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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1868, p. 4

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Octobsi TORONTOp. a-IrR/ON OXJRR PTIoNii1 ila1w ou trou, sw.l au te tbe publie. . i iorn you of'Ibs iliai wonderficura of cnnmton c- enrnplithod linmy person, >hy Ibe use or ibm Groat bthosomhutesRommdy aMd lfla. -1eougbed a gra duedayaind n 4btexpeatatia larye.quantîties cf mater. sdomil dagrmal palmibm.: m1My 1lungom. 1bid rosfl aua v,>'day, and severe nsoigvewats ceai>' ii qt, end hslwo.a lb. runoni ouglotand p gent s.lnIW msalmotdqpmved or sl.ep; hy ibese tmlmaries e a .lst >'lIbo lsn<apoeîie1twau go te- <Iticatitha1cst ioo lri i sdmacje. i1va.. onder thée gare cfIa,1s. l rr.alengtof llimé, but Andong 910 relIef. I0I lloréont racîpea. but ail viganut an>' good afeci ui. Iodetaron. of Boib, r.commendeâ Mo goCo usitemf<ireat boulonees RenieS>'; 1prueured trieboil et once wlit oh@ Polle; nsanomes ain. soianceS uoing i1:1 baisai toe gt licter, end vbcn I. b.d tit ed ibis onaplem.nî t le coguç, expectoration or ater, pan albcut bmlogs Ms.sainm.lf mie 00111110010lisla " ls se I e etroti andI Lhàtab .Y 1 tel nV ir twdo tmunths @Ince i quit the ,mzedy, aSd thoro have en ow np ymptpe-ocr'the dI.entumîg.nandi halotbecîloûam iliow lbusi Ible wibotter i6»n1 have bmmii fornmin y yeusm.1 trait von will matte obis kacis tte puh b le tiy inosy b.srmade aweire cf ibm pecuiarvitturi ofiis trut>' wondcrfubi in Remmdy. PEITER C. V. ILLE5R.- Earnmtovîi, 4,c..cf Lrmncx & Adiington, voit. To ail lwbooIt moy e cme.-Tbls le ocertif>'totl; ibave bern acquaalted wiib ibe sbovi Peter 0. V. M.iilmer, , (Or mac>' r.yen and have known hlintai- laY-%I, oe Imvryhbigbmat rm.peccaliiîy, end a var conduidand oredible percon ; end I amn confident ibat <con »Assy voueb forthe truîiîoftbe abav, orany tber mtemn-m naSby h bia le 1>' AR'. W. P. 8.Ia ARPE a, Rectn r cBth: LýVý.E R Yl T NDEUSIIGNED) DESIRES To IN- forne bié fone nd p;atrona, liîat ha liîa &pal remomm. busiboca at theo 01. WlUT13Y LIVERy STAB3LES lunteIy oopapld by mca.>'.. Coufldiard and ArxcetrorSff. M Havicg encrea*odti he number and q elaito f tihé sîud, and alonc atid to and Jin- preo ite oonvnyanccs and vlijiclos on the promises, lie Lapas hy bolig lu a pnelîioîî te iîioot thié venta ofc nsteîncrs te morit a sitar. or pubic pAtrcnA%1. gN-CHKARGE ODEAE S. IL-Covered <Jnveyancs for fa'îîiiie sud ladtm. 1Prmpt attondance, as hert.tofere to ail eiders. N. ItAYi Proprieter. ROYAL OANADIAN BANKs DIVIDEND xNO .T c~2OTI 1% koreby giron that a Dividcnd cf NI.M fur percent ?Ocp the polti uop capitail cf thio Bik, for the onrrect 'kiait yeur liai tis dey lbeau doclared, and, liat theosaine will be payablo t tiîq Baîlk sud Its Agenlci on anti alter Satnrdoy, tige secetid dey uf' Jaimutry The trsaMrer beoka yul Ite esod f ren ilit lotis f-etbe $lot Decombor, beth days l ini- Rie y orero e BiioEard. 'I. WOODSIDFE, Câelhior. Igoyai Canadîimn Bankc, 251h Nov. M,0. I28 FOR iSAL E SCHEA? ýFORCASH1-1 L UOT 32 AND 33, lot CONCEMSON or Iscojir,. Appiy te . 4. ONEs, N4ey. 4, 1 5864;- INEOLVENT ACT -OF 1881 AND AMENDMENTS .TIIEIIEIQ. Province of Ontitrie, In te Itisoaent Court CeunI>' of Ottîrie, >.of Iihe vo rr Z ; J County of Oitrie. la tb. mater cf JOHN WARLIN, an In . N TICE Is heraby given that on bhe fcnrth b.day bf Pebruar> ir noI, at ton cf tii. dock lateformnon, or ne.sonsea fCousei ea«n h buard# Ibo ondrolernd viJIi spi, te the Judge of tlhe nada Court for a dus.iîsrge, onde>' tiigesl A*. Dcted eastige tewn ot-Wilitb', ln te ocuy~ oif Ontario, Ibis 1Oth day cf Nevember, A. D le. td4OUX WÂIRRBN. Y USOLVNT ACT Or 1804 AND> &XzSxxuzTo- TIERRTO. lu th. e uaty Court of lb. Conaty of Ontario, la the mater off BMTS!DAMKE, Eue *tis off Jffepb B3arber, dececeed, carry- iu'u on butie" am6601org1 Baricer and (Jompmuf, ; a, W ~.&JAUM sp. ILUII à THOXAS ALLISON, c«"j.. iuges sn agg- JmuP.Bolier cd < be <Pl aintif,,and I<failla and upaaar in of th. Croditors Iveut., aOmes il, bu bield butor, me , tbe Clark cfI bis eady thé Nutiti, lhe ~lour cf tee se ef gIvlng thoir tut o0faseO0,olT rm, US. odd UBNJAgwng eTuti o . O A-eflrs- !W ienu85ly 117VA.e.U LVI u éVLV i i II îtld-nert door North -of *'Royal (Janadia1p Bank, :MoMillan's piock, I3rock-st.& Whi$by. Henry'Is tRifle CartAdges YOR SLEVURY OEA]P. R. #J. YAIRNOLD, WhiVÃŽy-, September., 2nd,' 1868'. BOOTS &SOESI 0ff tkeRight. Fit'and .7ake. BEStobibfrm bis friends andoustomers, that lie has rIe*el-- Bed a very large stock of Fal&,Winter Boots & Shoes, 0F THE EST STYLE AND MAKE. -Also on hand a large Stock of HOME-MADE Boots and Shoos wiceh cannot be suirpassed for quality or prices. SAil Orders punctually attended to. Rel5airs neatly done. INIIKSEof1 ST-OCK.- HE~ Subseriber would respectfully announce to his old eu%;'- tones and the i bloe,generally, that, having enlarged bis this season a Stock twibca lage as hu ever O'ffered' before of aox,?arlor &cooking Stoves, Dumb 8 tOV!ia,, Coail Stoves, .Ageultnral Furnaeecs, Cistern Pups, Brassnand Enainelled Preserye Kettieti, TinWAre of everydescription, Cdren'Carae,&C..&C., togeïber with the other Oooking Stoyeï, will bc found the CELEB11ATED AltMSTRÇ>NG, and the GENLUNE MRON DtTKE STOWE$, whieh eau only be purcbased in this towu, at bis store. Eavç-troughing àrid Job. Work proniptly Ittended to, Any quantityt ot. good' Cordwo od taken ini exchange. R AN 3 Whitby, Sept. 22, 1868.'8 FRESH IROCERIES Reniember. the place, nearly opposite the Bank of Montreal,1o, 1 -on t+e1orner Brock Strecet, WhiLby. -AI/ ,~/LLII~ Wliitby, Septemnber 32, 1868, 38 WAICIIES & JEWELLERY. J AMES JOHNSTON begs to cail the attention of intending - purchasers to. bis NEW STOCK 0F GOLD AND SI1NER WATCIIES, JEWELLEItY, 'docks, &c., ail of whieh wiil be sold at the lowest prices, con- sistent with good quality. WATCHES, CLOCKS & 3EWELUtRY, Carefully Repaired. 1Whitby, blay 4, 1868. 18.1y TH OLD STAND! ESTABLISHED 183 3a In referene to an announcemeDt of dissolution of the copartner- sblp hereteforo cxisting botveen TILL & BlnO, the underaigncd deairesz te inform bis friands antI numnerous lpatron (hat ho sf111 continues tihe bîîsiceos eo,tblimtiocl by his labo fathrr, in 1838, at theO 'LD STAND, Non.fiSand 4, TILL'S BLOCK, 1IHOfCK STREETI, WIITJIY, where lue will bo always-found ready te attend t-e the vante cf cîustomerg. An catir. nov stock cf tiie bes manufactured Furniture. UPIIOLSTERY AS USIJAL. UNDERTAKING AND FUNERALS Supplied as heretofore, gW'Soxùe splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. .Remember thie Old Skznd. Whitby, May 4,186S. 3C"X3E.~3E.5. 18-ly THOS. LIIWLER, WHOLE SALE & lIETAIL CENERAL CROCIER, WINE AND SPIRIT OEOKER-EiGLASSWARE, TUE OEURDSTORE. 920«K STREET, WtITBY. KING STKIET, OSIIAWA, STAPLE &FÀNeIY DRY,.GOOIDS MILTJ1NERY, &o. MAN UPÂCTURER OF' Or CLQTIIING, BOOTS -AND SIIOIÉS. &O. Mr A êood Workm= iWimted to do Ladies Bowed Work A1wayî',onhaud,- Engllsh Sole Leather, Englizh Kip, F;renion 'U.4 sud âil kwdàIwof ceoaiu lâtbeu'aMd Finep Cheapei arnd Belter than ever. Invites thiti t-cn.itJ1Ãœl l >vuaonrtxh;"8 r sent splended stock of choice' and well' selected GROCERIES; cmbracing everything in the Grocery line, that can be enquired for. Housekeepers will find it to their advautage to caîl and examine. TTPbI'TI'XTtCI Brandies, Port, Sherry, I -LIQUORb ,\ nd other Wines, in wood and bot.- tl are aul of the best brands. BOTTLED ALE & PORTER OF SUPERIOR QUALITYO Tavero Keepers and Country Merchants can suit themselv'es as WdUi if not better than by going to To- ronto, or elsewhere. Cash for ail kilids of flî.rmers' produce. Remember the place. Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. RIL FRANCISt No. 1, on-the corner. W ~X I I 3 9W Carniage Faotory. CARRIACGES &BUGGIES 0f 'eydRipinkp on band and mad c ardr, from* the lateiqt.and best deign, ut the ubove carniage works. Witli tho encrenreed facilities IIow at lis disposai. the nudersigneti is better prcpared than ever te meeute aIl ordens promptly, îvith which lie may be favored. Brook St., Whitby, June 9, 1808, M. O. I)ONOVAN.1 DIVISION COURTS IN TUIE COU NTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THE TEAR 1868. Whitby............ ....I li ... i 1 1 2, 0 or ntn......... ...I8 .~ 2 ... ,i2 2... 21..8i. l, lanlete 'ie Abr . 5 t ..14 29 ..9.. 4... 0 .14 8Si ... 30 s.......5 I..10 SI s' , Caninglen ....... .........'21......7 .... ..1... ....iI 41 6, Daverto .................... 22.....281......... .. 22 i 67, Atiîorley. ........... ........ 24 .... .....BO' .. ......8 24 3. - Z. DUEI]RN, rhitby, Jannary 1Oth, 1868. ,Jog 13"Bavi. (P.iaundrwinmrnngournanw, or ori* oOr Tem i UIU jrckm5ms i«yts 'VflE ADDRTS.-The XM cigeT Tm Com n 0 mît bai Stree. totrtl 1 iver laken at pM. For Notes *1.8 1out 0 fice UQi rs thc onpiy ViIgdauibe premilti M 4.. <1> E g - 4.' C~4 E o -c 0 E Q o- o I Q HE ROYAL H:OTEL is now fitted Up in the best order for T the reception of guests. Every attention paid to travellers 1, and con-renient apartments provided for Commercial travellers, for the display of goods. 01:-The receut alterabions iatie in thc promises, rentier bhe roomaS ligh tsome, healtlîy, and comforbable. The table teupplied with evcrytiîing in aca'son, anud the charge as moderate as any other hotel in town. 03M LRoomny btabling, lî1lds, and culuicd yard om Whibby, Ont., Oct. 219 18618. M'MILLAN & Co'F. New VeI'veteen Mantios, New Cut Seal Manties. New White and Grey Seal Kantie .-1 New Canadian fliankets. New Oviercoats. New Clothing of every lino. Niew Flannels, ail colors. New Cauadian oettons. New Canadian Yarns. Âidwe'il' celebrated Aies ini packages àof 10e 15, and 30 Gallons, at Manufacturera prices. 'T. H. McXILLAN, & Co. Wbitby, Nov. 41 18618. 41-11 I I MICHAEL &M0GU Importera of Éry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,* and Gener ali Merchants, Corner of Ring & Sincoe St., Oshawa, H -AVE ninel pleasure in anneuncingte "eÃ"ubi that in order to extend- In y business, I1 have taken Ms. E. 1.MRNa a partner into the buai. ne"s, sud I take thuis epportunity te returu My sincere tîtauka te my f, iend. qnd tho publie geuýeraly, for their liberal patronage during the paRt aix years I have been in buiness, anïd solicit for tlhe nowflrm a.continuince of the sarne, as it is our determination te sell goodi; atie mmcli advane ou u uest priaes. W. D). MIQH1AEL, $1-5,OOO UN PR ESENS!ilMichael & ]Yorgan AT IIOYT'S NEW IPIIOTOGRANI G&LLEIY, QSHIAWA CORNER 0F IKING ArSIU1COE STREETS, FZRâT IFLOORO' Prizes consistof Gold and Silver Watches, GoId Chai ns,.B;-oocbes and Jowely et ail kinds; aise Sewiug Machine, Faintings, Albumh, and a va. 18Wy of excelle nt elocks. LWIfélie likenesse takewn a few Secoua in a manuer to en. sure perfectsatisfaction. 3VM, Se. Billa lfor manne> ofdi.4tribntion oet pre. sentê. New is the, chanc er alL to Meure enduring PR"OTOGRAl>If, aud valuab1eýprueete at a leus pie. thon rMost photographens charge fer the pic. tares nions. T4 l" 'NEW DOMINION PLOUGE" Ile tho invention efîba updersignedl vuo e tb mole Maiufetnur, It ila congruotetl witl Iran bearnx and weedeff-1,andiesa;Tii, st hedy wronjzht Imoit bàani l fixed i mb a rooen on the Liand baie of bodiy, villi center fSud- est beitm, aud buoki., dnd set-screv, msetisiat the coultcr con bc plîiced iài uny desired angle, and nua.le<ot4suit an>' kiîîl-01fal. Uhua aiçe "*vo cet peint-?-emto for keed lcrrev, and <lie ellesr for snmiuar furrew; aud is weconue"c b""'ta wrougiit peint con boc ..iiy plaetin l- uiitking it aq n t t iren pIctigît. 1< wili fI tlie Oitri 0n ~wcIfwhilo thîe cat cf '<'1iuie is -only oue-ililfthat ef aUÉ -The folicîvinir ftfiiithe Witby CiiaesîcLi ef'bIie "'253>iayj86s, wili shoew whist tue New 1)oUÏînion i1kuglisiî vos thongbit at îhd il Grcit foiniilion Plonghiug Match, held on th6 2114 tlie caaBorn outhi-- "&Mr. Jarnea Walkeri of Ashhuru, lied eon fi the grenuti a nov pîeuiglt cf iiLeowu iitves-* Itien, 'which ho calLî the -New Dominion '*Pit.ugi. Iti ceiîtrittd of rniron heam: "<md wooîlen wîti-ax h iilily reccem- 41mended loy thie JJ dg8, and pral.sed( by ali whîo txtmied it, os"jnst the tlii.ug'." IS.. Towuship sud County Piglitb fer sale eat reaisoiabie, rates, Apply toi :,JAM1ES WALKER,_ AasitonuoïP.0. Aaiburn, Sept. 14, 18 . f-i _ New Bakery. AND fTHE undeorsiguc"d respectfnlly lufonmnsti aud C~on ectionr o r ui ,, nisd ail other kiud, et C. la"ndsud misitao clit e ust uuiiity. îd te. Fruit ofolki.elu e-soen. Aise Lob. strSardines, Cocon Nuts, Ginger Beer, &Cà Wý,hitbiy, .Tuiy 10, 1867, 28 NEWLY IMPORTED. PAPE T'f HFE unileroigned ebcgs te itorm te pnb- Ilic chat ho lias purelîascd turitng lIiiTer- cent stay leeiadalt fSPLENDID PA1PERIAGGS soiectd carcfnlly by bimiteif, wlttci ho lies ou sâale at Ver>' Redlied Fricés. and ra> AITanign, exoctitcil lit ework- pnt ariecui x idîiu nucr, as usual., Dondit Street, Wlitby Whithy, April 8, 18198. 14-tf RE1W CAItEIAGE AIÃŽD Waggon Shop la proparo e manufacture tnaortie>, ail kiutta CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, - BLEIGUS, &o'I IN LATEST STYLES, g~Rpairing agahi>' sud promptiy; eaecuted. lA" Titre docrs %ct cf 1Lalng's, Dunsdee aireet, wbitby. 'Whltby April 23, :867.,1 FIllE ÂSS(LRANjCO., "LOMBAapSu5'TIEE0<JH Im, jRoss t~ory ubl. de OLICSTlitNol zarPlie, t'. -W'.!ty, Jn.ov, ALITOR, NOA te'n, -BvL6k, C>. W. 7iiegi i DÉnda Stree5 lb. Pont Ones. CtDCKKANE f AuKsTÉEES. j Pýaneers andNlI Pic3,05Aauzar-ý Hrall., SH. <ocam, LL. <Joueit>'Crowva ttor PortPerry, 2tIatV 1 RRISTER L-T 1 3eary, onveyanc DRS.'CAIR Coeuaultatlun et ?ai . A uMi x . D., -Whitby, .i iy 20, DR. -Hi -irzzw Exoi SURGEON, , AC Itzunr3ca i&(Ire -UE.-J# GI gQUEON TO T ID. W.mEI BRIco - o dock, P. M. WLltlq, April IStb VICTOEL PRINCE UTILLIAM sCuTT TWn.Boyntouls JOUX lic flair Dressing s ou= or "m BD» Wlitby, .Jan. 22, '0& BOYNÇTOM' -~T .BOTINTON bt W ibvav orhL Are 110'w- inreceipt Of their Stock of NEW TA wbicheb l bc found very complete, extensive, varied, and ofi *> NEW CLOIlS lfor FaIl Suite reeeived, wliieh will bco promises by firit-elfau wou'kmen. 'À good Fie Guararte<L CW.,lInthe MLLLINERY DEPARTMENT wi everytbing new and novel. ce'ar éomplete -Stock of Grocerieas, HardwarTe1 Aswe buy our goods for cash, you will flnd. it U tàÉe to eaU suad examine price before purcbasing eliewhere. The higlest price in cash paid for ýWHEÂT, Bi ail kIdud e armorle' produe. Osbawa, Seplt, 22, 18Mf I erLeor. 4f o 'o - g CD> M y .1 - t F I KENT & WALKER. GILLESPIE, Mo 1- tAtUui ý l' 1;ý-. 1 JeL Xis 3E e

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