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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1868, p. 4

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55.17 CURE " ýMTIN 1 timow~ae ta you, au Watt am Io the public, tu'iloi YouIiOithu nMait W* @Ad*filclmi orconsomption. se- tomihed l lnhy poion, b, théenuaof lth. Cria Slomant dy sJtnmdy mud Pis. I coughud * agruai (oio ad nil 't1, uzx traiîng largo quarihles or inater. sud d iagros = g mbout ni>.lufluug. Ilie4d tool hlisuviry day, as yvru n ght awuaim every %agbt, eid botwuca tbe acknl cough aud' «rosi *weailg, 1 wao, almoot depnive ofa! ul ; b> Mhe" mlsermesu u lî mu b> Ib. so fa1000 l a s suoré- itucod tb*t 1 coul hardi r and alWtoe 1wai initier tecor te oi>briitclara a lunth of!rimen, but lludig lia rulit. 1 tri dillarout roelpe. but aIl wlfhouî sy 4offsel'at. tiqutru Petersaon, ai' Bath,.rucanuundcd îtIn ni ua $b. <irat uboohoîîuus ltin.dy j 1 procuraS' i r«e boule@ ut once vitliIo Pilla;sa o ucia Zoon- inuîîcod uslng AI bigaot ga gotbotter, and Whun 1 hati OsIadthîudis aplement, lie s ct'lgexpcctorallon or malter, pe u tt thlalngs, chili, s0vallng, &0.. loft taami 1 y .contlltulug [ta nue1 bCàtne trou and st:elh .Itl 4naov oer two mnuiie ince. 1quit the itente >.,andthers have been iso synptna aoite .ta urétarnoig.muid I have bueienud eam uow hoai- tibr sdbit4r than 1 bavea uit l'amany yeara.1 trust voit twil nimbe Ibis known Ithet .publie, ihattuhu>. J" ie I u md. avare 0< lb. pocallr vlnuçort r i>. wandemi'ul lsIndi rdjy. P'ErTER C. V. IIILLEI. turo.smwni, Co. oi'Lmnuox & Addigtou, Oni. 'i,l'oai hî n i a>.come-Tliis la w-cert11ý hat 1 have beeau auqu.liiied wlîh ibe above Peter C. V. Mille,l fu. (r nany yenrs and hava kîîowî bitaai. uttvays bn )a othe very hîicci reapectalîlbtn,.and a ver>. catidid and credile pron; end 1Iamutconfident fbm:t gcon èmiel>. voich ortha truilitt'hme bove, orauy tuber siatemtent mode b>. bînt. ZNSO-LV ENT' ACT OF 1864 AND AMENDMIINTS TIlERETO. li t bbcounty Court of ltae Connty ai Ontario, lu te tattto a ETSY BARKER, F.xo- fiiît oattbtinlîîco&stîsunGoorge Ilarlitr antd ivoiipuuyv, Pluftîif§ ; ce. JAIMSi P. 11UTLI1!< &'THOiMAS ALLI$SUN, carry- lug u busilness cm Jatu',s P.Butler and --ompit-y. D:,îudguis. 11- -irT PON liti uapplicationofaititi Plaintifit, aid IL) poîî rtadiug tea lt,ivibs anti papers - lltud I do order lit a tteuting ofl te Crdibore of the %bove uuttimd Iuisolvetîm, Jamnes P>. Butter aitd 'hotiai Aliltiun, bu liald betlore nie 41t tha office af!Julin V. Ilain, te Clark aittis *t'ourt tpt %Whiby, utWcduamday, the Nintb day ol Decomtber, 1868, at teIheur of toit *olock, a. it., fat the purposeofai giving blîir ndvlce tpou the> appoluitit ae ttOfliciai * Asmilguo lu titis cause, plrmtittit tob testtid D tod lîs lsth Novanior, 18685. Minas, BEATNY&&»CHADWICK, Z. BUIINIJAM', 40 Juot 0.O0. ZNOOLVENT ÂOT 0F 1864 AND AMIINDMENTS ,TRERETM. P'rovluco ai Ot&rlo, In thei Insaîrvent Court Vouty oi' Onurla, o0 tae va wIt . JCousitty ai'Ontario. le 'the tattar ai JOHN WAX IIIEN, an Inu. U1(TICE la hsl'oby givin that on thti foirth Ldey ei Februiary îîcxt, tut tan t titi dock lit te fbouoon, or iau»cou a*uiCou nsel cuti:bu liuarti, t.io utiderstgned viii upply tu te Jttdge ai thi4attd Court tor a duaciiergo, utidor * Ihoa itid Act. lated at te bown of Wliltbr, n Lthe couoty ai Ontario, thIs lotit day of I4ovounbor, A. D. L'IVERY!1 tY<NEEhIONZD DàESE TO IN- Lfat-m hi& fMonde and ptr b.iuth lias aali remuni,.i bustuusa b :ft o e WHKITBY LIVER 'STABLES Latlfr eceapiailby -Mosrra. Couithuird anti JIlving unorati- 'thé utuahur and nasît ofet bite stuti, sud saloutideil leatdi mi- p roTai théI.oanvuiyacoisand' voiloo o n tho rumbas., lae hep.. b>' b.ltg lu a poltian ta uieetté wauitto ust abtet-s te tant a abae N. .-Caw.red Convbysuccs for fauilîas and Iadim .Prompt attiudauce, tu boheater to %Il ordes, *whby, April 8, 186. 14-1 ROYAL GAADIAN BAN~K@ 1;"kt'loglai r.by gîvon titat aDîiidaa*Of Nfoar psercent apoattI psitt ap sapitali e ila Bnk f'or thé aurrent Ital yar bais this daY1;lt~Ml¶ tldba t té smate yul b. aCter SabordsAtonales se ond rusaI. -odda r auay ,and -next'door,,Nort"iof Royal 1<anaainua mwar Msz. Henrys Rifle., Cartridges Wbitbl, September. 2nd, 1868. BOOTS & Ru J. YARLNOLD, SHOES 0f the' Right Fit and .?àIket Bed a very large etock of, FaIll'& W-inter Boots & Shoes, OF 'THE BEST STYLJE AND MAKE.- Also on, hand a large Stock of HOME-MADE B~oots and Shoos which cannot be surpassed for quality or prices. 1W%'Ail Orders punctually attended to. Repairs neatly done. Remember the place, nearly opposite the Bank of Montreal, Brook.Street, Whitby. Whitby, September 32, 1868. 38 WATCIID'ES-& JEWELLEIIY. JAMES JOHNSTON begs to eall the attention of intending- 'ipurchasers to bis NEW STOCK 0F GOLD AND SILVEII WATCIIES, JEWELLEIIY, Clocks, &c., ail of whàc, will be sold.at the lowest prices, con- sistent with good quality. -WATCHES, OLOCKS & JEWELLIERY, Carefully Repaired. [Whitby, May 4, 1868. 18.iy1 THEOLD STAND? E-STAB LIS HED 1833a In reference te an announcement of dissolution of the copartner- ohip horotofara oxi-sting bebvuen TILL & BRO., the> undcrsîgned desires ta iitiorm isi fricods andi numeratîs patron îiîab ho stiii continues te business estiiblighod by flis ilae fatbitr, ln 1888, at te 'LD STAND, Nos. 8 and 4, ILLS BLOCK, BROOK STREEt, WIIITBY, vituru ha viii be alvays found rusdy ta attend ta lte vents of customers. An* untira nov stock oaihbit inanufactured Furuhture. UPIIOLSTEItY AS USJAL. UNDERTAKING AND FUNERALS &ipplied as heretofore.- 1W"Soine splendid specimens of Picture Framnes, and G ilding. .Remember the Old Stand.1 Wlîitby, May 4, 1868, THOS.- Wp11.r.ae' 18.Iy LAWLER,9 WHOLESALE &REAIL CGENERAL CROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT CROCKERY &GLASSWARE. TUE OHEQUERED STOREC 11100K STREET, WýiTBIt. 'i E HE Sbscrber woult.Ir"epetfulIy annfotnce to hie old Ouq- tomers, and 'the pu1 ic.generaI1ly, that, .ha'ving enlarged hisý tore to double its former sizel hejb, in consequence,- afforded rpom te show this saonaStock tWic e slarge sa lhe bas ever oflered before of BxParlor &po king Stoves, Dnmb Stoves, Coal Stoves, Agriculttttal P'nrnaces, Cisterti Pumps,' Brais sudFEuamelled Prescr ce ei, .tinwara of every description, Cbîldrens'Carriags,&c.9, &c., toge le witb thte other 'Cooiug Stoves, wil be found the CELEB1IATED ARINtTRONG, imand the GENUINE MlON, DURE -STOVES, which eau oniy b~ purcbased in this town, at his store. Eave.troughing and Job rk promptuy atkended to. Any- quantity of good Cordwood taken exchange; Whitby, Sept. 22, 1868. j M R A , FRESI ¶-OCERIS No., 1,011 the Corner, Cheaper auid I3etter than ever, ~. F~&%.cr Iiivites the attention of custorners to his pre- sent splended stock of chlie and NveIl selected OROCERIES, embracing everything in Éih Grocery line, that can be enquired for. Housekeepers will fiuid it to thoir advantage to eaul and examine. 1 1Comprising Brandies, Port, Sherry, IN LIQUORS1 'un ter Wines, in wood and bot.- tie, are ail of the best br4cds. BOTTLED ÂLE.& PORTER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Taveru Keepers and Country Merchante can suit themselves as well, if .iot better than by going to To- ronto, or elsewhere. Cdsh for ail kiîîds of fiarmers' produce. -Remember the place. Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. R, FRANCISt . No. 1, on the corner. w iX 1 r B vq C0arniage Factory. CARRIACES & BUGGIES 0f every description kept on bond and made to <rder, from the Iatest and best de'signs, at te aboya catrnage works. Witit the ancreased facilities now at hiii dispîorai, bthe nzîde'signcd'is butter propara.d than ever ta exacuta ail orders promptiy, with wlîidi be may be iavorod. ]Brock St., Whitby, Jane 9, 1868. M .D N V N DIVISION COURTS IN TIRE COU T-OF ONTARIý,O, FÉOR T EAR 1868. 5, daotastr Pirince Alber. "~~~~ 4, irtg.............. " t',Athaie>'............. 14 80 WVhitby, Jânuarypltait 1808. $15 11IOYT'S1 cou] 5 ..10 81 i..22 . .8 ...24 ,manurea. Ur Bea. o Pei&M su itera no,.,% ur usine,or ckulu, Ou ur la sntemaipackages. Nol NO0'T iLItADDRESS.-The MODIrCaI Ta omp ll Hopit 1 ILIOret. Miontreas. - 0#* Bder takenai ta. Fur Noies amd Poto0Ma.e ur the Caumpaby Nifl sd .Le >reimlteu Ir arder. 4.: <1> E a - -c 'o ci E o a, E a> o- o I a> oe uï±rwaS,-uasonio hall, Toronto atreeti Toroitîto, ijîti MoulhinIS. Biaoc. atiJoolngi Mr, ilulde'% Olllo, Brook st., Witty, Ontario. BON, J. Rose, Q. 0, A. W. LAUDZE. X UXOOK Witr.y, ot. 14, 156. 41 "The New Dominion Plough. PATENTED lot MAY',, 1868 ---o- T IIE IutNEW DOM INIQN PLOUGE" R J th Litatvention of te udIogneti, vitelu bte sole Ilauîutactnrsr. h l coasotmuetad viti iran beais and -vaudou handias. Tiie oet bodly wrubght iran beam ila Ixed lat-tiàsYucs on te Laudi side Of bod, with oaultar lixed eu bottin, andtibucklo ntimct-*crew, noa hble the. caultar cao bd plucati et any deisiroti angle, autd malle tesunit auy ktmud af'oi. I han als.' tva ouat points-ans for sou.' Iurrov, andtheit aLlier foresommer forrav; andi iasaaouatrnoted ttuît a ironglit point cau ho eseiy l>' pioin- mskiog hiqutal t auan ronplougb. It viii 211 the. taru.eqnaîly volitl, itaecSt Of uu Theo Naw Dominiuin la'o>ane-Itaif that of aiu IrOn Plan glu. -, Thea folfoiawing from taeWititby Cmarnor* aI'h tith atMay, 1868, whJl showw viat l "bit Nav Dominion logi" vosLhoghi of st e Grnt Domnion Plouglulog Match, Itold on the; Luit oftho marna mooub- itj. James walkor, of Asittura, bailon tb ligrotnti a nov tîlough oa*i' b ni n vea-'e tion, wbiche i cd Iltheo114Nov Dominion In: Puit. licoostrucieti of ru iran beamt tin vuaden haotilào, vas iigiti>'racoîn- emndeilbbts Judkoca,,dpraad b>'a» Who b De itî, as 'JuiL Lmathetng'" 1W' Townshlip and -Cont>' Rig4tu for sae At reimoablo ruilas. Appi'y te, :JAME5 WALKEE, AUMURa P. 01 Aabburn, Sept. 14, 18 CF1. bf-8? N ew -'.B ak ery AND REn untiersigauti rompectfuily informa te LTpsîblio Lba&t l in couàt4auty preared te fll it iFrottpitudeoail ordutrs l intae Bekery andI Voniedtiiiuîry lina. Fruit, Sptntg, ând ail other kititiaet Cake, Tatrte antd Biscuits ci - 1~ Fruit aI ai in.ts ussn. Aselto b' abcrs b'ariuosCocos Nutbiogar Boer, &.0& 1. . mnDoucALL, Baker, Coflefctiaor, "e, Brook sbu Whitbi, .luly 10, 1882'. 28 N LYIMPORTED HANGIN GS.- T lc ttat~i? ucîtsci turigis tO' centaIs>' lau . n,a alot aof sPLEID salectoti carctuli y bhiuniqelf, vhicbh heitas on sa at Véry Eeduced Prices. 1.Pftlnting, (irainlng; Glszseg, snui Papor'lir ngis g, oxecabti lu ena rk- m auloui'expaditiona mmnr, au snaa. - A. C. WILSON, Dundee Street$ Whuîbl NEW CA1IAGE AND Waggon Shop la preparail te mlaautactuna to erdar, *11 kinud of CARRIAGES, WAGGONSO BLEIGES, &a IN LATÉý8T STYLES. - Wxcie1e Euairing7neatl>' ajmi- romptlr 0tý TbredoeosEst ef laing's, Ilunils aeuWbltby. - ROBER ,AbRHISTEit t B ARRISTERt-X, ilu i xticery. - ~ Toronto. BJSliESIIr 1cr>' Publie. e. OzrmozI-Noxt dc Wliflh, Nov. àl S . . ( - ttOshvaCW. SOLit BokStr, et. -i Wilîiby, jal. 2E CHARL A T9UPN"EY ý L"'-)ancery,i, -' on, Brook, C. WV. ATT(RŽNEY-A (Wtamcry, ý ilix t t 0Reg] str% 11 SDanndas Street. Misa past tIlice. cocriTRAN PORT P lî dcuntv-Crown At PoitPcrry, LOtf LYMAN 1 BKMTEl'. 2 B ,lýr'Convcy 1)11,. c, t>.A.O 3.'ttDt WhVlitity, J!>. DR. -(TaOU Y SURGEON<, 1 zsMnpaccx & -Byroni!stueet. 'l UPGEUN TC ~Byron Street, D. W. 1 occkp.ni. -VICTI Hair DrCe g'Sort a _7 Wliîby, Jan, i s urrcnudiug Cou lioteU -ai Wiiiiat ad in lrab.Ztyem nieuce. Wmas, baab qutiity. suce. COMMEF b BROC 0 Ch T HE ROYAL 11OUL is nO'w fitted up in the, best order for the reception ef guests., Every attention paid to travellers, and convenient apartments provided for,Commercial travellers for the display of goods. Db-Tlic recent ititerations made Iun te prcmiqeg, ren'der the rooms Iightsome, beaftliy, and cotafortable. The table Étipplied witb eveî-ytlîing in seation, aud thc chairge as moderato as auy other hotel in towîî. 0:> Roouiy Stabliug, Shedis, and.1 nciased yard roomd. Whitby, Ont., Oct. 21, 1868. MIENT & W,&LKPER.1 Ml'MILLAN & Cos. New VelveteeniMantles, New Cut Seal kanties. New White and Grey Seal Nanties, New Canadian fliankets. New Overcoats. New Clothing of every lino. New Mlanuels, ail colora, New Canadian Cottons. New Canadian Yarns. eik lra 30 * Aldwell's celebrated Aies in packages of 10, 15, and 30 Gallons, at Manufacturera pricca. . T.,H. NoNILLAN, & Co. Whitby, Nai. 4, 1868. NIIW MICHAEL & 44-1>' rIRE f MORO-AN, Importera of Dry Goods, Groceries,ý Hardware- and General Kerohanta, Corner cf King. &,Simooo Ste.., Oshawa. T HAVE m a laure in annanlncing té the public th t ln ' e t xe ,.My businýess , have taken Mm. E. B. MORGÂNf 8 a partuer bunte the bus nous, aud I take titis ýopportunit -y te Ireturu. my sincere thauks te rny frienc sud the public generally, for their.,liberai patronage during the past six year i have'beau lu busineis,sud solieit-for the new fini a ontbnUance-cf the sami sa i la ollr deterinaïtion te sali goods nt, a amal sdvanee on eoït priceg.. W#* Du MICHAEL UN fi il ý 1 ig ll.Ywn Tea whiýél il Whitby, April 8,,l8o8, - 14-tf - -.,0:- 1

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