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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1869, p. 2

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fOuaulIuak mvHp,,Uu i- MduBv Auditur, es' E Conoty of Gataul. Opaiow1Notices. àsotion 'sale of Hiouu.bold Farniture, &. L. Fairbanks, jr. *Agition 84l. of fBor"§# Furuiture &k.-7 Elleit Sprowi6# Aduinistrator. Toronto Neoouriee-Geo. Leslie à Wo O~Atbn imdde ONLY il150 CENTS A TEAR ýYbi(by, ýTlîrsdayo April 291'[869. The Whibi Plneint MuEF. lTo ouivWho bu -Passai! îhrougb ibat pari of Brook utirett"botwoeu the -office of tbis piper and.th. foundry, coul8 f*il to.bb. attracted by the, droue.like alogins of the Plans, tb. whirr of ihe circular @av, sud the hum of buay induaîry ,proceeding NOiily trou almst+retending trame, ait- csied a fe, roda oë the maine minet. Thsi building la the Whi tby planeing miliiand euh (scory. lis dimension# are 100 by "4 fuit, ive utorlîs high. XIt vuboUit iu 1863 by lie presut propriotor, Mr. Stephon Gnou,- vhebus siace, lu onociiou vith Mr. M. Uarpev, carre& es the buisiness. Tboh eno an surpioadid 'ptaumfuag nuaieis metig of & sei'ueoqim on fOWGs7a svml st, 4îii May, si bif5patsteven P. M.,teb baot for ossdidatesad confer 4qriets. .4nuss TÂvm'1 a gÀ -The salesof th offet of the, ate Mr. John 1. Spvowle, s Il b. ien lsyiur'adveriilsg columus, byt on~ ThoWsdy nest, May M.h The £iQrey Eýl, >.lAc U&V ad au neti" bre.d ore . à1 ar 'welkoWn. Te, .purebasers, «ie am aay. ai driving bones, ihîre ire no" biter irainedlibe eonunry.The buggies kc., ,are sîyllsb md in good e tir he cows excellent of lhe* iij~b funîand gQîberoartilei aduertised, dosireus, sund willbe sold wiib. Q ar inB TH aTi urr.-Tbî mnembera of tb. Moebanies' luatitute are baiy making oui ,a p rogramme of gamea and amusements, te, taIse pluaco ime Tewn Hall. Preemaui's celibnated aud popular baud illi bu lu ittendance, Thi diy's proceedju ing il erminate, vo are'inform ed, yult finovorks, a concert and dancu lu the eveoing,luin'bte drilli' bhd. Parties fnom a distance viiing lVbinby qeu ibo Quîen'a Birtb Day, viii ba7e nample meausi etfonjoying theînselves. The Oniaio Tur-ý, b spning races aise com m ence oun the 2tiI,-sud ends on the 25tb, sud ail lovera ofthtbcsurf wMi bave au opporîn.. uity ef seeisng some good sport on ibat -t-he engine, 20-hàrs. pever, and the prepnietons eau iet ut me ismuel as ivoire tboasind teot a day. Tboir average yeaniy business ezcoeds $15,0000, sud the eemlng ysar, yul îlhe lange ordens on baad, itlise epectad te nîscb 25,000. At tsîled me tbe plmuing mili praper is tbm mcbine sbop, dedigned te mm eu ot ail sortsetfmachinery aultabie ton carpân*ien'. wonk. Tb@enougins lun îia part et tb. es- tabliubâmeat la vhat mighi b. tîuuedin more suses tilmu esa beasty. Ihisi.a portable vertical, coeîng ouly tI eteot foa ncues square on tle floor,. niqulinÉ ise ftmliag, la of Que indepindeut igI- pressure ciam, sud ceusattrmed by, afien a deulgu et Mn. Hstpen's owa. Bell m. ,glues are 4upplied vitî Merriaou'a (To- rouio e)aeSuguge end vater guage. lie. re impumentusend., maclunery, lu- eteia ires pimu, &o., for the manu- facture of Woed. Since -île finetfJa- samyno u tiah<an tbree pianeing machines, -fuly mppilal--and iqnipped base bien tarued ont, muid then. are nov se large a unuber et ondins on band as toe uisui- tate an addition te -the numberoet mu- p!eyeos. IHtbete esly tin bauds bave bien kepiCoenstantiy enepioyod. TIare is novr ample -vonk for tsouàty. Patterns, pwiudour blinda mand reliera, sud ail kinds o( $arpenters vonk, ire, diiy lunned enl- lin uuense quanties. Betureen tbirty and forty uboussnd curîsin reliera vais îanned es lt 148r. to egaly aotbing 'cf *m&H île luime quàntitles et other venk, iu île va, et vsnsadnb'is, teefing, &o. The eu. Serpahue ef the evaîrs oethîe piauelueg Mlîl bas cet beoo Inupetelloto e Ipublie ian. h11la s ileni, laduatrleus, advsncing and pregrsmiha, andotihîrefoes, al. the more commeadable, )?E555oWL.-WÏ leurs yu l piessre tIat Dr, Bnldglad udla loeaîod himslt *~ ~ ~ ~ s thmnul> Iîe villagietfBreclin, fer ths proctice et bis profesien. The Dec-t tor's protesuioab abillîlusaire Iigfrly speken et, and lbu isveilirecommeul. -pi as a succoestal medical pradlioner.1 The uarvlees et a mîdîcai goatisma a have long basa nequired la lIai localiiy. We truits slaî.tîe PeclorIu cancer viii- ha ai tiadlvIiaumousa. AnoUou CwBsta er FuiTvra, PIAiNo arits .ue-Mra. Dr. PeIse offena tle vIci4eot ber bousoboid tanlaitare, île., for bale by publiesaus-ilcuas the store bouse of Mn- R. E. Penny, Brookc Street, Whik b>', on Weduesday, MyI, -d, t-luelvi olcioek, ueou. Mri. -Peak. intends ne., tannin1 to- Begial, ibansfove îL. vIole .111 b. soid vîslenstbîe ilgbiîaueaeae BmasA» Liruuut Daiu..-Mr. Cia,. ton adi.ntlireot seed, uantre drilla &o., àl0eéaileemadvrtîl dViii b. round trmi-csel ft 11cm 1., as îe best ef materlal le sud -for iboir, dcetilo Cirvood or lambin yuli-bu akea la ex- ob*pgoetaSOsaI prier.. glas. vil n e gt0 i.lnt. the ulsiior tg i.ls poleyj, if tle'sopeoniy Mn Wilaapeurm H t hiu of &Ili isued vlit greai SFtbf5lU5s m# and eusse,, anu 00onuagrsmble et bls prie«.. ne las 6ai m ubatltllnsu KelîL advertiîsiaMdnpoîatufu, vulmou j A Whitby Ceimtery W'ahlted.' bfauy lime base vo advocaîed in tbese columus tIi nocossity et a ceueimny; oee ibis, preperly On called, conid be deig- nated mu île WiIy eemoliry. Mn. Jonathan Wolleu'deui'u adsertiaement, lu - eller colmmua, bnings the subject ap te- day, sud nezi yack ve vili sudeaveur te do juaime ote osubjoctinlu lacinS .il; bi- foe aur neadera. Court cf Cbaucény. Birons VicesCO3ANC-ELLOS5IaAd&oi.- Taesday,'Aprel 27, 1869. TheCourt opened to.dmy sbertly atten ton o'ciock, Ris Londship Vice.Chancellor Sprmgge pnesiding. "Ths firi case eaed vas ilat et- Paxton vs. Buclannan.-The bill and aasver vers niaI, Mn. BIaIse, M. P., for tb, plainliff. I. Fitgenald ftîe leumd mt, 2h. pleadmngs diaeosed thasibe plaintiff lad advanced 03,500 for the de. fendant, vbicb le auhsequnuly rNslesd lu ondin te gise île deteudant an eppotuniîy of raising mono>'. Hefie 8Setl fro= thQe Truat and Loin Company $2,000, but ne- fuacd te reinsatlothbmplamuiff us menîgagmo. Alîereî aaiuiug viîneasea and couansel on besl sides, tle plaintiff ohtined a decrme. - Lubeet Bunopeau. Lendon,' Apnil 21, miulnght,-Tn the flouse et Lords, Ibis esening, the lita peemago Bil vas conlinued Lord Derby, in a bnil peech, cxprescd bis apprusai et Ibm measume.- The Cambridge Univerily boaluscu base acceptad cenditioualiy the challenge etfIbmeIHarvard Collae Club. Londen, April 20.-the ilousofetCern- mena te day lu cousmitîce resumed lice cenaidemation the Bibi !om the dislabiil- m eut et)f nib urch. ein. Joumîluan Pim, membar for Dublin cil>', a LiberAl, mosed te ameud tb. 25th clause efthte Bill, by îhiking oui those secions lu vhich provision lu muid. for the maintenance o et l-n churcb build- ings asunational monuments. Mr. Gladstone accepted und supporled the umeedusaut. Alter a discussion et semo lîngîl the floeuse disided vitb-tlue toilowing teault: fon Mr. Pimi's suscudmaut, 232, agaînst il4 181. Maloi, 101.- 1 Movoemuentoîte Trecpa. TI@ Army asd Navy Gazette utates Quai Que couplet. aangemesaur onmoyez te taeluil.cê duiùig the eumîag sommer lu ceanoction-viib tIe nidoiougi ,Canadai battalien 60th Bigue, N-rohewsick te Eaýglad; ?8L1H Iigbuidenm, -Canada te Nova Scetim; S3rd Regiment, Canada îe Branhuie; -47î1 legticent; -Barbadoes te Biugisud j 2Pîb Regî,, Canada ioJaic; 84t1 Regiment, Jausica Lo taaSota lai hattalli i 11t Bagiment,,-sova scotis te Eglamd ;laiÏS italien Rifs Brigade, Ouîasrste Montnei;l;it hait. Gt ifles, hed.quartiiransd fis. tcanaies, Ottsva, nemala uidn uToreuto.The ue eerais tff vil be yqidseed lu Cangýada on monemt et th "lb. o ao oîlu t île frme lu île coemaod b>' lue major-gouerala, Majon-Goea@ Sslte, G D a u d' isset, 0.B.; t'Wb mlda.desmm, hp.-ryermdlient«uu rFt se .s ô bivbrgdéi.muéjDrIýCaptalu Pasess asni GopsgiLv, ; oneasaistons- aaastat-qanmrmamîr-goenicol. Sir B. Caeca~V . J the aecuuandanîi aiý Toronto sudLondon. - Refo,. ibe - 29mb sod O$StI Eighaeuius iîasf, iii clot be illi'tigustina. idtiti lue' uaiuv. ont ho kopi eied t'O the lconvenleuoe othëneaaw eiin i b oIi .Who reqired them t o be opepdo. Bnburquanîiy during thle -proceedings, Mr. Philp, am obairman of-the eomràiiioe on sireetsail impr ve oubron~îu bis rept, m ad ibiCoucil v11înt inio comu mtte ie 9on, 1Mr. fCochrane lenithe chair. Thei rejplt reopumfeld4d -ibmopeniÏg of Kýipg areit, from ulyron-8s'treet io Ontario untef. Michael 'oriary end Major Wal. lace vire both hourd betore the commuie. 1Er. Ray lu revteeinglb. mater, s"id il-waaquestion lu hie mind'vbet her thone Lt ail. - ciqrding teO Major Wallace, heb ud oocnpiea ii. place for -7ars paet aet u Qminal rnus; hoeuenoyed, no vested rigbti wbater. 4nd if them:people re- quired-tb4 streeta opauedj bho (1r. Ray) tbongbi 2h07 shouldbu opeued. Sie alâo added that the people wbo bougI i ots ou the plin vbmee te streoîs voie laid oni, lied a night tle daim the - opeung oftheb streois surrouudiug ibeir lots. Mn. Tbwaiîo, for bimseif4 tbon;îuI -tbey bad as manystreois c.-pened in-,-the' tbwn 110w as were necesmaLy. Holi bail, bovîven, uo objec Lion te opelunugthe. minet neferred te iun the commuunication of Major WaIliaci, if.tthon Tare asu actua uecaasity for doing Mr. Draper refeîrnid m the la, ou tho subject, shaving trou sections 339 efthte Municiyal Act, ibi altbougb parties migbt imy dowu streata on their p!ans the con- poraliinnuead nul assume theni. The report wvs, dopîed authunizizug the opeuing ut Kanç otreca as rccomnedd. O!J. W. Co11;0n,0eouplaiunofethîe conduct et ibe chiot censtable allie ex- evuatiug a vannant et dimirese agaiuuot Col- son'e geods ; of Michael Menianty, asking te ho ailosod te keop poession efthîe etreîtasosegît te bm opened b, Major Wal lace. T131CAU-DITOWS 5REPORT. On motion et Mn. Draper, smconded by Mr. TIsaite, île coangli veut ie cou- uittee on tle Anditor's report, &o., vhlul vas remd Ibrough audf finaliy sndited and Mn. Draper, asecended by Mr. Ray, rneved te base ibm report publisbed lu the CIIroeicle. ir, Cochrane ard Mn.,Philp vanted le haie t'b. malter relerred le the prnaing conuuitleeo, yul the ,iov et living-,île report publislad in both lavu papers ifithe cemmitîioe deeued it neceasary. -Mn. Osmernn as lu layon et publiihing ht le hoth pipera, inumucb ssome people read ues ve did net tale lb. other paper. Mn. Draper said tht bis abject vas yul a sieur t e eoenuy. Ibo pubîliag et tho reportitai al vas a more matter etftanne te comply wyul the laur. The éierk vas tle proper pensen ta gel tle report pub- liahed uuder tle direction efthîe ceaucil. If gentlemen, vanted ih pabimled lu bath papers sud duplicoata the expenses efthîe tovnu nnecesarmiiy, ho bad 'ne objection. Lai tlou boidl>' moe. a resouion ta tht effecJ and aboulder île neuponnibîliiy. Mn U. Thvaite vas in tavor et auonemy, sud cousidered publicationen luem pper safficiani. Prom tle vaj lu vhicî île business et tbm corporation vas mauaged, he saw ne use in neterning maltera la coin. mittees ai ail.- - Mr. lBette did net 1ke te mie tle malter takren eut et the bauds et the printing commiîtcm*; but if, ho Mm. Draperm sad, tIe cienk vas tbm preper panîy.lu intai case ho vas villiig te fesse la la the bauds of tbm Clark.- Ater seme . funîher discusian, Mr. Cochrnane's sîndment ta Mn. Drapers iztiou rennring the matter Ie the prninig coumiîîeo, cmmied on tbm toliaving divi. In:- Yzmua-Mesnm. Cochrane, Philp, Baiîal and Camîron. Navys-Maurs. Tîvaime, Ray sud Dra- RNQUIIES or Usa. TEvAIT2. Mr. Tîvaite made the folloving enclai- ies-efthîe chairucan fet io mmittoo on stricts sud impnosemmoîs lun efèence te the duffareut yard appropriations, and asIs- mng u bald heu doue?7 0 f mIe clair- Min efthîe special coumiîîom appointed te brrange îhe--$600gallon villetîle Agnicul- tarai Socu'eiy, sud askiag vbethîn îhey vans prepsred te rapons; aIse, as le urbai tb. commutte. appeuied,îe cesise the by. lawm lsd dons.. Mr. Phibp* sid ihai lb.eemmitge e ve net prepmned te report tht night, bat Ilat ho szpected îley ' *osid ho as île. next meeting oethîe coïuiiL Re expIaiued as te lh. contnacns ne nt hmving tfoiiel bis agreeomentfor osupplying tîeleiuher, î&e., and expectel tbaî nov viîh the iuprose. mont efthîe roada», tbe lumbir voold b. ai 'once brtuaghtinl. -Mn. TFlat. depnicaiel ibis neuner et dola; business, oaithe Iuhben anld lave beau hure biture noas, lusteàad et ,as lad hum aivaya tle Msa, uaitiug for, the arnlval et nidàmmicn beone aayîhiag voi do».. Hs 'dououue«d thé amiful' cou*- dit fti t aiku, malend; ha X- pecied-bter ib!n iagés Qewcarus ibis li (Mr. PFlp.) -4 i.Draper 'replied geanaril>'y 0 te otLe, qniiions, and aid tkathb.wvasucal. eel avari hbilsours aimabati hein plac pm &ki.o oumlitte. metlomdi bs-uluba Ismr, Tbaato b.d a iloà droppéd. -.~- - Onmotiou etr1Mr. Plip1-4'îe 4suci idjeurued for two',week. - e Thie Fteed. 4 - GREAT DESTRUOTION OF r iAD YLtItTI The -great floodu QuisHeu is. pro * d yiny cetarnitions, as $i.J 'h afolioving.extrsces. I n re;al, meogres v1as iii fioed, fhat serions sczieîy frl -inbabitanîs et <iniMlnteusfelt. Thi h onus vire fiiled vitb vater, mmd 'teIi. habtan. vre ufi.enag rouWanîtffai and fine. Muisisu ers netakeu hy thi police sutboritles te supply the mont dis tresse8. At Lonueuil the lobabitani veno -se mach mlîîmed Lt the mnas.U rise inl -the. vatet, ilat mhé alaru bell Wva rang teavahen the people and prisoni Ibem froe being drovned. Inu tbe Lacbiat district thea ater is aime very' dcep. 'Fb rflood in the city stoppol tbm manuifecturg et gas, and the City la lu total darlinea ibis evoning. The inondation us as hadam vt as during- the- grîm flood et 186 1, mai us einaryet no prospect et relief hy îfr le bnîakiag op. The, Custom Hanse L gttiug sunrouuded, sud tibe Taler bha reached Lemeinm minou on Méilu. Tbt yards and even ueme peu tiens ot the road. usay in Crajg eset vest are-fioeded, as il Bonaventure Smreet, nan!,ta Bomuaveutani building. The rail-cars canot ceme' f un- ther than Point St, Càl«.unov. 1No cemmuneicalion - bas fren 1usd wul Si. Hlea'à sand smo.ý -Monday. Longueuil lu bmdiy fdeoded and Laprainie tean alarm. ing extent, ibm vater lu the! latter place being neaîly op te the savea et corne e tle bousesi. A signai of diatnesa bas.beeun boimîîd, and mucb loss et lite and fam stock bad occnmned. WATSIITOWN, Now York Siate, April 22.-The river wu hi-bier Ibis a. nm. than bas Oser heeh n ownuluthb. buter7 at the love. A freabet se tremendons. and« des- truemise te proponty bus neyer belon eoc- curred lu this nigion. Ail manutacîtuning establishments on the meaîb. side ef the river, and uesl eft leu» on tbe nantb, vili hi sîopped by thm loua of dama, bulîbeade, and fouies. West & Tmgganî'm paper mili le the only oem ibt bas emcspcd bale., Facîory Sqae. O'Dou éherîy's griot mili at.d eue dvelling boeumi vinsuept devu by the raibloîsaflood, vhich aise cannied say a mav miii aud Nicboii'a voolen miii. The. Esglî Mille (Cenîls & Flynn) are badly dmmaged ; u Farewell and Bak'ler are body removing stock trom ibeir taný mer>'. Neaniy ail eftiwo sides et Lord's iron verus bave talIon in, sud one cerner et Hadeock'ii axe factor>', and the found- ation Of the Kuowton'Brou. addition ta their papen milwuasewepî dowu il. angry sureaux. The tanneries wili bc areatly discommoded, and tle fiouiing maills en. tirely mîopped. Loumea of stock vers main- ljy confiued te O'Dougheriy, Lord sud Nuchollm. The Remiagmon papan nelil, (Bag.ly k Seweil) auid ibe 0111 griot miii, fortr.uaiely cmcapad daumage- The1boa urbiel îtheurole toan viii ut once realize la that et tbm lovai rbeel, wluicb cannies the force pampa et oun vatar wourke. Tis lu avept avay, aud va mbafl bave te vait mevaral Tecks for carurusal upply ef waîen. V. P. Kimbal uaba at a wheel vorth $1,000, sud eue corner of bis harley miii bas beenumevepî asay. It la impossible ta estimai. the daunage, but vlan vo cou sider the amoont ot pnopeity destroecd, tbm numbar ibrovu eut et em;loyueni,aud the suspension et some et aur langeai manu- tactuuning concerna, ibm loua cunulbcbeua than hait a million et dollars. About Il o'Clouk, vbile about fit7 ucumen eeaitvonk taking stock eut et Lord'is building, tbm noof and other paris oet the muth ea& viii talin u itb a teantul cra& e uagsning tbm livea efthmaesinside. 8.Sr ugsa si iusy seem, ail escapad 6thouîe rnoms, sud ouly eue man vas burt. The vIole seuil end et Hadcock's building hbsfilles lu tbe river, and aloh b uildings lu that range The. brck -ofet biOttavianmd Psacott 'ailw&ywVi sumnersd ab9uî tmi les nthe cepit.ol. - 0uorQeue, Apni .4unaeu from-tbs prncipali dge~i*ý4"iu Place,I vone drowued. 2he.vauri vhiel lastory huonid of the bridge fui -ýbout 25 fit, iidhag tbe people ve ao nîIt autothe rater, Wlib ,la ciZ a gi; ifly sk'flui nioum té e e aien:on IL' A ÉeiýCt cene. initie bus been appoiseted, onmnotiîon of 14r. -Lawson, tl. enquiro jute the -working of-the act !npoatruga duty upon- abingle bolts;jfiWe omk knd sproeu legs. Ekuelti- Lions carried for the.-production of pupers- sud correapondeuce respecting nogocia. ltions for a rnwlofýthbm reciprecity treiely ;-igatement ahowing lb. amopunt pidor-te b. ptid by-tbm Dominion govrT- .ment for arreul snd- proéecution oôf parties 'gugpected'cof tbensurden of ti.lIo 1n. T D 31eàme, aud te wbom .mid smus sece paid, the, naines of tmilanid places mi wbich: customa duty lu colccted, the Simca of the officer, the. salmry-sund, tbe exponses, connectcd with tbe office aud the susount of duty collecîed aI eoh offic'e froux lb.h irai day,,of Juiy, '1801, until- January 19t, le lu tle fous. of Commons on Fridsy, eè deveri petiions worm prcsenlcd for ait( le ugaînst the repeal of the Insoivent Act Mr. Anguçi Morrison intnoduced a Bill t( inureassethe capital stock of the Car.adiar ta Bank et Commerce. 1Er. McKenzio reoe il d the question eftihe, Cabinet vacatîciet sud blani e bcGovenumeul for, nul fillin1 ,o iheux. - Ho complaiucd t! 'thIeLiberali 19 bd neta proper represeniatios lu lbg us Minisry. The Premier, lu roply, -uaid thal *e negotiatiens were noms pouding ou lii .tater, and tbmelieuse would b. 'ii.formei n of the remilt as sooru as auy arrangemeni vas comae t..- Ha hintcd ut smie import- antlchanges lu the formationu ut the Uov- arment. Tiieagreement made reupedîiuj the dtqbt ofthlb Great Western lbsilwa3 *Compnsy vas passcd through committat ofe the viiole. lurcply le questions, Sii i. John A. Macdonald stated ihatlit wLU pre e mature te talk of arrangemeonts for opaning ,f ùp thei;North- tWasl before Ihat ierrilory nbeiongcd tethue Dominion. Aller trous-. acting some further business of au unim" portant character, the lieuse adjourucu tli Monday. Ou Mond-sy, aller the. disposai of rou. limia bualuiess, flon. Mnr. Gait brougltul u 0 the motion of wbich be had givan sotiec lui reterence tp the ciaimu for indemnilj - by the -United States and» Cbandlue' speech.br. lm. iluhe courue of bum rcusarks, poinled outtheb.Inlegrity -iu( good taith observcd by. Canada lu al lbt relations wiîlî the Uuîted States, and cou. lrastad ils iatrsiîjhtforwa.id, impartial, and frtiendly couduct witb lb. lais open and -amicueble course of th. United States, as l evideuced by its arîcounagemçnt et tie iFenians uand tb. restrictions it lauced uper commerce aind pemocabie intercourue gen- Cartwright and Col. Grey approsed eft lin motion. Sir John A. M'lacdônld tbougbl bîs brn friand dosez yod thm ibanku ofthIe lBouse i and efthQe country for briuglng the motion -bitura the Housc, Il vas moât dcuirsbiî -that ibese papens should be brougbht devi and lia quita agreed witb bis bon. friand Ihat Ibair publication wouid convince Amenicans Ibat this country badl acted mosl fairly by theux. The papers wo'îld disclose die tact tht every information pluccd lu the bauds et the Canadian gos-, 1crumaul-of bolli Canadien govarnuseuts, bie mighl îay, Inat baid office dung thue Ameican wur-wus promptiy uctcd on, and thuit cvery attempi bo croule trouble on our side liad bep unxiousiy foiioed up and defeatod. The papers would aiso show that the thanks o et i.Auerican geveruiment bail beon repeatedly given te the goverumeut oetCaada, i i!u promnpt action un evory emcmgency4 The couuntry vus net awure eft te extenu t; ibmhe cernes- porîdence; but he beiieve~ il publication wouud bave a salutary e iet especially ou Amenleans. wheu liiey samiewhat tad beete doue, lue tact, Canada bud evinued a desire eeu boyond the uctuai require- meun t ofiternational law and bad gone out of ils way lu serve the Aincricans, not oniy because of au anxious douire lu ne- mtain on trioîi -ly terme wiîb Ibeux, but miso froe a tuli detormination that, wbal- user cemplicatinns usugbt anise lu the cnitical Uies beteen the Ugîiled States and England, ibese two coiînîrfcs should not b. brouglit into trouble b>' an>' fault ut ours. SPEÇLÀTIOE Nu Eoos.-WIVlliu the iasl six weeks a good uueny sbrcwd Canadiain produce dealers- lusse becu vîuiting tbe Western States and imporling ie M on- troal, tmoug other produce, large quanti - lies ot egga wbicb uai tpncsanî bigbh priccd. Tlh. following la mn exceptionuel cuise :-Lasl fall 25 banarls et freuli eggs wcro packred sund euported trous Monîreel le the Uniited States, vliene lbey vire soid lue buiig at 40 cents per dozen ; lus - unedialaly afttarards. prices tati considar- ably aend thi purobuser bcld bis eggs tlîroutbout the vipler, expecting a rige wbicb neyer occurred; aud faut mnenth lb. 25 bannils wvoe purcluesed aI 15c, by a a Canadiare deulçr froue OpAmenan; and lwo veekîa mgothlbIdeutical 25 bar- reis wera breugbî le Montreal and seld lu tb. Bonsecours market Lt, 8c; aud fur- tlici, lboy vere frcpb nd n4 lu econdi- -: terrible tornade visîted St,. Louis, Dubuque. Indianapolis sud ether western tevus on Mondmy. A freigbt deot vus biowu devu lun Indiuanapolis, sevrai bouse weon unroofed, and ueversi ,personaser- louai ijuned. .lu St' . Leoulaibe esis -sjîAtc-t 1à,000rlAii, - ' - Tiie ulam huspeotion aï iuapectedt, g option of experter, 4e, o obc charii&-d,.ý %0 iPvi55 atgaun«e tue coneect'0f -Caada. !ý yI bopiyLu, mo remiçu tb b.luS et Canada. -CoMmrcal- -aaa il' .ntbave mdi a-geai!purchase., Ltvi! b. many yîana betoni ahi la1 recouped any hi p"Ari, ef iat £3001000 ahi la te _ýpsly and for r long time-simpl., teO-maki ibm so-t- a ilemeut acgemible aud înimig-si- iF have te Lay eut a'làaa,1mum, peîbap9 frome-té tvmntîy té tiîny îhousaud ponuds îsuually. 'p It le of'cour s.e, I olticicmq .si, ceS Q e t Irauaése ion that Canada, looka.ý Tho Fertile Beut, e. uber "0',Iiniut'hi di course of a contury add illiions'toe ýthe, n L ichabitantieofthéb.Dominion. sud, mîitnes b6 of%- Ruprî Laànd, a bs nzay 'enterïiinibmhe ý proecis et a rival Atlanîlo -and Pacific e Pule7 îno9g irtieh torniîory, vib if 013uiilcan bo executed, vili îatàbliub vithia ber ovu bordera a great empeniu et the inade of. Europe with China mand ib Japanln The Propoeod Domaud for the Cesueno of »Canada. Prom-tdie Nov York Tuimes. The idea that Gneat Briti au c h coaxed er bniîied ie ceding Canada te, the United ýfitates, as a confession et tbe mii ultadmu aiouçaent ton ibm injuny ahi infiicted upon ns duning Ibe. nëeliion, lu eue of the meut pnepesterleus mui'd ah. surd that eser entered the b'aad cfa Wes- tern Sènaton., We hope and tmuaI ihotthîe Admiaisîraîlon vili net be aaduced or ho- inayed int instnnciing aur Mînluior te. malte auy suggestion eftibis kind te the British Miuistny; it vouîd betray aI once a de- grec et diplo-iatie ignorance, and a con- tguept et diplomatie -deccncy, net aI ai; creditable teaujn depantmnt oft îbs Gos- ormmnt. If vo are Ie hase 'segatiatiomu' yl Great Bnitain aI ail on ibis &abject,'- vo muet atari ou aOmeoulter huais iban ibis. The offeaces vi charge upon Great Bdi tain are sncb as tnugetsiatioun hbu notbiug * me do yul. Dýmu,es cagnot pi>' for in- sulta, non for -.u prolongation ut our van, viîb the lba et life and treasuni vhicb ut involvcd. And the attempite n egemiale, for satisfaction under sud T -renga Must, et ne2esaity, invalve ns net auiy lu failuro but un ridicule. And aotluing coald make the [silure more complet. sud tle disgrmce mone aignal thbm te propose île cession cf Canada, yul bher fean 'nillion& etpeople, as thoeumessurm ut tiic iiiiafaçtioq vbiik ve requin. If the people et Canaaddoine annexa- tien te tle United, Stmtes,,sudappi, te the Home -Goverunent for neica5se froni ils athoniîy in order te, carry eu ot tbat de. aire, their action vouid afford a huais on vhicb tIé malter migpht ho annanged. But outil that, cr soueihing liki il bss been douc e; le lis ve eddle yulth thamitten tle boîter. The lias ve have tu, "Y about s cession et Canada by Eugisud, as a menefo ton oiugfor hanereuuog sud inslta to us ie the Alabama bbeua, the moe liîcely abali se bc' even ýte obtain sncb a cession. Pougkeepsio, Apnil 22.-No trains tronc the North i) te il a. ; cu etained naur Albany by tbue flood. Troy, Aprtî 22.-The flood lu the river la the ligliest it bas been since 18li7. The laver portion et the oit>' is inundated, aud semal piles et lutuben have beau uarried awa>' freux the Wiest Troy' naiimoad. Traffic ua uuspeudcd. The sireeuse of Glantails Lime Couspany,ailGrneIs- land, containing 1,500 barraIs oftlime, ceas- set on fima by vater siacking the lime, sud tbe buildings vus outirel>' degtroyed.te- gethar with the storaboisa etfFuies &u Sifeet, oft Iis cul>'. Thc Ios iilbu very bae>. Seserai bridges on tle Central rçàîlva>'; basa beau carriad iWmy, mund traval s animal>' suspauded. The uremhal north ef us lià ver>' severe. Bouu .8 sEXPLOSION. Mobile, April 20.4 The steamer St. Elme, bçIouging te iii Mobile sud Montgoery' railroad, vbile on/ bar vn' ay liihei cyi> Iismorniug explod- cd ber bolier. Mm. Clay, tb. slewar, as biowu everboard 4uud drowedul Six otler oflicens et tbe boul vere seriousiy burnaI sud bruised. No passengera wers huirt. The boat is nov being toved te the Cilty. S an sas imluIg ta ho 112 yçmnu of age livba l ingersil. AMrs. Meleai, etfIlanilton, died sud- denly on Tbursdmy lait frein spepiex'.1 Algouquin, Iii1., bas a resi dent ilho la ,,çahgh, and vIe weighîs 614 pounds.- Tureul> heraa ve'o- abilipped tn Sîrattord on Tuçgda eifrthe 4uierican> The nev gMan - rainido Oaief a gidd>' Lirl, becauswo u s ue o youii ese much neficion. Dmnvillp sud SI. HÏ4clnÏthi s are dly Iloeded, andîve men, Ïar poried drovu. - d at St. Andrews, - - ColoeleiMdero n cfilb.e Cumdias- Unlita asrecenil>' prneli pthe An. 1ssý ain atXêmsnxe. France, n- -b. con~ irculcat infemen, andatmc RUUpacea neOt'-a 4ngie bull mlssed the tmrget - Sonue lime, doning the past winler soine [iaboii,aml wretch went on board-the bar. jueý Thurston, nt -St. Osîberines, and ured a large bol. lu tbe dock, nna h 'ue ns L sotatho unoWv isand Asluu >uld drep down lu the ýcargo ef whemt je Ju ruunored'that te PrnçperltWales ià7usi bîîrqueued te abnîdge bis 8187 in i. East, mu 1h. Queeu visbes hlm ta b. n,Englanid by the second week in May.- ýbis, if truc, výiii ýnecesitati the post-ý nentof bis visit ta thicKiug of llaly. -DIED. PHIPPS.-ÂîWhtbon Frlday?, Ipffl 23, Catherine Wiilson, the belo'ved vif. et Mn. Frederick Phipima, sud oui, uriigsgîr e ielite e. Siillvii filimoni, of- Toronto, a.,ed 59 yeaand ud 4 Whuitb>r, prii 28, 1869. Pull Wh eat. . I.....$0,90 :to 0,95. Spuing do........... 1O80 to 850;, Barley.......$115 ip $1.30,: Peas..... . TOcîs te7cts. Rye ...... ....... 65ets . Outs ...... ......., 4lcia-tio SOd. NEW ADVERTIS:EMTS. TJNRESEIWED OREDIT SALjE. The, Admitliatrator to the mutate of the. late JOHN lS. Si'B()WLE, vil offer for sale ut Poolic Auctiou, (wtthout Loy r«ewve),. on Thurisday, the 6th May, 1869, A. the residpence of thit late John S. Spnowle, conîtt Building,, luinthxe Town of Whitby-, the foi lowiiîg valuable proparty:. 1 auponior Driving florso, by -11 Gry Engle,' 7 yeura old, 1 supejorlviug larme, 6 ycara old by Il<frey E£iigie," 1 muperior Morue, by I ick lbwk" 1 Colt by IlKenuetb" Il3ayrm. old, 1 opeu Bugg,1 'yp ,uggy 1roiti11g Sulkey, 1 'ovared Cuter, igut 1Lboubl, Har- tlo»u, 2 mata% Sila Haruesét, 1 met Haavy Teaux Murnaus, 1 Sadle amd Bnidie, Iluialo Robe, 1 Lumlier Wagon, 1 met Bol) uleigha, I utai mouldboard Plough 1 Deniocrat Wagoii, a qýualititY of Cedur l>ontsa eupcrier t'radle Cowg; also the whole of the llousahold Pur- iture, Bu,s und 41çd4iing, Crockary, &o. , Kitchan Uîauî,4ilz, und all oihcr articlea neecua- ary in furnialuiing a tirât-eh"s residou3c. lEale nt 12 o'clock, mharp. TEuMs.-AII mais of $10 and Under, cash ; ovor ton dollars, six mrntLa credit on LF41RBANKS, jr., Anoncer. ELLETT SPROWLE, Aduiuia:rator. 17 Ll[ONEY, MONEY. The undortigncd hep cistelyed instructions t0 taut àalarge uusp of Money, Re'payaible cm ouieSOumor, 1,y YzarI7 lustitiments, On, Improvcd Farina, or productive Town or Village ircperty. 0i"t CiaS ortgages purcbaued. liRata of interest S pcr cent. No Coux- Apply te W. I. BILLTNGS, Solicitor, &o., Whitby.ý April 26tb, 1869. 17 Ai wi i51 1i SEED POTATOES 'oil $AILE. hbome Iiod Eanly InipoMId Viriete. - JOHN IITIL Wiltby, April 27, 1869. 17 L R8Â.E F wili b. mold cheup, ou tr.de lor a goodHorse, eai u msa ant lu. UDonova' tiarniaga btgop, lu 11i8 Towu'of -Whlby., ' Wbitb,'A it St.1.W14CY v itbÉ. Buv îrh! M. TrE I.4AND P.LANS Port Ilope, Lludsay & ho'ayrWrto Baye~ ~ ~~~~b 'eudpui4a euadlistatut@. Court- Ho GmoI Phy, 1'slatinigl Notad as 01o0te-e bst articlea--of thé IrAd mniauinfactured lunlthe oaifrj' and luis hbprov- .8e &Tu* W IuTrEs. go auiiy wirkedun& so muipror lin evéry respect. HOL*ngproenrod cof o!ItICESON'8 Cals, 'bratd COLO EINGJNES et hbue menuise. tory, hoe bega tesy tmat lie isnov ànsbed-10 ax«eciuto ailiorderà with rluicle ho mair b. fir- orei -cheoper, asud vith greater expedition iluan hftherto. and to guarwilee over atimamý- tfou tb claàtomarm-in the quallty ef t o work- manship amd iateial. -gW Calland uà the new Caloie Engin. At CORD#<iOfl&LIBE2. Takanlun exohauge, and Cash Pnice,îhlowed. -- JAMES CLATTON. ,Wbithy, Apnl 2, M f.1 OHN WOLFENDEN, &OENW pou THU CELEBILATED SCOTTISHI GRANITE igrAt- Murbie 'W orlis of -JOYrATUAN WOLFNDEîE, DndS.$t. Waiby. 17 WAN TE D. 100 TONS sOÇR AI? ION Wbitby, Àpril 28, 1869. 17 NOUTICE 18 trnaT GiVEMTÂ TBE COURT, OF REVISION 709 TEB TOWN¶SHIP 0F PICKERING Will beheld ai iie TOWN HAlL, -Brour. huam,o L~TV1W4Ylatia dsyof MAT, 1869, Hl. BEÂTON, £Lrk- PiknuAprU 2stb, 11. i-i ABSTRACT Rýeceipts and Ependitw1eà, OP TBE CORPORATIOI 0% F T«E C IJNTY DY ONTARIO For the yeur mdinalîitDi.,_l486. -RECEIPTS. 2*rouf Cadh, balance and nov- - à arom-186 ....... 6258l 0 Blice. et Ceui>' Rales 1861 -ltie nvishi a ett bec, -Ux'injduç, Wiîby, bhans & Bim~ ofsiot5ituc -- and viliage etof[Shzva . 688? 73 Tcwuumlip of W bit-byanusiumî advâmcd femr Sehl es- - seti tai an sd ii---- mer dehool Fpantalonur 167 16«s0 Do. udmînlaiualiolu of ç<nmi- ni Justice, -"sLeue for 1667 .... .......... Firfflper lAgistrtas .1fi -8 -in-oud u nsd ecut ~ s5100e Insuirsnep, coruiv - "j longs. ap4pa Jieroriper Couistubli, Jfl4u!e Couituuigeuu jouiras Govarnme Cerouer's dais.. ~< cornai rates f Ian, J'ialcaj L'zunic -Expeuiditu C. Barris' Bauijsmln TIhi~ hesalu Intareat su - Cenn>' Co Grantuai. 'i, -i Grmiul fur]J Sfor la bridge Eiuand Couity Bo Crants b; JLBpea.ra inau efthe Cou Vîorporutito whitby, Cmsluin la S! fieOui Il .llgo of Town.efup Governeu Govruunea fur De un On<pewl ktpda, fer maa esp. T MOUSuv-Utlie vant i. boras. onq Fil ' 1 no.t,-aainn-

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