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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1868, p. 1

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131 Olcas SON & sAnIsI'80 1Attorneys-, 8Sojltors,âes Oneen Assmsrguuce BuildIhgs rente, C. W. ON,.-JABAIsm W,81.g 3riiRAN,t riL. Je.. B. l'h &a.IN YPOL O- 1D IQJG IIU$l* l TT RN EcxLy, JUcrD uyloitrner ior Xxtroordl tan>',1 esIdcaiihniu-îIiiCleeuucor>' for thev-oc- 1IAiIIT<ci os&Atri'ULNJtY AT LAW, AF etelorei Jhauorycfe.Wlitihy,ü. ciallgo- Uvr Utargo ift k ir 1Ile h JA*tES JEITUr GORDoN4, ()Jgiimu.t doer 10 tise torci ef IL. & J. amtpbi, Brook dil, %velitttc>, Oni. Whluy, Nov. 1b, 1807. 4 s. 1B. FAIRflAKNM'ti 40CTOLNOTAIRY PUBJLIC, &.,.s&c. W-. 11, ILNS SOLLICTOIt, Ai., sC W"(yisuas, J4ire OLD uulihuumvjs-OrriSc, Broak iStrget. _ Wigtth>, Jit,. 28, 1862, rcC.RLS .W. LLR J. IIAXIR ILPÎWOD A TTtIiIgYAT-J,ÀW.-SU1ICî'rOîtIN (lese>,Netury Il'uIle, ts'i'îmcr &o.'tWlolticY tl. W, ttc sc, IiuVictortia lloctu, *qtto0i<egicitr> t'tflee, otie rvkIs- trei4, . 49s iJhot MIS LAMINg ATI'Q>ILNEY.AT-'LAW, MULICITOP. 1M Dîîudcae ftreet. IO' TicscedSou e Wt of tii, PonIt 011f7<. M îsers al.N otusit» FPublia, &o., die, l'afise Lss'tJîoe-Opui Town 0 1l, Cuoîsm.s, LL. B., i W. 3M. CoeurAÂg. Ccoty crowss Attorlse>'. er 'ry>, 20tits teconiher, iS86à,. iI LYMIAN ENGLIflI, L L Il.. BAlitif$fli AT 1,AW, Sollotor lun C lieit- Pas. CAJISON & LAWî Coîîsntatilof utPi tierolslp treu of ciaresg. Witby, Joly 20, 1108 '2 OR.- HANCOOCk (TouK x Ou.àm.p& TOItONTo.) nSttR»EuNvgACCOUCIIEUR, ke., lifssîpwcg & <Jylcîe,Dt î 11v ,fr. uludg(d*1, Blyrone stucet. S R J.GlInN, M. D. 111UGEOli TO 111E COLYNTYT AOL, ltyrosittreot, Wlielby. De, W. FItlfitiil D. 0. trOrrîriu oes5te l0 a. m., and 5 te P p dê,ock, 1). sr.,I1 JQHN V. H A M liO'AiY 1PUB3LIC. THJOMIAS 11INTON9 VICTORIA JIOTEL. W Win, Buo' ston,.> .7 JOHN RIOBINS,»1 IJair -Dressing and Shaving ILOICK 15T,, WiITBI'. Boun OFvis715 BAUX ON >oiiiiiAL. .JU Jetu. 22, '98. a W lit. B heNbge to 'oform ige lice m Wlhabtats ote il; Ciiîty ot victoria anud asrrousudiai ctiuotie, ttiul lie lus apesico the l htlo ibltanl s truet lastel>' octsspsoed by Il e,watt, asdslue liesmo lied il itted sud fiiui ed lîn tiret stylet vieltorb illlinludvery osve- sience. W lues, Liquors esud Ciýgare off thse bext lt>'. ohs el>.In tn COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROO0K ST., WIITBY. T 119 aubieertber isegu to eisnosssuceo bise mooîsd oandmth>ublie, that 11-0el'as if o- alripegi nofie Alim al im lr- vurcsbly keuowu hotel, visieh te sow iftted tmp lsi se cuprtor nieugler; wltls cier>' cesiveni- once for tise rece-pîon of guestiu aud lise tir*- W e, iquors eand -cigesrs, Good çtubliug, vîlîs esîlumed yardtS,0:1 Atetiîve coaîlrs ai- E. M. ,CALDWELL* -Wlslhisv, jon. 14, 1588. o-il C. N. VARS, fIL)ut&J Booms, dîreeti) oppo. Ittueelres timrdioor orî thlie Ontarlo W- EXPEES& AGtENT, &ou., aise Agent :itphidoupuie tt Iloes 00e.. amBdi theis 'h6 tebfvy Omnîuuft..cal lst tshee4,nd tihe stages for ubc'lge oî,d sBe5irtoiul eaire W" CrfIloutlere 11sl o veyal ti7daiice OBORGE CORMACK, mi 'N3f 0MIICIIANT, - 'Cerpîateramid 1.4Joher9re~ tWlittt.y.A lerýgéaus hit>o'.sll kindie ofl bremss.l'onad. F UNEIIAU fullv s!pplied afsi steildcu trA hRegreto lire on libtraltoruse, -W-fty, Fab. Suh, 1862, -t Brooklin, Drug Storeo.' tue", DA Wl W Tr-%EALYII iii Dru g1e, Putast li.aJlui ery, &ao f1ý Wl ne.' sud Luqueruoflie bet'quallty forMeieni purp.c'i.as gIorge 4- ateiefeego> tîsS Bronklil, C. W.,, 18' (Orqanfie.11 Saint.' (hcrcul, gIJ11t83.) TSprepared te gi*e Maie a nd Sucgtlsc lgli mome (oa limniteSnuinhor of pa;ie. Ajupibaiusto bu meat tise tIle, ofJoisu lli.. Wiiîle sturgreon Dotislsit, oves- Joues Byrucs's Ndc l Se Iall,j3s-ock St. Wbstluy. CJýOCK ER'S HOTEL, .(LAT£ PLATT's,) - NEL8CiN ST- TORONTO, NOcRT!Il 0F KING MT BASSETT & KEEBLE, - PRonRizTORs. T J,î preprietone. repeeufnlly ennniins-es te .L isirfs-ipism,suit a Yisususuce, au.%,ci os é luonue, tissît(leu>'have akeIiurtlui#,ubv-.premeiocàe, icle luts iioru>'ratspteet coîveslistramiS c,suifiricleIy ficSe up uer tle. eosadua lgce fusnd tsi con-stant pj'ruees-ilal sutteece, sud wilf loare ootliiiug ndusseoouthels- psrt,io uive utimtcmtlou t ( o iso -ia>aver esuitii e YEOMIAN GIBBON. COMMISSION MER CI4N§I I.NSU hANRdE, & (4ENEIIAL.AGAisI. Willt),J, 5,,loti,î 1880.2 31E'VERE HlouSE, XANCHI5TER$ O.IW. B. PLANg<, - - - - Proprietor. S4tages toe sd frein Wîtlby cali Suit>.Y, ver>' attentin uspisi Lu guosti.. Cireful cudaten- tive viors, 9 MuE LIV'EIIPOOL1 AND LONDON INSUIANCE COMJ?'NY. llia.'ei leî n existetice tliirty-woyeiiro, sud dsiring tist perl ie.'10@Pusl Lusses exc'sedhng fare "bi a hlaiullion postndc sterling. Mise dlm-bur4ccmisît t titis emoruicue sns, oves- s wtde larcs, hins, witst diob, 3msti-- huoted ta tis et-ctilliumcut 4)(ftiln lussîtuten, ereti>', s'lereve t 0%r e r.-se-euted. la lis flrnt Yens, 1808, th ise P. irotnulisas milun emocoîed to& .i. ..... à>£e970 In (lt, lotitye,1848J,............ £47703 bOuliytsîr, i;. . .... o22,27i zotiî >'oer, »M1161-1......£789,082 one >'ess Jter, 18, . TVie Fire lesos-ve FusieSle now 44.72î,464 Thue L.ire i.sre Foend teaissus'$9,282,4658 Tisete suuu ue rîtou. ctlsrouigliauit on- tui Un u ust c ec, luy iuii«iiîAf.Csi, Io whotlscum attîin for liiui.'n'eiomuy tuc-made, . G. F. C. SMITrII, Eseffnxe 7o 3TA1Y ONTEAL. L. FAJJIBANKS, Jet., Aeiumçr, %W usrr, 0W Beoormu r 'z. Feturs' 7îis, 1869. 7 THE ONTARIOU FARMERS' MUTUAL- INSURANCE COMP'Y. T 1-118 Compumu>' Io ios' fulI>' s-rgnizd. as inl psepured te acuplsii.iks es-sFus-s- Buitdiurgso, uns issl ld, cntentss, Cenotry ticlicel Illossue,'stt d Clinireliei. Tlsoes wlirsg to ti- Aure, end tises-clu>' ssppori a flossue lomirnê Coso.tplsmi>', have row ai pportouuit-Y cf Scii1 su,), b>' apilyiusg ilier ut (lue lieS office, or io nus> et hle Itwal agente. Our raies wiil b. fcuud eus lcw ahn ilse ot au>' r"-paumible Mutual lis- eusana. Compuany lu (3ouadau L.FAIR-BAN",, Jn., IIPAD OFFICE.,-The 015 Jhsgisîr>'Oflicie Buildingz. Brouck Stret, Wihtsy. HOTE"BL & FRIEMI8ES I FOR SALE-. Tîî,AT old etbilied sud î.ll iccoiru11o- CENTRAL HOUSE, EPEON, SplIcndid roomy stahuin«, sud dnlviug sised, togetier, whlfu one or tvo seras oS laidteS soi S, anis>' h. letroS, sud astis yung cer. iîgUeur. ree-re ivo s'eUe vitîs good puesupuud excellent it Wa.r. - The licvîole sili ho eold'oh e bsjralua, smoIe oi ts) bes4t ehuneeatisute Dominion for on AIve abuiness mois. Willi te eslsiiged lor tfe raipoperi>'. For terme, &o., appI11 (i byljeter, pro-peld)1 ho, SlOtaobe WILLIAM B( iJLUii 421 GENEEAL LCSIIA T I1%?]RUILDI1ÇGu are saIl nov sjudWeili -lgtunead, luitieimue.s euisbuul prtoet t-se Tov), Milie irthhru ucruinus otth io l'e-ope,. Lindu.ey aela Baverten Jteily, Qçakshe *pltoi Seavorton, 27tls Octol»r, 1888. t-oS Q ue ry? w:Y Ioeit bIset thicaelesuaità,aFou for Pleuures CLAIRK'S GA«LLjERY,? 11e bfflua. bu buSti.be ti àlc'ry lui the coqfdty, andd'liao more I 'tico . ifhliiîîils tissu uit>'otfiçcarAstiht Isthe con1sciyad eu do qaîte a.' gooi 'd'rk soy otiser umu lu Iii Sg- Tis'îsViî wut'à tl'e matter, o do't b beckokrrci&boutcsuilsîg Çu;i'erd. 1 C S,,WHITIfl. WIihsy, lor.12, 807.45 JOHN CARTrER LICENSED AUCTIONt1ËIL ONTARIO, YORK& PFEL. W REIDEN B..o S, h CO., Ilekluu,-l'sî ilce-Uniouvil le.- 1 SALES teiuded on tise sîsortest not8P ad on setuabîsle termue. Ter"m senshe sonde s..dt hills ps-isted et thse CIrouîcl, oaice for ib,.. Carter.,1 WEM INGTON IIOTEL,t MARKHAM. J. IRUEDOTTOJU, o Ploprietor. 10 ly ASSURA&NCE COIMPANY Capital, $400,000. q Fiiiunderoilgiied ha%,tng ibreu appoissted .Acentt fur tise ebove = il;peîM n à'suw rel o oiur r ssgusitc~I~cls BY Apply c., LEVI FAîR13ANKS, Jr., 2-lOmos.Agentsitslby FA1IEWELL &m6 BE B ARUtISlTFUSfîATTGRN L' YS,ScLII TAIES :.).VXY ANCJiILS, AND lNt)- T1'vlPUBIC. Ou-vce -tisse Jour sorili of tise 'ost Office, Osisus'.s; andiMcYet,'îur'csltk, etl'pchito Touvo fliu, iewiniiIJ. J. E. YAREWIILL. eIR, Mn(4,v. JOH'N IL.'AT-K1SI SURC.FON DENqTIST«. 0rmc,.-.Or r~As. BYRNE's bMedicul Hall. Broek Street, Wimluy. W Alil sork warrmnied. Famuillce* ettesid.ld itprivâte res.ldences. TEETII ef EXTRACTED ffl WITHOUT PAIN, .£,- BYTH11E USE OF NIlIIOU8 OXIDE LAUGIIING MA, OR1THE 1NEW 1wM7 xx. C:Y'aILI>p' DE14TAL ilOMIS, DUNDAS STREET, WuiinITr,-c. W. XIUUSI.-Uvr b M. I.Cochrane&Store. Whutîq, Joue 28, 1867. - 25 500E TOULS & FINDINGS. A eosspte ucamente or tie laisi upattes-ne f Mine Tuiuls, Mic isua lerus..'à --calaiclitull i te . i.t4o l'ego, lieeNulle, ise. 'l'as-la, lied uued Ta. l'laies, & CI.. uC.,-1 9W- WIOLESALE AND RETAIL. RYAN & OLIVER, 12-1>' 114 Toreus SteziT TouheaTo. 'm C> ZdLmmaC> XL s Amerfasu 4beiaru.Trmesan sd Poits cf ail sdccc bquares, cusreeLfies. bMeumigit EisIe.epr#.vrel Cs-ois, liigleelians! Aiterint rii ' u .- il& t eest uc- ls-», Tapes , e, s1ailis te 1lest quail>' nwi ai auloves price& RYAN & OLIVEIR, i2-ly Iupoetre&eflRudwane, Voige Su, itoeot. TO MACHINISTSIO Steel Rales. 8teel S quares, Ceane Gangse, Vernu.s-r Calipers. tltel Caliper Matues, Cstupcs- @quars,e Anses' tuteroel S5qaare. Soif itegeierusg eMuîtere end i-s vides-n, cisoile*s ud melToost ient u>iiss-, isre Steel, Ae., for élie by EvAN &OLVR 125>' -11 4 Yenge'S1., Tomate. TO CABINET MAKER8 AND VUIIHLSTlRRS. Bams- Seating. Cas-led Usas-, Tes', Sf uis 'wfiia, Chefs-wel,, Dinus SneeIfinvesise TacIs, FliletPapa-Gluei, 'Deo St'li e4ve, Cofiu Ts-immiimg. UVieoeremi leiesu1aid Roguisos-e, Adeis Carier'a rTu>,.Imz<Ex i Auger ts5u, Ate- nleiarssdvee eIosl et lisoum psfaes IITAN &1OLIVEn, lieues-elJIas-e ierhm s RyA-N &OLIVERt Rcvi alvajice maWd00msesuof tefuldw& Ce- snea, vcww gU~ejeses' lis-dvrs, oce .Sieeiuguct isisagToclle; iopoziuguman"u nut*sUub Bit-,Ssuin rligea ame Tareeme, Ma-eh 4,1685,'1>4 ou eo meetiseLc ctooboed v" hti ase sn attentive eau.o ise» Barud ire, euS r a1s'sye su euteudeiiee, 47. ~s-ICIfERY, Feovusuton. 1586. 1917 Grand Trunk Éailway Hotel. ATWH1TBT STATION. né elar nobe as el tGrande Trei otel, 'Wîettby stilou, isig lu uf'seris Iluis <rienS. and thIs urveliug pult (bt ho' llse 11tew cp tue houle and aîabenln" ghit- closu style, osivlb>' attentlion te tise veate ef tlise. v ur iselY n lus iis uluels- patronage tractte ohent a dastintiniisoft bicr cuistumu. ID' Parties takiliiptise train euSd leesisg ieor'e vtll blie.ltas v eli taen cas-ocf tif, thels- et'ursi. A MÎLLUON AND A QUARTERL MOINEY s-J'() LOAN. T IIF, Sabst'ltc'r lbusse reels-eS liqnsiefions froui s e sul-iusiu s'lio fins ies-ago ausontit of muent>ý' tî,ve-ited il, EmglieL.1ieoeritc,,, lu fus- rosi thue usunue for limu, ii tîste"ud i.uets Couintica. on goeS Fas-rî l'sopesty, or o cîs- 1 euh esContinué'- te rs-p-e"-ilt îlec of tlIse Iusri!£-ut Idesetdt>' lieîthisie iis tise Dniî- lut loued incise>' Uts tisoonint adraiutsgeonn W à Igs a ae b-istien cf 4*cl ciltîveted Faesîuei, snd oms>, qnse.iiy of Wfid Lauds, for suds; alîeap. Fur furîluar parciculars, spply te <Meils-aIAseit-uue, lIceise'B-ceComs elesuer, Notas-y PI'nii, &c., e OFFICE.-Second Floor, Mlitlsn'a BlocS, Broçk MS-reet, WILiiby. Augut tci, Itisi. 8 4 N.B-Ien aulmo prepaiemi ho nventilus Pll kleuds of Delucestus-cu. Greoubuoklq hou let esdsold; alusoo a rge qoocutis> cf sIves-tfsalie. JAS. iIIiLDEN. IMPROVED BUCK-m EYE GRAIN DRILL. WE DESIREl TO CALL ATs-ENTION 70 OUR BUCK BYE GRAIN DRILL. WR WAIiRANT IT TO S0W BYE, BARL~Y5 axi-asTi< UN 2d THase ILL YADZ. hil InDOW Mte leiaSing lDrillinsutise Uîited Stieea (4,,000.)four tiscnauîud et thionu lsuueg hees baitin t es < tue tiliplssueut liatUlula, for Ibix R'emoi'($trade. Qusuitis>' sowem regulasted b>'ia Scx'e'w instead ofGCear Whoels. Ceo bo cileusued tu siioment, sod jusut a.'muale as- itIc Sttffress ie luu n bae ovig, es Me>' r.7,'We cou sisip et once, upon recîpt of 'es"-Stre ' Acidrens, F. W. GLEN, Ex(au tos, oUnnÂe, UONT. Augut 9tbs, 1898. r13 Landi Land! T IE uboariser offers tise fellowiug lis& 0f T Jedi., wlicish o yl colt ma t> AIR VALUATI[ON,C: 8\10.$,in 21]di coness;ion Of Ilosci, 70 rrem cicss.sed. U..~, No. 10. lntIse $rd conuueseln of hfues 10 acîtes clcured. Ne, 29. lunlise lotIs ceîcesssiou or Darllugton, ci) see-on cbcanc. NO. e, 1111601 cou-, lra, 1) sarez es-reS. N. E. Vé, No. 27, lu 2od concsion W hihby, ali (elcured. 1000 Acre% in Sofnervibieý-5so are% lu Roe>'.y M00 cres hem Lsutn-4cc acre» in Bt-tgiount., AppI>' pcrsosmll>', or b>' lottes-, "papid, te * R. E. PERRY, Jannu Sib, 186?. Prof. J.& Post, llA$ the bomior of aisnuclug ho blis mi la cael rieîd%, lunWh tbtat he ln pre- pav d o ruseelve papilc <r instsruction on tise Jias.iug bcd ten yasrs expoence, isef<cla aoofidemc ofletnge le to protnssoIdoad- vomcmesît et papilsw,mvs musyls=bcendeu. bis tCition, Instructioni giren lni tloronis IYOuM, 1, cul touuposhien, soS purttculer eýlention ili 'bagirs-lo the eultiveition o tise roice. TEUMIS.l-loitraftion cf fliao ,$0 tierof uqaicol cotpaitfon, &o., extra #à, AJJCTION BUSINESS aSd the pîsisit luat b. Io rend>' aslaritefcse te, rlire en dure or saesof atIl Il Impie met.'L.,sd-tiimt dll x i'slta tise Dayo. et sale apeetdsdereuss = etir oeplatisehtise Cusexmes:o,'Ce, on < ~'Ned iss- biee 'Io nt"ha ýlam gop a umwl, - CÂNAIXN GEN1LJS nhe Greate tabôr-ziaving Machine ol-the Day 1 To the, Lades of .Whtby aDd bunty f nro! Thé, New DmniiSteam- 'Wasbing Màchine, t Can bo uned la enyolier'! dispbenss ieiro el'itlu Isisor scmîd tise! wcsr of ýClt*os.1hbtot %suds sud chemin, b>'tisese- lieu or tire, use irivesu up il,.'to teh.assoers, - red fistnstisa ciutc.s, as d forceS 'tlcrougal t bie it v iofiaslisusg rs.pid-,clmisg il peffeetl>' vitîsout rt>hlîg.Yit t icný tJiscrquglIly lested, and prosoussod uuequailed us e Ldutlt o ulues by ileWhvio have csed IL AIl fats-ici., rcmn the tli#ut lcc.tmt he bit blitom, cae io anhed perfecut>'and wiîh ca>o, vithontfi tisvsu;àlbiud. Fer lisinoeui fin hss»vabtle, us tige rubiigî, olliug esAnd prensf-iîg ps-oci.,essuâtt er oarilshy <sii tîsu- morcr eise. Ilii.ts-ssy a llar and clutlis ouvisg iircstiou. Wesising wililno losnge-rl't e laisdllj), sud wgt#silsug .iny sterras- enS drend (o liooleevivev; Tise *nvcmttsîa cus#be uned us sue>' builer1 esud.tise las' prHe of tise article, t4,îulecc-m it vitin satise re-i cf eues-y W.ot ll.liiti, 1, Il. J. Meadosioll, M-. J lb. ourisrsou, Sir. Jaitailron, l .1 i. Perry bie .- l. Fai.ini., lre.. J. Aglicw, Ifss. .Il. C'oclress,,Ms-s. . IcI arper Ms Dr. Eauts'uod, If ri. E. Cu.iwdl, Mr*. (,cultt- son. CAUTION. AUl mocsiies soade or muId lu tise fousity ci Giiuisuasd Dunehan muet huve tise proprio.- toisu'stomp, ix-nri. g Suie ot pü4usianud, lis iiiais c]4it th itein aitom n einsa d eery -1 fs-lgemUentii tue jescscO4--cnUtd o tuio fa" ex refgi tis te lus'. R. PEDLAR,, Ae.ge.it for tise manufactulre snd gsuoint Vlia Cuciii> of b)utarit)un ed Durhassi. Onisucu, sept. 28, 1868. 88 FUNDS FOR Investmient! T HIE TUIrT AND LOAN (O>IPANI haiefuods fer inircetuuons, ai thiscis,.aul ntex ot imtereet,u Lts e secit>' cf lsprered Ibal Es;tate. kLosis mude for ltmed pethosis, or epayeable by sucui iintsiuests. Familier sud full lotonnisuoi cen lb b>' b lu-mer, ,dds-essJedh ie Comnimisioucrs et Esiogestus, or frein L. FIBA KJr., Ricol Ecilate & Gesioret Ageut. Otrer-B-ock IStreet, W littby, Sept. 15,188s. se OMOMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. XAJIEX PRINGLE, - Propnmetor. NO0T IC t. £NOTIE It iserois>'given tisut opplicetion i yl b. usede t .> the PAim.Aurusr CANADvA, aïutsie xt sessio, for u Ac t ltc- cerporate the UcistoLANE. WILLIAM MULOCK, .Çulcte.r Yfr Appliocnt. Wiuby, Oct. ISti, 1888. 42 TO FARMERS. TUE CANADA FARMERS' INS UIt AN cE c OM', (OP 1AÂf1LTOZs) Paye tise nul ameuna i cf uîursncea se-Tise 1'rtmiui ]NIote liystemn lb.'been beeu donc us'.>' witi4b>' tais Cùmpon'.. GEO, M. RAU, Agesst, ekranie2 015Sc, Wbithy. Oct. 28, 1868s. 43 LAND FOR SALE. T IIF, UNDEIISIGNED offere for sale fise Noth 84 acres ci Lot 13. 8dm COUs. Of tise To ofsptRoualis, tlaInS le ivo mile NOrtlm c Mssbacetor ou tise Cosse ronsd. Tîcere tse i vlnssb!e timber for lmiîwtky orportieu1nAé 8oppb>' ho W. Ir. IIILLINGS, oLoo, t.,Wluîtby. W151h>', Nov. 251h, 1868. tS- l7. TECOUNTYOY ONTAJIIO DIREOCTORYlà Tiql HZpuBLisas o e a isa ebove 'sk sare -L os' inil iesgeal ltttempiliug lb saS iii ils, coïi. o f aies' days mil s'ait. upou ens- yomsi citizen% fon Bubi.eliptiolis sud,ÀacverÏiuusof w&g i s 1h dels- iutention to PnbIi$,h aircrk - TIIROUGHLiY RELIÂBLR friybu oo. O(If tbe tnnwey , Bijrlp1imad Disa.l Ige o ,,utl ,m4tiayre , han vlo.s OiwetýA elsuin el tm riteafel BVut lie s a inIn#'uievry yeer;oo 'Aed', nor icie orwtl e o t île wo. Oui,!S<Jld,&tsrnfc a niýît rooiule- lise piot bolm~s1 tey'erre lévrtfelsk- T4oi-ettI1tyii r y mur cr heuwo The "Prç,ea" r'ret"n<ls t, 1end- the w±îy On rli the question.' o' lbth" Tlsat-buis t i,publia eV't ve' L'ut feth f hcre'e Aaoir çry thon woo, Aniie t1 , e~brLd o'er, Ife hutr.d tikun rme %lorel And une ufnithierle ,luir» hhey p' AÀnd'mali'-gréïïMcr'bGuf lit le'woo. Buit yet, I1licr,. And konfeu' Weet. Thea1w~1ul'etled rs .an utnhereeyoo If lius ene would tak' Su bou' To do wl)ilevcr'auld (hoy cen, And hoe#t ho lna e' (ev Jo, 'Wald lie. tese ry dfr mair vous 0 éang"Ue t vihelyn we el- Tn yon uiy heurt le trsîe nnéi- el; Mey , vs' issrsolls srd dîmjrhters o Hlo olitie amy ur.d ticlile *iruo Er JAMES PAJITN. No greal cireer vihout great bealtb, No great bealh witbou5 v-rtuoue babhe». The capitul of a bouse' of hueluetté le uot ie moiey sud effectae butthie brain, the knowiedge, îl'e inteIigènt force wbicb it y1elds. Its onoey le one of the. bols with wbicbh v otka ; ils basiness talent le that which mak,3 it sud keeps ih great.1 There la arumor siloat iu the world cf "business. thhot 1epresent baendsof, the bum of Roîbscbil&.are muen of uoî much ability ; but there le etored awsy iu the invisible coiTere of thet great bouse e pro.. digîous capital of knowledge, traditiou, raies, babils sud cestom-:he accumula. tiau of a buudred yer-tba ricb isîheri. tsuce of the. bouse froasi t ie foundero. There le so Wach ini the couceru of tbis precious kiud of capital that meu of ouly ordiuary abilif les ea carry ou ihe busi- ness for a long period of time with eppar. eut succese. Net'eteleas, îf the breius are oni, the.business yl dAie.It uisy ho s buudred years lu, dyig- mach vigorous lite was lufueed imb lb b7 ibe fguîdr- but i il uldie Atlest, How ofteu do we see illustratious of tbis truîb. Thte brains are vibdiewu from a well.eetabiished, concern, aud in somas lyeîerionus val iL declnes, and ficeIiy colletpses. People sey,d'the Old manasi ou& ontma ch capital," meaeiug that be wisbdrew a certaiu eum of moue>'. lu teàêt,,he withdraw al 1he capital, for ho took ave>' ail the bruins. Aud wbeu 1 se, brames, 1 do uot meau merely the thinkiag fecuit>', but saab quelitie as Pa- iuce and self couttolwbich the mats of great. aud souud! hraîue possesees. One of the giants of business ia Amer- ica le Cornelius Yauderitt, HItalet of tbis kiud areo woudeîfuilsud Lie busi- uese priaciples are correct and wise. Every man conecîed 4With Liasinluimately huows weil, aud acte upou the knowledge, thet sound braiu of bis is the. great fact of bis positio- not thei. ty or eixty millions of dollars wbich ezecute the colossal seheaie whicb thel braiu eugeuders. Tae thet ave>', and double bis uîillioueaud you yull have to search loug before you ea fiud ea mau capable of so mach as hoidizg hie business togelher . >Your braiuj, ubeoansd wbat: yoar brelu boldo, gi constitute- ,our. capital a as en of business. De uoî vaste, liai capital. It is aecuriuu Lesct, ual ail tbe vices impair th ii. ram moeî 0fi àl;juoîbiag Miou tse wbole systetu suifersa,i 11ethe braia shah suffera moi. If'yon ait up ton, -tiseir braiesa, ILll i. :tîos.' vWhe live' IZ*Jms è9wziba e. an e.out shesd îl Iib ' ifglm-t 5s JefI slieli paraI>', sud OxpeisStIseir uintelltIuo 4bi'---s -Çfsvi quiing îbe.knovledgeesudseèlf usotsamad tullf vbich the bea4 of au eabli#lsmept &ismi lâit wîî15edIl~ Vl th-tird - - - - ballet- freaihW jitnMi. Morimemr - (Enflel hoy>I'\rJcKi!abS 1eîqmVs 11mbi A Sitting poe-sbtuei~gugu lu tise wonld, sud lu ail places cf uuiueee, -As :the o jookand the diioyài5 b>' sbicih the aiea iteS te ho aimuters are vrdnct' adne tèfhrudth aelacted trotu the mass, sud put is thair.~ S 5 tilb rudts eseptgo!rubodiesOf tisa -alla eu nfèrtwý ailtîrd e.16. Properiplaces, Tioice irio np; oe phaüt' aue d ihall, àssdeat-4hemsà'gallop- theeselvcoseeldom gefa chsace te gvr et bersi, sud ifibe>'get sucis eqseucier hng i srasc-,orgee,,ad palgfi-- do not k Jt- lOng. -Ou tise oter band,15j, I thua e bIil oh 'âne it-me>' be laid ovuas an slusest insur- m el 'vi îib etngin"epeed e laide rnýis, ,tiat lantibis coutry overy -pr- 'ed Master, gare Mci 1 n ris i son chois truly fit andal I te pa ate Mr Beustesul, ltugiag :tbe-iuaiae leolgpr-abasinilsa,"îo w u ~ bruua.upon bisa, andin pessiug Seidelsîally' tbe; lebor or tbe salade of otiers,, 50e-s e thitisi ;geilmahovnw vu tis leujtth aïtela cheposition for wviiciho h huit euS et -aepare ride issas etrriagi flited'. A ycuung an ay>'eep imself antI noanî> fractureS hies susl. Mr. os; Soya b.msyvaso tie pvercf ii~tond nothiaf darunted, umsei sudaS ajmlf bralu aud tii viger of isis bealîh b>' VitepetSa Blllsfe ult'al ri Le~~~~~~~~ m>uglchI ppruîy 0 *bis double Mortimer, througis theelepbsntil h oMa e e -l e et elle tp o f u -i te -g a n a br e . et a distan ce off ire > srda. T h é iua îu> quandert h. pricelees deys cf is.nmlfuldeSe y oos'fîf yoath . my keep iinsu eif c ut n&sýoi ou *irimalstiséadïenfus-oasm noer vs the rigbt mass an soldent'i.bu ept tlowu standinig# anS s-elleS oves a- tremeudomi b>' oiliers. precipice, irhrryiugsWmy large Ires luin ig Mss-é; Ibis, las oi TourrchinaSw*lil fail as if, tiey>'- baSeen rotteu, redi; coma ifycifdecervo.it. -Yen m e>' baeso e fo coies lueS ibis fret jucen sesie1veà voit long for it, butit illii"oel Make tban e founth' elepisat ýuteuvd ounibi the M o& t sud the be t f ath e, p ac y u ce e, bliovi ag sd trum pet us' iid ou lyi/ Dow bave, sud lu vill cosiduct jeyo 0' hs'srciedh> h taeuea-at betteroee y séd hy.-.paelcrd's erring preallouer et s senfy irve --tpsJmU Maýill, , 4ih s boa,'>'bail hanise iseed, ver>' igis M*11e4, - This bsving uo offsmet on il, s second hrtz A RemeouubieCaac. tel vas adMialuiered 's-aies- loir,' sud lis - , coasse'was for a moment- ebeclehs But A SOTtEKtLSD515811MAIKY,70?LEO'-on cameuhe voisuded -bs-ui. aeaimi. Tise 150i'HIR (ELTIO5NW 5A> AD 15.SbhooenS the.Sboolyvmllahi- baS .by i h ' HAPV TBRiJNAIOX0F '8201 usîx. ieue boîteS, asis-coored wiLh aRrigbt, sud (Fs-ia ie Dirot P-e. s-ec.) . n Boustcad ehood alose. Hle motiommed "-tbere pà"saStbroug'h b i ityi>yesten. < iacvrsh s.bc aa -O dey, en route for Chicago, a- led>' - hoe fs-ni tise bigis rocks on vb-mi iseh e bil bistor>' le omieof the muetiremarkabbe cirer, Itabou tellige. - The rei s hîe aber>' mielt bnoaght to public notice. IL bas beau ho holalilu bis ova vwords. sir. Ssael eaid tbst tati la sîreutger tiscin fctiou1suad Esarer uerer e-hot clouer or more accuta- tie details of itus laty's histor>' sbuu<isuh tel>', on ordpich eS bis ovu fente more lu 6'eltirthte adage. Fr o .soue$ I;hïcisnatelly' t ctbiey eisuked Il do*ni sud fIll vili ee thespropriet>' ofvs vituboldI cagbit hIin-the air a h 1.11, aud gave ber camsa,.merel>' eeetiag the facto aseiii.>'theo obophisulaNo. 12 ibrougis tise siader. vers cosasunicacid 1e our reporter b>' oue vblch disabled bii. IHe-tried te -get iup vbo heard the.distiauge bat tune stcry" btepatis viere 1I vas stseSiusgibut fs-cm her ovu lips. humbleS hacilr, sud inu is(rage counnueuceal In 1838 ber pas-entsemnigrateil te ibis -»Masiing te pieces evèiyFtfing Ia bis vuy, conut->'frosa Ealaud,leaving hehiad ibýeaimaking fearful noises. ,[t vsa stas-o an ouI> sounesame tan yesrs ef age, vbo aigbhtoevitnese hie vendes-rfui etrctigtil Lad ougeged as a cahin boy in a aserchani .hrtoateeefcuiesl iik rossaiilutee Si Jadis tràde. Tii.>' ussi>' beer ets-engilisn4 velgt of hodj laudeS lu News'York,vIses-e afs' mouImenteuSndsMasheS thoîr bs-snct.,la into tlihudd laes-r, tbe subjci or tue eqketish vas liera. of atome, E4îer>' bit of jungle vs'as boclr. Wisile she ve yeca heiple*i i îf eu ed bis saitbieenes ad trasapied to placeÊ ber prcut Si~Ssud i as , beio f b. lroaSdiai;;simdbis velunetudeaivor te beFonidiam, and bee aise reai e d-gel a us, sud hie terrible rge at beng some tiai., vbeu se. - v aIl>'adptSfolleS, versreali>' Moet excitiag l0 lit. b>' e lady euS gentleman abo tbeu resideS unéea. He nearl>' euccEeeted ia geitsg hp iu Blairs, N. Y. 0f cens-se she isuei 'tue icietevee-Ivs isnIgvt uoîhiag of bh a sla,.brotherï , uSsfic bins the lut ballet Iissd. B is legs gavé grew op lu be belicif tswaiqe ssl>'v>,,h. staggered beck on ju ocks, sud tise abiUof tes-<osier parens., At h.ea s-c lled ovcr bearil>', vis a tas-rible âge o! 18 eh. marrieS au industriens Young grua. Iec tasure yeu I was tlisukfut mecanie, ansi set oui for tise Greait Wesit vien it vas' oves-, aud tisai Is'as out et Afeto, srelling in varions States îLe>' fi. î -th r se ir eIL! Te ii I lf epissut op. cali> settled in Missouri, vies-e ihe>' cou- pea te have cscaped s'îlh ils 1f. tinued prosperone sud ihsppy<otil the -drvenure; i eýa louser Pauther iBf eterai et ver buret opon tbbcocunbry. .lnsu TLea ber luushandi lu commnn vus the (s-mli - thosans o hi mi 1 lde contrmen (Fpinthebicituns îes-aid, Nov. 17,)- ibusuisu Lemucgiedcua9me, Ou Tinreda>' of- lsnîe el as tir e vol. enlisted InIbo eecruicO Of tishe eolioaod kar'v-u su-tae'rs, Meurs. J. T. Mosr-s-nS vas assigneS bis Gea. Price as-nu>.BeJ F. Bennettw . er& ont on a but smoag serveS faitbiill>' durng the Orsi elgiteen thie té lMissliri breakers," opposite tise menthe ot tie va, ,buasl i alh>' killeS mouîh 3 L Dehin u vr sa-h in ee e!'tise Soutb.etetîcraengageents. ingin opposite directions for as wounded Frotthe bs-eakiug oui-o! îhi vear, tbe deer, the fermer rasfu f an t u animal but lady of vbom ire-writelhed lbl ail- traca seidosmet vusles is e uclsins-,of Ibis cf beir foster parents, eviug te tise dis- or Éau>' oIsonsection ofthîisensitdiy-.5 turbed couditinu of chat perion, Of lise faîl grCoassouslèr panibea' - - ceunis-y l i ise.resided, nS efben - Mr. Moel vwas ai th ise teaeltbhily ber banband's death Ao remoied <to St- mauiug bis va>' drougli ti.he tiber, sud toul, vhes-e sis oagbi te> Maiutain iser. vas s'tiîbî tirent>' puces et the animal self by- seciaf. befofe discioves-fagi. Tisa ugiy bs-tt lu 1863, sie- agaiunusarsfed, anS ber- vas lyîug apupeat seemed a iseep ot bushand embark1dla buehusees la St.Loaio. braei, vil5 oui>' ie becS iattialy risiblei Tbis lait saur-les vas e apho>' eue, asdsi atise hanýes-, helieviugtetche maoment lu hie Co 'urse of tima tIva abilcirs vere,-tisa it itusea grizzly, teck delibes-ata alan bora ut hmsa. The buband gradeerl>' ed sentea ballet freai bis tnmsîy Spencor axteuded hie businesesj 1lusdtisatifs-ie, cra8tiag tirougi tise braie of thé muaiýo! isi, ime sau ecesses-ily spentiun animal. Tise biale - selleS let 'tha bsi travelling about& Ibe country. and Suritng in full sigit oethtie bmutr,visia -ieloared eue et hie busineuse leurs Lw visitcS Chiurebis qmistake of tisecisaracter o f the. biet, go, vises-eha becasea. squainted vus a aSd fok tise precanflef - till fustisee ciih the' in a. hS.e osi,- m- --;.ze 1 JWIJEAT9 1 - 1 1 1 1

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