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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1869, p. 1

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i~. Y. LOCK: L q~uiu QARIEITEIIS AND ATTOBEZYs-AT- BL LBWoir oltori% to 0h0 Bank oi Montreoal, *ud the dOrorrsolon of the, Cont Ontario, #ottrJus, &c., &0., Whitby, O.! pifs fh'me f h riCor lous,- Mdoth lg. 8- ARRIMTERU, Attorney*, Soligtors ho. B oIFlIez-WftLTll Asarano. Bullaigts ijhurobgtriet,Tor9IltuoC. W. Toronto, July 20,1861. 0, il. COCJIIIANE 1£ L.I O~AUTCHWN TTOÇNYCQNVON- gr, DOpnt lqtr or Miatr ExirSA 1oar al oarnrî,Nolaury forblieo-&. iofU-ntBaio Oice rociz4,W itb GEOGE J. W1AiSN.f IIRISTEIL hATONY AT LAYW- Far, ad xa -1nrin Ciener fo te0Iorth ej o - O v or O n a ù k , o n tI i o 'fRRISTER-ÂT4AW ANI) SOLICIT<>E os UAnéy iCambr-J9 Totouto-Ot.. î'8zncu-ROxt*door to the stori of B. & J. Llawmpbll, Brook M., Whitby, Ont. Wbittiy, Nov. 18, 1860. 4 OLIOITOIL1 NOTANT PUBLIC, &o. &ho. pObsa, é. W. .Ç. A4. J0I(V, Jiarister, Sllcitor ljasCjaeuoerg, Au- torney, &hoq, &c. l, oîn oycd ir. OIMe to lut floor oyerthie Wlsitiuy, out. 7, 1868, 40 -FAREWELL & Mcel;jz flAIOTRYES ATTC1tNEYS, SuLici. T'ES, cm VIYAIfCEI8, -AND) rio- AlMPULIC. Owncz .-Ogladot'r north -of the. 1'oit 000c, Pblsa; and Mleetor'.. BPOce, Opposite Town IBail, Bowmatîvilip. JI05;'LAUDk., M lpil jk ~tSMITH, Âttoc~rsiat.awsolilltoire in Chenue eryv, ced hesolvesey, &ce olJin ng KrJAmee lildan's Offie, Witby, wXO. î. flt s, .9 ~ W NTO~ - W. 119 DILLJis4p, jar(nohtes, tu MpgJLL&N5 l.o g, Brook otret, WbitbyJan.28, 162. Z_ cRÂRLEs C. I&ELLEE, A TTOBNEY. AT LAW; SOLICITPE 1 ou,Brook, iq.W. G j. HANEJI GiRBENlWOOI> A TTURSBY-AT-LAW# SOLICITOR 114 Ch coerry, Notary Publie, Oonveyancsr, te, ~atb W Onios, IByron streot, Igl1 a*une.CCIJINC IBAU1STEK8. ATTO1LNEYS, JONVEY- mèesu o$rlps Pttbllp, &o., ho, Puizon ALzt-.Oio- Opposiite Town Poaru uir-O»wt-Bigeolg iBlock. SIL ououex, LL, I., 1 W. hi. Cocsuràrz. ceany Crowa Attoýrnoy. portpierq, Seth V.o.mbor, 1845. 51 LYMAN ENUL41iMIo LIL 9-, ,UAXISTXA LA, bllatorlu Cihan- PR. 1HANCOOtco (MM011 ENLAU h& voioo) SURGEON, ACCOUCiIEUB, &C## eJ. OUJNOMOU, IUOIfGO TO TiIE COUNTY B~ yron street, Witby. GAUL W. HK.LAW, B. A., M. D-, TROMAS UUBTON, . OWxN OLKKdeTUEipÀUJBit WiiTBY Offie-TrovulMail -lour. $tO 1 9101ook. 'W LLIAM MCTT,PIOPEilIOIL.t(Late Wîa o ulus) 27 W M4 BOUTON bops to îuforithe lu. I lbttsof(ss Cosuty fltrsn ~urudiuCfPounte# that b. Leoie e- s Jewtt,aud s etha. lilt<le utaih elunce.. Wî048, Liîqors sud Cîgasrso01lthe bou quaomtmu 1 1 iv> l bbm WELLINGTON MOTL, /. MN îiF rOTOU - - Doprler. 10.1 WILSON 1TOU8]to l Tb*. illlvyUmubsalleaîîbe itae iaud -th otages for Ugbridie and Beaverton lave' thedoo earyiuornlssg, Board$, pordaï. GEORGE JIOBSON, B~Caefai UCHetîsn s arpstuetué Wbtby,,av 181. tyAageu U -ND:E TA ]K I NG. F NE a uly uplied sud atteusded b. -c Y orie ept eon$t.atlj WA Hereto iilronhiberalt@mlF. - GEOROEOORIIACK. Whithy,Fob.-8tb, i1862. 1 Brooklil Drug Store. iuesautid Lîquortm e f s squty for Missia purposue. Uo4ree M ekda o i ,We «k~ad Brooklin, C. W., ISep CROCK ER'vgl MOTEL,,l (LATE PLAT$rs,)' NEI..SON ST. TORONTO, NRORTS CO RIKG ST. BASS8PTT 4KEEBLEC,-Pioavo. vbiao are lna ever> ,respeot convenlttir audj ooafortably Stted - p ior the. ammomnodgtios O! gus.m*DO thse traveling publie. Tisey vili lie fouad l1h constant pereosal attuadar.ce, sud 'Viii leave aotbilagupdon, on (bel, parl,to ive sstltsptlnn te a io s0 Mavor thons vith a Cali. Wiltby, Jan., 16th 1866., B. ?LANK, - - Proprzotor. Otagesboasd (rom Wbltb cil daly. Every apteentiort pajd ho gtleste.. Lreful acd attun- tun ofttlcrs. ,9 18q. jus. THE LlVERPOOL AND LONDON- iNIRAN Fi CO)IP'NY. lies hein lnu estene tbly-4vo yeeru Mmd during thet porlod bus paid Io"ase .xuedissg Thée dlsbsrseui*nt o beur oans over a vide ncbasi tbobdoubb, cotri- butsd te éutabulest.of tuis Ins.titution, iu thse confidence o! i'vusc Cozaaiog, lXwc- clu, lUoux»ow su ad butlinan jeu- crali>, viserser ikla nepreeotd, lu Ira fPrit y.sî, 1856, tlie Yire Prenilapie alone 'anu tete............. *g,970 la Ita lotis Yar, 1840 .... ........ £41#8 01 SOt yeer, Io" ...........5222XV7 66 BOh >ear, 6......709,U52 Tise Pire Eeporve Yunid la nov $4,727,464 The Life leserve Fund lni nov $9,282,U68 The C2or1aay Ioerepre.eased tlsropÙl»isonO- tarlo a-s (uo .,b>' ialutial Agenits., to L. FAIEBAOII, g!i Aexiv Wim,, Ã"uaEzoevrrOn»o. P.bruary ITtI, 1565. 7 TUIE ONTARIO FARMFIRW MUTU.AL JNSU1IANCE- ÇOMP'Y. Bldgeasdtheir contn Cts , oity E8Clso U... ee turbass. Tboe ebing lu- sure, sid tiserei>.ppr Hm usric Cosnpasny, isai'- rov aop portaity ofdoiuig 0 1> sppllysngaIttieras ttile lgo# office, or te an> ïf t le tcatjuenat&.e. nsr" aw iii b. fcnd ais low se thos of an> rooponalble Mutella- marituee ComPeAD'lu Canada. HJEAD OFFICE,-Brook Street, Whltby. LIOTEL & PJXEMISE8 FOR SAI-90. TRAT old te(abliliels.d aid vll fnon Il#-' SPlend droowy tebln -sàddriving ob.d, emhber, vith ouMo t* MA soh bw audstis, niai bd eilredA sdIaue besr- ;uÏkIroisrd. Tises ra rt(o p lg4rgood Pup bds mdecllnt vmien. ý ITlise viole vii b. aold aM a buanti mdIoiouofthse but b bau..iluthse Douiluon forosu ativ, busines. map For ternie, Aýppyi hb>'1etep.PMl aWILL4AM BC leTON, èOon-Aye ro. HOTEL, s.) GE, . Freprbober. E. AI8TlBO1a thxbril4o, Jan. 2'Ç'1849, ONTARIO BOTJEL. WHITBY,_ONTA7ý&IO.; A. ALEXANDIM -r -f-roprie or T IEI sabouiiber desires to ruturn tlianirs t WLt tire publie for the very llberAl patron gObeU d.ni bl pdetoi ot tise 1lb bo C, ioklié,=su a!ti saine Unie taks ocason o anune satho le .ssed the libove weo novn lotel. laije additions. baye beu»refti>' mad. to thse pronises. sueu- log mcorse «nodlnuaccommiodation and eoree e i.nulaber of sleeping rmonis to nUari>on. bel! pore thon» fornerly. A Brot- coe Blillard Pirior wth titres tables ba siaso beau *&icd. Extensive additipn tu thse stsbliug, Meds, loess Boxes,*ho., bave alo beau niado. Ail eablng tieuudsrsgu.dwt è0r bu hie Old Friands.aud the - puise gne- rail di' *rsed bD o otierbotel ln t1epi" lae. *11At t els hppyt %'dnehi l rende. 0 WlrltbýDO , Ueo is 5. 4a-17 Qu.ery :Why la it thet tise,. le such a run for ploturca AT CLARK'ULS GMiLERY 1 Itàsbeuséehe buathse butEsb G Mlinatise Count>, and bas more 'patience vitis ebuliren thans n> otiser Artiotitheti Coaisty, andcona -do quit. s. good vcrk nasnau>otlier man ln thse C Tlist'slissht's tbý niatter, ao don't bu bàairrd about conding forward. DROCK ST., WiBITY. Wbltby, Nov. 12, 1867. 45 * o. . VARS, JLDeuts.Boom, direetlyoppo. immostrs.t tiïid.oornortb o! tii Ontatlo Bank.1 Mr EXPRESS AGENT, ho., also Agent emient Mud tandard Insurauce vlos. il C. H. * WEETAPPIýE, yEEzariNAny SURGEON* Gradua!. of Ontarloe Yeteri>ary OolZ and tato 4ssistant toProf. imtlc, of Toronto. Fîce'. BUCJ(LAND, rousoor fAgriculture, ('--> Toronto P?»Y. sMITH1, V. B., Principel of ontarlo y Dit. BoVIL Toronto, "TIIOII3U lIN, P, 5.-M U TAP'LY, cou be oons'ultoi Pr«feiouel~y a$ hie. realdonceBropkisi et Ail ho0i. . Brooltlin,-April 14, 186e. 15 PATENT DRAI( OTTAIW Trnesots bu, Office,*ad otlisr di Marksand .DnefteMcdda OrifIi4 Trwi AT f Mil WSy'NIt .Y GRIST, PI-15Z19W$O) Bakser, Coufetioner, tie., Brook st -Wbithy, Jaul1, lm6. 28 FIRE ASSURANCE Co, JS4B1c~R'~4N M724 GILLEMPE, KOPPATTh Co., Agente forý .Cans&a. [8JANEasilnst LOBS b! PIRE sarc Leffected on thee uscet favorablie ternis sud lMOSSESf.sD vithout refureisCe te tise lard lu, Lonâdcùn-- vEnMAN OJEsoi; Apel ord,1561. -ag..., W--ZD IMPROVED FA RM To Sehi. Dengt, or let cn flancs. E'AR tô aeli, rent, or jet on Siaros Weat, -V hail lot 26, lat ooncestlion of Uxbridgo 100 8ero8, 70 sares cI aRre]. Apply (il by ittr, pot-ped,) (o no YFJLLEJ3, Wuliry P. O NOTXCE*--AiI parties are fonbtidca ttng or reusoîngtlsbpr orvwoo-i of sqy Slnd vist- oven, fronutIse atboyé hot, and ur.y peraon fouad doing so,tsfter tbla date, srp trespers, sud yll tue trested oms$#is, to tise fuili ctent of tise 1er. 1Wbitby, Sept. 15, 1868. S. PULLER. 87-tf FOR SALE# Ciiltivated Parai., Improved, Town ]Property. Wild Luiinds &o.,9 IU1PEOVIED FAItES fart of soutii4Uàloit 10,4tii concesion mars, sdjl'ingtise VILLAGE 0'BRECHIN, 80 A«ee-40 Acres Cienred. loa 11, l la lhsoMucs.isn *of Mare, M0 =oe. knoas.tise MONItIL PARUl, &bout lot 12 lu l12th coniofasn o!MaOacree, aboutia 0 ace lere. Nortb-y4 Lot 14, lotti conppes.on of Mars, 100 saue, 12 to 15 fore clcared. Lot l, Sh caceasof o Scnth O,41fla ksnown ass:Sticomhoat oitit,t"on aake Con: clioabig, about one tuile fioînthse VILLAGE 0F ORI.11LIA 84 sare, aont 15 9 0 a leared, %lsanceofo Lot beautifailly voodcd. Titi*., vithont cz- cpcptlon, la to bont s.tusteil property on Lake Couchilhigg TISO dvloextendissg tise Whole dletance of tise Lake, sud cnsbrocisg the. INDL4ÀN VILLAGE la Rame, the Townu of Orilln, bthe Narrots oli . SiuCoc. [TOWN IROJERTY. 8ULItXT R -INKTUE A N D TOWN OP WHTBY, 1IT'rc¶uA SiX Lots on Bfron %tréet dirmcly aorth of aH1TSMAN e L~ ti.resldenceo018.11l. Cocisrau, Eaq. VA, CANÂDA For privt. realdenos., net uxcelhcd b>' an> *îfs ii ts 'tu vacat propert> lu U vui. o! iseGoera iuvel p lots, froni twpO sixehIots ccdp epartmnuthe ("M l huneigbcnhom 0 obs ti w icn C Faud the registratlon o! trade thioieChancis a Pomîgus proc.red. TEEZE ACRE, fonced, irnovu as tise oid m& m #off itsI Lomsmsssas. CrIcbut Field, oIse.aies, 3rqai rrr- T WO ,AChES, fenced, vent of Cricket fild. M MW1a <ffaMOIE ouu., vPso! fcricket field, rita1 «AM LmTSfeusai, veu t ot resldeneof Jas. ýWÀCK7Z fam.d, joutb ffko! id .of jas k~0 EsdlwV Ho pLu J. Ja<l the, aTmW. 3 LM, vesof uldau fJ.Ius is51 arias tu luotî8LOS eeuebetola Csrb I etm 15P 1019veot grnys.eouho rp' âbu lra e tbgpp ho Aottentidn tthaes A4 i' nortis Du Bagasrebopoite r9Iý «towm is -au.10 ACRES, osaBrcekstn.ebortis reia> hem vWallakup "rd (Of ggAloevurel V1140 e ots, lu vsrloua part" (leTown, N BUSI I ro f4ff 0 eed60'0t Tisevaset Lot oUtis o!fMlllmu's Blois, îw fot, nee w *roçketa, b.ress g y On IrnpTOVed Famu, or productivre Town or Village ?rcprty. PFro tsa. Motgago, purpba. RollteofIn toréât8 ver cent, Np coin Apply tW W«. 1. GS Apri 241, 1P9. olloltor, &o., Wbftbpi JJtTR N fOUSE, PORT. WHITIBY. i.SNow; - rOpriztor. The a4ove wrll-kuown botpl bus beep tb.-- ronblonv.edand newly f riiisbeIl tUi. LrstflrietorThe. SteblMi, j4c., have ebng U u esfcient atate cf repuriatnd no- tbn lefttundonetomea ethrequire- ment: cf audi.- Tiihbe euppllolId witheverythhng of tbe bstin oown, sud Donc blit thé beef brande oWli.ebLlnome aud Cigara kept #t thse Bar. 160. TUE' SUPERE MJW 1809. UAl O; ZCED SIo lmx»*EIIAI 7Mn u NORTH SHORE ]PORITS FORT OF ROCREST-EJ And wil c iitinue mokln*k daiiy trips, Iesving Cobourg ot 8 i. tri.; Port Hope At 9:B s..iM. Cois. a wiLhy, oâbâ.wa, iDarI:ngton and Now- c-AgtIo Wedlin, a norninga; nt Brighton, Thu-eduy moru lm'lail&sudCoibornue .very illoruiig except Wcdesa.' P.turiiinir lembver.Port 0ftItochextt rdally nt 9. P. tri., exeept latuidays, vian ohé lures Mt 2 P. Mu., direct for P'ort Ropo. Fou Ytaxe-Applv on bood. or te C. Dmpqr& cgVlil*hjr, Jaes.0< ou ,4>os Draper J. ba1fi ton -F. If TCIoen iel; A. oha neand dco. Bonder%*", Port 1Hope; G. El'ott, Cohonrg; . .Keelor, coiborna; W ians. &Butler, IBrighton. Avril 210-t. 1809. i PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, DUNIJ4S STREET, WLITBT. bilt Wiworwiiiibc a1wayx prepared-to tes Ihkenes..e* of ail kindot, P OTOOLlAPIIBI_ AMBUOTYPES, ho.,&o.,ln a sporlor pie- lior, and ulth life. kecuftzey.Ce=ret PîGIURitlwini very rst at 1oeuatot, or plain or caried Oxford Fuies. Hauigniad arrangeulorts pith )da. Ewnix, of Toionto bu 6e piepurdto .app1ythepboléof Whftiy wtFRAMF8 of aVi ,ud. etvery reonable rates. PICLURE15etlsrgod th LIE£ SIZE, and COLOJED lu OWL. .8peolal attention g7con to COYING OLD PO1tTRAMT8. Ma. n.s^xs.i» ¶0T7 acoesetl n utakini CEILD- UEN'ul POM!TI.AIT$. Wnitby, April 23ts, I180. 17 DUITIRSZ AJRERICA19 ASSURANCE IIJMY Capital, $400,000. TI liE underrigued baving bcen appolsîted Acent for the nbovo Ciinps.ny, i.n ow ;ropr~ to lasare roperty agiqsi. LW6881 le t o lnot favorabletrn. ApMY to, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12mnon, Agent Witby TEETI! EXTBACTED W WtWTHOUT ]PAIN, «Mg 4B T TUE USE PO NI'tIOli OXIDE LAUGHINO OAS, 011 TRENEW AT' fDJENTA&L OOMS, DUNOAS STREETI / *117 TB1, Ce W, ROOM$.OVOP' ";IL.Coebrane'. Store. Wijitti, Jane 26,1867. 25 COMMERCbIAL MO4TEýLf, q 3OK T., ET . UC i aubscriber beau to'anuoun e h ie commet of 1555on pie grand tour eof1110 Universe. li ieened strange tisaI patty bMn f abould go ou es usuel, vitis pabinga1 drinking, biliun* mfcnç.ad pleesur- ag vb.u bse ' . -gmîîae o il bi ll ilueeue cc i fiva s chcing tise wvon'osu ofi Mtibmensity and pover, sud bbc noblnguen of ertis. We reimembor isetcomew.mmo, nt, s mach for jl4 go,b atronoad;Poalyn us for tvo sinagisar incidentast mor nesrly toncbed ounr uinn-symipathsie&. One pleàunt'SBaurday afternoon durislg bbe corets a ppeartancé, ami seronuntafter e prospurous voyage, deseeudupon' ferta l is ni bbonod Wfa large mer. et9w invf ounof Uap eber Sttu lie wss scon enUrun4oi hp a pnious group of theofamiyand' libouriri, aIl sk- lu uagur questions pnttbie voyage and tise management.!fbise balloon, wvici, swecred by mn aucisor, and ropelunbise band aoth bseronaut vitis ifs car but a foot or twoa*bove bisa grounj, as svayiug lazily backvards sud C1prmMa u inse eveiigair, It was àgooâ iiomît of ind, afid vasa aleepy aud innocent mnonater in tise qe o! thse amer, vise, vitis tise ovucrlper- mission, led it ap to bis-bouse, visere, es b. aid. ih oald bitch ilb obihs féee But before bou tissaecured 14, bis bisre cisildren, sged nespecbiveiy tua, eigbt, e» three beged hm tolift tisIl"into (Ù21~ big askt, tst heymiglat "ait on tisos Whiio tho attention of bise seronaut vas diverted by more curions questiènuns fnomsa adghbo.nipg fani, biais ruisfatho' litted fila d4iigso e pue bite blt4 pur Cisnbiy littl. 'Jolbnny pred tbbc"onos too mueis'tfor thséariai carneland broupbt lilpi toth biruud -and tbe un uskl not thebbk,btÃŽLaeldusb iiope c u farnily vas outTise relief was toc grest for tise mouster. Tise vltlacY br piierose et onose; lejeho i bl ont o! tisefirmes's aud, and vibis a vild boundM'outed labobise aih. Velu was armoaent!saucisor. Itcaugbt fora moment las fene;butittoreavayand vas fr dangling- uselesaly afier thse nanevay baIlphýre on, iba a yiOmosudstpady Tope, tbet lun Sfev Minutes, tbsose bp oùtI vint faces peering over bise edge of tih. car grcvlo inistinct, end bihse.piteous crics o!- "Papal" > -anid "Maima 1" grevi fainten sud <intor ap lu tise.air. -Wiscu distance sud tvilight ilats iad svallowcd up 7oices and faces, sud notbing coald Wé meon but bise dans, cruel Ébape, saiing triampiantlyaway vitisitspruos booty, like an acriai pýrivateer, tise ppor ftbisr piak, iscipless'and speecbless; but lise inotiser, fraudstic il grief, stihi stretied ont ycarning -insus toverds biso inexorble beaveo, and csiicd viidiy up labo tue unanswering void. Tise cronent slroye to cppsoetise vrutpcdparents Wltkh'iseassurance biset tise bublon woald desend vitisin tbirty tmiles o! tise tova, sud tbtili rigbt be woli witis the cbiidnen, providcd lbt Od uob coaje dognuin the vateor rdeep 'voods. ia the evo'eatf s dwmdecn4inA u£faour- able spot, lb vas biongiat biet tise oldur cisild migist eep out, leaviag ,tise yoanger in theo balloon. Teit lmaigitspiaanarime and contine itivoyege. 'Ais, no,' replidthie niotiser, 'Jonula vouid nover stir from tbisaFu r vtisont Joisnny ln ber arm' r. Tise baubon pseùd directiy o«er bise market tsawn. aud theis uldrau winz cageia"W"in tha topmest brauches of a trea. Têtsobe spw bise>'wernearaàbouse visenco belp mlgisb soot cone; go piso eakeucd ber brotiser and bold biaitise good novs;a;nd togebiser isoy watciscd sud veitcd foi delivonnce, bu *g eaci oben fon io.y and varaitis, for bisey rere cod. t Fermer Burton, wbp Iived in a lonel>' bonse on tiraPd.go of bis ov p-ivate prai- rie, vas a famoas ileeper lu general; but on tbis perticuher oceision ise avoise b.- fore-bis, deva-- sud fbough b.e taraud and spin aal, Ùe coald sleep us more. So,- ,et = bS sidto bis miod if., viWh ,iead4lqudly as ii> tW luforaiber of bis unafcuobi4b _ils tpué," i use; l!Il get op, asid dres myself, sud biavei oket bise Co Met», :The aext biset vortby vornan beerd froua ber vaisefal spouse *vns'a bissty nommons te bis. door.Tt seemus tisat no wooerdidbe step foi-bi froua bis bouse, tissu bis oyes feU .o» * straugeportetus sbape baugiug Inalaepa -tnee *bout tveuty yards dsan.e. id n o likeneas te auytbing erbily, sud -b.ebsd- feuciedlb migist balise cornet, vis., bav. ingpa pnbot bis ligit bad, corne dovu bisare to percis. In bis triçbt and per- plexiby b. did'visatevoy vseman would do i lue iseutreniy-le cilled apen bis- valiaut vite. Reintorced b>' ber, b.e drev ucar bise bre., cauflool> reconuoitring. Sarel>' neyer per bru.oe Lsucis fruit. Saddeniylbere desceuded fnom tii. tbîug a pWnitive, trembling ibtle voies, 'Pleffl to tise us dovu; ve-are ver> cold.' Tisnase coudlittle voie: saidsAMd bhungry, tS ; lee tekeup. dovu. Wby, viso are pou î Andvis.re ar'eyou front Y 1Tise trittlittla voie. eid,' We aea Mm. BurvoodTs littie boy sud girl aud vo are blu Is#b4qljpu..4'. Tise ieubu llttle roige smu tid, b aus, eud va ruuned svay vitisaebullon. Pleese taise.us dovu (nom ber..» Dimfy eompreseadlug bise situation, tise, farmer, getbing isoiciof a dangling Topa supcepdod lu palling dovu tise ballon. Ho firet pdlled ont littie Joisunp, 'iso, rn ïg'pidiy a ewevyards toverda tise hop"e, dhi burued eround and sipodor a&1W moments cuerionsl>' surveyisië tii. ballon. Tise feithtul littie aiter vaa an cisilled and exasaatcd tbisebail iad Wb.carried into tbp bouse, 'Wis ere, trernbiiig sud sobbing, &ho told tise vonderfal 5t01'y. - Before suntise a naounted m ieseger vws despatcisod t e ie arood home wvitb ç id ilig of groat jo>'. Hoercei- éd- lbiu tbe atternoon ; andi a.fov Leurs i&tc Ilisp cildrsnu ies arnivcd,:,la otite, vitis bannersa ndimusic.. andlcou- voyed iu a covorod bay-waggon nand four. Joéy-bells vono unï*in llie\neigliisounlag bova, and lu theiise rrs bose tise bop - lasi b amil>' on tise coninent tbanked ~esvyn tbat nigit. *~ A UIS l oresrAsl.-Inbise Pais- reusgar district, l Intese outiscpstarn part of tise Stâteof Nevadaeistaàoe'fronfAuÏtiu extirn#ted et 180 mles-la a& nemankable rno7intein of sait, about lO miles soubli o! tisemines, lb la reported to be about fle ailes in longbis, end aboust 00 fet la beigisi. Tise body o! saie, la of sinknowu deptis. l acsmiai'pune and-crital' lino, and dons sot delipsiesco on oxposure blqsbng from tisa mine, and insas transpar- ,and or, eca to caunua ijiaimerg oft Usepniasvi yen". Wisie tise> romain, (bey yWi bite won- dur of-thse vorici. AN AUVwr 8.60B GOEs ABUAaêr.-Wo vere cerbain btau hadler, of Michsigan, vua paltroon and s biovur, and novw w ler tisat b. luea snob. Tise Detroit Ji'eÀ Preas mentionsi,;a foliova, tise style in wrbiphibp parposes to do tse continent of Europe. lb sapa : -" ,Scuator Cisandler Iift bure, vitis bis faaiuiyand servants, on Satumdey, nigbt for New York, viscre b, vin rea a few days preparatory ta, aeilug ( Eurpe.Tie-Ifichigan Senatoir la ueerlo ect aavel ofzpaie- klu4 vshil.sIWoL iitla veifo and daughtereaèh take vith tbiema scolored fummi.servant1 sud isebaises tvo blacik male servante; Tise servants are te bu fittcd oub vb;le in, Nov York vitis- very.asovy iivory. Tise coats of tise mea servants are (o bcuof lavender col -or, vith-wiite bottons, up-on visicis lathseMichigan coâtofarmes, exeept bises stage support tise latter C, visichs la o! red enarnel, vltisgol&uedge. Tise fe- maie servants vear large beit bucsîeq being tis arne desigsi as biset upon tise buttons. Tise baisaof the-men ame biack vitis a vide psirple bandsand e large ailvi ecîkade, lu tis ceubtre of wichis aou. of tisebuttonsaforosald. Cliandier moansa make a sensationàlanbise aristatcircleà, sud ifsa hav iahiexpeaditure o! mocey wvll do it, beviillscucee.d. endviso knove but- bisat bise labo knigib o! biesecissors sud yard stIck nia> retunf itis patents te 611l bit;es o! nobilit>', "ci as Lord Biovisard, BRni o! LiWebÃŽiilsi,7 Ba<ù Bail Ran or soule suais. Cisandler bas, (os- Boule tini-e pnst, lied qaite a stroug notion, for -impe-- Waim.>. ludocci, ilis eaid, fiait hc bas somae stock lu tise 1kaperi< ofsrtei cw rk, but visetiser flua la o or net, certain i ilÉ;tis4a b.e and bis farnily fane>'Lisemsivethse cisiefcst of-tise Wsinigton aristocricy.' îEra. Lydle BeRaHek, age-i 77 years, vsbunicd lu fisc eighbounhood of tise vin ag o lunbs, count>' of Ontasrio, ou Sud~atTise deccusoti wus one o! thseoidst etbis or thoe ounby, and six o!fbise old reidents wio sottied tiser. sabout tise ssae fnitise ta se id r ttnded tise fuseraI as pail-boarens. Uponx reckora- iug ageo, thc total yoas ao! tise ses-en, lu- chuding lIrs. letallicis, arnountud to, 51o, Tise sil; bearei-s all sppoarcd iu good healtis, andtiri respective ages are 84ý, n7 74, 69, 65, and-64-. cultious FsoEAsc or Auw JUANz M.&,.- Tise Fra Pras fella oftau cderi>'aMu o! tise Quaker pérsuasion, vcaring s-or> long- isairIàlsi toük a strange idca, visile teurl- pômril>'dérangedum ini. lIe-mplo.7ed a barber te eut bis bain off short, anti 5(ablln IlDmu A. WU F 1 1 1

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