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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1869, p. 3

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lifit-1 M ~,84sioul ..1081 §à COucty Dohentuau. WO.. i itud288Ja '.,.. » 00O in'. c"srpoUs do Ne, go 2m800 doi< M 5 500 Pruvilonal Deboi riNo. Munis Ceap oaaie do, lsi1000 *pt. *do'"' de 82160 0 Muid Debantàra. N'. 8 14 8,8 5><aober MO 00 A ou?4".V . 400 0 11$ ep*l 17.... "i 00CG IMunlelpol »uaamaut le t lirehasch Uxlridgeac- geg, mud "homah.... 87 00 Couuîty luit# te Wiliithy, u l U ra i l a l a l u o . 5 91 0 0 0 PIvo " w oitirat yî.umr -- g ils...... ...,..... 218 00 ........ 29404 ] Do inlaEaaniatauaaaf48 C«Ont> Cierk in fIâi...400 0<) Audiut 66r. u -0-16 0 (laolar'alurynI.. .......110000c Cours Ilosaim uepr S'qrs. 107 ho 6801 P'hysîIan 8 qurtera.. 111 6 * Pain ç~Slursat puuts,ik - aud.o..ills for 16275 rds$48ad- - dkt, &0e ., ..c11ourt 8lo-Mu lisfr 86,ta, idesu jcmla%'ofi4s , Tho5mj. tugof Eartlug potag 1%0.400 AUuoaus. Zapouillturo Narneva bu lalgo 2000Oc '~ JI..Jaw187 .10 ou kkSuges BrIige. 160 00 66 cantre Xltitiugog 81 00 (.lisrrili.1 jour.s In-my, 100voU Jiaijeulu Pugy aslied for- ïtu bit¶l~rdg ,...... 000 liedolotius.'...... ...... 1590 iutaesut and easmp.o un Ies 87c8 90 '840 c7 Conlt> Conellîcra oniffsis- sangean, u etlieu, ka 729 10 'W$rdsU Par VOta cOf CUUMisit u O Onaunt 11 aid ef Nova Scoîtlu Yisiernt-a........60000C Iiatisry Werk .......4Mo 00G Granit fur I$attalo;iliiiid 3 S000 'for lIsoauiîdril slinds atIow'ovr stW lltby, Ux. bridga Conmbnsiinook- îîauascCulihgtôou',.12é) Oc copa>so tollit4»a'lesta..119 54 Urifii ta Attriultil ami,- ,'lIas .ý................500 1.MWaassllow;tenudiesl aspnsa........... 27 76 - $2807 42 * lilang lu sap4 et reasrar 480 8 neis utidarilgmtiad atons ofthtleCorporation OftthebsitutIciOntaio, ftïwtlua jaur 1669, * ammtty thit tus ëst,,vaip a cotre"t aarafs> thlu ecoîjîs. sui sreîdh uît the muida sopruona iraio. booits, for the Ye a csig 8idiDao., 1868. JOSEPHI DIL'KETY Adto UOIBT. 1L W 1II WItlth April, 186. fitatre'nt 01 Sise Amets snd ]Lisbilutieu of thea CorporatioenOf Sb@ coiusY of Onario# un lait aiar>,18090 . ABSETS. Cash ln liantls of Trassurar floin 1841............. du as - 'ViDage 0cf Cau, buiilieof iian4ýesl Dit Ceai>. Maotes »167.................. 000 TOoiîsup of lreck iaib,.of Ccitiuiy lLts.'85 294 06 di dot 4 R=ama1 1119 09 Tovu e! Wlilfby li>j1 utC. , Villa.ge of Oolinvat do l2i705 frein 8a audila utncc' Al. juiru. Maisli:e 22W 00O boeiu alriai nuot - lia U. Siei.........278(0 mortgiao on lot ln Uxritîga 7710 sidiitereot........... 6200Oc Z;otu.Jleaun,, s.a,arity for Dabipeiuros.8.. 0 Djù o 0uel1an& Court Hueondai, funitlure, land) -stiea tlîeroto; aud, Iluvericu .4cktp1-f 1ft f A000 000 W'ILSON 'S ]PHOTOGIAPH QALLERI, DUXPÂS $TREIT, lrJIJlBl, Mu. pjo vil 14 alwywptnredto taks AMBETYJ'S, *., *., 1 s upetir i nin- ner, and viwth liie-liko aousaey, Ca~binet Id praraad t' 'o uaprlyh.pooptoo ifi wtl Fbl POAes i ksnt ~lsvar rauonomble ratai, PfflTIJUItS ed te, .lPd 8IjZ, and C(POÀk]>P ln<>1 . tî4 a*$un glassi ýto Ct>PING OL) PORTRITSl. a Wzunalax14 i ue@frl lal 4n (~I.D *Whigby, April 29th, l8t9. 171 r IZT199 TUAND NIPISSINU 5RAILWAY COMPLANY. Total Lengt h te Lk lpamati iug, about 200 fille.. VIElTI ION igzTOl1OxNT O COzocoNE Wit a U Jrppols cf 18 M'ilen fron the. MuaLisi, tu th. ruva of Llid#oy. TOTAL CAPIT41,, - 3,ooO,Qfe, CAPITAL FuiltUME Fi i<ST SECTION (Main BOSNUkEalready Vted bSp nieai. ite41. the(list&etion of (the Juin Lino. $8109,000, As Followa :-City of Topîtot, -*15,00; scarwoo',$10000; Mariha., 880,00;, Uxbridge, $",000; scott, $10,000;, Brock, $50,000;-, Eldon, $44 000 - Bar- ley, .15,000; Laiton, Dise; and L.ong. tord, $2b,000; Som.erville, $15,0W0. IJoNtlozISreg e le1>0 omd, haiuint #him fur the LUMI-uY bhouaI, $166ïwo. Finotime issueock la f811K> shaa, $M.000. Ilpon whri bc iJe ised LB or 0a 474:000. U rî$200owlîleh a Omnarea (cm theGo. *%411iîoUilri.wiibu applîrd (to. as aqniîabla aa.laîaîwe Mrter acnsî,cîb, imaia$laîlWl.y sroag end jeaCrowîî &.modo un i".rao f teliii. FIs. B- in. moDaux,-JophnCrpMZra, Eq.. M P. e iàn4î. RpAq, COlaW of IDIIIBCTPULD Bon>. St. c'C, Caa ro rnmcft &MW*ay 1 Ul. Ni WW &»&~h.atr w 1%. V. maimetr .q, Cai raer aa oadîbasJus., Ys.q., fà. »,.'Aie tendi, kZq. im .rnBa" "1 ommw«al O. Laid A.auis , T altct' %IV. licloi Eq Aid 1. IL al. P. o#4p J!C. Ftel, l'.iq, j". E rifl2q, Truitet#of Ean vie#UropedbyMqpuhW#flaktt. Gosrge %% Aîtais, 3iar-oaawî'rusa file AI C UureriiîiProicislalmrIr-npî Tni.îeei lieiî.y linilliur. E.q, L)peiy itauv.e o Couuid-flisMI CCmunron, lnraae arim. Odickr-Jobn Leys, h.q. Conoulting Engsn- Oit Clartis.Fax k Son. pak4r-oai oTouuîu. Brokffn-llukîa & Alaxandar; Pallati k O.lr. swituy-CIuddlau Jluois. PEuq. OFFIULPS-40 Front Silaci, Toronto. P iOsPé Û, C vé St The. FrovisieormI Dlreeies f u laTerento ad ipla. flotîîglîway Ci'unpais a iutigs huai (isar prgrees lai8 lb iudàîsog bîbiul Goge 1Il1aîwyu in Coi"d, sF lIXI giul CJpitid J us sas, lsteagfliaaulaliy Prse- loh ir ral'eililit Ziis h of a14ILilwiy iaindea fAu j"csltrafk, ic. s iîsîg bm.uiie i-cçiuioffige fîleie.- cealol wdig Dr ls iorb:er îof -eara cf sBauwlw4y buma ouni f1vielgre (et six fauuue. liiflic Ktuiogdeus cf Nuray suai wrtlei. hloi oucoluigies gcf Queesamnd msid Xcw ZeIuuil. aid aao in liai., smd $ba . u llaitwo>-s ver, mialte ci amcenuuiuasig a tu&a(le. aiout a nuilliusio i crsigilksi fn saiti uis ar.uo tgouda lier aous o sit)o(tsrriiig iuacflasa -o>wed idu swaay.aroe #4s. lluly sisiaia au he>r. alae.nig tsa #Po suerage almCad ù( peasaigery lpus, rjsiniu!t îa, 9 ges, ai, sosfdi"Sintapeurl lvîy mle. 1 P surw, & sim btoiaiol rifiae(ule Nuie m tavy t*loiiab tIlr, aà lillmumis tIe irst' e hae O, tuail 1ytheTlins Ionisiis, anal Slîamaiîalwaly) tilt)net, eztrrii i193,00000 unotelanoifd 40, iJmssseusgen-; hae tlerelonrsulret) secoiasrmalthlotsorsaié, NlýPWa sig )(ilwuy on teahr alns. rafsix gouge, lu lgepmau ecaiiictiuean ,d a'icla immçer uiuir aeus lv4a jowa "esof> $15 000 per sto Tlhe lîirecuorà laive ai., oed Capt. Tylqrta report oni tieFeaiw un lay. Iwo leui goouga, ainiourk. alishaire, '%'.aIes, the (raigoil and ,meu»rogr mil e o wide l appnîuuhmaîes cltmey go fIaidiflima rl'tsbnu lss'y. a'.d. ilt hé. ocerlaitube lemIser imitea largaly extcalfilnt carir n et) u ialu a.aPas ori or pis th e innaandi âl 5pgàiey ,IlaY. 'iloit# Ylrv tupa jons>.uuiuneiitau!Iruse ilieaiaa go capital iliiresed-laisiWiwey .uifflîine Çnd.il wvu rmdled me am i e muim .mllue m peton.rs Bi lcii lte 'co b a s.ei.-îd b l c.i U-o a"t- c hta# Plu-»td ftuîpoarofsme R * ,a Whitby. l>vis *lyUni of tonas or girl. CM aarady be,,vcier« of '.4gwd vllage of c-Poigig ls>.fla 50t,00.et. lacik Èsiaa x d0lu iai aPar C-ii., puy"a tu i trluteid utfé loigo58 toParo. iGraists,hittîps onrDlied 90o tu i ,mee.T'nmu, jouim iw t, l e Offlf. CanLYiIfie Victoria , - ivo-ilrlm 0<11e Eaîhra>', vUii olh et lenlis .. 0000 DOt "lu nid loau t au oi. -1(»00te , o;'N o! Mars it Rama 3S S MMYsouciet tgo fmatel Uxtuilago anal t)almva 8 SQUai'e'aioles ' c~m Ujoumtad baaalauaordsr&s cm e .s.i . 18.........4 W d.a ordors Ccunty >v'unlftaalu ,,a. - ~ ~ ý *£$mi tif oOum480 O ývL~ ~~~ sa* v i n de MatJan1w'>, I lSft 11111ob V "Mn 90estwd-i - ~ ovu »ou ad0@» ' Wy '< * -10'L 1.L*WDE.ou - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a l 71Dîhsan,,,. rae Lvsiya,r, ,.- - m 0 ea, f a mR a- le lddePi'ln ifcot cf aout *4.00 athneria>le bdem et1br m sw9ovpps n 81bO00 a *' a ,OOOanfiha>r t. 52 ; local 5~S88; total ___ __ loc~î,ra- iîI(T1TTÇIITTI k raa'aipt.1 Il IUAIJIIIII IIrIIl.III1 a, $46,ass~ .11 ~J1U.~L.:1-I I~ii1I1 ugh rocolpta imîla, logail, s, tliroogh, ---o- * Rnn'.eaxpanmta par ena , 1fital total repei trou, 8550070 ; local iae.lpt., nlie 82t1S; throngh reeit,lî,tt, 2494. dvidaidon *10b a nulle, local 14 7-S; doon $15.000 anilwa1threogla, 1 .8. Totli tongt, 626,629; po*saaugaro, 489.929; l ns aap osa i 842.269;, brogl re.. ealtsgos, OO; ofIZ reoulpts ,,,s *14*5875; ocal ac Ot ît, 8$U2.703; througb raa.pto, naît. $27 sol1; divideud en Is1bi000 a'mi, loal. 12 S54; divlaarid on $15>. MOOanlll, thrmahi 40- ,, 8 ,-. Avaaaox-Towa touts, 176,209; passnugcrs, 116,848; 10o0sl recelpîst, gros., 4N,706; tiiyonagisre8ipstas, m,826,985 ,,total raeijlils grou te.QVI,ý omraeipt*,, out $8il 0, . tluu'ogll reasîpta, nali, $9,107 ; dWi lanalon $15,000.la ise, 12 5-6 ; dividasdon $là,- -iroun tieahove jdata it W111basanutilîtthe Nuthaena ailva> omrid n a,aneritia for tIlos tbrao yaaris et 1741,269 tenu of freiglit, and 11,. 845 pîseaif thr e taveurage po a ncuipiat houi 8m508, vlilla the o nat raacptil freon loc al rnfb vans$160,900, ciîual te ousoiauul divIianai 0(12 6S 8 par eau:on aanpt>ftai'81,. 000 prm' 'Oéor 1911-4on110 e " _'Ator' cenaoqusica0 teIn teulliguboniaa orstck cf tUT. & N. il 11us the enmalAreceituiîl.r tlirneuh -trafflo ,fer lb siaynaeîi vpg,9,107 l'un toulm, eqeal tesdlvideh f5 f'oaîapa alaurly ptovaa ;liutvalua of locua uagainat throngit trofo. ,,,The Grain Trofic tributs% te tlaigeToronto * Nilplssin.r Railvwny nudei.;bedly a'mill net lait beL4îv9W 000'bîliols.,aud pnolrably will larg- 91a la putlipsàteuteO average 100,000 par au- The comutry tieronglaiîicli lthefintasection of' tie Tdrotetoenut) ipiuioing Itiilva> viii Palme, leancra poilnus, weaultliv, and) cxtenuswa than Ithat trll'ptary te the Isertluarn lisjlwy- bamol on eu st ols.t and lissent ettlost dis- trialutatha lProvince of 'Ontario, Vnnieoon oaaci.t'ul efeorts aveuiprevioaly bacc tislu 'ý1uao est uucdprato asitîmatae ftha incais ra- clpts (rom the tnpftle Io $)uit-er, lambcr, cor- ans pauatigena aia., te ho esnaj, over th. T. & N. B. p lace Itie mopul uut auavega cof 800,00 o 8500o,000par auinuin, for tlb. trot eigtoîalai>llyeuna, vhan Itia tnaibthost uec- oassrlly înpreaiua 10 a antiili larger iuiiicOllt. Th Tlîff te creste tiIs revenuea il lia de- nlvedi rumitoiu follcwiîîg ituapia, spraluiii sut tige propertili east tentil Pin. or sa nlongber, fer tiue firit siglitut js,, 50OoD,Oft. as 82 pu 1 $ON0ft ...... .. 160,0po Square, 411,5o 0 8bu 74,00 aneang 'dae. ,00tonst, nI au Mollit anal e xprasi.., tn, ...... 15,00 cord........... ........ ....... 7,500 Pa"u'uganu., 100,00................ 100,000 Alle":iî 60doper cent. fer rnnulng expousss tiut iettenîiltuo a anunt te 8178,40-eqtisl te a dlvitland of' 14 par celut. o a cwof i'15,00e per utilie; and oit uegectoal coit teatfigeCern- paîlu of $10,(00 îor tulled Choadividapai frein auafs îett cerhîiiugis vool ho 21 par catit. 'the I'ncvilxcusl Directera Invoish tliir ovu ans.,:, on Lisir faith in thae oea$a ChcfsIie ,TlwiCor aniqaAt cebecnk. on thb.Gall. River ivi uiueot iae Rilva> vilua Vitl àtrcte ofe!ilalnd tuuiugatlen, upon vlicb ste& - muoro nov triade, anl uhicîs witlu copifparsàtively loexpela.iua iniprovoinatits uIreat l una- 4ortakou by thu evannal iigivo Oua. bott e am» a t0he. lnuyandaililiafurd i s tano»$il. exhtiAfal.apl» cf «PSn#and Liard vood. Dy théiA c f Incorporation. the Conay lit spM&laly hoursi te carry cordveedal sd îeeai, f onery necci.sary faeility for se duisîgt tlie .itec!ifld ruile cut ia it lierconul 1crtilfle fon dsçwecod, tMr AUl ,istiucas caîdar hA> îî,les4. sud 2 1-2 cents par cor,) iaxr ,iffi, ra.tnl tiseci evtr b0 nilli s-siret lviiaies ie fouid tu ho soatiutotry, b> thesatest of atoii apu'nlaiico on thie ural Milvauysa iuNew Bauns wick. Mois a aoidifleiviii enfoncsfise coptof i'foel tae ot<onpny ; bat iel iei:retise,) traeicesîîîl prvlmrity ;oaisequcîtoetitUn the tràide Il la f qlly belieuesl vis itpre Iii.. coîuipcus.nle fur the extra 0isl et fueil. Tlhe a>uîten'în agsasecition of gentlemnen vita hatva promoted eîînd borne tIi', pr(Iitiiiiàiry ex- 1)&sieoi ut cithis aîiurriAni udwluodiaira bac." ul, orda,) oau g-oed failliton sout g pmtlîcr- clal piici ples, crfrrmrd, loi : ur #»sr is cir ltsfluarice i1 eclual tate ieik, hosa h- ii a ril- wiiy aoi;trolied 1>7tint niesit rc.pecteble ocaital - letUo ehia scity und igte country- onisbaherouta of the nalvay. vbe îney tatke nf'eck lau 1h ; t coliuart Ilîcir ovîî ateurilleâanmad paf 2uiih te c'catni.ctrp. q uelt ea..nrrenaier cotrul of thse ruilvny t te ctieor nbpud-lîldcrna >tse tise cou*.ruactiina etasaîlier caiculshu-d tao cuore lihe lien.lliict couipetilioti ; itucotilier vorda, 1ta hanve veIue lon thse iticilo) yf ripintf liti îig of' thse firot smod te tIe ln)>luîg oet ige lail rail. Ttu ciisilry eoisItue routa of ;lsa #rvs-tâection ot lsp rgjinii>- la geueralîr lavel, aiensog1jluii lvi, tuu'ioliliil ti. bruouor er itaig, >et tît oeil beiiig loaîsy lit iuesec cJtosaud ihier. Du e: ilu> h i g. ; aut, âpe-iàiasl ex laiMlnastion ilsied and tlhe flcxibility *a4 tlua>iug. aîssîàrea a iiiutta ef of utiaiig,& pist llid s. vlîilc jasipcr for bridges aud ic,, #pi! lnul'ncr fer tnildltigo sud ftîices, eut a lia-ntathe Jouit coal pouoi'clo la, Cantîda. Jh agi'teor cooidcrstoa in tilt fioit Inut- snae viii las aorditînted teatisa constructio -of'ui final claia ane eeut v>,the bail cf tinu- ber bidgs. depi udgo bastîu Rails te vaîgli 40 ha.te ayard, u10Lg;Ia eCigi cf &htentoaqua Lt> 4Ari>gep oiffpil>r prirase Iicuilla.. cure te tIsj etnpsiiy tra rglî of va>, tlînoujrb the ail>, sudigcaf dl.rad, for s fcv toiles ont.o itiaobity, e,,il lina of thaetGrand Trmauk, by mentonuaof a titird rail;. sud tia diopamal'ion et the proprnlotrs. aundiother oirciistsusam along the linoîaart se i'avoagràg.talinstha vhole riplitofirayill 4ohapbt4 $or papuop;t hiJation groeunal. pd,4ptcir ie halaodin ditl citelît dher (nes., or fer a Doen nal ront. It lathli alra ofhea lrov4imiâuj Dircior t' b ava Ilueir Chiet Euglucer appolit"a, wlh tha. offouerr.ucsand-40 bj.e elsAPProani of thae<.lampsny's Cendatulsgo EuOgiacra, 1SirJ Chane i, ex & So, ubo vii hosissal reapcn-i bibwa for tligea saaJJsnce of lth eraacoi etWupcl 'on p4the ason U ruo: 0 .t is sbO- 1nàrriftt, guagarvsra4 ,t'vllol lalave largeaaxperienceluwbvilra,mandvitli tbu eiIlaa cfW vich slt ounîrty lm>art, lioiiocrably ldatiaed. *Ofer ar~azokD oïai Djýsctof te Cothe 9 qilsl'aaaul, ' o 1Ihebusl oas mnand lrrewraîlee ndiogthe rot-tusM và, Msd te aspitallats ecia.- vliousb.1liavlng te oloneltcautionsuat arodlaint.trs yol 4âthses. ik otuie 1ostasL4!Piluot 1 v4 wâi#0 yofthaior T<he teak hachavin fleaauads oi en- Grand4-penlng Bay' 'on Btra etltEy LJOWES &PQ WFLL beg ta apponi eh opeing of their .4extensive Miiiinery Show oom with a laï*e andi complt.sasortment of spq»ng Bonnet,@, lats, Flowers PesîbersSilk 3Mautles sund Clot4. Ifaut tics, Latest Style,-and invite ail tI9ir fiands aud customers tci eaR sud, ex, amine. Dress-uakiïlg and Tailorint done to order. Lare sockof Clothing. ve oplote. igr Th eir 'stock of 'DyGooda la Special attention 1* requested i> tlui rsg i4CîiD- psrtt»en$a LýOWES &POWELL. WHITBY RACES. 'l'lit gUEEN'6 BIRTH-DAY! ~Iib Q(lo Tu o tfClbs rig Bacen willaqxn cIli' vor tha W lluth7d Conurs, ou MZay 24:1, and 251h, 180. *tO.-Vlot4pao 0Rat',,open te ail. one Mle ilis, $25 tthie int, second 810, tird ,) if' leur or murre enter, if #jet, thora yl bi no hilrd prizo. POO.-litukeelper-çlPorno, miehute, T.C.W., for Proviuce-brod hora» thast saven won fpplie mossay, 8250 to th* irait saod 50 td is. ecen,). AIl ntias in thia race (fluaI hpaddres*ed undar sal,giuiug own- aira i àtàp, bliea..naine, acier, Bai aad paiîgrea, ta, the tipiireary of tige Club, on or liofora fle.lot1 dy 01May naît. En- trace frite. $50.-Trotting Purna mile boa>g, Ilira. lIn fle,.oepen te r.1iLofrs" . 11us navawon public Uloot. 825.-V'1inde Face, elle mule das, 8165 te the n-frat, $7te beeond, $3 tho1'lie ttdrd, clian te the (Cositity et Ontario on!>.. $lO0.-LaJies Puféa, mill ehanta, T.C.W., 1ft 'r lroviiiea.bred Lin. iii>u. *150.-Trotting Pur«. mil.ebute, beat dira. lfl Ov, opai te Saill'oraaa. *125.-Ositario Posse. a chah of two milss, TI..W., open te aI i es.. 830.-Trotting Putrae, ilu ats, haut tlrira lifOve, open te ail hersas ove.,) lu igeii couîity of Ontari ne na iontl. proviens te the, data or liii. hall. *.Consolation 1'nrao, daah 0<ciouns l. RULES & REGULATIONS- Trcor more horses-te malte a field). En- t'aueut. îl per Cu'ut. 'fili a 'ofa riious te ha rogi, ,ieardificg te u rns. PitheClubs. AUl etîtrieu te bc olideda l-wriag ad undar psat, acdrassoed $tlMe Seoretdory, ou or hefura Satur- dny,,fIbc 22tid 31~ay. AIl rideora will La requir- ed tu <rs ilisJockty atyle. Every person oItctiug a lherse yl lisrequincd te nome hi* coluîus. 'hlie Jadgea deelsiion te haefinal In aIl en"»>.. Pnviî,e-bred lboras allowod neven "euîîihlj4 lie ai. navbc eutared at tb. p9at, ~Y Imyllitag double aautranuce. SitwÂuna.-A. Aleander, James C. bRePler. solii, laid Uccrgal(ubaeîl. Seecrttary & Tressauter, 11lit-Y, April tub, 1969. atIRON BOUSE, PORT. WHITBYle* R. SNW, - Proprietor. Ta jboe a vl-knoovu bel l'ai beeau lIm- roaglyl> eiouisted s al ytumnised bZthie p remait proplar 'ii. T talliiîg, &c., hava. heen put ii un ctileet staf a cf nepaîr, atl ne- tlîlaîg lo beban îeft unduna to mot the tqtir- maentiacf gnsis. Th Ti.Tabla la anpplied vitbavarytbiug ofîbo has-t in saison, and ieuatolOse besh branîlu or Wina,1 Vî43nc(#p pai fgora kaî.t etIdis Ban. il 1.. SNUW. MALSCHN O F TIME. nrnaua sud deporit rot» thse '%111 ' PcFiu$T PYMECJdiily (n elîaiccepteul)mas. lllews GaAcsisal.eina WM5. 6.22 V.i.,>40 n.i. 1_.0i m. I 8:.n. The Nortberu Melie art clocd lmiînediutel), tIsthearrivai of tte. ioriiigtruai frea tue X.IELE, Postmtam, par L. 1; Whitlty, AprIl 251h, 1569. 17 1889. TUE SUPERB ?flW 1869. "NOUSEM AN" SUa combiiucaaUlm zSoULvairM" ,alwiga NORTH SHORE ]PORTS PRT0Fp-ROCHESTER, Andi vili contione ,aki>îg dsily trips, lcauing eCcl>oorg et 3 a. tri.jFtI l'oUpa at9:8( 8, M. Cai ae Withy, Osîjava, Daringtoiaad New- .Astle WWiu"oal it . et BI Irighton, Tlainsy zne riuinga, sid~l biis tuuaen îpenuuiiiug exCCP feaiiay. lielaatluî leeîvealPurt et liceleatat daily at P.p.soi. ex apt fla ioy, wlueîî l a lauci ah 2 P. ni., diretFr ltIope. Fortu aainAil on boirai, or ta C. Draper & 0e., Whi'y jîo . Gu(iy, Oslua ws; . b icLellan, rîagc;F. biulic).oiu, Nd'WCnutle; A. Cdcltraiteasnid 6o00l~1cneî l'ort lleîa; C. Rilioit,1 tehniurst;. . Ccealr, Cehbenauc; Wiîîutna &-Butler, Brigàiutu. April 21et, 1809. '1l 'XORONTO -NUJR SERI1E S. W. ofelJa ton Spiing plaa.ting a clieice stock 1 liareby wnrn nny pars.cn or paranu net te truit in>v ' ieé, Ilarguil Don.ligai, s. I iii l lie aeeosîitul,le <or n117 debt* shomau o- t1ma aittor tlii.data. yco 'J'Jl(t>ASa. pi~jt;f4àM. Brouchai, April 14, j$69. t MdAKJJFACTLTRBI) AT TUE! ,Agdecultumal Work. JFELSCEILEBEATED) Doukle TUR13INE WATE&HE AT TILLMý LO Children's slippepï and: Shqes of every des4Mption. aiid Wesi 'Styles jus t Wbadhm . Uthe lsItctsyles oi Lades' snd Gentlemen's Whit'by, Aprfi lo1t11869.TisBIc WILLIAMDIKI NW BRENs <@000g N1E ILLINitr, NEW'FOES NIKW STYLeS of CLOTIIS, RIAT& AND- -CAPS», BOOTS AND 8UGES, TERENK, VALISES AND Ma Pocaa n>apéet graat baraiqo * -~ Wl DIOKIE Field, CGarde-n #cFIower. WINES .AND LIQUOJiS,ý Re H. JAMESON'S.. Wbitb, Apnl 0tb, 1860. 14 SEAISONABLEfGOOS - ,-0 Y. G. will ahQW isg g6 frw days a large #~ complete'stoclç of GOODSi teothe urtacle lu Our )59 Almtlusaau. prirted 1er yuon, undcr the. hemd or-" Hir vigor,a nav Pnaparmtioù, tpoi liic ar Dr. Ayer halong beau aiigogcd, and wblii va arc nov IDTiîreauciiîg late jour nmarket, Wliera lntrcduced, the Vigor liu wmnU: spprobactieai cf butli demis.andf "otllunpara> tua; I a p > yorij" 44dil t v.honsé addi- on r boc7mé aird" ljrnovuîiva fail We beg le commaad it le ycnr attantion vitiî tbu srance >hat yen vill'iid-it mora effectoal uiialelu objcctonssblcibtanu ny oet tW @lin"lurpraparationa novila market Yonré ruy ,LL VER & Co. ThaeaorllMisr j4pnt for l cf Dr, Ayer'a spalrpreparatiena., 51 Pauil> Drug Store, WVhilbj. Land!1Lanci! laaaavbch le vii sli in- t> FAIR VALUATION,-a~ S.2,~.,iinal concession cf URanch, 70 acres aiaaraa E.jNo. là, lu diea rd conSoeoema et Banl No.jin ta lOh co oasln cf Durngn acresl'n cla mcra, 5 'r *tOje N. eslM.No. 21',ln 2usd ecmaslcuuWjatb 100 ucrasIs l ouue!lIv A Sgem lnuBwey. 200 cresi 1 to»-ffl Ijflluiont. Appl pmo2t-tgr y lp"elr"at-paldtq L4R. ft PElus. Hie would call "'oal atjte0Lon W bis careful selection ot Plain "nd Fanoy Drasa Gocds of varlopu stylas ihi new matarial. and phoicp polors, meut anitabla for the epring and Sumuier TraiN.. Prints, Chawbty, Grey alid White Cottons, onequlad un ulity and for cheapnaus. Splendid vralua given in Hosiary, Glovas, Tics, Oslara, &.Engliuh, Scetch and Canadiati Twedp Clotho and Vasuimnaras, and Clething mades te order. New Bats anti jlaps; The Crocery Departmon't lu suppl[ied with a frnsh lot of Tes. mmd Cofeées. lpre bargaiqs fW a good ARTICLE FIELDJ & IAIWEN SEEX)S INI ENDLESS VAIITY5- Buildeu Furdisbing Gooda, in Locloe, Nails, Ilinges, Glas, &o. Paint., Cils, Varniahas, tolly'ga.ortad. (A libaral'diuaeàunt allowei t Buildara.) Primeo Wper Lime., Freoh Plaster, Godarkh 8,16 sand NO. 1 Chicaot>cpç olways op ibapd, wboesale and gptaL Whitbyi April l4tb, 1869, . EO N GB O .1 TIN '-P ED D L xE"-RS Winl filit ag tp fwUasre Thos. ~ ~ ~ o alg buiusfPedd11mn honld tait. sdvaùtagp ofoui stock_.4 At2oSolelplthe uflgoon,uAt the pifica cf the rnid MUiftrîlt Wuithbyb ' LaiPuiaplî, jr. 00F*lo,rLn ue psrcai. ThoSmutl-b&Ult flat Ne. 2, in th. 1.1 con. of tise- Toypslp et Tlsciah, coutuul 10 acres, mors or »les Tisera aré about a.nanty-five acres. c!asre.Ç unds a irnisboua. and wag bMri ppon theae lmia1,anthdia 9'prtz indsaymile-ren Beaventon Bailivu> snd au 4 roe»5h The MM lot Vil!be aoldsu1ject -tos mort, gethareond&tWd22od 3M1rob, 18., and uuaa.bjaoiilCuspbell to Jeohn <Jthrs mmeuag puuet of eou thenuda doflkïruad - trat$9par cait> Iiu-yeaJo 5hd of Octôbersùa u Api n mascii r, vhich mogam abil b ien lUd té- . id 9002pi Jetos tbu.raon daled I0th of 4pri; , 7lunavo f ,Jumes lllau oi804-, puayM l fis jvean fm roua las$ ~ -1 malli.ltao itb mntrea at 12 pur an afyealy ;, luWatslba'in a ri rp -OhUctober, 1587.The pD!nrchseo bs h.asaatie isngthe maid lut mentioue4 M& 4gagP~flpwng tba memateo u as a chargïee te ualus Tha parehuar wiillipie oirle puy devu et thé tinicetfsala le 0 goror h6aSolici tor a depobin lth. propoto f te -dolar.. fur a"ar>one lunudra,) oiars ef bis >mrcbnsc In à"ha heapac*ts t Qpzr&#othe oafiuul pp>teCC.ier 'Ro, uar, ott * 5dd Qqi,Suàwill bel the "dnalgènd 'it e* ft he sàopur t. *ver1 4pfoprr.iu* ma- l éC C-e he l 5a1 ýy f April, îs42 C. O C. KELÀX!. Laituf'q oiutor . Leai usNov. lotb, 18*5. p Ql'Ith, 1Whithy, April 28th, 1869. NEW 'ADVERTISEKENËTS. 89 of JONATIJAN W itby. l1 RNON )Hl% KITII. 1 'UVIB!ON ¶CKE~ING, W hALL, Breuge raf MAT, 1880, INATON, Clark. - lin-Il ACT SDm#., 1860. 9844 "s 0 dos 41 449 Oc 510 00 408m 90 00 4, 91459 Trees, & Flowering Eshrubs, Au ]EXTRA CnoiCIec OCK 0 IIYBLIID rEIIPETJAL .«NO10 8RO3ES; oit Oimikis r.iaci P111LADEL1PHI4, RAISPBEB+RJU7 PLANTS; ST19AWBERRY PLANTS, 40PARAGUS BOOTS, 4c. Ws make Our e>'lZe lnuinuma a aeeiaUty. g»sci a tvo-cent sanp for Or PrICp4 P&Kpihvo catalogua. AddFtk a. * Ozo, LUBlI4 & Soe, rjzddjj P. o., ont, W.Observe die large nonîhar r cF IUIT PIIIZV.S swirded Our prodluctîion»ntthe P Iro- VuOiiEXbibuion, liatUcplouber. 2in-15 O3OGPIZLD lEarlyDw f ' C0UATO. S..i 25 Cets Ver Peckege. à pacha aims e «81, fiteby Mail. ', qw - 1 il 1 ]meV

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