WhJitbyq Tliirbi january 14,t[8M. .ifr. J. V. MPEÂR>S lta ieen appointeci General- Agent - for ie "Il onielej, and :ù relt iii mistak, - To. ' nd.pecdocèa sboma byie non"elu ibis maitev is mono tb.. gvirling-..t la à pludge o 10tie eountry liaI gsenal inteesots shaH Dot b. stadeseondamy, su fanras Lie Jâgslîur ente loca dviamttg Anai tic BeLle. of iii Houa. i$ bosides a e- # sa .maladmlnit.t taWbmtris it menta and order for PrinÃtiag, and, gzve receip.. ý-Th, Coanty Cowtcil i«C Ontari o o 1 sotte B1. Fairbanks, rois of Oâbawa ; W. I. Obbo, deputy -rosie., X. W., Brown, rosie of th. town of Pl reWhitby;. M. Thwaite, depaîy.reeve. Truonm P. White, reeve of Pickerng; John Ilaigbt and John Miller, deputy- For tTzbridge.- Meusrs. Wheeler snd PTaby, resie andt-depaîy.reeve. For Scot.-Messrs, Smnith snd Sinclair, ciii baie s saîntar> affect- on hi. futuna proceedin;. as a statesman. - Tie*Globe, ai lesi, honorable Lo is reputaticus, and lie chanacienofts journal -ot its potention infiuence, bu mateeithe occaion available, sud nom gues for '1 free tradeita iRail. vrai@."' it>' the îlobe ut a moui or se &go tut not coma îteishsante conclusion. Tornto influence anuit icai opinion nionlit nover bave-been sîllomedto 0prevail aili tie Glob-s journal tint speaks, not for a bucalit>' bu hici challenge& the opin. Iou of Lis viole couimonit>'. Orsaa Supe.-Ur. Daniel Betis, jusu, elestet ai councillen for tbe Centre Warit, esilenainedtomunbsr out ii veuve.asudeut>'-rece. trient. andt supportera at an oyster nupper, Fýor Broci.-Maicolm Gilleepis, reeye onitiFiti>' evenin; last. Fie Toma Hlall Hassry Brothoun, deuLty-reis- Tlorai.-Cbas. Rohineon, eeve. Man.-Pilip Idlae, eeve.- Rsmas.-Mn, McDermoti1 neuvle. flosi.JumnaWigiî, reeve; Et.. vint Major int J. B. Camipbeli, tdeput>'. But Wblub'.-Robt. Smith, neeve; AutrrwAnnis, teputy-nsceo. Townshiip ot Witiy.-Joia Dryden, rese-e; John WilIis, etapI'reeve. Acug-W. 9. Sexton, reeve. 'r!ie aboieeomipoo liaCeuni>' Council of Ontarie for 1869. In t ho it rutk *a bavn placedthte Dame et Bilas Benjamn Fairbanks, as a gentleman mio moult do bonor Lu uIt. uccupane>' of tficWarten!ls chnir. Whit î mu eid-hwelv, menthseago -Ire repent DOm, that the CoutV Concil or Onttarioe molt du hoor Le Itasîtsuit (ain justice te a CucuL>' conuillon t fsur- t0on jean. stnding b>' electing Mn. Faim.. bauka. Thome aro aspirants lanumuenabie, usne e cusail>' lais been, for Lb. Wand- ineiip of the 4JCuant>' utOntario s tes-o is Broci, wIti Me. Halcelin Gillispi'; oit puliticai sures ; tIse irepnsiile-Juchas Wright, &&sin over-rose biny iimlt, mut ve ay aiseoMeurs, Weice iefrns Ux- brdg.t unr kici (rient Mn. Rubinson, Iront Tbunà i, mid gootlnssi kmous hou man>' mure. Mn. Whie, roseofutPicker, ig, brin;. op Sthrr; hbis a Tnn(c)miau, as ho altunys mas, ho mia>'oor- the dis- position out LieWanieniip. Plasonbe Fpçttvalo WÇ estuau ithil lîesmnne al Lis "lBru. Lis-en ufthLe Mistie Fi.," un Ibis toua suit Luighbonod, propose bolti a; s gatheing shetiYrsiiiîér tolioeof fermier jeans. W. be,. itintthLe evein; of Fnida>' lis bià utofFeimuar>' huabeen fluet ou ; and vo uiesulnet assure unrtrtanders tiat the vonk ut prepanatlu tint- eutenmnt isl;aie bande ut morthýi>ata immn , i"trust>', triait, mn a 11Fliat Liane ciii be a great taru alntme (nil'empecu, aud ve trust ou: fair readensm iii uet-fo:get the data, but endearor, ou btimievein; At toast. (o pen- oit. Lis beveil ubat ensioui thte.myste. ies of tie 61 Royal Art."f tiçbuol Frustees. in- lthLe ('entre Wand, Mn., C. A. Joues mass lacteit b>' aceimmmtione altiongi Mn. Tuwait. mateau an ttmpttleton Mn. Grèesnvood aginst liat gentluma's ou- --prêerdtsin.. Tic candidatesilutii. North IVard cane ltr. M. las-pes:ndMut>5Y. G!isue, Tb#. latte:rvas eleet. I. si South -Ward Mn. Ce;; vas n. electoi b>' - flacmtioDndutMr. 'isbo aies Mr. Proutfoi' p acealer a eoest v ith Mn. MisosvMrriîs.-A muaoaary meeting cili leb hainlutheCotsgneataionai ehiisein le ti on onuda>' eve elî at. lred'.Mosans, Marine, Relu. tînt Utmeorb mil-iddress tiie inatie;. Sua Rauu.ua.lbsRoyal Canadlian finit basedfiaedtotM .building latel>' cea. Pied ýby tic Bsok de- Monmi, onufBrook 8.d11 aboCit>' s à nov oui>' fout-,itaja (roeai Ciage. 80ie extremaesoutpoly. gami> sad it oya>' approach esci obie:. A votutarful tup bau banlavantes! ln -L.aom, Mais. h vwiliispin uIami sbour sait 6;ern>' li hina UthtllIsa. aunnit ittl t. Castrai Pavr, vblei vasIl JItustfali ut 15liUtipots", ba 501 à JaoPsd. wuma e .availail, ton thse asknud affordet excellent accommnotation. Fis gueta present numieneit over onhuse-in tuitd. -Ornces inia;bogensait i>' Lie 11ev. Mn. -Bndge, the assemblei tan sook tieir tsats beten aigu - mut nine' o'ciesi, asuitheb.bivalves, cookat sut uîiurmiae, venu sttaciuit citi appeliziui; funvour. Looking ovinr the long tablei, exteuding Lie lengti of tie building. n stnanger, iho dit noi ths Wiitby peo. pie, mut ubo bat mituesetheisfiercescou» et, aut boari -t ticViolent speeches mate > aud (fiterirulçnçe ofthelbqIuagemi!et a the election, but just paneit ovencculd net faitl4 le b.ain>' antazed the s eee. Fi, mon uhu but jeuterta>', bull>'nn;gei anui ineultut oaci otier, tîntdtisaittomants eue suotier even>' upproinions opitheltbeir inumletge outhtesEnglisi langua;. conlit suppl>' tient iti, hobuobietmutdst to. gelher sicbeei b>' jowl"' uiîi ail the neaning amlins amuti ut cunfitential frieuts i At the bhuditoutone table sestet un esci site outhle mayer aet, Mr. Gem rie, mare tie sunceeul anuithte unincous fui esndidteiLafor Lie Centre Ward, bMeoane Alliean mtBetLs. At ths beadiofutths otier, on tie igit enuitlors ofthte nemi>' elecit nmore, Mn, Brown, tMeurs. Houdan aut FicelLe, tepuiy reeve eleat sud de- put>' neeve, sud l inte usntucompa>' mihail sie gocit natureit genulit>' lu Lie monit, Juin Bs. Penny. Aciorntheoaisia loyal nuit patniotie toasis vers tisposeit ef, Mn. Boldau, lua respunse a, Le etoaut Lite qîayor suit corporation of the tain of WItitby, niait.a -mont befiîlu; nepi>', ne- gretting tiat he muid Mn. Penny siouit, du ring the treat ut a content for municipal boure, baie niiome t Loin excitable ner- vous îempoemnuts tu cary tions tea fan; LiaI for is oun part ho toit nu aulunueit>' nec; tbat the peut mas fengeuLen, mut tlat bu forgave tione ibu tiffoe-et iti hlm; hân lumaungu;rapiens citi IM-. Penny, he foondthli aton prove tite longer; huit Liai cihen ie, Mn. Helten, looket arouinit ut, mmm Lis tnients b>' hm ob vos isekeit up-tios mlo kuem hlm bait -the Posimaster Who kutei- il. for tiity yars, suit ibo lofsa sici 'bet lu Toronto te cumie toma aud vote itan l.; suit Whou ho tuok iota secount ail Lie adverse influenes agat iniii-eîen tbe part he tuok un the. oIt Roat suit-Bat. bear quesion, mies-e bis (ient ut tie Cunsosîctu inl.changet ecomplimnets iii lb.themanHguides"-. obait prond rnson ta congna"Siaie iolaf un the resait uf tbe content. hBat, sait be, illat b1gones bu b>'guiies.Iams remit>'togcet lite irhit band offaeliosip." fur. Penn>' bierou msabook Mr. Hoiitn'a haut musu cortiail>', nsthlee de te clent chire. ing (nota&ili prenant nesuannieit Lrougiont the buligj ThFieailmax mwu cappeit. Tie lion sud Io ai hatu atlait tome ta. gesier suit a uittle chutd migit atd thons, Ail- vasbarmon>' doin; the nemainitar ut the aveing, isuaitos aid songnuit =pee ait repart"a, montliahe mrj nondutili nlauat, ors>'body>'corpovate soit Coqrponeal vme. edsitse husasud bis gobd bat>' auniola lufor ihein tair sbire"ut Iii.o ompli*teats. CapuaitiJoues, la espons o 10tLe toutofeTh Fe Lities,"y me saît ldnot omit ta mention, vas ver>' happy in hi. remarie sud vas bondi>' ap pattmo. Altogaubur tic oystev sapper mua ait ess LiI okei machi hindi>' 6e!. ings, sai tbehorenemal of- eimaliavchviocele- braions moult, me tuait not, bave a mont beneficlieffeeu la inti.- Contpnratiil $aai cuouiL,. Miss>'geaLleua la J3ridgapo 1Coca., meo praiticingts;ltihle veooipode. Fe>' un auagomeau 11>' uici &H Ibo eau lin a- hunin% bà mai- bue- tarnéi ooa. vitiocut pisnah>sseslid«tteb. a14Ls a«. St. Ca4bihin Jan. 12, Thé quiet Ilo w hieli cor loin vwure- 16plng afssr the. - sb.tions - cWas mnddeuly broie. op lurt, mons ~b7 Ut. neponr thias -Oue of aid mbf.: t siog xobbeuies shat bai nvrhapple nsit is îiciniiy, iook place int he Si; Catherices sgency:of tbe Bank cf Moutreal, tand fabulons ainonts vere Tb@. foliowiug ,appear in be atheciins.n stances cf th.e cs e an be judg.d b> ths tracesleft o' -th- bery. Betireen th bs onn f D'ieSuanton yesterd&y aven- iag, tomue parti«s, by ins of a fais. h.>', entenud tho -batik. Thuir attention vau imsu.dlaitiy given 10 tb. saIe, 11th. nont. side doon eof which they appear 10 bale hait a bey. Nitro glyenine, la isupposeit irs thoen applied 10 tie lbei of the ine door. Befone ithe explosion fthe ouion oor ufthLb sals vas cîosuit no as Le d.aden tbe report lu a gpuaI measure. The. explouion se... b10bayr eatteredthLb. goît, of chieli thon. vas qut. a quantity,,ovorer id ont. Tbe robberà , bover pid but liLtle alLen- tiuu to itis coin, seixet smtu fity thousanit dollars lu bisevhich ths safe cuntaineit aud thon qniekly made teir escape. À boy nanici Kernigan, uho eleepe iu ths bank, came lu about ten o'cloek, aud ou perceiîing the gui anud debis outhLe cults explosion Iyiug anouid. quiekiy gava tb. alam, aud the building wasssoon fillet cili a surging cioWd. The whole appened to be the vork' cf professional nubiens, suddvwu maîageit tinougbont citi mont couumsmate cafs fulueà s. Nothiuit cas kit ciick coulit iniplicate the robbens.- This mornng Lb. exciiemeut anoanuthei bank reaciud a bigli point, but those wbe cure cauos wene unablu Lu obtaiu auj- thing in addition Lu chat is already kiiowu. Mr. Bright anitU. .l. H.Princes. Rloyal. AfLer bis reception by the Qusen, il-vas intimatet te Mn. BrighL thaL lhe Pninces Royal out ronsabuaexpremaut s tesine tint Mr. Brightu aboulit i. pren-entei tgt bem. Thssmas tone, amuthle Princes huas-ti>' asureit Mn. Bright tiat mie gretly tesire toteho ecquainteit miti inn -litais@hobenself asuit mithe members ut tie royal famil>' mere gri-stl>' intebte tgt hi. for Liseira>' u in l bu hait spOken utf uheir muiber. Bis hersait, ahe sait, bat rad ail bit; speech"*, aud mie mai von>' pleaudeto esec bm. Mn. Bright nepliet in rery gratefal terme, mut uit if ber Royal Higineas wmunîtpermit hlm lios ouldtLell ber mhituhe iaue Mn. Buchanan, tie A- meican stimuLer, weenlest lu Louton, sa i cber Lu bita, that aviereer ien RoyalI Higinesscent &aiedit ausiine nier aIl ber paî." Mn. Bright vas ver>' mincid'truck iclubtte gacefni, animaLeit manuer suid genlal grectingu b.houidthLe hunor to recelve (nemi ber Royal Hiigines, sui th liYou; ng ies cf lie Court tell miti niens ir.terest et tie meeting betaveen ber Royial Higineuanuithle greal Quaker courtier. Fue Ntauo Mnaut 0orCuvouesa Fie New YnlYrord mye'.of benrtîe negno Member uf Cougreas tram Louisi- ana ». -61n Octaber, 1565, as appean. (roui Diplomatie Correspoudeuce. Vol. L., pp. 37, 114, 115, for 1868, tbis iellom wus prontinent lu tisse troubles smeng tic negno population ut Janiic, miiich ne- sult dabout lieu ime ilu hua. bleuit>' massacres michIbo Bre iisi Govermnu fonnit iessarj te repress miLi grenu neveniL>'. Being itetectet lu lie possession ut speeches suit letters iscaîtiug the mniOt venomauns basîill tahe tiwailies ou Lie isani, anui openi>' instigaiing biousish.d b>' declai-lu; bimsoeit1'for black natienali- îles' -homai, ou recommeuitaulon outhLe sienk uftheispense.in ths panimi mare is instigations ut violence mare mobs iro- quut, itepotet front tie imad as a tur- bulent make bute. On ti ish beiegeit the StisuDepartmenîtfon reitresa cf à l- legeit injuries, but the tacto appeain; fron thue diplomatie correspondance wiici ehnedtuasaboe. sîtet, Lie malter cas itruppuit b>'Mn. Seias-t; amuthte neut ap- peanance utfiispeofList ematLure cas un lie Lunisiana reconstruction otage. lu the evoîniion ut ibis scoundrel trama be, nom promeis bimaelt es repn»entative lun the Congress ufthLisUnlitd Sats, sut, lu veificatien outis igit tea aseat sassuci, praaauLm, nuter viet i. celies!Lie bmui mçai uof "Wang, a certificat. ut election fso. the provlilu;wmite Illinois aitrua- tuner mie styles Itimseif Govennor oft t 0-atsWilamm, esidin; nean tie village ut Enuptun, iia#in^,occasion te go su iei.bons. jeseieda>, abunitfoar u'eluek p,m, founi thei.duo: luekeit. On forcing il open s drestîni sigl maL bis niai. HI. tho litl i ldren, s girl agoi t trce join, sudt s% boy mix;menti4boti biteleis, totip. pet mut lait ont un tii&boit, coveret b>' a sseî nitbis nlotunas mte wfsurpnisat in tie ici cf takla; ber oui bite, s ou. dtel>' aving madetshle utampu- Bs itomnodtheuboiltren la a barreo t inter Lis *as lu the igtss. Ater placing tient as feunt ou tiie bodyt, eotuis tLu, eut ber oitIdeb>' goLting loto tbe ban-, roi,boid foaunoa Th Fe uuimpp>' ionss îh t Lu beluon; Lu à a iit>afuliceot iti- InciÉient 'fookmaker-- Noir, lieu, wý s; ave yuu guin; w la>' on the next rac, it dcock?' Ancint Party' (titis utilit tignit>)-' M>' lad, oreve-ou nfot sanar Ibat'oIt cocus'oyier Isy?' A euutempurary siaka abat mü» publie si.;.: int ' drive bat i.sbeiusq. mof o1r r-t il o -,D -of Brock andrglcasil it ' tïpr vent Lb.ep.opla co bt upporting the Tôvonfi>*4- le Mr. Paxtôason ti sali t Li B iL4» t tcm pet thie Township of Broc 'totiplrt tLb Whktby exteneion. The. Tor4nto ani Nlplssn ' lié e aweak zsileil i ouli t otsucéeed, wi£bouî a bonus (von Brock. In reply to another qu##ton, lit *Paxtonsalidt us township of Hasch ba4 ypromnisedt 112,000teuthis extension. Ii mnoisitan Additional clauise, anthoriziuj the extension ta Beaverton, and, a brimn! to Uxbridge. s Ho. IMv Canieron said the-. Company'î Bill of lastsession antliorzed-,ilium Li 'builit a road, 17 miles In lenghli, codnee- eing Lattes Secugog and Ontario. 'fic. ob ÉJect of tuis Bill iras, net te plrovide rail rway lacilities for the section of counstrj tbrough whiicli Ibis extensiýon*wâas sougt1 but te injure tb. Toronto and Nipissing, wbieh liait already receivei ,eharter foi opening up hat sèction. Thott Lii wai -the objeet, was ianileat (roin the (net, that the township of Broek hast been urged btte utmnose by tiie promtoters ol 1* titis undertaking tu uppossW Lb. Torontc fand Napissing. Whist etidà iee was there tint tbe parties irbo liaid undertaken 10 j'on. struet could construet anstir 50 tuiles. Ont the contrary,.was iH net likely Lui-t tbis ex- tension would rtin the. lert Whitby, Pot t -Petr rilay as a paying pýndertsing ? Ti.cty of Toronto did nor* oppofÃŽ6 Lii 1 rom any sectional motive, but te que. Lion 'ras, ulictîer it iras :lesirable that rtint stuali section of country should,. b. traversed by tire. railways, wheu alicady tiserc were, charters for ;wo rail1wa7s, which wuuld give it ample .îaci1itiî4s tiie Toronîto and Niltissing, and b.eLUndjsay extension tl e ,averton. lBc boped Lhe f-ouse would neot consent tia restioe this clause, wiiic liadt been sîruck out ny tiie >R1.îlway Committe. Mfr. Paxton said the extension te .Bea- verton would be-uaL 50 mtiles in lIngtii, but 28 milles. 1 Dr. McGill did not wisli to do harm fin any question in ti.motter, but Fie could not sc how the. passage of tits Billirouit provient tbe building of the roront:s and Nipissing rend. -Ho woîild bc very'sorry if thaL rond 'rere not btîilt, but liored te sec tue day titis lino iroul it oen u)theli country tlinougb ýwibit iw'as po~test Holding these vicirs b. could nuest, 21 force of the objections of the. secreta and bopedthLe House iroulit not stard tiihe way et the extension asked jur (q tlic promoteri; of th. present messinre. The undertakiteg ias a god -Oe,;,- It open.d up the tuait direct route fromhe Southl- ern te tiie uortbern section f tint dis- trict; and the, company 4~kiiîg Luis extension gave a good eornât in what t(tey mad don. for chat lhey ,would do. Tihe bjections urgeit agnsitAu ibill by tii. friends out tb Toronto atil Nipissing road were not îorthy of thets, antd er. tainly uei. nul in ith. public niereat If the. Company, as îiiey alleged, were ablle te build te rond tiicnsselves, *as thene any good reasohi for liideiinà them ? Noue whatever 'Tii. tact is, that by tuis liinote farinera ireuld rot. only b. ennbled te geLttieir freiglît cfitper te the front, but would geL it te IViny, iroîn uttence it coulit be conveyed Io the large markets ai sautuci lower rate tliii if for- wstrded Lu Toronto, lfr Cuînbrland wuild v>te for flic mensure. becausoe iras a coivert, tu Uic doc4xir.e laid down gou empiiatbally by the Secretnry lagt session, Lh2ttUie people ouglîl te bc lett frec te pilae railtoada w'riere tbey likeit. Ife (Cîtitnïerland) sas' tiiat il watt uscless e attenîtifteLuchieck Ibis railwny legixîtition. File! woe-toid last sesiott that s1tithe back of titis To. rontok Nipissiîîg lisse wero' merchants, capitalist;s, and lie coutilt uL Liwbo bc- rides. Now, wvitil ail this magnificent arroy salià to be supportin.- ibig Toronto and N piïsing ltailway, tltey wcro afrii of titeir lires of his issite cifssing their rond. Hoe Itopeil tue bîsty r4iway legis lation of tint louse woutd rt~ leadtue ny disastrous resuits; but iiis p>sition as a' rîilway inansled iuto waretiihe loie te bc more car-,ful as tu aniattlîey did iu tig respect. M. ,Corby WOUld Vote for ie extension of tiie lin,, belivng tint tin doing tuilh would be ouly aching in consonncé wiîli bis course lasi sessoitsun the narroir gui;. hunes. bir. Rykent sait b.e would support the extension, on te sanie pîliteiple _ hat be Afterres. Mr. Paiten'ui-motion, 10 restoeuthb. nd elauqe, which la heeo struck out ini tb. P.ailwsy Cornmittee, iras carrnet. The 4,th câie, wbihbad beensutnuck ontin (iomtitLee, îasW alsorboei,osU astà stand-as fohlowrs- "4. Ali hi iliumane and provisions con- tained te b"dAct ittcorporating the salit Pà rt Whlthy andt Port Perry Railway LCimpanyan& the. assenai powersanast lite sandonnitfotheb.Fà cuhty-of Art 5or tb&rtaising ut $5,000, the. aunount of tî d annual grapt now uithdraivu. t The. me4tng wu a dresd-by Lthe 11ev iDr. Barclay', lMv. Pton, Dr. JetAins, as the >e Mr, Campbell, mo s> eeally d 'gave them viewia upon th. question, gens- 3rally, but ne deinîte action mas baken. f Mv. Patois adîýocated Lie appolutmni Gec a ,cummittee eumposed uf t ember-s of tb. Trustees, Lbe Corporation ftheitsUni- t versiîy, and members of Lie S> net, té 0 contsider te beitt - uteîbut te b. adopted, ansd to report lu ths Synodil . an adjeuruecd -meeting for lhe perpose, but te motion tol titat effeet iras tut pressed. F-TIseRoi. Mr. Mulian, -of Spcncerville, aitrocateit au affiliatiun of Queeu's -witi Uîsives-ity Cuhlege, Torontou. bis viies huirever, dit not-appear tlibupopular. t Tii. prevaiing techitsg uthtii.meeting * ias lu laver ut continuing the University withuut any reduction of staff, ardthli fsens. efthle meeting. appearedtot point to ) te Church oft Scothanit as lbe source of )aid, iriti ait appeal for voluntary tempo- rary aid ahltoat te the comituunity at large, couimencing iîh Kingà itoil,andi exteiîding entit and west. 1, criect iiermony pr.vailed Ilirougboub >tie meetinîg, anud-the audience iras suffi-'. cleutly large te sitoirtint theo maLteîr os- sesset n large amount of pulic einterest. An adjouruîîent t ook place nt i1 o'clack, to meet tItis mornuiîsg aeton. Tlîursday, Jau. 7.-The Synod met at il o'clock, the. deliberations of an informai comînittebaving ocsupiedthlie bur (rutt ten o'clock. The Very Reverend R. Doibie, Iludera- for, openedthLie Synet aviit prayer. Tlie subject ut sustasniug lh. Colle;. iras resumet, ispeciies hein; tîtade by lte Moderator, Rer. Professer Wiiliamsott, Rev. lin. Miilivry ut Brockrville. lIro. Mr. WVatsoît. Rer. John Palun, Dr. Hatmil. ton, Royr. Professor Mnckerras, Rer. Dr. Lrqultant uf Cornwall. 11ev. 1Mrv. Macton- neli, 11ev. Mvr. Inglis, Rerv. Mr. Milne, Mr. Alderman Kingituru, and Rer. 31r. Mac- lenu-an. Tie genernl toue ot the speeches iras in favar oi upholtin- lte toliegc lu its pre- 'lent organizatioand ut a aitppeal tb the ciîurcii ask-ing for its endowmruct Sereral of the speakers imîistedthtit LIteefficieucy oi tii. Colle;, abattît coi b. improved in- aLenti of nlluviug t te, go dowt. Tlh. Moterator remarked t ttes mei-1 bers front e distance a-ere auxiaus te leave by te aiternuon train, iL moult be ndvisa- bie for lte speakers le bc as bnief as pos- iibW lu tileir remaries. Theie 1 1ev. v.aciennan resuntet is reutarlU, inlernuptet by the nitoutmeut. ls atdress Look n histoen calrvicu ut bQueen's Uunirersity. explanatery ufthle present position« outhbe institution, aut cansideredthlie ecciesiastical atnt educatien- al ebaracter outhe lie ivertsity iitic biait been pruciimed, ai thtat iras promiset at iLs foutudation, andt t Iats pieaIges te Lic publéclhait been iully etandfinly reteemeit. Ife iasistedt bIai the localitY ut Queen's Uunirnity v7ns as iuliy entitledtot a sent uf learcin; as was Torontto, an.d ilo ias iu layon et esiergedicaily uphlalin ite insti- tution in ail its iutegrity, tii. prestige ot w hici cnergy -ruuld haie a iasvourablsi cf- lect ultimatcly upon tih. gorverniuieut. Titre moult b. nu tifficulty, lh. htat nu dosib,oftîrisin; tiot only $100,000, but $156,000 or $200,000-ifneaay le dueit uith muci eloqueceu pun theex,1- peits.ncy et increnssing bile powers utflte i(tstitution,ands theretore urgedt Iît a duly tevoîret upon te Clurch Lu dou alit waxt po sible te su enharge and extendtheii facilitiez of the University at lie very ear- liest dte, and liaI te niel i nctbers of the Churcli siieît ls bsolicitet for ait. Tii. Ciurcit, lbe buped. irouit nuL sest gmt- isffed witli the siallen sein namet, but îr,ult stnive ta sîîppîy edeqitate fuiit.4 for au atraucemtent of tiie institution, and if an enrntett spirit irere tisplayedthte speak- er bat nu fear et a cordial and iîeariy ne- spouse. Hoe uliuglit tie resolittion butane te meeting iras tefective, inasutucit as it dit nuL deplore the action oi the goveru- ment fagainsL thic ietests of itigier edu- cation, le tieuglit it exceedin-iy desira- blic tisatIbis feeling ufthte Synot sisout bc teclared flrmly and etronghy, eut titat an equally birin resolution situnit go abroad îuily sustainin; LbheLnirerbity lu ail ils iniegrity, 11r. Croitl sait 1e felI ratier limit ut thenresuit oi raisin; 8100,000 by appeallut; te lie symîpathies outhLie peuple outhLb Ciscl or at large, but lie proposot a sch*tne, micli, if adoltit, lie claimet use»; minia-turainsupportble. Tlia mat- -i ruit be 1eR mlh the îealtiy me.- bq-i of L4 Obus-ci. Th. spe'aker ttir ,si.tliîl i bitabine6a of Ltw 8Rînn& ied t a Véry' seperllcial kauocletige oi -th Li angenes nLtunre oftie dru;, aset, ii la a great couder tbat tie lois ut lite front ti Caus. among obilitren, is nuLet Les itssupreset; altietugi it May busBafel>' ~ nerdtil-naany a cit -bas died front thiis Cause, viuiiont tie'suspicions outee SParents or ebildrenonatever untbeau >f ronsot. 1, lite, case cited, tie chilt cas -bnist, sut aile'mari. oxinseditfrxm- 6 nation# ,itthin 1u011 cas the realcas ut ofunti happarent. LApant ifront b.danger I tpolsnin;, canities aare altlimeslu. rionssu ebiitren; sud_ has Young; man voman mie bai groin upiti a sentitd s el t feeti mn>' couLi tani tis povent>'or iCare cf parents ferrlcoeping Liem nt uoe rensh of triai>' caniies in Lii yonnger, itss.-ami unTines. Detas sof the ltoubesîer Cilamity. fiTe Rochiester Dêmucirat givea tis fol. luciug tetaiti of ie (ali fuse -atiolie *sehool bons. iu ibat City' on Weituesday night :-,.> Au tie emlesi moment praclicaile, tbé crushet forairere plaetd tenderly in the cianiber of tie prient mut lu the contigu- cas bous, nier, the kindie3t attenition andi solicitnde wceshminab>' tie occu- paisnt lu tis priesî's bouse tie - seenes ici-s crueli>' tonclilu;. On une tablle, giasîly and igit, la>'-Lie forma of twc deat ma, mien, Mre, Bîek anit Kstie Lawreuce, Lie ans neanly tires score, -th otier buci fit teen, ii beuits crosiet ant uloot>', aut faces clotted citi thein a gre, actul vinions cf suitien mud insîmutaneaus denti. Ticce tiro iodles were peniecily tiuup, mnt nul a boue ilu Lie body t-enaineit uneruail. et. lu Lis next rot la>' Mr. Davit C. %Vay, ihu eau hardi>' recover, caret for kiniti>'by- a coupleofa the cisy doctcni. Ou Lie fluor a uitie ceature hay groanins. snd miol in ii a broken armn., Ever>' attention possible ira bein- paidt teue nu- happy saffererla. lua tili anotier vooi, anuaIt mian, Geo. Puppe, lay ou the fluor, ne relatives..Le Uà Ven. ut ceîslur Luit., bis.-.-u. Lias mis sait, leanful maman, ruekiug mounutily over tie strauger ebu iras ibnrlusiger. is face a peaceful, ani save Lie ban. ,lwilciapielit bis jaw, une moult have imagiued im là seping. Bejout i ou the fluor cas tie muet paiett i 1 al the nigivla iloody cork. A uittle girl,_ iiti bîoudy, svigllen tentures, lay iluLieé painlul attitudé of une cihuitbdstruggled 1 forhIte. Black, purple strealsoiisflgnred4 tie face, aud the umouti mas cuMPresset lu unutlurail>' sgouy. Ber hond, coveret miti flaxen caris,wv atablet viub bher own lite-blocit, andt ber hauts stili retained n cloitict mat ut hair, pulleit (rom Lie ponr huait in the actul stnuggle wit deati. TisI mas tic girl 41agie Wieas. Si. la>' tesulatel>'iluthue corner,unumounet mut unuoticet nais b>' Lie curions. Scd- deul>' a girlisi figure gairset adttauce, sud nuiiiu g treuziedi>', te the latie test tonm, gare a piercing aminci ut coefnî ne- sioguitien, tinem herneit besite the deat lon.», kissing tie colt bloot>' lips, suit wailing ont, 'Ob, Mmggile. Ob 1 my Got,1 mnggie, uhal ciii jyour father Bamy? Wist miii he say Il ai lie sanie tine te reeing Lis ltile bloot>' fort. At isa,,zcuanteit b>' ber intense grief, Lhu freuzici t uLle euec Buck iota a sort of cullapse, aud ruciet ni aubicitconlsiivelY til eren tisi. mtate cas succeeteit b>' nsort -ut stîsPos In ths chaniber abore la>' Iroa. Fuchs, s lady venera-ble citi jeans, suit iotittiet nigi auto tenti, bath limbe brin; iroken,1 sut au arm eiiher iroken or paralyziîd.1 Fions mure, it ciiils sisen, fouç tend( bodies l inte pt-lut'O-boue#.,sudt Limes eitlian montall i >' r iously conieit. In tie cbnnee i mic ias îhromn open, an( agitatet maisnirayet, nmie Le se aiti amfui foneboitings, utiers t1 mes viii melsuciol>' cuniosit'. 1Lafin; in 0uns sent, stili clusely beaide enci, otier, as ini the crash utfitestmtntion, ly ha> Lshsatteredit terni ut Banniant Donner mut vite. Liea tender ubongitinîness ut kinti>' spectaturs but covenedthte giasîl> nakeduens, the1 - ndidges-out'f rngeofdaniger, and bore, seatic; bifmsef-ponii- is,, bannélie, rbýoll vatchedthe relmit.-ofthés atna.- *Entern ht;e s. pace ceapiedby the lu r dianlodges, -on zailaides lay the rmls of à ie village cf-Black Ketule's band,-The. conflagration etartet iy utheroops iras gu complet. thst .carcely soylbing of a coma basible ebaracter esped, andit o-day the. debrie of the village cousistut luin'boken snd bomcd lodge polos, stual pieces cf runtannet snd tanad tbides. Prom the immediate site ufthi village tbu party rotes t b top of thei. li Uabut a budret- yards distant, front vhich point Géneral Custar repeate t'O e nurai l Sii tun tie détails ufthebaLîle, aud thé puai. dions taken by tie différent comumue. Tii. fermer site of tihe hodgea cotild. -b. dis- tinciiyeeu lay-îis pins nangiug lin-à aair- cie; sud the fireplscesAi the centre. Ou- Lie rigit ofthe village, at a distance of 155 yards, laj 'the carcatues of the punies. of tbe Chey unues. Thea. covueedabouit fuar acres, anut.nusuberdit lleu sthan 700. Atter uie battie vas penfectiy nu-. dat-stot, nitheug!undit oll surveyat, Geunala Sherlidtannit tar, accomupau- iet b7' Lieut. Raie, your correspondent, ni a smli détachient ut troope, muret doua n eîocth-batik outheis Wiab7ia, ovsr the rnetkua'Major Ehliott, andtbe,. miisstit mninluopea ut neeoîeriug Lb. bodies. The remaluder ufthLe party epeut souje Lime -longer, in the >village, ant muretdem lite:b.d out'Lie Valley Of the- river.- Tie Geus.rml's psrsy moîiug dowm the .sentei batik, ascliidet a bigb tivnte, frnm wbici an extensire vnec conlit be bat of ths surroniug eountry,- Desceatiug on ths utherjide lbe parts batd pnocedtbut a hunitreit yards wben the boty ofa wciLe man irai tunt, perteculy itaket n icuver- et ciii arroi and bullet holes. The heat preseutedthLe appeance of harlug been beateu mîti a wmv club.,- The top'ufthe'. sali vas birken into a number out* pieces, supposd tut the boi>-cawuLtat uf Eiliott but opun on minute examiantien tLi vas fun t aLube tie Case. Mai kin; ithe spot, chpes Ibis butdy vis fontheii part>' continneit moîing duun streat. Croasin; citi sou difflculîy a stiait ravine, about lis centre utofau ex- pansive sWell, at a distane of lic ban- droit yards inrtien on , 0obj"esCre _1seen lylu;l ie graun, andt suppuetule b bodies. Their attention attractedt ia Lii irection, Lie ptu- movoi -off (or ithe spot as a gallup. A feu minctes afier a ceeue mas iLnessod anifitieut te catlI frth Lie rebuike of eveny benesaliat sait enligitenei mmnd &gainâutite itanieneit intellects ot the eo.-c.siied piilauiirupists. Witi u ares- o et more sian fluteeti yards la>' sitteen bunnan bodles, aIl that remainet of it,.io.t asutisipart>'.TheFioemter, air scopt serois tie plain, ant uithi ii colt bluasi iitaittdeittueliasulinese ut teati Lis uttutional spectacle of sizteen naket corpses frozen ai soliti>'asaiLtton. Tie party bore dismoa£eJ, nita exan-- inaiun outheisbodles vas inuits. - Tien. vas notan singles ans tiat dit nul euhubit évidences of fearful mutilation. FiTe butines ere aill ying with tisir faces don, and in clos. proximity WL-euh other. Ballet sait arroi cuns acôverait ths bnci of ee, i trote of a numbor avers eut, 'andit ev.nail ieheatet. The body of one ufthe bonnes vbhicb . the. men hitd niten onui s een Iying 'a ditance of tifty yards frunt tie puseotfibities. 0w. iug tu tie mutilationi ut the bodies, suit nu oesproent bariug beenuuffieieutly ac- quaintet miti Major Elîliottvile living, bis body mas nut ant tc lime ne6oguinot. Jutging tram -the position of lis ihe odes, uni thLe naLursetoftte grondts snronuiia lu i. probable liai Major 'Btiots (b>,',sume il le tionglil bis bora. van acay citi il.) set outtiluthe direction ut a Party otf Ugi- tire Intiens. Some outhe mea, seelu; tie Major at-t, foliomeit sod joîneit hlm. der mAS i ngeuey ofp lian tat, Li ,tur the colt mure leMnbie tleslructive' tams pourcit istie books,1 polilicul, soc, sai t tebare, cbrouicall>- lte lmpelusi est tit - uieitli pots, Sisiders, -uIicicgutPauai poleuns, -Lancasters,- ad Wbitwont ulule, in blta; on, the sipnnting pre ausilthLeneby iufbtitely iunetasing tLb.ci flicta o uinde, flhtbir Faust set ui squtatmoit in lh ie lduttian ire ei bains upun bis boas! or thouglits ila brain' - sAcor&zunzt-On Lie 17tk mn olit\1onpe oulebrated th iir golden vs ding, . i$ wsat Mu., suis!onue of the i cidenta Ot ,Oeeion cva h per cf thli :Prl eie nd. u eam li 7" e findtekeI~ ilsn panne;bis a - - glre iL iteoing her pe IJ ý ppae ibot hie test. A s 4mn.t A joui;g Paris studeni- enres-ca benitng, afem m'eia- -, Irying Lu gelt t bis lait>' loi.;. a neigibounring bouse. - FieBei.- B, 1M. T'lteis, off N., Bbasmariet 1,750 peoI1j 25 jeas. Ho ha biareit 1,4Whpeci prescee 1t>2600- sermons-- Grouistg is beccuilu; commonak Boston. Fis papes-ireport cass~ day, assit i- area>' uete éte iravel stet aeaIt iigbt. - A yunng lover near Amlant, Tem tole -,bshedeat -boit>'outbi.s asulih milii ilas Jyiug lanis comfa aI 1 tlions bouse, un Christmas ove, unit iL in a cave, Queen O;ga, of Greece, vaUst. streetaofut eAibsismtihber bah>' ln 1 ama, stops sn aitlkiii iti ail the mcli se muets, suit compares babies ih tUt A stapit cuquiite, at a medting, wmu tbe butde 5man>' happy' utumus of theto Rusais is lking 1 8uçs.>'saot Fnnnk Leslie bas itanteitsoutier ill tratut paper, tie Newo WorIJ. t WltibyJT' Liai coral uhe-Wlixi Bain, Job, Dunts, Wrs Luidet, J ]ReidI, Sai Somboryctu Falbut. Mr lJrquhL-au. Mlfondai, ite Cun, TE Cusorer . J0. m -ciy, hllur l- blle ai iguIlhtU -E3 ~Joseph ]hl Funi WC -taP Canada, tht ~ Là i Diiel2 w