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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1869, p. 3

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to oz it for him, « Thfe prom as..bc% vîth tht. onalis titi@ pages.6"0o tu the Devl," by the. autbcr of"dComa6te Jesi.el ÀAyouimgilwu drIwn into a-carding machine, In PeÃ"Tia, M., on Saturday, mmad trightfuliy rnutilateaê Absout the entire scalp vwu toriifroin lber bead. It Io tbougt the. May recover., eàys . -"Davis and 811ieili, who may,,per- lisps, b. re bercdilu cznuoction vith the recent robelliln, dined togéther on Now Tess 4*di>." r The iont Bleatrlan carnet cier--born on *tlAnhetsaw the ligbt of Cincinnati a. eays ai.*o Ie apore-wb[tt and "'l llttiè larger'tban a yeâllng ciSlb. D mohar belongs o a tuaellù'g uiouagerio An insane zain became uneianigable in a lqeW York Central nallroad 'car. and it vas aScrtaied tbat out of,'tirtytwro ;gentleten lu the car, twentynPine corried Tii. à rit hie; people dye, and the lut týýlàiad olathe hain. Whea la trou 1k. a bond -lfi rebboers Whe la , la -im ite4 to atel. liootblooks are properiy câile4 "Litai. * a@aaht abîme forïa pnny. Wby ire pretty girlst like ostrneal eakes?7 -nocsimeiy give the beartiior. How io preveiît gray- bira-kopour lead ahsîed. Why la a colt 1k. au egg ?-Bccaua it lia broke boetlas»use. The wonsa posible kUnit of educatiou la, bu.;g broubtup by a policemisu. ÇROXALL.-At Reacis, on the "i. the vle of Ili. W. Croxalit, 22ad or AI -- LONG.- At Pickerngu, on the 141b ut., Mr. George Leug, Beur', agod 81 jertns. IDeSEse,d wbu eeof- the eldest settiers, eud vas uuniveusaaiy respecled by al i bo hue, hi.. Whttby Jlssrkels. * ' Witby#,.Felý $pias;de..... loabp, 1869. $1, to $1,10. 90c leo 960 $1,15 tg $1.30, 108tgciso cts. 70ets 47.1. te Mots. $7J te $j ".IBEIGG8' ALLEVANTOR,"9' 'The i<ret cslrrls, liradasello, nenralgin, snd 'unuîerouel lalu remedy li nquestilsabiy the mcs< areohiesudeilics suresnody knowss t0 utodoni scleiee. ILrellieras Il pain in- otsutàiîsoiisdy, and reuces. luniuulsauo wltb ropldlty,-creallng a boultis s'etici t etmll di». sud sukii; a roipd isud radical cure et' solue of tbo enmetdlotress.luog ccsntlitto wblcb 'menklud are suljoot. 2%ig' l levautor la sold by Ga It-ttlt-uspead of It As you llud la. Io a suto ,sud eortliui rosnedy for eorn,bunlou.q lu gruwlug iei, frot étct, et, bruis..ç, burus, seida etc.;noscul, or potanh, but. a *eetblung, healu; iutnisnt. Mo it by * J.H. UER!!E, Ageilt W.btby. e.. LWrnowraen., ismiton, Ont., <sueraI ageuts for the irltili poteeslon. 3 NEW ADVEÉTIEEI R.lH.JAIMESON. HADDOCK? LING, KEG OYSTERS, LOBSTERS,_ SWEET ORANGEO, DAVIS'8 ALE. GIVING UP BUSINESS! Stock for Sale AT OOST . IIO]E 1 ]Pttïnti, OC%' Dry WJi*te Lead, GAgent frthme of Mo TUE sELEVTOIEW OP TO Dr. KoGILL, K? tb&aadensla lie tieSonitI oV~'idn f ahConutv cf Onitarle,,who iL the ist Pniisstir feto, rur votewsu nri tercai 1 soeiert, iistoturu isi' lrn William- ISoGili a thea reprassetatlre et titis !Oonstituoucy lu the Omtaril Lsiature, haee "onu vithasaurpnise sudreyret, hi. MssssAeul.. icibed te a publsuit doctiffint. whorelsi staeoient* ver. marie sud piiîaipiosodàïiult.' eJ hlbei s, nr.giràs ahi.COmxtitusmc,we baltue t b cotrss7tefac, ud sm-eppesi- alesi to the veli u!ideirstosd .esstmtetoa tuaoint>'outbisssuppor'tq's, speetina' tho initter. miteisa be oosssiru-d So atqueeaugln the iourse otfon reprcoelnta- ilve, wa4oýnplder thant a gessenai exprrallguî-of obptoleit of ttise Ihqteniserscof tise Ikldisg sbôasid b. ebtelueuil. W s wouîd tberef'sne reqîsesi Ibèfolrmerste ttendu a'Public Miotngtà be bold'at the TOWN. HALL, ,BROOK14II, Saturday, 27th Tob'y, luht.,- fe ti imure ofet earin; aueli uxplanalon sas Dr else &.0 lose a ise1refereuce t0 ibi s id docnument, as woeil lis te hli. suerai courste lit ?arlIhirnsst aI chmeting Dr. McG.1S1laorcnpqcttuIIy iuvlted 10 ateund. Pter Taylor, ILR. c iss;iobll, Jostsi wilii. Anrirew Ansioi., JlnDryden, , T. T.îswitc,' Juiiii i'usrkrse .JueisiIiltgist, Dîatial Btt%, ' ItreterAlsacey, Téii Bmaownc, IL. Fraser I. iroverd. jambes lboiles, Julis Fergusoin, 0. M. Thuas. Asron Cu,'muphil,, Wlli l'.x lren, Tinuotisy Filcn, George Iloisuain, Joll ui tstiti, John hlepburu son., D. F Burk ,., L- W-. Fowke, J.Gouid, J. Misekio, CROWWN LANDS TOreut, li Febnuany l He PUVBLIC N0TIC1t la hes'by lien, tiosa ah. Huron and Suplr nd - 0 sasoe 9 ada Weit rewio inbr h-geucy et Te- rot eretufono undon tise ehisrgo cof J. R NAS 1, PLq., bas beau abolibla, and that the bulue,. aippertaiinc 10 abat Agenc willl lu tature bc cousdisîted by the Wuods à Forest.q bratich efthLis Depaî:moisi. 8. RICHARDS, Cmmsuioes f Crowm Land.. $rd Vbrtsary. 1809. n- 0 OTI1CE. Ai Ilparties ln'iahted te theso ate of tInlter Mr. 0 BORG£CUN (1, Sen., ara ro-queaWte1 paetle tise sae. wltblsti osa menti, Irons tiis datea;re eud tise.aving cîiins grainâLtiseé abers, au!plais e nri ahir acoeuuts tb the auusl§rsglied Eeue THOMAS AN14AN, WM. ANDEKC,iON, Pickering, tub. lotit, 1889. Executone. 55in-0 In Ohancery. SÂNDEIlSON, ET AL.. výs. HOÃŽ>GSON, ET AL. P URS7ANT to a dccreo l.m * the Court et Ciaucery mne l uInbis thl. oaus.e, bearing date dise1luth dey of Decsmber, -A. 1). 1868, thora wiii Ibe aold by PublIc Auction, wlth thé Apruprobsation of Gsoneztihusair DAm- MxLI Emq.,-Msster of tieo Court of Cbancory, et wibtly, hy Lscvî FÀneaÀ&wha Jr. At hi. Ofice, ou Breok Street. lis tise TU*N t0Y WMiIIXY, UN Wed.nesdayi .Srd iday of Narch neut,a12 'clockonu, tho tollewlug valu ahie sud ImroeriIwn g e;tise northis laI of Lot umher Il. iu tIhe Oi concession of the TOWNbhIIW OF DARLXNGT9JN. lInltme (Jeuity cf Durhameux cceihait au acre în4! 16000. nnaa fotcttroutliercstorn old by bise liet Jou llodg.onm The above landa are ltuatad about four mîtes, trous tfie village cf Hamnptonz, tcig tlles frein- tise village or Oshava; are of excellent qsseity, and bave enected thereen.iwo dweilisg bouses sud gocd tarni buildings. Thorae'la ia acel lent erclsard. of grafted fruit, aud a good vWal upon tise presltes- w iai coitalus 100 aOii'8, more orl & t iai bout 80 are clened, the reuxaluder belsig hardwood.' TiseCoudiles cf61SAare the standlig aun- dltioud ofethte CocA of (Jhauery, wvîth fi-s1 Wivn; varItions*, Tihepurchaser a@ihai tIhe tt 0a o sspsy dowu te ah. Vesuigr. er bis olctr, ouii cab of bis pui'ebae mener, sud baivtilu rweeks trou, Lb.day of sale, psiy tour-tentbs ihensof, sudésialai thiesemo tlmsxecte'nd elîeragoMd suaficieni., aile t0,Poýb su Mnervith laierest upeul Xha liq np*4, Pichas lbo.grý t te rate LiceniJatue of the DIJBLLN -LX 1NG-IN- QSPITAU £ I* enidence oyer Jus. Byrn ' P» >u TAENOTICIý'. 01Ll TÂVEUN-KEEPEES, oGUOCPES, au, otb.êpa wlahinig-o obtaun Liccuco for ito inlngycsr. ue, pply witliout delâ7 to N. BLOW, as uldor tho uûw Act no patillion are rcqird. Z.BLO-wl Inopocr of Lico. w iltby,Srud Fi. 8 JOSEP H-AILL M 1CH1NE 'WORKS. Josepbh al l anufacturlug Company OSHAWA. ONTARIO. Leffl'. Celebrated Arneicas Double Turbine Watcr Wbeclo, M6 tu tfperfect and ecemmial Wald. IJ'hal ia WC aie tIhe offs it nunfaatirrs WviseaucriIn- niais tdie ganuita, I,aff'Liseo1011,i Csaui,iss vilS ha $casis b>'tisaeIrsloing certificato. srnix<eyxLD, 0ti10, Dai. atis, 1963. Wa tisba picassre la iufenuning tisepublice et Csstssde, tl; t Wo havo edsd nsi;old Mn. *y. W. Gîtai, out lishea, OUntanlo, I'tttersss, Foero, Dravlitgo, Gauges, su ri ail other necassrv Ifuormation, to bniidounr aeîoh-.ated Doubla '1'nbiuoR.Nater Wisel, liveted b>' Jr-uixs tzYKL and i ksowu as tise "Letisi ,Wbel." W. ava situe obllstcd oumsiau o fuuiosis tise some tacilition i l'ununntsstning to nu ut'uon parties hi Canaida. 'Vithout t)bo lr.'urmat'rsmwo lsisre iranM. UuEN, 1îee calis uccsfnully buildcaur Weele, advo advlnelssrtiesi la Canada 10 purehase enr Wbce orotisor manufacturer. 1fr ULzai'a fr.liicn are us.s.urpaiie<l, sudwe toel sure that lie viii btiid a Whbcd thet viii give salis- 'action. W« thtero o miecd hlm t tise publia ot Cansîtlatiitli utirao cenliece t&eI' in a;sure lie WIJIl nautrotu & aWJiiel taus respect. eqîpal 10 ,our ovn. lgn,) JAMES LEFFEL CO0. WAERiAiITY. ,Outr imeela ate wannssted to wonJ to e ctire satlaf.iatleus, if proyierly put up, ragsud teken tIse eqnaîra sstisstei of tibeIpurchesr, suAer rubnuin; tisa 60dsyt, tisbe>, 'Ay 'atira 'tise vhéels te us, sud we wilIl psy frelgit, brth, viayug, and ret'ussd al payînentié maea 10un thereen. Thisu gusrantce w<111J»Q sanitiy ad- hered te. - Weoi alal tteaLlouu auenor reingof ahkimds .fer attacbinir our wvCsee anZseIl ~ taN1 d tâ te tire -biehm peei ,a- h[ Wu . , r,.auio.n sstrcitea- r'AT -A'(RÉAT I r rIN>Wpl RIM. muminry; ~riies, iae just AND :> R'EADY*MAD E COOT,-4;iJN CI'OT 11INC ET)O DR F,1e aMlY AIOE~S I'-,The hgest 'ie ad'for Clover Seed,,,and Ot. ýWh!;tby, lob. lst, 1869, FOR ONE IIoN TH O(NLYio selling Off ratCot FO0R 0CA,$H!, NOW 18 THE TIME TO'BUY 'IEP BOOTS, & _SHOS, Gaiters, Ovcrshocs, Buf. Bixas, Lggings, *&c., &c,, by ca1llýîng a't the "Ch eapest -Housei-on A .few Henry Rifle Çartr'igesgstili on band. Great Attrac tions!. NEW' YAaJUETY STOREt' WHITBY, (OPPOSITE~ TU.E P08T OFFICE.) TJÂMES BORLAND respectfally announces to the inhabitants ,eJof Whitby and surrounding country that lie has opened a eneral BOOK & FANOY STORE in.Lhe above place, and will bc happy at ail timcs to supply'the wants of al toe who may favor hin with their Éatronage. Ho lias on hand a supely of MORSE'S .FOUNTAIN PEN, (which cannot be précured a1>any other place lit* town,) sud is pamtieularly adssptcd for the use of ail buiies men. Al1.o .'fent for the Jjaity Gobe and lelegraplz, 10c. per week; tud ltho Dailyr Le9cdd,9. per week. ORR.'S DOMINION Al"COUNTAN.T;,a work: indispensable to ail tradesmen is oniy ta be r oeured:at the above Establishmenzt. Hen aiea keeps on baud a general supply1of SCIIOOL BOOKS& 4, STATIONERY, gera ITIy poure uairat kaus Statiouezy :_EstabJishmnu.,,"6PLAN- Cin'E'l great variety. Your patronag-soli il. Whitby, .Jan. 26tb, 1869. 'iAXES, BORLAND. DIVISION OTJRS U CO U'NTY F-0TR1, FO R T TEAIRie. N.,Wsty............. 2 "9 ecrisg. i............. 1.. 2., .. . , anlnos................" J...' 71 Atjis.nley..f........-.... .... ...-2 V~htbyJanar> 10h, 1869. , z. ARMSTRONGSHOTEL, N>' '(I4 Pan ')Royal (adiaü 1 -UXB RIDG E, - ïc0 AM E. ~BS~PNQ - Frprtç "j -~ , c. il ..tS .2.1 ~j ~ te M GROCI im'ad Cl.othini LECROOKE GLAS W-A P*El&e CUL, ,AD- HI SOK Afs -extraordinùry -bargsidns wil be givesw forcauh., Wlitby & Msnchmeerp Jau. 5th, 1869, FRESH ARYL AT THE CE-NTRALiOýOK -STýOR'E>, AND FNO AZÂR SUiÂWA gnàAJ1ntréle eeaaal ,rn0tO (I8 ACJ. -P. WILLOX basrnuch pleasute in aî.nouncing tW bsmatro-sand the publMi, &~ TY$,iniabl fo tu a~aobng olia,,m.ionr hlh iq iI ei it ices Iliat wIi ll ie .atactunte IL 4>'M o «Il ea tl xa i thà tclargo roicchion ou baud. 0sbAWa, Doo. 22,18ses. D Special Inducements AT OD O01 *The wbole of the neywly assorted stock oçf general Dry Goodg,. at reduceýd pricea, and five per cent allowed on ail cash purcbags.. Bnrgwmn8 will be given in order to sell off the Wintcr Goods on or -before thé o t Iirch. Y. GIBSON. > Wanted, 10,000 bush, Wbcat 2,000 bugh.,Clover Seed.. 1,000 buéih. Peas. 500 hush. Beans.- 100- ferkins of Buitter. ChoceFamily Groceries, conistantly on hand. Hardware, Paints aind Ola, ait reduced prices. Y. GIBSON. th* ROYonal Tttstestfs W AllER. 51 PêOsraph.s- n li NERIISGNED tiikei. bave r<s0Pect- jy telforni tbe jubabitets tof W Ilitby of Mr. J. t...-Jmoe nlutIhe ]PHOTOGRAPH, .GALLIERY, wayA bau pi~'puo tekS lilcneases of ail klndoi-ýýphqaogtapbs, qihPoroovp.&a., il, a osa1jcricr mlauer sand witlt lite-like accnracy. ýlivin mae lrgeadditions ai'[ imProvte- monts W ad otlicrwl.e provided theo luety' with, -ailt ,eoeeary regiiites ofthtie.art,-L'o -f* fcoodel Oatb4iîtl boecges ;will b.c fuodt unoam tiuabtlà, and respectfully'solilats-.3 eil.- Wbhllm,'Doc. 22j U69, In refereuco tdtbe, aboie the undermIgnodi deaica o ncomeuctbissuccaa r. rWiI- soio fmn rparon{rlndn *111lffive tih. utgmet aat,.Ètaetiot!. 'Whithy, Dac. 22, 1848. 15 OL0THE LONG=,& N Dlsareabl . Em'loymeit! Fer wblï cls hais obtinid letter. pattcnt, nd for- .wliobubega 10 solic'lt thotiteition oftheIi publie; .105 construloted on sound commnoi sae principles, 'be, ts work with en"so ad dispa!cli; larequirem no' extra op sInuces ho Y. Co. havIng been, appointed, Agent fior 1 the Huron Sait Compaïny,, lie iw prepared to seli the Goder, - e ich Sait-in any qjuantities (w!holesale and retail) at Old No... 1 YE OMAN GBO.h Whitby, December 90, 1868. Aet5 forea 1 BLOW HEBLLOW& > ATC11& BIROTIIER' bave receivaed. a 1uplyof 'Blàcký' émniftbs Bcliows of superior q'aliýy ;' lhy bave alIsoma ccvef6tzieiiiWalt &goçk f 3nç( ofýScotch Irin.' Sleigh shoe e'<'uter steci, Homueapo, Files),S&Peror Horse Nafis, &. Hardware Department havig been thoroughly replnished, n lü wouldcolt attention to aur Iargea ko o er' ablnid Poekdt Cutlcy ga Il tic iL !?&: %, lu> 'par>' lOtis, 1809. - . * r-- * r 1 19mreu-gw-ý 7771-1--imr ' - . 110 ý -é . - -ý ý2m

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