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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1869, p. 2

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ait - q . . 6NY 0 CUTB AàTEAI Whitby, TtrnrMday, Jw, 10# W89. v»epiearley Bo w iii Doihio, ewlboe la WhIthy tiis eirI Th VFiiatf Juty 14 (net qperoaclig, oMd, .. 0art, va knov of no pueparatieua hsjii u uméde. t.- vards Comaemrating the grest a Vent of Coneidroiios.LImt lest à grio t ir vas paée oMd a capital round o( intertuln. meut$ provlded. Con va Dot bave a aloni lir culebrolion lb. priSet ot shr tire- programmes for *bat, ano donhl, viii bu obsirrîd eoaa publie holiday îhrougb- * out aii parts of the Dominion'. -T1Wca net h behindhaud la Whirby la bouorings thaedaY.W.u1mauttat no. lime, viii hi lesot iu takiug ailive stop$ lovard. a"for- ing the meaousof gîting op a good pro. gramme. An effort by the preper pardle, CoutilDoiet, vaire peérauaded, failt 0oh- tain tiheooerty do eperaîion of ail eur sowuafolltld and Young. Conty illfe -Asoiaton, The Con.acil e! iisAssociation oetIts rasant meeting, dîcidîd netotu eheld sheir &nouâaimatch aontsoi#Ldme tu the <al.' Tbey boar@slfisited vith theiProvincial Association, vhlch vill hol i 11M UsSmàt, loingluTorouto ou tie22nd1 ita. Tho@@ fromnthie ëCouaaly vho7 v'h 10 compie ean, on applylog te Japuaie JOB«,aind pipnenl le hi n o uidollor, uco htan ticket& vhich viii matte thom mîmbers both ef tbi Couuty aud Prviuciai Aseca- tien. Th. Toronto tch p romnues tu h. Sv.ry attractive on@.",Tbir CoÎncil bavel adoptai! thi poliicyof'ofîringa otage nm, bar of prizis, rather than à a <v 0cflargr jamouct. Tb@ B&Uwàwa, compain i convey eonapetotoro one heu veum (rae of c horge, Thîre *1v is 4" a couad rations viii h. <araid et a.ovonabli rots, Tb#s enil hooruug.ai 0 o thief3outy Agriceitorul SooieY of Booth Ontrot ome off u ongtnrday l. The dii shid ot lthe Agrienltnvolgroudo, vau mode traitoble for the -ouioa,sud, oe the veother vwa eomivhtoooi aud idy, the ahelter cf th diii ibéi! proved muet opportun@ sud. conviaien't. The numbir el persOns IPruient did not-nie i (y; Toery lujeIinterest hîiog mulaeinluthe pro.eedange by outsider.' la the ei aoutIhive vie tour en- tdiisud444 I mprimes vire .vordeds folio,. :-Tbomas Allin, lot, limei 42 minute; Jaes oImer, 2od, lime. 42 minuteWilliam Wickîîî, Srd, lime, 35 minutis William Valuer, 4tb, lime, 44 J300 @eus-2 inîriea. -j"i. Bo rne, lit, Inq. Kc(lillîvr*y, 4(id-uImo, 47 minutes. Judgia, H. Speuces,- laino. codai aud 1iahord Dole. Wuîs'vvs ovaavvtLs-&match ve a iud ai Bnouamoizilli ou Fria-Ialaut, boleta ipaqmbrot ofthe -Wltiy îiuha andthLis ti'ido Avakes ile!fBanvuonvllie. Tb@aforemr cme off vieloosbebiug @u@1 vnmsla tIr.sîraigU igauesa. lini20, Mimero. Lovea k Povell adrowdtii ic vont te paoureai. fty thonaiud pounda of lypei, for cah, hhy ire-4s8e auleat l tultilft tensnd dollars Worth of M âou- - be uWoaibtisMd dtivbW igoode, aod effet grsioIadeieutate iuteudhng put. à$aau. hir lloualploiWsaiaea.. VoL ovu hufii omUpsi u s aid feuv of tii 84àh Batt$lfo», and .&ho tbeGrmomr Sthoil Ddn ii ioqof e >iis towiviii bu lup"tqoes *e , rwJ As YP ~b. umes b, doUam ulid oute, a r.gisicg sorsalsia., tIai iaaesttd te baie Lii fini aI & ula ayst. seboul, u iii *bhnast Sioui piuW. s* U acet vould ibo o lit, Lrip.r mytoada a reaeluioa teodlaoitinm Meé t te»#O' o>1.eoof tii, -6vi vs eauniriitThe ju mari the Pa ;tion la oue1Ipsgt i r~i, iauIi i etht MWv fvitapoaoniaï,.4laa ci elo iu, ld 11 0@ Row.. CsvAuI BILU lot e Gaîi. ý-lr. W. 13. HOanua nte #21500 Royal Canidisanbatik bill#,, vihboilhlraeciva' at rin pàjqn9t o! choIifmilj rpo- f cerime Auunoc u bi rcilpsof, h$094au eppil ef Tarai anmd otier paries&MI. The Di&aeltt baswd .i i Ar<o.*a.i rat loceya!end Lhe Coaprutao&i The folovlug documents we're hrougbt belon. a meeting oft hi, Di!'eloQrio! lhe CatyAgricultuna oit.otuI n taie Oaa saturday lait, and ncad. XW* have been requested ta paxbilýÉhem iu thei natureof01a itatimeuit,ofl1;t,m vhicb v. do vithhut comment: stjareen Mm. blsedonol, a 'Ird y m.Watson, moeflnvttuthlie pjp!' l îd 90% aWerdiaî, Lu eJ Atîtol, tetasse te tMs%* napra t t parlai of ton yoamm fment thelot dai et Mîay aict, et theiiiual routai o! four pouidi, par siani, l> is ptec by tubs Cenaaall and-la, order ho Inducoe. ti Agminaaimi So#ey eof South auts a t Seold tirajgwlfuitmori ilacis li tige tevn, siloi 'toliiaOlLma be maa et* the asid Agrieuttairal gSeatl, na8ne- lyt-Liainua Anad occupaationa o awaUx11f sud loid atueléd thereto, rp tii Mie ien otasil d Ma Wedeu - ai'eider fur- q tion tee aid sud asslst te* Amemti 5ociehtlua nakig sucl Ilmpnfeeaiats upeai th0e l ised'oal t jIi aidtheOu y peu lthé !olovilaîg eonlos iz ;-1 _aItb soui grwlituna Svotetyalsoi, e ttie &Wogpcrldfut uu>e phoi ieis, uaa ils ora hoal; a I" isai e o4ty sha hav tu til vlei te màa a ua auaeeaiat li sid abUCt tlia ld lttnd* sauaiprenahousoi aîaay by &al4foeWy ba dien dioiriable anal naeceiSb@ y, l mroaiou a i rvag tii. ilgial te aie tha. ooru hasl lndi attaid ltero- tetomr ta. publie lisiof tistow tvi, vhdai sud as otteaios e q,4 aiandi occupatiofet h. dme ne lai Salidurwsy ittée t h iLalte lntercae t& osaà ld 4grtutsrsl tietliais Corporatinbiuadiaag toitlcite éon lutm proveim.nt» au viii prn alt &ho oerrlow ef voter (rm enuLiadjnoaaat l$*ada, thqlomidan et $M0 to ni iaponaed hb W mai etiîr'ao Lie g rounds atua'.pr mises abo"e ot Zy by seportoet he salsact Conintlmoaypolnted te oor mih the Dumetrsetf -theSouth ormtaaloie culturol Seetuty relative lu- Il.. prepwed logso e eT lovwn hall asud preuaaieî altaelid tiacreto, te saald Socety- *<*D te,,epo ietyn Canut me 4gt Poajaire ndof tti»,tita utLy, ad îaremofau a u e lmafer matiLcaae i u- iexid aiimoranuar, vbiela ires egraod to by thiti salai d flei tDirooters. ,,. Yonr Comniawa vot ennnd tiatsld.mm- erandan lie aopteai s the boue if ssid pmo- posai Laie. itia s4 olu tard ef Dieotors. MIl et vbuaab le respeqttnily aubaiitd. Whltby, Jiuaa7 241h, 1863. Conttea te Le ats Imo py oflkrqportadopt. id e>' lIa.ovowai Contil, Oth JauCy., 1943. Tovat Clrk. Mumoanduni o! agreeueuodiuf sàu~ th ltldlug ouaI>' -ntarolu grlultursI Me>- ciel>, aud thi o peultih'ru-. Whiiby. jet Liie for 10 y-ansiotgroni senti f dli age théItorunit' C oecas!au b>' -tia aboe. ali lie madte guoti by the. tomai. L4&ae goonunee41tI, 1842. - , - 2md. Thaéolety jhoaborethé *hîele sud euh Ven$a-eiot heapriset bnhillup (oxeept lise levai Certa' iiei m adthe rooïaneupsal1> iliae'tovn hall kiopor ad tié.iock-ap Wr to vhoua vik 1ting «Ecittilliuon- alIb>' th iai $117on Lb. premin.; siso fle iaavelIai ne. ofthie pubtie ihllfor tii laldfng ef ail au- nus!anti apeelal oetuu te ief t ho Direc - tair o iiaibima o! hie See00e6v; Sieochury teo have the pr.vtlége e oeuhal ai> bidinigs taud=v n araiuitaittuste "tote eapproral ofeatnt4 io wméili Sei ts te atâhue Tthe EdliiO tgor reW:Croi otbri o doubt) rd t »aia eu y. ah. et lfuteelesivrpcl A st tOe'eloek. 2htili <lue itiri o <de ouê halro aid Io olr, ndeai, ob ed aid opny-bitaclp soon. S oime o! our Corpoastien Dada-or aboi 1 nol nathor cati liheu Lads-are lalrly running.iol viîb lhemoelves Ibis preseut year ef gracm, 1860. This, b .a griaI"t eaat, la on.eofthlie.resiats oethle t#ecisgçeâ u inihelav, vbich introduced tho thune yiars'",stem. 1 conf iasliI1 va ah fia-t one et thoso lai avo-o! auak- iiif th chsange, lu tao expochaien thal 'w ah ino ycyars exporienco li thoe oncli Our reproaentalivea wouid -bocomo botter mombera ràm iteeucrcmsod omount o! in. tormatien îiîay veulti froan ypar o year acquiro li lie performance et thair dam- ties, 1 vu s vnag.Meubis instoad et acqpring épcîaed information, or bis. teviaag & greater ameunt of attention ina thic disebarge o! icair dutios, becamin a- attentive snd iadiffrent, onri knowing li the>' hold their mcata for tire. yiar# act-atlotly uegardlcsa01ethlicopinlis of tie ratiapsycni. A vigilant eaut spoken p-«# laJiihe nly mens by viaicl tiey au hi roaed, anad glad 1 &an, Sir, that lie Okroniutl, lan o minent degroe, a( ferais suci a rosource te tic ratepayins et -/Anotber gliariogl7 bai, and moii unvise chniaiO lur munacial lau-, 1h halaiyou viii admit ho bu tho introductionof the, clausus disqualifing Clcri ofetbthiPoer, Regiahaa, &c,, froua holdigsmalt a iTowai Ceuancilsa-Tiaieclauses qne naniteilly pot oniy anjust lu tbeu.uives, bait s« mostlinjuriously lu liiintInun ost he b mtalpsyero,. Tireugi hem roperalien wu aire, lu 1WhitLy, dpived e! the services te 1h.Coportin e h alsI sud bts peiteamnla uicplmaltera liait iver heM s 00aa Ii canclirsd. Or cour". 1 siadi te Meuera, Pernt and i Madoaell- Thai gentlemaenpsylarge laxes; liey Would, (if qaaig fle,)licmiiof an edction neçoive tbree.<ourtbs of lie voeseaQ< Ihe natepayers And yîî tireragh the Inju- nJoua oporation oe-thlii aewty introduced clauaes diaqulitying thiu (romn holding ofice, tie ratepayers are deprlvid of ticir services, and thie, tieunelvai mayl e sad te bave t4 psy taxes vittuout being pro- porly aepresentcd. Thes. ami grievaaacas, laeere, lbé neuedy fer wvilcilies. viLla 1h. heglaltura. lfor the grievance iraflict- id On te tbu-n y the preseail Council, a resort te the coi umns o!fliaiChroniole muit Le lhe natepayors' remedy. And trusling you vii lalntiii, ai lnai ees .- pocha, oct in tie future ai-you have li lie piot, 1 beg Le aigai mys«h Yours, "t.. A PRIENU UOF1THE3CHRO)TICLR. Wbilby, June 8th, 1862. Te fthe EditOr of thue Ifklitbp Crnicle- 1vi us ilascito aie lu yona paier of :t week yoa iai %*ken aip the cat- h ti lova Varylied il si'uatt gentleeniWho 14t Joek, lut ue levaihbai, would lho brongit to booï throngiuhuahepresa for gbtraomet ut bi, now ttitat tiie Caaaowue asspoknou; 1 have aon)e bepc 1ton hie ftur.. Ilion> iase jn t.toi iuul quat-ellng ainomueýt tii'me cnbon about iriahi asatero, andi tee 11111e attentaon paai te tbe réail iteresta of tic corporation. - liae gat vint eo ystaw in, liregard toeatreel Inaprovemueuts, mdaavlka, sud cuineta, cm> -»494iûrIon aieatiuaut. Vair fiatnSb tee inuit ho in a delalomaabrlatti; al etyeam'mla ci are exlasaiteai, aaud nts dollar in tim.troaaary. Cpm pueloeaccuilcil bs yosr ane sohaus Sfront apd Ito wQn., and beleenue, &btint ye . uulpendeaît artiole o!ffat eeta,gaveznineh ,- mtimfatiei, sun,ît, rat, viii bore the edicet 1 fet srrtg p lieue vioinvu ave îitmutc v illa thi mag auuneitfis o lilnl fuature we caaloek va ith re IMato4unl t thei prooiolagmotfbi oil nuali. Yonna irai>', B ATEl>ATEII. 1i ilhy, JuniShM, 1869. ,lTe Me EdiWor of *5l7AfWtbyiClrQni Sg-. dlie uha irn? Arl Mysait, as ii Maal ie11.1i isard. expniai ti.unueire. ubop I u lasi, eoka Conooatoen, glte onu tiuag te, m tcetsirlthapere sud y on muet gr.nseedit fo a mî viim hi berne to ba ee ira iu" lmRi.I ll' by gomi is*'tM ariout - ~~'1~~~~~ 0. aic nn a *9im "->- mi Ing tbi knovbedge tiey posseaathttmp-JaIgaoipiha Ir tu ve# tbiui, u tal pakai eone an I> pldiaîù op. Ur ruaist 0amw let vse t outcoeafuil tian suctbi ~T te lonti leo .Par et'Wirasnet i a diga1lfel 1 stél o tech- Ilalplaimeas saiko are net tihe ctahe0< ~ep0yJlîuFfti taTY !iihr aae, ntIbrany .rs ,ambition, andt bis 2maf ibeohtalraod; rle.u4br bjrcorseofreiig-red, un telaes001 th0zme-are tua.meeoldensAhiieaa igit aMdi phemaepi l tovotw yfrar ,e!fthe a ia na epi verythIng I Thmie harems ef ce L-.a b>' eading vith care adtI auntio- 0maelleai re tarttat te i uili t iotaglat deth bidgrapblet, aa$otbgonpbles, bléfil idiu>'ltiuihhd <olii, sght.siiiag portlO if ti b.iuuas anIslite uulfythi ay», traviti, wrkt sciesnce, moralsuid mitnnooi'sam ft(iatigohitf Iei 1 Ueituienln eq iSahski tele o iica etsOf phiaa bsaee ia ueaihea mdetrek purpne il or l ia en, I lîtILapn e ix tnlo.0 0 xi&vaseucruat. U t m iore hn itei fond lai i cola tr.adneratt ttillnetvucaAI booa oaeiesa eryiinuodsu #alv a i»tit tm$tic the 1furueon p-au!u frmatheott mt u î nft-t- Trir.IlBta .l omaiaa dil ta dood, utThe i oceonly e ntot deasbkcameprtesal danIl fi wA mrd thnil txo e nglydifinulth#te expre iii te il lmuare i th£o icL, iaetis. r làe-an idaiks f o s sa veyviit oathofan>' oiag imosibl e y llr ainie erWry «e a inomainine b n s i ae conusaravoim.Àri*l on.tr i.l aum4ïicl fn teceinormatilo oxte n freubu t1h.ieombnerats qn the t niaiienpiledera Aneti if bbis ,-ili*Y er e 1 n iud. niblie dtyafercît tnkage aiarlea thntae cua odi- . colboki ramae iti u thewrkvenu fare rdi-ti bo âpeau lay Iis iei ohierviaterticfsai lit -monîte it lre tleDmnnai Ad anbiifomti, o e or ls nonuutthe ier ogino apptrelatS ho iled o ieas orory ani. o h trk.ti. oagorstn e tAmiLb tht ouchie uiaotdes nhol bprepanaml wtauoi orodyfrs e d u a di t f e rl i i t itp r o r n lo t s a o ta te n o al v is it e .,n t ep aîî t n n v i u g a n ti r uap i g u And teen letietrutsdom iLot ptesbit euonAaicnpootlias lrrin' aprecig ila ani f fnor thaï 4lie sitaion h ii i berd et le 5-sp totwuir eeeicacaut tedieiînu s tI sel rera mno t tetrse omtd eh ttua niy rsi et he ulurlarnpieutaprc-w exeunrcie os taent aion hlo po(eio-f ltetlatonoraexdollenears.sateics bat a il aniu aban do n iqouisineay, artdingltenfaeltue itrt t -et iit nura gieit lie. 5 io>' ppriat iier asazo#eataclieliaimusi -ite- oualo, a wohnd tsee a..Ii one-moie xiâlu e ltr îiarobgiiel int exris istlet, liaLithrp e uafin, b ua rslL itesees ut a r ion, bt jbih nevesoeles aieted, rtolas iii. pttats(n svrai o lg aisi tbihb se mny paenthea s mahc nt; acheie n*chilIratre osi, h ealemue tuona, T isr once eliatii l!ta eut. t tie epreOttiQ of urtaor tii th-- seoan, bt1ii. uineitetnevîcitro-s .titea.Ta aym T ot ap$0rin i obtain a ertain ù&oorc«ti reee in, c on adt t4 cpr*Oy uiict iug;te»l 'rie aemoo M haur oaudae naailne utamuigh iai meganeurot et ia i Ioea red 01 nto, and mi heioer btune d aic o-0ith ine vi"atir.gnenint'elsetsteauicon.-a mtinaoaid. lnd these are tht m rTti* ciaculat.-. autamenait et neady umeay inli mh ent Ikeanor lite Levai A-4tita we iciteaidtç temaske il tu lklyi to rémaia teaehersft» 1/. ,peofthîe woot priperolls place oret Ia 1for thein ambition la satiaifhid; but due ma li thaecono.try. Are =cat u eludm tlite'. a.,erer make rcally iaucecfal teadier mernanlas», aitoiWaiien tee bri(atas ey are, t4. do lu flou- car îiaoy 1 Il late Le dîplereai ihat j.l etisiaetnt tlomlJeel, viti- lu orciillrcdmulbecnmt'd ledut coaîmcndiaig tii. pinlt, corgy saind enter- our prise taI have buit up oum nea noranons citren suiinotnuietion of saici mon. il a tasue, iupplyiug aJeiiuamaaet venta viit, prier mun maies upbis min a, le his teat*aer te tbe laaiuaintioa iet liis eatabliobhuoittl, Il 8 nioles vh o e rt, iko pan hoicat WUsa nceaamy te import f<mteu1.4 anai mafit biuelit tiereugliiyfo Itço&? tatei, adm aive ao nedoulitire ecItothe pnb I ian. or bi vonlieopwase u e iomalu ,tiil laireiing«I Thona la ne profession no sîpurtuail lia its pnapeity te tul,@impi liait lllal'ai Wenkm 9 eleni, andi vii>' houlhaimiro adronlaurav, ofet .ioosuanuer theioinengetie anti auxmeeistl ateliers ater biaire, inter lite, ant isM-, Prmiadeucy et F. W. Qleai, a'q, ga eit? Theo xainain 'bor e e Court ut Qua 4raW ot eoaend ConaIty, other dy proesea muc.l . If rI al, I bave Court. vrilten. Altieugi lhe snsvering ethlia -1 questions îubmitted e-as Ltter li asny Whlîhy Juge S, 1869. 4 instance& tisai on fermer oeeas.oai, yet The Ceurt et Quarter Boulonus sud Co, 8 tho modeanmd stle ofet einagan. net Court, pndu 0 outBue hty violtic>' sioqiai bu 1,n Viral, or tien li nu9Taieday1a s 1e Co oe, fias Houe second dais thachèea. If s tesau laierI eTedyls!a 2oeok t!oo hlm oxaninalien papîrs oboirs a caresi .ladge Boaaso protidiaig. AeiWoate-t habit li ils aniwm, lac iii Sureiy carry James MeCa-igit, end J. S. M." Wilcox,( tiat careleasneiqut ao isseiul.and incul- Luq's. The Grand Jurera baviug h.eai I îctle tho sanie babil auaing lis pupils-; <oued dthuliewiug vomi sioru inas refr exemple isa a, more effective teicei r ,R. B.Pemry, 9aq,, Voe-m»s. thon precept ; and teaciers ohoulal set p, Lui., J. Squelch, 1 heur pupils good exanuples. Tboy aboula I 3,Suarr, 'Z. Blair, atuai>'te do crer>' îbaaag lan a laty sud ~Bad .Bna ; rderly m nn î, anal te ppils vi s oan I e r ,W a rs cquire the saune habit, anal wien-hm JSear,.Citbrs ciioractons for ordcn anaicleanliness lia once J altn .Wiam temmeti, thue viii Le aiediflcuit>' licoe- W. Bambiriaige, J. fui, 1ducting a achool. Mitee, la oua. tbing ta W. Robinson# J. Tieupion, vhîich teaciers as a general ral., pa>' uttle R. White, A. Madalsu, attontion, and that ii readlirg. il, tii3 . bu, .MQul 1ezpoct o te lpah reaaing veil, they noust raosi eil thomwis. But IL la a natterJ.en, T. Perryman, oiet <st tit, as a éluse, thhe r9O- u-G oen .Tld ,difi'erenî rendors. Tboy -baie adeptcd a Thé grand jury brengtin tlueIa bille .sert of manneiai lai itylo liaI is piruîýl gaisiut Lvroce Cayelr, aiolng muey; Iclous Il 1 effeets on lie young, It im te Thos. Wilson,aisoa#e; Fred. MeCaatio, hI hepedttinIlahIis raespoct tisir viii hi oai"aOlt vith latenlte ocommit tape - ;voit improemeit Ly thie neXt oxainintaoan, Tb. Co. Attorney movodti iahle m- eThis deecet ina their reading eu Le cuteai. oogaizaeee of P. Ua-Calna hi (orteited, tsned 1'aesudtop uaeictI h nitisad:aBeachi vornt hipiaceti lu the one niItrust tii.y vii loaTecis, yaboeoail ehiers, aboulai Le gooti resios. od !h intf<nh.arat Lot tin> ioiti alilaffochatioai syh. 7U,4Qu-en vs. LaWrem cB aydt . tandt hey viii meon aucecoal in scquiinn an -teshiag money. Verdict Gity-l yeasy anal raturail, abit, anud-lien thie t ealek ru JIli, B..Wisi, g- elfor 1 difOeiulparl eft he.von la oý ccmpliabp4. ithidefitadeut, ,Affectation in anytiag in abominable, l7wmas I7ilso.-Nuisco. Tiis vws .-ant ëidbouai udieualy avoided b>' or anuaction for th@ removê etora fone e r eue viwo detinia te Le usefui anti respectea I ' bepo 1 havi rot basialanytbhii offaîniO- deitaisiuvseenrlt>' la $200 te baie te a Y eae , Lut trust the renaris 1have the obihi-aoiou rimoieti l les o f Oplobea- Il miana>' fiavei a iator>'o ctanti se- nîxî. compihithei.purpoe for vliTbave@- GrUeatapo< . faael.-.do or vnitlen. taisf Wl~5 .H reuôd o Ubig June lSu, 186 9, aomv.- , . m-erdivot, or UxnagPlAintiff, $188,26 ; J. H. enwG o TaiJoeph mai sm&,hite Woag , hrta.Timin,-Veardiolfor, plalu-ý - ~ ~ ~ ~ a O eu.iW 2 .80; .-.Cochirano, tir Plain- Tithe Tononto e 'lraplu, o!fh. t tia -M __ 1 . .> 1ýDodgeota vP.eus.-Verdieî forplain. nd good 00Aeraiea 01Q, MT MwjuaY' joeta aid îathere, prduiuled hat ail ucl erors.lava and ordinasgoin ade hail b. laid belote boti lIuues Of Parii$ ont, Ai; son as cenveuient sf187 11w saking- snd eiau.ctuttr.oL . rd, The. Lieut. GoinoFOr 1sbaU aulinnW er lthe 09ettinult 1113el' r-etractions von blm 'by e-order iu CouaniL" Tla, 0,rner ilu eunil' May constilote anà ppoint, b waty, a Cendil net ex- "dng a7témn, n'or loesthan seven, te aid ae Lieý*L.GoyeraiT uthr duiltaia affairs. rnh. 1Ail Lbe lave In ferce at lhe lime admiltancé lit e Union,'gsai, a0 tir a consistant- vith the British Northa Lmerican A04 sud with Ibis Ad, roimain- n orce auntil altoed b b. heParliament ef traa rb h LiuL.Goerator, nden îhheryetbis ýAcd. Pbic oficrÎ7 ad fanctionarios holding office at tlae ime et admisson mb 1 he Union, except- ag bina or ILein i I b bad eOfliaead- ninistration o! affairs, ahail continue te >e public 'officera ef tbe North- West erritory, witii ho iosa duties asad po wora t betore, untid otierwis ordered,' undor àe autbority o1t Iis ACtL 7tl. Thia Aclshail continue lai force snIil the oral oft lb.nexî session. Tii. bill vas fread a fitalt ie, aftr. lme d-*acmsion. Mr, Ruse movcd LiaI on Taicsdy nezt àe lieuse go mb o omaiittise, teconsider ffc reolutibns on the subjocît f New- rundland, and explained thast tbey irore aie substance oftheii arrangements bc- vween iii. Privy Coajaîcil and the G<overai- mentî o! Ncvtoundiand, rctcrring- tolthe adrisaiien oet LaI Province inn, thé union. rh. substance eofIthe resolution is a fui- lws -To suthorize 4h. Gorernr.acnt te aateV m in gotiaîi, incuadaaig poi, in for th.e acuisition ef duaputedlproprio.4 'amy gtofthtecOriginazl agrauaof etCrewaa ,tnd;, fur effecting commutation, et Ion te in favor of gmanîcees, audJ-on fa;r and bora! terns. To eutlîorize the (Jovernor in Council te aMakes titisrequisito arrange - îentâ fer lies. purpoaca, aud le rais. by lozi oLotbcrvise. vit i ainking (und, sucb lan cbarged in tb. conselidaîcd oxpen- ci ef Catiad Mr. Roýe introdu«er a tesolution for tie dunissien oof Prince Etlvard Island mîto the union. Hle refteieuolethe aaannor by mhlci the vbeie islsal vwati erî;inaily granteid te a 1ev pirsonu. Tii. object ef tio resoluîieu vas liaI the Donainion sbould acquire the. clitia ofet lis. midlvi- duais. Mn. Roi. moved tliIt lo iuse ois [!ucsday next, go int comunstteistu con- aider tiie reisoiulions respccting Nova stiîl, and aaid îbey were lb. substance of on arrangement como toilutsiithenonth of Jauaary, vien ýcorrespaidnce had talen place betweon lthe Govomaiment and h o_ý on. elens4Q noir Presiduail of tic L~ounil :-ev 1 Sela e lisable only or~ ~ ~ý exeseidb n$,180,7DO, and aball i. entitied te interest up 10 tint anieust To receive fur heu years; on allevance et 082,698, yearly, in addition th ail ether paymente undor tiie Union Act, Nova 3cotia ho e ciiarged ire pen cnt. on tiie raew Province building, wiiich fronsiis compiotion te Le piaced st 1he dispesai et thei Dominion. liBon. Sir John A. Macdonald's bili, resi ecting crniinal procedure, ws conidrcal li comairee ofetheio volle. lion. Sir John A. Macdonald gave no- tice thaI iho would moy lia. bouse bave tire sittinga oac> day 'luring lbhe rets ain- dur of the. Session, cemaooncing, on Wod- Snesay. b>' a refersme te env advemtisiug eo!aua, tiai C. Dmaper k Co, bave bien appoint- id agents ofthLe "Amenican Sait Compaany', for lie sais o! samt in this ceunI>'. lb. price, wvosare bldi bs ehae rodeeed (rom $1 70 te $1 60 per inaroi, vboloîaist-.tsud (rom $1 8Sote $1 65 rstil-at lie viaf liae Svz or InctLttuu-Ardhiibsbop Leahy' basu eia long unti cloquent pastoral on thei -outrages in, lipperar>'. H fe expresses is ierrof ethLe crime, ex- borts Lie peeple ho forbeamance, aqdtila mona hiat a few- tisparadcw, gctiaig air- gly -anti viteul acicomrpliei«, sieult tarai- isi tie finte of galantfipperary.1 lie ut- tnbihpa the antipiy et tenant agaipsl laidler4 te lie be long pootracteai sotîle- ment cf h aniquaea.îlmpiahier- é ahi> deailes lii. existee.ocolan agnarian I .asirac>', sani sya Icouldti nl eisl 1 ihî"hoP*utlie -inowiocigseofthle Cathoflie ,clorgy, ant h0 bave o nu>kovietigi0ofatiy 1iueh tbiaig. lec ioadetactioai o! eufe r o ves tho r e la n e o n pi ra y . - I l a îîyî B. ed onios iiat promises àe! an> changein lie landi lava i y Mv. Gladstoe eud Mn. Bright have hqti anytbîug te &o wiliîthe itardoti. Suoh as msby be seý- -.tn*»A n"ar an-hoasedalhsa anr-tl t NEW DVEarIazKh Tii hair iras tokRe» by ithe lie <teTiid.qof luai, m1110.101 Conw taii Ii.liMaea cf Profesaçoual Msud ui- ue.'5 ien. asud et tha p ricipal iaalabitanta in the. Ci"o, Towna and VIIlagea, to-4ether vith a large amenait of eaurali iutirmttoua, mud- ing&alphah.tirsl IAriesot 1?oe$OfficflAsan llo*tmatrA, Batiks, Goeenanental Depari- ýmSnaiad £>la.le.a0 aUeii lair Courts, 1if..4ai1tinal Deparluientis. (luateaa lloaaaeaand Offidet a Ctoaua Portas<of En- tryi-Teiiof Ct.uai», LiaI t fatiaita of Ilu- voaiîoas, ena~F ailva1yA, ltlvay and utnuelRoutes, Baieve sint audJtjalgioaat irarA vkab ttaeîr J>ivis.iolis, Now*pnpera ami Perioical, &e-, &e ; ase, Statemouts of Iai- porta aind Expiorta, iLové-acn, Expmuditawe1 TIh. Cnaed Directory fer 18167-58. paibflsbed by tlae Lbcubr tai e o nff i>'t lii l'rincapad lnhabitsiits lia 1,339 Cii"sTevuà Sid Vallage* iii Uppieraud vear (iaisde The (i4sadian Dl>oien Directery fur IF#0 71 vii cog,taiuaa laurt du.srIptom ut a& les" 3,t Ciiioe -Tevianaizd Vîllages la the. DoUIiuioZ et Ciiiadua tue iProvinces t K ev(oodlà"i aaad Prince £dirard làitd, togatlar wvh lie Saules o e i reomieiial and B.aiiaesss ea 'and ot thie prncipal Ialaabiants. ïM or seczéma-WON 10 Dominion eCaofrbe-..tCy. per ip orettriauikl; reaa" ...4a tg 14tat aadver$siag vili buc made.kiiovaion apPitioiuto the Publisiser, uaotle e., a ion fur tithesson &Wa unoiriaieipls inltron everat oemiaomu onomcenuat 'Bulsvic ie aal e. otted me as baîng abont te pnu ila. Peoaîit iron»o s" se ithtaiPubicaltin efta iCaundisaPeminitai Direery <for, 1870- 71- willlp* se ulu la hiordie sfor Sulx ogpltio *asd A4vrtlemaents te JOIau L'WELL4 Pt'iter sud Pubuisiior. 23 anid 2,5St. !ichelàAa Strict, Meontreal, May, lm823 -A.XSoAMON,~ CONVEYANCRII, LAND AGENT &o. <>mict,-Ovor Armutrong's Ilotli aaiS. Uxbrldgré June 7tu, 1M4. tr43 LAND 1LANDI1LANDI 1 torl oW ora hoi aqajàejs he o e vîil4 landt (or asieln th< Centur.of Pater- bomeugh, Vie-oria, mc dIu@.Appiglto Royal Cagnaii!an liabnitge, Juates ýb, Jaile 2aad, 184 iLVENTI ACT OF AMENDIMI îe ndorigued it miij p eoilm Jiidga t thé go andin tlii aiid ~ dthul 2td duiv ni luane, A- D. 1161. &DNESDAT, ao,n Qasile -urd I2a vtetau eat t,ytery. eeisaiten, June StI m»e vi]? Lesameetiai -Toi [TAIIOCni At the. ojtOBit ýIDAY, JUM ai'tlock, for dtelao.r for th ie snit 3aia u% of jefua tae c iii,>', May' Oli, 180M or NEW « au un. lersigned Imba ails (or bthAore Ca UNTY (O I ,hrdcdplies. ilhtby, Jane tb. ¶1 T16. bnuno lmauràsaoteiii et the Bank for tie Yeurbave beela large, sudl-lie profits quite iq'ual te-lb. avngoet ormier years4; 'vie the los.s, gme fan as 0siwOcataad, sa-e hem. hu usua- ylie barven te eput year iaseoeloi aiu neae taperl4api- li aailo exepitioni eor *ihW. -The ,xlnaerdiuary piajacineahlzei by ara agieallturaicotmuity fon alltiacir pro- daintioaita lai liteProst, plaýeal tien>in a positioni disco- lie naipiaidac18l.inelithie Primor broaid- cltIt hua* nt tiatrefoea aenons!ty elffetd thoir positi; D aaiCiiviuÏbut' ittis Jaidettetneas, tii.'-have .heu inobleal te vithelti <rom oaaket a Jirao roportietioet-thei- ittysarea 'hat cr p.Tiselaefecl; etthsi lahut, tie d6- .9t~ iia lbaentoit urnail byl<ý;,poami wouald iave catiai -aipea tii cla (- ethe Titi pros pect oetda sndanl barvat are oerywhoti i iieuatd, andi mien lie talanco giIst 's I'p sah b. liebreait t marnket, iiditil t4tillstl aicuDowou tliai gona: -irst futintùÏiit e giriu le titise brnchies ut4lm4o lad caaaumeica iraici aune novr in s ag.e t aina *huave tuocim goiaag 0ua in Me4o ur a -u th# latter of vi fuiri jour àlhara-el>' intfèe -a-are fl a 1IItaitliy antd filaiaisig cjditiati ;andtiyu iin l ta-e or5 u.apjpy te lic alie lu [ap ta, thetiprcaaeut yam promises , aeap4upolttuale lt'laat tiiepubt. li.nilmal outige lïtmc*pnoLity lnesly, eaiona taa au qitable bn-is, WC tra-nyli, e cffect- cd daiig fie pressenat >-ca; miou, duieitleaa dtois andti th iae luîurlUttrnnch et o azCsaaissu amdnstny viilbieautly aaimuatd. - Yuir Daretroro-inuy, wititeteeodiug thoin leaitianstctasplice, reaur te a leur factolu COu- uncaieta witb onn tanautacasaes ant iolnport&lih- lis».e Canula requlmea, taitmnt -eek, nm etier% furina- auay sa-ilc nrs nviuasu ed lu the Doanuin, (il ou- iiidnllnho are' te liecoa- iniiy bu plaeî lthepreitaitiolia etfeOur moule, millta, lite limite uti denor en iiibus net absorbl»-- ie !suj.pty. heliî!ponatonu oltbe peut lire-orrffl.yairo hâve beeru Iangahylia ecesa etthe couauaiîisiu-ittLChe îoanatny ttome ovcr-laipuitihin, osad lie agenocu eriasced itt sd purcauers thaefesrr, hav i lu- duciti a large, îaisaber oiS poinsm teO gel popea *uciot or oultierit capital, atidtuekot ua bunacos tnatiiis! utati cite ise neaieasai 1i Ibis. dalys etkeeta c.ntmieti te lasid tiomý on te saicees. lTeo gcnenai, dnlîain lutraita lu letimai57 Witut eta o f<çods'ounlistri lt miai hlh av'e bosuitaabli aroun hein, uvas -necoualrces tu liad.,orîti beig pesit flan n oc a, a. e a gtool unihulo go auto'-bsa11ruptcy, se the mesuad i t eta a-ic et thi it.tsieiui cmb i mnasteah. yeut )iretena intild eulhe oatteiner O! mprtra and mitulilcuio aeaierete -the neeuuiiy er loeikang auna-c closctl ii ith ll rtuaobtens wlicu ilicin estte a e bliu ng t h in s i i ,o i M e sn amaimt pa-evtig and snd oerertraduag lic10 oea vti mliclî Auchangis bhave bienu o t tai aed , latiý u in uc e tad cns 'î d otie ra te àiiil tliuaii.elv@s etou- biauatupi m, mwin>h, ititnaire etiergy atiui i"oiiy, tuigil bâve hlono'alinuet taîli hmin ageguats. Ila hor cd tisI tii.Bill nom e on, Parliaenî eil dcttuulY checkathe £tliistspresesema m a d i y a v a i h l e t ,o a n tid a l t e r n a a uy f r o m nu e i e 'nluto puanitu .r (ic miiela inve neoutu- rlrealndbilit>,olidaivlîici tee ny aM aincady inggellie FM4t or,*l gene a-ai ovaï-r-ndiug laie194ledt ti. itlÏdidmwal a liarge anouit et labor fa-onuigionltnnsl par- 1fnits. miem1i a ugg haY ,vaebeonmore frntatbly diancteal ,fler*tier evu ivautffe antheIa goneral good. " 1lAliaMie liauR Charters otre ieXt yed, ud tibl qlteaton o! ler retroal id nov ungagint ttaio e '-t e ttcntoai et Ifialiiq ut md te 1(>uaitrv. If he Qoverauiitt iiomée b.oooai.i ,tam ie systenunom iuizhtiaice, ilel lam 1:ua productive et #se pncflount &éte ii !couantry g.iserallyï anti particai' te the. royinnaott tiruani, mi ho igo chaagids tse lisaitltesa large.esteaitellclitWospuy alirai. cd to-tii. p uib i. - A1 agisiubereofthtbe tocktholdro! lb.hsi i B a n k . la av i îîg e x p m .said d ti .e usviv c l o a th at ticihiinteilS, am ehiima ithe". ot tiie abhie. ouildlie boter subeervcd by livrioviug thi. Ilcad, hhhIùS te .oue el the. large Cleiinmisîl c cL mCe r e s i , i u a u -l o r f q u o i . .o , p o î h u l en t a h a u < . cu premitteti te pa-llàaliilsai4ti4l il lii iuiitteIatssy ltta-inpa, askiagorr Tiau- al o ut iipreaucait Charters'aid àasefor iauthoiy bu b.t1 given te a utajenily et tiie Stonilueldsý, proeliot 'liu perOnsoor b>' proxyï te duttrmit .mieluer sob hrerovatl uhil bnmade;sad fi '50, te whàt* maci5LiiOtitig',,to na t>uliei ~1; i- a )i or i,ÏlcaiiirA is-ed tel! teIoso ?the, llmiltoai Bruti. Tiis le om bLoin -doue, suid - IilsOfSlice vil! b. final! louI t - T ie Sip a h u m r, M a n ia g e r g u d, t l e r U l ce u y I6i .6tai , '*0 is ia g tiu ir r epootira -ea 04 àltc il eip billhy,- ans iasrele usu r Qeailoai, entiictite bu aItiaake..- 0 'rbe pa-lot laOim yin. aller lt4 a set gau Mra 'Fu ICIa so l suc ane

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