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Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1869, p. 1

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w ROYA± VCINADUN »AN3E -WITBT BRANICR. ARTRUM RICUII»O4, ONRITESANDQ ATlN. A BLaw aolIito rit tetthe Banik ofMoutral, sud tho Uuipois&ti@ii0ftishe Couisty of Ontario§ i<otarioP o, e.u, Willtby, Ou. W iL. C,. C.tus'rn , . IL..Jj. MAO»@nLL. g1bsytologin upoilgpoi elt.À. ply ut tise UlIle o fsb lirnii, Court Ucuud- BAulIgIezIsT, Attoîncys, soicitorg *0. ~isroIeret,Toronto,C. W.- ANUIM<URMON -J. A.SAKFSOM. Torotsto, JtlY 2,1861. 2 g iIl VCJIRANE, L.ýL. B. nUtiNycliOWN A'fToliNEY FUR ON- Otarie, Barrster ands Attortiey-ist-LaW, Bo biltur lu (Jhsncry, N&asry I'lsblie. &a.- pio-l ligeicw'. 1New iildiug, Dolidis GÎEORLGE K. DARTN.L]Lp tory, and eaasniuriu Chaucer). for th«iCoufl- ly ofUntaîblo. 01e. Brook-t., Wlltby. B AgilISTERI h ATrOIStNEY AT LAW solicitot uanos iOe, ho. Wltby, c.W 01e.- Over Ustarlso oDtonthse' Xortis 0. iX. JARY199 IRRISTEI-AT-LAW AND SOLICIT0.9 1r,, laiocr.ClaiesJ9TruoS. Toronto. ls JAkU LEIIIGt)tORDON B AitisrISEn hTTOEtNKY.AT-LAW B olleilci lu Obsu"oe7, Convojaucer, se- tory i'u'blo. ho. Orvîlc-Neit door te the stori cf 1IL h J. Camuîel)o1, Brook #3t., ' sOn st. WUI y, N le 1, 1867. 4 . . FAIRBANKS. S OlWT(I< -N0TARY PUBLIC, &o. dho. sl<eIwa, C. A.,JONEus, * Drullor Solcior u <isscery, AU. Ut ~ tomner hcoq, ho. Iaiemered Mis OMie 1 latS Sonrovou the imd, ouiràasuo hiNt. ho au Whithy, <ot.7, 1860. 40 - - FAREWELLh Nec££E, <limes-Onodeeor nortis of tise 'ost 0ors«, asmnonwa; t)lsn ud MeFceheu'su Bloc*, oi'peabté e sud Tuwn i1#11, Bovmativlie. con. le J. E.l'àaavaai.; B. 110a3M Pt8 Alitorncysat.lsîv, soblioelulaChan& oery<.ausd Iiisolieuscy, ho. UW'moiu.-McMilliiii'a Blok, BrosR.-., s jilug rJAsmes ildcna COieWiitby, liop. i. #OUs, Q. c.,9I W. utLeez s. Iv. LUDI. e. v. osaili. ùoàstu, sIlcMsu.m's bimtczBrook Whistby, Jan. 28, 1862. -CUAULES IC. KELLER,9 ATTZOUNEY AT LAW, SOLiCTORIN OJlsaoeny 00<Joystcei, ho.,calunsg A 'T't)RNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR 1IN .t. Jtauser>, Notai> Publie, oeyuci - oWlttly f. W. Oyrit, Byron shîeet, -et,CIltANVE h CO(iIRANE. * 4tiU5'ERg.A'L'TUbUN Ezys, CUI4VEY- ->su.era atisi Notarlo.IPublilc, ho., i$c, PassesS ALsaswV-0)Vtvs- Opposle Town Hall. PoprPss~~Obo~BlOlfW'ABlock. a Il. Uiunisas, LL. I9, I W. M. CooutirAn. PJousiLy Crovu Attcrne'y. P oit Pery, lth Veousier, 1865. 51 LYMIAN ENGLIII L L ».. 1)ARUIISTER AT LAW, Solicitcr lun- isan- Vk oit Oicoe, ('alitifs. 40 PR. HANCOCK9 ("5%ou N h &rcuemvo7.) SURGEON, -ACCOUCIIEUN, hCet R.BuJ. GUNN, MDe - S UROZEON TU Tînt COUNTY GAOL, W. H. LAW, B. A., M- D., Phyusiciens, Surgeonu, Accoucher, ho. TIOMAL9 HUSTONi, VTOWN CLtKbâTltEA#U1OII>î WIIITBY .LUffic-Trovu li1 -1ait lifto 1Io'elcok. -VIÇTORIA KOTEIL. W Wm.Bolyntis.) $7 IOY11TOI8Ui'siNOTL, 'iorcumdfug tontîos4,tbs t h is ne i ied tise A101.1 on Wllilauutrotiattly (.cupicd by J$witt,and aise lias lied 10It-hi-ed sudireilis- 01iemeo. Wino, Liqucni ted Cîgama cf tise Wa4nattolItlV oietl el *tlWàyb Ilàattllnd MARKHAMt J. IRVI!P0OTTON5 - viprieur. WILSON HO USE, h.. ILSO Jr- Prpritore T in su 0 o po1r tiaib or àa sblmti for thiseacoidtion -orth tmIr- le aInbbÏ. Thi.ouse la nov. ,usd ai-r nlisheti a mesSthorou aud ooiusortahle ;a~p ver e. viiud v u-yevaiuea emablibmout, WMl.., Liqo, ~r ft» bohet Brindes lvsyaReiS ou Sge tablicsgend etteptire Ostlin ail 4- WILSON, tir.1 DtaO G@1ciuci M ie, rog? Uabsou ste Ma guess, sud bho houtresbhdw MM, ther@ quitolàotiOf te 1traielILbg commauiti. - -JAIMEs CEOCRER. Alblou liotai, liaS marketsSquare, loptasior iUs,1867. BlNDAS STREETO WBIIRY,'C.w. GKUEKWuUI, Fropltc.y. Hr-.m.oueiber beg lie êaa JL blsied"tise beîîding oîu.zly kPoov aierlituro'ela oW iwllolias beesi ronovat. oiiaia d, st1 t Vot d au'ath MIi 'tgsfui Uxbidge sud Beaverton lbave lhodoor aves> u<orasg., Board @1 perday, T UM1EMECINT apent4r, i Jbee.sSt, Wbltby.ý A largoquan. UNEMALàs ttt mupl d asîlouýdel F ahosotib.. '0Bait kpî oust-ltti baud.1 W'rA Hteetohileoiutlboraltarnse.. - 0EOROECOR 'MACK. Wlitby, Feh. ith, 1862. à- BrookliJnI Drug Store@ &'Oilno a d Lquosotthebotquality gm7ef auicM.kddafmywq no u arcoklin, C. W., isop 2b CROCI ERSt IOThL, <LATE PLATT') NELSON 8T. TORONT09 NiORTR O'r ING ÎST. BASSETT à KEEBLE, Pua ovu. nllEroriatorsmae flb> ausseuneceste Shoir f*ledi& ts istanoe, lasvoilasm51 vhIsîciare lu ovou-y opetos ouvolendy v sud8 confrtabl i £lod p li the sccommcodslou cf gnul#& sud thse traveling publie. Tisey viii b. ouud isi constant parsona] attoudatea, sud vii laesse toting undcue ou thisupsrt,to ailve aatisaotiou te air Whio May favor tiseun vitb a TEOXAX GIBBON. COMMISSION TMER CHÂN2I INtiuRANCE, h GENZAL AGENT. Whitby, Jan., 101h 1866.- B. PLANK - Proprtotor. Stages to sudfrom W itbï eal dlly. Every attention psbd to gneata. (arefel acd atten- tive osîlera. 9 1868. 1068, THIE LERPOOL AND WONDON .A.30= LZ#0 INSIJRA NCE COMP'NY. lias been bu exbslonco tliirij-t-vo yous, sud dnriug tisat porlcd isas paid "9«sm exmstding ilie end a hait million Peund$ e trllag. The. dijisursemmnt oi h hua gormeus sons oer a vlIe ars, bsa itisout denbt, eomti. bated te tieoat alimuett of tMsa lsitutlcn, lu tise Confidensce cfFenuLiocoswoaarus, Mas- cNAN", l suoiDOLu8, sud busîni ea s en- or"ll, vrevsr <t- ls r.presetci. lu itl fintya, 158, Iiine Brmlunuuis umou'sred te ................. £9,970 Il Il otist>-es.-, 1846........47,7<'5 Oîtyeur, 15..... 80; ltsyeur, *866 ...... ..19,8 une# 7eai hâter, 1807.........£b8,ob Th Tie ire Besenvo Fonud la nov Ç4.727,464 Tise JLifo Bosrve Fond la nuev #î,282,448 Tie Cinpauny la iepu'ested tsrcul.nt Un- tarie td <Jnece, by lifineultil Agtst o vhicr appiicatliom for inaurasîce msy De made. G. F. C. OITII, EzaînU#O szouivàr, MoUtraZAI, L. FAIiIBANK8,I Jxm -AOEST, W91munir, ÙVa» EzTtoursi ne. Fobruary 17th, 1808. TUE ONTARIO FAUMERS' . MUTUAli INSURANCE COMP'Y. la gI8Copan> la nov flly arganud sud T. ta1 propred le ave>-pt ruis oko m Bmlldlsugs, And titulu cOstejto, Country Scoi liotîss, ai&Churchs. 'rise vlals-g te lu- suu-o and thlseeby suppert n H ome lbi:ansce cotspany, hure nrov an oppcrutnity cf doiuga sus, by 7aîplybng abuser nt thue ltoad office, or te atiut e lesoaagents. ourrates i iil be fcuud aau bo eastlise.ofsu> iceuosihia Mutuai lu- surauce Company lu C'ntas. L. AIIJ3ANKS, Js., sueaxuas,. IIEAD OFFICE.-Breek Stroat, Whilby. HOTEL & PIREMISIES - FOR SeL.g. - T HAT oit! atal44.d sud voil kusevu go- tel, tisa CENTRALU lSE2 Splendid roauy #tahling, sud driving chai, Wot.ihrvith on,@ or tvo scitescf lanîd slMch- ea, sals,> hoduaigi, sud &abusycuug esu isîg OroisnnI& Tier. sa<vo oiela vilsgocd pumnpa nud ozellent va.ou. - W Tf,, iscie lîl Se oidti asbaraini. sudi ona o ise tIsahsosa utise DomLinion fou an &sAe ebusinesspinu. Wilho oxoiangcd for fism puopeît>'. For S4rou-sAe., apply Q (il ietteu, proît) Ootobs WILLIAM BC LTON,g Oeo.Ay.rs. FIEST-PRIZE HOIS4SUOEI, THOUOLD, -ONT. A. léOOx, __Proprwoorp. y.J J. GEIBIN, Box (4, Oils iP.0. N EW STOVE P otd",r to mesI = f.luse a ad nd 1lu llroad sud tise-lssportlngbcfiVeldea, tise snubior ias Opeiiid a > otve sui Tin bbb# op, ueduer setis of Tub h àSaino's ]Fiui- tar muorce, vise.the.bosS STOES& INWARE unsbch1111,1, anîd sAIimaunem cf Tinumiti' vcrk donu e iorait not!ee. De là lo ,opper, Brans, Collets and Diue %ago, W o eiio orne lUnir sud Ail massue, eft tuck a i cargo.> ýWJIitby, Maich Stis, 1869. 10 UX.RBD GE9 r'PBISUBSCBEu l a ltted opsundoin- L -pletoly mauevted tha above «Ad entablisu- fil iii-ClamaBétel, sud soiloils tise patronage < 1 ! ti s p u hl i d l oM n d s . T h u e t a b h e s d bauis vstise bua- Good recul> tat- 1 E AI MSTROI4G. llxbridgo, Jeu. "1i,189.4 ONTARIO HOTEL laie C. Daves.) WHITI3Y._ON*£AIRIO. A. ALEXANDER - - Proprietor. T IIE subomibar dairca t10 monun tIsais.e te thée Publlic fur tise Vér er a li patron me btowe Iro himwhileipri-tor ot tisa obe ûte, roklisud astéise ume n labos ocsasiloa é'gnuue tisaI lie hsas leauod tb. aboie evi Ruevu isotl i aroadditions have boom recently madoto tise pronims mentr- log, roue comunodinsacaoommsodation sud iasiug tisa numbeor of sJeepig roomniste pasrly cis i sif sucra tissuformeriy. AÀSu-t- clame Billard Parlor viltisma. ti'iles basnaise' beau addcd. Izleusaivo additinsbouates Otabling, Miedo4,Jouée Bore$, ho., have ais0 beau uado. AUI.abliug tise undorsigued te efort tisa CM Pied#s sud ais, public gese- veleomne hMold Mouds. Wi.itby, Dec. 2, 1@58. 48-ly Quelry Why ta II t toiasnob 15a oinnfor pictteres AT CLJARK'S GALLERY? It la becanas ho bas tihe at Gsbiory lu Ise cuuly, sud ha.sumore patiene vt il h ren tissu any chier ArilsutIs e Contity, susd eau do quit# as good viRk a san> chier masslu tise Couuty. £Mr Thosvbat'a the matai,' sedon't b. bac yard about eoissilug foivard. 13 ROCK ST.. WEITBI'. Whitily, Nov. 12, 1807. 46 0. N. VARS,9 bmncoe'tept tird Joor ecurti of lise Ontario - EXPREISSAGENT, ho., sisoAgent coideut sud tSlsud uintenco Cea. 17 R. N.SWEETAPPLE, VETERINARUT SURGEON' Graduate of Ontario reterinary tolieje antd lat. uA"tant te Pref. Smith, of Toronto. puer. BtJCKLAJID, Prufoaur of Agriculture, Toresîlo Pao,. 'SMITH1, V.O8., Principal ofountnrlc V. (lollece. Ds. BO0VELL Teooto. "ROWELL, P. S-R.SWEETAPPLE eau hbo conousloi Profoamicuali> at iielelence, llnooklis,, nt ail luurs. Buoolliu. Apu-il 14, 18M. 15 HENRY GRIST, (z2.2'BLIS$HED 1500.) PATENT SOLICITOR DRAUJGHFSMANI OTTAWA. CANADA, Tuanuet tisssiueè% astIstîxu Patentt 015ce, 4p4l other dopart nusof tise Govern- tun>. Copyrighsaiusd tise registualicu cf 6usd. Mfarks mend Desiguat proeurcd. Dfmg& 0>Faebf anto~ed .ther Doewensoes. m, nu,~ ~~0 leserPîimîl areaslom, prouned ome- .Ie osuos. cdprelM- -iory sac>'.ina9*6e Faim$ (4>8e.tard- f«U fnamde Grnd Trunk Railway NotoL AT WHITBY STATIOK. MII. ONBIL lusvlnog punobusod t-be boiel- yysud prenla.kuovnunastise Graud Truinle Motel, W hitby station, heP t lu iforni li fteulendujtisatraveling public tisat bc bas fitted op tise houe end %tables lu frac- oim styla, udby Attonutustisa vantd cf those vise farc iim vus their stucusge trustato met s o«tiiium et ither cui4oin. or Parties taklug lis, transd lassiofi boises viii baesbein vol taRais"ceefet ili Shait etusu. Wbitbry$, S MpI.,16. AUCTION BUSINESS Jîtem- I :t soa TYNI wuplytom on ny Utter,1 1 . i-vIP STOREPWIJ9 pk tgn1inmE At Port Whbkbyt ,st j-ruoisi ooplod bytb. uedoragis.dB. 812W. Ne w Ba-kery 7~ll undrsied is.pctfnl ifcrinsthe Lpublie thit a la coitantiy prepssred tw al i vti Fîrpitude ail crders lu thse fakery and CticfetlcsIary line. Bruit, Spotige, and ail other kinde ct Cake, Tari, ud Biscuita of thse lea quaslit f kr.ai 1 1 n.Alo1ob adors, Sardines, Com oe, Gitnger Boer, &o. Baker, Ccnfeetlcner, ho., Brock et Wity, Jaly 16, 1867. 28 FIRE AISSURANCE COO, L'MABID STEEET dh;OHARCINt czOSS, EBIABLIBRE» 1IN 1782& GILLESPiE, MPA1Th&Co., Agents for JAMES DAVI84PN, Manager. I ISURANCE agaînast LOSS by FIREare 1 tee m ie satfv rab etonussd I.088E8 ialD ,,itiscut referouce te thiuIord lu Losidon. 1 Prll 8rd,1866. YEOMAN GIBBON Agent, WhltLy IMPIIOVED FARM Te Selil, Beufor let os Shiares. F ARx te sol, et, or let on sbires West, iaf lot 26, lit- cncession cf Uxbnldge 100 &cres, 70 acres c il.. Apply (if by ltter, pcst-pald,> le Wnm b'P. 0 NOTICE.-Ail parties are foîbld outting or îemoviîg tituber omvcoo1sf ny klnd vhat- orer, frecs tise aDove lot, san c porionuait ddig se, after <hi. date, are trespassero, and viii ho troatod sa sanob, te dise Jul ezloni et tise lier. SWitbi, Sept. là, 1868. S. FULLE.R.1 87-tf FOR SALE cultivated ramen, Improved Town Property, Wild Lands, &o., "0 INI'BOVED PAI. -, I'art of Sout--, 1 et 10, 4tlis ccfesiu Mars, sj,inisig tise VILLAGE OF BRECHIN, 80 Acre-40 Aeres Clese. Lot 11, lnili11h oneessicu Of Mars 00 saie, isncvm s' tishe NEIlà PARU, about 25 Pores slered. Lot 12, In i 211, concesion cf Mars, 200 acres, about -10 acresc cearoi. Nortlài4~ Lot 14, 101h coucessioen et Mars, 100 acies, 12 tu 16 acres cicarod. lot 11, th cncemsion cf S'unIs Ollas, kmswn unsIlSteont Pa loint," eusnL"ka Cou- ciiiug, about eue toile fin lise VILLAGE 0F ORILLIA 14 acre' AIont 15 pse ored, bîsîanceocf Lot iseautlffull y vooded. Titis, vitiseut ex- o.-pton,lsutise best alînatoulPr"jortyeon Lake ouioiis.Tise vbcw oxton ing the visebe distance. of tise Laske, and etubracsug tise INDIAN VILLAGE* 1aEeBmaq tise Town ef Orhils, h tise Nurrowe oh Luke Simece. TOWN PROIERTY IN THE TOWN 07 WHITBY, Six Lots ou Byron srct, direcoiy ncnih cf tiso nsideuceocf $. Il. Cnoctrane, sqq. For pivate reiridoes!ccs, not oxoulcd by atiy viicnt property lsutir w,.. Rciera pi vî, rim t.- tn six lo", feneed, lu tise neiglul crbooed cf tIse nov woU.an 0a- tholia Churcis. TuEuSE ACRES, fcd, kuevu a. <heoeld Cricket Fieldl. T WO ACRES, feuc.d, vest cf Cricket fiel. 1 U ACRE, <euosd, vof ir ricket field, 6 LOm, fenced, voit ;cf residance of Jas. H. Gere, Esq. U ACE focedsenti of residecos of Jas. I ACRE, fened, sonti-veut do, do. 1 <ACRE, vent cf residene. cf J. Lynos. SL9TB, feocd, vcst Mthodlat Cisurois. sLOTSl, sentis mesdenca J. J. Haurp r. 10 17 tor st err-tat ot o r planlni Mill1. Frya. ctsc rs 8 LTS nmot Duuds slreot, oppositermsi.- deuice eof1?hos. Ieverilî. 10 ACRESi, on Brook atreet, u'eth mrilvay bridge. W- Alao sevoral Village L»o ai vamlqna purtm cf the Town. ni3!oSINF.so *'REUIuEs. Tise vacant Lot sdjcling Lovwes h Povell9g, Brock Street, 87 f.et font, 18 feW dîep te s Tisa vacnt Lt otuthntifet Moillars'. Biek, 22 lus ieut, 98 foteep. tesàlana., 5 lots. a"stBrook streai, atvsmn Royai Blotl sud, momiliau's Builidng, 24U Pf. *bout, eoseut adaop te& lau., té feat ide, ýW[LD- LANDS." Mlaro, Sout l$ ~18, haom 10sgres. Berne ~t.ye10le$7rd tlep RjoNn R MU. Tise n'dersigned luia eeedinamiton to Inventaà large Oumi cf Moue>, Eesptiyabie lan euas or by Ysmlyr Ou Impiovd Faimm, ou productive Town or Village Yoporty. Firut- cia,. Motgagos purebesou. W- IWOocf bterest 8 peu cent. No Con Aprili26114 Apply te W. n. BILLINOS, 1 Solicitor, ho., Wiitby. 1809.17 TT NBOUSE, PORT WHITBY. IR. SNOW9 Proprieotor. Thse aboie vs.ll-kuown hotllbiasbauntlis- romgisly rpnovated sud uoewly fiui.nshed by theo =re-roprleter., Thoe St*blitnp, ho., haTo p- uptsa nelcent, otite cf e r, agsd DO-1 thbisg huan bain lott andone to eçooth requiro- meula cet suëit.. Tli@eTablo lssepplled vitheoverytlsig o thes beat lu ssOn, amndDODOtbut tise butbrands cf Wlnoa, Liqucra sud (Igara kept aitishe Bai. 1869. TUE SUPERB NEW 1869. 94NORSE MA.N"9 am es c amezn sa aS iLSrai,. auv NORTE SNEOBE PORTS FORaT 0F EOCHESBTEIR, And viliicntilnue maling dail7 tripe, aving Ccbourg t-S a.um.; Port Hoy'p '.Csm Calea bWi~tby, Oshuiva, Dailingtou sud Nov- oastle. Wednosdaymomaies; At Brighton, Tisnrggdisy surulunga, aui Coiborue oveîy morissg oeceps Wedeeady. Eeturinn oves Port 0f t oeisestet daily at 90 p. mn., oxepi Salutid&ga, vison ah. leavos aS 2 p. m., direct for Port Hope.. DFosamou-Applv ountbcardoci w C. Drapr& C Whiby James O. Uuyous vA;1 J. MeLelin, Diiwgou . I ?<lmisu Nevosile; A. Cochrane &adde C iIeudoaou Port Hopo; C. Elliott, Cobourg, J. Keelor, Coiboen; Winaas & Butler, BrigAton. Apîili List, l». 1 PEOTOORAPE (*ALLEKY 04Laa. C. Ha»uNta. DUA STREET, WH727. Ma. Vmfflowivii o awsyot prepared te laRe Likanes... of li kinda, PIIOfOGRAPIS, ASiBROTYPIS, di..o5., in l a suerior men- iei and vili lifelike socuussey. Cabinet PlIkB, 96'lu vory rosai Paf.opaitoula, or plain crcarve4 oxford Frimes. lis-.Isîg madle arrargemeta itisUma. Ewixe, cf 'l'o co ho b. prappîod le suppiy tise peoplo, cf W is?o vithFBHAM KSof ail kîisudataIver yreinsuae rates PIIYFUKES etiarged te LIF£ SIZE, and COLORIsD lit QI b. tg cil attention gentCOPTING OLP PO RT01. Ma. ,IF laOMT eAiTS. lu lakiug CIIILD- Wiitbr, Apnil tb, 1899. 1 »aRiTisa AJIERICAN ASSURIANCE COMPANY . aýita1, $400,000. T IIE lE nderaigned haviug been appoiuited Ageut for thse abuse Coumpany, isiiiv propoaeoi tteloaure pnopent y againai !s taS BY PIRE, on theomoist favorable lorms.. Appij ge, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12uics. Agent Wiiithy TEETII EXTRACTEI> W~ WITHOUT PAIX, BY TUIE USE OF NITIOUS OXIDE L&UGING GIS, OR TUE 1NEW LOCALAN.,ZSTHTIC, AT DENTAL ROUlIS, DUN DAS STREET, WHITBY, C. W. ROOMM-Ovo' If. Il. Cooisusu'a Stoeo. Whlbts, Joue 26,1867.2. COMMERCIAL HOTELP T ilmborihor hega to'amnonueeo 60 bis Tuciondàansd tIs, publie, that h. lias e- snmoq possession cf t heaaboya wvansd fW voiablyknovisoli, iih la nov fibd v. bu a ipoior uane,fvith »Tory couvons- once er t-igeoopticu df. guesta aud tiseira- Bot coommodaticti, sud supoîrlor vins, lquma ud igaa.Good aiablinp', vith enoiaod adsdattentive Osiler i-, vsoe tis inle.Charges INodoerttS E.9. CALDWELL. Witbv, Jan.4a4, 196.2_11 Duil griefMy 1f, liver iadlu'g, No-hmpiyy tlicnght54 e'er cab kucow; Làk. floversa teiioe<rver fading Beneailà a-nicnatyanpok of seow». Wauted oa sesaà oéiïtlo.. Oh 1 Ibat Ibis piogent voie iny dvelling.plaeo, 14 itis cne teain servant for sny inilter; Thon ld dls.pbe w itis al .benisnýi' race, And, hlring mena, koep Il imatessd c0 ber. T. meeh- ulule, L<q whcu uuoeulng sii Noewiselpa are ïtHl luveuted, eau y e nct> Cosstmuet mie asc ois n nlue I Do e la do.ming sunoiswili work la msi a cet, Thctsjlxwith onu tw o lc st ay sy noveo yhot X4a ? 15. Oh' "TA KE BlED IR THE BEST MPEED."1 ST VEANCE8 VBBELLqGO 550011W. "Nov ould thowansd 1 'ohbt6h. tbi veol sud go Merriy tiiLoudo Is hwould ha argument- fer a weo, langliier for anýisdago Joat ici ever 1"1 nnh sdagc "Tbere'. no doubt about it,' anid Frauk Hesketis, tipping up bis chair aslise spoke, se tiaIho could poke a great pleco of oosi ln th.eniolderiug tire wltthtboe cf bis bcot,-'thero's no eartisly doulit about it,- tisat people believ as mach lu giots ncw sa ever they did. 1 amn sure wo are mat- ter-of tact et,.omgb, vit-h ouirailîcade and teieffrEpis,to drie soh bunibug ont cf folk sabends toc. TIn tise old-faÎhioned days, vhen thse postsuan came onliy <suce a week, aud the ewierg 9uly weut imb town once, tiser. vas miore excuse for snob autediimvisn notionsaV1' Il6es more tthou foolisis 60 believe la sucis thingi ncv-a-&dyo,' replied AuI Han- nais lcoking up heom tise stockiug aise vas darning, Mud taring vith loveied hbead st Piaulk over ber spectacles, as if ber ey os ver, borna, and ob@ intended te toss hlm. 61'm sure tiser. are muore dangers and for worse alarmes tissChisi&nts u iose un- believiuÈ day. 1'm n uold vouuan, aud 1 daru more eas'îly frsgistencd nov tisais 1 6= o e; but, upon my word, Vit scones see a spectre ina sheet at midu:gbt tissu 1 vould undergo a sailivayjoumuey, sisut up witis a muadman, as somo poor somis bave doue.' - 'Bravo, Anut Hannail &hesu ted Franki witis a laugis. 'But tison yon kncv, yom are sucis a Tory atrong miuded woman. Wisy, il yon sav 6he most alarming piece cf spiritual manifestation and tables and chiars dauce polkasil round joli 1 vould net asako jour unhelief. Wbat'a tise good of talking 60 a woman 1k. y ou, viso nover experienoed tisat deligisîful lste of shiveiing terrer, visen even a lest resifng'makea jeu quake liRe &a jeily 1 Nov, Mildred, tiser., la a botter specimen. ishe bas w.ll atudied tise 'Nigbt aide cf Nature;' eau read six gisost stories off at a sittlug ; sud luiuteil away destd at Pro- (essora Poepper's 'Ghiss t wvicb siso knew ail -about beforeband I' 'Foirabame, FranI r oed Mildred, ln- diguantly.'it's really too Sud of joui1 1 kaov I dîA oncé rmd the Christmnas num- ber of a London magazine, vithis lsx gist #tories, il oha st once; but tison, you kuov, autie dear,, tisat- vas tmie years agc ; andi, as for tise 'ýhost' story- Frauk'a version, I1Iean-it s a àbase fabri- cation. Tt vas enly tise beat a tise recru.' 19 la true, tsa4t, a certain exteut, people of tise present daj rank gisot, p tirits, sud .uperuatnral storier atncng tiseir necessary sensations. It lasa super- stitions belici tisaI bas veatsemed tise 'bat. fle and tise hi eeze' cf manj centuries, lu every aud ve Rue.,' cf, sud 16 sete iikoly 60 bold ils ovu as strongly sasever. Country folks& are naturally mure proue te it, anîd vere stili more so lu my jcun- 'or d,,,,, T ier remote sd isolated dw e. lingfli,în more louely lireil, tended te increase 16; sud duli evonings voeeenliv- eued sud terrified by sncb tales over thse cheerlul tires. But 1 caunot uuderstand ninetecutis century people, nov, caiusly sittiug under their gas lugistean sd owuiug tbeir heliefluntheiu.' Ob, Aunt BannahIl1' oed Millie eager- ly; 'lu our par&fthe lbwvrld tbinsgs vere se deliglstfully primitive, 1 amn sure jeu ought te ho a perfect treasmry of gbost legeuds.' 'Oui paît cf tishenrd bl cried AuI Hiaunas, faiîly ianghiug. 'Bien tise oid. Whis' oniy tiirty miles nearer veat- aralter ail; sud upon my vord, !. lU:e, ldoes net eem 60 me tisaI, itis ejei are getting. biggeu oveiy uminute.', "11 shall not indulge jour cravings, Fnis" eplied AuI t libi, amillng mircisievo aIsy; "for il la evideuti> -onej Word fer Mldred, andîvo for jeuiaeit. You are certoinly bten viIh tise very taste Yeu dopuocate so boeudly. 15e , for loft, yen shenld go -sisiveuing te- bcd, suad bae'snob berri du eas,us st jou .wouid net yak. lu lime for joureffice Io.iov mcruîn,I1 von'î tellYOD obont tise sbes of tise drunkeui fiddler tisatnsed te sut- on tise atone stop of tise well, or tise gebilu sted 0ici gahiop .11 sys cessed ou one aide eta particulierrutile. Nor vill. relate the iogousi cf t-be elWvomun luàared eeale, visé isauntcd tise chuvis pàand ud a amn nombre vison it vas tàru<d iauother direction.. Nor of the prier-vio souglit for his ýsilver ouzier ïlu-tis ebcisrbard. Nor efthlie la>me lavjeu, vitis bis ruSitlu; bucide' ui;st-gcv'n, drsggang 'bi 1am log ater hiÂm. Nor o-'1-- t 'Aunt Bannais I jon are as cruel as tise, 'lieu vires sud glanss.tramnes.atisaI abat out sncb tomuptiug food froin starving mentiss. Ncv Mildred, la net Ibis-ýtw,, toa badfIl 1ildred Joined lutise eutcry,ýaud hgged se perseveringi>' fom a stouy-only oe good stor>', tisat Anut .Usnis - releuted' -fonver viearluef5s. 6Weli,yjcng folks, te appose jon botis sud kecp su>'bond on my abouideus, 1 toill tell yen a st-orj ot my jenuger dajs; but m.ud, it is net one cf jour modern 4Sg- daugicis, fou cvomy word cf itlei truc, sud, il resliy lsippoued 60 rul ownu aer- your grausdfaîhc.' Tise joting Clks vigoroudalypplaudcd ber promiie, sud Frank setîled isuelt miet a cosufortable attitude for Iiateniug. by puttiug botS bis legs over tise atmn cf bis chair, and puiiing tise cusicu round te bis bacS. As for Mildreèl, aise ourled *berelfuspvrj comfortabie on iesetanest- liug wt1il lto tise cuakona, asç1 dravinq a sisavi over ber, evesi up te ber ci. Tisen Anut Bannaisuat ver>' boit uprigbt, just ater ber uouai custoun, ber apectclces percbed bigle ou ber toreisead, ses aiM- mait te forsu an appeadage we ber cap; sud, ber bauds, one atliiemabrouded ln tisa stcoking aSe vas darning, tolded puimpi>' ou ber lsp. 'Nov 1 vain ycu, My>'doars,' abe beganr %bhat my isistor>' viii Secof % nature tisaI vas, lu Ibose dajs, a source oc.ftar more abselute aud taugible terrer tissu ghesta ver., or could bo. WMon 1 vas a girl. rsivays vere, as jet,undieamed cfý sud tise march cf intellect iu ouvesteru ouuties, but a crawl at -bost, luko a susîl op a isouge Wall. Ououi>' communica- tion vith the vcrld bejond, us vasby tise post, tise letters being brcngisî Ivuce a vook hy tise coacis, sud fctcised frostise top cf tise bill bjtise oid potmaster, fuso Duraten. Bis cleffo, lu tbse.day, vas aimait a sineciue, -for postage vas oxpen-- sire, sud lottu-s bat tev sud far botvaeu. $And as. for travelling I1'<Vo ere cou- tented te ride ou iserselesck e 1tise market lovus; or ou greal cc=îosuscb as, a deatis, or s ricS iegacj, or. seuetiig of tise sort, ou foks travelied b>'tise coaches, snd very gocd travelling 16 vas, too, lunsu> opinicu.,Thera vas tise getting up andiskiug breakfast iu th. dark, vslking np tic bil le uncel tise coei, sud, thon, 1(11 vas ooly flue, climbbmg nop Ont- aide, te b. varmi>' vrnpped up. and cern- fortabiy pîscoul, by tise polite coaclîsan. Tisen, as lise day grow cider, tiser. was tseesrly Sun sîining on sncb glimpios of devy fild.sud puirpie hbis I And uc bsd timie te look ah tise vi#àwr.aud esjny tiseun,thon, vitisot bicig %liuked ounlac- fore we vere sure vhether w-o iad acen s cov or a isayatack, ns wo are new bY those wisirliig raibvînys. 'fien tiser. voue sucS mort-y disîners and supperu at tise oid iusns On tb. rond ; -sncb farnona dishes bisat eccisatoppiug place wnm ucted for. A jousruoy vas n jeurue>' in tise daja, sud fur more èelemn and carotul preparîstieus vas made for 16tisuan your AuI Julia tisougist nocessarj tise Otheu day, vison she stsrted on tise ovrmlssnd ronte te Australia. But tise cld- coacises uow are almoat as grout curioicitios as tlîe coins et Cisules tise Finît. SucSb-Coziles ns <bey voue, toc, dravu b>' excellent borses, sud dniven by oxperlouccul coacis- mien. Auîd tise>' ad even womso perds te encounter scuuotimt1Iln tie .that more feeq ueutly isappu-nd-.stch as beiug dug out of a deep ai-.w drift, or upsetting devis bill, cm sut miner casunlies as viseela ceming otl'.or tise bouses', sises; for îbey vere luabie to ho steppedl on tise rosd! b>' totpads or higisvajmen, sund moibed0 et iever jpourtbe ise'orriod,-- 3cmse w 5Me ïvîded hb. did, adaispacé tisai justifisd lber usme, yeti tlaona forber the'comusendalions of Îll the ostiéés sud stable boys stmndingground. Sise vas a noted bous. for speet!, andliauh gained ber bonoesaet more tissu opé trot- tiug matchs Untise counny, sud vus the ves>' prit!. and cieligisi of ber ovuera heaut,.$ho Icew bis voice, sud tcllewe4, hlm 1k. a dog, sud litertlly' obeyed bis, genîle Coemmanda 11k. s udt tangist dog.' on vent tise veli mstebed pair at a atendy pace-cu, lb rougistise long roada, borde- ec.d bj quiet lSoilds, -visere tise ligbt jet remaiuing sufficcd to show tise'quiet cevu sud ase.p making thiel concises -for -tise nigiet. 'But 'tise jogged ou, the ir vay - pesocabi>' en.ugb 6 tise baif-vsy fin- viser. su>'fabiser prudeuti>'gave Peily a siscut feed auJ tfenminutes' guise, isileý ho braced-up bis evu atout neuves b>' ati extra "osia f iome-brevod.. Four O' gmaut!atbeas oa ver>' tcm;creto man- cveu uemsîkabiy so lu tisose da>vs, tw liai men at longsud trsnk bard. Tue>' vere a isardier race tisen.- ste more- aud dr.mr.k- more, o oue t tie>' aisewaiked sud rode more, sud livet onger tissu peo- pIe do nov But yonrgr distserivisel>' etcbeved ail moue potent beverages, lb.sn bis own home-brevet! aie, sund ieft tise more fier>' spirits for barder isadsa iss bis. DesîleValley. Thsis la tisa nainegivea 60à alaley abeut eigluî miles fromCaip ad4y, ou-tise Ma'- bave 4iveri, li Csliforuis. 1t eceiiod 1<5 usme ft. atraget!>' viiciocuiedt! sre Iu 1850. Tise îe is lever tissu useh level et tise ses, susl-wbolly destitule cf vacer. It la sema fifty aille. long b>' tiiui lu biaadhis sud, Mavoeaitvo pointoy h ha4 viscl>' neircled b>' uouutsiua, op, vhoee ute'p aites it la impouaible for su>' but ex- peut'climberua aeed. Tt la devoid of, ve!retationan sd sWsow of bird or vild beast uaer darkor.ed Its visite, glarlug sani. Tise tu-ugedytisa gave tise vsle>'its naine vas fearful aimoait boyond descriptioun. lua 1850,.a large trahiwith tome tisee bundred euigruuta1 troui Dhluois, came su tu-euon Slait Labo, guidai S>' a Mormon. Wlueu oeut DemSt :Valley, a dissout huoeont lu a part efthlie train-,sud Iveuly-ona familles cama te tise couebualon tisat tise Mormeq kuev -ucblhung abcat the ceunir>'; mo <bey - appcinted oeeof siseir number 0'leader, aud broRs cff frountishe maln psnby. This tea, dem determinedt! w taritdue vcs ; se vitis tise people, sud -vaggouasud ocks, b.i travellet! fer tisue daya. sud tisen deacendet! iuté tise brout! vaibe', viso.ieciseeroum' miruage promiset! Taler. Tse>' îeacLed theo centre ; but oi>' tise vhiey glanin - saul, iscùeudt by tise seenciig peaks, met théli gaze eus eveiy baud.- Âiuud tise valUe> tise>' vadered ; sud eue b>' ou.ie tne si died, andthebpseting Boce a tmetcised tselm. selves le deatis under tise bot amP.- Tises tise cisildru eorying fer vater,» died t iti mothers, brouta.; sud vitS svoileu teugmos andi hrnuing vitai, tise inciera folio ed, Waggcu ator vaggou vas abaudonet!, sud astroug meus tottenet!,asd rsved, s"d duo-. Ater s week's vaudeulug, s dezen sînvi-: voua fbond! valer iu tise blobofa rock lu a meuntain. It laeýd Set asoit lime; tissu . &H periahed- but- twoa,.bo, tisîcugis - seoaunirionlons meaus, got-ont of tise val. tl> sud fclieved <lue trait et tbeis' former éocpsuions. Eigisty.eîen pensons, vitit bundreda et auimnal&. peiissed inluthis tsar- fui place, sud ine. <su e uesnme of I)eall Valle>' bas be applied to it. Â yonng couple atoo& op te 5. mairiet!, la Clevelsut, Ohio, theeotiser day, sud visen itU lad>' vasWtbave uaid "les," asai dalt!"n," very - Oai>'. S. * la4 tbougisi 10 sobool ber- beau te vihasaihe buusgieed a sscrifice, butel ahetiselt mom- ent, buer 20ge gave vay,,sud se coui4 out de 1:. grest sstottiisuiaut, aù7ectiuug tableau. Ne Camde. - ,A Dr. Rive&s et Virginie, recently' @bot, b>'accident, bis:yotiug vite to siseus ha lusd beau aisinied s foi<igtit. - À fermser lu Indiens, receuiy l>'poved. op su oId boot, l inwico, Sefouiud f 300,iq gold sud eliveL - Il pff. 1pronîptîr Ni SHAW. _rE L IWALMSlI JIRED le Miop is coue , Pork, &ç,1 moat tie ltswet ,Owiso&woen blle W MOIN. 10.1>' IceCo Sterlinig. y, Wssm llovmsnî 1 1 1

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