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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1869, p. 4

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'1 kLUATION-P- eopeuasioa of BEesab, 70 ftd io»eeSulou of BEmi B. Bi. ' Rt9, wWxwa Machine of tii. Day!1 1QTo e .Lad&Ios cf -Whtby and Ooiwty cf Otarlo 1 mm 19Nov Dominion Stm Washing -Machine!1 Gn b. uod ta any >oier 1, Ouly ;FourxDollar. 1eco onmesnim'ir wt brathe raWear of ,lotlas.The b tud ntotesmn, b>' the se. tien of or$, are driva:: up thro' the chambers, crtpe ho ethais, arti torce'1 thronga b porfeetiy withont rutbing. ?Y bi.s been thoropgl'ly testedaend -pronouiiaed enaqualleti slm te wseby ho.OiWho hava pe 8 Aifabrie, romt th ft lceste bhoiat- biankete enu b. waslid purfectl>' andi with tien, witthe Lt walbearid. For Ilannels 18 f a itivalutble,,tseborubblug,iollng asti pressing prmos nîutit ncessarlly tfui.> hoau miore orlons.. 18 la rai>' a lober sud lothos oaving invoeutica. Wauhin wlI n longer ha a hsrduhip, nd-wasihing day a terrer sud drasd teohouewivt,;Ta Ivention oen b.s usati lun ' bolier sud th. low pries eofLthe >riola, $4.006acs wlthf n the roach o anar5 lamil>. *Titis maal4o lias beau trled an eh ùulj tntedby diffaront parties, frota tu mLJontaI ishve beeu racelveci. TESTIJIONIALI., Yis; L. Iiourk, Mnà. Jas. Hamilton, Mn. W. IlIligglni, Mrs. H. J. Macdonefl, lira. J. 1 . Graenweed, lira. M. O'Donovan, Mri. M. i. Cochrane, Mns. Jas. Byrna, Mrs. J. a. VarrMels. L. Fairbanks, Mro. J. Agnaw, M1r. . ILCoobrane UiaM. Harper Mis Drî. Eatwood, Uia. k. Caldwell, lir». (ult- CAUTiON. Al machinas matie or oiti lu the fieunt>' of O>ntario sud Durham iit'haire the proprio- tors' stauip, beanîg dataetfpatent and hle Initiais ountha botte»>, as*enait andi ovar> In- <rnigemet wil b. prosc4ted te th <ail ex taut et tihe law. Ooie Agent forerLmnanfacturoaendtmâlala l the Oouuity of Otîrio antiDaniani, Ohaws, sept. 28, 186.O8 CUR£ top 'CONSUMPTIONI1 lx CANADA. Massas. Yaînçe kCu> 1 aS rée ml il a 4ty 1 awa te yoc, as walt as10t îe pqblic. ta linforma yop cf île toat onder(ut cure of consamptiamn e. r mliaed i yrion, 1mthé use of ilé Ores> #natter, sud limtagreaipel about nmy lafttlng, Ibud tolît ahils avorycdair, Msaésvreangît sw«e vary ulglitsidtwoon hen acimang Sughand tI r ww.atlm'g, Ivas aImit depnretcf houp; 9lis go>ssres o awlltas by tae16oaat tsiwusgoare- duccc ilat lcul ardly stand ato. winitaier abess il e aa l fo1r almit lime >10, but nding no le4îrt d dfirsslîrecipes, butatl vitacci aun gocid offt. 5 %ire ['siorsan, of Elat, rocmenuoadçd -ite teamcie thérei lashnnkieos Remiy; 1procaroît liras lo>..eaione wlt th îe lits; sseanu as1J came i ttfdgogU1begaitotetsbotter, sud wleDl1 bsd OUOci f cmpl menta cougli, expectration or psiîerttin buctth lugd, clii>. a #eal,&o,lefi C vif ' nin i ue1I U.aaae s oitn U t l O lsnowoyaver u enthls est1 qit t îl soiJ, 2t liera lave beau noesyiptns of île gisas. retuttiagsuitdt1laali>si t ee udamtnowiiewls. $her sud boter >h I lave brunoIr as esr,& t erqai vos w> >1maa le 1,kuown te the pubitde, tîsi thoy pusy le madls avare cf ils pecular vtîes cf 811. îruly womnu rflIndien lRtnedy. vwrnT EX . V. YILR 5rasswtawtl, S. or Laminox &k Miigia.,Ont. -Te aIl te wlomn Il mny com.-!louls te cerillt» h ave beauacquainted ikthlle aboia Peter C. V. )tIiler,liEq.-fer iny yeer nt lhave kuowu litre s>. sJîs*ytelé of tle Vary higLOttrespectabiy, ait a veyniy uifi satrdl e persnon; seit 1 am eniteot #bst zcmt u Ily vaucli (utile ircîaf île aoe, oamy pilier staaloentsmails b,' lot, ga y BEY. W. Y. 0. BAPE R, letof Bahl LYVZER yI T. Lom hi& Moinds an4 patrons tbat M bua opta nommai business it le 0di WKiTuY LVEJLRY STABLEi ltai opied b>'Raira. Ooilthhrd aid if Itavlug oncoees4 the, munbar su lpality luesnsdas tdt osd jloi cuvAyances snd vae on îleoi b remises, 10 toe* b>'biy J oiint lexat tOsa vante of 0eusîcmero ho mentI s) ahan A 14e stock cf 3Du7 ocod blugmIlO1 pet cent di- uos*Wineu, rM.IL à voalbains. 'sutti. o, ohsu Çelebratcd AIse, ln packgesof .10, 15 an4 PDgallCo@ CHEAP! C EAP ,it HAVE JtTST UEOEWVED TWO C4.S880O GRYSÂTINETTS & CANDIA~TWEEDS, Which wil be found veiy cheap, ana sold at a smali acWance on cost. D RESS QODe, BUPPÂILO ROBES, HOMIE, BLA11KETStc 111E MJLLINERY TDBPARTMENT, Contains everything new and stylish in BONNETS, IATS, JACKETS AND TRIMMLNGS, The Tailoring Department. Clothing made to Qrder by first-claso workmen, and a goôd fit guaranteed. Or À fnll stock of Groceries, Hardwa~re, Hydirau1iç Cement, Saa , 4 .Dc. 2,16. 1868.e WILLIAM 1868. DI."' I8S SHOWI.NG A 8PLENDID ASSOMTMENT 0F CLTS&CLO TIN-Q SUITABLE FOR THE HIOLIDAYS& Ladies' and Gentlemien's Furs. 500 pai" of Ladisg, Children's and QonUoemen's Fait Ovcrshoe A; Rubbers. The bighest out fiannel 11usd Walklng and Skating Boots in the markets, A largeostock of Fa4cy gog4o rnitable *or Christma4 Proients- WILLIAM DICRIE. M 1Oshaws, Dec,,08, 1808, CHOICEQR EIS No,l 1,on ,th.e,,-Coruer, I ave maile extensive ply My oustomueim and tii. public pre parationi tosou p- *ith everthing M'm ase'i 0f' very superior quality, sty whiè1i he is uow disposing of at exgceediiïgI- Buxggies, $Ieigrhs, &C', RE at the Olde Carniage FactoUy, Brock, Street, Whitby, Dec. 21, 1868. OFFUlýCI1A L -.A SI E E. GENERAL AGENCY'OFE 7f B undrmlged aving receivedtheti. ppointment of OfficiailÀsAue! fo North Ontario, < prepareti to give pro>mpt attention to ail matters inliankrtcy or ngo1eny»<' Promiory Notes anti Accunts specdily seollecteil ad remittaneca OPn good farm seert 8I ercn interest. Special attention will b. given te the negociation of oa1ns, an4 =orwr can reiy upon having their applications attendeti to promptly, mnd 4t amali expense. gw.Also, Lands, botie Improvcdand uni'nprove4 çonstantly for sale. Insurances efhîcte inl the. Ontario Fariners Mutual Insuranee Comnpaniy. E Officiai Amigueo a#4 Vainater. OIFICE-Bigelow's Block, nazI door to tho Iloyel Canedian Batik, rort Perry, Deodmber 2, 1808. 4 w ~e~r CHEAP GOODS THE snbscriber would beg to intiiuate that he is nov in re- celpt of his Fail Stock of F'RESII 1?AILY GROCERIES, Complete l vr department. He would direct special atten-- tint is large and complete assortment of Crockery, Glas~s & Eartheowarc Glassware in sets to match, Lainps, Chimneys, &o.,' al of whicli, ho lu; dctevmlned ho soit am cheap am any houso in town ; in iht-bound flot to be undersold. Cail and geo. aoj FLOTJR AND FEED AS USIJAL.1 Cash pai4 for any quantity of good Firkin Butter~, Corner Byron c Duadaests-, opposite the Robson IIouse. Whltby, Octol>er 28, 1868. In reference to an announcemeni 3 sbip her.tofore existing betwreen TILL k, R friands andtinrer0 patron thaï bç stili col f hather, I<n 1883, at heii. OI) TANLI, Nps. 3 -WHITBY, ýwhe eho viiiho- always-found rn Anis, entire nov stook of the: best rasa» UNDÉRTAKi 'ANUD FUNEÉ usual - WID'S o splendid speciens Rememler the OldStand. Whitbyt May 4, 1868. Ifyou want,,to ,b'uy,' a ste1s 60 ~tO M. H. COCHRNES i cao b. rma.e ,or li xyeu LNKS, Jr., AucenoxrzEit 37 0lot, in Iota ta jg ani iauling « a qmuaiity U ti-For 'Bnroeklin Oc Ni BOOTS & SHOES, OVERSIHQES, &c., che pfoi' cash> nt o At 31. H. COCHRANE'Ste.oa s5tars, Sa Whi1tbï, December 9, 1868. &ENTLEIEN'S . IAILORING AN» EPURNISIII1NGHO1JSE, cu ALEXANDER PINGLE! Takesg leave1 respectfully to infrm. hià frienrds aud patrons that hie Stocof W .WINTER CLOTHS, 40.lno' vey cmiie gndof the very- best ýqualfty, tiid 4hàt he*is prcpared tp ak pw4ij-. patch, and lu tho latest styles Gentlemne's Garimen Gentlem.cn's Irurnishing. Go ods -of every desrihin- ebrin-Sirs>ColasSo~k, &.,&c NecitOir FbrINO PAY! olas Ses,-3àts c. Brock si., Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. Bakai, 'Whiitby, .lnly 16, NEWL B. T. BABEISON. Bakery ic 1 rcpatfii oin s e Cake, Tinta ani BEiacuite et I kir.tis int eson. Aise Lob- ,ooa Nuits, Oiniger Bear, &4o. - J. cDOUGALL,ý , Cenfactioear, &ia., Brook st. [y IMPORTED II]RANGING S. T ne hat 1ei ueV naaed tn Dg Te- r Salacteti canaaly >'hà-m"oif , aichhle bas ou sala ai Very ' cerd FCea, 1ý# PqitLuUg, Graining, Giazaff, and Papar HMnging, excnti ini a werk miiBanieldtiona mannen, as nnI A. C. WILSON, .1Dundaa Street, Whiîbhy [ÂGE AND A UEANDER PINGLE TIIE MONTREAL TEA COMPÀNYI- 6 BO.5PAL STLEET, MOeTRgA. lapoaîeclur af Ims.TREV'AREuNEULLJFi STIWENOTH, AND FLAVOUIL '20e baa( caloenf(r ileir ininnsiWorth, keigf mileltrxno>,untahgidge i lmns it eg tisa. .lI(rîesusls osblepoi. feu~ sig. ieeacnrc 5.t Ie e lb nimads cTap , 2 1, lOîllIh oeaniaeiaraotpresi rp rm ionsml - 1 voutit le toe ranci, four M lscubtng 1 tier cauld i muenfiur 061;r i ve 121b>. boxes, %W5 moud thora, 1~T " T C o e csp sititT«24 carnag pmtAitmsî itk ieutlbar plafiiiy, so latesch parsy gei'tiseffen ivmu.e waanatta 'J ... ils ~~~~t sw Ii ie clr.pffcft.If lirseyrs netasiffa ry ipYsa1> turn iat cm expn. f r*mýBknL 4strongTe. 45e., 0a. p;FaI l g ewSaO . e ,,ry mg Would respectfülly el attention 4their large Stock of FUni- gvU F'*.,,SZ 1., Ver'itsSO., finau ýei 70e, d d. W, eyFiii#-do, 7&-;i japen, ture land Cabinet Ware ; al of, tie newest stylesâand desigp. - , nRZ N T E A &An examination of 'their E'I1,STeLASS STOCKà, vill w8P t Twmokay, Us. ZIi6eDae;L H ' SOml cPl Fne do.c;e-yFlpia. pppl Vmiay them u saing hat Jero a po~ ~ienior A- the, Dominion. Claies0'; FsV I'W<Tdes,.t5-em n EJr, .phltering o 'a11i kindsé, and' the e.iGgtraelvetefîfcefa ýwork gurneedto be execiled M * superior manner. Théatele eauy1tpriaoiieia uetfefeaarcie bv~rbreta nc OitUse ia e 1to f putt on t itp e Ts rmyu hvlja s PG r' uluar atte 'ton îs reqt4ç eu J0 e . FiusvrDame, thf NWSPRING MÂTTRÂSSES. t,' M ý 1Tas. .0Va and frou] LOMIARDI Ir A xf Toronto. Spublia s OLICT4 Preck Bin wbitb, CIO on, Brock A TTOIS. $1Ch£n the [Peit K . Ccoxm L ccunI> en TIABRIS BDcery, 1 pmca.. . A#*j Whitb3 URGE 0KJEG W suce. CONp V" 1782; gGrocre, Ne- Fruit 4nd Pure Liquors, Suitable forth@ Uolidaya, or- for nguy other occfflon., Asi iiiere wordo'co4-ld uot nufflrte my extensive atid vanied' ocIrcpectfolynk my 1atrgpo to, eaU and judge for them., W iiotbyl Duo, âet 1808. R. 1?UANOLS, Ca oh'for 91@1cqt ,%Pur 1 1 ý i

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