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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1869, p. 4

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OTEL, E. K. cIALDW; WhItbv, Jsu.'514, 1968. eru, 1 É1LL. T O-UBSCEWEIi bop te lnform the pub-, - liethat holbasi.n0oed froïn frerf My. Wikay's Osi&rlage $hop te the hcuss, the.boitstylo anud ooper thoax n u oî6a porison in tiîfiat lwis ~T.P. pfEEMvAN, J. B. CAMPBELL, ADDREU, - - AbUBRN, P. 0., gg (rdors for aies loft At tht. Office, or Wfth Mr. John Chitatis, Manotzeter, wlii b. prornptly attendrd to. 3laho.0, 1868, 48 THOROLD, ONT. A. LOOK'# __Proprietor. Onbuasti(rom ait Trains, la conssection a3 pacicusa ase S oms ilir hicrcspxtiia .Ao'ss 47 Grand Trnunk Raigway Ho)tel. AT WIIITBY STATION* wITM. O'1N£11 havieg purolsasodi the bote! an sd promises knowu an tho Grand Trtuk Ilotal, Whitby station,-begit W Isform hitesfriands and the trttveling pulie uthat ho bas fitted up the-ixcus o aud niables lu îr@g;- ciano stylo, sud l'y attention to W.o wantd ci those whlsavor hlm wiuh their >xtronage trosta .tc nienlt a doxtiuuaxcà cf tîtear onstom. tW ' arties taking the train sud lès" Isg hcr.. w!!!lxihve thoux weil taken cars of tili Cioifrartsxrs. Wlitby, Sept., 1868. 86 DeFeBU ReKE, dçaierp NO. 29 XIOHAEL'SBLO<3OK, 1ING ST.. BAS£, OSHAWA. CROOKERY & GLASS WARE à WZLL QELE'CTED STOCE YHESOH TEA111, $UGARB. 0F ALL KINDS, W'Asnchoias suix>' honte lu c'santaa MA May gth, 67. si Inve stme ntI T LJ TUSgT ANI) LOAN COMPANY Thave fonds for luveutuçact tthoirunat ,ut#4 et Intorest, on the socurit>'cf lmprovod Loin». mode for fixcd poriodx, or repaypie by sunusi Inotslmeutrn. Fixither sud fulInformation ccxx ho hsd by loiter, addroiçnud toe io Voi.uners at Kingéton, or fromn "no-lro eI Eots*t ou erai Agent. Wlxitby, Sept 15, 1868.,8 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, JAKES PRINGLE, -. Proprietor. SHINGLES FOR SALE. IM 'NDESIGND b onbaud, sud T offtu fr noe coop or ah sy quasi- lty.ofoawod Sxngos msr a ir, xe. N. RATI, J>*prktop Wt4tpLiw* i&Blu#. Whitby, Oot. 29, 1866s. 48 Oash!1 -Oash! W]UTE EEANSf ]POTATOES, AIM JOHNXKITII, PwinUý,roi 10- W -17c, pperyard, t G.Ttt «0.1,11b. 'ýfn id15 Ver lent ebb-sftwrthp boi Xi I~-L 1>- 4A'iIidilot «_ nçov mwueIleao for suit,4 fiomin8e4o P500, per yard.,- ldbIrish a a ud T oi e Eavry Do*lisa Linon":fr'im15 osta.Aflltc dl ail kindo o! Tovels sud cetewi'pfrein10 cents. A lag ojb f Haokaback -a M ,.~ C 10u y' la Teost ffL ze, verth 25b~i%,, wIÀ*andi Lfnesilankercbifasresfulyup to, th# mark k"7roansd qnaltty. Diess Goodo lu endleu aserioet feers kind, ibid.sud i.wi.U A dergn, soUm10,te- a r lard, vitolare boiug'scold at'na.sbade oveiroer pcs jenm tl wul*~Pl odrtoelthsuibf. -ith dsqptoli. Twéedsansd O oth u u -onglish, Ge.ViDI E UE EUU.EUUEUUI sud Oaaa a fé$-meg frein1Û. t $2pe ard ,Iî çste6 Goôd fsollY boseen to en- w F U~~U ~ surs a PWédy sale, as Lb.>' are iuh l9w.î LilsO tl gUa prices. Ifolseryaisda(3iese ln ofr> ktnd, qasality ani ls lecudugb2ZlsràedJoebine, Dumanossd Z CH IE SOK0 pisaiakos of Kid Maroes. Fano>' Trinings, Frtuge, udà aoyQ0deueln kld~alt *W styloelcown. te Lb.Dry0 datrsds.OeAPHA> IE WbItby, Aril4tI1t61 Npý I 14 INCLIJICG A CIIOICE COLLECTION -OF ALS TiRE FÂKOUIS E&RLY ROSE POTATOES. -,Oroce riesWines &Liquors >ATIRIEDJCIED- PRICES. R.0 FRANCIS. Wbltby, April 7tb, 1869. 14 '.jpDirect'Importations. '99 -, EGR.e -J.CAMPBELL TOG ANNOUNCE THE ARRWVAL 0F' A PORTION OF THEIR SRIG &ST¶RRER STOCK> coNriUTIqG OF NEW AIRIVALS lDJEIJEx>jm* -AT- ]RIIÂILON & Co's. PRJNIS, FRENC I D GiJOYES, DRESS TRIMMINGS MENS HJATSt &c. A SPENDD ABORTENTThe> exped thte balance of their Stock forward by the 15th, having been SPLEDID SSORMENTpuîcaaedby oeo ef b. linuluthe BIRITISH MIARKETS FOR CASH, they vill b. ebtehowLb largéat sud cheapest stock lu the Cont>' cf Ontario. Ail aro jnvited Mt'Ti UV??TTtiI ~te eall sud examine thei(ocds, as rare bergains will be giron. NEIW II1ILLIERY UWD, R.IL J. OAMPBELL Whîtby àdIfManchester, April 6th, 1869b 14 DIRESS GOODS. 1869a 1 86à9o Spring Oampaign -Begun!l el AT THE New Goods FTJRNITTJIE WÂREROOVS --AT- -OF- McILA~& 0'.JOHN TILL teC O., WB wil Show on MONDA y, tlise Iotb W lnst., tîx o lcv0ing linos cf Dov gowéd. IN OALDWELL'S BLOCK, PITWiil be fonnd the largeat and most completemasortment ôf GREY COTTON@, well-made FURNITTiRE iu the Count'.ý Wo oifer groat inducemoents to parties about WUITE COTTONS, te furulabi, as we BUY FOR CASH ve can oeil obeaper than au>' ethor retail houge in IIEILLIANTS, Lh. tiado. A cati te inspoot oui stock la solicitcd.W. have aiseounbaud salarge sud FANOT DREES GOOD. variid asacitmont cf SW A Job Lot cf Dclaio sud Print. at X . I AL-DWELL'S And some very fine GILT COMNICES, which we offer very Celobratod -Aies, lu packages cf 10, 15a aJ io. W. are also Agents for LARARD) & KRIEGHOFF'S 80 galions. Te . l. MELLAN &Co.PA E T PR O L GS Maîb 2, 169,UNDERTÂKING in fi-duas style, at moderate' charges. UPHOLSTERY of-ail kinds doue with neatness and dispatch. THE SUBSORIBER BEING, ABOUT TO CLOSE UP TIE Urckry Gas &Erthenware Portion of lis busines il rm hsdate.9ell. île same- AT COSTU-(NOHUBC 'BAe. Oabawa,. April 14t0, 1869i Jus arieda splenpdidj ,~ SUMEL'TWEEDS, stoc. AND FUIINISHING HOTISE Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods of -every description, embracing-Shgirtg,' Coilars, _Soçks, Braces, &e., &c. ~'NO'FIT NO PAY 1 Brook st., Whitby, Maich 24, 1860. - ALEXANDER PRINGLE, '12-1>' GOD&SIL VE.R ' WATCJIES, Colored and bright Gold Ear-Drops, Rns o, Wodding xEffpge YaIloy Goods. 8-Day& 30-Hour Clooks in'great variety. Repiring cëaretuly attended Wo. JAMES JOHNSTON,. Watcbmaker &jewefleri 1WIiibys 5th, 1869. Brook Stret, WiiLby. SPRING STOCK OF' BOOTS'& SIIQES Bonn Fide Bootmake r to the people, of WHITBY AND- VICINIT'Y. If Suxumer Boots yon wish te, buy, And hesitate wbich à"hop t r John Saunderi cen 'I vne~upy Ail Iorte sud Sizes, And ac heottlas the reason wby, nie Advertiseg. Te lot the public uudeuutsud - lus HOxas-MADE Doon *0' made by baud, "Machin." sewed boots look fiOne sud grand, While they are uew; But BSAuNDEESOwxr al l ies>' tbebnhd Of Sound sud True. -Wjth-Lotbor good sud Sasms oscar, Tour tbrift sud combfoteenui- Ateundm'Abois yeorncm pr4ure, - Boots Strong 'sud is ,And weUltbey 160k sud innoix sndure, At Moderat.pries& e~Observe,John Saàu nders, site the Royal Canadian, Bauki, Brock Street,1 ,Wbtb,àMhrch 80, 1869. 0F LOOK IN AT cf -va], WA,( nei ti>' i 'i il publie. It la oonstrneed on aound oosx sMeuse pninciples, deesits werk wvi ase dispatch;. it roquiros' no extrs appîlmsso. comploe t Ws wcrk, li eompsrstivety solii lu'ILs cperatlon on -tise oloh5re.s,- sipoakaq itâcîf b>' otionts by vsielit la metst %an full, lieue. nno eblowing to e ho pt s vien fuir!>%Mlaienohed. It lias galnuappl wkerevor 1 ias bs hen' uctbing escspel orsfrcbiug pwers 5it ilsà true compaic isilusti>" IIr eqnsres but lhf!. reon. , u bouse; ii la invltiug luin tsppearauce; gidning favor vith tise Tadissas beelu best cw InUe;- Totendin>' purobasers vill do veli, h purcbasing olewhore, te mod lu aboi ior s trial cf tise sbcvomachiue, sud 0o tbom viii ho e nt premptly for tIsai purpa W- Couuty' and Township HsgbUe dlapoeed cf on liboral tenus. 1Wbltby, «Fan. l2th,'Bol luge CAJU] pub C.B-CA%£ -ANGUS M S - Torot, u on tsrlo,1 sItby 1E B ARIS, B ARIF soliolh BinuChar Torouto. te BA tsi>' Publie Camspbell, J Darrier, muade alls remevi ce art - Whitby, -FA] if thei TARIES Y mule Tv&la! ifor - id or ____ on of Il. e Attorney rdems (stro me. - . . . *on SHIKAW. 9. 6MO- RObYAL HOTEL, WITBY. T BEnncenlnsc baingpurebased thse Iu- T tou~et of bl lthp. ai i.DLt iu ibe Royalfltlbeao nemh find su bii u bli ia tibtusi in lufuture bo csrrfod ceb b lm as ole propriato, sud tbat,ssm beretofo bro, nothiug viii b. left undone- on, bis ,Osrtto xuakeev.rythlug uaiatory ta tbe nées o f thi E dysi. SDec. 23, 1868. . ' 51 CUTHER'S MT, FFSH &CLJRED! T UE UBSCKI3EUbegs >toicu custoin- eîisudsJ, Bexble t1aat bis $hop la Con- asnt suppbied wuth tii. hast B iaeMttoin, YeaI, Lmb, Prk, &c., -1in ArAgscE, ? prcporly and caiefull>' dressean"su Jitat mnit hcn.kJopor, sud for saleaite Iowast prias. Corned BSi, Pork and Ox Tangue curas! lu a uperior uxauner; and everythng lu th ictiiuallinliuc 11kept oonstasxt y GAI baud. 9w" Remouiber thse nev Sbcp-btwodu tii storeo cf Mouars. Batch sud Loirs & Powell, Brook Street 'Wbltby, Maroh sth, 1869. 10-1>' Fire Insuir-a-ne Co. lE8TABLIstiED 1803. Yue sted don. - moral' * 18-1IY jar ,Yoi Wbftby,. CH t on, Brock, A TTURZ mchaises ob., Wbil Daudan 6 tisel'ost of ARKISIJ PoTPim JS IL Occam Cont'Cro Port per B-D consulta O. . 0158 lVbltby, ni buwt ,nai sIItUtSI ullS& .W nICIAL . 1 Imm

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