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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1869, p. 3

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,Ma>' 29e,189 mcd1 , Ilurauh stoî, A.- J. W, Itobt. tiiuig, SUls ml iiiâis,& li-ns. .ý L ~ eo g Niiee ,gMieL A. uwpet Jon Net Jlisi urnes' Y.ne adal blrpisMary Rvbi', JS.me gwsi i d)Mi. Mr>' Supr, .W 0ie ýýftl èù* ralsuni (2) Ipsir, Adeas Séteriler. bine uti imer blo O cIh eri t.phetimoss, biusS PoIl>' (2) ryor, UTrs. carvîsie T>e, Jilii 1t1)fli5Ji, J oi iliilsiasî, bM. Loare lseMr. Wit.Mbro. L. WebussteT, W,(eerp't'1) biite, lirm. Win. 'ugoti0s J. J. aslker, bassnSel P'arti(%sQ%111119 for un y f tieaebove Leforts, nua plue. e m lt --"Adyortired Lttur*." li use 21dl'1869.,2 [NSSJLVXNT ACT UV 18M4 AND AMBNÇDMBNqTlàTIIERETO. Cousit>'ul Uîatsriu tty e.viusr i O.R iheatAmoter cof JOBRNIJBODOIXS, o1sn hIsoolveîsf. en 'Lntsslssy, th i itîs dny c01Aa;sct et, pt siuu, lise srlguad wili uppl'y te t.1s4 Jslge cf tie a isîtr, foras dia~berge, nodoi S. JOFIN JIoDO(INS, b>' (ss.susa.aeC. KELLE, hic Attornsey. LTbI i îusder gslssssil'oI.Iti uth m0 laie, tu tie Jusige outhetis sId .ourL, Jor edit- uhisie lisilar tis eusld hot. Dates1 thiîng14dc ay o J AMil)D , Jiii,,A. D. lft'Ç-Odiilli sidAguce. 22 G UAND 1)ic-NMC. A PlO(>lO W5LL TAIE ?LAOEC Nemur thuIs. C.cilURCU, on WEDNESDÂY, June 23, t869. Iliniuer wili ho servesi t 1180 qclock, a, ni, îras, aud Qseri.,Bsse-wili b u latten. r-Gassurad ainupeeacte wilII ho rrond. 1011 t ilt atilp urtl o, and i pr zo s w lil be giv n. 1cr 12 ilesaracf g, bult prico. taitrance tetise 210210 lseb>'tise gale betwt.muitie Cisrcis ansd i'roebytery. Vroonnru, Juiesotl, 1560. 2. Thiere wiliibe eanoting of tise inoîubera cf -Toit- O0NTARIO CRICKET2 CLUB. Aht tis. ROBSON 11017E,eon. PRIDAT, 3JNE llth, 1861?. At 7 a'eck, for the ptirpeme of lecting offi- cors sr tise ocîiiag year. Mlemier, anduail ~J14lroui t joiunimg tisaclub, are rcqaeist#d te ,Wlilby,Msoy ti, 186. - 28. 0F XE W YRIL4 Tsa ii.Iersgie îivsbeau eppointes00mol ,Agassate for tIse abeve Conpas>',ÏfcrtlWe i00UNTY 0F 0N T A BIO art eredc! te taruisSal ut te tise trade t 0 .DRPRk(0 Wlstby, Jite Oth. 186. A11128. 84th BATTAZIOX. OMPANIES Ilndl 4 cflijs 1ýsttalPuwilI Jparasde for l oioti ticiosWedsieuy $vol%- iig set, Iôtia iluitt thea Drill Shsed..lut 8 P. li. Ever'Mnmi eau tOerulilemust beliaatteli'. ecuce. Tisas eeaipaiaiuW~Ii I l ineet for d'iii autel evilgas sapaiut moen, mutii tise lu- sîsaction. Al iamd storei mnt fcrtiiwith bas rturnesi to tse armer>'. G E>. I. DÂRtZNZLL, Major. M. 0 DN ONAN> CÇapttisl. Wuaîizuuan>' wfe, Jxs4, Jiqiwitioscn n t ubtuse or- Provoton, loi? nMY bd ai bbuircl, 1ereby, givo notice tist 1 wili idot lie aaawrblo for is>' cebtaosue MAYvcouire-, sumd i cation ail partie» agelnot pr*Ditgg er on ns>'accouit. -. JOUIN ACTOI, U Lt No. , 4ti con. Broc#. V'roc on , Jane 8ma, 1889. 20. 12,000 feot à(f1qnor@ Pue Timber for sale; ie, irîs8 ui iul. q are ngth Ircan 10 te o wfeti>rlee eo avrîge ancd fengtis, ý,0paIltest., or fartiser particua mi Am w TH IOMAR U12 - liot l*, 7th o n. VWrldga. tiea W st U s 'TORE -FOIR SALE~; -Oea Acre cf nd, wth Store ai a ltudwo i dWelling tied ae hios Ar VILLAGE 0IF BAISAN, .M rownuhlp Or, flokcrln#, Oounity ofOntario. Fur pirtfonitý leppy tô JAS. MA&CxzI, BaeJam.~ Or to thse propricier, B, DODDS, Uus'r, Ne. 8, Oegcce nt. Toronto. Toronto, MA~Y 26, 1849. *l-I 1{U'rlIjT ou BALEC, AT BEAVELON., For gelé, thut largeo ad commoiluaJiotel Thé "CAKERON 1HOITBE." o)n dise ornar of losn ud Osborne treeta, -toatorieib; fromauge on Sîieoe treet, 5 Ïf.-t, aid o ebtorne trett, 4fQ cresU 4frted, rid mftuestcd lhi lbcentreof tthe rowvn. loouiy utsilug, 'shed réum and e- loéasl yard. The lbossen lu-e dtted up sud I coomr.lgte rasdiitasi for iuawcdilste oconpaw dion. &pply to !.BïW or to DONÂD CAItERON, A41bIon flotal, Toronto. lie!.verton, May-1, 1860. tf20 NoMit alm isereby givon, that the cO-prtneî - .4bii, lissretolure existivis noierthe nïaiw ne d Irm ot J AM ES ItOW E & CO., us PForwarderg and Warahsusss4 incas, ut l'ortWhItby,hba bren dstloved, by the desiti cr two'of the putstièe, and thiasthotIiasrvivlii pirtuer, Mr Johis Wstsoýn, wil, losa up as-didjusÏts uluaço of &he lute Afrm. -J. M. LAWDKR, on beheif Exoutoru llute John WeIub, W M. LAIO,, on beisuf £xveotort% Jate JianmesEower, JQHN WeleuN. WLithy, May î5th, 1069. NOTICE, AI l 1ero;nns ieidebted tai the Joteflrm of J am U Ro W K &2 CO., 'rwarderu end M'tre. bsousae wciî et iPort Wtstby, ore notIied tisat owlior u the dips.muiton oc oo.partiierbip. oun lmaisato rettlemesit u ssi outtuasacing debti, le requurecl. Whlthy, 18th Me>', 1869. N, 201 OJIGÂNIBT ÂLL 84N75' CBURCJL go prepured to give Munie sund Bingiaig Lessons' te a hssisited sînaher cf l'g1pi*. Appliicaintb ne moude te tise office cf JohnuL. Wackin, Dun- dui atroet, Whliy. i. 11OUSE AND LUT 1F0InAL-Et A ftrgt-elu sflonse sisi Lot for-usdeolîessp lau tie VILLAGE ul ÙDUNBAlt'rON, 40 >a4 24, csîo.ussl.a hIsstcreysi% igh, imitable for a 4tûre or private reiilesloe. mid wilhin Ilve asîlisaieu wsiik of Freneimaus a'.By stiosn, 0. L. - .. For patrtienluis spply to Élu, DUBAR, Dunbsftou P. 0. Or te OWEN DOYLE, Greenwood F.O - AMIf 28th, 1849. «.17 11OYAL CA14AI)1A14 iBAUX B1L8,TK N TP H lu oxehangf fur stores ad Tlnwarc. Wiithy, 1(sy 28, 1889, 21. UIIN'L. WATKIS, J iIIGEON PNIT Hau removeai bise offihrc to tise office istel>00. cupied b> Jas Lamosu, iCq, Dundasa trbtt OS-H AW A POST OFFICE 8TAND,. là tise Place te get gîet hargeina In GoId, - Silver and Oroide Watohes, Clook*anrad Jewel r>, cf ail deoleiptions, aise, i tiure>' Blank Bock. sand ati sy Geoda lai Daily; and Weekly Papeo, PERIODICALB 4ND JMAGAZINEs0, To lmE iAD AT TiSE OSHAWA VAUIEY 'HALL Ir ycn wuuild ha>' plutlis *ye Oehaw, Mey18,1169 'Y. J. DitEW. NB-A4orduere for Bockst, rprs, *"A,: Mosagsziies prunptiy attesîdeal tu. ,T. J. D. j io okasuîî,plied et rednéid' ratem.' -Go1d aind Silver Plut ing dennc W ordesr. Piense oil and exeunne Our Qccdis mnd DB M. HILLABY, 1. Àlsfarly P"opaUfi. éXnglLds url. S$Lé ROYAL CAUN4DiAN DANK SA LIÀ, Tskcn et Par, %r iRY GOUDS; ciseuCah Dry Goo.m jO»ra. Whitby', Mu&7 , 1869,21 DAILIPI of$bo sib hDlvlassnmCpnri -Addrm, BEAVZETON QiITYHMTL, 1(m. 780, sOç and$fi ft. joceiih taëti The 'subscriber bas just receivedt a large sûpp1y cof pure«andfresh, Turmip 4eeds, cone'wing of'- Bangol,'s mproved,-,rple rop'Swedes.- $kirýing's'Improved Piurple Top Swedes. La1ing's-Itmnproved Parpie Top-,Swedes.. TieV ADUIDEDE, WHO'TE QLOBE,#O RICHARD FRANCIS4 No. Il on the Corner 13rock and Dandas Strece. ORANGESýà. LEPYONS, FJGS, 1'gUNE8, &c., FINE -010 , JAMAICA1 H1iUM9 [OldRye, -Malt, Brantdy, CICE BLACK & GREEN rfEAS,1 ALSO A FRESII SUPPLY 0F TURNIP SEED. À citoice lot of PLANTS frcm Leslie's Nurseries. IR. H., JAMESON. Whitby, JqneP., 1869- Roya Cauadi'oa n ,Bu Îi*sl 'WANTEl) IN EXCHANG1E FOR ,UFA-FMLY OROCEFR.IE, AT W, H. flANNAM'S. 2~Try tbiat Splendid Java Cdffèè. W. He HANNAM, Opposite Royal Canadian Bank, Wbitby. FORSA. D.OUBLE CARRIAG-E wiiI be sold eheap. oaa tri.de for a god Herse, ea bu maen t M * U'Dunovas' a iJeriage bop, lu tise TqusutcfWlistby. JiIN k4 MIWILLCOX. SORAP- IRO)NS Whlsby, Apil 2%5 1889,. 17 JiACOB98 BOOT - JAOK. - (PATENTES.) The GIXSIe0t, JD15t5u 0f'rthe JAge. ~'atcued Il' . C. i Aôbep sszcBgt IIiCHÂRD T olts. A,.--' Beg to announce tisat thier toek of tsTAPLE &FANCY Il0MON ýjasummissali>' large, weii sasorted, pid ecg- peediaigi>' heap. W. invite s peceli ttomtion teoOur ex- tensive sstcck of Drs'c Goodas NEW MfI~uNRY, RATS?: BOlNNETOI, IND MANTL9S, Which wc o4cr for tip poptis cf Jane 4 ver>' icw pri GLOTIIS AND jgjEDSP À splendid asortment-very Ce Isp. ç4rCLOTmBING hAVE TO OtDEli, à A god ,fit wmtd Crocerieo, Wineea, aIpMrto. 'Île higlicot price PQi for Butter. Mr CASH FOR_'NOOL., HIAMILTON &CO Wlithy, Jane 2, 1869. CSHI FOR WO EMPIRE WOO'0LBjN XMILLS.Ï If you wgnt to get your Wool Carded into Rolis, or Manufaotured into Ful*oloth, lTwee, Fýlatnpls,- BLANKETS, OR STOCKING TYAUN, GO TO THE Ei PREWOOLEN MILLS, fA liAltOJ4 STOCK OC; FIUL OLOTH, TWEEDS, ANNELS, IBLANKETS.o,0, KýepL cosi l on band, and for sale cbeap for cash, or in -ecx- chnefor IJooL GEORGE P. NAT!IEWSONY Cornbip 1442,18. Ro ICani TAKE] iedian Bani - 1 W*?,E TAKE, A PR 1OD tiCIi -AUlow tise bigist prSieoable, and Spve for lu cccii, wc have oui>' ou rielo., ne @econd oais, b>' tli i uns wio «n seii5c hesp Aeen ata on i sedollar by b' 1n et BRIN 1it lu to tiseinterut of thôewbo purcis elasre y"zscabn gct.tise e" .ut r oe WhitbyMuy lente;18ix NEW wia toipy~rih peao an> soli go t. lhe OOSISAESENWANTED.Ri TOIRE~ (WILKINSON'S jJ.QCK,) Bi'Ok Si'eflIiiby. Cheaper than the Ch.ap.st. JrJST OPPNX A F'INE SELECTION OF 0f the best and: most fashiop'able quaIitie4, and selling e.t the lQWrest cah prîce; congisting of- Eeps~ BUki, Sbawls, 1Printo, Teeds, --- Hoiry, ,Parasols,' Çottons, Lino anîd a lIge y.variety, of al articmjeg lneluded iil the'ffDRY GOODS and. MlLLINERY .Line, NEWEST style of BONN ETS CA,4L ND EFXAMINE. ,Whitby, Ma.y :s9 jiOfN- B. i For Ch ap Grey and White Cottonq, cico m Goods, Parnolo, loves, Mv Tmm ke,, ad i peaudifai lot of Suni fQjtLICE PAMILY GROI ware, isUc03e l Puttyl 104J, pip imd re ip Or'saieby Fa ersm ettenflion--to the large, Or ',Dwz 'ttero For sale 0 ecan ,boot à qutrai t.t,smd plasui a bïargasi for Cs Or Ott tise o1lIee , 1 1 ý

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