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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1869, p. 1

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flAESTiSon, Suër oreItoo ke A mi rio,> .W be 55 Aast»eW it.sîsi &hkAUXObsgTU di Tr,,%IJS ÂW. w Tareatoo. Wl'S10b18 C. W OdriiCerOCJaiw BANEL L Aêtrne-atLaW $ gu alinO aerpory1ule .. w bithlo Noirlotl1047.,nd 4 0. liGe . AJITNELLt,. S .I.I0tT0ItaUOeAY; PAO.WIOs, -. C. W. AY, SOLICIT01tici, &c.C CIJARLEs C. JCELLERI TTOUSEYÀT LAW ULICI'UgIN il . JAXElI <AEUiNWOOD, ATTUNEY-T-IjW.BOLIC1TQII IN goute q(sry'ile. s'Brook 4tre,L. 49 Padistas $tvtret. igr Three doora'est of iii.'at UiIe. 1l CC.UIRAWE k OCIIRAXE. B AILRSTEKS. eV- jtNlÇfB, coN vEy. aùesoosaissI Nejssnles1Public, d&o.,d&o,. l 'aimsNO& Lzsui-Uir "VO5- ppuete' Tows S Il. UosAls, LL. B., iWI. M. douau. (.lewsty Cnowis Atturseoy. 2dt'rrSth Vee;nbar, 1805. Di jSTJMÂN EBNOLeilt L L B.. AUI&I»gg ATLAW, rolloitur i à(j han- BI?, .evqcsy nom ffldue. - ~~Coait aiFuiot stertsll troceof charge. * wlt, Jnly 20, Ibos, 291 DR. HANCOCK, SUItaEGrONACCOUCHEUR, &Co, j~~~~~. EzmaaAUrao.tlr, . Unig. . luWBEUM TO ThE zUýLJN LY JAuL,ý SBrn tot, W hltby~ 13. WI7uii8u1 0 i.-li su bio * *rniU(J ~ 18 JOW.N V. -ý M -Wliîh, ,Aprilt 16th5î 1* VICTORIA JlowigL. w Win. ioyoios.)'27 .JOUXn Oui3isoN'9s Hair Drcîsing and& Shaving1 r SALOON, ISITB 0 lewis"Ma nB*a*»m cseo.j, WlslSby, Jasa. 22, '68. )LBOYNJTOM'S JO EL W 1L.iYTON ba)fthe; ste 'ufori <heinu. Yy habtaustef <lu.tiuty orf VIOîurîa sti Ul oio ilbs trc a.yoceupiot b>' OIwelt,.sud Wisliehau lied lt-itsied audturonli- .4ls lae<lverel lnd vecourve. 3, n*uooeWlneu, Liquorgsudanti gare of tise Aasagtttesftlveest0e1 lwaya ila attenud' COMMERCIAL I4OTEL, rorab i>'lnown. Ilote), viiislansow ittet p las a smpeior uasnîr, lhaej osel es~or, fur teePsytlon of gi@seaaut ls tIra- O S et ao&ndtioas ud spno vle.a,liuoa ni has.Qotistbli WlstMav 11. Ut'fÉ *Col band.,l Whtby,lab. ftIî, 1869. Brooklin Drng-StiWe.'I J)tz&Lj Ein 1'09pattens Mioiiôi* Sore If onedch bwaa sand Io Preperedt 0 Nble u di.anilosgnges tu ao.,1 ai lmtdnuasler sof pupia. 1Aîçlcetion ià, b. madle t tise éoffiobul LI kiis, surgceons Deptiost, an-en Kssi Byrase'a M.di 11.11, Brook t. Wi»tby. CROCKER984 [Jf(Yj1li (LASTE PLATri',) NELSCON T. TORONTO, NUILTiI OFKING ST. BASSETT & KEEIILE, - uvsaoe T I roprietorArajescotfnlly atiuounces ti T-tluelyrrisdis, ut a dls.tasce, usa voluts ieur hioueait tisey baves tokec htisa bvr, presxis.cs vlsuch arc In ever>' respect cosvcusjeti uatyssi onaura il itteti np sur tise eccommnodiationa ugos.ssltise travelissg publit,. They ilii bus round lit éconatasst î,.ersaoaasi sa6ttondassoas, end will louve nothsîsg tisidosseo ostlsois pst,to iglve satiatactioli to aiU wlso me>' tavor-thi si iti a ccli. 8 COMIISSION M.7?RHÀNI Wilatty, Jais., lotîs 1866. REVIERE ]HOU8E, - uàxntslgtc. !v. B. PLANK, - - - - Propnotor, 8tagea Lueisundirrom Whitby coei l ss>. Aier> fitte-fs , usa puli te gueatte(ae(uI aai dats- tire tostlcna. 9 TRE LIVERIPOOL AND LONDON INSUIIÂNCE COIP'NY.* flns been ln esitstsnce tlsrty-tvo yeurm.andut usniig tisaiperluai bas.,jaai Lo -#5oesllng Oive andtia saait nmillon Pound§ asserlias;. Tise dlpburnr,et ,t Lii.emosass'anscuta ever a vide crua, htia, vitlauut doubt, Sisstii- buttai tu tise ctul iiisetst tf LiIs IttitsiLlisti, ItI tisbUistiisouitiLu Cusut'osuvsoxsIlisusi. clAaTs, 1411d itssuss, aîtiut.mb mes iaslsi- esrssfl>, viererer tI aîneast Ins lta frit yeu, 1636, thelissFae Freminm.isiont. ainousistes e.......... lus 15e lOtis >'eas, 184d"....... 47S il 2001 yssar, 1851...... 16 t5t1syeur, *ialtç......... . .. £8, ue 'esrliwr, 10..... Tho Fine Reserre FoIfsasnt 1v$4,727,464 Thise le ueervo ïuAinsiti ow V295468 Tise Cuisosîsts> io ropr&tei~el trougtsauut vin- teslu assai quebe., tlq stlsaeistlssl Ageisto,te visom appllications fur ln.n"assc., tia>' lias sie. G. Pl . C MT ResuInisoSoîrar uties LFAfi<DANs, Ja, AGo%-y, W urr Uv, ua zoe'sr(.e'u Fobrncr>' V7Ll, 186s. TIuE OJNTARIO FAU1IIJRS9 MUTUAL.à INSURANCE COMP'Y. sre, cutitlacey cb> suport a lhome <nanrence Cusbpsuts>', hsave omo is oportuait>'of dolini lie, b>' sspl'iatif eltîser oitt tse lctoffice, on te asa>'oi t jlueasagents, -Or fates viSi bu foissi 00a 1ev as tileossi >'y neapoassible Mntuol In- enfance Company lut Canaita. 1. -FAIRBANKIS, Je.. IIiIA!> PFICE-Trbe Olt i Ueltfy Utile Building, Brook Street, Wilslby. HOTL &I'EMISES FOR SALE. T HA oldestalitiedanti viii kownIl 0 CENTRAL HOUSEI, EPEON splendfid room>' .tabilig, ant ini isot felsew vt luen.on tvo ace. t ilutiateo oy>'becalenti, fandi a fisissonssboan la' rcissrt. Tisane are swo voila wlîsvit o p:ut and eselient ve.er. Tise visole vili bo solt et a bsiwainà, Oetobo 4 -T'N 7, rapp1>'te W.i 0. DILL11968, Wblt>', ~ff. SOUm03os, o, Whlîby. ÇLARK'S GALLERYf QIt à@ fa b emsa s the bàiaf'GaJiey [uthei Cotstt,isi)d iseemortenc lhcirs (JIaan >i oefjstlti, J) lisbe contsty, anti eau lq ts aood W.'c ibia u ohrMasu lathe ~ Tsît. wist. <ue attr, o dou't be 3AC T., WUJTD3y. JO MN'CARTERo LIOENSEft AUCTIONEEJ. OÃ"NTARLO, -YORK &PFEL. çrJ1ESJENCE~L0of, sîh cou, SLSatneios tlise aiort.et notice, andi on1 reomabl, tersas. Terýmâeau catlemadie sA bilot prluteti attise chroie ofe for i. Cartur. WELLINGTON IMOTEL, MARKHAM. J. REOTE . msoretr 19.ly ASSURANCE tCOMPANY Capital, $490,000. I MI undensîgnoti l'lvissg heen appotsstoý,d Air-ut for tts aus supans, s u» Toito Igslo oroeiy sgasisso5l. 1àBY Apilly to, LEVI FAiRB.ANK9., Jr., '2-lmos.Agent Whîtby FABIEWIELL k IoGER., B ABUISlTE't3 r<I iiS aLJCI- 'r'Aillu P1UBIC. Omosu ilÃŽC or usris of the S'o4 Offce, tslscvss; cuti MCYaer'ob Bloc-k, ol'pueîte 'fuwu Ilall, Iowuscsîvilie. J. B. AiLlwILL B. menOu. JOHN L. W'A'1'K18 URONDEN1TJST* i)fc-OafJAS. BYRE Id etilcelIJal. Bnùek 1Street, wiitpy. :ý& Ail wcrk varrenteti. Fssuilie n ateet tpriruste nsidenccs. TEETI! M"EXTRACTEID f.W WITHOUT PAIN, 13y TiuE USE OF AT WHITIIy sTATION.-l Trunk wbsby peto;bope. tie bote bio friendo.and titheIIarpLhIotl0t , ha.ilîe pti ou ani atbie ,làte cois. atyflo, ii by' atte.ntlb o to b. ntas M those Who 'isaVor uhwlb:llrJaVie tr'usaw erit a oottinnsmoe.ol thiere uxtOnLu 'lVa44 1 taking <Che trai at laiu tt-rrotlons. FaiyGscr Wa per 1<t AWEILL ISELICTED STOCK FBE»NE TUAOS, col IEE8, BUGAI. GRgOCEiMIES, &OP .OFAAU KINDS, M'A cbl as e es>'oua. la Canada. Mazy Cth, 16..2 C. A. JONED, Darri*ter, Sollestor ln Chaucery, Atm tornery,&c'O, &a. J (as remsoved i 11.o 02ce to lot floor ovor tise O!gttA5l10BAsNK. Wlitby, 04-t.?l, 1869. 40 FOR %SALE CHEAP FOR OAGIJ 1 L O 32MCD33,litCONCE.SSION0? scoC. A. LUNEte SNo,. 4, 186,3; Brie,C * o., lstt.y FUND8 FORL In vestmne nt! T JIF?,TRUST ANÇD titAN COlfPANbl lsave funssai srisetmtwl, nt ihiruansal rs.téeut isatreat, on13 iisO ecsrity t fimproveti Remas Er-tstc-. Loues.modo for ixeti periosha, or tepayalsle b>' asnael in%,.iulLsit. yfslser an olh u)iliorssution cass b il by letter, atitineed ti u the umwoiâsiumere sut Kitygeton, or romi L. FAIRBANKS, Ir., Rl oAEsuie Gesicral Agent. Orysuv-BrockSreet, W iittiy, sept 15, 1£68. 8 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. NITROUS OXJDE LAUGIIINOGCAS, JAMES PRINGLE,.Prpst. Pu vLANSTHETIO iwv, DENTAL B0OMS, DUND.AS STrREET, WHJITBr,C. W. EUMLUc-M. IL cociiraubesStore, Wlsitipy, Jone 26, 1867. 2b SH0E -TOUS & FINDINGS. A oow url. abmessi o(the logai Spttern do elS l'egi, Blsoe Bailla, 1W. 'J'se", iteasi TeeA'luc &C'., &a., S-WIInoLEIA&Ll:AN» 'RET.AlIL. RYAN & OLIVER[g, 12-17 -- l1id Yozaea Bruse.r Towioo Ici; TAc.,, 5ail'ttise .ct quaty sud " oweat pn « & RIY A N k O L V ER ," 2-v Jaspootefsels « twgre, Yeugo B04Tolonto., TO 0 MACOHINI1si 9 led 1101.0, mSi!squarts, Ce!!fe Oneges, Vencio calipena, srei Caliper tinte, Cals>sr SlqsssaeaAssies L>ssscrea Squares, Self attigstt c'I MliWe, ssi Dl sia«ers, tata vis. udS Teels, lamentîd la isee ot TO CABINET MAKERS AN a SINGLES FOR SALER. rIF, VZ<P.BIGNED Sian»on boiannasd oditcnosfor siolseass l' or cplsauycasyjse- tsty ofbSawe& Sigliis, iierrolis osskisas .Prqs4rùol )idlp yLies-p *islk. Wiiby, OCt. 29, 1868. 43 Cash! Cas~i T lE UNDEIIBIGNED vii pay the igbest WHITE BEA.KS9 POMMTES, AND !LAX SOED. Uctober 28, 1868. W4 Fire JIsuanI '0 orF LONDON. oa leio*t fsvorablI-tarssa.Ail o1a psli vwithout re(erenwe Io b <leBoart laIloAidln. Agent f'or lb', Oabawa, Bovinenvi '0. andi orrounditist.oontsry>'. 0Y SER il 0uS48 ba .:qff og i~fyoDtiolggvo s sre <you » tii. téywieWn]5 Wbee il i ' ig. aanted perm.ns~n 'CcS n- tr fro ,yirhoumo " (Froan Toemple Bar.) $iWell, us>'des,Iwnl'toiI vas tiepaeq Bot 4iaaeUy de =,Mnint . nopt of ber a.:F, -of vhovsu t li.binSai *treshauyoogi "[<isle Viiijaise viii, yon mo>' tepent i osst;. Asnd, If a.wou' aise swau ,suitlsue'au so mise aluns era ars.ler citoole1 lir fai>urite , 1441ta uokliun gder lien ara s, nti aadered lsaSle.sty off sas IL. direction ol îLe broçk. AýrrcItis!erbso ibniw Larcif dowP b>' lbeagienu dar a, .lielieriag trie, and, devoted l bis-ea te .peuiating upon tise <iOaof tise Langas liolme'o an thie Huntingdona. the gis-t'.thongbti; '-ov f vish >smoe <bing vould happes I1 If oui>' Lord Lang à boume vas baadsomOesudt.S itila, vo miglit 161it io ove- vuli s oi other; 'et lee.t, i ton'i BuDpoSli he voni <cli in love vitis a simple litais coutrygiril ie me atter'h' bienatsuseJ te ait-tis eilegant,- well-bued London vomen - not <bat îisona's ean eider or botter <aisi>tisas tise Hunagden'a unywbere," coniradicted, tbu tittie maien'. farnily -pridu. 1"1 a*bouls'.9t au"..sg usysuimoei. 1, raLlier due ci a broken heart tisan go on living inas ioter oagnation. But if lie vas ont>' ba.slomsaidt cl in ulove vitis- me (fI ni a . eillimagine 1< ail perfect, as it yull sier Lappen>, hou detcions ut vouit b.el Wîshonli mutet dmeut, and usinait papa vol i Osait, eut b. tun- ions, und vi abotit be forbitien <otee aacis otier as>' moro. 1'isen te vous take suein bis arma5 anti lieme 'once tUtu Liuncelet kmle tha Qui-en tb. lest dime, studhb u Levs.guine l aboutd grou pâler Slnd palur; et ai'l atI hen die, ent bavi white lhues lait -upon my liroaeut nu an myhbut, 11k. Tenliyon'. EMaine. Then papa vouid releou-,ud- sent for Lord Lauglielme, snd lehoisitl corne anti bang ovin au Iroken-heirted; und thon, uhu it vas tee late, tlie oit fail>'quarel venuLe homate op, anti tise> vould plant flouers togeiber on a, grave."9 Andtihie fooliels littie maiden, touched b>' hon own piSigu.îetry bee$sheoliail maie, li thle big tests gather in -ben sueut brown e>'., cntd-brins oves- in gteti dismont trop. (nom tisoir long lashe. Prcaentiy, becoaxing more cheirtul, sise raised I Las-ye., ani <ho>' liglitotikirdling aspon a great mass of heaven-blue forget mue-nota ou the opposite bank. -, "O6h, if 1 conit ont>' jet <hein 1" ibe criai, etopping ahort<ina susitablo apitapis ohié lied ben -compoig on ber uutimeiy !cd ; but thé'satioent of bcr usine seemet isarti>' compa.eblu, since ils. sire.rau beSuein ber endthtie coieteti treasure, Tino, 1< vuié ver>'111hell0y, fer tisere bli e enneoreunfor veoka;-4 but1< vas quit. beyond a jump aven for sncb- agile (cet eMi" Nehiy'm.461 nuiersav scdi biauties. Oh if-tbey vee ni> ibis site 1" Tise difficlou it> nottbe ionpocihle; anti ,se tise youug lady vsaothonglits bail juat biens centreti on - er>' deatis anti uhite l11leo Legan te reflect on tise vais eut mesae obteiuiu'g tise teststing cluaier ot forget me-note ou tise 1sipil8g bank. "-Tbare's ne oui about," ohé si, lookisigosasimystorionaiy. Whyasousltas 0f course se ah. co ot netsiatisjaa bbhlntiac clunipofetciter& os <h. , opposite sude, e ver bandidns. osg ui's strtVed et jli Iegth, vu.ching ber vits kees ýadmi-aies ibrongi b.h briéa.» 8' ovi>' she irev od,' ouWet <e Cindoieliàe liSe s!ipprisu~d îeanysle soI :i, isareb'-iàpositlg te tbeuatehel n cb ye iev tisaieliaa tfte- ree..ini arcliei footni <acnuot a plate. Otcuelet oagbîte obave risabet saa>' ike Daitont liasiasg aiiîtie'nÏ o île-baukýte ai>' hé irasgeais <o lkee i elsritndsrou îb..areti 9pt; but hropeb.b.d 0 ra'.i Tliouseon's lines, ud'the ides tiot ouI oeemn uor pe- Labpa b.o(eseu! <o fe e < jrati> ' aPp - tien suc>' fo# evb', er perape b., <beugisi hv.a,és eiau tin dl" a i rtp a -t 'I I a i il lihi 19ok.of beeolig in 1iwe>'e. ýliko us'. woundeti tuer mighe gile.4eT T*trngrtoblor q u in;bii- arus§ mad4ifteti lier, quit*,, ýgent>' eu- the, 11gb. sale oniyau.zious ewabont ber bhurat; buteis.: ' H9 uia»ed,.êividIy, aud, idIt avoywa>'der Jbee *ise Irie-' BQt$ b. pain', mo-es ba t'ter., a è, ébaip littie c 1r>.- 1 s, . Soib , 1Idid mot lwov au-t vs 4er imp' înai#sg îa vipluloali .»poU < lion Jl A lime i' VWelibut p'. lr,for.tmuate.,IbaU ..mfo tue vs:ubeeVib eavered, ber,, sosb.5Doon Ingly 11aop uqîr coûtt iersgot boue é "Btil ballisavê,tê o ouomoalone,? ns ose criai. lookiog at, 11mwvitlà; 1frlglitenedt si b,~~~ ~~ voud sîet4rgMdue:.V-. : i. "Wiset is.t<hagriot onjster>'? Wby. ýi" iboai jasb.afnlio<yer:Aàtîher Madttb. raTio, Eos ieiagt orgeîme-t', . -gmr-t> $Ar '-05 bacitactbaeeo ab othlar sie ' sud are ;lvahe osigr ioi o reis, oi "Whd o a, 11oea>' uebLor" 4bl su deb. HuteIogins ud1 b se-1a An r yoa ur e t Ise' Isa ti s upose a Ponwul tal oth robl"o b*bou mAe d1 ye'b, LrdLagiele man if b. btdai >tliiog baitl( su l aait the >'ouug man, ulti saan itent glaese. i 6Pieau.doo'î a64Y boa. tDiasga,~eu. Srpetspal ai tshn auni,5s.a 19M mot nul ta ihein, asd 1 tiUc'î saodir.- stand tesiinubli jweciue" avin>' olit(sisies <otell à lovai>' vornas yen admire hen," siniledthelb as-en t an. t'Hov asbal 1 get homne M msrmurei 14.11>, ieapainitsgil. 6I viii cari>' 700."l &-Impossible Il -ahi cried, blnaisîug ta, ber Suger ipa. " éAnt. besies, jeu ar Lord Langbiolnse's(nti.î ffl WH ightlihe-ngry vus Jýeu afor ' apaaking tu nej anti papa vwold- b. hall viii 1", - i dos'tt <huis Lengbleno uitld e ver>' implacable," sait heoyoung'man, Iangiig doun <o tho ver>' tîpti.ofbit hlue î>'îa, anti giving bis <fir Carla c merry toit, '"anti for Mr. atigdon- can'î vo aveu ia sknoving ?VI '.13.1 I colto'î leot>Ion carry me," mus-muret Naît>, Iooking.abyly et hlm. "l'Il b. su geiîie,5' Lepleeit, $-Oh, l'on Dot efrai cf <bat t" "Wvhat, tise. 1' asîf....if -an>'onevos-e <o me os D 'WL>' anrel>' i thaeb.moat- nabts-ai thing in the voili tisai, if jeu,- aaanoi vaiS, yen shahL e cerrlie; oeeof yonr ovu muaiecriants vouli baie te do tb. urne, eud-I asouit notle -more aWlsvoý te yen hauo li',abousiti i 1t sà oisPse. criet elly, quichi','but, youpil gel jour (cvet."v Mase mt le vos-y dangaronfor aicis c fragile, dolicato acrcture, a s c,' b. laugisc. 'Wett, appeeeI ýtek.e offa>' -Shis.aneutsocks, l ,Tbie uiSh, su arcli. glane.etsKetlly, vIe .btnsbd agin 1k. tise bouit oflantre ouais lh e br oun nger ent dscofiSass., 61& Lord LengholefmotcIte Court Il abe asheti soUdil. 'Nus nov? iaveareti-lise Young mes, vwitis enotetsr of< <Le . suilea bat; boami Li o wvei. 'But 1 ils 'on veulti sel inake socs e bugisear of in, M is aHat-1 iogton ;bains>' bave i&j <ais., but ho'& nel, suait&c ver>' bai felliov, ' l'onquis. suriI: aiseulti muer liki i.,' uit Neil, reluteiy. -Nelly i>' vusgretel andour, fleeling poa <cati>' et hlie. vus <b.bautisomo ejoug Rê Be ugiset- quise merritiy. - .I'wOgladJaou otl lttaed- mtrk, wo strogl>'. 'Oh 9 1i a ot ueaa iat' 'Fluet 1 admaret yds,'retot laeill, 1*1<reu, bait piquet. - - Ao 1hast tilt t a>'ibnas âitulg nue tlontou ymaiý1 assuryen, isliau. tiagteu.,iilj.youde me c aver swhàtifoC I-au.-, smlngi>'~ 'visaIs bacl proi sud! ba, Ma tbis abe Seri dom brs bat picl fmi Bryouuv anti iâp plan or four beL - .a 04 0V. 11 vyint O W -mm * e th»ln t -i sIC au $bufea, .oaiy-oe <o mi, iê n, ou ireibappneee. - ur, a'nd'yOu' arn ié,ls te alk, vilii jeu Ketllyheaiated. A Clandesine s atranr .eoase ane mure ei ,' rg&.-rsèlatmd-g ied f'ber tlongs 'Sb1a eu - ra-,S', 'V.." athe b ty nig «ug deepi>', 6-dit Lelveenosait!nreati ran46ona, Lmiseîu ouas mn ifktlir nc rietl Wbi tormaNu , nt eritlier; k e oy tie t8fouergrand a 'G i ootb 1 l lib. nidrigofull vy 1 "You m ie, <oio r oe " bo t ke a souvenir, but there vas sosnething in la littie tiiin'ia frpask innocence'sisat sibet lilas more ibtie iagitiest' a1- rve of c towo.brat vowmis coasîtibaà*e W.. Dutm'asl i tlsiç, va>backto tise ook, hi to'oa on. 1h11.. ibronze 1ahipper, I.beasdrepped ou île -readi qd hoi 114 viii keep, ifull shecemesgeain, sai te blnlaat,4uite gud 'at the unu-glt ýol aeiasg beroiâe more, anti jet Matien'of a l bcfDg bour.tt inisat Czurnae IV. 1>' ditormiaset, meat impýrodesl', u home, b>' lerself sbéataIt. coulti. Os-et,"ý tha, vualer tdiua> ube. naisédiscoret thb. lmocf bar ahee. But ýtbare v a long îrip of grassisat licit<o <b. bouse- Iseapefia roos, esdti eong <bistisePour- chutd limputi oly santi pàiùally', bWi visite-,faiwhjuiiur <tban aur. Nurse' ieu té ber St once. Ils>, ubataer'a. semater#1' - tiî'vi apraisu n> mefoot," .tirmurathe girl,, ber tell tala face botrayimsg bari "&But hou, toeary-bev dit Ios do 1<11" gît ine sameSingefer t11",ni urao'#aet. teation vswtu' ivsted te ssub. - ject otauimidl. -* - - le "No, tees-y, Ionilis toua bere os <le -sofa, an 'il.gîtter te bath i tusc. 'lhtevs-#ail1 i u VI?" groene-poor. Nell>' 1 cu' eil a atmr,: mu't fiî's 1. "iNov r," sait ourse, eoming laocI, anud batlig abouty -hlieu ver tii yeu-de "1 t eh ,yo e t iiYOD promee M falthfuliy asier tolt au-noebaur Nurse looketýi p u srprise., "L1au, umluear, visateuer uyatery eau shLe-iob.about l1<?" aoli, villýycu prsem1 -jYés, w>' tisas." C'IJOrd LaegIMps.ia polt~i~pa. b. DitoJh îas 9eip~yo, ",i Kdwurbé ,1ew4,* B-,ir t4% odO lîli h13. leet ia wibout unr b vlaýilýp L X ow, it usa ver oitUtsuaid con- variation abustiKéeét in jul 011uuis paliddy, _ "ii, tibc -name -liïen 0< - ,Lýtgisel'ne bad-ravtrbeen aintione4lIb-t' tuiéthi(atsirasit, 4augbi.er, befolra. ,3st oas :issuer>'mnoriii»jg Mr,,u!stpg&nn bai. riceiveti a letton frocs bis brother ini touas, 6-Townlaeis tig qutaim'pty. 1I lir jour nigbbour, Lord Lamigioime, la goasg ivntto4isCCQrt vitislapart>'. Be'.a terible fuhiw tieir pri4ty face, anti Kelly icuat hi getiing sa peai.gtirlt6no Tite baré'su'x'e.tion'h een enogh <o, atiupal PU. uSliii<6u'~latent bâtred of tisa niv&Uiiousud -"ant iinhsto es loy ~ ~ ~ ~ Ne il.pile- js ~ * ,y DOW psps,4 hàs 'orlnid esme tbgo' be is Ie ? i. àadotjrIda La )o! j.Lon apgbleo,', fdq4 - l'W oult sooner liave diii tbaasopeak'to iis.1 jl'Nely, ve.snia:a piact agony-betemutheafear . o iipessgber alsrass4-.the: mis-,ry,et - ne tàiss e.a,beudsomo etraager *gaIsi, But us thi faui4iidy, witb a sor.ëly giltf *coscience, t(l d isobétitcïihut rapeti tovarda thie brook tikeep bat -.tryst , ir.b >Cýaptâià W.ielesl. --: Tbe.- blase ..eys _,gorm- tookung iseay, fr lier aittheir O.per stood [lening aýzint a,treeaon Lord Langisolsne'a siteo'f risibr ook.Tisèro 'bai liueauDo rn,tIewtèr rtûI1fât1ôver ihïù 7abefore, ai-ia-you'ngatbiotti*ai t 'at- c ,boussd. 11.11>pui -r-ili- fisigorg 5 qute . naturel)' lasSno.is aoastatrieised band, 6,4,4 laWtis te <ool1to î. Ï1y -.hé. saiit ' teniei>'. Ohisuvery new1y viii, tisÎàb -but 1 > ott .isobo <b.otb.î day." Captais Welit ook . helaauig ar- ticle4 (reis apocliet, issd hel i t regrt- ,ut> .filtowaris lier. Ifemvoulu! oisly let; ass. kcop il'm eho :61Adst tik itvwoold be uachsmueo - 'yîo,ý 'laugiset Nitiy, rcsly, Iokiasg tutus at bia fiat, Wh'.-eh$ by uhe Way, ere par- ticalarl>' veil phapot. "6No, uDol t i tà va>S9',"Uhé amvaie - srniticg. * <l5us dowos't yom - Wliv Miss HatiùXioýn abouiti Lare cou. pFepania to uy ; but jastispuleble lacS, aince Lue latin put-ava>' OUI by litftas Ubig usait "dA.nd tii Mvr.'-lus tnsii~ oai vr Al "Utcera. I --as --5 ,wisf<1 r-1 il sm. ýwhu%

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