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Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1869, p. 4

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Mud and te spol uea0» . sea avu, ha, ont> #0 e try lte Bboeboue e.dy;i j bav th,.in airevm Ulm MARI'AIÀDW OTY $0 tbord w datu êç4, &W*p J «ap 01aW99 ay dep,Froary, 1009- 1 tsersb> dr ths 1 have tnovu lMr»- le > proityandt râtb. f bart la n onitreoed n iete D béa@' 1belave Loy .erÃ"lUtO te W batTu Iu #,cuylisetlar. 1 know -liailo Itie iber me. vas dsd ohe..; 1 a ndIkow taIt mit bus, stn ase bram~ser alirays atributed lier r*oovary to taé II tomonoeea emsdy. Whatev r Y my bate peoliar propertieseof $bis mndicineî one SIung ln otûrst ln ber es, I bassle eti hal ostlite perfôt mnance a mce. A. y., WOOD, à. P. Verden ofthlie Connty t- HastIng4, Provincee of (ontm".oDominion of Camaia. Id ATWU HAIIE Vigo£@ Lipoll, mes., Boy. 101h, 1lm. 1k.. J. H..GénW. Va des t Wcli atton W thbc article ln our les$ Alnan epinte for yon,, nader te baesor 1, airVgo" à nev preparation, upon whistour iD, lye, m la ong been enigageS sud whlets- vs are noV itodu labino year arbat. Wtare lutrodaeed, te Viger bas von ltse approbation of,bolh duelra sud consues, sud ve Imuslyoa wiltt lad It a velonie 4sSii lion 10 your eik a.reUiôZereovative for lthmr. W.$bbof o mio& lb teouratstiofl ,lit tb. assaranee ltaI j'on vii lain tmore et.eteal asudtemsobectionibta taon an>'of tbe sil"r propoeus now lua rteos. Tour. brai>, J. (1. YMRd; Co. Thétiianbqaorber Iaagent for a&U of Dr. Ayoer' er.portur î.reparatlolîa. JAME IL auH. i DL Fmiy rng toro,WltY. PMIN'rS OIJSt suaWio ÙLI&D801.Aup 12w &Ct Linsooed Oil, AI JAMES fil. GmreEI' Drnlg Sore, Wbitby. PAPER 11ANGI1NGS! Jut rseliff a frosi aortaseal oS a 'al-: erne. E~Iznit YaprBnîinge uilng UOEDIRINtg5, WINIDOW DLINDS, 4909reo, e..ke. JAlm AU. OLuERIE, Drunggtî,Whibe. Api 7t. 16. No. 2, a mEAEL'S 31&.001 iCiNG ST.. EAS'1, OSHfAWA. 0101R!& GLABBWAE 4WELL SELECT!> STO; OF ALL IDB, As ohaop e mut>' hou%* la Cena". . MAT 251h, 1807. 2 Durtng ds .nsutig Sommer, Tumme to hiaul Stingios from R.B.larriaon's Sittugis factur, ItNo. 7, tta con. I'iolcrlug; sud Lunher fronu Bberrard's Mile ibrîigo, tW Fort Whtiby. For partculiers appi>'te, R. T. IIABIIISOZS.- Pr.,okliu, Apil 15h, 169. 15.1< JfUNS FOR ln ve stm ent!1 -- T US TTRUT AND> LOAN COMPANY JLlSavefondesfor tuvestmentl, nIttair anaS ruten etI Strest, on te seurit>' of Itaproveti Mcml itatte. i Lomuis mode for fixeSperiodiq, or repsymitie by annuat Instalments. - Yurlxer sud fulS lnioruuattou cou b. lid b>' latter, addreased tolte Comiutiouerà at ~gaintiuorfromný ie.IPAIMDANKS, Jr.j, RH al US wàtG.nsralAgent. Whltby, sept161,1leu. 86 COMMERCIALI MOTEL, OBHAWA., JAMES FRINGLe, - prerpuer. SEINGLES FOR SALE. T RIUNDESIGNED bus ou baud, anS looirs u r saes cies p for euhi an>' quan- tIrof BavedS Siingles, Drilsnistmle. N. RAY', Proridorw ab*&Lmiopci Witttby, ù«. et., 18. 4 Tusxa.-Insrnotlous on piano,$Mn; lteor>' 0 obiu nastOompomlion, .&è., extra, $5. Mr Au experise * t more ltaon 12 yeors onmblswPrfesa o st b guarantéestite ropit savandftsnt,0< papilS.plaiieS uadr hlisliton Whitby, Mrit ., 1889. 9.4y; BOUEPl o.~ Kq 1,, I#~; - -: O FF1,CIA L ASSIONE GENERALAGENOY -OFF',E T~? b~io fâ mOta - N09 . *04 Aad u itlt M Io @I r-tNé r&ataa On good Imm sscnrty at9 ao cent lnterest. Speela attention wtli b. giron to the. negoduiloof Losnand md owm ca poll aigtserapiaiosatn Alio =,O7 ai bothLIczpr4oed;id nlrnproved constantly for sale. Insursnce tise Ontario Phymens Mutual Insuranoe Company. .M O, OUI" "I.gue@ aMd Vinastr. O»'71O.ugolow'i Block, naZI doorltolbho zynCtmdAflBsk. p'tny eember 2, 1S8. DIVISION'COURTS IN THEI 0,UNTY 0F ONT-ARIO, No.' 1, Wtbl ................a-8 i1 1 i1'I... V 1T1i ai bkolu ...2 .... O 8 ... . 2.... 0 ..88 , 4Uxbrmgo............... 27 Il te ff..... ..0 7.... î4si 71 Athitriq........ . s1.q-7.Ieo U THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY 6 BOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL. rTr11 Zcontinneod ans of rtiti.Company i. ooui attribitsib li te quallty "à purlty of their -1 'eea. bIer a î>nndred thoistand boxée. of Tea liîva hen ,gent to différentî parts of'lte Do- lijllin, mu Uitwr'ia of a thoutand t#St1moutn" bo 1,~.iboarific tcstimouy t lite quality iîî urty of the rem,. A gpont aving ois b bo î ýýst' . d.~girect fîom us, catton 0f5 a li' C-b n nti uî'w.rds. £vory packeuit arri î,t'.d t.' g. ataal'action, Club togetiter andi adto forfur or fi vu blhi. cattion, wik iciwi i îc %ont carria(e o b uy mRavy Station lu lte Dominion,.Tio u.m au -on .,wiJ is o livery, W- Tcaor fretih gronnd etcum rouétred Coirs@, iàj 5 sud 101b. Titi. and npardot, ltaeiasour toansurailway stationsraw sfres. W irretpar. ELACIL TE(A. EneIlbrshfai. Broken Im4 oc rong Tes. 45., me.; Fi nFau-oi,mlNew "-a..ndo Si..40&.sud dg.; vlff Mra Fuit Flan'd do. 580.1 Uoeud Ooong, 45C.; BIcb i'lavoured du. 60.; Voy Pm&un e i.; Japwi, o0, c, 00#., FTht. 0e, Ysry TIN m, Fia"slie. O ENTEIA, COFFRE. MI.,O.; No. 2,2M.; 'No.8, 20e,; No. 4, 15cpar lb. Tb@ MsUa Tes Comgsny s oteil a r-iS sy a year im.s 1 i prdse "Irchesi e<Tsa front yesrb~om. 1 bare pmrbaud mmy Pn a let0 g *mýé me u Tmlans«M ee proed mmetastsfuoy, am bte ex Gseau.uxe-Ttises i puebemsd ou m unicaoe bu as g iuatl.Betlofmsamdheutsvaoor t la Vsr la.. luis îev orag, but aMmes 1 ba. boom drffiksmyomrul%e w vs nque (reu front tern- bum. V"baV" vomiélars psme aftso brsk(sat. I aturoueiibis t u o sprut>'d ymr Tes,a&M aballcn- Altsaeqlr Temecsflr, VMi"S84ORBEtIE bowtApoLI.M s-To t.e omuresi Tes Co>- Pum, 'W t spia triai, Momuoesl -Va.ms itit plssare teLarge aimm cTes die sbava (or. varded r«<ocsu dffieipan u ts Doutluo$4, su va are glaS te Sud your buulom sso m,apdtlmerealg. W. pissate rur usen g, erlsatdcl u it otarfSge omatent: vwe o isn> bed ceul e musosiros. box, wbls vs u.,dcrismud, Mauger Camaieit EpressC.. Mestma Tes Commy non"e of Sentu. Ottawa. aru.axa-Thbez o( < Enslait Brmentsd Young Hym T«m vitetyo u sntm e ghvs eaunsfW. tUse. Tonmwohtusmy(t"mrecdeTom Yuska., 5, OuIfuza. NOTE Tilt ADDLES.-TblUmtmWulTés Cmopny, 6iiosplliStree~ t, omrsi. Bsvar.<Fedasaaa musra am0esr lms, r eala Tma t e Mil pskgaa.Neutamg ikm Omb4mlljAW W» y àComfflT. 1 Field, Gardoen &Flower. WINES. AND IIQJORS, Re H. JAMESON'S. Wbitbr, April tb, 1869. 14 BOOTS & SHOES T HE, SflUEion AID DlE AT TESTIRE OP ce. FOX, Dr TUIL'8 LOOIL Children's Sllippers and Shoes of every description and lateat styles >~it to hand. 0-. 411 the lateat styles of 4fLeans d Gentlemen's work ide tocrdcî. 1Wbitby, April 2lot, 1869. Til's Block~, Brcok-St. 16 LOUOK 1IN ATY 1 JOEH lu"" SPac lattffl Wbitby, April Lion is requested to their Dreisand Clotb De- LOWE &POWET44 2Stls, 1869. .1 TE OLD* STAND- [ESTÂBLISHE.D 1833.1 The undersigned in returhing thanke for the liberal patronage bullurto estended <o tbe olti mtabllabmeut, for nemut>'a peruod of fort> yeana, desirea to ssy titatho bas nov on banddalugeaesoitmfont of the most modem asldOepilt styles of Ana trusts by proper attention and moderatoie s to secure a colannce of pàuzi patronage. P"01tcul pholiterln& F rniue"-tufid anti coverod, UDERTAIUG AU!> FUNERALSBuappliod au hoetoforer. go-Some splendid spe4ýmois of Ploture Frokmes, and Gilding. Rememer the ouÀ0W d. Wbitbli Mrcb 9 186. SEEDS SEEDS A CROICE STOCK OF REFMLUS AIS OARSEI *SEEDS!1 INiCLUDIKiG A' C2KOICBCOLLBCTON O0F ALSO TEES FAXOVS EZAIRLY ROSE ]POTATOES. Oroceries, Wines &Liquors AT REDUCED PRICES. R. FRANCI80 Wbltby, April i1(b, 185. 1 1869.186à9 Spring Campaign Begun IT THE FURN1TTJRE WMIEROOMS JOHN TIL& 00., IN 0CÂLDWIELL'S BLOCK, Will be found the largest and most coniplete assortment of vell.usade FURNITURE lu th. Connby. W. offer great ïnducemcnta ta parties about bo furnisabas e eUY FOR CASH wvo cau sdil cheapor thon an>' other rotait bouse in the rade. A cali té inspoot our stock is aolicitedl. W. bave aloo on bond a large andi varied urmorînt of And some very fine GILT COMNICES, which we offer very low. Wc are atmo Agente for LARARD k KRIEGHIOFF'S TJNDERTÂKING in firmt-lass style, at moderato charges. UPHOLSTERY of ail kinds done witb neatness and dispatch. Our motto wiil ho SIUÂLL PROFITS AND qUICK RE- TURNS. Whitby, Match 17, 1869. STILL JOHN TILL & C0.1 TIIEY CUBME. THZ SUBSCORILER BFIÉG ABOUT TO CLOSI UP TUE Crockery G1ass & Earthenware Portion of his business,: yul front this date seli the same .AT COST' (NO, HU MBU) BaLrgains, mi hosecurèd by in maly pjemUineyery dep cati, as the stock is com- Always onhr I3YSCaàhpald for ànj 4Wh[tbý, liards P,18fP, 1O-ly NEW- PÂRÂSOL8. (e.9(c TaiL-or'ing D.partment: NWCLOTHàS.qj NEW RATS, NEW GL OYES.I NEW ,COLLARS1 GROCEIIIES HA-RDWARE Oshawa, April lîh 18( Just arrived a STJMME] ANDFI au. 15TAPER BA' Selected carotltyI> 'linsi - saleaul Very Ueduced P Lsplendid stockof, Spring- and Et TWEEDS, &c., ÂT THE-,Olsagposable I lig $JBEOIBBE bu sout manble lmmpu, 'URNISIIING HOUSIE c. w~~~Pl Gentlemen'fs Furnishing Goods of evyery description, embracing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braees, &oc., &<c. ge- NO FIT NO PAY 1 Brock et., Wbîbby, Karci 24, 1869. ALXÂNDR RIGL GOLD & SILVER WA!ýCIIES Colored and bright Gold Drooches, Wedding Rings, spectacles, 8-Day & S-Hour Clocks In'great variety. Repiring caretnlly attended ' to. JAMES JOHNSTON, Watcbns4er & Jeweller Whitby, 5th, 1869. Brook Street, Whîtby. New Coods - -AT- MeMILLAN &COIS. W E iii show on moliDdTthte 29mb tuaI, dis followitig tinasof nov gooda: eud COTTON@.? WRITE COT!ON9, DRILLIANTS, FANCY URES8 GOODSO *'A Jeit 1ot of Deinliieg sud Prints At blitf vaiue. Ctebrnbed Alos, lu packages of 10, 15 sud go gallonts. T. 19. McNJILLAN k ;Cr, SPRING STOCK 0F, BOOT S & SIE ~'~'BV IG~D~2I~os Bonru Fide Bootmaker to the WHITBY .AND VICINITY. If Somsmer Boots you vlah to-bny, Anti beaitato viticit abop ho h>', John Saimnders ean your antas uppi- Ail Mors matiSizes, .4n5 so h els toiaeb.reaotus 7;, Ho Âdvertisos, Totlet'tb. Publiecund Bis Ijox3i-Muna Boc ui.IW wed bc 0f Wl4sLther <ccd sade by bmnd, fine anS grand, peple ,of '.1 AUTEl ONT) r.a pbi.Is lae onsructcd on soud c sone iprlcipW9 top» là wiork with. au diapath;ýIt rouires no cxt 'm u complet. I'ivrt, a omuUi . nui iu l.opéraution on thé eloth up Itcf b>' Giulàu.b>' wliclîil mua s S il oeeoa Déblowing tu tee pil witen fllnobeti. ititiapizr5ai t crevsr, , aa .ee; iuoiwg escq aearciig ers- It la a Irnoonumpm inusry eieÏbatl itI.room i'aniug favor yul5 Ža i14dka a b Isstending purcitaorswilL-do v sonelibeh heins vi b. anlfmply for <bel pur dispmed of onliueal t=&m. JORIN 51 ROYAL ROTI T E ndab rusdavin du rh.evin l trea o Le i. patole-er M. anS lb.a be taIle noiueailf ilof oss lis srs < suare .oetiln ads tse gasata of lteoyl Des. 28,1868.< ]BuTCHER'8MEA FRESII-&_CU-RIE T U ECIBKE hbff oluorni osand t. ,pnlbIeïhat hà fhop stanl>' appritd*vuîh IL. be&tl- lx axusox, propeit>sud a retitlidresws ani rsait honsëkffpe asdfor ailentIten CorueolBWe, Pork and Cx-T1 cured lu a auperior mauer; anS ove M1 lte Vittualirl iusg h e t tona" bauid. W binember te nev Siop--Weu ftores of lisser. match Mid Loves .5 Brook Streel. JIAMESlm Fire Insurance giF LONDON. ESTABI-iSkiED -Il CapitaL £1,945oOO, Ste, rtN5UUAN]CES ainaotosa" b>'lmr I. on lte montfuoral ns. A plA viitout referance Io the. Boarcluli1 ICINTOUt.,PRlOT2ig&ES, Kontreal, 4geuts for (.bna4. 410111 AQNW, Wi Agent for iWitby, Oaitawas, fovu suid onrronndiLt country. T"E ALBION ]ROTE WH1TBY. J. , McPHERUON!, - orI..'e of lte Union Rossi, a« lby, Jeu.l 4 10 H iroren ga Bouwm c " B Wb!itb', Jais. ;' LV E an&isIl- BROCK T.,1 St 1 ourMM ,KlRp.ISTEù'i s puit7ANGUS MOURI bas on icitor i n (Ih1mne 0111 cc-lu Bigel vorkG ORG 1*! y ofOnbnr] '. MSolicitorun, 0-fIle.- vier (01 ut, muS y Public, &c. »e andl Bûv umafl to W!uithy. Nov. sn4d or O1IOl it j'"7a Oshiawa, C. 1 ELun '1 Barrtaer,-o in tia - - oi eipg the IIaa rnîoved lil - f!iETAgu Bir before -wI4lby, Out. order» a o»eo0# IFAREII kt*ee -M AuTS ii'-V TABlES 1'UIL USuio2Town lluIl, 1ow Lti018S, LAUI D. Kent,Alpeyat t fuiedscer>', ai 4or, sud t*<TC. tusidonc sr.1.-ugr. Jâi .KER. A. W. 1I ~~soi k, &C., top, crock,X J. JIA31 j uh., ttIti.y B allet{rs auud P'ortltry L8080 rling, - DR ~URGEWN, IL s, ' ByronStreet nenvil1lsEU .VICT 1 1 1 ýemo«gz=zwoq 11 %0 06W ý V au& ý M- ý- . - -- - - --

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