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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1869, p. 4

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totiteg for yuu, lew pro Il» Inn - . AYELM&C70. Thse siubsoriber luogant for su ef Dr. Ayer's JAMPA B. GQUIT, lit lsmily Drng store, W hitht,. CLOTHES WASING %0 LoicoEà à »OaeealeEmployMeBt 1 T sons visambi? Improveuisuts lu ho .art o!îashlug eoublaid luà ahinsluscled WÂSIIING- -IMACHINE! For wbleh ho bas ebtaloaci lttesîpoteut, sud for .vhîcit ha bega to-polbit tise atteittion out tI ptublic.. It t.e ontrustid ois sound oinson pense princîples, 'o lif, vorle with eua sud <ilpaich; il regtilrem tno extra apiullinucen to f iotte It'. work, lis cumparatlvciy noinalasa làis liimrttsrioti onthetia lot'cs4, stpeaka lfor lîtof tw etiotis b,' vhici It toast %ai std or 'li, hesotiaess nu blowlng te kep tt clent niwin, ' rlauttched. h lbas golu.d appiâsue wI.Oer , lias l'asti; uotblug escupen Inà u.rotslttg onr;"I l'0 ra Soupaiion 0 rat os;Musla-i t 0 alivelu 1.e0appearuoce; hla. Intaudiug purelsasers yl leowelI, .betere pMrcitis lau lwlir», 1t euindlInthoir odera lrsà trial of tisa aboemauchinea. sud oue o! tein viii biessut promptli,'for tlitipurpoee. $9' Couhttand Tewnship RihIte. illsposed et ounlb"ermetain. JOUX SUAW. one-.2 Land! Landi -o- Tr1F, Subacrhor offers tbo foiiovlIng liai e Isuia, wlîtcbhao yl soli ut a O> PAIR VALUATION, -C 0- Xi No. 3, lu 2Sud ooncesslon ofet bh, 7o acres cleared. X. 34, No. 19, lu tbos ird concession pf Ilesb 10 sets& elssrad. i:- Xe. 20. ln tb, loth ouceslon of Dtrllngtou, (0.acrez lotred. jio,.1t, luaO601 cou., mars, Snorois logroit. N. ..ifjNo. 27, lu Sud concesalea Whltby, !00 acres lu sonuerrIlle-500 acres lu Boxisy. 200 tacres lu Laton-400 acres lu Boincut. Apply pordonsll-y, or by letter, pot-patd, t R. E, PERRY, M<GTIiER WOKDIIRVL CURE 1 01rCONSMPTION I IN CANADA, dot y Isme Io you, sa i tt te public. te intbrut Fou ofithammntwudortui emes orsuummplen.se "a lid intw umv Perron,bh-bo nu.re ti resnt tJbamiosa Rdultsoutoe,g1cegbad a grant MaldeyýndCnilot exoutrattglauge- qugtiells or tonner afidIbid gotitchilis ray" dysud marera ,,thtswesîs erary1 oslglt4lasd ttweei.Yhe ru-king eougb sud 4reî ,wcsting, 1i lwaatsidepnrrd o( 'teop; by auns utntrt suwittsas b,'the tmous tsppaite i wusgorTe- .tucd thst1uil I st mud u i. i onutdar jbe cars ofa * ph fr lo bof irir, but fnding aimiti, IUladi dittu recipeu. but agit witumtoirsu bodfa Leulra t'eturW]net Bathl, receusawndoil Me Ici u 111116 rsjet obnoucaRamfedy, 1 procurait Ibros boutles e:te. mwitt hea Pttt u smitias 1 cornu sueaiiluatng ft i bllonte Set botter, sud Whou t hait jtistîisodtbis eomptemaui. tlié erui,, expetoration or mutter, pain about te longs, ehitlis ating, &a., iml meuialaittoitnulo iugt sa10 1Uata s«roui sud baly * la ouow ear two rnuel oetsentes tquit iba ltamoiy, Suitthoragoure beau ne syoptomns or the iliaase reiturutstg;sud f hava b..,..amdastinov hast. iier snd biter thw 1Ibbare becs for aauny yesrs. I trust von w1iit take01%ikmogote publie. b tht m tua,' b oe iaitre ispe"h iriiue ohblsîruiy WOudarY(i Imusn aai,. ME'ER C. V NILLER. Esrnssjwu, Co. o<Leusx-k Adîtns, (ot, - lo 4a1Ie o ben t Mil me, ou if.Tha ateasSity<bat 1Jgtiare howo sequalui.d witl boabaor 0r . y. itiIlor, W mafer s»yrnrssud bara kuewu lset s. zayaosnt of lus e Z fi<A <t rfeeilo$lue mtar ttatu.uîniait.b,'Odla, Roy'1EV , 8.M RBDeeel LIVE-R Y!1 Tg IN-ý .h . .y . .a . . . . .h. . . . .Z. . . . . . ESTA13LISI-EID 1867.. THE- MONTREÀAL TEAý T HE coutinuea uos of tbis Cornwny la ouI,' attribtttablé o te sa su-ad purti t o Te". a ra nudred tiaoqind fZs of Tes hava boeauseat torèe o tdii heDo-. aho ce oussb d t401 hOoll a .aoa aru tsiuyt I.qaa su pri," re 51.A grt svu a b&f ol , ;uasu icio s stise andfe fu ol hre"il. a w lhwitbsn anaefa'&an sla Stto uh ]F Te m AN Y lHad d oo, Keg' Oysters, Cran bernles,ý Lemonsq 0 Tyour frieaitgrouàdssm rosated £'off.alu & sud 101h. Titis sand upwsrds, tIs avaourI r m etvtc areah exailsut. sud evar,'paka« lruîd eb. e u olibe. CSTeaet u nU te su,' Bsllwày lltlgoucarnage frite. Slewr t par. I BLACK TUA, Vs~ Fuit Flaruyred do. %lo. euî,std OwmuleES.;BltFlaroure du. iter;yoey is t' 8. Jpu mui 0. e.,., ýjFlu, 50e., Ver,'1mfur-e, Fkwlks0, GREEN TEA. Twauk.'.80. 50&5Me.; Voues llyaos.55MO0M 5afi W.;Fluso. 71a. 1 Ver,' Flua Bic.; Opera ud Voir, Obole. $1; Fute Guepeviter 5Me.; lextns upetios do. $1. No. 1,80et.; No. 2125o.; No.i, 20c.; Nio. 4, e. per lb. The Moutreai TS Cosserai'st Iottat, 5M aur-tîisttely a yoarsis.oa J parebsa4 theA rai chas t Tea <ùm your houa. I bare purchmIase us, sitte., suit 1 sutptese iit orm t a iUaTes luae,' casaproved muust saditsor, as woil as trinc ceciinglcharn u = ouv er,' inisY$'Y. D 14 id' Mmttirai Tes COa»,Y Gsetgx%-Th T« I pureltased et ou utm b ha& gircu gretat istaaiou aud #ic tarurt 0 tif v t. tuc.les rcr tauge, buti stu,1tbava been de lîîkug roue tm 9 I re hien q uve teue resu iset-- bues.. wbScb wouW laiays paismea itar byeocaut. 1 ettribueiits I te ba pui,' ci our Tes, asu&it t ou, lilue a eutesur, Yiours rneap.titl, FRtANCI T,'GREENE, 84, St. Jointtu5lt, Umeurea. ontratApesi, 1859-Te Ibo Meutrest TesComu- pan,,4 Ilpif talBrset, Montrai -WVe tioticwitb pleaure the large ameunt utTea thait w aa f or- wsrdedIt (oen to ittitreut parts o(tbo Dominio nsd vo araegtaitettiit jour busîtiearm a pil,'iueresiug IVa plasutue jour ian are girusg gouesi satjisation, asU Oft s'the large sifouni ibrwardicit w. havaeotuni Whait otu e cur unettali. wblch Wva duuieslu vras saut onitslieough a miitskc. 0. CHENRT. Manuager CausitatExpress Ce. Montres, Ton Company fouse or scni. Ottawa, Ozxrx.:xa-Tba box ot Etiglish Dresktasjesd Young Ryaou Tes whiets YOD se.-Ilme givn re gr.at ast- do.m.youmn', uurorders. Tour.,àe.,6,6NE. li(yroTil uecsl TýesCompany, 6iHospital Stree 1t, oîcst 03 Bw H o wa e le u &Wdarssdruterita"g sur suna, or e&riug ose Test luaurealipackoages, Nothi jean l a as a li li y Cos<lmpny. 12 GRIEAT RUSH AT WJERE *ILL DE POUND A 8ProJNDlD ASSOITMENT OF FAMILY CROCERIES!, 6- Caes Fresh LE31ONS & ORANGES jcist reeeived. W. H.M HANYAX. Ona door south of Zirpress Office. 121 1March 24tb, 1869. 18698 186981 Spring Oampaign IBegun! ATTHE F131NITURE -WÀREROOMS JOHN TILL & 00. IN CALDWELL'5 BLOCK, WIII be founda the largest and most coniplete assortment of veii'mads FTJRNITTRE in th.e Ceut,'. W. er gea ducetuante te parties about to furuish, as vs BUY FOR CAShvs eau saoeli ch,Peper than suy other retail bolise In thse trade. A cali te luspeet Our stock le soiicited. We have aiso ou hanud a large und varied assortineut o! Ând some very fine GILT CORNICES, whleh ire offer 'very UNPERTAKING in firstelas style, at moderate charges. UPHOLSTERY of all kinds donc with neatrieu and dispatdli. Our motto wmli he SMALL PROFITS AND QUICIC RE- TURIIS. 1Wiitby, ohI lib 7? . JOHN TILL& CO. INEW BOOT ,& 8110E STORE. 1~ T HIE undersigned takes êthis opportunity of thankin the public for the veryv generouo support awarde ohil4 lu the past, audbeg!s to iiformn theni that he bas -. - opened a. iow- Boot and .K INO, 3e TILL'S-BI ppto the ,Commercial Mtl tore, 'BY, ,Ling', Halibut, Lobsters,. es, Orange, DiýA VU 89'8ALE, Whitby, Feb. 11, 1869 IR, He JAMESON, Ya.mily Grocer, Dundo&st. Great Attractions!1 NEW YARIETY STORE, (NEXT DOOR EAST 0F1 MR. C1IOSI3Y'S.) JÂMES, BORLLAND respeetfally announces to the inhabit4nts of Whitby and surropnding country that he bas opened a eneral BOOK & FANCY STORE in the above place, and will be happy at al liîes to supply the wants of ail those who may favor himl with the'ir patronage. Nie lis on hand a supply of MORSE'S FOIJNTAIN PEN, (,wIioh cannot be procurcd at any other place in town,) and is particularly adaptcd for thce use of all bnoînem mnen. Also agent for the Daily Globe and lel.graph, 10c. -per week;- and the »Daily Leader, 9c. per week. ORR'S DOMINION ACCOUNTANT, a work indispensable* to ail trademmen is only to bc procured at the above Establishment. lie aise keeps on hand a general uppiy ot SCHOOL BOOKS &î STATIONEn8Y, ýEcneraliy procured in a firat-css Statienery Esîblilshment. "iPLAN- CIETTE" lin great varlety. SV' Your patrônage solieited. Wbitbyq Jan. 26th, 1869. JAMES BORLAND. 0 FFICIAL ASSIONEE, GENERÂL ÂGENCY OFFICE! 111TE unrigud ing rceoived the 4ppointment of Offlcial Assignaefor North Ontarlo, i p"rp;areè3d to giva prompt attention te aIl mattors iu Bankruptcy or Iniaelyency, I Prozuiss ry Notes and Accontt speedily collcctedand remittartea promptly made, On good farin aecurity at 9 per cent Intereat. Specisi-attention wiIl bc given to the rtegocîatîon of Loans, snd borrowers eau rsly upon liaving.their applications attendcd te prompty, sud aet &"',Il eapese. 1r thsojLnde, botb Impr0orcd sud uni.uproveil constantiy for sale. Insurauca cf1&cted a 0 o ntario Farmers Mutusi lusurance Company. E. MAJOR, OM. cial i slîscaned Valuator. OFVIC.-Blgelow'sa Bloala, flas door to tIse Boyal Canadian Baîtk. P'ort Ferry, December 2, 1808, As Immense Success! TWO WEEKS LONGER THE GREIV! SALE OF 1B1~KIIIJTT STOUk OP, DRY GOODS WILL CONTIN4UE AT SIIETJNS,~LÀNKETS, QIJILTS, T4B4rý, LINEN$, AND' fItV1 A T T r Tntl Bonn de Bootinaker to the WHIITBY AND VIOINITY. If Sutumer %oots you wisb te buy, .And hesitate which shbop te try, John Saunders eau your'wanta 'supply-.. 1Ail Sorte snd Sises, And se ha telle the reasn wbyy, Re Advgtrtises. TO let thea publie undersad Hie HOMF-MfADB Jloovs araeumade by band, 'U achins" sewed boots look fiue and grand, Wbilo the,' ara nen';- But SAivERW "',ail bear the brand With Leather good sud Seamo ecure, Your thri<t snd coinfortto ensure- 4MSaunders' $hop y"ou uprocureý, Boots St o gsd Nies And well Lb.y look snd oeb ndure, At modeato pries. û Observe John Saunders, nearly Opo site the Royal Canadian Bank, Brock Street, Whitby. Whitb.', March 30, 166. 1-1y THE SUBSCRILBLZ BEING ABOUT TO. CLOSE UP THE Crockery GIass & Eartbenware. Portion of his busines., will from, this date 5e11 the Uame AT COST, (NO HMU. Bargains can be seeured by an early eall, as the- stock is coin- plete in every department. w""S iIo.EhIu', Always on band. SnialI profits and uprigit dealing is my »1ottQ. 'Try ns. Cahpaid for a.ny quantity of goud Firkin Butter, Whitby, Mfarch 81, 1869. Qorner Byron sud Dundau Strcots, opposite lwbeotr flousa. New Coode w E wil! Show ou MONDAY, thse 291h luit., the liowiltg lues o! nov gooda: PRINTS, "uN3y COTTON$, WHITE COTTON§, PRILLIAN3T@, FANCY D11388 GOODS.u 'A Job Lot of Delaici.sud Teints at lisit vaille. Celebmutod Ales, lu packages otfl10, 1fisud 30 gallons. T. lie MsN1LLAN d& Ce, Itareh 94, 1809, AND a e*euyiforiuatl,« wihpoiie ail ordera lu tbs.Bskorl su% Fofcmaayha rust, spet, n s thr kids. c Cub, Tre u Bsuta t h e b ag q u a l it -y . Ts i u n do . A s e L b strs SrnenCocos huis, <Jmiger Beer, Le J- McDOUG'ALLI BaeConfctrtiouer, &e., Brock att hibJoly 16,,1867. . Warrsuted good for Dair, purpoices. Applilnmedlately to, Pol t Whitby, Whlîby, Marb 2511f, 18-19. 12 NEWLY IMPORTED PAPER -HIAN GIN GS. cent sa inluEnglanit, a lot of S ELU PAP.-ERRAGGS Belsted ce ljyb'ell, whîch ha s o& saIe atVery E r eiuces. SW p.almg,.Grainiug, G laziaug< snd J"per Ilamging, exscuted lu a work maulike sud erpeditius tanuer, as& usuel. A. C. WILSON, DuncsSBtreet, Wblcby Whltby, April 8, 1868. -1"fi NEW CAREI4Gz AND Waggon Shop fa propared te rnunufa teterder, alikiud or' WAGGONS, SLIGR89 &a IN L*TET 8TytEa. WRepairaug seaU,' sud prouqisi, szectodi W Tbrao doors Juatof Liiig's, Duudeg atre4t, Whits,. A0t -9 On ,outeCorner. F ,UST R1?COIVjD, ÀA FILESH fil' B ARRISTI in, hane Toronto. -B oliei te p b Cuaphel, Bi mW!it Y, I -S. sOLICITer, Iras vernovat psz&Tmo Bmu Wbtby, 4c FAR B AHIST mToES Osàhava; au J.B. Fmxw WOrne edjoilnlug Mr Otaruio. inoy. J. ti A. W. LM Strect. Whitby,Js on, Brock, C. &e., Whibl South or Tee Dadan Stu the Pe*t Offic BAREISTI sutcer a L paueox AýL Coct,' Crowi DRS (Mao SURGEOM IR. 'Nt TT C L O Si Ti'.o 1 1 .+ <1 wbuby, jjýg, loth, 16qq. & cols. Trm i[P à T 1 C qmE 0 ILI ISTIL;L MeMI LLAN Il

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