lormer suit sat between 1the saine partien. po Lliduy Petrelm C.ompany vo. Flurd. Uon suta uf about $10.000.. 111e dufendants par are *ell kuawn te tuest out ruraders,and Mr rom 1the greal. lulereat sud imPurtance c9fud th1e ca we deem IL. proper to gîve a prettyC full report. a Edward Blake. Q. OC, snd Hltg Cati- bc:, eron appesred (or the plaintiffi; -mid John jýl Rosi, Q C., and J. Fi. Farewetl for tbe a n th1e defeudants. hol Tfie plattiffia' bihll c'tout that 1110 pal were a prcperly inccrporated cowpany, toi orgauizcd for the pîîrchîase snd workiug pta ut oul territory in th1e County oft Lembton. the That t11e defeudant, P. A. llurd, (formerly tt ni Prince Albert and Lindsay,) was the p Oral Pre#ident ofth11e Company snd main-, 104 ly interested in getting et up. T1hat hav- ju, ing a wrihleu, effet rciotiste defendu t doý Ketnp, for the sïale ot three parcila. ci cil ilit lands iu Iha ilownbsips ut Enniskillenanud rut Dawu, nt 1th" prict 09 $13,750, lhe brought #P( the sanie t10Lindsay, sud lu Order lu in- fu 'duce 1the Comîpauy te enter toe t ur- i chaise, ho produced a lutter ivritîcu by off the. defeudant, Abram Farewell, tf Oshia- ill wa) statiug that th1e lanîds were a gruat ces bargain ant te price oftcrcd. and Chat hoetue would have lakenil thiuseif aut1the price foc if hoe knew il could bave been procured. qti 1 Thot relyiug upors th1e representaliuonoth Ilurd and Fsrewell,aud in ithe beliet thal jl the latter iras wholly diaintcrested thereint, K 1tîhe Comupany authuorizcd J[urd ,to carry'a eout t1e purchase ou boisat ofdie Coum- g panuy. That liurd received the subscrp- tiens out lb. tocklioiders ofth11e Ciiupany, 1and acting asi; tiir trusteuepaid ithe pur- wa -chosse aossey tu snd took a, culîveyaîcu ofcfi 1tlho lands (rom Kesup. TIhat Ilurd. white tri ,ho pretlud tu adrise th1e pîntifft, as vi u ne in a position common te bimfcîf and os .1t1e otlwr stockholdtro, sud having no iu- an -depetadeul interest, really ledsu adverse t, e t est, sud derived a profit (rom the , 'transaection lu fraud of bis position as ['resideut sud îrustce,, cf th. Ceompany. 1; 01T1e plaintifis prayed for 1h. cancelatiou nu c f the sale tueCliet, sud Cht the. deteud- th surns bc orduecd te repay thecm the pur. ab -clie mouey,'. 'f Te defaudants lu their answers deuied ov any fraud en their part, sud relicd upon ed te prie. paid for t11e land sas bein,- net lu bj excetis ut the fair value of the lanut ath1e t time cfr1the pale. P Mr. Blhake called th. defeudaut, in John lKemp, irbo gave evideuce l e ha@ fcllowiug e cud.;- Wituess residedut ila Oi )f Springs lu April, 1860, at which'lita. hoeK ae gave a writteu cOufr lu defeudanl lBurd, CO st U C0 oei Co hlm 25 acres ut lot 15 iu 4th t con; ci Euniskilleu, at $150 pet acre. p le Tho ruai, price.witucss iras 1e gel irasw tf $100. fird iras tte-ceive 1the dillereuce r ,Y for himselt. Farewrell came le me, sud wfie agreed Chiat 1the latter should seIlu et tace, ud I tu Ilurd, cthur- 12j acres lu . Etiiakillen and 25 acres lu Dawa, sud 19i t gave bit a awritteu offet, er option, goed 0 'O for eue month for th1e sale efth11e tierce n parcels, as if 1 iras th1e scle ewuer, for g9 $18,750.1The rtat price. woasle4s thon e this-Hlurd iras te înako 111e difforetîce. la Hrds object lu baviug 1t1e larger suaII ie meutioned lun te offer was te inuce. pur-. )-clssera b believe that 111e higliergsa VI lu Wrs b . se um 1 ias te gel fer Ose laudl ic Burd gel a latter truai Farewell, recoin,- mendisig 1the land,%, anti that if hoe had kuown 1 would bave sold it so cheap ho n would bave been a buyer bîmpell. Ilurd C r-thon lait Oil Springa, but came back ina 's tew wieeka lu ceu.psuy witb Mégors, Brown sud Sadlier frei Linduay. We gave Chetn our opinioin of the value cf1the j --lAn. We did nn olel. thea l tait pare. le, belug $000 sud $50 rsc1vl~Br ted s& to receive tbe diference. ieý- Spropused lufora a Company to10 maiho was lu oeil thl ands. lie waaled myseif eusud,,Kemp tlu set tegelher, «sud I agreed val do4 su. 1î mua greed (bat 1 sbeuld give idaad'suiteuofer t emp and ho 10 Burd. 1r I d ijr, Martina utfLadasy <o inves ho lu .t.bpsny. 1$bik il' probable 1 l>. ldbia 111*4 if 1h5W knoma tiat Piee 0 be poprl bieen 1in fbe Makeiti theDkcsofierid I wouis ba4 Lien Sl)tW a>'. Bi é"ln tII e tra in il, asud 1 oapeemua tgwÃŽJula à nonce llîose tlu'bmm IL îilfiut lie u' n , s u am w e l l I t u e u n in L in d a y ï t u ~ I ra as known t'> bave knowledfe oi vhs Ijï exfe'é' luhIshndé>-'t it 414ut vero or tu me Ibat pailles muld lait, MY> bJî or es that ot se disinlteresled, Part>', or the e t 'b a r pn ' c ou ld b w eï a nc e d 'i f ey b.d oka 1 i ud the land.,- Mfr. nefase n qu sîbons f tis fn nea. t'yin "on.- Sidney gmilb>tated tisat, wirle st Stl 8 brother's bouse in Ljntay, fird' gai mte th11e latter lu eider tu I1d100 bint hi. go int a specuistion la oitllnu's -egW liclted obacripîions for a stock- Curm- 3 0 ,y, a û Produced. a latter frol Il rcele cuncludîng portion ut mbich sog ateidtïç Iflbelatter Msdknomn lt h pty î'sfrsl tiepiemen-s :nad b. moôuld bave, purcbamed ibilhl-ceu tf, Thero mas no distinction as lu the abc erceis. 1 hadt kuomu Mi. Farewrell frunt gui ,y cblldbuod, sud bail relisuce on- bIs fa dg m e t .t o 0,O. O rde, slated tLit aitI ne lime h. o , is a stecliboider lu ire coapan'. andth mAme sucb un ibe application o!fiourd. hY e urged me lu laké stock sud te attend. meeting la Lindsay', ubicih.homas te id. lie aise prcdoced -a ltIer front aremeillTho mitnqs o rroberated 1the the «eg ng evidence at is contents, sud ve ated bce teck stock on tic mîreugîla uf oe represesitatiuîis cotiied lit il. i 1 ended tIi. meeting, Ibid tîtade a dlic peech, sud rad Farewell'a blter. 1 Pi chk $1000 stock, mhich I sobsequenitly li screased te $2000. liard put bis nan eas«. ou for $1000. Th. meeting appoitsîed à 4 lm Presideul, snd bMr. J. V. Sailth, Sec- oul Ltar>' sud Treaasurer. Brown aud Sadler lt, 'îîke et going tpi, but more net delegst c l tiross-aimned b>' 3fr. Rouf. Keaip' thq ffer tu luÃŽd mas' pruduccd i tLb. meet- thi g. Hord mas tnatrucled te go meal lu 111< tîs teh1e piarcliase sud psy over 1the es ie>'. He slipulaled ho mas lub1e paid se r lais services sud «ees. I subse- th euti>' m eu tp te O il sp ia g a ndud , th liasocd suituentd on us>' wu aceount. ruhile there 1 mast bld tIaI iaesale b>' al lfl u tise Cuompany mas s sile, th, Mbat the. 121 acres could have becu de ;e for s hard outhIle muaîcy. oui or th1e defence 31r Roa cal' d hi Thuiniat§Sad$icr, wmlîu st#ted, Ihat ho au as a director qf thie compan>', snd Ihait se di>' after its fsuimation, bc1e metP om .inidsay lu Oil Springs compan>' Ot with 31r. Biowu. anuther directnr. 1 veut TI as an>' <un account I ni>'nuexpeuge, th id in urder to acat>' m nyself. 1te e crFȔineti, sud so did 3Mr. Broi-eutsub- ;ribu $500 encb. Cross-exaiuired-f paid my $500, sud Brunis $500. 'flac ane>' uscuuntod et )ut aud Kemp put lil lu bis pucket. At H Le sanie ime fiord paid as bis stock, îî ibout $7F0 in guld, sud the rest, ap tu a $1000, lu bisl, wlsich ho prufessed b jp>' ver 1u Kemp ns lits stock. lie mention- cd that bis mite bad had the goid laid i by, sud lisd g'von iltolu imta lu veal inv th. stock. fle did not su>' Kemp iras 10 1 s>'hi bit ack su>' moue>'. Farewell ai made t11e caiculations sud, drem up the agreement. Haird's amolmas irosertod lun it as a trustee for the Company',and I K eotup sud Fare ell m u et bave gs uonder - tood 't. Faremell dîd nul comaunicale ce me thal ho liadt n> intorest in th1e pro- O porl nor mas au>' tbing ssid which 8 void tend me lu believe b. had. Bord h read aie Faremell's bIter lu Linday>. r John W. Softon, testified that th1e op-v tion contrct used by ltc deteudints w e o m ntcu a Ou t ap ringa, su d m ore , ;ivcn lu urder Ibat money migbt lho maded oait ut thomu. Be lbught th1e land mas sold fer a <air prie.. Ias ln the habit ot ealing lu oil lani.t l'he case mas thon argoed aI teulh.Il Dis Lordahip gaie juigament mwithout licaitatien i in -a-u- ut-Ibe plaintifb, un 1the, ;reuud thatlte cenduet et the detendantst s fraudulcul tu sucb un exteat nos te jnatif>' lhe court lu grauîiug 111e relief prsyed. The defendants muet certaill' reps>' the coîrailants Lire parchaso mouey wmihintereat sud colis. 1le muuld il lake lime tu considor ubother th1e deerce 1 sbuld, net evoît give fortbor relief, suadi thil as 111e detoudauts mere partuers lu the fraud, Ihe>' siould bo dcclâed lu 11e juIn11>' snd several>' hable lu reps>' lie whule amounit outhenpurcliase îîîney. The fcregoing case mas lisloned tu mitb malc intcrest, sud mas mostab>' manageda b>' eonsol ou bulla sides. Mfaeoaldv. IVlton.-Àn actloa lu com~pel the Performance of an agreaement lu c-.ouve>' 56 acres ut land adiuining tire WlaEnglisd, Nov. 26.-A terriible xpoinbas oeeireed in the Ari.>' Minao Collier>' budrà dmon usie la the PO st the, 4m, mus, if Dt Illeofubom bave périabedé 13 bdie. hava Ibue ar lieau recoversd. -Hmndreds et relaics et tbe do et# Ogstbered altthsemoith fS UtIe :P4 s d * 0 ms ese ta is baurtending. Ou h -Ill. cuavuitt pensîivu usl'a a IotILVSOD igîtusBri-d asaecond 7aiunnd; cuviet then gaie cier sud riandowu u Wst uing, and ulluss. fullcued and ,d the olt on îhe.-grcand SuerI ng-on bis tie, biseýt ousordi tht. re' homa ne'yet -desd; vituesa tt'en, e îbe salaret to tbe Wsrd.u, sud W ntbhst, ùeeorfthe ceunvicts uabot; tise, arien Cam e d eun uithb tulî a nsd 1as , i n se heWirden isu the cunîlel, lhe it for 1r. H4liida, the bospital!keeper,t l ca mne in,-s tam m in ates, sud gave it bis upinion iba tbe' Matsu wsdead; nid nôt t'tlu'bsîher bis us ie fatal Pt, se thé eeuever ao, frçd b>' the nuis; opun examinsîiea ut tuedeceimed,ý ie ho>'. vore fud ou bis1 penson; ahe ac f thebell wueuCt antd fateed,10 j abînisler lu preventitis mahing s adaois lie Kingatin, Nov. 21- lu tbe cunspirue>' ut- tb.Peniteallar>', @Coouer's Jury rel:unnnd 1the folluwing1 Adiet s.- * Thst Christopher Muni-s> came bis deaîh b>' the qun-shuot, wuuuds lu- tced b>' guards wili, on de:>' lu the ertitentisi'>, en bhe moiing uoftbte 26th et., at a quarter te oui o'elock;- that the î8 Chrialopher Murray',- at mid tue, wu convict lu maid -institution and had vith tors formed a conspirse>' lu break (rom i9 prieon sud, by futé o b eys. tu open uvicts' cilla, cierpuvar 1the gusuaitsuad in.h>' secune escape o! gai8 convicus;j :1t said bMurray, eah 1e lime b.oi-eceived le uound, vms unîsutul>' engaged in rrying cut said eonspiracy muid bad el>'il liherstod Ivo cîher convices, andj jet uhea he received the shut, use jeah, zen endeavorin1 g te open, b>' mens cf lse koys, the. vickel gale leading frutu le main building Io the yard; ihat, the ecesaed Murra>', usa s saveri imes ci-don. d b>' t11e guardd îc desist and surnender imself s pritouer, ubich lie retused te do, ndt theoooro, the guards te -dpi-eusu ad revoul the conspirse>'-and accure the bher convicts, vore ccmpelled le fine. 'ho jury find sincbmoins justifiable sud eo gui-de blamelese."5 kAssaiiatua eofIL Rives I'oilard. Richmond, Nov. 23-Tbe cil>'vus ai-lIed ibis fonenuon by- the reori- thait 1.Rives PoIlar8, cuiller sud proprielor ut so Scuthern Opinion, bad Iléona ssauý&in- id. la lest Saturday's Opinion sppea.r- Id Ivo or tbree articles rcfiectinx upun se, privatseaclor dit seve-il young romets o! ibis oit>', one ut ubieh pcinled »the dsughuer cf oue cf car veiuhiest bd muaI nespected citizens, Mn. Wmn. K. 3rani, tobacconist- Ibis morujug, se nuale Mn. Puliard loftbisresidenceoun te 41,ruve *rosd, uiîb- a cunapsuion, J. M. [ana, in s cardiage, -and snrtvcd in trona, t) bis office, Main and Feurteentb atrece, ýboul 9.o'clock- Atîor boîh b.d lightcd, Ir. Ilanna nemainlng eitd, tu fusien the rns o! th.e horse, Poilard. sdisuced ta- ward bis office duor, sud had net reached l, wben a lad ut bck-chat fired (rom a bird en>'y winduu opposite, eut cf a double barreicti &but gun, enîened hie body. He f.ll ou bis face antd instanl>' expined. la tbe faIl seyers gashes ucro inflicleti apou tb. Welneid. Bis hody ue akon op sud bonne to thte second alun>' ut tht building-ubire i ue laid out on s mat- ries lubis editorial roue, t. w u uhen vieued b>' coruner Léitle, who deeidcd te ucid ats inquest at 12 o'clock. Sevoral policemen, haîing ascertaincd, that tbe bus, b. becs Bred <rcia the opposite building, hsened op thte alepesud <ere thi duor ut s rouaccupied b>' Major Clinton, Iste cf tbe Union ara>', sud fonc yoeng Grant. ther. he>' thon sceuced bim,and uben the>' touk binsto t he aînéel ho vas chcered b>' the mnultitude. Ai uxciled croud scon asaembledi about the O7.pinionu elice mad 111e îhroug mas eau' sidenabi>' sugmented sneus ut the homi. aide &prend. Arneng the multitude weon man>' of the mesS pruaineut citizen». Nol une word ut sympaby vashoard expresse for Piollard. It Ihuas ema ihathe bal vul th1e contempt uft1h. uhole commuai>' bi ra a- Yd ir, i ng ted id UsilO au ahendens su saxs.> a la 5 ai, pyesent, ha'! inul been for tliae t atb qy an uversight, there mue nu proi;ialo frurtuare ciselions of the Medical coin- u cil, urus., pericd ot office mould expire next Jianear>',sand il- bas been- tboughî , tbal,. lu remedy-ing tbis 'overoigil, it uo uld bceau opportune occasion for malt- ng somse furtber-siig1t ameuidineuts ta th. At. l'hesce idmeuts moreaseketi, .bécaiise tic exisîting lau buid been uud ,b experlenenot la give sa iufficient con- Irul for heepiug up th1estandard of the 'prufesalun.,Almizt the cnîy jiifference uerh'r'férf tal, mas cthat in Ibis Bill ,11e>' sked fir hie estabiishment ot'a Ceai. bra hard of Ex'aminution, îhruugw-'ahicb rien shcuid go, lu urcier thal lier. might 'Province, nnd s bigher standard Ibun nom rvilu.Suich a -pruvialun. m ould give a ulrgucraulco 'tate 1epublic thati tht>' nom enjoyed. Ilid bee'n oijected' that, if thbi Bihdpuas ed icical men front (iressl Itrîiaiti mouid net bc nuttumed ta pi-actîco Itere.. 1il Ibi mure truc, it oulul cul>' bo trcaîir.g hem us ibe>' treated us; fer a Youung gitan bauving s a diplomu fronm une of or Cuileg*es coud nul practice lu Gi-ent Britain mithuat unsleigoing n ex- aminatien. for mîsici 1he had lu pîy'lment>' gailucas, beqidsîcafle guineas morc lu en- tilI. Mintta echaregiste-ed. Boilt1the ojec. tion huailnu foundaîlon in fact, for t11e 1Bill all-,med au>' medical man irbo mas a i-ugistcrcd practitionser ln Greet Bnitain lu, practice bore, ainipl> un psy ing bis le, for regietration.XIt mas nul proposed 1t0 subjecî hi u an>' oxanitioa. Thon therebad bcensacry g>t Up luMouti-cal thal young aiea receiviug thi leuogre j there should lot subtusit lu oxamnatîn before coaring ta pract-ce lacre. Wbhy sheuid 11e>' net, as well as thn voting taon ho bail pa.sed our own colleges ? If 111e>' Itoihat te bo s grievance. ltt theat require s situlni exarîinilion fi-oni young men fri-ut Upper CJanata seeking te prectice lu Lower Ciitaa. -A ci-cuiarj isusued s fcm daysaugo trusta M.eGilI Cot- loge- coîîplaiucd thiltto>'i would bave rau0 nepi-oseutative lu the Council. lTh. ftctJ was tiat the Bill proposesi 11mbotah« Me- Gili Cellege andi Lavai Coliege shouid liau ropi-otrentativco. if 111e>' ishu-d it. Hîe w uid expluin wi>' the repi-eFeutatiosi ,Ot Iio'uieopatbists an I F.clectic-,i, lthe ' Board, mas nul providcd for. 1The prunîn. bers of 1the -Billdid nol seeli lu itterfci'e 1mihituse gentlemen. but 11e>' mouaid ho iorc thion ispi y ta shlow thotaiu eucuer th1e Cotncèil, antîd bhl regmbored aiong, with Ibeausoîves, afler su oxaminalion o ail lie subjecta with irlaiciait irbopre- sursied ba pructice medicine ubouid 1be femiliar. :vitloutaking thea lua paisçan examiation lu theur owti Matonis bMdi.. If (isahad been propoged ,i luicheBill. homever, it mugit baud been reprcsculed uq a case ut seve-e pc-i-aîcuîion. But if Ihe-ie genlemen ceuld bc einutced tlucaisse lin, Ihuse abuta hoe tr.McG;iII) repreenl- ed, mould, as uic hasi saini b1esucore thon hamppy lu meet theai. He mouid ouI>' a> fai-ther Ihial, if il could b1e shuowu that i11ey>' me naking 1oc aucb, ho would 11e 3happy lu accept an>' reasouahtle- anaunut. tument,. île tmove i laI 111e biHliebcreferred let a Select L'ommittee coiaposnd ut Meisis IlWood, Bîxter, Boutallr, Gom, Loutat, a.Beatty', iykert, sud 111e nîover, tance is now beins' p!syod at Philadeîphia, T11e Werld'a Pbiisdelpbia ays, viti s gravit>' mest provocative uf laughîer, says - "The Niatibnal Fenia Congres to-day considesd Pnesidetst John O'Neill' Menoge.o congratulâtes the Cunaress SupOUnit thennouishing condition utftIbuon- *ganization. Atter neferring Ioto_1e vain allemptIo10formai à unionuouth11e Ivo migs a! ah. Bncubenbood, ho corsiders the or. gsuiziott aauaicd in th1e taie uerse of 1the 10mo. BHe, alto' reccmmunda Ibo appoint-. met a cunîîissiou 1o place, theasehvot in cemmunication uith thu roprescutalinea uft he Englisb, Govera-ment, lu the uîme oft he Iniah people, te dcmand with fina. noms and dignil>'ibe restenalion andacci. novîcuigmetth 1e ludependatîce et lie- [and. Should sho refuse ycur demautti yonr position vilt h. lamoasunably sflegthened,,befon*e tht voniti, sud ites jou dram shes$Wurd, jour bleva uwlîl fait 'viSb sîl tho grembor elleet, ibat mankind at lange vilii eknovhedge. your' 11e juat, aud ibat yau liste left notiting Untriëd tc svoid lb. alias usuive -et vat. 1he Adjt.-Geaienalle report showsi lb asreenhof the Broîethuctio mono effeec su ian ever. îhe'sesnd men baieeSglle lu"the' inèi;eu ut Michigan, to gel ouI lu9ga for'th. cua-, nglualidiaseuna., Ibis nombor -sl aid tôub leunproeeedodfer Ilimseoson cf ;he The -psy ut eninïcet&.o cu the usot RvrRirda bSei enncreaaod <om $5te-$bO pr munîb. Adischarged corporal of the 30Oh Regt, ubîl sburti>' be ordaine t te sprethoosi C aa aiferil Y. lb. oceais alaastehlave l l eft Mons. (rusi lfor thé sissn. lrb. cal>' ea-going 11OYA bu Sheri. aaghler ef Teshabure, 0*. A. Uiieii, aNla)Isretti J, . M.- jijl Turieitu;W. Muioâl, 'Torontuo . G. Dcisaies in ldsav; J. <. Gclt.Ukbita1ga; J. Camp- l'eu Bs~itita; Witcu, I.iasay %V. Sslth, l'oith!!oPt ; 11-J. 1lo,Ure. SA'& pAT. '2t0-W Jlinisoti, Cugirne, I WV. IL5IisIa, Nm Ycrk , Joillu Meie,(Col- lsorai - a'J. sfiuil, Coitonteg; .1>Ar- muonaFs. J. Ketcitesu. Toi-onIe; B. Bavait,' bMau uhaIu ;'lSakit,iiissilteii ;'RIliarur.1 lu.;J. .astgmtffKiostot ~ ; Hlîiagbroeî Toronsto. MosaaxCOll-M.Walier ~ansiSn-hthn h.tiaTrs,'loanin ;(7,. Cîtiia, TcerFtalo J. A.J. WelIi", 31) te; J. FIel,Toroente ;iB MoLeta.Osaava A.MvIeras, do. : A. Urine, do.; A1nlrew Oa'îi', do. ; 0 . Ee .Port icry ,WIii. Fosýtti-, Waans;stcciî A. citîrîs t'%alu;aJ. -meiat,ri, kl'uUs.nta-uT. C<J t ch! ana.- r. Pi ty .Trtv;îil, Tui-c.îo ; M. 1i Ssaoaj3ce. .-J. ' 'Tyleri -nd mate, li:sia'î, 'r».se cAlbert ; A..hiryt], loastulo Isisatir,L'utott. C. Il aîota u! aie W'vterwi-l, fz. et., jri tn.wire. 111,-nI l'.r-f, Mrs- .0' Mit Diy ' aden, , i'iy ;.1. $AWlaeý.',-s, UNIu'i'.'e T. CJ. i'asia-t, t'ontfl'ei-ry ; IR'. .1'kem, Tormiou M1. lAvin. New Yoi k ;1.ile 1r, 14 ilil.'; J.- s.evss, [t --ueaRr P Msiie us.; A. J.rng Jataues Cai l'etr; l. Ms'xtnF. Dt'cry ar, 19 li M Wbi-iuy, S.iM.isia M.1.os hToronto 'fhttnsdta(.v 24>r d.-J W.ltiIllLodutri .- Gi-con, i-enmu;do. l'a thon, Miller;,] -NIssussw t< i'siip I'eh,> E . I!'. Mr.I saaualle .. ,(I * itl, do.;-A.W.iaai-lirg-d t Ta . l!iod1p, do.lms; . Ga.l1frsTb, oI. lis; . trVrt Hà o; lvWl. ampbel, W lutill 1o tc obug satilay, 2tS.-A. FeX.evoli,oronto; A IYt aiîaon. C«elXsîbu; -. lIa- l'oi-.*do.;. PW. D. 1w::e, tbuahiritaits; 1.kiii Psit.gboia; J. Wm hiIuo.. A ., F.hltPaxtsc, do.Wasdett Cnet ti , h'ikrit ; C. ltuyuaouiscs it Maà rY- . ka;T. SG Dr, a -; . u a..s~Tu rslo; A. bisai-cIl, B i-(sti , Ton to . P.nMpe- Michiga d; J. Bciotà gmsrP:elg.P - W. ia-d>' 2.-eP . Iîli.,4. Tro; ýi lb'. alte, s.ud igeus ; W l- .h'a'.Dr . l'sten->'; D. iýmiel;J.ctic culae; P.orttuî,Pr.iy-yG Wml. iei, dc. F. kilosa, o h-s i;C'An C.te 1kii,(geitb; A. etaah, 'aeuîi;j>. 17. atoi, Kry;.L G i-auro i andu-gsoJ. W. f6çlsit-T-t. $asan; Ji. Liuatt,uiW . S'-f o MIloas;, C lu %X J.ithy -TnnioP. WMc-e iGe lo;. ». lhoitCnAry, i ;A k etis Wl. Aiaititia0gteia'du. Y stmsn lea.; 'A. sierson suido. Amite )d, ; 0i. Pssltur de.isi I'itrsdo tJ . lituil, li-tio. A C.'15ky Ajlic'îa u>gdau>ont-J F. bttol, B.ri- [o;.t' cot; tis, ss'cs G. Dr y, .okV.t * '.-oe J'.xtaa 'Idr" V. Try ; V. Syîs, d on, A.%V llts lu tinaosa us atl;>kaa o- or PrusIs ;J.'llW.psua, ' à &i iihy ; T.J. ibie. a hinvclo; . -, s.a tsasa;AUne aI c. g e Whitby, Dec. Id, 1868. FaitWes.. $,0te 1, Spzing do .......1,00 Io 1,05, Barley $1,tl15 lu *1.30, Ont&... .... ..... l 47s w 5c1as. On........... 0ito4îcla , Dueks... *......... 40s 10 5Oc pr. Cheen....... 2 0 W 306pr- Cqrdwod.......3 u $4 pr eord. NEW ADVERLTISEMENTS. Ti t1heraepayer8 of th~e T IGENTLEMEf P Eaueci br.on it eachs, Und a d<est ofiers f0?.- "le b>'prusi lix vlubeprcperty efé, % Lyt- PAECEL 1.-T bacliesi- s muait preise i t) olroiga 1plantedlwith tshrui frufit tu'cos. PARCEL 2.-11' aiti ud h.terest'in r tist CfJauaea lîuZ-O Btarbor. r 1AUCEL 3.-Il stor. sund iitreut in1 * preaases. it.ate ai thi pr.perty cf <Ji-mes 1!0 PARUJEL 4.-Ti saI>Ces1 ouick st-oct, nidsi- iliteLafýarbor. a tera utf>'eisrs. * PARCEL 5.-l'h iai' limier>, veFt, snt hotul. PARCEI. 0.-Ol 'Wimnapi-oerm, lu tua rsaitwiy 5'ijidce. cAnsw counfonts>[)e Dwelliiag I1 bniliAund civestuv Lad et a loi rihec-sud P'A RCEL T.-O>î t'es, liasinese'sailisI caïi- reaach, w ;tttc~s ii itleigLstcst cf h-ea ' -box. !17' For partienlas 'Witby'bee., 2, 11<1 A A Abion s a lt.qnait A -PA'] jPlasi t Uooftg andi W.O0. B M.A21UFACTt I huie exiusetee st praapntlet bty ffiefor Lonoit' iu suIt 01 14 vears expeni Siae 181A il bas publie foyr in he seU icuo'dnced iaairsCau cotuideeocf sInon hou,ýý cheapcst allaI ut uIl a ediasoovcred.ý Siate Flour ranst Ceai'1 or btah unn hayons It uldiflc e n si psiate sugaîn. vitseitai A lsuli-rt adam taeli il; if ediiel>' tri -Of beouizaou Ince, oa peuneaior di. bocxaateliee -iI tract eoui fuI. Uuclemying-T-mat matre asi perfec t . 1.epsiira-sti..ritu an ile b-ush or ti ovt dental ainjurie>, m ilout, butyc-one it rosuasangiatast. e< tirouu h lte ueii cul beiug 0:50ea evepur bai-n, thëe-reev u o caa ien fe eaInLtuasll 4 aorthte QuLttai-s cont giving ofit tiaue pu>' ci auIth iuvytil IZIrgCIy tw ceai cf bui 'Coet inabout thite ti Xtisla dn!ir<ýlîiy ai lak>' roofs. w sethcar geýy alioli et' ea lpais Jiln be naod for evs Xiprigbtt;eeragi Lia. reperteul sales -cria Statea staîeeuiied Maoet ttn aour iatdoubla lit Iifatlcit. ori ounsoane cf l lthieat Torj ius te bcecoveru mru,. vuse ..-uu~, oasIs Itao purel~sqc