PIORIIISON & UA1jo!soN' su $bNGUIISM0R813, - J. &.aysglii'BoM &. J'o utJsly 20,1841. 18 o ux. Y ci o w 14 ATTO 1NBY FOR ON,.- Ctsrio, ssrrimtoi andtAttoruey-nt-L*w, 80 Iotrlun(lhanory, Ko'ssry 'isble & - 9»ffoo-Iu lii olow'a MNoulBuilding, suds. «EOIGE ire DAJTNgxi, ! y ofonitarlo * Otico,>iook-ust4,Wlltby" lAUISTIR tIt.AT£tUIEY .0T 'LAW PJol IOit ueOl1a i, on Wt Io U C. B AÃŽtÃŽSTEUÂt.ÀLAW AMI>SOICLT(>l [ilasuorhJ9 orotp-t. TAoroto, -Is ARRISTER & ÂTTOltNIY-T-L&W yr Publie &o. umoz-lext door to tbe Sto of R. 4b J. Ciampbell, Brook t*$, Wiitby, Ont. W!ltly, NOVI. ' lit,10.4 Oshiawa, C.ýw paratr oîlcîtor tu chaucery, Atm torney, âeo.,&ce- lIi. rced iv-OllleO to lot Soor oye:tiis Wljby, Out. 7,1888. 40 FABEWtIELL & JIcGEE, XAiIILISTEi<8 ATTC4IETO, 801.11- TOUS CO'VItYANUli.s, AUD MU- Ornais -Olle dornortis of tise 1'ot 0000, i )liw; ussd Los±îr&Ilek i~pulo uowli 11#1, BJ.iwsasl>silie. PJ E ARZICLL. .lC . J098, L'AUDUt, MULOCK à & BITII, AteptreoutalImw, solilltoras nChenu. Cerro, nsd Iusolvosscy o i. ts7Sml glr. J#jIsuies Iidoitî Oico, W bitby, ,vtiturio, -11 nos. 1. nm 150.1 Wo. . MVLORX W. il, BILLItiGo, SOLICITVII, &C., £0. iricsp-tu , oILuAs'D 3i.cs, lrock Wlis.lby, Jan, 28, 1802. ATTOILNIY AT LAW, SOLICITORIN 'A i.Utsnoery Eonveyaucor, £eo.,UCsnnlng tnpt Brook, 0. W, 4 J. IJAAUJtR KE~O A T'fUNBtY-A',-14AW', BOLICITOU 114 .L.chancoryl, Nuisry t'ssbie, (iouv.ysneeor, &q., Wlistby il. W. OrsIais, ilyron icret, Itopis or 'Q,4 Offic. '40 etdeCUIgANJI & COCIlIILNE. JA tlitt6TRU8 ATTOItN£Ys, CtI4výEY- siours ansd 'ot&ries IPublic, &a., &P, 0 ILtOucî,îsÂws, Lb. iB., 1 W. M. Cocoi.u. Lieu lty (rovu &ttoriip'y. P'ort 'orry, lOtitVecccber, 165, 51 TAÃœltInTtTI AT LAM, Solitor lu vuiau- 40 OR. HANC0QI%4 &o4 SIRGEOiN To TUE COUNTY GAOL WV. H. LAW, B. A., M. Q, Pli y iclauu9 Ourgeou,9 Accouciser, t TIIOMAO HUSTON, T ONC.1tL1 A IIA9ULIILWII1TBY Tomco-,rowlli - Ilouistulto 1lo'elock. .VICT.ORIA MOTEL. w ILLI AUt CUTT, PILOPELETOR .(Late Win. lioyutoilla.) JIOYUTON'UMOEL 'W M.I3OY'TON bega to informu thsenu- iîs hbitasstsout tise Cuisît>' o!Vitoria sud sirroiisslisig Coitstie,tlisth. Ls eopened tise Il-ioL oI n W illiatn Streot Istel>' OUpiod by euvtt,and As lie fnliai l ttt4d arntshl- PdIn firstylre, lsitora vilii d vr aCOls lueLiqflor n v Cgaraeofthlb nLindsy.b1,84 WELLINGTON HIMOT"EL, WILSON MOU'SI,l ]Brooki Tb aLEln Drua,'Patent' ledilnegb. AJFat, Oils, Dye »u# oroin ery, dk.. tfosetos froleaI'puip"Ous. ara aUla essaZwj~sou Yand CJROCI< ER'S 1MTEL,0 (LATE PZATT'5,) NEL8CpN ST. TORONTO, M9 erYCUOF RING ST. BASSETT & KEEBLE, Y B>RRO. Tr:je«fufll aan n neuto bu~~lst tisay have M tahtse above1remies vilbis re u o.Y> respect oonven cuti, duJ coniafortably ftted aap f t is romodatiosi o!gues' and tue trâveiing pubie. Tltey wlll b. ionnad lu conistant poraonal, attendie, sud -nl uv e:.sothlnundW4on o t passt,to g!:o satlaltou to-ai i visaay aveu tisesu itis YWOKAZrGIBBON. 00M.T4S104TMER0HANI Wiitby, Janu., lotis 1800, B. PLANE, - ' 'Proprastor. Steges toid froua WiitbT cali daly. Every attentiîoni pad te gnests. CUrarfl *sd atten- tive. ootisird. TREE L1VEIIPOOL AND LOIN INSIJRANCE COMP'!NeY4 lias been las existencetiirty-tivu years, and' d uring tist ai lsod btuspaid Loseas cxcoeding ilve ansd as hall million poncid.s Miiiugo The disluiucsent oet tiss eues-mous, sura ovor a vide ares, lias, vitisiutdoubt, coitri- buwatgtetise esisbIisli'~att 9ttilnsaitsation, la tii. oouldeuoo oi'ssCxraraaxi- du A8!, tossa9nxé; 0"i basu5iuon- erally, viov r It la rcproecnted. I lu l 19irtye 158o, tise ree1ramluips loue AMont o....... £9,970 lu Iae lotis >obr, lm.--------£47,7l'8 à b lOti yesr 1856 ............ £222,27il 66 let ycar, lm ............--- 789,802 une yssr litr, 181,--------------£1,C584 Tho Pire Ressrve Ygisd la now $4,727,4U4 The Life lieserve -ytitd la nov 99,28t,48 taro ast tu ie, by llnetini Agests, to whuin spplaatlon for însntaste u ay lac isiaco. 0 . F. C. SMITH, i isrse8OiLTà AMY, OT.I yebruary lîtîs, l8ÇS. 7 TUE OlNTARIOI FARMEUS' MUTU.AL INSURANCE COMP'Y rril8s companyla s ov fnlly orgslz d d a s 'epred tu sceî-t ikonIa ltulidlu», Mid -tlr costenta,.Couutry Scul Jioussj, sd (hurclise#. '!bose wiaulirg te li- s;urê, sud tiieraby à iupl)os-t à a ome liisursstoe Comnpanay, ilsayp Loyau uportùnntyof doiia su, by spplying citer anttis elicuIe., or to auîy i t jeluts agents. (ls:rates viii beiJcoud sias lb as thune ut goy respolaiileloMutueal lu- sursuo (cspany tu Canada. J.. FAIRBANKS, Je., IIF.AD OFIICE,-Brock Streot, Wlistby. MO0TEL & PRE MISES FOR.5 ALE# T HAT old ostali.id. sud veil known lie- Spleas4d r.5ouay al.bing, sud'drlving,hed, te, , isa eu@e ortvo aciop olisd-attacit- .il',a4ukbc slcsired, sud a fà ne coungbeau- log UlOiesrd. ,Tiser. ýare tvo wvolts vus good PUMasuaad excellent Weaer.> a Tii. vhole viibliesold - et a b*rgai, sudon of Auttse boit cbance a uthse-Domatsd foiro a seve bustoinesmen Wi lie oxcbanged lu: tarin pr0prty. >For te.riao, eappi> (ila byietterpre'rF,ý ta, WILLAM BC VJON,, eO C)obee 're ORNERAI& LCS1TI N ' I 3'E, Pvoprletor. (Juté C. Dsvei's.) WHITB3Y._ON1'rARIO. A. 4LEXANDER - Propuiotor. 11F the nSp!ýber desirits to rptPrn thukate T to he pblipfor the. vpry! liserwi patron ffiebstowed poi hinm villa propuîctor-ot thec vt otel, rooklin, sud et ties aime timse toe. occasion teoannoutle. that llis o leasd the, above"wcl knowu botel. Large addition# bave lcou rocntlymado to thec prenafeu soeur- log more cossumodloiss ,ccouuodation and enoreftaiug tiese umuber u1 sleeping rooisix to noirly ostohâlifitmore tisau formerir. 'A fret- clissa Billard Pailpr witlî tiiretoi g1sa borst addec. Rîtenalvo sddsîioiis th ie Btbligliedps. loua. Ikrcsasi., hae aise licou 0uad-' Ail >cuabiug t10 iss dersigued te frt- i .uO1J, Frleudss aud tlie publie gesse- rol ' udvantaLesasu naasd by nu oh>.: hotel lu lbe place. Iowiilot ali tîntes bit Ihappy to WLltuby, Ue. 2,18M. 48-ly QueryI 1a tlait thtoaoà la ftscà a n for plctssres AT CLARl'S GALIJERýY? ý lit la -beoana.hlac liasthe. bout Usllery lis the Loursty, as uiusmore patience vals ctslircu tissu syotisci'Artiet'lit the. aut.ay,*assd cau do quité as good iwork uA )sy Liter musnas utise Couit>.' 0-,Tlietl' *hot'# tihe muotter, #ît do't be butkward about couiiieg rotiwrd. 13110CR ST., WIIITBV. -.N. ýVARS,9 PDcnlt.l R0ooms, dirocti> uppo- site tio iic.-Ilutrance on limcoe4trcu.t thirdlooruiortii oftbe Ontario Io- EXPRESS AGENT, &o., Aisso Agent CclltUtt and $itaudsrd inusauc ies à . 17 VELTEINART SUItWEON,» araduateotf Ontario Vetmnarsj college <and latedaistant to Proif. Mnit&, of 17ronto. puov. ItUCKLiiMJ>, L'ateisr ut'Agricultuire, lerosît', Pas. obilTIl, V.O8., Principal of Ontario V. Du. Mt>VEI.L Torouto. 4TiHORIUhN, 4 déROWELL, 1 P. S.-MRYSWEETAPPLIi eau bho ousulto 1 1'rofcssiobsaliy at 58rsle Brookli, nt Brnoolin, Aprll 14, 1809. 1 HRENRY GRIOT, TATENTSOLICITORI DRAUGIIISMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Trosascta business wit! the Patent OMMic, and otiser Jepartincuts of tise Govem- muent. 1Coôpyrlgit% sud ftie regiot ration of trudp 1 M larks sund Dosigsi; proeuirad. *yI tagelet ami sf nreasisn, rtpart on te. ofS f ia M e fit)wention. uand Pr4in- Grand Trunk ,RMilway HôteL aTnd tu Y~ t he, IO N. - sMds 1e, came c, , lar nit of »Ilklrdsnlucasen. Aise Lob. stOra, SardicaCooa isa ING iBer, A. fISRAE aSSUa NCa OUb E c GILLESPiRMO7TATT t , Awen. fo JÂ'tau E8l DAV lutéoiN, mafnaofgerdg 0 - . d!n o, attiendat, o si'al, ere and wI.088rentPAd mwitthe&IIoex10te ne.r Wlîltiy, sept. 15, 18de. S. FULLER,. 87-tf F0OR SAL Es Cultivated Parms, 'Improved Town Property, Wild IJI1PROVED F]ARIS t'ar-tut outh4I-ut 10, Ilk4th cuncemsaon Mars> ,a rj,isgtIi VILLAGE 0F BREOHIN, 80 Acres-40 Acres CleaVpd. Lot 11, luIltis 0eaessiuuot Mare, 200 acres, Icuow sas tise IMoNZIL.PARM, about 25 acre clcarod. oI» 12, lu igti concession o f vis,0Mmees, about 10 acres cliared, 'Nortil-iLot 14, lotliJoncesgion of Mars, 100 actes, 12 tolS1acs earod. Lot il, ath cencoesion o! South orillis, kuuwiî as il steamubodtt linleon Loa eCou- ciiieiu4g, about one mile fiosu the VILLAGE 0F ORILLIA 04 aea-cp, alp ut 15 'Peores elmed, balance o! Lot boautifou1y *bWed. Titis, vitheut ex- c tlu L best ituated property on Labo Coeiiii.Th isew eexteudIug thi. visole distance of tise laoe, and ombraclng thse INDIAN, VILLAGE* las Rama, thse Towu of OuhIlis, & thse rNusowa et Lake siusco. TOWN PROPERTI IN THE TOWN 07F WHITBY9 Six Lot. ounIlYron street, direily north et tîte ?oadeuce ut S. H. Ccglsraue, lfq. Fuo- private-realdep, Pa, iot excelle by an> vacant prporty lu tévmi. Sevemal plota, -frpm tvc te alit iots, fcuced, in thse uclgliborisood o! tIsesw omanu (a- tlsolioc Cius-cs., THUBEACRES, f.nped, novn sm tlhp i! Cricket Field. T WO ACRES, toueod,veste!f Cickt IOld. rX< ACRE, fenuild, veat o! Crieket fielul, Oà M LOSfenced, vest ffro!«cens of !Jas. ACRE feneed, sentis o'resideaeeof Jas. es-aione, i.. I ~ C~Epoo~ sot-west do-, de. io* ofCR, e T WsIMne o! J. Lynma 2 LOTS,: sentisrasldsanj.J. J, Harp r. -10 LOT U v Peryst., omtis o!grca.'a $ LOTS norti Dundasat&004-,opposUiter, deucee0, ioà . imoeill. 10 A cm , n roçý strpt, portls ;e11vsy bridge. 4'1"le$a.verlvillage Lt., in varions o tise-Tovn, Tho iWndsm*nâ n'4iuoMved iuatruetiona t.~ ~ ~~o lust areisso oy, 3t-aas.ja u neSausor by YeatIy On luaproyod Faria, or productive Town or Village Pioprty. list-elOUM)ortgagos patrcliaaesb Rotiaof Interest 8 por"ut"; no Cin mfrniou. te ILNS Aprli 2hIl, 1809, 1iitV i.,Wst7 POeR WHITBY.I R. SNW, -Proprietor., The aelle i-kuvu li otel n lise bcen tise- mollreinpÃatad sud fueviy <urnibed b tise oproto. 1ia ltsblta&CL., Ihave ispsInsun Illient statp 2f i p air, sAud no- tiig Iwoabc atudso oaotsrqle 'Thosa bleria ' plsd' à wltevrtlslg o!tise' beut luusouon, aednoebunt tlss cAt brandis of Win, Liquoansd Ligars ke» st the Dur.' 0G. TUE SUPERB NMW ý 169.- "NOIISEMAN" nu scosaseema uas s sMAS r*ra EeWUN NORTE ýSEUlRE PORTS IP0LT 0DP OCUETER9, wiu l yulce.astlîîmalua dully tnp.,'lals Cobour vs a.,i.;Portltooet9,3C 9al.. Oeils a i>tby, Ositava, Dariingtousu d ew-ýIý eststl Wdueds7rorn u;ab Bisgliton, Thurxay twn nit, au iCoboru-no ry' m omuisg ozoopt Wcducsdsy. Rcturnug lesves of i leiter daiiy at 9, p. sm., o;ept Satnidaý, wlae aislo evse t 2Sp. m, direct for Port '1pp. Fou Fszier-Appl on liSrd 'or te 0. -Draper A ce., Wstby - Juin«s Il. tUy, <hhal vs; J.Mltlssa Darflngtu1 £. inlao4ls, Pus- =Hope; é.Eliitt, Cobouar, J.Kee1cr, Culboisse; Wius» tusB Jutler, iïI-agton. W44 IL 8O0N'S PHOTOt*RAPH GALLERY9 .DUZ*DAS AT.?FEZ l'ifI171r. Idas. Wzs.aowviil' e ssiayoi picipared to taise Lika;,n ofs! al iiia, PII(Uili 'MJOYI&0, &c., in a Paperior suais- ne',' ald utis lireIjk, sccîîaacy. Cabinet 11rUI in luvcry smat Pa"se irtouta, or bl.in or carvodc Oxford Fssssuess. Irauiug mie arransgementis vitis lis. Eveso, of Tuiote lie l0 prepsred te iauppiy tise peoei.of Wikhy vitiaPA M 'or al klisds as ver y reascouble rates pI'U1iRffics.argcd to LIlt I1Zit, sud COWLISI>lua OIL. lOpaoitl Attention rivn u CPYNGOLD PORTRAITS. Un. -I sv*o aacsa lu talulsg CIIILD- Wllby, April Sitis, 1809. 17 pILITISH A31" cayN CWiptaI, $400,000. quu» xudesigcd aavngbeeu appoiutedl L4ceut for tise abiovo Vusnpsny, la u3v propaaseita ryrot.crty against.Lu)68 3Y Apply te, LEVI FAIRBANKS9,Jr., S--1Smos. Agent Wliitby TEETII EXTRACTEI> BY TUE USE 0F, NITiIOUS OXIE LÂUGIKG GAIS, ORt TuElNEW J4OAL ANiFSTI-HETIC, DUNDAS STREETI IvjllTny, C. W. EUI>Oi'M. Ilowelao astore. 00 1MERC IAL-, MOTEL, rIt subseuIber begi. toýsnueue to hla TL eM nd ss11t i;blit ho bas r#e- boa otai 'wortieis 'sd Wisud fa Yom rnepbotgl, bié 15 'Oittcd tIl lu s ispîlior annnr, vltbaoier; onvouile once r tise reepiu !gieste aad thsetra- on tho '1t WliSiiSi5 Igti thorieSdom Thoe'c wsrouthe asiios do repboe Of ono uboprovcëdAIsisuslf, on mauiys fil4 The ictadbrvt !o:I;ritliî itoc»." ies colurn ros. Aad alftpy igoe toi! Astory tlstiorbidsoorrael ie Was bonored on Bb ilena's lllelïlo. OR"A IER» 18 THUT ?SPED.» jtise nosagi u~ r.txcs nu.~seuseeuar. Barton. Jus 'T"olily evideziti>'approciate4 ber se- montar>' lait,qiase ps'oved b>' ber iu- crescdi steady'itLnde. on tiseisomeward road. Audigo-,flitd sund -falový , an sd plain, vwero quieti>' traýred, tili tise>' camue btiste worit part o! ise renýd. Osaieal observera vould bave noted thsedifferÃeac; for, in thse bright moruing aqu, tise long sitretcb, of Birin osd secuaed an onebsat- ing place for a broca>' gallup. Tise»road la' çà tise top o! s low range of isa, tisst rose np betwocu two vide strct.cbes o! level paisà re sad arable, and vae certain- 1>' aomcwistt Tomoto ,frouathse villages tisat la>' pluëtered round tiscir respotive cissrchi touera 11k. ebicisens under tii. motbcr's breaît. In early gppiing, a> long ro larcisisu, clat inlu theso nselicate bues of, tender spmisag green, sispved lik. delicate foatiescr for a long distance, and reuderedý anytising but a glooiny inpression., But hater on' thse year clotised tse bugli ôà osi behiud vitli tlick lbaves, tit smade a picasant shadow fs-oua tise neoutide iunn but thut also gave vcry'umerons lurking places toesucre living creatures tissu thse squirrel tisat, lept unibl>' among, the' bougie, or tise startîed ralibits tisat leapt apaô'u0st tise undergrovtis. And even lu autîurnsn ti. aves bail net ail falcun, a&bd tise fit. ttarew lung, blaék eisa4cvs in a va' tisat vas more pîcturosque tissu plts sunt on a lonely roïa i uiduigit Tser vos-e ne lack is, eltr, et one or twe îs-lres of mus-dem, beaides a drWadul suicide, in ppots near b>'; '-but I vili not; harrow up- Millie's feelings, and juat stimulste yours, Puni, by tishe l.ation of themisu,8tiso> have not iug 10 do witb my stprY., *Un tbe niglit 1 saiepçn[cing o!,Briasis Poli>' jogged on stoasti!', çsudtise raP1 pace st viipitise>' cause b.d varuad up lu>' ittle' pirite cossidorbly-an C- focti lubiici, ino 4oubl, tise pinteof home brewed, bail Woe sbime. '"Ibo moon too, bac iieÃlighIn, lutbdi eavens, sud lier cold visite'hgist almeat equalIlod tisat of day, se that ne a pparent danger yct pro- seuted itscl. lu lac; su y fatiier began un- consciousiy te hum tise old cosuplaccut tune, l'Anld Lang Syne,,' te limaalf-a sure aiu lieva u a piciaupt fs-saeo!f sind ; asdnobhovas, forbho bad made on eor tve capital bargnilus tb iatdy, the. pro- ceode o! viich feft agrecai>' beavy in bis ibrcast pochet. "lu tact, Se.vue so'buaied lu bis cal- culations, snd se engrosaed yUl; bis plans for tryiug soin. nev kiud of!-turnip-,seed, s yet; nubuovu in his part o! tbe conntry sud of vhicishbiad juat board, 'tst iho fennd be bai! reacisoiltise cross roada lie- fos-o b. vs avaree oftise tact.' -lietumneëd dovu bhis civu va>', bpd'uot proceedcd far, whse'icu1 vprick e np lber alouder Cama, and ablo , actually7> dncing slong, baI! oisobr lind legs, ou one ideefC tise i oad, vcry uuploasntl>' close te the ditis.' M' fathser, soinevisat startiod, broko off fs bumining 'abruptly. pemred csgorly- biste tii sisadov tlirovn by thie g1atie gnarled oak-on the' opposite aide o! tbie var, viscisb in lults'deuaesbadovw batý ever vas- liezcai i. - Wiseulib bd slit.- tic p"oied thee tldgetty borae, and coaxed ber outtisow iuto tise middle o! the roti, ho aacertaiased tise oect e! ber ý alei a littia e o 0,rl'. t pee eleeb timfe anzsonsly lisatening lni the quarter quiaite' t,'anâ froua visoneo tliesond: iad ceme, smme toý'nt; aiu 'There 1 Did yoss notisear it nov Vriehto thsvretcis 1 nid, eagerly, lu sýlow voie., as tise fait the wompntold i vbistl agaiin rede4bis-oar-a ver>' tà s,' çeies, sud P'Oe sud evidenti>' buaied 'sond, but quite ugir vii ll>' i uniistabble tbis time. -11 your fsigbt, and 'Tis tbe o-Ãld among tise trees,' n'elied atout loatiseris 1,4 tise vooas, ptending to'Ilaten ; sud sdd-' not escapoed witisu iisg, ~ ~ r Jo o, eme, airgist 'hlang thse belt1 enougli 1,tiy; 'it saved sut 'Tise convictio"n came oor aMy -fatier, ljeast!11 go biVâ likes-acoldsiver, tisat tbisrealut atIf rot' gb1g a"ide of!Salavn n pot saùa'fsueMY"er1 lu tiua nnkun w oasa nt IM04 t, 'Oh>, p,<eo'IL scem .cd! hardlIl'likel' _tisat ise sisuld bave quit. borrifieul-;I licou afrald té traveleuvonarda, forfurof^Gose re go o blgbisaymea, vion no apparent cause of bet î,gesfo alarua -exlated;- and-tisat ase gsould, nov li. Go réer4lesa of aitl sytaiptýosef danger 'SulîUng tise-Ac visona more t&nglabjiýescauhoc pr aented "astiser..lulled'asl lisef. t tsisipouent tunia'Iss io -linon: qevr of thsej round xsporegerly, sud perlbkpua.Moreo U noari>', 4inu is.bad doue, tise-voinan wbÃicb proved te 6 bond vue 'ao close te bis -ovu, 'tisat a tise iSObgiivs>' ' strong odourOf tokacà boôinji og apirjis-idefdetioP . TI 'A vroman that drink.sud sasokea li no eues, sud ns>'aoe ve> _getelietof pit 1' tbou1la bc oTe , bn;t thngP blussif su- ad'lie put ltIoband lote bist ,l xel 'At tlb. sne zmoment, lhe cauglit alerpuedt gilsp. o ,ver' ueer sbadow s littie 'iss iiiasu aisCIofbMin, sMd lisa'vead>' nsind vas sud More, teesali instantily made op, -'Wlth ne wauising, "sud if 1 am sagir sud lu tise. tvýinkfng of an,, yp, lÈii-,lieen tbis aiti e,W ulasp kuiteisacd seveiid ýtise bit te wisiis Otru tooIL'Tv>71 tise:U vosa lnng- vile suchaisspriek tlsnaà dipin o d frémi éacisepuür -as lhakePol>' 'b.d nover bat attise fair!' ozperiencod-lu ber tife, cansed lier te gire I'My usetier ôo> Sncb a rear sud* plunge as effectuall> un - eapital', tisosgisv mated tise rider'bebsnd, sud carriedliotisioeknhosl horse sud rider sonie distance beyoqd the ssliu ,ei'seeuaed long talion voniman. in" ' l hpbP 1Ili s *'My fatber'sessere, isovever, instant- and tioving tihe I.>' saluted b>' incisa volt>' of ostis sud useafuli> loto ti bai! langnaie, tiat hb' relixedA, t opnethse s'ysotiser, somel oxteut ot lis danger, andl, like a vlsGis, ripris., jumped op bast no time lu oolisbhosifttlon. lie flrry sisarply for did euat olle glance 'oer bis sisoisder as a tivel>', 1tbat tbc -rs lie give Brisis Poli>' the rein,' sud urged bcelongod te lio' lier op b>'voicesud vbipasd usolpenar>'w4lstweaLte oold, Q look snfuedte sfio* bint tbt 'Ùoody" iug, 'Omre, Geôrgî hit scrsmblcd -inatit>' te ber, or, 4dsCbr, ibtro of tise booty bisý feet, sud vas foliowingast no 'feuaînine 'sie tihon teck pace; tise.reil cloak lluug off, san *>Xt"a aru sund set off &J encusbs-aisce, sud tise potticeat or idng-, iosoefollr.wed by akirt tolloving. But ,furthè'r ObservatIonW beyhn' tise>'getI vas iidered b>' theosuddonre W,9tvoktieb>: ot tvo atout feilova froa tise copsem on tlie sud tiso girls to CI loft banad, wbo feowat my 'fatiier st once. the il hiî n 'But hevs" >a strong aad skilal, as well uigbt, vitliout foi as a rsoiute,lusa a sd bisriglit munansd bold on tise Iaskoi - A-i.1,ashie limas sà ;ilstot nover aered ..s.. .., 'j-t' ELL. ~N'S 1 W, Fj;'irýjj f iffln.