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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1869, p. 4

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I baidubilp, and wésiiideysa trr ma drWadtc, liotvewvto; TL .luvontU0iicau hé, isdln an> bolier 1sud thé lnw price of lbe brticle, 4. Paces Ih vithin the roaoh' of oèr taniiy. This maiblas ho& beau tr'ed &a thortoughyttsted 5y different pariles, froin wljomfttlmotitals hâve beaun rsolveal. TEMITJMONIA. Wr.. L. iJonol, lrg. Janit llr ton, lMr». ..Gre.u'wod: }.Q'oovait, 34raM. X. Cohrssns, liro.d. Il rne, li. J. 11 Mervl i. L. Fairbanksa, lAi. J. Agucw,' r191, Cochrane -lira,, M. - Harper lira Mr asztwood, lirsit. CaldweIia, lrà. âUît1- CAUTION. Ail Mschies mdor snid ln thée flntyt>0o Ontrloend,!Durisain muet have thieprprio. lorle st.rnr0i earliisdate of patentlsaIsis ni es nfi bttn, ase ualî sed eve77 li- fric g.meiît viiib. prosoouted ho m ll iex t'on etJtheawa, sole Agent for the Manufactureallîda ls ln tlt us etyt of Outario anud Durham.. Uaiiawa, sept. 28, 1888. 8 L ahndLand!1 T Ia RSubscanher ofs tii.thfollowing 11.; of laiîdb, wlich lia will 0§0i1 t a -F PIR VALUATION;4: S.3.No. 8, Ini Sud concession'o! ofBach, 70 sergs claared. E.3, No. 19,lit the Ird concession o! Beach 40 notes loared. No, 28. lit the 101h concession of Darlingtu, 00 ;acs clcared. No. lr,11 Olîcon., Mora, 5 acres eocred. No. 27, la Sud concession Wiitby, ouered. 0lobers ln Bonervile-500 scia. n n Dxley, 200 acres lit luxton-44>0 facslInBltiiîo)iih. Appiy parually, or b,' lutter, pot.pad, to R. E. PERRY, MONEY TO LOAN. R EPAYAJILE IN ONE bUIt (AI BY ibyc,.rlyitiiçtaltnotiti.. Yîm or Tovu .ro po1, ult .low rates of Intaret. n. H. COCHRANE,; WhiIhy, Nov. 26, 1Ise. 41 OITau for OONBUMPTION 1 IN CANADA. Mlasse. Yourt Oe àask a 1w-dl s el cilha dulOI> we 10 >', ao Weill as ta the publié,.#0a laifaru yuu aiihoet aioîdifi cure uofeConsomption. au- eampllsbedInloimnypriaon, lu the use of tilGrota soboncaielleudy sud Pilla. J eouglied a great, dei dayansu ilit, expt-clantlî.îglIfrgpe asullîeit of Caitrad c lic e. #ilenlain about rmy lef og.l tl ileeeyday, sadser, u iglu swcsti cvry lgb, ud beiweu lb.e rmcking caugb andl greai sweatilug, i u. almiut depriveal af sloop; la>' îeus tbries ias Wall su by tlis$ as lpplit.l Ws.oucre- doucdait eat1culd hardi .sana Usla.. 1 vs., under Ibo cr ai a ph>esn u r alIig'll af lime, lbufi.adng uo relier, It rid dlllareiîlreclpeur bul ah llîitoutanuy gaad effeet. taquioe l'eiersauof aibsl, recamîmended ine tu une the <Great êSbambices Remeal>' g1Ipn.curcd ihr*aiaoulcs litO1 oewitii ihe Pilia4; 0 n i 1 asin.a * meîîeed timing ilii bigan lagel botter, sînd vlan 1 lsd filsiiacal iis campleueni tle crugli, expectoration af nuiter pan aoutthelungs, Chille. pesilng, &a. leS nie ll 17 nin lolis use Ilheeume troîig sud heaiîtyW.lt leîîow verewi. m.,ihsamine i qui sle Rcîiîeay, sud lucre have boe,îî110 symploma 0( the disessa umaîniig. sud I lave beela. anuan uaw final- Ilier ad b!lo thonaîî bave bien for any yesrs. 1 jetatvois will mitke tîisaknaii'ulathe publiec, ai île>' amtbue adesare af île pecullsr.virttrueaotthls tmua>' woaaderfu Inieln Reuaed>. r1VIERruC. V. MILLLI. Iusrneitoviî, Io. of Leunox&k Addingiau, Ost, l a alla whom I Lay come.-Thia ho la certif>'that 1 bave beeu cqeaiîîldwll jhe anavePeler . V. (oler scfr nasa'y ers. iaud have kuavîl hnma. arwayielW le of the s'en>'h#lieit îenpeelaloilialy, And a ver>' conluian sdoerdciblelspermets ; e -ad m oict; fihlticeai afel> vouc-li tormbe trui0(Iof lboyéh,cvOrsay .ahr maamentltonde b> liini. 85111 1Y VZ. W. y. 6. RARI'HI, Ilciar oflWh, L1V E R'Y IIJED PESIRES To IN- a sud pstroua, Ihat ho business ah tlb. <ad NEEY STABLES 'Y gessrs, Coulhard andl roscai the numbar andl andt-ako acdaed to and Ihu- auceî. andi valllex on th. a by balîaginuàpaahtle e onooicre to mîra .li art fuDIr ATEiii.% 13gs nuaiibd and Almonds. Cases Brndiiy, Gl, Chanapsgu.ë, Iriub and C,.rt4Aies, la paiakages ofiO, lb snd,' 30 gS1Ioils. T. Uf* M«eZLLAN & Coi I F HAVE JUTST RECEÎVED TWO -CASES 0F1 Which will be found very cheap, and sold at a, amati &¶vance on COst. D REÈ8S COO --0 SHAWLS, WYOOLEN 000DB, PLANNEL%3 BLANKETS WINCEYS, CARPETS, BUPAILO ROBES# HIOME,« BLANKETs, &c.e THE. MJLLJNERY DEPARTM1ENT Containa ev'rytbing' -new And ,styliali in BONNETS, .IIATS', JACKETS AN» TRIMMINGS. The Tailoring Department, Clothing made to order by filkt-eIass workmen, and a goed fit' guaranteed. The publie are respectfully îinformed -that the aubaciber hsE pe e n u inthîe aboe prommse, I aWey ecnpied by Mr. Parquharsn. li asju. oened a large mnd mpe#or Sooc-eispeia1iy suited for ibis se~~~senI eopzig refeir wTesv Raisins, & Currnts, Orange, Lemon & Citron Peele Spice., &o.. Very Buperior BWak#, rooi i uzd Yzosh Teag1 &okeuà Loaft, Crushed and Nusc>ovado Sugas :N' Alis Stock of GROCERIES PROVISIONS wllI be 1feund eom- plt and attractive. ~ A~eand ine.,stockof choice Wines, Brandies, Jamaica Rom, Islay; Seoud Old Ryýe Wbiskeys,,Obeos, Pisb, &o. .Âlsu superWl orTbece lupg. b-Cali sud examine. * 1~Il,- -JAMRE.O% WIuitbyv Dec.g24, 1868. Wlnâ & Sirit Merebant, Duudas-St. -OFFI.--CIAL ASSIOGNE.E GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE! tIIUII nderslned ba ingr lved lh. apponinment f OficiaiAssigne.for North TeOlntarl o , lu p'rard nto giv r omta tion to almatrs in Bankruptyo In soliene,'. gW* Promisaory Notes and Accounts speodil,' coliecteà and remittanea inmptiy imade. On good farm oecurity' st S per cent interest. Special attention wiii b. given to tbe negociation of Loanis, and borrowers casa rcly upon baving their applications attendcd to proinptly, and at srnali erpense. fEr Also, Lande, both Imp roved and unirnproved ýconstantly for sale. Insurances effected in tbu Outario Fermers Mutual Insurance Company. E. AJ , Offciai Aualgueo aud Vuluator. OpPÏCE--Blgelow'a Block, next door te tho Royol Cunadian Bank. Fort Per,, Decomber 2, 1868. 48 xw 4ALI CIIEAP GOODS R~E subascriber wouid beg to intimate that he ia now in r.e- j .ceipt of his Fail Stock of FIIE.SII FAMILY GIIOCERIES, Complete i vr department. Re would. direct ispecial atten- t iont i large and complete assortment of W~ À fuil stock of Groceries, Hardware, Hydrauiic Cernent, ICrekr,- s arhnae Sait, &C. (c&eyGasC'E."ten ar Osbatwa, DOO. 2,16.5 1868.b "'LIA, 1868. ""'E 18 SHOWI NG A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP CLOTHS &.CLOýTIIING SIJITABLE FOR THE IIOLIDAYS. Ladies' aod Gentlemen's Furs. 500 pairs-of Ladies', Oidron'. and Gentlemen's PoIL Ovoraboes & Rnbbera. The highest cuL flanuel lined Walking and Skating B3oots in the market. A lai-ge stock of Fanoy Goodu vimitable for Christmse Prosents' WILLIAM DIC5KIE, Oshawa, Dec. 28§ 1868. 5 CHUIc EGlOCRIES No. 1, on the Corner, J'have made 'è,tenlsive VrepaIratin osp ply my cuatomera and the public with-everything-in seaon in thew8y of ozrGroceries, New Fruit, and, Pure Liquors, Suitabl~e for thJeJIolidays, or for any other occasion. As; 'mère ýwords; could not enumeratei istock, I respe tfnlýask ry patroas toi sielveam N. RAYWiT, PDeseoe' LA . TIfl 868 âpru ) o,!« -uuW ruc.o 168 Glassware in sets to match, Lampai Chimneya, &c, ail of whicIh ho iii deterunined to sali as clîeap as auy bouse iu town ; in fac-bound flot to be unidersold. Cail and ueo. tr FLOUR AND FEE D, AS IJSUAL. Cash paid for any qnantity of good irkin Butter. Cerner Byron &Dgndu.sts, opposite the Robson Ileuse. Wbitby, Octobor 28, 1868. FýURiNII "J lIE XII G JEL2'~ Y raîo , an J1155, ai1the ULL WBITBY,,where hc viii be Aqctirc ucw stock of USgTAL. iwajs it UNDERTAKING ANDl FUNERALS Si W~Some splendid apecime .no ofI'.iotnxý RÉemember'ltheO0W $tand. Wbity, ay 4, 1868. w~u Ifyouwant'to buy alistcass 0O ri o M. n.COCI1IRANE'Àk;7 AND CLOTHING MADE rro 'ORI>ERf At. M.eF. - -t COCUR ANE~8. - o B-OOTS & SH-,OE-S.q- OVERSHOES, cci ap for cash, At M. Il., COCIIRANE'S. Whitby, December 9, 1868. #49-iy AN» FURNISII[NG IIIOIJSE, ALEXANDER PRJINGLE Tiakes leave respectfnlly to inform his friends and- patrons that his Stock of'8 *'WMUT.ER CLOTHB, -40 is now.very complete, and of the very best- quaiity, and -that be is prepared t e k up with lei- patelb, and iu tho lateust Ylos Gentlemen's Garments, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods.,of every description, embrcing-Shirts, Collars, Socka, Braces, &C., &C. t4' NO FIT NO PAY!1 Brock st., WIiVitby, Sept. 18, 1808. ALEXANDER PRINGLE, xE'O3 i mOCDIV C> m m d TH lE MONTREA L TEA COMPANY 6 IOSPITAL STREET, MONTREALU. (NtTIlTEAB. alter the nit sevene testasla,'thleblit medic a tharlîles andl JuhaescI Tes, have J- nonnees4 alqit)e u re, and Cesraom su y artificiasl ecaing or ipooos.atîa.u ame go ficit limprava e o' calcur ai 'lms.TUIBY ARtE UNiEQITAL.LD F011 M 'REN6TH AND FLAVOITE bave beau cblifor their intrniasia orlli, keepiîg ia mimd lieslia, ecoaaau>', sud a 11gh degres of pie d ankaug theni. Wc mcili Cartil.muliest ptmible prafia,, effaci,,g a sasi t the eonsmer.cf 15e. le S is, a.ù lua ore mit up lus 8,12,9i16,20isu26 lbs. baxes, sud ore vsrrante'Ipare sud icfrs tpoison in e na ffrs fraur 5114 boxres, io 121b. boxes. or oune 20 or SSII. bos lenst'canasge frea toa su moioln I anauds. Tes viilas Cforaraded-bumedisîi>' .ai, receipi ai île aider bt'issu aisl nlng inca. méoscuecaîtleteiaemasdelvîn,'by exîarea. mausa, viiere abere are express aaces. la seaaallug ordi * ihe mount C 510,0 eaveexpeus. at iliisacbotter Ia tenîd île anaîîay wat thîe, rder. Win vasld be iap nanel. taur ibuliisà iulaling lareier conil .d CanCfrtans 1. ar tva 1211)ë baxes, W. s s ho oc ddnss snrsgajaud aal arkesh box phlai>', ou ihiech pari>' gaiel ilown las. Wa ýwu îletoaas e illagivýe tIraaimlîion. If Ilia>'are nom nstamtar>'tIc,'caneaucitralanical aitourexpei - B@-T L 3LACK TEAe * Wouidreapectfuly oeil attention to t eir large Stock of Rich Flavaureal dmo.ne50e.; aryry Fisee.,tt. .1750 ture aind CÜabinet',,Waà e; ail of the-neweat styles andl eig. *G R E EN T EAý.ý A n namnation of theýr .FIRST-ýCL S85 STOCK, ^wil warrant Twfitý00 b.-oj yo.6,d, 5as' ;F.iedc.; Very Fine 80g, i $pug 1 the i sain tht her f none au rior-in the Dominion. Te.uimuîniliiîrcus qsl'es Tsoi'slIb'11 ap 33 u acalcumlxdTecoildlasset r ( suliç. ;,erygoodforcomoproac O~ pbo st~ ing of l k nds aîd t e out of ovanî,syootcimacnainset aIbo WwloinI wor-4- ,guara nteed ,to bé e cutedin superior manner. Th MisreilTes <laîaapaya OIU * Gsx~a..4îasrl a yparaluwe 1 purchascd lheimt bestcfTa frt o ulr bouma& I «Ileh tosInce. anal 1 arn pleameal ta lilarna on "îhe daTeaIn aven>' cam PTo!5d mIiiiitsatoey, siweIlý&&aI a Parltictilàr attent n is requested to edinuly ethcai. Yours vcry r inJ> QPP-~C1I alTwr-, ùî rpmT>AaC1 Mna te-Ais l -à, h.U- , jp Brookliu, Ot.: pubic lh fiud tontetioti all othhr kitids, tib. lacs q-ui1 5*FrOtso :forms ila. rcpared to' ho Baker,' iacuitsand AisO Lob- ,Brcok st. 2-8 iD a the pnb- làr.. NGS.I *H A sud Va inaulike la prepara, CAI kî Re ahT. a. aeGILLES] myextensive and variedC as fr n 5al and judge for them. R. FRANCIS* No: 1, on the corner. Whitby,,Sept, 9, 1888 B ABRIS ~ofont. 3.Al Pampbell, W!Ilty, SOLICIT &.,Whity ATTOIS bonta Pp!îrPa BIL Cocas countyCur Port Pet Dit Wlaltby, ~UEGEO' ByronE wLiatby, IOWN Hair 1

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