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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1868, p. 2

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ar'e goods-T, '.H~ MeMilisu de. 'onovan. I1~. Wilson. qoered Store. ~.-T. LevIer. To- Contry Movebamis. Obole. Cbrso». erooorles-B. .Francis. pion" Hddies A Oyses-R. Francs. ?faon "la dink Olsimr-T, lavier. Vieno. a ddles & Oloten ' B.H.Jamesou. Po lthre payers oft b. Town of! Wbltb* jýYdm«o omenî-Iliceoel & Morgan, 4Y@e afr Vlgov--ho,1.IGerrde, Agent. Ie bocne Unon-ff. X,19, Chlld. aOyi 1otel-Tho.. Waiker, ="Il; e ATitL»oAD of fair eDmc ONLY si 00 ifNTIA TEA" Whitby, Tbur&iay, Deeember 24, 18680 1fr J V.SPEÂRS li1as' baen appointed General Agent for ale 6"Chronicle,"iland - ù autlwrùed to collee Accounts 0 i rmoeive ÀSubsertp'lions, .idvertie- e " (,# and ordere for Printing, si The Chvlîlmas UoIiday"». Car paper là erowded ibis venIr, <to die «ld ofmoch readlug malter, la type)>w' lb aonoccoanotilbauing vefeiee 's te. olidayo..-If the coula, festivals b. m c«oi sh est Wîw. taie bail for Maily a 1#4% jIl viii motlib. for uliitof eppor. P tuitils sud matorials io celebrate tben. m LOglosaure. of Ontario# i ?AR4IAMENT ADJOUSNED C On Saturdayluei on motion of tbe Attor. aey.0.neral, the Houe. adjourned unîliro Wedueda7ihe Bib of Jaunary. HI. Et- thi.ey lb.Llcalnant-goveruor os c, dom. to lb. Roue. and gave the Royalase- M e, ororal billeait Wbau..puased. - *à--- col 04ia BÀATàtlIoI, V. M.-Captaln Daort i Ui's and Caplain Donc,.'. coupaules bhl aleeubled ai iii, Town bail on Mondey J plobt, for lb., purpose of bearlug ibe pro- up violons of <b. Dow Militia lav ezplaloed to 611 ise. Thora vu e- good namber of bath col .ompe.teLs. L.-Col, Fairbanks vu#pro, foc Pladsddesed tb. meon, wboe nani* fur mo.ei re-stirâol tbnmoelves. Thse voile 16 wif!ibrretalned byibe Captaisnttilthe oloas ef lb. par. hi erdnr tb gir. au op. umibe s vvre umablubosl - WWo lueuobse Iais. This otel erlinai vasbroi - amg 4b ofetQmn'. Icscou I vbom the Judgmemi etthéb.meri lme s.d naini thelb.cenvi, 4.11h600Mornieon dime.ting. *»MI ives! a&aIpplilea i «m. b.fore tb.e emrt<o! Error i -bo itebe boar todal,(TI Ileuâàr. -Twe Youg met dibra iltebel a bomsethy,, Oa eod, buggy te, sP 13mevw "on, eTuesdoye«o de oelmi-' eemug !rigbti Som,- edem"Dondue atm" 64bugyb.~ally. Ssa.svs.-.-I ihe, rf"poi Co lm~Ibe vute, f . ms f l in ihe he er choid ,, am Ue, e mmbde lin t eh. .mon" oen tom,- propme sept el"inluibis ove, VICib60 m (lqva sBl4,obet' Il a-m Ml Spiste' Obaobe, s aud f.p.m. shan <hio, e. . îJ.4, pi c< thé -lcense sa i 0 9au .xp.rim Mud Ibat hb.la eontent 1to plie, b. am( at $60, or $60, Or *70-1e may,be dei mina upopi by the cnsL W. *froid <bat Mr. Jhvovn's "vauliag au ltion" blinde hie botter Judgicentin oi log loto <bis coutest. .Hie ýbrother Ml lehebeenreturnediellB"vbyac"î mmin-a vy oomplimmuîay r7ibut* Mr. Niebolîe Irrovu' a i n=i gond qua*l o! beoil sud bear-and one Dot uàdes.; on, s-.l,-Wi th tiis p.o!pl6 beg in, îbink the familf' ambition ouitg 1 eaîisfied, And cerWsily i a imai bt like thai o! the lova conacil o! Wbitbl dons, appear 11h, gol ' aia lit. îqtp fà seehing éection fur ivo brother. to me ago tb. affaire of the corporation. Tue OJrtÀabo FAR%îhmoniM~L lest; àxce Co,-We notice ihat ibis compl' bava-applied b lb. Provincial Pavlia fora àspeclelAct vhloh vill confer op iheni various privileges, -ameng the nm Im>portait of vb icblathe pover 10 ace csb primiome for- term otetxmdii &ie ynart,.,Thbese uev provisions v ese tbeui l!! ful frtiser <o nxendl r.pidl hicreaei 5business, adeo, coi pele succell, wiîb cîbermusiaiinu sup crnpeniea. Thé sacese, o fair,, lb. eomp&oallyeu4to thse-bigbeei ore upona lIs dir.ctors, 0LMr4a and agis Tbough lisboviug cuder tbe 4is0AD!Wit of boing oblged po .odoct buinm po tb. promîno note sytlm-a cystoe.w hie le objgctoe, 10byomny viso prefer go Pa the, casb ai once, «enet ai n additioni 00*, rallier tisa> remain lhable te the pal meot e!fa a ""»mentfront lime te time Tb. exertine o!f .the sartày, Mr. Fair. banke, liti prem¶tiag the, internes. o! th dompandy, have haniiJ iîiatsad'il bhis coîneîlon bis nam-# desrervs csp. ha mention, Tus OXCi in &uid cf 8t. Assdrew' Sabbatb echool vbich look rplancetai b blechaulce' bali, on Toeadieeneing luti' as voit atlended -and by au appreclatire tudience. Mr#, Watkf, miss Watson, Ilis Mlacdou.il, Misa Oerrie, Miss MO. ail -livra>, end Miss Dow, execuud <beil arts of the. vocal part o! the enterlain. sentt se migisi le expccted, mosî <reditý ýb, aad-reccled ropeaîed encore#,.MM. [cMairtry,' sang om o f bis favonrile ru, Mdl wu ioadiy_ applauded and en. îred, aud Mr. Citîlen gave the fine old 0111g o! "These Eîglislsmaî." Dr. Tocker, îè annonctd on iso programme, gave Ivo 'itation-"'An Incident of tlhe Frenchs amSlp,"sud "Whnn tboees a wii iherefs way"' which vere vel reccivcd. Mr', dillev pvesided astitse piano, and bis in. omparable useic sein a tbrili of deligis, brougis ail viso bâti tb. good fortune to ieav bis piayîug. Mis#s Lynde and» Mr. abitzey, whose-iameo w9rd also placet! ion tb. programme, wern unabie iô '.1. nd, Tiseir places, isowerer, vere voit led by lise oliser performars; and thea Oncert, lahen altogelber, lu agreeable a cacces as coald be' dessrcd. Thse piano rnisbed for thse occaion vas Oise of tiner',s fine instruments tLelongius îuMr. ibert Watsou. Oshawa Advevtementa. ýguabt us Mr. J. P. Joisuaten alvertisecisoice nd thse ment- - Chiristmas gifle, in tis e hapeo! golil and silieg watcisas, rings, hochets, and jawalry o! aHi ilude. ogis bfore Ma. Wu. DtcaumLe oeboig a splendid ~m ast maartuent o! Olotb. LuId etiing, andl rt mas à aIe'sd ftIt.i" % iciln->fr. Mssu. micOIfAu à;' Moj'to" 'bave ve- ptimeorcoicved s spiend'.l steck o! satineittesud to isIg the Caaeian tweeds, mwhicis tise, ie-aeling et emI AppMi, a imail udvauce on cos$. Tiseir uiliuery Sorcdey,> departmeutatai>'eoybn evand stylisis, and îbir, iatiilg:lao Stop Si a fine:muW ls tint vorbun o susAL voe drivls>gir 'uxr rBeOo AYÀp 'Albo.Mv 1iio*dïnoî Zei itofalarge aud bro. <ic r, 9cmh4 'gondesudsol ea, enisable for teba o'iday ffasen, snd a iets",tiai danuot fai!t - give ail!antiou to poreisaars 4 6is em 'et ~ ~ " cnro sie-or à WBItsNTBor.-Tsema beau, $10 COdYs, fomfrll of Ibis lomu, vid sset b,' s#»o* reof< a dostein la a evalon lu' Ciicgo Ii" eveIr. 'TSi detective, Il appesm, bal a-carrauat for bis atrest, bai Col> refocel of tbe Zpis- Io gomlubhhim. Su.. e!of it4ls om. ritle PAsr -pstsaeu!etel 10 éceemebcus, m ai'ibus Cburci, et' lb.efatWlshootimg. iliys -Fr heatmt- n baim. recollect V.) dclver @iode- 1865, Mr. «T. IL Pir> îtoeb- DO part spocialdis- is e munioip&i 0100" of o!Ils. 0v-, sI. Smi>eî e"H mete eaudtirtig lMoay. Ma& hbW et., " ijappearafflet sux an> w iePlaoflq v uou It bis 1vasthe. lin iop portei4l iedty b. i D ' nomsWgo'W rv.vv for wRiqu ad of oddroun u seblage of ibis tcocu i peîcsyor. rerev - , oecsit for thé suffrages of bit fallov.raie. lêotoe îecp~~S ter- Maers. nsad, hover, tahen au active eusertaialug te volonteers, $497 ; eud lb. are~~~ pailwb ree*4 fcle olscontribution ,'10 the dvill shed, out' of 4"b pa- i.ne e iii l.imeesof telodies$1,CÃ"OOAf mes emetiou.d i.n lut ye,'s a s mac n etd bau kuew. fer es piai h*tonn' fin uniait e' vtbtey boidbeeu only ablie t'O bo o, Lel"edboe n lduned te off., blmeslf realize $391. Ail thesoma i5pot <ogebefr an a candidate, Mr. Dfrtuell said; tîsa4 t i al ie*tariayepniu Ii fi--lsb.d.b »e>.obj*bW;ie dm tuhl m eaiddite, year' some-f*1,500 nmore than ts6previ' oue 0,0 tt h o b.abDot gradaueîed iu tho Toira year; visera... îtbn rate had te b. levied îleés Couincli. Jh vae solMaibilii souary,isov. on abocl *100,000 leue aseud value.. 74ever, he said, tW haiie -*shoulli lïo'a seat Tbe Tanasnreer'-batik balance. at, prenent et the ecouacîil:bO«rd iorder ta acquire vsane 325>*tdtie e v-nt V eknowledii'ôf the 4doîscof Maor. ý- Thve cilcov ri aou11,606, ls ei ir c er otber saes of irviviug ea îsnow- pwed tise hankksaoeni W ttonotes di4-. ody lcdge of maulcipai affaira. Thî réaisof cthe;euoe $900! dudeaois., *1oo ,20- t iliv, sud o! Ibse counnil, governed the ue. en*90 ueo b.atolmc-g r Mayor, in tise coait, sud if ha. bail mot ý ur ee<edentraeuu peraual experienne in the Town Conncil, de n llmerbu eetrm n an-' ho bed o! .-hedatien ef predldg officer fert thse Wcrdtspreîses ittachai! te tbe at other boarda. 1He clalmed'te bave à ,Town-bailproperty. 7Tb.u thèe.vas for hmswi~ge ! te r!eavhib gveredcounty sale $1,233, And,, bere@ .tol Vit. 'te ois u htibt.k ldeOccasion te gave crodis te thelrepees MY7 O!f4epefsio eisb oe neeea'iv ies lan b.t cue t c ouncmil ibis yearfor lot poseee, vouldcet.idtogeih enfibioc fortierdccuf.bd neddi.eei >bn discb'erging tise datios. ýla tim. hb.v 1 Siing. Tiser. vere als tlb. salariesfor tibis borne ont by tb. gentlemen *ho, b.ddhiai quavte,amouustiug î1 -200 or iliereebeute, M ret hldîe so' eaanb vryoesd Couva's balance of $640 -making *Pit o!t, bemi vils tise nooption Dr. an, ýbuaih.dtoieo!isacui$43, eg vesupporsed. ,And il vie prettyivlisdlevn a'b eehtsd9$8 ail undrtodlb. reneon mby Dir. 0<eun op. Speahmnbg;as go the complainte about im 1 loir p dbim.provoets, b.e said, Whou thiesWvisecou-, Dr. poe.dbim. o, ploint! beame avare of %il thon extra on 1 r tsl. - bmcbcna rGu rdinary'expenee. vicb theaccaucil bail sr- line itisai b., (Mr. Dtelit) if electeocuilte tibis yeav, added te visiihS alevas c! osidac e maIsra.,mi 0 forfr ai odllebt cf *1,500 btiste Meltrien ee. dit miîb $be doueos sud emoleucuts of Dr.tivscsîecuni ttepeeiya ,. auneu0as à Connîty magistrats;1 tbat the boa mode provision for p&Yigf, $her@e fees tiseobtaincd meold go loto tise Temw a li e i ahcn.frgubig leTesr aîade en e and ets sud ; ould b.oeaelly undersîeed boy she i Trin r ;f r.Qin, nd otii loto vnhi hnetn taxes Ibis jyear vere higber1fIban atis., ere On '. ! Dr. Guanoi an id u s .asudalld ow luti Jusr. ferriug <o tise Mention le'etd eh lretenit 11 b.rie oid nlu ca d! iidet- agsiu,be a"id tha is t as cosiektrcbotter a.y liosi i bt hoalW-914 nu l O tise te mais, provision for payistg il off ibIsV tio ; ut hml».Oue fà?'14 til doth yeas'-. becanseolbeyvoulil have te rais.b butientee. g. omplaiaied tia b%4te ý4îAs 1 he ratefer tise railvay itex ucîl yeav.ssdÀ t y of thi .nliebd beeu for e long lime ae- L,' vr.-nud te buein a poiti onuoebe able tl dl gleceeland ailemed te rmais> a dead loto Ie do #e, z4 se net to bave tise legal ratea d r- ter, aid iui.nod $btisanaste15the reétion exceedtive, Cents tu tise dollar. lie agrecil e f e!voden> buiinge; ibatîifelected, h s>bauial ;e fi1 M' Jrv, st In Wealdl, oas-tise dul#y o! tise chie! magse. trsIe, sen thaeby.liasilts oaei5!~.ts ifnytli ielotm.~sq - le oulnedhyîb'sio tsatioli before, tieco>uncil tbW -, igYeso't gentlemen vise propo:ed bJmta,'%d promisleil u_-,mi 1_9 il tle oni914e, biu ibuir support; if eetd.a"dodispeobpeo! lrocÃŽ,isesa il altoTbeg bis daty, sud If h. vas net, bu.. trm?;led un etmiro fcc utiedreto0o misoaver wmouldhbe vouldo -ise sanie, Toento, ua n ovomtent fur tise division M~ Maor Wa Ice""f electeil Major obs eu>vsoei e.e.Ts tisof Tovuosud a poorpenaifiloail.nThro avosateTonanu vibore bronbt <ro lrisî sep voulil b.uée introductien of a hi tisn cissrge ef s te oal doo cder resoîsîlos> $0 tise coulconueil, salrmiug fi bhecrg ofa> aconstable, w 708 o l dtisa it w ou ii b. for tise Jinteteto! tie bi vbeh. aa knoming ai the same limetiot nrb0aps f ieeau ol eparatte. th vas u diyng ?" Major Wallace repoeiled k 1 newibere vas à feeling in the isortis ti#be question, anda ý1 Mr. Dartueli vplicdil"1i iope tisai as etc pari ef tb.ecual> gr<J)iuig Iop ila faverIn a man I moali set an became a mon; that o nbsmvmnaaih e aifela as au Iriisuan I wvonldo my doti asntb,tisai tis&& eeling voll calsniuel< byhbrîs>g- ch Came an -Iriaisman, aud that 1 voml neting in inch a vesolution ,8- bWhelia enin do s Mjorvisi Imeuil os e a antionci l i. ear or nue tyear. Buch' *' ei Iriboo an a on, (Coor,) reeoitioîn lil b. t iselrat stp s il wu i Iviisma> su a mu." Chees,> ben tise rupture tok place betveen tii Mv.,(Jerrie soit! tisaiin acceptiug tecuiyadteodatdoutise W0 ' nomination hob, bd considered tise mater psyadts cluie sea. 0 it veilu. cli s he ov unlinee, niltise amatil îbey bailehaaomen ne voalil do tise we sacrifice o! urne b. vossld have go masSe boei tise, coulil fé, the intercaeotis te Ily frou bis busness. Weigh ng evîing to ansd ailvauce tisa cemmen good.,a frhon bismcn btis muid t cnevard. ng Afl&r &gain repeadixthti e vas colt a du *hoi bailamae opidbisid h omoald(iaeec. candidate for auj c1lice ebatever tise pro. tlt - cil>attcnd <e ttse dues o! tise majoraity, su er v1rprrtmi.lie Ho ie illnet islieve that a iswyer coold Major Waiiaeo brielI, returueil Ibanke coi diacharge Ilion daseabotter thoan anotber, for tise preposel isosior, sud dectilusil bcg ant for auj mon et commun suie could tell, a candidat. on tise preseul occsiôi. Iliis ai weil as s lavyer, Whou lise by lava of Mr'. golden mau tise nea speaker, andl$aii1 ~ho iomm vaeeviolateil. In uhe coanci ail tnia Io s ile mfrriug 10 visai bail isen ans lia bail alvaje endeAvered tu disebarge bis done in lise tomru conucil as atatcd b> Mv. ha( duties wmusent rcfoencn le fricnd otr at>.Draper, visose osîsuents b. endorel, haoM sud as ihn bail acted isretofore hoaeboul vonl more particalarly rafer le vhai bailr" act if nlected Major. Hiebail taben nO- beau doue in the ceinty counil. limronlilw lice of mai, tisings tisai migisi vnllhobeub seen from tise equalis.ation report vis ais lookeil afler rcspectii corporation 'mt- bil becu breugÛinlu(eud miicis be regret, aer lere. Tisay eboalil raceive bis attention, tied bild beau iu.errcîly prmntedinhiieJ if eieçted. Hc coucladeil b,îisanklug bis jeunala-in focs il mas net tise equaliza. lir sauver andl accouilerand assnreil bis friands tien report as brougishitmat aI) tisi tise as tisi e ol uegi sppor e ptbrnl.saseilvainc of tisa temu of Wiitbylun1866 co Mr. Utc mu, on b.isig calld poD, @la itas$652 01A-ise equalizal value, $458, M ii vas not tise irai urieuise cami e bere 000, thos making tise reilnction $194,5160, lnn lis. cîcciors seeking municipal honore. Ha Tise ossesseil value lu '67 was $688,60 - lice bid beau electeil duriuig eigisî or ni ne Isa equalizail value, $440,000-sud tise yearsiseb forc; Ibis vas tiseteuti lime it reduatien e! 310,201. Or in oti>tsmords' tht vat, -buvever, th irs iraime liedi coule a . $in for lise temulu in theraiuction o! theu Ile formardfo-t JI; va$j eve h o "mojarse!fabout 9115.941. So it wva 00 tige coati couneli, tise other uncipu, t ien, e.pefail Mda misiaa, onli nmad. te ýcontribste Itbeir jit pmcportiei Tise aspeakert a ext greferved, se Capt Ro, hs illau hob.regretîil bh semetimnes bept ialm Avalfrointhe cci cilgi bhot vbolaIalwas v otel sud' belp bim (Mfr. Holîna) im Ibis malter. , marmi> èegisal the Cptai>, sd vib hlme veetort ié o < .lsn long lit Mr. Holdaui côncinilel saverj fercilb speech; by> esatiug t tis .b. haed <actedl 5.Pittb hould aocIte-ti ei, moold*s>deavor tle bgeak up lise I"ringï ai aIli bastis, etrnio f 'b"allefilb bect frienis-aul hoe teel opon M 'Fairbanks s geneo! bis ibost falanli. Bi 'bis m rotte vas-'"$1laijusticee b.- done lb th@e Leavengs sisell fa1IL t.» Iflise atep ern bulievreiltbey lbail acutisse botter1 molà in hie place te the eounly eouneil, I vas sauistisil, for, b. bail a gond deidac issieeiao! his oms 1 ten d ta, snd k tiine voulil .houevisast tken op wiitI nem baigksat vas is.lng pvojecîcd as oliser Ibinge; but if tise, eeussidere ibi tige beait mois ha mas miliug te erve tbie aud devisai lie conlil. - Mr. memillan waot;tise nexi speabeg an it iseieud tise nominetiou--ezprea !rig bid belloith tIiMm. Browu vils]MI Uolden un tise ceuniy councl wouîd mals agond leai, bMv. Tiaaite tharsked bis fmiends for i nominîation, stating tisai if elected hb sroulsl riebis boiei te attend go te isatereel of lae tovn. Mfr. Tiiomnpson dcclined bcing s coudi lite fuo uy cIlc. Thei Retrring otfâcer then dclarod Mr Brown-sto lia diiy oectel veeve, by accis moitions, ant] unniasîiccd that a pol voult bc taken bttween tise oison candidates lei lige itsayomalty n;ad depsity ecvcosip, garts tha vt-ssiiiîdelareal 0on Weslnosdytise 611 Iay oaf .Jsitiiry uioxi Igmr l$mwit4iefuud tiaunkie,,andl lis prcrt'slissgii ure brutg-it Co a clos( isirlaçbttoru nouai. Nor0.g lVAçsp,,,-Tbe normiinations ln Lis Mr, Lorena frovrîi, and Xlr. Ilatch. Mr. Ray'# Alaf ié asprapot4to 511 tise. geai racateil 1y 5-ir (1.-ri. Mlit, J.,7 wi *-m Inaprcspoinfr Mv. bMc Wlisi, dwclî aopen tisa large lnuleet hi ai un lthe <ovi, vlils, lic said, of fpell unirieila s gaarraice, us Inlupromoting iii ow'rinteresi hhoe veuid be proinotiril îa4t o! tise tovu, tenrs ooking aitishe mat er fréni a merci> sacllsAh point o( view. de. MUéillan bail givon every proof daîr- 'g bis temrnetoffrcer. tissai e fanas hi, ,bilit> woulal euabla Itni ic muatihl dis- îurge his dasty te tise people, zesictaady idù couscientioaultyTisaiwas, tige clos ifmon tisai wnva vanteil. lie did net >licve tiiere gras anything in7,Mr. Me- «iliîn'oasntut ige cousacil board tb ,mrr.'slioppositkon la liiii, lie conxidcrcsl grèAt f.aliy ta makea say chssage vise s0 hiud p4ehit smara in tise iglitplace. r. MMls bof1 110w acqii'd expericaice il voulil be baltei' able te disclarge te îlies tisais uîatj~e. lie condenineil ne prsicuice of anaitiieuî. pc,'50is5pui.ttiflg aiaserei fovward un tisoe nc isnt a bricved ft i M. IMeillan bad Lhtise ildmmce of tise ratepayers o! the WSru, ad -that tiser. wattste dosibi vbatcvcr o! is me-electios. Mn. Powell is econîling t-ho nomination id lac voterl for Mrlv. Iilian 1ai year 14 bail n"retîson te regret bis vote, îoa' ad auj one clae wlîo thesi voed for Mm, Mcillaa. le nid net belles' un lise )ie> o! cbauging, aad îaw no meason i> Air, Brown sioulal secS te ainsessi Mv. 'Militai. !Jr, iMele.watt atricil mans and trugtd tisa îatepa>-ero içouid rutain Ib 'vices, Mr Fraies', ,econdcd by Mv. IL Butta, rood lM. Loren liiovu. Mv. lBrowa, se waa a member o! tisa townrship sud -i!'crraia-ishlbe Lid, aI icuasl a3 cisniniille p ec as Mr. Me- lIhon. li farund failt'iet ilS M. McMi' n's action un ltse malter of Sirp. Gîdssy'a -anse, siadhtie ignsaienat traders' by-iaw. Mfr. MeMàillan defendeil bis coeain r s cerancil, and sapokc nt some languis. e refevved. le tishe rk dune in tise Town 'tucil tise present )-car, and aiscd fon usI!fi a fuir shorve a itatverS, sud bat. ;don. his duty uraal occasions. ie ifu a datailcil accuu o!flise preceediugs lise cosucl duming tise pool;jean. lias &e ounSIrs. Oadtby's liaanse vas, ho vbicls bob 'plac. sereceptly aM'the pre. o'bl okiug 14!*0 ju, blb.fondj aleme Saisrday t eeiug, visea a ore cm tbalfc qnality i ue ai ilô asdif amec bnaalsig.oni -tbsi migbt i évedes- tisa ovn o! Whitby'payl'og $l,BOOiis Os S'a tmoye&s ary gréât parit f he<omi. No.as'es $400 cf Xui> i e tAn hief! -tit lslûg,. hovever, elsoulil b. loue vwihuîni îerévn as M"rsand i Baýwhicis paid ativ- couelting thb. rAlepayebr., e"a4for tisait all> ibre. ituiés mDooetaeS af6uw "ara 1Wpoe isadiised apublWie fliig, #adt ago ihusilt did ofilteyeavs. Tliere op. th so er lb tter.. - - per qllbe,a,-eIàm-1',rini. Dr'Go ýsok 'éi î édfomtoantset.to setbit face Md " k. tat i , W b"--0 - a viys o! the opiion taitise- ios co! Ë e>.' lard, Ms, 1 , ,~- TVut 08,- -A Creigisi, sud ira B. --arpcutcs', formres .N ele9n -Ci1apuian, John hluigbç, je a Millet',andl JoionPÂmkcm for-lopai 'e and -sdfor coeuucil>a, S. J. lveca, "aW b. DurS, Sylvester McKtiy, T. 0. Hubbs me, Stepisen K. Brovu, WmVl. Riaiarisois,' is Toirsuzi' or Wnim.-Jobu Dvyci l-rceve, and Jeohn Willis, leputy -ros W' mtumsied by acclamation. For coursclJ cdJis Burroes, T. Fiaher,John Tweed lie sud ilIlieýkie. ci TrsonAh.-Chamles Robinson> and Pil eWlls, for meove. For. councillor,,Geor ble lR. Proctoir, IVis. Mclia e, 1A'ngus McK lu. Jon cArtisur, ,ChaseCampis j, ,fu yTi1~ri<5l . .Browu, (.irit 'M ebeaDonld Bruce. su M (ii - Btmoc,-Gaûo. Jrsbazou,,a .Q! bis r' W Reeve; Hhenry Bretisoasr, tlsem Qomanfor .iepuiy Touva, Y Otceuncillor, Megsrs. Carmicissl, St.,.Jol -'Amoey, James Doble, Geo. Tisompeoni ai y. Ww. Way bu Montrent Telegraph - Conspisoy-Nt et dacel Tarlff--Coumssnilon weuh mi, The Monives i Tlegrapis 'Copait mnis viii b. pleaad te levnm, bave M ým nued Usir intentions o! -rcdcig thb preutnitarilraftee the firet- of. jausaa rTLe relitnî.id on a toe liserai sée r.For instace; Heretofere lb. ordiuîss e telegrasu of ton morde, !mom Wbiîbyý se Buffale, eosi 50 cente, sud 6 cents A je eacis alditienai mword. Wb.uahe rdisc tâ tarife omes iuo*opevastion the cherg ilii b. ouI> 25 conte,; sudone ceai fc eac'o additions! mord. P-rom Whiibyý r.Osmego, oti rate, 60 cents for ton vovci iland six mius for - acb aildhieuosi moid or Bedocel tar if, 40 cents send imo cnt Aud frem Wbb t. au0 on nimest for ces Detroit aud Baffan sd ssisfa 84a Monîresi aud Ottawa, tise -redue* tavil' iii in futur# b. only 25 cents f(0 tan mords snd, o»,,«~ çadli mord;- Tis i Il-1prove a <gresi booutst tise public, and «va trou tisati 15,1ven creacel receipîs viii ampi> romunerate ilu libcralitj of lise Company. Oui' nortise, frienîs, toog bavesa furîher advautae bt Stise change. Insteail-e! paing, ai tisa mveo-ebligeil te do iseretofove fifie cents ou eccistelegvam, iaddition t10 lb rates te Wbiîby, t.y mili snom oeil bave to paylb.heue rate vithont additions] charge, Ibus placiug thomns ponanauquel footing miti tiseir more favorabhy ailuated ueigisbors aitise front. Polia' are uow being set ap betmeen Port Ferry andl Uxbridge, and tise vii ready to bu strang, se tbat bj New Year'o Day telegmapis commuication viii he opeucd vitis Uxbridge, tiss mpplying E vaut bitiserto se mneh fait. For thea cs Il construction o! ibis braucis the peoplae!fUsbrilge bave unainl>' tu ihani our fricuil Mr. Yale, tise operator at WLi.tisj, aio bas noacIal lbis iuliaence,.ua gone to cansidcvaisle tronhle sud expenae isacf tbaeý,re use bueflus e! feie- graphie communicaCOn te tishe epieo O Uxbridge. And en wussat m ma avaii"uve.lvea eof the occass)u5 10cdl tis visile Mr. Yul', industry sud a0ton Io5 < buasiniess ileserves mail of!issempj*.n.eres bis courses> andl civilitj upen ai occamlit' bas mode ii a genevai and espeocial favorite vutiste public. Ma, J. 0. HAitus, ho ba mcidel in Wisoj uni; tise peut six yearsmnyof bis fsiils sud ours vii -IaeàilS ithregret, Sbu lisposeil of bis pisotograpis gallerjia tisis tomu, nnd iutastis, for tise preocut, taking up bis resideuce iu Toronto. . Mr. B. H. Wileeu, mise.prefesmionai abilitiea are.biglilecisen of, auccecils Mv. iHarris ins tise usiness. Daring.bis reaidence lu. ion, doobtedil onlil bave beea killeil, or Iolmesi £,"j oila eoelful l ors Nlpauuîug Raiway iy«isw. Sulla for Copye Uelosiff10 die, - . 11- E 2'o <ho Btor cf thé ifsfby C'ftrosrfd. - 41 Park ~~gelemen 'cim'f tisil t'ushi bî toepve d lTRIAY BEI iloubttisai Ur. Edmil d..Blair e -er gave- an opinion on ltb. validiîy-ef Le Uxb-ridgo (nlAME ie bbtheprinsises oi les.' Eaiivsj By4a&v.-Nsy, evan favtber, tbat U Lot-Ko. 7. BrokoisFlrt anl Sad épinion mme ner obineil. Mil-yearling Boiter, ve olOm,rsma toclemlbetls cars £91 o. For even 91b.n tiseoiisl Vas prOodi, ta,-equestil Se puy ebprges And hii il mu asserted Ibat tbe latter vua showa, olbrca Ealo i i îa sud tIhe signature a forger>. Bî i, ecusue I wMt lef 1esa have nov sorneiig -tbàt vill ponsiblj )! ' c. open tisse;lnmn.;ys ba 7.Dao.l: th, 1869. --- os>TuseeUljIbitb, anol vitbiu feir' daja - ASYERIS HAIls.1 tbersafier sactieu vas comuenasd b - Lowe]], Mases.,N ny, the Courts to quae eisbisys.la. Thig k- scmothiig tangible &boit" mhicb *bere eau <H*w ir *o lutane leoir jour 'Initpear-Da lé -. miso ltu lo ft - tise narrom escape «'W. deisire la rv. mebave bai'lUstTbridgc vas to give oea to tlte Article lu aur 1 $69 Aln dl; bonne $50,000, te snid tiseNipiu.'lng Fmndi on 1YPeitrtisa ýPo houa h.~ iNe aicdne u crfîy tbai envmooey vould inl lsi o nopaul, aud mi te boilil bai! tbe moad, andl no.protection'.bli iu iach i t hermiIer. t'or ba1ter the frst 850,000 mas spent vsapp'b is fbot deele,, :edvolâ"baotegive a secod *50,000, o ieltorust e s d a 1ile Ionhb fireAs su offaet tise comasu thhoui5 rt to a rn -g gave a preteuilsd boul. rinat bond, frcm We b.-g te cominondit int turthedayof olIngý19t Sé te ib is dol itthe tiseas'rattce thon yen wî ou'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Y tsdocfplislI Ot effccsual sud leaas o5jeetienabI. ts> bai basuin tise posessionsof Our 8Beve, smilar lanepuvoione nov finainsa 1.-oeystomeil smo, in bis rool«pocket Turtruly, la, for safa kecpiug. Tbat baud vas given J_ C'. A rd. for tise aecnmily of tise toabip, bat, ira. te. stand o! tisat document beirsg iu possession TIi. suubmrsibor 1lingent fem-fil oàt tise Coancil, tise bletekeepa lt-sud, spesmiurl.uaraiuê i suppose, is to individaaîly sud privuteil jJAMF,9 l id keep itfortissecomng20yjeans. Tb-is -jDs casilild protection snd a guarancte o-tise.-1 MU8L'5MXI or townuship Bust, oir, misa ievdence hâye Uaierssallyoeknave4clls et aur.of usreuit, arenal aubiotitj or power te give Puais a bomd?7 Gossip, (icluding niJclail d Me hegmi opinion on tisis point bas beau Ffuniuaa»). trrtimlan on Il se oblaineil b, tise eeve or by, the Coancil Mnsucnsetc.,; b> tig-ha',a , 1pnoelay slîsatraicd minIs 'cool! 'n but, ail is danS, sud tis a fure ver>, un- uaetul andi &-iblu J'sitenus, Si y certain. But vo mili la>sasile tise bond fcostn seostou o!fambla vitis allier uufu i n etrar 'j question, aud nom lobe up aneotier viem lNu pera.on of vefluemouet, ca -nquit..sa. iereeting te Ufîbridge. Duiig wileor 1nior stteçnlj>tffErd tise Enilva, idiscussion lu Brocok I heardi &aiCl ra. eanl>, $à,, mîtisao »statel tisai if Brook assist'sd in tise sumoe mm; liro copies, 83.5o0-ibrot Fe proportion as tise City-e! Toronto, oui tise lte Coes., *19, sud spenid Clubs aut$$ ench, minIs il a t si buais-cf a.seised value, lise qiola for ecciesbacvbbcr. iW-Aite sil Brook veul bc $2,921. husteail o! ibis, ton Seviug Machine for W0 Soi lil Brook masaked for *58,000, !iven3t Pubalicaticuo «Ce, 535 Bvovdwl dollars te on. <car Torento; or, if y0i Doimoreen bMontluly sud Te lobe il on tiseisuais o!fithe number o! tcgusltir $4, -vitis tisa prenunm n ratepajyens, me fbd tisaitishe average -anu~~ttRE' ON re eaced value o! cacis mtepayer in Toreoto. Lo'be $1,222, do. ini Brock, $654 -tsai eloIrcd. Il ln theo Set Juvej ane-Bysd Girl tisit Ses it is battabng'tis vioheCil o! Toronto, tisa atas eui- ; acd' Yareuts ;ecaS ratopajer lsamsaseil for doublathe conafiri i. Do sittrfiu te Peoul a amount sud coneequentlj la tvico es riais gool blicvnroo,viSaGs ie tse aerag ratpaye fo ~~c'>5~ Conifluliving objtcms, <p a gôrad e sathe verge rtepaer n Brok.While pearll 'oalset-iiaire, sud. al Sibis is tise case, cci ratepajer fin Toronto olt. aldesinable articles, givetai- fai suhnibar 7y Ï15. ik ate contrIbuteursdollars o h N 9nigotssce, baSBnoud arNeYik. rond, visile escis atepajor in Break vas Tv> it, Uy ns iLa.pa uksieil for over ESicuHY DIÏO1.LA .ten cents, matle. fiee. W. vili nom applt histest te Uxbslilge. :'O ~IHE E-LEC:, ,e i is admiittoil, ,ea, beasteil by tise Toronto' Nipissiîg men tisaitishe Citj of Toronto 5 0OF THE Sequall>, if net- more, intevoatcd in lise TOWN 0F M7N B SNiplssing oad than thsetemwnsipsandsi y- tisey have aise isoatei tisas Toronto GENTLEMEN. 4 veulildo ils t a n s d juan part l i s wai pre rty ud- 1tisoy caileiltlise "greout ork..'yNom for temut doubi, sufilciin:toE quohiy thse figures.m-Tise aseaisel value o! To. I I1is'lc>a cflYiueni litai rento for 1868 as 1$34,673,673. Assesseil e b0 nt h apîae 1it alve u vaSe of Uxbridge *e93,180. Toronte Mlusicipal Acr. 1 land ssnlfil te iv s ons e *50,000. ible rononicsntiously je tokaeIthe plropos e gleabousos$iPJcidentt te tiae cIlice. lîndar ti EIf tise hoius lor Uxbridge shoulil bo in ccc, I wull netbSe a adidasto fof> tise smo propor5tion t w onli Se $3,606 ; S(lAir for thee Ctsuiug yea;- sud yrutta:,my ent n un bu l 50t000 ma areskeil for, b.ing positinsi te iil ho wii ottairs' 9jourtniimea.uore Ifman Teronto. Once prers telilmai saîo suy acSueu1 mogure, t- aveva£e aseed ilvaine cf escis th evCourts nMauer n, lu hi tiseliae becu eossducteal sud -te n'y ratepayer la Toronto ;a 81222,-isile 'in deeply 10 pnaas~te èkisal anc Uxisnidge fi fa$656,; bciug aou ee-al. of aics a entîdte B- ,s h uetgO b] h. r1ea e etivilug tiseconrtinuel 1appevu, rtdjsayer la ITbridlge fa ouli oné-bsif'of tewssauaetl its.eof. Tovonto, escis Torousto rate.- liwthga epect, r m à,v la.clcil n for $10, aul : acis Us- - - lurf stbulsvani rbrigeoma"payer ila sked ffin *ver rm b:y e.fid 101. rivtS DotLLÂO. Do me ,mant, suyîifng18, expoed ý,front Ugbnidge. û ei ' Fire Illsurane tvice lor iisred times s nemacas Toronto i - moud lb. -protî> goil for Ubridge. 0oP LONDON'. vas $iC#ngulebeil-wiiboutlotgmesd- of" th'bandoler'vbeua telh àýhi'é c*pe-wAs -oet provldentiall for-tb ie burnisni iass, or the 26 l, Iooi aim- .O..... ..... flo bo6ume," iOL~~ -Torej-k . '60ei to 7isét t. i i1s5! fcDlrask-ae ele3QS 0'.j i*étt aleW1~tm - I)sche.........4nsaIeOasu. ic iconts, tb E;. 'CRILD, CEOYr, Kew York. rceivcd et Ibis IFER. )lit, Pickering, a euWh ie:s>pol. on Tho oomner la tabe ber away, ~di of lu due -A1USLAxID,. l'ickering P. 0. w.15 11,, 1868. tu oei attention inacà. printail. lLidvorVil"a env 1)r. kyu' 'hes vs ara nom' or hm woversthe sii conume,-. Weoae addi- reasovitive -fur. j u catenction il 004 is more tsnaujDY f thse I !Dr., &yer'e stoe, iltuby. MAGAZINE, Midl erler - el te P1riîai aeiîoîd IMaster., ouIwa Lltemavy - paimenit.4on 112a, Bu*e - t'y eugi'vissgp abri reidtaai iiimi sili c tin lt re, te bl dc rtsn cope, 1560t'& pramnine ferE preuiums t urtvam & Fian- 'ebrihersAtios ay. Noir 'ork cang Amenica forssalr. 5&Q LUIRICA, mile mAgazine. meý sa qp A Incr tvtla, twbl ~ el-d ocituen copie., IITBY. Igls liessaaaiugr svcion, iu tias- ni %eas Major, in beau ratel nunent*,af thie borÏefove, un- 5e deelarations icireasnuas- tse Mater'. wile 1 con- lia hoenorable I beg taecx- ldemmnt f::r h tse canton il Curdiol anp- me. Un mouei atlhe bino-of o, Premisese oft t Con.- ]leJc and It let oe andjptove - JAI ATI ly, 0ee- ai 189, ai eue ii ilitea-e.,î acI s l1Z pnopjcrly. Coruil piariî tsi-Ion ,55. It nusni.ar L4, itnt Ciao etos pu'saI JAMZO 1moi, NOTICÇE. tirtDC ah1lpcvaena cndli e, 1 &Ws Ciautbon airl lrtDc. W. PHEI ,Iet ]c.stis, 186S. iRewar 5'Et!«mar- i illSte pail h,j givin)g Mudsîsemasena nrar>~eor artmIi"I 5jT eIciervum a larj ,Wluite eflOr, Anîd %-,aSi-ast v --as-J, Wlitbv on thé- val FAr, fra.î Ã"chlur. JA& . I.DAVIDs 1-F S BTTENDE] ES oai on thse $, aIls' roiignedan i ilIc, l4 k Si-cet, Wbitbj, mi p.fo tise steak in traIe 0te 5-alt.cf Pe BUTLER & Iusolvauts,cosoig ÃŽ CLOTIG, £IIOns, &,,.., ,IOdmoiret4is rtisLe atteui Ito PU lt termincdpurcits -r-Tl tltc.to 2Ws 'j

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