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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1869, p. 1

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ARIUIRICHÂJtD$oF, t PNTAEO - MÂIU ild ad.AsiEROSIANDATTORNET0-AT-' tBLLw SoIIcitore te 010. ltak ci MOutreal, is d the dorpoatien coltbeCountyçf Outarle, p Ban otaries, .*&at., -$Whitby, Ç. W. muoil u. . cÂgeanxo, 4. C. Il. J. MAODOIMXL.1 KOJRRI,10N & SAJIPSON BEEI81T1Fl8, Attorneys., Soliltprp, &e. NQQ B UyliCe-Westori Airasce Buildings ohrarosOtTeet,Toronito,O. W. ANGUSXORBILSON. - J. A.BÀSAKM. 5 'SToronto, July 20, 1861. u for* OUNTY CR0 W N ATTOIL14EY FOR ON- mtarlo Barrlster au i Attorney-at-Law, go iloltor ilu Clrancory, Nolary- Public, r&o.- . madq Olilu-In Bigelew's. NewlBuilding, Dulidgs oecot 1î; Eo RGE 11. lJtTNE di A> ceor,Deptity Regltrar, Mater Extraordi- tary,and exaurinorin (liaecery for theCoun- ty j turIo. OfficBrck-mt., Wlitby. 1OET.. WILSON- »BBIISTE.a & ATrOfitNTYAT1W pc Ovor 0uppaio Banfle 01%orli BARIRISTER-AT-LÂW 4ND S0J.IC[TOU ntyt Toronto-9.1 JAMiES EiCTÉ GORDON, B A111118'ER & ATTORDItY-4T-LAW 0sytcx-Iqext door to ttc Store of R. & J. Y, Pampboll, erook 84. WhitbY, Out- t7ibNov. 18, i180'. do owU OLCI RNOTAUT I'UBLC, r&c. r&c. mi. w. il, BiLLiN4GS, »ý(arlcz, tu TILZ ULP lit.ouiwnîrl OztcE *Whitby, Jau. 28, 186P. B tt~ ~ CHIARLES C. KELLER, STTOltNiY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN on, Brook, C. W. Jl. iRAlliER GIIEJNWOOD, _à ATTORÀNLY-AT-LAWY. SOLICITORL 114 £5 (hancory, Nuts.ry 1'ubic, Con veyancer, dbo., Wlltby (l. W. KtouoalaV ictorialll1qck, fetoLgst4ry Office, on Brook 4tre'it. 48 y ~ evAt J &MES LAItON, ~TToUINL:Y-AT-LAW', SOL ICITOI! Il Dantias$troet. W* 'fVireo 4o0os Wc» of étCCiANE & COCIRANE. 1," ÂRR18TER9L, ATTORINEYS, CON VEY- %nd B Aners And Notarles I'nbllo, &c., &C, F 1Pnilnro uxqUiti puioTown b. - PoM-puur xo-iolwsBlock. S9I. Coonuîr, LL. B., W. M. Coouni N. Ocu t rwnAtrney. Port LrPerry, 26tiDùuîntb.r, 1885. 51~ LYN»AN ENG;LlISSL L Bl IDALRISTZCAT LA W, tolltor iln V han- A> o0y, Couvyuer, &., &C. - t.ooo ,-Opposite tbo L'ost Office, 40wn 1114. CARSON & LAW, 4 ConsultqtIotn of Pitieri4lulp. trou ol oharge. 0, -A. OAiGoti, kD', 1W, U LAW,1i». A., X . WJ.atby, July 2if)mhs. 29' DOR. HANCOOK, OSIEGEON, ACCOUCiigUIt, &cq 4FIJT;aîpr o ruriz-rrt e irw. int ge, ilyron Staeet. 8 R. MM«N , M. D. I LRGEON TO VIF, COUN'LY *AOL, D, W.V*FERiMER, M. . Orgos lious-8tlu 10 a. M., andi 5 to 8 JOHN V. I4AM,. NOTAILY PVBLiC. TOWN CILlrigaOTUEASUA4ieliWIIIT1IY Oie-wnILalt,-Ileurs-tg te1 olock, JOUX iLOBultttON' ]4air Drcssing gpa~ Shaving SALOoN, PrSouîtIS Qv qiteBANI& OCi' MUMIAA.~ Whiiby, Jarr. 22, 1'8-.8 D1OVNTON'S IIO'rEL, Wu,.UOYNTON bog t te rifethe inlu lîaltit ut' tIribCe.itty Oci îtorlaranal purtouaiug e untios, tiat liaLas openu t ia uoel on Wliligu MtSreet letoly ocoupioti by J ew(tt,aiId as lie lias idi lledsdtunst ed in itatyls, visiitera gillilui veryeouve- hlico W lues,'Liquors sud elçario ethle losit itîvcte avtslasî Llaaisay, Feb 1,1804, POMMERCIAL NOTgLi, I3IWCK MT., WIIITBy. -o- 110 Esubceber begis te ennoance te lits1 J. rioeuualansd hiepublie, liaI lie liste- - stittealiaeoaaoii cfut tc tebyaevolianid fa- vurably leiown hotel, vhill#la 0ev fttod 'i lu a auj'unlor snsitier, vith 4veoraeoyeiri 'o foer the -roeapiou cf gueits sUd i't Wliant amcenmcdatiou, asud superler 1006s, lquorgAnsd 'elgitra. Geet i tabltug, 'll vl i yardis, anal attentive OblrA AI- $vays ou the lîronse,. Charges Moeoa Whitbyp Jsu.'é14198, o N. VA9131- ee te.C thlirdalccirrh offler Ontario ~ 'EIlSMIE1, 4., ase gent !cidrre t i $tai4ara Irumuaecos r k Albion bouet, Z..I PUIrDAS $TB 'cwai a -~ tlibesoi'tyl. To remtsepiareplosqàntiy situsted. oppoite th&ttsil ice, sud llu th. centra of tireTeva. The xsiway Omnibuseallaaî thire ad the stages for Uiibi'dge sud Beaverten les @ thedeer evsrYnîOrumg. D ournifferdarv. GEORRO BN ,,MOarcful Ralralp#iatettane lt ,I 158. , 20. T 1MBB1L SIERcIIAN[T Oarp.t4r, sud LI. Jclucr,orou Si, WiltbY..,Alargequan. tityof alkinda tiuruibëterentnîl . UJN DE IR T Au1<I N G.ý FUN"lItLB fuhîl :u1plld andti îesded ushutuolot. 1 ll"À'ept eontantiy baud. IMAIeroohirearlbsienm GEORGRCORMACKt. Whithy,Fob.5th,1862.. 1 Erooklij Drng Store, j_/. pets, Oua, Dye tuCfs, Çoufeetton. ery, &oc. ' %rWlnos sud Lîquormef the, bosaut fr Modicai purposes. Here 4clatle~i'dWng2qaotikanei Broeklin, C. W., ios 982 MZZL9. «W.& (Oraiai À11 Leant' CAtircV, Witj) 6I prepaed te give Munie sud Blrrging les- J.sonsé, tesà a llurfted numbor of pupils. Application te ha ruade at tire 0"ofetJohn L.Wetçi s urgeon Dential, over James Byrne'n Modical hall, Brook St. Whitbï. CIROCKER'S -BOLt, (LATE PLATT'S,) NELSON 0 7 - TQRONTÇ, NOMTI-OF RING ST. B..ASSETT & KEEBLE, - PaOrRJETOES. home, lIrai tley have taken the aboya promises vhîclî aore in aery respect convonlentiv sui cquifortably dtted rap ter lhe ac'ubixcodatiou ortguom'ansd ilite travelhîîg publie. Theyyl bc roundi lu constant permonuil attendanca, sud 'il loave nothingun on! o their part,to ziye satistactlon te al viro me>' laver iisppwwiîh e CÃ"MJIISSION MER CHÀ NI Ile$UlANCE,,& GENEBÀL AGENT. Wîîleb'j'sir. 101h I1eo.. 2 B. PLANK, -- -- Prepriotor. Stages te and (rom Whitbl cail dally. Every atteriosi pald te guotte. Casreful ared atten- tive (.tiers. 9 1868. - ' -1868. THE LIVERPOOL &ND ]IONDOIN INSURANCE COMP'.N Y5 lliAas lInoulexistence tirrty-two yeurs, and! durliug thai poriod bua paiti Loseoia excoedlng Byve and a halt million porrnds sterling. Tire dlsburs4eueit ftlîis eîiprprmour n ever a widu arus, liate,, vth4 doubt, contri. bptedti ic eotàbliiiocf tlals Institution, jài. tlue C0reduceofotPeaLIcC oUPORaM'oNS, Mx. asiIAJTs, iioL'sreioLnu», a»A; business men geul- erauiy, vituruvair lu Wireprfsontid. In lin firat yea,, 1886, the F ire I'rt-mus alone amoutîtei te...........£,970 lu Lis lotir yes;186.......£47,71i8 il 201yeîrr, i85t.......... 2,71 61 8tltyeur, 1866..........789',892 One yuar luter, 11187'............818,05b Tire Pire 111611r11o1Fanal la nov $4,727,464 Tire Lîfe Roserve Fund islanov $9,282,408 Th'io Cumoîn.y la represauîteal hhrongli'>t Un- tai u. 4uebee, i>y liuenîiai Agents, te wiour application fori nurariceaiye mairade. 1eiur 7t]], 1848. 7 THE MUTUAIL INàURANCI' COMP'Y. r-"1118 Coprppy la now fully ArognirAti an"A Fer t#rumsf, &., SPPIY (fi by lailrfF praUl) o. Ay.-rs,' BUNDAS STIIEUT. ruse pusse. ou iii et cl ostPie ehappy te Wuliry, Deo.,18a58. 45.1> LAND OR TJy, UNDMGNEDe> e orsl th typLWlcinaseir. lheAirelen t a ireMile: îe,4011 uanciee$r ou tha Centre ,rost.ý Tire scoume yaluabfe tituber for -Rliawy Tie", &p. For parilenlars appiy te sor.oie, L&o., Whiiby. Whltb, Nov'. 8t1r, 1as. l. QeryI Wby la lu ibet tirr. le suai a ru for picterres AT CLARK'S GALLERY? hi fisbeosusehoba rs tire bem Galory lu tire <3eautyi sud bas mrore patieunce with ciili1ren thon auy other, AillatInlutire-(Jounty, sud eau de quit. sgooti vcrk as an»'eîer minlutire baokýwàr abofitcom-dou'trWire 13ROCK STe# WiIITBY. Whltby, Nov. 12, 1887. 45 JOHN CARTER, LIOENSED AUCT10NEER. triron, OOe muirTrse ONTARIO, YORK & PFEL. tarESgzipENCEr.-Let 0. ih Cou, JIsrkhsu.-Post Offce-lJnîonyîîîo.. SALES etteudoti on tire storiaet notice, sud qu rcasonablc terres. Tarine eau te matie a'r.t bill* printeti aitie Chicuai.lge 0for tMr. Carter. 17 WELLINGTON MOTEL, -MARKHAM. J. RUF.BOTTOM11, spiouprietor. 19'-ly BRITISHK AMERICAN Capital, $400,000. q1%119 euderolgned inhving beexi appoînteti I Aarene fer tlii.aboveo Corplan>',i .now fprôti te liasure propcnty agalîrais LI 1<15BY vlïiRE, on te Most lavorctie tories. Appuy te, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12inos. -Agent Whitty - AREWEIL & McGEE, 4RU STEr RNPY , LICI- ~3ol5Û~& VYAERS,'AND) No- O04= -One dcci nord> of tire l'oit office, Oshav sa; sud Moeotr' Block, opposIte Tou Bail, Bovunatville. J. E. FAaxzz..B . MeGix. JOHN L WVAT]KISt STJRGF.ON DENTrISTp Omvc.-.-Over JAS. BYRLNE'8 medical 11al1. Brook Streot, Wlritby. ~'Alil ork warranted. Familles atteurd.oti t private rosîdeucea. TEETH I YffEXTRACTED tw' WITOUT PAIN, âe, BY TIE USP OF NITROlJS OXIPE LAUGHING OAS, OU TUE 1NEW ,oÇALANAESTHeTIC, 4T~ wo -- DENTAL BOOMS, P{JNDAS SIREET, .WiIITBY,-C. W. BOOMS.,-Ove' M. Il. Ceclireno'. store. Whutny, ;Une 20, 186ol, 25 e!BQE TOULS& FINJDIN(IS. A orlt aoimuic h er;ierua oé'Sioe Taeis, X io d,MAacàine rhreaaiblat l ilk, $boa i'cgs, Sheitils, blS ue', teks aisud "Tee lsts, WlWIOLESALE AND RETAIL. AIY414 orOLIVER, 12-1> 114 Verrex Biraz Teouro. Anierlean DuperaTrimirrsanmi Pof 411ars'eiià Squarts, cprveéd illue,, 1tailit d g as liapreuI Irons ligabsdAereu ryrelade' ed les, 'Ispcs, &ia., ali rtheito piqaiiy sud ai iovest pie,16 imVAN &k LIVEJR, laesl Enie, Steel 1Squares, Cenare Usage#, Vealer <lmlp.rs, DelCaiipêr'itla, <lhfpr qae, MWs UnIvesl qsoSit RgMdrag ae D i-D TO ÇABINYET MAKERS UsrSel,CwreirTov, St phg TahaYliPhapcoim ino Saoi c(ofa XTril, UZhLatrrsNeiasdienso »o.e, 0otsie m .esupice Ead ÉvEAN k OLï*VER, Goa"ah iusdvmaMercbàm, Rt~N&OLIVER9 Ordera for sales loft lit t11,1 Office or vitle Xr. 'John Christie, Msncbehter, wl;Mb. promïptly dd to. RaeNov. $0, 1668, 46 A. L0CH,,Pore.r Touse à eim tsldtr boepaoege of iies, L4qaorsand Ciigare alvayo ois bond. -1- Cnabngote .n4 (rom *11 Traies, ln connectlon imteBue'BilMrdrTabi«esd sud 01dver>'. op3 ý pciu ample Booms$ iwerosn;tiw à8Agis Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT WHIiTBY STATION. w X7. OIIFIIL hây$ng -pprphascd thp hote! Trnnk prbiniges linovu as the Grand Trnlotel, Wbltby statlon,hega te iiform hie friendo andthettctraveinLgtuhlctbat be ha.* o fiteiu heboute andi atables In- llrot- clas atyle, andi b> attention to the vanta of those vho lavor bhlm vlih tirIrpatronage trusts to morIt a cortinunca of theur cnatcm. g.Parties takiug tihe train andi iea'in hermen will lhave 'Ihdita well taken care oft ir, their return. Wlhtb7, Sept., 1868. 8 De F. BURKE, Faminiy Grocer, Wine & Spirit 1 No. 2, MIOHRAELIS ]BLOCK, RING ST.. XASI, OSHIAWA. OROCKEY & GLASS WAM A WELL SELECTED STOCK FEESII TEAS, guGARS. GROCERIES,&c 0F ALL KINDS, 1z» As cheap as any bouse lu Canada. May 29tir, 18e7', 21 c. A. JONES, Baruister, SeIIÇtor lU Chancery, Afp torirey, r&c., r&Ce IrasF rcmoYedi lis Olilce to lat floor over the ONTÂRtio BANK. Whttby, Oct.?7, 1868. 40 FOR SALEi CHEA? FOR CASH!1 LOT 32 AND 33, lot CONCESSION OF LscoTTf. Appiy te Ç-.A. JONES, Barriater, &c., Whitby. PFUNDS FOR Inve stment THE TRUST AND LOAN COMPANY Thave fonds for inveatmuil., et tfirîrnanl rates ot lutercat, on thi.esecurity of Imnroyed Beeu Estate.-i JeSAnsMaode for fixed perlodse, or repaoyable by alpiual isji~n jFurthrrsndtiail informuation can be lied b7 letter,'atidreosedti te t Cmnisolouers at Kingston, or [rom L. FAIRBANKS, .7,., lRcal Estate & General Agcnt. Oyzic-Brock tStreet, Whithy, Sept 1.5, 1508. S86 COMMERCIAL HOT EL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRLINGLE, - Propriclr, SHJNGLES FOR SALE. T ~ ~ ~~ ~hi lI NEII4E ison band,anri rol1cr. ( or sie oclseuf fer cash eny (tran. tity of Sawad Shingien, Ilarrimoîîia inuke. N. 19AY, .Prepridor ll'lutl4JLirri7 rtiLlà. Wlîltby, Oct. 28, 1888. 43 Cash! THlE UNDEISIGNED wili pi> the igir4s cash pune, fuir un> qnutlty el WHITE BEARS, POT&TOES, AND ILAX SEED. 1Octobor 28, 184$. JOHN KEXTII, Fire Insurance- Co. orF]LONDON. Capita1f £1,945,OOOP Sterling. 'Funts luvtisa uCensda-$00,ope. TN$UANP! agimationby Pira effected #uid vithotlul eeacotte cBoart lu Louden. EINTOUL IJEOTIlES, Mnrul eea Agents 10! CAnad. ;OHN ANWWurT AetfrIWhitby, Oshsaa, Sovrnsnvills MAJILSA L'S niaELJ11JE a liavU, 1 rI,,,Ilrsualoee sv-ty ou Prom ifioer(dadlgry ncre. Oh, bide bit ord vi*thin thy beala, Anti acroit, daty by diy; Tby i3oudsii, ibyrui roove, Tohi nd t ey. Farewell i my 'bljr, otir IGoti la loe, In filin Our -ênit sOI ba gils Presence ou thy pstbway oie rhe Uuwoted ride. vanny, whb la yjour Potea trop? 1'Ton t1obf pnzzled over i Can't yon raad it? Gua l te me; # are en excellent oye for deciP1ýring hieroglypbies."- 'Oh1 la'.notbard te'roéd. It is from Mr. Lewis--ana aimonneement h seems ; a mort qf proclamation. Liste% i .1I$ Mies DaWitt bas ne engage ment for l.o.iorrow mornzng, Mr. Lewis begi Par- mission te cati upon ber, 'between the bours cf ivalve aud oeeook. ,w luinthe vorld tirea lain snch a courmow' ding as a cati trons him, te de- serve this formai message, I csu't imagine. Rfe kuove, if ire vante te, ho éon coma at auy heuir, vithent going ibrougir ail Ibis parade; I have neyer refusedt to ose bim.' 'Oh!1 you silly Fauny; iaughcd ber sis-ý tir Harriet, 'the msa intends te make yon an offer, beart sud -boud, sud six foot, bouts înciudod. Wby 1, tbre years yeuug. or shap yen, kuov that mach, sud I noyer hai a lovrer edurer.' 'Ipossible, Havrieti Au offer-Mr. Lewis-te me. Wbhy ha neyer acted litre it-uever talked to me of iucb a thing; à caunot bu. 'Weli, dear, innocent, Fanuy, bis nover baving doue so, la ne ressen vby ho nover viii. What else eau this request mean? Have yen been quarreliig, that ho vanta te Poure And-makre it np 7 If fi as a peçre cemmon avery day cela, iveuid b. silly of hlm tg Ssii jour perislslintg corne aud yon cap imagine Herman ILavis deiug ~siliy thîng. 19 la an offer, a guaninaet. fer, be inteida te prake yen; sud hirexî. peots te iud Ion dressad piaialy sud ueatly. 1 overbeard biars tel yen ho disliked sbevy dress, oail waitiîin l ady-liko curiosity, bis combg. 0f course, yon ill accept him. le is notet junp o av NO said te hlm. Wbat a great, talli rhrer-iu-iaw ho viii arake1 Quito diaitnguoeloebing - juat stein sud severaeuopgb, toc, l'air PN4*. "ou vil!l ted hlm te me, *ouro- tibias, te promenade vitb, vcn't yen Fan?' '<ono, garriett 'Ken don'î kucv Phot yen are taiking ef. I de viah yen couid ire earuetionce in s vhito.' Fanny rose sud lot the roun. Fauny sud Harriet D#Witt vero as dif. forent as tvo smutera oid hae; as differant in temper sud disposition as tbeyvere in for;p sud feaite-Fanny tall sud fair; Harriet short sud dark. Fanay vas re- served snd haughty. Borne eau ber very aesensuad &ongbtfui, sud keînly aiive te ail tbat la noble tram apg gopd. Harriet vau gay sud happy; siways iaughter 1ev- ing ; always ready te go boreansd there, witb tbis one or that eue, virorevor pies- sure bîckoned ; seidoms saddened by aven a shaoow or tbopghî et pare. Te Fanuy, fle teaemed full ef romance, full of rneaahng. As, every day, e more pnd more reaiized iea beauty, fi# groatuoes, io faîne., s&he yesrircd te enter' more cou.- plataly ie oit ; te b. more, tW de more, le suger, if fimadbc.j sud auffering, te endure. Of course, sncb s formoli appoiniueut froms Mr. Lewis ma.de bar îhiuk sud ques. tion ; but thea longer se htongbt, the more certain she vas that Harriet vas' vroug, sud vsnled only Wo teas hlm ; that neoiria vbo haid en se calma, go i igo1,00 celiected aet l timeu ha ber preseuca, as Mr. Lewis hsd iuvariably bien, eonld ba in levai Sba!could notrîmoubeanuation, a word, t bad ever bespeken it; reand if ha loves me iha couid net #lp birair fi' oh. thonrgbj;. ge, the uit mpraring, a ring et the deor et the heur appelntod by Mr. jLevis, did Drot la tirateut discenpos ber, as te est qnietiy svsiting hlm. 'Nov Fsuny, dona't on dore rajoot hlm, Wdi Uarriolpseo ira fou fr - irrepi. 'Yen bobprigi4y b ons. bt I ou jusi~ ~ ~ ~f e1wWcac e do n mach s ti esnnebp ur~fsto1aýs etppls ~ forf er ra oWbis *crg, vithrBauatta ia vii .iiow lis..bnresfiar b M#$ L indlgpapt I beartlasenem Lst beau ci heuart, bis baud, bit 11(0, ta snob àbusiness lihe usnaer. Iupo!siblefI A VisIOn, aýdre s u eapu now, pas.- 'se betorobbar cf a mui>'oru, very.,like 1f., Lav$tis, ll r trUe v*iuguear ber, bat Ir a- va>' ve r>'duferIru bis rastlit,.. uiire $ioul, afection bat marbet ever>' ion su meamute afectondeep snt un, mmii aabhI, lukm.ur look'ats,,uoing fi' bécanse ho toIt ,,sud shoviug il becausa it'abserbet bim-cýmpeiIed hil i's ira P,,!oietobity me bis proruiug, asn b. h vouit anythmng osha batW set bis <suc>' on. or venid tiklto t pomsse@s? Prou 'ris easy uneunharasset toue asuerannorIr deems il net necesuar>toýem mclioçt- le close tire bargain. Ih lainan huatIf ho, venit vin me letbir aboae'tiratrouble te vwoo me. Billy girl lirati au I Nover sboui ir e enver abailiho bnov that ha bus slreaty more tiran hait von.me Stilihug vith an effiort lia quiet bbating, et ber iroart, that îbillued viti deligiri s& tira roàlizatiohof et hst sha bat for'usa>' meniba fonti>' ienged for, sareé..ralsctber eyes sud met Mr. Làevis'slok astened ou lier. 61Has Mr. -Lewis over rend etftire Puri tan maiden, Priscilla, bei sire enswared the suit ot Miles standisir, tire caplain ? Wbaî bas Mr. Lewis ever'ait or doue ibat couit' prepare Miss Fan> for sncb su unoxpect., od amnnuemeut as ho 'bat just mate?- Suroly, if te.inawortb tbo poseiion et go gros ana as Mn. Lewis esteaus himsaîf, sire deserves ai leasitire effort te bu WOU." Nov, Mr. Lewis was s prend as Fanny berseif, srigir.truug sut rebellious vban any eue tonunttanit or accuset bim vwroug. fully. Hoe sconscions tiret for rnauy mentira, ho lied bien the lruest subjectsud tire uentlioyal sud devotet friand sud lover et Penny. Knoiriug tiretneDo oann bat se movet hm, sedrawu eut bis loeansd davotion as Penny bat. ho imsginodt ta shé aise mes b.avare et it. Conselons aise ibst ha vas viroliy, complotai> ru earnest in iris prisent avovals, hoe ceit net coucesi bis mortification tiret eho it et Peuny's ansvr-iire veunt that eitber iris vauity or self love bat receivat. That iris beari batbeau ipuehet, Fan>' oWhtt couit net believa. Insiantly, Whoun Faany recailedthtie sIer> of ibesPnri"aumaiden, fiîtflashat up. on hm, vw4>Fanal Dow roiectet mim. 'Sire loe John Alden, or uber,' ire Bisimg aud geing op te Panny, vho alse &rose as ire appreachet, ha o okbebr baud sud bauting ever la, sait se 1ev tlr# ae just caugirs the w0r4p; 'I nover tirougiri or trasmedt il8 oy s man msy teceive himseif.' Panal' trembiat vielenîly, siarmed ai Mr. leais. intorpretato fleerrrefor- enco te Priscile, butunuabla tea utter s word. 'Do me tire faver,' coutinnet Mr. Lewis, still holding ber haut, 'te Yen aismait eue, 10 me a great eue-tg forget liss pore- iug's conversation. Aliov me te o rfiupo yeur trient. Beliove tirai I earuesîiy se debire. Ne eue eau visir yen more bop pineau iu jourlpraient decs levBing 'goo4 qrerniug,'1fMr. Lewis loft tiereoeu. H3arrleerusbiag te the ParIour,"'as moou as sha beard lire front door close, stoot îrasfixod lu theo deray, et tire sigbu of Parrny lu a terrent cf teuirs. $Panuy vbaî latire-mater? Wbaldit Mn. Lewin gsy te mako en ODgriove nse? Tell mie, de.' 4ud as the gay girl buait bosida ber sisier, pli lber iiyeiinpie yaufsb!. et. Alu the tessing vends viîh vhich aira bat expectedtot griot ber lister voe for- gotten._ 'Uierrtat, sait Fanny, lu a tev minqipa, 'do mot ask moPra ur i1IcanoellItyen IL1 inuotiring- mucb. Perbapu, soeatimo, I Mae 4lim, dou't ask me- nov, pieuse don't.' j garriet badtotee pruci gpoduzos, te muer bintuset bofeani, te urge bar aiter tunîher; besides, ber quiet vernan ps- ture toit bar'that eister'a grief vas' snob as sire muet bear la secret, eut vbicb ne friand, koelovev ti, eOPit b.ip or va- litre. .1nte.p. se. Pny_2 K.Le cenveraion, sadxuouing tsusI ar. ,oim terv0s,rmreof a admirer' 6tffaruie than of bars, asdtit ia tcuit Bot Irebu1 ver>' ploaat to hobligedto1<>ridea vlih 3h bum, sut regvstted tbat sire bat inditet ig Urep thre river rité, bat mate a-Pny urge14 Qo hoeate a groater speýa irsbme wvas svare ef, 'se tel they vere tseadistance OIt> sbemd oetihe ruit. ther1 .B> tire lime, îbay bat ercase fery, aud rod asmule or two. the cioutpj-vere - gaïierieg in i blact massa ovar their bead& Theyh legstetslkseriotUsly'f a'~ trenching,; sut Penny, nov in earneml, fenga conicheemees etf aving brpst > ailnt 'iepr'laetroubla, tiun4 fbuer horsseat te retreat, sutdvas as- EnS tonishat süoite tô eet any oeefollov- Pfiî ing. 'wva 'Air i thov vers 'visert Irite' saitnd- 'Nov_. Mins Pana>', 14i Mr, Pester', 'that'. net fair i I vouit like toknov if i bava-net been foliowing jeu litea demi lue i, lunglter .-'1et quit. sn innocent parbapo, for I'vas qailecertin -that yca w6ro- losdiug me halo Ibauder sud liglit ning, ai heast ; sud if yen, didn't succeed la trovning me in thone gree labiset masses yonder, il woat 'lb.beesuso jon bava net triet i And ail tb. consolation I gel i a e nii-'ah1 tiray voie viserw than va I But tran, yOjer immanse agrecableneas quite fortifies me 10 oul cethle spproscbimg .bailla. ýAre -yen avare lirai tie propositio o jeulateiy mate te elurm, and jour 'piaitilo rosait et s, minuta ego la lb.eauomtotal et jour con- versatien since va miartea 1I Idon't tony that you bave beau deimg s yes t amenas eftîhmnltiug, for I have beea treatedtul amiies sut sigba vluheut nun,p. -- ev, I a au a uti-moaopcly masnt dse, et course, caut apprevaetf yev lâaving ba inch s puassent rite,-M su h nbaforions one. yen don't 60o9 te have evOP fis Ibis gaie, 0o calu la yonr look. 'Coma. nov, befora tirefuriescrusb usnu i earnst, do try sut exorcisa tiaip vrath h>' felling a tav et your revenics.t Jus $ben# as ;ire>'tumneul a cerner -et tire veut, tircl 1fr. Lewis iding rap- idly 'towards Ibsu. Going op te Penny, ira sait, 'ber glatir batdeirit hlm le ovirtalte ber, adsut te hg Irr tue ralp, tbat tira>' at ail turnet baek, fer surai>'ae vio1lonlorp; vAs appveaebieg.' 'Lewis; cailet ont Mr. Pester, 'a Ma all Mie aine, s5id npsee-OZ priant ceaoern for -me ; but yen, lu yonr baste bave forgolt i I h iintI bat botter ride on sut assurer bar otfrml aafely, torr'î yen, Miss PFany'?Iloei sig- cantlit aI Pny nysd Mr. j1ovis. Beui4u, 1 lli ýhpk e 9sisrleo peprareluirs for ber auxtet>' en my bebaif. SeWI shahgo eMt sinive te protect myseif Ibrougir itbis Sgeai; for breezes are so cemmon vith ber, I _bat I su senieusi>' atiaidt ttire bwylreceg- nige ber notivael emoulsud lasye .ga 1w fuis preseut oe.' 'Mmnd, J4evis, tirai70oJ band Mis Fannal atiy t1Itirait bOIt YO e o- spousiblo,' caliot bacb Mr. Poster, asire put him herse on a ron. BI tis imoelb.evirole Ireeveus Verse coveret vitirbu.ge biset masses etclouta, >Pavjpg pnd voliing, 08oep l bo tiar tire vint biewing ferions!>', 'sutdvhfring tire domnt rou tire reat,' se a tue eiups bliadtiha. !Fapq J48 b to m frep ber bend, sut bang arent bar reet Ver> umwiiingiy; <cube sut bafrpp e llinil contusion; bbohir' tubiet ow_ la q parmtlshovor, s, 64viubtir, tye pgegl attraction tovarte tht houte, aaeuet _a if tsing hasve et ber, for elvar. , a-- 1Notiirtsutipg Penny -vas greati'msu- neyet b>' bar bat, ber Wr bai,i in, Mdt hersa iner ba become impatient st riendonsire@ ceit snet belp ascrt& as ftetion st bebng oliligedt te reolo .eie taupe frous Ur. Javis, «4 st;bis 'bae oblige 0 ie 1* Strivieg te laugir o11 bar >apuoyenee the icoeet p taMr. ILewis, sut eit; ' h ilk I bat betipF prepare for A 'rite thelb sios, Ibis afieanoa i 3 t o n' ju tirin thIbm la danger cf p'blataoe teorpf. v.Lis?'Il éver>' great,'quiet!>' ppIiedgrewi ireiting lier, bal on, vbil sb# &sTat t île ii tlitl>. '. <- .W411,1 sai4 Pn>'-I i~s41o 4pn't forgeSt tpglva myl1# ove la ail le pari>, Md taiS t;wrepIcertatnl>' Ibi;* tIbis heam tirebais rppidta o.'i, As i nuaiber e= ftire part>,Misn'1» Wtt [quantitdtto a rtiesn t of 10 love, h eppq0Ïs.1 hbpit liii. tu &sV boy large a share I1us>' keep'?' 'W>" sgiet Pane>', 'sitar sil lt assistance >'cu are glving Pie, 1 expipt Flou 0111 feel 111e tauand irg Sa>' ¶taetll>' Jlt 1eiàuld tblnk htire b t pi>'S estent migirt saiaf>' ,os.' Jue t îie*, albst of vlii edoýva Lots ni nus iouga,cr'ru, anar uuiiwtue LIW coioet msete represeutâlion et plate, veig4ing 1,8w0 ounces t tire lte Grand Master, ita JpoetiJumeze;ire heiI'lir» office or tveunty-lve yeara Il titoueé probable tirai lbé Prinpevill becomo affl'. liante tie'Euiiglilsh O(tr, anrd vil visa te lhe position 'boit by several -'9ris princel>' prodecossors, il ireing undarsooni tiret ihe preseat Granud Master tesires re- tirememi.- Théir atjpa0 rn at >' tira penstituliouiofet he crut, eau oniy, ire boit b>' a Prince pf tire bloot Beýys!, a momber 0t a neble: bouse, or b> 'f'a- iparF cf lelar. -Il mïy e iiterestimg le stalo that William IIL wvasluitiatet ln 1690- groderiçl,jinpe of Waies, vas- initiatea, lu 1V87 ; .heur>' Fredenici, lb. Duie il-- Ouimberlant, vas electet 'Grand Master in 1781 ; tire Prince of Wales (GeorgeIV1. wus initiated inlu1787, and vas eleeté .Grand Master in 1790; lire Duie of York sndth lia ueet Ciarence, '(lIe éWilliami IV,) vere inîtiatet i itirtei brouier, Thq, Due of Kent, (ber' Neeeiy's fasirar,) ias iiitiâtgd lu1790, aMpdringa Willim'of QioarcersudtIha Dut.e cf Oubarianjl (lais )Ligg ofilanover) wvesinitiatt fai j75P sud 1qq'd. Tho pP f u4sef vsq initialet ' " d vas olece a rsit Muster lu 1813, on $he Prince Ragent va-' eigning bis office, sud beoming Gran4, Patron.' Tira plate prisent te lb. Dut, et Sussen oubis rellring I rom lira Grant Hastersbip vas roturrpce t r,'-GrsiÀ,l 41, 'ire g fi"1tireLncia ofet lver- qpp$'n 183. Ti enu bas given ber activye patropff o, e ceral efthtie Masonio rivations le viriir n*vwjipe effilons -aïe' surhfect@.t, wp 4o apj belijee'tel ours 4h tira fvaWep;ty wup aer Tet jtaad to .com. plain c e s4aa4i etf1origin#l .poptryY'1 Evrybot>', sisosi, villas "'petlr'lor tire eva pepr,; mehol girls prit achool- byanti school teucirers' ovin; youpg- las in love, eatd>cuag genlemeur la love; oIt gentlemen 'affllctot -vîtb' patriol8uit or,,raligion;asurndqmthers. vi th haieos fIVwjike of viriciriere neyer Sen f atixipptsl mfl ,s wbb rhae rýt - 'tiir te fiopd sut- ,hp ;piwayo bave a ceplt lie 4elinglo< verd# pE viricir ara bgeart'anti '4irt -and"papy ptifr sortis of rp ;p in sW ptigbt mention,' tlbs : o etiunl thatdnrlng or 1 4itp Osf p0'in e miuaIbaveoreciret ,-p pa t vlmsbound-at- lhast woty-Bvle' iruiels oe-t' is original,. poelr>r. Sorst r e eve prnblsba4.q- .?-iew ~ beces t lareaily'rcroe- lnmes as a'persnal taver'te tire writer'- but lfavmon casseont oftote, thea coutrj- butions vare joctatas nioiher gO e.oufu or ov er enongh l chit a -Cý 1 curlgo IavsnltlS On the tapis lai' Wbulh,>', Dec.?> aug1- a"ti ai1 kiu4 M80 & LES, ili Md Goi, 18055t Oro. todsad t aid o tia >1a~ 1 cash!

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