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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1869, p. 2

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#lsllug 0(<mb. Mo f s tDaste, "eaileh Parhhamsst, bieb me have hisorwtaur faime4 feom pu1blébin, Aide »'mal aie. otats<bav baie boeu p&"ka t.o on tl.be mby oui"a ltiusg Istemo oftie asawtje ti most&Iamemala gueatmauMo .f istoms *rty brosgbous 5h.?éo i P shv#b0e hbsa qamilema ..Wis>'dee not Ih. Cosueav% er a bsn-l4atise epW t etEof sifaiplay, 'w l - ar «sa tb Dootobu to iô #e~~ImeQ'Iq atir-t0 so.omplis <bhis Ibo'. lvopoew 1I anlg bas, vus" .i-try ifo1lS#f "hou ouioti, hit Dr. jMeGili mili bbve adl tiebondt os air liaSb. for@ bhieoashtouis, pro" lau o1» big insu thon, Dkvd<fesd id. tt.To s0>' Ohat meby s>' moua, visoli>'approieeof br. M' ffiIi'a coureu 1h.t6,lëeiiatae fnouli bu .stiey oujctrary -te .tact. pet thon $ve oulti otachomesteao"ai aN4us.de OWpf or ton rspotspas heu. ay. Wo ositi agalub. siaindta my W 'dise posi ofM th tmebr fori outb atisOutanhot, ho aupportet idhlm e maustur Md ani vie rmpe.. anun"dout majorit> of t5h . Rdipa'sgr o tge 1- doierdigniort; or Ils4.girto tes *0* vershy. Ot urotouslo leam a sri>' dy & ovW r l o g"aiata ialg àb. pws'tso',-antiforas our evu crisi. OIU on tisa votas aff lt, llu. Bot by Tus Ka.ouw Pmwàt L oiti - as the Isonos' ll, a« Frits>' evsulg lsst, indsm Ih. asmpimof tComposIte Lotige 08<>,> vas vr>' wly el' ttentist, sutlu tivoYy repooas - a m a.Tb@. hall va tetaifl&or" tivisi flup, ploturos U Vmaime <hé o gllry wmia ohvsssbiovn eo foi(«<b. son. ThonsVer#isl ail nn>' -250peueas pmeut, <h. nhor Oif»Mue.qs ives$,daughierm, sisosanti v#onogis $ t to, dpporisapavsthsmit ptsponiseratug. TIs isondi ef iso lOti RoyamUpVpliodt tsemWt oi 1« h. ceca.8 .ien, anti uotblng vas loft unies. b>' (h. " .1r of eermouies, Ceptalu Daitaseli, Md é 5h.brsîisrec u havbg lise snagsment c glen and tft somtort ofah. guis Tho menaipnocession of Iho bisrir vuma termot ; R. W, . klii., P. D. D. G. M., isoing cneuti atie't*0ebar byBsr.C. A. OisW. I9 M d. anti prseeabodvt<h garol :the grand beons veto dul>' rntierst la due ati saeforem, arger *b~dancingoommtueaad, irow pt op eftsis piras cadil a l"-oir ymber ma dbluna mi niheur of mie morcna Tbori wsWW allait>'gIsisto(rou Toronto#, Céhouig, Bcwu.vlii#pau£ t eur ioaai5 vhs the hoepltaliieand i tWeiiygift;. la# vilot e"sieeaos aVertieSb*eoppor. faluttOfet dalgisg lu. baud e ufe bist olt idme have iroisisd a simi-. S lu egasson ou ic Il "thbisbtistnoief 60 Mlinesf - Buras-" Toa e-w u btoîbrec of 1h ae NmieLadg ti sTt$rbu. gas'ý-mb@c ho viote a "Wltistn >'iw sr m ssoalsMysa' ayvard -At girusriylloe f. b ti. altre Ait mss Inumos,nidlomg sud Ultppy teuW4u« Vrtepi>1 HiAPPY g eot aguLIs dîsitf ievsl< egootigué i*11ev. aip Mdtgond eltsislbp. Asn& la sem- olui« hOs m eOnga ur uibr.<5re oM Composite iti-os. anti al-aa tha SejaUu-Tissaam SoirosantiMis-. dM1aaamuemkg 0ah.ea.nsgtloaet Se. Auissv'm *u*, viln bu b§it,4<D.V., ulalstav<ho ewmelu, Pe6ame liseR. Sivery p-nebavre hoeuS abr o te neAus ts viub s>' attend. Adtieme an sqr. &"a d "s -manti loamy bjeco svin- ho dllimedtibyestml agsa&ero, Mdtiàseol.a dmi- wIl! obu "mphnali et the Mialom. My monk0te t bsbty. lu>' MÉ, Tismaîto, that tisero nru chair-ý < jan b. îo.ecled. -- 1< vau movot;i lsaediet > v Drape, secondo.1b> Mr. Gibeon, liaithe soir.K. Muleanub. oloetïl cWrmnifn. Board as $0tbh. preprlcty oefolectlug on.ý Kadenn a tatêti it bc dit iét lne#, 'blois womoult habrougist lorvastid,, bal bue dit net delrte, tb#a office, nti, ver>' prohablymwouldi ha un.hlptoattend toits dtllndes, utibecon mouldisot n ai l-> W&>'ln prostetlasg bis oPv» ectio tg $Mat 61c;tis. moyen sti acntor ater cen- fàrmlnï ltr. M ain a;dixciiaiev et1ai Sqsovledgeor desire of flie stop tise>' bat rites, and t atié tlngtaishe>' batbecs ctUStod*y a regard tobl is teasfor tise office, intimatd <hein v irhle m itbdravf lise tmeudment on acceunt et tic dedans tion et bis. feelings- un tise matter iici Mv. Mscinnasis ad'omate. Loave te dorao vwu ieeertigly 'irantoti, aud'tisemotion ý binpt romtsschair.-mas declaret Mr. DarIneîl on takig tise chair tisaut- 'ëd ts.eussihers oethtie Board, for tise oxpisasien oetb<sin confidence given lui bis éectilon for the fourtis lise $0 tise isorsbieoffce of cisairmai. lia ureti tise *Boardi that 'u ini liso put, mo ln tise future, b ssimple alan lu tise office te visicis isebat be a ain electot voulti ha te carry eutfirlminid t uli>'thea teaimiotis anti poile>'cf tise Boart. -Tise Secrets,>' es.Board vas vé. oteatat uuSlajssly, ai a salar>' et 84 per anuus. Sunaltyplacea et routine baasi<>eas bat hendipm f h loigcois- staning c"ommittoos fer tise yean, vis - Mfeurs, Tismalie, Penny, Onun, Draperi & (libson; sndt tis Board teck a recesa ot baIt sas bout lu endete allov raid cous. stte ttoui tidprepare thisor report. Attemrrceas tiseBoardi resumoti.Tise apecW icommittoa i'cperted lise tolloving as thestandin-g semmiiues for lis year 17sans--Mers. (libson, Draper, Fer. guson, Tueken, mesnnn &'le Prp4 Moeurs, Forgusoni, 1 TisoirPorr,Ihvaýite, Maceisan. Mn. Tialit, accondot b>' Dr,- Tuoker, stovcd tis o tihqout tis clst Mr. 'Drapemovet lui aïàme ist,, me- contet by rn. Gibsois, <but tise, report ha net adoptet, but ba meut hicS tteoicen- 1I stittca matisinstrucins te -smend k b>'t substitutiuig Mr. Maclennan's name ton o tisas et Mn. Joues on tise committgo forc Belsool' Msuitgemonl snd Ms-. Joneas nao ton tbat et Mn. Maclennsu's on tise mommittea on Finance. Tise amendiment on haiuig put againaitisae motion uns car- I ried b>' s majonit>' of vous. Tise coin- t! miitee tison reportot in mcortiauce mishIII lise Instruonofs thçi Board, sud thlies report as amendet ýWasthon mtiopted. - Theo ceamillea appoluleti at lut meet- ing te luquire loito lishe allogét maut of lnercamet escising facilities anti scemme- n lation lunlise Hcnr>'-sl. scisoot repos-ted sa oecomstendablois te maS. nô csage aI ur«numo t S isas te tthe layenusger fc gratie ef MW Frmser's division te attend v j ler 'clsa lin mecinir, one-isait in t he o fronoon, sut eue-halfith e isattenoon. s Tise Board stioptedth ie report ofetl eostita A question isaviuig atiaong as t e ie aàfug ef tiseInstructions in music nov ha avee tiste pupala oft<he o eiron scisoohi, teI ira a5reod tocommit tisa matter te wv comillo. onscisool management mis i istructions te report ai tise anuiimeeting lb of 1ieBosid. A td* ik uait ccouui'a, certlileto by d, Ur. Ferguses on bêhaît ot tisa Fissure onitteo ,ortides-et te b.pat. Tise Board thon adjeumnet, te moet ou to the econd Tusa> efMarch, as halipustne r occl-. . Amen olo Busmcaor Paosumslu lui: $vmias.-Th. Hailtou Tisa.ceai- monesugupon tie siurt sud s'iicloam fflîomp go proilsas lu tise uised Staîes, et Mig fer dasage.in luwasetbr« ofP promis. of marriage, la veil illuitrtetiin a l& aitsu nuv p.aiiug l in ë e urme> esuni. Â ripe vidow v oaera>' nyaeb. ta eqmpel an olti usmsovcr s#igi t>0- le <i thojspromissviie buh.alisshe msagiete am> ber. The eidence mates s pneu>' entsea bat If bueer mad mugis a pré-' mIws, b.uvau laveigleti ,lue. l1, ant i tit e Suom mirs hovas toiug, -bat iis emore probable mss h. itinet Moka 1 aI AIL. TsuaS i lefht lightsdAtiafeeOa,£"0 mact b laasi ns, beoomuer e> bist ln Wb t he âh. ai t 1h.parties la on- vhoa 15 ls r.usmb.tsiO abat diot -aa ougiss to e b tid b. vYb"Ila enoimous- il' dois.Tise <bIng-i. potiisvely - ilgasi-à tlbtnasiRoman Catilies bava gov nio dig!*fiest'leumting t isae Mors an' ti BO iae et Guinýda.Tise -Eti ,IIâ. uarti baOIrame Aiée spéciens of .duodees. Tb# eztalor lsad to be on bond Md le hb.-$m m ua'Who peorettia "imle <Poralsaous mIser t; "0as Ged- whemnli Vite cnme do. !on the trai apirheod, at«my# tiss 'is vuas a sovim day( or Pot Whsou sto WOttavat, 8h. hail 0 ervlw vh seimi.dal, bot noibing pouseulr traawplred. ty spoh. 'a matlere ad of -bsmipmdWg'u. Wb. tau aboms. hi »tprisIti bas vrittem l .jtstws opâueisa .yng that the prise ru" dhlim lo p.uîjý he vbole plot s. lb. ubU~' h. ssteensla incorrt Whsa u d t. îhbe pries t h. ho., ailH aboutisti htb otlon nka Mati DoyW -Thé prisaitoid hie that if h. eoitidora 5".vu a duîytiss h.luoeto, bhistafsdtotite'otber, ponm s aà Chrisîlm ýthat rh. shouli tillt sh trutis about he, mater. ;,1 *,:The msfoid hmsFbue paad la oirder, sud aaran>gemeiifs are nov bcbg smade-for SAliIîho availabia m'Ili"ay(oses viii bu turmeti a lt ou Thursday, but #hore le cet the slIgb£cst. danger ot a disturbane. Wh.ioraid te day ihat îh.ra vas litta bus in eoulemaing, 'for aeu nif h. did e. ant emeapeti the gailou, h.- vouitigel p"ai- tenhivy for lit. sud Ct bbvould masamon b. maged ai b. cosupeledd seendure snob apuuishmeus as <bas. LÂTOR. Ottava, 1 a. w., Feb. lO.-Whclan stadesareîsn statemeutt o-aigbt st ton 0olock,' vith <ho intention ef cieauing lu tbig statement Wbelan saaeBockley vmm notS proestWhou the @bot vas firsd ; tbat h. (WbelauO) kuova Who aomtted $b. sot, bas ibat h. tiid not. 1This Mmse- vas talou devis by Mr. O'Gara, Police@ Miagistrat., sud hauded! $0 8ir John A. Macdonald, in vllose poaseamion it nov l. Thé statement ia parhially lnaslmovn baud vritiasg, sud he ados tits h vasprsc*t vhon shamisot vas liredti tas kiilld Mr. Asl.. WL0 . iu Ming Uatst loement 90 Mr. O'Gýsrs, Wheiau vas in goed hustor, andi langhed sud jokod eai great rate. -Bas vhmn Mr. O'Garsvas biddung hist gooti night ha looktli depremaed sud aorrovtul, aud aIl biajoiliîyl__vhich vas ovidensty as- 4ustot, vanimbed inl a moment. isadat- missiouns ase conidered mess important, sud 1< le nov shoughs <bas h. viii jet S4i1 &il. Earing eoststneed, h.oviilr-ot ho likoly stomp util hoh.u bs arraued ail te facto, sr ud tiAs er &a isehopublia s to mevw ovoryshiug etshis av'ri crime. lu hMa statestetm toAy h.admisetisaiâ thors vers tvo prealent basides brimoIt 1'roléth <h &vYb bîu'mis tneof(î é-i losvos littl. deabs thas h. retors te a 'cer. tain barristsr, as vhes uieton vwu point~ ed throughous th. entire investigation. < Strong Circsttantisl elvidence vas long ago gatbered agains iis aim but h. vws cos arrossod beesus. l s unet docmed sdicieas $0 stake hlms a prisonor uoder2 te eireummîsneo. Theotoher permon tot embost Whol a aludea la unkuovo, santil lid uothiug by vhieh it, eau b. aaspected fi 'ho tab party la. Bis ststetsm re ry àconiisttut, nneounccted aud vioilastiug, b ut, stado la any regalar, conneeteti sta-el lo. go epo5e by litsanti sarta, anid vould notonlino hisaftsstehmsater, or moesthan a fsv moments qt a time, heu be voniti £y cg on rme other sels- oct. Hoa vidcuiy vants sa mpcak out, id ya ot' liS. $0 do no. Hoeepnem l a beond bya terrible oatlh wih.b éare $0 break, -Thia shovmstsan astis. wanti coupiracy euistai! for the opus 4 oOtftug thoeassusiuatien, as bas ai- rais beom muspetti by tho anîhorities. te h.adiqartera vers in Meutreal, antiof dl las gang Whoian vas ouly th. $001, $0 el rboa. lot it (41 o eolber commst t h. mur-1hl er himmoif or nustin 1<.0 lu convrsation viîh <hbeObSerif yemier- p, sy, Whoisu sit toc ran if h. elver diti G egain bis liberty ho vouiti novor b. abi. eh ehold- up bis bonatluthbenrd *gain um 1er the fearful acosation broaghts atinst ai A part>' initho gars et a -psilet oaeIW at tei joli lestorda>', anti asetiperSmison toee Wh.lsv. Bis app earana exing souc suapirone, bis nats su"atodbeà ho gats ameunukmovale an>' et tise, lidi people-.e Bs mesbnîer questioeot, sd ftbeing édear (bat ho. vas mot an Os. ta*& pri o, h.vj5refusetiadititane. 16 lbauppâesdit h. vas an umpoto- &me tricuti et Whelan ho bat»Mueviid sehaifseof helWaig hiu aouit h. gain d- stittaue 10 bis occli. But theanioritisa vers tee sasP; anti tise feliov titi mot succedt. Wbelan- ramme. etrs .isat ne attoimpit. tg be. hlmbasbon 'mats b>' hmi former compaulona ast (nouais, Mdti apoa ain:oing ;temee trial, SNe ofthle, pioste hem ne uv asysisingOf ths ermen v âisoesils ani n- ptoenet imeltfa t- .Tus>' adl pro. bISDO inehm Dan impostor, Tise nsgsla RBoan Csdselw ie aleg anIbohe stém s M Chant>' are Mostatiet e tisr e tioamct M"a. SietifPowell luasut th"tia tise>' hoult b. atimitieet alillIum, sut tlius ooneetiedy- obsyet. Come vissa ts>mengi or diiiths piiits are atimttei.Whoian casuelsa>' <as mie>' ars notstumire <obhlm. Tbicyeai Tii. <#oteatsy»marsing about ose pt iu'i buo a fi ka gui vim te i doi b am des ine 'ais toinlatie PeavIseofet Saatmdr, but MOIy meorepuwieti abehrp ibt; Kadoiti, Pcb. 9--Iu e Piy $0 forth. solW.aa of bis e v-lhùE ar te&pi agaia« es hilamoti.Cornai- toess Certe, to wvicsbuh. vas éeetsd Amnog<h. chang e mtemplaW dluiti admiletsiof et'<bd oerma t, l<h aeoisii of <i. ColonialMuit sadia ilnc< depmitmens. Parla,, P.b, 9. -Â ApasfrostAihonu «say tiss Kiug Geéorge bas docilard that 1h. Pa«6aeoulorenior e arevebis bsig. nation of th.Orois. Prom e0taiws., Tatous son'escva. [hvsaceuau.-Ot- lava, Velu. 9.-A large numeer et cou- ,Srsc<ote are sIi-hone, suiowsl>'vaitins- théoanouue6st Ote hoopcniug etflois- dors.- Tie tei&tosla a greust obsr tof. cames are itiiailyiiis st ao <a it, li aunsamorsmat«er f guem.'wërk. la smme àmmea&aeontrtot'bas ipiet asothor lu bis tender f viin laother esses,lbidan adesstaavry> 1,9vfigure; bat 1h. average i. sait $ l. lie*ocs $16.-i 000 te 824,0a0alls. 'Tbers are about 250 tondons; anti a, nmber et tonders wbuhiis me lato b>' mail, have bienu broya eut, Acoourcavum r 'Làvur KAcuoxriz.- Ottava, Tub. 89 1868. Tb#eClizes et ibis moin u ssthe tolloving: 6"We have a pleasisg annoement se car neateionisis mermisg, oua uhici viii aff- ord owesuntiUaot et ibaianauosst pur. sonal giatificatien. Tisis monning lady Kaedonld, <ho vit. of <h. tiasuguiuisd Premier oet te Demiuevu asras.l>'de- lvenetet sf adaugiier. W. are happy to leanu thbehr ladyship antidtisgitor are doing volt, Terrible AeideaLt, mioqutrs. ROOF or sr. FATadCi5eo LL VAtirLLON1% Meuiroal, Peb. 3. -A deplot4buoami. dout, lu>' hicis mevea-al peonne re muppos adi te Isv* bien erioca>' Injeretiif soi killeti, cced ishort>' a(sor nmidnsisbtlus uigbt, <brougis sho falling in et a larjis portion et tise toot of a .Patieuk's P&lL The o ert et lms Commislhanté" ba talion plan lu béthniaer *part et ti uveaisg, nittatim dasing vas eai mseost. Abou 2,000people 6ad ison proetu et <ho couse4 ntat a large port oi h.men remaineti. vh.n, sisorl>' ator stiti. Dight, a or>' vasraimed ti t hroof vau Grneat oxcitestont vas at once visibla, but syaiptostsoeta tiovufaîl vers provi- Ieuhially tiseoored mufficeont>' esnly te a11ev nvar>' she uholo oompany te fly in. eo th. street. As Ithe lusvoes esping, tb. roof (cil luin is a tremsendoas -rash, boveral penrs»voie svcr.y injueot, but Lbe police on dut>' s ett oas, shia moe- lg ameis bat, se tsr, ne lites bave boom roundti sbat. bisanlest The fire brigade vere calet te tbe spot yj the alerme bell, in cime, th. builing holi taeis »frotein <h.bas shis tii eot our. Th. citont caumesgroancommotion udal'. Pelibenate Nurder by a Bey usten rine Teurs et Aie. 't p s (Cor. of <ho Ciagao Eveulug Journal.) NontipwiMicis., Ian. 11,1869. na tie '!<scroou et Decembet 1ib, lerge ieIev net ys Dise leama lti, elibeîatly amiot Tisomm Retford, isiovu ouips, ageti aine jears.Tho -parents et «<b boys ati dgene to atutben vetitipg « r, t.Bforti'a eltiemt u, iog Att . ottbrendbous mhreeoftissboys andi marge. Tise yesug r»M egel a iéed bot gué anti mmïd it in asihrotoaing Maul. en, vison thse ltist Retord boy, Robent, ,uwo vlve'y«ar nlid, tooS1-th. gus ava>' rm isiim,toitiug libina h venî shout ono ftbem. Hs-replisti 'I vili-amootyou if sn de sol; lot vueiens.' Robentthobn et the guas ok luia&place,' '6d i vous meo te wsoti bous. ,Wbilo thora ho -art the reporst tghups Sa-tIse boue m n a ba ondibis brother 'lying en 5h. oor. Howneer spoke, ant i e ironl bosi iveni>'Miutes. George pas <ha su hast i l& 5placelots as 'onco, ast nut se is parons, Makig machetate- ma as; dufeamaspoints& asprevet ish ev visai-b&. iati ons, anti aboviug the cils ati ouaicg of-& malurraiminti T4e rameorge, ounhosbe ikinstant, sho deer of <h. village aubool-bomp. allciousîy Si" tiandti os ayeung lu- Wug£ir, about 10 yosasoitiaacsoaian ie a1Ms sipso .badi>' ah. vas acely ieto get bus. la theniiSte; vas &en- elts apasus,--hommce -uoenaioma, td eoalti mo titoesdied *#Il e'ciock i ha ftirenooaaofiha Sts. i Sbeist th àois metiie i ilbut nethii<ooultial#lp mu. of vairn basbiny,4t tifh et ewtd<. h or ntic uiof Tlsem- Wmin letoptis"neIiiaayi ims'i; midbut bas aàrvat teoxa0 t ologu ou ertain 1smmpapar v saitha' à Dübilfa inviter ase l aI lrd sa mi'ers y «mg ibrougb t iresreet, FAsMng Irearmuszgleriusmem frin y 01 Sul SUIS f musue aëi e-Afisposai teroenovatt ieir sOdalsd fInti a velcorne rotreai front business. Tise Torente, Grey k Brucs lino vili ai- 30 afford otbsr ludanaentm et a lits s- tirq. ýWisile thé onatruetieoet ai ticie lionsvili offer rosti>'estployaienltevt>'o OIs tissmoefimlcâsut lahorers mati atcter isr ëcotialuio se ngagot là 1tisls-construction Vii bhveeyue-for tiotumeives sud- familles a eornortabla hOMe, provitoteV aIm apartiesiiilb. lus- dusriom, talati' bitx, sud ibus ua- lendt te mkoat nonest Ifriug. Wo mn y' tise Enghisis papes efforts ar-e boiug put forstiaamoat-eneny direclion te gel nid et a surplus popîulathen, anti Caa seems toe a el-eiod as a pluae of netrest turing tisa cering semmon. Il la te ho l wh is i mitiste endeaveur ofthtes charitble aut veiI-diâposet lu mislt a large nuaihror f tise p uper emigratien sty senthlbm 1 eurs iores, means -rnay ha promidoal at tismre ima $0o nabie snc bparlles $ : reas lo eisilenor of tise conltry, sa nt i nt ul 5cmOnus iores peasils sud witbuiet means ot mubosit- eue for aven a single dal. W. ara tot ai Quabec, ena Cinaýdisu agent Mn. Duxon, miti bu removadt $0Lonton wuts th. viev etf hais5 ou tise speotmiseas tiosaprepars. lieus ana boing matie," sud il to hate isopet bo viii b. iussructc b>' tise bouts ofet lie dpsnlmat le uhici iso ha- longs to caution tisosa societirs tb ha panticulan in:tise classes th.y aie about te send eut. We bave aira seen smre in- structive letters trcrn tisa peois tàspart>' (nom Englant rame rnonths ago, visa, me unsertantiin b bave assistance nendereti isim (rein tise Local Goterument et Ou- tar'o. This la aIl mcii verts>' on al sites but me bava yeî tomses mbat offert la to e hapst forth in Scellant aut Irelaut, frem vissuce va gestishe laboners sut agnicultnnalists. Surol> tise Dominion G-orerusment milI net ashow tise session to pm= wititsuscb prospects bitra tiem, 'iaont putting forth a liSeeffdrot li bots <lie.ceuntries. Gorusan>,', too, sabouit nbt hae lcEt sut; - - - Wiscre are tiscre finers sttlers tisas vo bars in tho coustiesof eWlaterloo, WVeil- ington? Na>', moestill, faît ie towvuaipa et Mfankbnm sut Vaugissan, andthtsaDuteis farinera are an oxumpîset inîlustny and péesponit>'. Wa se a stateanant on al aides et lange surpinacu in tise banda et tisa Goeenument. anti surol>' s portion etf it cannet ha botter applii- tisas ins tise cause of Immigratiou.t YOUNG CANADA. r 801h Jans.,18. tove a unasAimabesse. cufis asusvL>L i5ONAsuzor- LARE0TisiT Ponglikeepale isas bail a sensation in tiscf- Peor boue-a sensation rivalling in in- taneit>'tishe s-y oet "Pniciole.Y Seme montubs mgo a meman, aqualiti>' dreeseal, but tbe ovuier et a tare singuliail>' beauti- l ul, vas commis ed <o tise Almseaise ton tvagrauue>. A littla cisilti accempanicti. - ler mannei, <isougis course gave unînia itakiabie cyitence et tormer netissuset. lier voire vas moft snd meoeionsq, anti bier syos lustronads uparkling. Siesoa -miscratl>' peer, bobS ln punie anti dress, suit appearedti tehaye suffret iniiput yeans issuci agen>' of minci. She claimeti te bave once mepeci in respectable circleai, suad negisterot ber namne iu a Scautifail liant asEloisasBrentaijo. 5h. penformeti ail ber duties in tise Almsonse faitistully, mut treluentl>' sang sonnets ln Frenchs snd Itullan. It is reporbei tiesaI sa as foreral>an' opea singer eftmre note. Wisen s , ken <o on liese uhjoct se gpve an evass'a animer, and presenvet a long silenice. TueWeks ago, oesClarenci Beaumon.t a IlPIiqailie" tatteredandsutloin, iungr>' sud ferlafru, vis committei ote isadu-. ing on ochange tut vigrane'. lDe mas pcsae tmore tusnai rtiuarv intelli- gence;-liait smecmte bave bemi mbitter- cd b>' tb tria et lite, anti bis conversa- lion' irsal mmnkeal viih;corsenssanti prefanit - Atten bcing in tise aimisouse tbree dijo, ise manifesued a îtrong altacis- mon l . oi, anti ougistlier compen>' 2omanl, valiiig upon bier witis the Ziditj of a servant, anti pa>'ing ber tise tise moaf respectft attention. lic soon gaui e' erean sud affections. On tisa dey bef#e bis tiscisange tise>'bats long intervia*, aud eparatiti milS nintuai Nov, anktliseqooL. Clarence Beau- miont v disebargat tnmum tise peeriose _u Fr y orasig. lictore hb. stth le pir" matie preparallous <or an epe- me t. i4 amu. Ebis. atele out otbier coi, vi isleepins- bilti ouiber arm,1 mo or bneahtiesdatmtasi tise ga ansd caretuli>' crepi suay over lise s W. At 'f' a. am. tt en oe ancu a iasn ulosliug tomu tise Dutchois ceun- >' lu putie, sisco thaitimoîneltiig bas eo ed from tsen,. Lt am lurus oui that Mlese bati fallen boirs-*mre $80,000 by lia demis of an aut ~ sAtrian, Micis., andth<at Ms-. Beau- mont attentions mers pait vilS a yiam of ~ring the mono>'. E4glaticeulsting muscasuIoiesti-. mna<setai 18000,000. .Tis eulaicoin-1 -âge î £80,M0,000, sud lie copper aelnage mata teo xatI'£1.000000sino»Minal vati. ifs cuigratien trom Prunaisbuaa- 'A tai*tisuchbocesiderabie proportions e1 lai tisai the Cabinet aiut ia a gvnl 1 tifns to ispée t by al Possible q Wnq v""'@WuW, oMi r ron rsso, s ils rgaiting star. 1 lu Augui, 1965, tise irus tranatn eail tiaitlishilitesasd a«Mets te Aa rstock Ceapsu>'. coesepondiug tei ing MgayIbis aetpmny talictifor an in menf as ronl,-acatterig ý dtuter.,a iun tir sud vida. An înveaîigaîon nov geint en botore tiseMalyq!ct'lom aitting as a Mriminaî tuagitrate, ou I-charte agailnst aix dinectorsetfIsle ceu psu>', iuciudiug tiv.oethLie Gaines w on. oÇ tise Barel&s, for obésining sou meriptionsfte s bires oft1h.ecostpsnc taise preon sa te itâspacuisry affajs Tiseuzastiuatof et itsnes bu isa viréopod one of tise - mfou stupentit ivinilas et moderà tiiua. Tise confits' tiat clerk of Ovcnend, Guru.>' k (o., tu tilles list at tsaime etftisa transtor to t uev corny-tisa drusmas iepoiealy i solven, tiseir sissoluto debta being abol .f9,500.000, ant isir guariuteuta .vsr onu sperulatos, banks,- ralmnys, sta sis, andtihie hike, usaniy £10 000,0 more; misile then asmeta mee n oI>abet $4,000,000. lie atates tisai ibeir lesti turing tiseprvinssix yars bat b.e At tise lime èt tise transfer it vas Te prescutot tisaitishe merniers o etti rrn Ovenend, Gurisey k&(Co., noisineti s las- interest in tise compan>'; visreusa stse clerks ssoeet,-rama of thesOGumucys,'B cisys, anti Buxtons neyer totk stock1 il, whrls otiers cf tiscrn, v isetiiinves immediatel>' aold ouitisheir asores ai pnernmison-jethpis e -re iet isiin tt market Wisn askedet erntise meain hars ef tise cloi drm boit au>' lange pecus las-y iutsresi in tisa usu couceru, tise vi ness naivel>' roplisa tisaitishe oui>' mIgerej tisy e>tainsd mas in langel>' ovendravi tbeir ptivate aceenis, audshti-ssstestifl. tis vison tise eempsny taileti in Maj 1806, thzir sconte vene oves-dmram tise aggnegsto 10alise arneuisi of£2,97( Tise six tielinquants are detendet I nine efthie abiosi iavyens aStishe Lentsi bar. WVistber tise> miii te able to ex plain amay aise folloving dzsmuing tact ah boyb'thse proscatien, nemains te b .1. Tisut tise oli lrn badilest turing il six yeara previens $0tiste trauster (ave gi tise items iu Fedenai curency) $17,000, 2. Tisa 1tisaI tima th is rin ovotiab raolattcly nearly $50,000.00, ant ireTaio ble on gmsaanteesomra positive, tm contingent, ta tise arnount ofausetiser $50, 000,000, ta e ol micitise> bail maso Lisat coulti bc libenaily oitimated. ai no mruons s$23,000,000. 0. Tisaitisougis tisa trm repreasiste lise nov compan>'se as aithyhey icist ta pormaneut>' invemt in it, f bosagi actis on isa hourd ef airection turing tise niri isonts ef its existence anti allbumn themslves to everdraw <Sini accuns tg iso amount et %bout 815,000,000. Tis telcl tise great Quaker h anking seusa etfiEurope, oet viielSamuel Gui me>', Joseph John G urne>', Barclay, Bux- ton, sudFry, mono once tise main pillais. HoiauLs Ourauix 'tAasimu.- Memtphis, Jeau. 16.-Ljut nigit nine mii tiamon, frontt he fonces as Marian, Ar kausmasmont' to thsebousetofsa vidov layI vbe me idtelavithbelt I; <tbs nequemi o1 nurnereni relatives bare, sud outragoti ho <brie tiaugiters, ageti aixteon, cigisteen, ati tvcnty, atter iselping thousseives ta w hat thinga <h.y vastei. Informtion o t he afakir vos giron <o Colonel Watson. jcostuantiug the militia, vise this sfter. noon sucledeti in arnemting aiH the gniity parties. Tise gremteas excitemeni exila at Watsonliast Ibo vlgisshaithavmires justace mstet<hem, 'toubtlesm the cous. amuni>' voaltinov ha lu arma. Anotbos par>' aIra veut $0 tise bous etofJeffeons Beevez, sean th. same place, sud outraged bis vile. They iben vent to the homme of M. L. Kepren, Conaty QCerS, aWalrettl Mil. Watson, an eidorly lady front Novr 'York, living vus bim. This part>'bau not been arresteti asjet. Tise London l7es ffirmsa tImes- than one-ditb et tie os-ten of Jesuits are novw lu tise LsUutadS$talon said hâ thlie membeis of otiser Catboiic ordara are go- ing te, Amersca in great numbara. Goisipenn ay>'ViecrErnnel latel>' visitith ie Pope, snd iVapt visen lise>' partet; anal tisut altisougs lise utmest peins moeatalsen t prentsaiNapolcon banng-liereof, tise sten>' leketi out; Aisa recentfeto giron b>'tise Popf, tise salcns etftisa Vatican vere croutot mitis ladies, ubese proeice la nid te have bien an incident vwitscut example, sud te have goal>'sendalize th e oit presti.' Tise Dundee Courier sy:-"W uon- dm'stauti that aaltier in ose ofthbe largest congregalions iu teu, in connexion milS liseestablisset Chancs of Scullantbas gene ove- $0 liocsurclI of Rome." Tise eaief masaures, likol>' te cous e h- fora tise Britlish Panliiseul une-lai, Tise timestablisismenlt oethe Irishr ChamoIs. 2usd, Tise ballotý Srd, An incesaeofthe incoeusetex ienretenues tieruxeti (rom pro- pont>', anti abolition ofit on inicemes de- rsyedl troustisan siMd asti cmmerce. 4tb, -Àievimootliapoerlav 0raas- hotte- te, equalize lise bus-don Of Supperting tisa in lie Bomn= Caiolioe Ch rastsero are 12 patriarcbatca, 177 archishoprica,, and M.05blishopnua. - Tise 'oung Mlaquls of RaI., one of tise ricicai nole meu glant, bu juil Paris bau,' if possible, eec tt ofai et j Sb, jpd" Adelina Pattif a atigage toesing et Nov sund.S' Yaw ucql aistustis. Ai men papor ,v - says iVftbavenuetledtns" A ggea thse intelligence. - ýghe ____ ialob-ahupastnot j Nev' in husea stdition i e roua the loir Johsosn ta kFOgandw, t snsuos ta ;yrulw eaF ' arrange- Viitis te Eglai loleiàert t a gootiOMIdI5 rod bagsi sesttlement W(or ÀZ tdetroyed tiet d lti M a ilt vesseis andslaniluiar miao.lf certain termas ýP9St1s. au are appti by thse Asaricais Minlater, :TWoý-iOstidi5<*5 W- onlytobe rejoctet by tlioAmeritiaun Sete riSiotéis -l rinkleti ân- jt sOeo e jeà ttomsptagaorrve yt aiy cnm n -linçso loL wdt uuticrstauding visatever. Lord Ciarendti strasbq~éî be*4lë la anti UrJobusoî,or tliw sncçcmeo,uay cbeelç<as if tistq)fs on, devise Pliinmftii plais'for reasdering jus- 1<urrovi .st'1I - Pl itice tas tisÂtictoms of uniustifiabie àaggr oa. inato tImsb a-sion ; butïh.y ara not likely 1t ring thse hbot strings, flot1 wat malter tesa conclusion unic lie iUitedthe<b. rmejoy1iesa'oe sb- Ststeswilon tieir ide, endorme tie zig- efery léheiiie(È4 on aîreo ibuir -ipreeliaiYC. or Man sd ponipaint efisi r. bs claluait s <bey d Aut.". ijyaderw le- "w. esy lu tise weidi e of eriivpre. the ban» "e-ï usl* aident, "Lot us.bave pemeo," asti If yets Lakes City. ýTlsiy s aireoet ti ay of thiuking epu ec-aul-vs'ion s- tabuiglaut on a drus mndot itnçfooting, afectenafI' wmonidýbe bhe -bot if yen von't b. frieudasud viii ta oeta0 eir pieture&. 8 in- to war srith ni, syso, sud let.us under- wmen noyer bavai sut stand visai ,youen otiments are, snd visaI lave er teaiso lovéd. t. Our lice* offturo eutiuct must. W Tisora sacrifice. -Tbay tri uvJ isaD nuaprating abou 1t . ecalamities. oft te sacurcis andil )0 van botween tise tirenations, overy meni iluiie., .Tbcy as"gis )ut bic pero so able te, appreciats tbeirs"ag- tircen tireastigbty n ses nitudé,; but thisa rnic i the tsapresant. one a religions -ides. ansituation l isaI vo wearea a ay momnent iovdness anti last a liablo te b. draggad -lote wsr by sm rne1- Hoven at bell tagi a- raspona&ibia posons visovoult h. povoer- action, ci using ont ef los I oe iis bsrn, il outstsnding grie- the isighest aud thesa -g yances vers abolct." soul. air Tisa Ilarnilton Tidu samys -"The Am- The priests etBud ur- enicans talc s sranga vicirs et internationalioetbeir tielinestfions in questions; said, usorcover, va tiôn'i .bc-c=rately, portimyî, st, liloeraaettissai ould b. iatisfied if tise lisse irouicuofSalt s mbole Britishs Empire mena cededta$0tlie But tbora is, tia b. Uniited Sttes in liquidation >te thse' Ala- ili-tsa hoalof th t- bua daimts. Tbey met upon tisaprinciplo sund Revelator-in ti in- tisaitisey musi demmnd a greai desi more aiidaet the stage. ' Il t- tisan they baie auy niglit ta aim, in or-- is - nicely bruuti. est dur Chat tlicyrnai gsli as 11much l nPou' i rtest4. blsk breadelu rug fuIe, ou tise principle tisai ubop kecepers ask Put$ an opera glass cd s iuigli price for ti goods,. in eider tisaI oferta the gsllery CÀ by, <bey rnay, by an sisatemnsi, appliar ta bie 10 ec iris tisers. iu gencrous sud to sIl clsp." - bond, large nosci ai 'O, TflicNev York Tinta, vhich ilaoesof visite. &bility, , tise leadin-journals etftisa States, sayi in e'hneVrdness, cuasninz sy t*ffect tIsat, wmle disapproving ofthtie Jobn- elements et charroies on sain-traty, sud feeling, <bat rame clausin bis counitenauccr. x- et il ana objectionable, il la et opinion thsaï; busire sman, nosi 3t itald seni oaccepteti or ni-jected aaI once; i5 blis site. be but tht <lis shoulîtiba donc "on 'sorne la Btdgbssus terni national groaud. and net fûtrh<le me pur- of bis concubinei and ho posaetfkeeprug tise casepn, -s lai, tý cisadren-nlI but sbr ýv wien opportsnity allers., va aly. puuisb ofthbe iion uz past ,- ngland for lier miscouducttlovants us. plain ceunitenancs, pl Let an ameastusist be proposeti, by *hidhiis sad-sndvisonoth b- tise detecte etftisa treaty eau ho rornedied.i. l 'Thea Somnambal W- Tise isola îsiasg ongis not te ha alioved icones viieliset 'tis se ta fullt tirouph il mc aré esorno.at, in pro- bringg no amila te bu ,- tending a wish ta pioserto tise poste If At tisend of tise ýta f a at a, lot us have il;- if vo vaut favonnite, concubines- ol ponce, let us ornbracethisoppertunity ofpale, tisougittvriti accuning it. But lot un do' oua tising or et coanteufanee, miii d anotier-not k Ibis iestien open teah. r î«ea haleca t id ezseaets hpOZ e beti censtries. largo lûstrieuseyes, ig mitisoni deing an>' possible giod te aither." jevels ons ber finger e -.4 - prdo Inralas u ig limnsoc Cozourer or'-A LxÀs.-One gantS>' dresaed-woear oa niglit aiieek, lu Chsarlatan, South Car-' Dit 1 not kasev abat1 olina, Mrs. George Martin aek ansdsair concubines, 1 sbeuld p vo negro burgianaiin tise cianier. Oneise taelers egraba r- remaitid nis the oibcr içul- imb to is dcoewmih îhefric z- adjoisiing room. Tise ouaeirie rernained oveuing; 9. hati a large butcbesr'mkuife, misicis lia eld, ý Il vas a antley au over tise slurnbcring Mr. Marin. Wbcn n;era; a d Indiana. F - tise burglar lett tise bcd lie> placet tisa 1 sec thireeofthes Utsi -kuifo un bis Ieli sud vaikot about tise sud blaukets, gazing neom, acarciin- tise dravers. AMien a gravit>' upon thse sucen whIle b. ugain approacise th ie bedside andi Bniglsam looks apo sievated ti es lge, kaita. Ms-s.Manrtinoethtie *.!me, tuning b Pf jurnped op,sizeti au artiliery ' amanoiner oui>' visomrntiu ýr tisa bcd, sud visite tise burglar's arsu 'vs tive or Isugisable oe4n 1,extendeti over ber sleeping isibautd stnuck Brother 'Wclli, 0tise burgîsur a terrible bloir, wubics ee pockst, pares au f tise kuife tea(al from bis grasp, Whlia uncises. Ha he steopedta t pick up lic kaie eise gava net moUl * iimaeut onithe hoA&Iandi Mubis face good swung isk aise gave bitasatili anosiser r bleuw on tise foreiscatl. Tise burgiar rush fa t ei at-tise beneic vornan sud succeeeiun ta __ - j Il giving ber asevcera kick un tis ida, break- omis vay-~' 3ing tvo etber ribo, vnicis ciuseti bert$o- faint sud (aIltThis moka Mr. -Ifutin, Yave ' *h vie lsped out et bed, ouliunlme te se. 4hcb. -P tisa scoundreli jump euto et tisavndoir. aix o jW etilf Sultan of tà "yi1'à IAn Amnericais drus have rseceivod au royal afrtb4eubà forder rom <JChina for six hundrai cases ef A si-,aq 1b<.ots anti sisns-piobably tisa fiei cou. osir usgisi11 * ignument efthtie kint ever ent te ehat re- motse couniry. Tise goocis ordereci are et cresigami r _o a ciseep clama, sud il is inteistei te- istro. msiynw isus-.b duce tion oug lie natives g'seail'. into ise vaîsu.h tA tcspatcis tront Mempl'ia toila et a tainoet tie veasol, plun lourder on board tisa steanier CaZdteUl baths mre tromueî eA "tdilcssity" occurre4 hctvoois léie et lu eeaseqnnceeofa: tisa maiters about s pretty cbausboirnaid, va>'accident bua= cc andi onseoft1ha disputants abaot lia otber thi. Cepeuba entunnel tbroughstise-Sclai. Tisamurderescapeti The dzie inb- tisea t ma ba nt yeu a at ecagl.taa - sý feu daya ai litho las-gos-t mostber ben An insane aNcMrYork 4 vas ascertais gentlemen, la -Tie frai il that is tend i Wh.n is ir wban fii ai SBeetblaob Wisy are p BscmnsetbeY Hem tep: bond shaveti. Vis> is ar is breke beta 1Tho vori toisýg brougi CROXALI uit.; the vite Mn. George]1 sui vas uni, ici he Spring do Osok.... SeECIAL mnuuverniçaidn to moders.-«e stantamseonly, vaPidity-crwa easet orsm, i sud onakissa i et tiese et ai mnkind are à soit by i Got i-tea ii is aSm an ut0 aotaig, homil agents for tihe IR HffADDOC RAIMU LENONS LOI I i-r 1 ý 1

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