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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1869, p. 2

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flqr.'aPE may 'oeoeoua of long sandming dw by psrU.. e.fr if tkq, *pomm*a qpas'1b of.16.ine or Au>- o, imsuld han ,dtaagd thm - my, IAout us wwfor ait inMtotim_ içsmi efXtag Bt Dr..klu', Is licol<au>toe psvseOusr Tcoio dmir foestaiupearles os tis vasit of Ibo omt. i« o sld! ai sfbaolncefbrb lu~t. Tho NoWvracemst le iamdie.d wlISI a bin eating-44tAnotLevoff tL. N I atlyr sfadfield and!Riâias'd te tise re 8s"-santelt! epudiset!- à& gamahseua stump spaseh," n, Tise Zeader, report lu iotrot!uced Lyaun'equali, eea.pecemuildin!bg -Dr. McGil Lefor. bis consttsnts'-" TLaheet«ng Pot- S Si Richards prseust'-04t!dsssa b>' tise Mllmhsetsru-" Vote cf tieh uis psstt Urv. laede.ald." Willtise'Tderarpti lue lt--#'Tise ObU* Martyr Meting- t Suai! atenatea-an adjoraetO "Tho metnI' reorganfietans! addreusd la, tieseon. J. S. madongld-aM& Hon. fi. Mbcad"-" The> roeelvs lise Iianku et tit isIel. FrountLe complet# report cf fie Omeo. UoIg gît-en in cuLer coluan., tise resder cou jot!ge he ni ui eft foue sensatienal issdnge ti vars-antet!. Au euit cf our s-eds s nov tise meeting vas calltiedt îLe tnstance cf tLe efra eleeoocf SentisOntasr iso L ad »W (! or Dr, IcOilI at tLe liai electioa, sud vito, cv, la 1h Le"ice cf explana- tious, disapprove etfbisW curse ia -Perlia- ment. Tb#ise eat uesa stcry, the ruade binaciset!up v*i'is cov, pseventhng min>' vise veuid t! etrvl Le promuti <rom lnralng ont, and tise meeting vas lu on.eqsueuce peemponet! te a future t&-j. Dr. Moit'Ghhwva preomai, expresetd îsouef oeady ic glvé explsatnmtioste andt tissa ev-t, acquieecelantune adjeurmseutseh meseting tisongis lit te t!elte ; -udeet! exprasset! isi esî nsaufor tLe opportn iiy et meting Lis constînents. Tisameet- ingr vasaccerdiaql>' potpeond fisere,so faor as tise legIiuate husiness ehioL brons-Lt Reformeram ineamavu oncernÉd Of ai. eoupazy, XIuiaebbuLo 14esated, lu 11. exeestien, viid poue r thtie Pr@-fl,,al Dite, "4usd, if ths def4 direptors9 "aîsvvards deviai. frns - is prosl Il"Id s adiiolc. -broSsai, vpul4 OsUÇili»' te vbbo b a bond ifglvn bave an>' remet!>, eaier at 1 eqmlty, toe efoncs i-orClain; du '"*saontthe sompany 7', $611 "[n m>'opinion ushe prov DirOctér» bat-s N O WE3,ta sussabond.'Thiser posrs ari deflasd, inthe M eîi ctocf that, s .ilicroralooFNO st! <eave, imp1i iII vsaemweeenring on tisaIsBoas' usuelse vs Iemilait Dot Moe ilves otisespersns te &et as Peovil Direotors, te opena»stocis bocks; te mi 03a1 spcn tie sharais snbsrihaed ti sud to ali amee tin g cffu- mal8 bon. te -eleot diroaton;aSd ait uneS other pevenu s tise Bil..>' Act are veatet! in Board&.'Bat as nies' tise Railval ne >usoer toSe ais. ach1abLnt! hu civ' Pnot-isional Direciors tise7 des-tv. ne ap il, fs-cm tisat part cf tise scon a r apq-peo ia n4tielefore, nsis bond, oould: boe nforcod oit] -at Isw or in equity, agai the Company when it fs ine plotely organiseiL" "Yours truly, J. Hillyard Camerc Toronto Aoalulaqça le the Nîpla Tie neadenu cffie Canexici.s U5> coîleet a somavissi long rtport ve j cf a Nhptsring railly>'Meeting bel ttxbnhtgc village, hast Angasu. Tisai the linal eppotanitu, ve Lad-cf Lei#rag George Latdlnv explain Lis great soLt ne tison siate t ta, lua ddtioie to t ownship bonae, mone>' vas 10b. nei la tisa fclhoving vay : F<Prat. Tisaitise Torontoe., Han Trust vas.a -ver, s-hÉla ccrpçs-aies, vol onî!tntisai t utoit nuleusaun vuT - ieia nlom uia s ars-dthe great ache, -We Lave befs-e- ustise- spent tf Ià cf tise Tes-enteoIas-eburTrust-, ant! tise revenuea-fer îLe jear'frcm the Saul to e i$9,081. Andtheis the ' expenesu Ise year -to lie $11,37e. 'Ont- oet ospanditas'. tisee-s AU! loae drds-tglne'tise Lsar uhsasometf$7,7 Cas-ryhng fus-vas-thie caiàbalance 1867, tise lianiour Ircet LadhanLad tise ahase et1868:- ............ ....... 7,061 Build!ing seisial>'sioçi,,..8. 4,000 --àV iFW gae vbotienot 51,600 lemu thanntaIti'se a tise .poeaet!iogacadet!,lime in 1867, ant! on tisc saMs-* Lidii WilO he@fie apeanSM0eofthfle Atorney- vas te obtain $100,000 fer the, Nipiemi Ofgémauau s n aexpootet! surpris, il Ladset! Id 1 uoibl ing atfer te do vluL tise dater. Seaoed. "Tise City wvaste tarahis va' able prepenty for tisa oit>' staticn. fs-e minet" i the meetaeing. A pesîpone-coct." Tise Preaident cf lise Nipmmhi mont bad! Leeuagneet! te baforeant, and! aompany adesedat lutins'te tfhie Yr vonrit!'have taSsa phase la an> - oyant (Jean»' Conseil alt1h. hatst esien aeklh *pîiseng1 uis oas plinnEtisa.t ilveat!for a paru o eéliot! jail ps-lorst'fs-catii Lava Sean botter Io Lave proceat!ed at on tise lhplanade, fer a station. TI one an bord r. oGila iplnat-o Cousit>' Cunail censentad te lese a poi onceant Liad D. MGtlls eplsaic *c.lion, oethtie psopenty te th. Rau va, Con -Tisere vas only oesmalles-fa réfes-ence Fan, les- 42.yeassea a nominal s-cnt. il te Iltr. MeGi-tisa reignatlon cf tisa prasamo tiat ai tLe endso!et tisahase t' çoooaroipj-f nî-educet la tise Attorney'. depef and thuiss iildings os.' tLe psrpes- O.na-d'a peeiscf sasrl>' £ve Louts. te reveni te tise Cenmy. Bu hat is ne ail. Tise conspany is aIse te meitle vit [Tise Toronto papiesincorneptl>' mu>'on: tisa Cit>'ef'Tes-ente fcr any dain tise oi bous.] rMay have fer filllng Is îLe front andas- Il Ao ns! u <is Le gare the Dr. a chpau sa lhanade nci. lu jaci se Lappena ti ls, i.1Lth e aceab, tLe report.,lBai Ibiscdais ha pr0157large, me large ha fat thse Auouasy-Guseral sade the meu i tthef cain u>' cil wl o a ast!fis thenefoeoanuions sa sgro tbe o t due- oppertseaU'y aresdt!Lies, iaviadiasi- p.s-t>'te an>' nvse vilî takc il off th 1»e ý ueo pllesof is goea-aeat. Beoibandsetfîte coanîy. Mr.-Sant!tont! PIeu didel mo q- etui,, andtI t a vus-ylai- shng, City flanteyor, on 81.1 Marais. 1851 teniv--.iîosgsla om@m part, aet sirefurnîisaedth ie Cent, Counail vieS a state ment cf tiseClainm cf tise City asacanta pnilling-andlsqge. To u4y itisait Ise$2. jAttorney -Geuem-l'àspcuis 414 sut leave a Adt! 10 yea-e lites-est..........7,5Z fat-aes-h.Imrsiulo " .bis bearen., -- veals! Le spising centriry te tise lact. *o Te tase tssu Le vasi 'snoubed> IM pn- Makiag the Cdains to-day oves- i'vITs truc, 11e, as vsuLave alroady sait!, mode.- uraô#nn JsoLLAe. Tleeuefone, if oi tbs eutcf ls. ppornal, afondt! Ls, Aiivay Company villi ueand ps-y te i rit7 iisis éaimt, tbi'îecouutucil vwilh lenu pot! th#apq4nhneous vt ocf tianise pauet!on# acre out- cf tLe tons' ars'mnhabi ble.isaié a 1 oeution cf bitsupeech 1o tLe block ton 42 yera.Mest geanona contj Lest ps-oc t tiai-4« buLesait! wvas appre. ocanci I Moat fertiute Bail e-a, Cons $!te&t.-Bat thetoeotf fDn. Motii __-pany Il The acre' tale' leaset! e- tise pispt n t fe u elâe& o te Cronr-Railvu>'. Compan>' isnet vos-li, and!veuld ScipI a 1 ti asreliete he oroer-net osalifor oe a Litof tise City alatas thipa-rsmunn precisci>' vises-vfh vas.AndIbts Ilutise free gran mtation tise If& WAIletwua tais-na îLe mnter. W. Niphciag Company' are te gat in Toron tisrefoe. lmeS lat tiiere vtihhob.a large teoil I mseollag C o WstbseUt!a nmiantI tis a 4n4 yeilUr. George. Lea!asnt!Lis (tir Reid .111 b.s apldd Lethee tr ta brother dis-actons rues op and doua tisa Nipliu li ne telltag visai Toronto .111 yîndie»iis pcshufcut'.-de ho girlng frea staion gront!s, andth ie T oronto» lias-beau-Trust hn fas-nshing tise BA&LS or nDAuah'pi r ci-#s Us r.- wvs,anot!mens, h la rsea u>'arprssng qmsela!Itedirect attentiorn te s Important h@ii mon uea sefas- fcrget thesseis-es e. q~ucmsn la neîev elomn, o aIotemase ulatemonia of ltis ind wviieL Ssusvmî ,.ef. M. Ssiaervis M.canaci possilihSe anviet! ont. Thi# fer- ;0 ygçkýjér.Skieorgwbo u lnes and prospecea#( tîe Ntpissing ado# arrasgoesggfU îàrakiag su blé rosi- cempasi>' mass b. desperat. sileat! vise enes pem.al'ISd f»tUrg rearniag lureqaineasacis assertion. te bLchter tises np ebuls»ssla WbiltLylas s preiglotuastea n sh iort day cf ephemeral sut- trodetontta mtomers. cava tise Lii, I; - - s f s s! PI 'a Bdhosupl véy ftwy nfrmtin epect hoabiir folie3lca. 1daa sa 4 foratseps outil'& la th*. I0g ti.afals of the. Company.-. 1f. le all.e* , l.,V~Iaie T. nel~ VS4OWlI , etors 1 .zp.*td th ea£ti.Compa,# . cee in £bersefaeom ha,.as*85qià . o*wdocrne, ta bimtuobe aboald Whitby, .111 b. open»dot'rly li.Ton«. Loren Brown, IDanilBotts,HsHgob, IL¶5b.d r.zlaonitbsplsiay ilions,-..-- P. 'Green,' P. B. *ki(~ Parie,~ id Na, Gnoozaity D P;,immsrm,-.JohnK"ti, Dr. Lav, H. Micoz, 'Peter v.YaevIIor.d 4nadjourum.,î WO be tedirect attention tte,, à.a- taorysudod cer. <tom ilffs, iltWenwlotb. U1. i tai la rDOUDOeact Qof ]TUB.H lso t Wby, sud <rom the oaSftCVity ~ 6 "" or am la and 04Pickering, John'qberr, agbatisthmotion, sud honghî k twonld b.a otiser cumasMrý L lmH. a penfod b" IL B., Oampbeîl,, 4il. Dlfi,-LdC.lngjastUc..ithpresent @umalmeeting vers .1 = 8 u009a p e m s s a sl e n p s b M . T I D A , G o. ' g o c J h s c a m e î ta d ecid e m atie rs o f s c b im p o rta n ce , , ~OIm Hoau, ba ue0y ad Jhn Pyde, ~.~ ~ e... LIM. ben it W11s a phslal issiliy for . se11b, M i1pchca m *KUbq Revoitw u.eh ho b îCondy a Id 4rou-Dr Doye1. V, a llowar4 e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 aiIboslnk.:il .i siig ~ :; . chas Caméqpbiellsa f the.t an evoltlentIsock.eso(a Wtby , dutagIe" p$ Mer.Othonev.aaàMr0. shoId b l #&idaif îLe r rnngeatu nle loisrvti iepbicc 1~1y* Q t c s , e max.in- the nwta er m aal aisof a r vbo s &oe~ .,Aten cnla e to d t'e i s Oz- er. t he rîta r.c pacte, Hon . 'ito r n a. s p isons ivi g la ith o ie. i e.t ely , to nnoM.Gog ilrdndrll JS.sa od t.Cmisoe f(r W eilbonsvrs, la toeiss e u newhle pt at 1 becri.~~J" Belo,--Lid i h Gl h, befe lie tei rae b t a a,.. Ao*t)àn tluzer bva beu . Ma. e lei crig c, d at,$*o-) is eigs f »r icQii aqno ce e h dj MEt ro o erg asr. T e pore bcn g o o , n vi vrsn el.oi lokd phh nade r ises éor itftig le o ofvd b. v od aec a trn rtly foersa promut, tme nwt asle hd cqaesed mub t e ndli sncb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~at àoan, eIn. iemltrpdr hmlad uoevb on vs etarla b. hieadteusrcti. eoig H.ondb r ~ ~ tet« --- ' ovriutlmxiwc.,hladlod ii, a ugîtsm rayt e l n in svhbe n fté isec an~~~~~t diota C heun dvl mie"t, roceade4ottse on, alle, tie.whifoh aivd ol .pf thoan, plac t .GoreIlor nahi ad erainamd t h oldin isenr ofng vitis s warauîacîcy. fi e , a bl e tonAsi Moody, araLula, t e t vftis oer. ai f ori r ee qd> eso rsetiattee ioldb s Ao »tmm nmee 'lel vs, H.Wrebp tin offarjoen te <and rs tie b laof r eaor qinte ser ihi.e panstoun., ioh »T mItreo àsyng - e ge t bq isacoi I o nmti.o cf fLore Iw Br o , h oIt, he ressametigsho, nth eaction hodrli, muir the rd.occtane hair vstknb ...Vloz qo iemlehegetranhrc i olh o m oi,a gro tmt, ndrtisf g ins, ao bf Le Whby CU a-e' aliea nd tie Hold harl Ie bscw u m. bc i y & T ic reent c thtLionsecc mit, Wva o bdato ydciedaoop t. aayti e S e etng Lad rang huted b, is ccni'llered lthecommitîeo cfrtise vîsole, Sdd 1frthon tiseOfaM Feu enIas T Ie-wf ollwng ecmmsd . icex, tkia chir, osîi ots vithot Ls kold pe aid t Cslcl, omeell;J C MPhnsn'8 I.9 tedace1lsa'vee e o#b poit i sovas ib eo mnlaîlt Ïe atte l . ieh twn; .en dor,9 >atano;t.Eo eadLai g teoraLe ci-madorLe, rlegain . 'dntfA hr n cona fh u al; ntrottoffl ise, Walon Hi i à - large . aterb in te ebe anstaios(ac re.-ie n , nm J*vOrthe 4r-t E . litém t en f sdj uroe o ftisrme d4ng, Ifto r xplaeati n g a tise peole. actonld n le s enaisen, Il M éin*C. , 1.11. nobe chairn wuA t li e gon cf A.i. FVli and o rn eeha gî,tia L, hndh à r liie 'Pie, - BeCa. t t o4àn. h p tes ieciavsn to ee te ouer friandtisais aven. r nfrmtin Iand Ra.lonvredte sshav e tigr , attey mnne On.moFinvofl, r.arewdell -d.idflo t seonde-Gaeabanad hen. Mn Rihr ds "tb inclde d ess l ia ing th reretctese Jspetfr Invi sishnl . alsd npn t he y ibl er tfon bsow ip.s, 'v. tie m iiu o he st l i ailenh) n oîlu i n , f th i bl C t u c i, 'v p Th me t n W e n a r g d hl is a TLarybs ep te as farnie enebinnttender o 1llste qsetisgj. L . pd ~ maIeevs o» iet sa pe h i the ties. mluncon, en tue o af issle aIly Mrisairuan ve n t i apn motheca ieid ronstituse 4 t btorn s ea nl e , andt. e ac lvmicc ln te nath e f tera139 rns, ides i.1 soar~~~~~~ IieÊ.O ie oetse nhoeerelts tiereichuien tee wula nr. alre tae ise hm ioanteme.n Baeir e do arha d uit! jî lleetta vasarejcd C.Np Gsui Al-s a» n dîe foat vsMailly ise Bro o tie tt wu theecoammueniatonteattorndit l bin;A lexndr ntro , lan d, O5 b s. Tayor, ta h e m e! ed h R. b. V.ot eharn s e cae hro fo Le-itailec;i.re:i- Gnra;o easbdutadc s c Wa g nten teaolnîiens, aed en W.oJlth hotis e arposeacf eIiag acplaatio j i ber ne ësidsite . War4 ikisn, anhen poumot!dis- X m a rewell cftie a. pvcs eai var i oscf arte ieraavshe eetseo w erIlKts wasuo oror %s-le:,torynajormat ro ie îciefap pege liçlu ie mada ien v p l holm retpsos.roat!s, empveciRihrdalci.IL, t g.scdmaite Pa l erai n, Bat i te. nbot net si tei. sI latîdon i lot &nsCoT.n, ed e. mAt fthe sgetono r uir 4l nse * fr tse x..et iseerd#- trs.CntotsTh casa the rmi t as i pob dfr t asboter ties ho era e. Ib-livethpe gav jenrtno fr ee. esbygasanad vsJohnadd dln ten. isemeilm en cf tbemajnitmie ts cf i TeempevauneUConvtroikfone and Uboere e. sashno tie meetingth.emeretiistvoaseai ped taone MeRcast. Inldd an -ie ed ien;elooeohuaskowwbl e aera iseno lida t i n- a rhe aoLrtia h Peirfhat OnUr. ey es, ils.Cnty T Iserbad ijneeCn ue as st sv sgratn- en aet as L aie a o i vetien vas. h ;lilteI e a 0 111 a s. ance; ba t s e ie reus e at a cao1rscase lho lins s reîsinni te-o de e*q tevn.ay etiselebfe; tthiels cnvete on.mebeate lise mtttie te . r sg eehiun mera pesrenotvs. Jon e-gen n ifreai- Mn tFara h oro a s g1edbu,',pdta .T o*h tof li e iecumtu ,as isne of n .M cLa dei a ntcd n ms. s ny-eealw oi4peen. tddnt cf @.ecrcta y aTs iitie d to c ber geniseesme thng a ne cf tistacedmcinsnege naeo v. BtIanmr e me er:elgec novtee fs- tii :s e n : -ol<cî'cnthee reqant ionaIoe e oint- r.Talo' ti a ke biLad n caors.cfc ren iera te try *oû nosio4i e of< r. Oissva , end ls *1 l p on> e n!ntcl à o y eefrn, oisa aneit he Attrny' an (4Iitin amna reuis, i ep e 5 std > o n caedh w oi fthert oneheaM treasannU.;aifGorgeraikho requtttadsta tan, F.os., fe [ou- @ne eupé », on a c elant r.,,alur bvsn eu cîe that a a Ur.ia.s.) We came Lar e re a r e r a-é ofolaIîiîisterlaien asisielonIi cr y t enuian fItate pn î al h p or oeatv, rofg ili-ne epar is aisfl cfO ten'on sseinleet oaI aiand t , ee t Iise teroarmo ive tesacc e ftbal ltiegi r Ml'spi nt cree; s siga. tise n n i. sein:: vas hmie o rit i ay t is ig olit ifaithe tiserplcdg g wiesnt pl qtfceded, b o Wi f. l$e , malprergt;voftt vs isenivilege, fat is grn etseRfomraf aur àiJ&Ooo.p<Hal*,ss ndptt-esjt f ni h'onnmîhtanoy 1 axer. o f egîLOniçbeli o dok abipLe h.Se- te, he tIp.o r ua ldb ed, tIz luteoiî t edres- cise h.o f tei se e al t er ieata se t , a re! iset n Buedt Oa tin D i t i ts es set risdvcr o iy a. asrehs-aîek la er.e oenou. diee1 pa fothe c4itebof th T. Ilammeî sse n. Ilu ire nd-et dgvsei te, mp ss Iible dfo M.Drrr- a oMloai in pc o rigIen. s es. u a ieeeîesc ie on nlldlbighmi ee th eni et ftemoiywer.1 doi Vu tse -itsin Sa" Tînîo> aitises-ok p ra.Ws a :nsttoiaes ntndea uone4 te as'- 2se Charean-Asp v.nd it!onet ere utbcj lOe tiser str ote n entio, anedd Bo ie liut e b e.meting.He dl d it herr teneadomtse dtbthees' ie ho bis , advismbe ta aadura pehmeetig te a- y es et s Fiios atery n las <lcstig e nt emor sui o nllier dvh eytanig sa ahav e os retant!ted- comaoer, ae b ar fca o Ty ni vasn trn asWols 01 nth lo ecta,,. li uti cs, u t «frtoepeet osy red A pas. I a csiitii l 17 exorcise hi as tisetyodit! onnveitioccasion a nr.e e s ithoa vas nrect on ttodes- tis" Cpnd on th Sohol C ealcu. caiuing d « ap en Dr. g lt e ie&nacbaoutihovs pain .tesson vhy ctsc s e me rein.II.Jh egsn cr f LisMconacu at, as o ne. Taylor Lad is oe ornc evssa er ho ea nt!. fwvts h diTs o snt oc se ol e ci en nT. onei >' latve r ot! en e biocist! apHendegd Ts oio o dermeti iel ti Me Ct Dr. lyei-acin smsse bei-ftttitisaterneIssu ceattenda ttithep tis L the la te eeo f rA bo ta is e b t ttsod lpo befragrn n eatendpi ofau atcars-ed. Bt . a c r tni asis o erte. h onrngKeAtel lsnanadcs-ntmet ingscaît otaie oflahe f0 it wulisdonato qestet! te at!d breste t icr M6 iliestucleiiu i e e-gas n. Star.1 . -aoiea,, ftappr ayni teet r d looknt, vie ec- m nligain the toe leec its lr Bad ; r , ae isn, rbflirkt;1ip 4 n ir.4nci crwrb red ongcfodUWes Jf*nets u noi tvrdan fvisce rpnts',sc i iselnge;andmetng t olytis i aetisievr iMr. ald rmfi i c hardoseci. eitiand ng 5-n lirpesl.o n . Mort iu a'y; Mnsiiq emle, o m otne t h hl g enau>.rI1 lfraned m.OsWckIt&ni t . 8-be;hcosuntr. It vola e AntL el hevoà Mi'. Maconaldercame cbe t ry embenfts A. YnevoI, Jas.Cansiclae( siosa . ~cIff' titiso v et a es re opopitas isei sentait r . cigll t cne paroehabi le 8 d Dor is w ,li eek r. ia lbi e c ne t is -à wt b s ac on - s pr f so s f ri of tey eniven. ir. bIotU, 11cr.air. lsa, o te: e p rvs arn d s e tac le ; uAlug te eea s-: rr!n iecas acab usstp - u. io uî ro lntî,W i hagrndc. Wm. Bi xr, R. 8 wupeeple d en dnfsls ty iet resesais. Priaearatie. f nrma Ls onLs eM ar i'n epbi. dns c,v on teit, Wdises Bluthenan cct t co hie cadnuoan- ifLedî e sco p a ea t te spea foisiaoif.,necana in lftei.j itivnnlen o .'ie as. (t. bdth igî twute rvioead h In i4Us-lsoie, . 1. pCeeie, Jcn 4erine oq, rvas hn 'eotheva ostoesg clto Le sot! dosnt nt teios1 N cf memhobesuc te ai- 'li the MayorI , M. 'l)cevs, nd sxlore*iTaylr iri cai for h aood is a eprenl, a ti e a i h sît If Le s dn ite d he l S. T. (!bb, 8 T . ise ante r.po pflise, 'tdon bt byesetdb - ad n- oas qun.Dir it . a iemen e rs ors 1 bing gre ntin no"vr, lng m ae vist. in aiuercdb. gmtee. W e so u ïalogsiof esiclieD siroef r- tmpenaci sia î eitco nd a cf e r-ef isispan i whoheit! vab 'is- nt-lomans tîet ýhe deîti e a tien n po empin sIR tige 1 e r M Gl Ldhanci et! ns- aîecorine h o isea t t-i aîten s' y * prinoesf tisee Fél n Fnon msu oîs lna pea SpLslim ent ho ats tedge- texpaa.vnsii en!a!desaue opo e iiis S r- ti preilein n e xt bih iti o".edx ctn prme utpj*e oa tvrcduide.- Ibngit -f p- wuhasisu if es fîe Po ties oteuas adoprio. Tiso enetvisictato is oetir piioe obig int soui edt rdr vaWol s v. stast Lsemoe apont OuluO li (n.000v4811ni! esaaaie- L es iL esi eoswspeecisof 1:1 bis a iss boi inpe-ft.nloris >'govrneea; - e xorîci se g y i liae tis ca sion s' nt e;uornpc ia lOis Ma hris nt! lie ' 01c01 iii naodclvsasytJahgts cla iu cfahi fDr.s' eiarna ieve velauoa-! n! nvee e. onIqcu ti hoie dio Is eit> o oL M.f b srevehlc e at!e3rT day lu es oy acs ie s-psI i>'c is .ep CS M TsoCmnt SisniCovetin on 10a y adjostherne a futaro cday oed au asenltetom 'gntem n ae lise pverllcna7cf tiotion fmaseaucolramen1fr.iDrperhei1ongsi tisai vorelsacept wiisasi amadmot. -i vut! ia r - ps -g'ea>te-se---en alie ne vweu1ft h$ hos.vie vesiaslraseatalta p pes'ly çomng S cif. n.Tbis jenet WLen tLe Br-hitis(foveramnuaejueeae cliitg ie. toeoher te express an opinioneaeetten tisem e de ntvn leta sia ail #ifsunt Prtsones', vIai viii the as te the quê1tion of adjoarnusantIf i 4drusee. (Applique') w. haeve pasmot! as gentlemen vise bave devotedt!boes ir cîs vasut Longit deshsable ferto r L.c' àaàa ne@oînîhonte edjouenrad 1I.c61 ireîlcoyC mhadtbu tise "caoe cf saIt! prhsoars do majouii, cf tises f ai ais adjisanMnent cigiiî te dco ovitisent moe ado. The eçq4j fP lueeP Itemueit-c paîsioticslly bafore the mhcîld tase place, he# for ou@ Lad - locch.Iwo e msers cf tise iis', v*ho ore pre ster.) vorl4. Tbee, vhl bd"vte scoare op sem'e Jecti0gn - f uÇi; 4* uursejBut if an ent, ovideail, came bers te taik en poli. A cLphrau o tif tihisyranny. - adjcnrumensteeS kpIs.. >bd 0091d likéI ete cimal tera , ant! giva ibeir vievs exei.-(au Ts oebsirmd h e pn@ ee dmrne ime dedniail xef -fcr holing iel. alnfioegsypprdtsn. le Tiuse PopeLa a o qstbise nev Spanisis an»ouister meeinga. Tisey, ai fleforep, g'elre tise>'counonedosibt appear te, gresu îempe 4 Iba.sq oalle..,ut qiai iWloved Det cal>' bt t be7 fad th', igisu $dyapt#gp, >0cosporitwtat v u fcn ir,. f t h e . o -e l b u j e loe or e p 1 0l v t e o i t i e i r e p r e s o n t a t h v ; 1 0 e c u n t c p q ) s r jot d tC A . n en g t i s a in t -p The ai beatiu o n.nsgladyin ký #obelaiedt! hob. tlijsyof their cato Id~ e~. evin evh ta Marabsi Srnao'. ilégtimité dangiter. luâ itafepglf,. snd te e e'àIlle s "$aea i»3p$ t. T' n o be lJh lath csecai arsIn ciocu. ' .4to gire îLes-an oppo lt' fdi0 tsigentlemen Laye, 'à'it, -1eshe u bio Lady Hienr-y Paget Lau becn det! fer cnssing îLe s abeofs hdep .4 vu t tir aid sna î!tin d9 litlstce ri#ing s ireais Hyde Pari staithe raie cfriitrdi§as @e lecîr.eeg>, li-ef- H as Moanrned, ! donbt tise Pr. fc;ea Ilq a ient. * everIli saidt! e es qsn npe~t à'Pâ ale yI~' Plat, ff e 7Ufm% , obe lus SOI Prs" W5i Of ad erscing es viiiLe lltaaed te Mlt.1rl3dgs-boha Sandliela ]w donld ébgh te be thlest man to-s in a' meeting biSethis, end abioulad0n0 alloved'*Dy avtantage ler#. Applat 1 Say iha tha ppsition te sean aie from lita should not bo. cl'orate! on ecssdvratin, ugeqw va ba!fais' sotie Lis isteetica tbi spei*, se fluat *ve su preparu te acswdr Lt. (Hèr.)r kac. wbat hLa ta espablu cffsayîng w f éL u ,s a aM o ' t n î- -CL n g t e applans.> .aeso ilphîôI eri; veaias'lsot vovers aie! ta tisete cacdes Of, Publie aft; set! befre, A ttorne>-Oenara'al e sa hioeai a- peal «y due mhi a ate 4aple tune se pre an sauver te uneisremank, as; Le is 11k te nak oe, ca la tet! te de ceet- . is, Frsaser, gasid he bari ne deabt tisai Farevell dein-d te est'-a-l ail pnper ecrt te liêPremier. iectrasdtei, hover,1 lice Premier cfriOntario ite .dat> cf poiton botter ilion te adrsem n nsnite inei orcftiehe Rformsera cr Senti Ont, As tise businssafur visirl hoe> ad moults liai beau conoîded, ie moved tsa tie ais mon de loave tise chai-. Mn. Drape- sait tisi it vas lise lis-st tie underateeddgtsaReformera ver. sfriisofetf dsansion. - lu vas ntrdsi .1m te isoan -tus-me. of Souets unnlc refusoe ilaitera s 0 p rch - a spe oris fs-n t J o hin S and qlld f deiairi, or fridn, Johin A. Menaoaîst aItl oedt tie, siisi h lainupnpely isaîed led Jalousait!f fs-qiently iitossed, itis piesu 1 ce posa rrsn genstlemen s-hua iosa ditfeoj tsiopinion,. As te tise ions.Jt Saidfl.d YModnaîr, Sue vas vli keîcva bc a toding Reformer ýftr lie taait qaîsten ef cntasy, end ie deied yan y moatsaa fi ein a Tory t-ct. giron hy fi i 3isias- i insu. Tse.s-re ifad, and Inlatheoface th'ce tasto, venu I.->'te nsdes-s.eund t aspfet-s fs-camsclia smenn sisitid nI ot h it od e io es-cisoers iWe-e lierasntlsixeer, thuya tai- p-eie41 ftise lion. Premir$ Bils se, onglet te -bc glisefte give fsim a ioi 'lien ie came amonealtisons. Tseev srsr> ps-enant vice, ne doubt, iar hoeard anal sf -; b at li ed se e r " onseosi li o ns . J o isse Sa s' claid Msnlonsslit bofus-eorenu as-italm pesi id wiso woaid periipa%, like teahufam no, bus ise hk-nov tisa lsislory cfaita ssuit ese avare tisit fiseioen, gînt!emna liaitnov ves a cennervative tvote.isa lslite, cand os ea leon veek.- ago tieaile lien, pntl 1rnPset!d aolil!eor seoisug-Isutct., su pnsscs s- vhisis fos-eitor lsndibailensisirline- f s-ont>' 1#r YeSY4, ( Ineer.)la cae Ms. JMs lnaid voue aleved tQ nddres lie eseeOi r. Badge nmigii hasuaoan opportcait' ut s dylisg. lie isteil cbeen Iss h lionus, sus eteued wits pleaiso ai- ti-. MoaduhI. h=:ie; and aise buse e spochodan ise 1 wom hovspoitil>' opposeJl. 'lieflai t a nred lIet reformera sese tee ligeesi suci. b. eafrains t>' iten tea aspeech fs-cmaAM s<urlceld. (lir, liadnt5) Ms. C asmielcigwvaswontili opposed te l lotion. If Abs. ]Macudonald liand orsl)- ont vor sut iow va ohg t ho meeting -tse>' vea a re nd >' t e ac et b i mn s ce th e r on. vo s-o e- r le mea cn tise cessais->' ie cenîrimuet mh on. gentlcemnsenlaargusment.Ji Ms-. Ibedor i veesd tik 01 ilsigearsan agenioces, or npr sritas-e ise ttnited Poip lise essuetin Qld beo ploased poteuriens-ia hit lh e te sa 4ttte Qoy inael vaquri ps-ceed te aisea s beatis oftoeition er-senit. ( lear koever, lie couse eut ces thi lotis cf Mas-rl Z veuli La oli e ina ; hitai tIls pro nl lime li dsa sd vent tlebitca, isigifpa tr>y polii, viseso thsca presni veld lut ken e as dusadrautage. Mr-. JHarsn bual ld tsa;ite iyanrefus-mon. WaohI.ie (Mn C. a a reformer pnlaisle Ifcnnd]Ms-. Uns-risci raya %appoesit ira, taisssong te let rtie piait ton jen". 'the ïefornga Wor- W prd rl'y; b t leu cet;Id sop sl a n sTIeu tCe eppopçua vl#uiph rI l arrion rep-t Mr. Ilrrisn repiar,ontenning then ih ai;a ltoersrnos-, iasedtiat tie aeeèting. ongll liar lise IVresssier. lu-r.. i. 51 CmnIl--Itiesl i clll ie seit on cee-irseei1 o ntjan nuetsed pIe: se eting. We havse astissig nes--t Seeto' ..Unies- tiepregiest crs-ircessxoitwou.Iît 1 r.r p l t t , i ss u d c aen t s u v eu r a g e e r i fpartiz"sih tntis e Attopsfor ther d re is a t ie n s o r t lt . ( 4 J 'uas e L t If i sm e on ,is oistisout]Mure, alla ije iii '4 ir .1 lestrlutis e Attorsey-O;eserrl lice ss4 bo like tryiuo, tlshqesetioet!aitse o tise juin>' wqse easspnsieeed. (Appiaute) rie Clis-n 1ra i-*5-lseoa 1nutinsabotine n. " I l , t e I a.p u i t a s t i se s - c i a i r m u an s s d n e- aulne11 tie aetiag )- as eudo us.. ie motin ais tisn put aed carnicr. snsrod. W 'i euox an d I ligg in t4 uwere sis eecq ae ati> .pisiqd as ciais-musan sudilees-ueay, sud 1.'reiseswu va uied on ta ares.Lieancet. on.J.S.blacdcnasii le ragretteil vasy ic1i tisai thise ocf bhi latisende-ad op es ible for lit lead elesa the e c. ai iny lenge. h.ie hee board Il se- led viile ie wvaittng - quefl>'in ornor, tisa isnny preseni vcîld nt te liens- hum upeak, bcanso le vos tpr readj on tise seabjecîs cf-tise tly i tl.pç ' sipre. T ht>' în s s W ell O b ". te l e a i ag thise Ri év . - '. P u ash en , La- oe là,p vas moreo rquca lisan tise- Yekone. 'pak c wçVlep4rare-.s vfclctu bis rîiy-e» hteIcisonë. (aughtn.) lu wa'etridb.a f e> sali ohn tempes-a. ise fr. Rchrs) c eletus-, bs o th'e . tpe ra s- *. ndt! e at-e>ime. At1Niagara,' s le an on t4p tasperance tiîcit 4ta t r e, h dfy k -tire l e logos ls4ig'Wfeyay« in lh ï4 beI a m ed , mad enientstripu t )awa for tus main, aech for flimasby I(s-.1liaixls tisIli a s u tenance of peace adgood os-des'.A lseat nonlyone vlÎ6hiWd tofibis smarks on tiselais- in tb-4hulawmre f-,îarlo eould cal>' M. cf ninlsof tIe cewitj'aes savteug made tiser- bu obtahned -in tise ptirest Manine-, In 1g.ongisRefos-ipts.- iu*tacr" nt ofi isoves >this tsey, Lad fakeIs-tiseadvaisce cf Que, w. W thdîeat ho e fc f the VOer be Sil h>aow; iambesor th fe -Cnada I cempîfment-tn4e isustibee t l 4oes-anseni. Ilvte r ssaqja aer no *ailcrtbpiesli o ie owaîs he.od L e- . ie."fnusm ai ne eeaylle te tiecalaeiaa edr0 ie(a ete tisep 11pfftb eulinr>' lb. ctre Rý SM ment bc uo!lse tebHony reenod b-rka <sep T wi aguioas e ieflu, ryin th la. or tisigan>' ep e ps-ain Ld on e amginW tseui t>.s iasaondlnboiit &uee hi ua>'tse alegel he len tvothe sa'urn-tL theopeop~le aatcouythdlae t5 once meta ie spublie t losse rn 4s ise pmssbWo adtinisem r ta laminiteation Ms-. body cf Reformsuera; Wison Ibcte bhldoit f justice 'If the judges beonuis nfit fce 1« Y ' f uh e Go e r am e t l e c io o s e ise a te s-lai; e t i a W p c eti c , o i le t 't lse fr - de rsl a a n d b a l- loiiis hie bcooeasides'ed liait suilate oforsilIilfe athe cousts,-asnd the Ju4ges b. nel li a et Wisese a cipta taies tise'commad r.speuaubl. t.tise 6civerrent, tise-ep ie . c9 f a - s i p , h o e i s a s t e c h o e a c b i s o c e r se . , l c n e s a f c y i h e t i a l a u ' . o f f t i e c u n t r , . bled The Refersc onît! net let hlm bave Lis Whtvsa u'antcd vas a More sesmenas-> sin- cvn osev;, tise>'-saidt! tse, visestuck te va>' cf seaciag tihe balifis and! ciprisa l hois é isnla1864, shoailh.colsesen again in tLs-cugbcultishe ceunts-y, vise ere amas. fro. 1867. Ho sed wil isas-as lie et-es-put Bing 's-coes, wiethe ie judiges remaiaed li e l e s - va s - t b y t i e R e f e s - e r s a s - a l e a d e r ? p i e > . t vw s sf er t gr1 s f s se p t b c - e c . ' e O W h e a M . ,B s - e v » v on t c o tn a 1 8 6 1 , v i s e a c ie d t h e l a u ' m m i h p s e v a îl ed i la ,V~ - n vaser hn lise>' clhesffW ler ader f Il a vw sdda s- 4cat! that if jut!g<s 4d i s',em- i0, Mrs. folcey, 'Iscanso lac (Ms-. Macdonald)> c!y giiev4ussceptisey gl;pi4snsql4'b iverab)lo sares voqld l n t go tn -for s p s-e n tatiin b y p p - t i e c un isy. _ It w s . a -M at e s- u'i i f ii sli ti c. lTie R eform er a disbasget!flmi, aff cted the spait, .4 i v as ves-> m uan's clin5 but ho neyes eparated fhinsehifs-osa théisem. tes-est togSe.good, penden!specri>'jus- tn a e wi as ostntcised Lecausie ho nd potcI Lce-adminuauered--to ag Ilt bava nsali gem Lehieve tanllepseatioss b>'Pepulation. that thse Gcy.rsseent g'cted Miennî-hai ca lof asvud!u L ieg, -batat, ise>'vo-eton- eccacaicatIht la eeq ,htcotait! not ucrilice ie prniacples. lus 1IM2 saidt tsaiîLe> dit! nt fus-iss ibles tQ eu, hae vas sent for hq-]Lord Menck te fors agthe jstuicea of tise counts-y. ilehehl tisa feu Govas-aseat. Ai'ha tisilélimLe bath eOt- a tise maglis-rate vlio doas suot wiis fte pay eie Reformer in tisa Rouge vise vculd aeccnt! liii cealiefrlails egal bible ini nt os-us> ing a m aoti en tes- im ,. c as e lie un det g1 tel ! cf tie positio a. Tt vas ss -cue y wéitic <t > p li ' t h o n t i cy v o s - e c l > ' v c s k i n g » a g a i n c i c e n t s t e La v e J . P . o l esfai s i o e . ( I i ' s s g h , . la- tiscmseive. In 1862. a deputatienetfOCan. ter.) TisaI scney vissis vas tis ,uaved tk, aerv4tives Came telins, oli'ertng fbis ihe u'ent te avl-tise large eus nov on bandl, v.w leanes-hp 0et ieir Party, but lie sait, "No tie million and liste. qeenters aew'-a -tie Ie uecoc.uyevrmafsesaing trsesury, for wviicistheoavilrbe a sarn a My n> errlng1'rethers, thu -e tpfe3s-aîse" le Lenext >'eas-.(L4aiter-.) his lne sm'uil Io- vas teIt b>' MoDougutil, iLs-c e e#s, lsefo-cdigaity fer a mass to bc raised to a- J. P., Pe ho sas c llet! on, tisaino ne c a o n d' Ic ;l Visle is neig liora re sala sim ple, ares- ontise Geverameat unies> lie nilveciet rap- es-a. Tise J. P., hoe muppobed, lbardhy cx-ý agresentalien b>' peplalation ; bat lie reput-t! pectied, sush an hemer visemi lu lefi tisa oIt ru'Let s-aprsantatiea b>' pepuelatioanaleoeceunts-y. - Hp wotld net oepoak about dijals fi fo n aw h le " T ie>', teeS lis a dvlic ;'if sepresentatii, It vax m oral>' a m all es- te'lid ne4the Cnselvatvs vo-e il- eot piahn ieesinlo aatic J ing to ceme In undes- laine. He vent n epelLst't lo a man far Lotis »,in 18U4.lie did net vieli le blase an>' lIuse, or for-cae, juil as they plesseil. Ir-. cne,. but bec culil show tises l oy unfîhs'ile vas net tLe man te put a, panhloek en hoe 1hVap lt a sc jdesaet! tisa rates-spas-t>. th ,eis- pinbees; lVeeothsey-goingto qua- rd H. esever deses-O4 ilsOM-tseY -,dces-ted s-loi wt a im becanse adsd tnt takisaa> ld lasim. Wisaa ho as callet! on ta 18671 to<os iblesia t ise,,cennîhtien ohgave ra I f r s t ie G o e r a Pe n t- f O n ta rio , h o va s ti sle sl? If t ie >' c i v t ia i eo n e m en n va s se n ver asked vLat course Le aiould las.t~ ake q lte tv, vIs>'sheusî t h ie>' ot senq ,n Tise Retors part', visicis Lefore desejuted hm to Lotis ri'a amentsf Tise ie faidm, nov tisouglat bisaPgroal iman, and! temsinepasel>' vus -fiesselves it iras el wlsstst! te corn uundps Liss.le ihougis tise las-oacigreuintitp pmmssse se.-Tise>' vAlis Dov bornandcs-atipp wap- spore ps-- er. loft to erasp visepiseve- ti.>'ploes- h> acc s li ctil'~enfloa gae ynet! à;if tise>' tisqispi pîhes-vise i was tnet le a.g eo i G ve s-m ent Lafore Lest no v I ii vha t isc n citueptp iiseuglbt. IO is . )n -give yeu a botcs-er ne.Lecause- 1I yul e d te-pein',t- ilWto i Whlat seetsniai )a Losesy>' ol eingee.ii Whn lic dem- enefits tie Govcrnmet ail cnfcssed ca d onad tiseLtise visle Retorsi part>,adth ie ceunis-y-. lHe vs tise Bnci man vho- > tie R efors-s apr eas cam ae io va t- ejon l spM . in t ro ilpced .t b o fr ac gran t and a syste e ~ IP se a île R e o rs c o n e nto n se t, b o s up - t ise b e nle f t s cf w i ci hii e r . a p p a re n t t e a li . re peottse> vegolil bave lisait gathupde Bigisi hunils-e4ratepayens doulil nov bjs lu nougi s ft ai ist, te pnos a VoetOf fouestin'lui dft;ictwhich tu'e ye4ri' age, thanis tb tis e ncienald-I)orst-OoQve-.lad nct one bUpilrct. Tise Geves-ent ment fos- viat tisey bail 4eafor ihefrLad ne, gof ies-egt la tpig epattes, thy itParity. 4n>'one vso wvas teý ana se- sesel>' visLet tc atancç tle intercsaaof mutaton tisai tact a verd vas suit ef tens, tise ceunt>'. If lisey visheil te gel a bot- ce T ie >' b l d n e t io u t o f th e re fo rm a m eead e te s- po v e r a sn e att hî a p b > a l, i i t ii tise ges-mant departmcats, sendt!hie- try it. __ e vas bound to pive Ihacm tseun a2il aws sse4 hy Lis gevieriment eneug i ped Gi'-ernscnt, visemar tise>' i N , a v eo ethIiaks.te tis feM d eai - liet i t or n t. The -liait no v as Lemina i Ds-in Gvesamet teui Lean ainow- tionet! before,, neinly a million andt! tce leelgoretraetofhs services, sent! John $and-- quartes-i of illars ai' liv. andI six per dl u 1;a s t e h a b l e t e e l e u't - Pe , o uvas b cl é crb e . e n t a e s e s t - q i ! t a r 4I b : s s l 0 d o n e B r o w en . ( L u g l e t a s. ) l i t f le a s o s a s n a b l e f Ia m. d t h e n cw i t e s s i ot - ,a n s ijust ase gnhtty as tise'Grits, andlLe uniti le vas neyesea Leles.. Tise senamble fes- sait! le would cheose bis cv juint s ho tise adjcus-nmant vas laetis pgIogtei. (ategc.- p teas-et. lie fos-pecillaisgoves-esseatand tes-,) and IlseDoclc- or l won ile, i ha hng utcan>' tcate es tau- e -cftiollie hvotili visis le gel a - m d i n d u a t c u s e e c c i ru s e a a > 'î i y s h orb s e f o r er b s s x t y . I L v a a l v a s y v e l - tIc>' Lad cvordon. St vp fer ILese Lc- te ay>'tise>'baisee ax. e lt!. nL Ife re- for faim te sa>' enhetisr orL, -inlise capa- spesbeed iagiag lapon ps-csent 4t a pub. ptofPs-asies-cfOntario,mIrlls Lis 0se1- lic saetin alonih wnvien lb. people loagnes, bued maiel. aves iiaiuin cd oet tit ldt îe>'Ldn xet n -on tisais-righta s -ibevto. is-wetcbîlms neorlngad novaxe-gatitise> tise>' hd net done more fe4 tish pe Pee sailtise>' vasteda lu pt slq.A tiasaisc gvsnsnst!ra ie o L iing liv, Ibc concile-edt!ie>' Isenty-lr ics fvyelar& . l Gili vas inhaldas geci a cise au peul4 lie ivep; -but tleis- 1.visceunI', ais4 th y seigiât ipvbat ceasmossigist ais vi>' je Mas potdneowoa tigy>'plesat! titI lins. - y iscsgislps--oe- Heouhl cal>'yssuttcilp» cit> ' lm, hegs upvvas-dî, If tise>' biket!. Put posl>req'uis-admornie tsppc, qnd îLe>'conlil hoc knev the>' vaulil net dose. Tlie>' net msage it socesp. -h albe sri vonît! taIs te liaimplaini>' anti rajoci bis bey 40q lisgot-aasant fes-ene5- if lta>' founil jessicause feýr -dola gns. bat!explaicil et! e ertiat-hoIa er Tisese lad Loess agreai deal sahil o! la is n n T h'yt, ritout!a Toeyr herilplo ptes-itnep cf wipla ie asmeascpre. I it iasforpnth n e pa-înoîle chiot, tint! le vouÎlil i-% Ino*w vat' tisai v; isaias accil as gene forçer. tisa>' at! tone te deses-ve sqob ?reurnçll. Oi Pri>p-es Lad been drçppeel, Apuiru JI lad! L aai Lient ths> ey e h pro- (,cas-nsa'nî fermaied andaneir nuei pas-c, t araprenhfai -eli, usy e' s-id héi sulillee-anzt.Ts -li.ht< (j'l~eqn4lie euh saves tIss o an' ccii hosalv i " .Ths- e Toant h nts> ceimisibsi hluss Ilpe*tlp g#u)5 Lps. a amm~ne t cal ties elscc"Cu$cs-va. ovher ana oudae rnsitnajon bv ath lls"Ts .osssuelt 11tos coll ge $ ,00 . l e ru ss cmgrante a tisee w n va>', andceil e ould giv o e e se- eelcge*4,oo.liewspoin îjho (1v-trenabsenttoIL- Lhasucontent. If erhn t ai al 6ttisai -and el- eppise a- tisa>' aneml anytisIg olse cf hem het - Shaut IL TSe-coltege vasas ellensiitladt! iioanamo it-Lebcafage lisaGoerenimSt té Potern aent 'ad as any ofie v in tisee cusd i >. If, {L4 jghte-) T ii. wte- coutry.' ; buit 'was inet husjss-neaples glvhng gced lavri aï bap Ooteirlment to id! 8 4e ta s-an iuti utio es, an La op - vien beo 'va si déL i esB, ne da yr, - ppe da IL. W jen e ,c m e nto po ver in p ul ca 4 n o çff losaý-ftee'n -id ici-m n . 1867,.ha Joinesiorqdtally vîtis bis- colles- vpet nt lifi isu coeand'sa' Wmoeral gean d-u t!tuhýe, sib. an eui4-lo cles-Ssncloilng and! siting- round-dola5 lie belt tLan an' lieS»SaI tienalît - nainst 1 isai the Reorsme pus-cl>'h theivisat pet bavE mient i visettwes tives te wbca ths ;nent. - getses-ca lut te Le - Bs-cn a lJad! tise ve have He lie OUca rtit igwa' #s-m lice - sGov-el dit! <elle' Conserve pôôlsrSan 4bereferi -oves- tc i eves-ttI -tise vhe] vis sait! ehoullue't thies. 1 Î>hec>'anis Mn h s t] vas neo Pe beave 1cgve asa ýd"aoncra eflice tise iompteil; bis ps-niaaj iag bis nu gentinh ato proxi lai r. (Applaisse A's-. Dra Le teasilare luis cloques fiscmotion- The itev gtentlemen r-peken in -ffagnnt Pa Bois. Mr vent te Sc Avoie psed Wo? hlon. i Wgive gr. tise Gaver- ars-ment, lihe bon.b ;ud loirti put beoe -tIse cosci fesiag inna uit Dr. lc .Iàupt-stoois ieshasnov on issus, sud wbvh mich xsoaa evs- Pacus,. UISeseO 0TAs- ho tslm esu enablet!4o isoeurs on exlraer- onT- îme d-ositesting le taise die"rfavorable terme#,eai-Snob 1ev prin ontcalicenses fer tIse sale pf Jijçeru, alLber mit asscfis-sp dsne ie annoqpo)eqent- ton tarera, @hop or btIviIl; e'sesl- t'tromwadususacnîllc ,4C1tibeforo 9u9Iesvo, osts sud! tîcuiie b>' pplyiag eUtg gooda are Ilie a, s h. V4~ 9 I". 1r Mc!nlathe v, eyt;pw iaLo uit?'Mie »V amie t enfer -oet ioentes1 pi tise cea-ou sen, 1 1

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