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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1869, p. 1

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C gn septa UiriEts (Lite zuoarlw', .al.. M.# W..... M. 0.,OàwgnowO, Q~ . Mg JMAOQJIL.0 gWMoa,toieanu pcn good aetrity. 4p-i jIfrut th 0b4o MUa# drmj Court flotta,-j UKORIRISON h AMPI$ON B ARISTIUSAttorasYb, Bollilors &0- #luoSotToronto$ -. - To'üo uy20, 1861, 98 -00 . .COCIIRANB . .B aiterl ilîeuery, Nodery J'mîl-bllo. &.- olIc-Iti igalow's Now Building, Dusndan GEORGE ne VIARTNELL, itl JTEI, ATTUUNEX 1,CtONVEYAN B or, Doputy Uegltrer, MititorzlOtreordi eaT7load oana a~IDOfor thecetti- -&y ofontarlo. Office Brook-t., Wlitby. ROBERT J. WILSON.a ~3AURISTEÏN h 4TfOitNEX AT LAW pface Ove 0'uwi1 uukt on the 7North fAIInITSTRPATLAW AND SOLICIT011 p<JIaiabe9--2M JAIEs NITH GORDON, dc 69.R&AT'0UItNY-AT-LAWj Slcitor lu (ba.rCucacr o Yicz-oxt door te dise Stors cf a. a J. 4!awpbell, frock Mt., WJltlty, Ont. Whlthy, Nov. lb, 1867. 4 $OLWCITUiI; NOIA1LY PUBLIC,-.. &0. V. A. ~O~S R!grrister, solicitor in CUlancery, At. ..tcrncyq &q&c e~h asTo renioved his Office te lust floor ovr Tlte grTARUio Bux. Wlatby, Oct. 7, 1888. FAIIEWELL tk McGEZ? AGl L S oL.ICI- M ISCjMVEÏ.INI.1YS, A74D eu- Orrac;-Oae corpr norili of the 1'o Office,, f )lusat; and Mluîr, Bluci, opposite UrWAi l Hau, LowrniïvIle. J. E. FÀILÂwkL. I MLl. ObLALII, IUUI.()(K & 6bITyi, cery anad iasoivency, d&c. Orvcu.llclilatnBlSock, Brock-St., K>1111% gMr I isîien luldideaso ffice, Wlaiitby, HION. J. 5nom, a. ., 1 W. uiIj.. A. W. LAUDIcS. . 1 Tibr, CUAilLEs £'. I'ELLER, STTOUKEIY AT LAW; SoL1Cil'ORIN tiftoury onvyýnérp.tCsaning A TTOUNZY-AT-LAWV. SOLICITO 1174 .Mhac.ry, Notutry Publie, convoyancer, '00.1 Whitby il. W.Oror, lyrcsî streot, $cnth cor et Office. 49 ff.iCIIIIANqE h COCHRIANE. ~ABBIS'IYtS ÀTTORN*yo, CONVEY- IB saaao sud otarlam Public, dc., &C, 'BigiU z. g:Oto poieTownt Pcoxv yOo,~lelWsBlock. K i. Cooan.cw, LL. i0., 1W.* M. Cocerw:. Pputy Crowa Att orney. - Port I'erry, 2th ticcember, 1865. 61 ILYNAN ENOLIJE,L L IL. 1D ARLUTER AT LAW, Solicitor lau(Jhau- ee ory,Oonveyue, &C., &at. 40 SDR.H ANCOÇK, ( SJO90~LAPID h&vciiOiir.) 8isrnCôxÇ, ACCO)UCJIEUBj, d&c., a. J. GVUNN, Ml. 0. QIIJIGEUN TO TIIZ COUNTY (IAOL Byron Street, Whtby. W. .1LAW, B# A., M. D., I'bsmlelau9 surgeon, Aecoucherf, &0. aittatea, oppniOsue ct POL 01uC4. àulhîl. contre of t 0Town, Tbellaiiwayomnbtsdalla stlthe Hotpl,an4 th: stages for Uxbvldge sud Bearartonloeave th deBepytorlg oard$I petday. GOGE OREE.9" Y UMBEIIR CHNC etr u JU Jolu-er,Gro.u St, Wbltiby. A largequan., tityof Ili klnds cflispborooustsutly on la sd, UNDE,,RTAK ING. F 'UNEBALS fslliy lppied isud allemidcd L.Luîsaoîle. cZ[ns kept çppo.lcil> baud. - 5aA ilearme do ireCon lieralteras. Brooklin Drug- Store. DEALlni Dr .patent Meicitcias er>', &o. poso tebpot qpalýy. gorge if Catile àedi4ne..g2wa3t, on 7ta nt Bro6kliu, C. W., 186v 2 CROCI ER'S RO0TE] , (LAT£ PLAT-,)- NELSON ST. TORONTO, -B.48STT &KEEBLE,- - Pioceg,'cs.n T IlE fropriptois aeuacctflyan uste the I a i1t8upe, as adi asniear hiome.tibaît tey have tatou tte aboya premirses- wicitare lu evor>' resptl cuvenieuîiv anâ ctirortabiyfltted nitpethî e acopuodstion 1 ofgue,no*604111traveliag pubTIc. ,Tue>' viii1 be rlcud ini Constant prtoal atteudsrce, aad' wilt ieavc uothiîtg 6atet.ncathoir part,îe aire'J saitisteoiou o lu W[ho May-faygr lient erlt a1 Cati. P ,YEOMAN GIBEON. 1Nk 4~ G9,~ÇNEEAJT A»ET. * REVERE -H]ous~ B. PLANK, -- -- Proprietor.t itaeges to and l rontWhitbyCOUsliy. Ever>' aîctilot, peid te Uties. ursfilaeod allen- tige oticru. 9 1868. 18686 THE LIVERPOOL AND IIOPON INSUIIANCE (-OMP'N Y. Usa beenulnta eiteace tbirty-;tvo yesrm, sud dnriug Ihat pcriod bas poid Loases e80eediug ie atnd a hsfirmîîîon pouissterling#, T4 dl.barencmulClibtIs enoKuus sout orer s vide sarta, lianoaltoaldgubt, dceatri;- bnted to tite establimeut ef this Institution, lit tbo coaildlcio cf PIC oLoCourcamoto,, Kw oiiàx, utigsno zuc, sud business mca ges- eriily, wereverit lu rre éoeuîd. lu 1dm grit yeac, 1886, tho Yîril 1'retunsa&loué siboaa:ed t10................£9,970 lu 1dm lotit yea?, 1848.......... £47,7es P ~ 2001 >'or, 1 1 ......£222,2791 66 801h yer, *.Boa........ 79,8 une yeux liter, 181§7......... 18. 1 Tite FimRserve Fuud ls aca 84,127,464 'lTeélire fleervo Fund le nov S9,259,408 Thte 4('omJ.uy i. repremoetaed titroagliout Ua- turtO sud (4ucbec, by lliueuîttol Ag eut.,, te whetu application for Iusurancc msfbe umade. G. 0 . SMITH, EsîuzueSEOtLLTÀEY, MO3IT13.& 14. FAIRBANKS Je AGET, W tti'r, Üôx.»lcsrgr Onio. Februar>' 1711,, 168. 7 O~NTARIO FAIRMERUW .MUTUAIL INSURANCE COMP'Y. rT'D18 cînpauv l% Dow fali>'orgauai a u J. ls piepc.îed ýO seoept riss#eonksi uu Dlldiugs, a ad thbel rcotalenis, Cou tr>' citoo lieuses,Rsud cturolye;i. Those villr.g le u- sure, sud lhoooby support as le'.ti-'urauce Conpî,isvo seowasu opprnity of delîg 110,by liîpiyln,ai cilier at IF,. licud offce, cr te atlyCI oicalioot geïts. ourrates ail b. fcuad pt loir as tiîc%e of say reoponsibis MulRil In- satuceCerpan'tu Cansada. IFEAD OFICE-Brock StraeWtitbY.- jjQORjI '& piRJÉ>%IsEs Ywiy &HaIDÎ suOrf Inucitttken lu exehafige. JOHN BBYAN. WhitN8TIONG'g -hROT0M. -E.-AB SRN , - Pprer TEE zSUBSCIBEB tus 111 op aend cei JL pletsly eitdlite ,Ioreoldetablisu- ed âràt-cias o tel, sud fseliits lte pstrousago cf the publio sud bIs friedo. TW be abt sd bar sXpliedvlllthélbat- 1. oudroem>'stab- tlxbnldgo, Jan. 28, 1869. AKTEN. ONTrARIO 11OTELst - ste C. D ss WHITBY,_ONXA&RIO. A. AEXADER - - Preprieleor.' T SI1 ubicriher desres te returu Ibsats te te ttie public forit'.rer>' fliermi patronu- âge bestevud spiî h itîvile prepîiolcr et lte Globe fel,,,î Coktlas, sud athe sa * lim Isaes, ocaal o teaauuce IbsI hboeba edc lte abev e vaS Icuovu iotol. ,Large addilios have béessrutrcaly miade te ttho prcmlassacaor- Iag more connodicusoooiimedatiou sud otiecssn the aumiter cf tleeplvg rocuis fo nesyly ou tuIf #pore thon fortuerl>'. Alait- C-Ia..w Biltiard Parier vtth titres tables bas sîse becu s(d.. Extensive addiilam"tg th. StabIliug, Ohbpp.lobst 3 et, btare aito been niade. Al cuéonblîugtlitehiderslgued te ofrt*bLisOld -'rleud*ansd tie publip gene- ril> ad3 .aptago asu.i?.spgs by no'otbor total in &b lo.3WI a ai times belhappy te welcotxsilo'tl ja frieudu. Wit6y, 10,,et; 185 8.48 -> Wity la il 1hs1 thotie lu mach a rua for pictures AT (JLAIRIKS GÂLLERY? It le because ho buslte bout Gallery' lu te Canty, aud bal% mote patience wit chilifrea ltaa ii>cter Artitt ln lte CecuI',asd cau do qitite a. good vont a. su>' other tain te Couat>'. W TbsVu watt'mtlomotter, mc doa't bo baicitard about temuiIRLward. BiKocw., WHifTDY. Witby, Nov. 12, 1887. 45 0. NI VARS, SP BACTCALDeatimI, Omiava Dont, ,LJ Booms, dlrectlyoppo. iaoffltrept chird Ioorn orth of tho Ontario WEXPBE88 AGENT, h&., aime Agent cecdunaSta nisdard lumoîsuce L'lo. il gradutaté tof Ontaio FetffinarwCelZgo and lato .Assltatte 14Prof..-Sith, P mw. BUCKLAND, PW.ýfesr «Agriculture, x-* Toronto p Pro,. SigITII, V. 0, Friacipal 'cofOUntarlo V. -Celleze. Dut. BOWhLL. Toronto. "BOWLL, ' P. 8.-MB. SWEETAPPLE eaaubeo masaltel- 1'rufcmuioually nt bis resi1deuce, Brookiu, at mil Leurs. Brookila, April 14, 1869. .15 HENRY ORIST9 MENT lIJ'P £lUïfïTflft DRA1JGI OTT&WA, Tranusotbusitie 019"c, sad etherd&Pot? ment. CopyrlbtaAd Msvrko srd De Dry o ewp pcfo fea Karcb, 1lm. Orand Tu: V'ONEIL havi Trak etel, WJtby big frieuldu sd ts It bas Ilw p lb. ous, l'Nin" sÉvla.and 1w adu Baker, , peage, and id Bicits cf n. Aloo Lob.- fer3we, ho. JGALL,- hoBrook t. PIRE ASSURANIICE O. LOMBDSTBEETa CEaMIN CE( CROI BZIRRDIN 1782& GILLESP1E, MOFFATT hCe, AgePtafor £'Anad&. JAMES DAVIi.CiN,.Muaoger. INSURANCE ssulLOBS ity FIRE arc Lcffected ounltiesot favorable tarmes sud 1-0LU eP7 llolroeuce tte e rd Mu Lbudon. o ro VsknAlff e v nw 1April Srd,1866. IMPROVED FÂRM To Bell, Dent, or let ou Shores. F ABU te msoi, veut, or iot on Shoares-West, iteif lot 26, lut& concession cf Uxbridgo 10c &sr,70acres ci' sicA. Appi>' (if by letter, post-paid,> le Wntvuy P. O NOTICE.-AIi parties are forbid cattlag or reaboviaf tituber or wood cf au>' inci wliet. ever, front the aitove t<t, snd nry pursa fouad doiag se, alter thbis daté, are trempussers, sud wili be trcstod as mach te thefnettc the î'r. , cfi xetc Whitby, sept. 15, 1868. 7t FOR SALE. Cultivated Parins, Improvod Town Property, Wild lands, &o., &o. INPBOVIEI)FAIM85, Poat of South-X, Lot 10, 4tb conaoeloa gain, adj;Iing lte VILLAGE 0F BRECHIN, 80 Acre"-4 Acres Clestred. Lot 11, iu litit concessioa o Mars, "0 acres, kaew a a lte MeNEIL AIabt 25 acres cleaved. Letf 12, la 12db concession cf Mars, 200macres, about JO acres clearedl. Ncrfth-<Lot 14, ,lotitcoacession of Mars, 100 mces, 12 t0 15 acres eceared. U»t 11,it go cession of Southt Orillia, kmlowu li s 6tceiuost Poiatt,ou luko Cou- ohicbiag, about oeemtile frouâ tbe VILLAGE 0F ORILLIA 84 moyeu, about 15 acres cleared, balace of Lot besatifaîl>' weooed. Titis, aithout ex- c pl ho bort situated pr pry on La.ke Coucblbiniig. The view extendingth ie ltole distance of the Laite, sddctnbraeiag lte [NDIAN VILLACiet la Rame, the Town cf 0,1111,, lte Nsrrows of Lalie aime«e. TOWN JROPERTY IN THE EITS AN" 1,8~l.o âo 'cs,tdiremly nortito CANDA, For privaI. rectccieÀ, î fot ctcclled- b>' an>' sa w~it thePatent vaaulPCoet u v isnns cflitsOevsn- îoTrral plotsf(ro'm two to sir 1lt, fonced, lte aelglii'ood cf the îîew lLôaüsuCa- t t.e regWstllea of Inade lholloCtacs eigus procur.4. TitBlE ,CRES, f.tuicd, kueva mat.e ld aad.ehDoe~aeuaee,.Cdoket Yiald' TWO ACRIES, feuced, vesteof Cricketflhld. Patta éij.wu- - I14'ACRE, leaced, veàt of 4rclîtfi.14, sseà.6 O LOS, feuced, veat .cf residace af Jas. Il IL Gerrie, sq. À ACE fencd, scuth of reideueecof Jm. RailwayRHteLHoie ~q S TATION. O xARfecd outit-vat de., de. 1<ACRE, vent of reI&deucecfJ. tyttu. hgý porchAed lte boel à LOT, feoced, vesl Mctitedil Chre.' kuevu s lb.eaod fOS pJt efi çlége J. J. Bsrp r. r tation, bg lib . iinom 90i.O'1, vet erry-at., South of gros tmisllDg u1e tb;litplsnlug nmit. to* a u s s. . s. M - .- 8 L O T S ortiD on " a mst net epposite r oi,, nuame2it. r le 10 ACRES, on Broçk street, PerltrllrY4 the tria sud lcsegbrIdge. lave sell ave tt *ga"As ou l Willage loba, lan là"u " ~ partiofdl bpTf BUSINESS fSINSSPRut SES.o ThÎe vsoent Lot scut for lllaw' ock, 22 1.1 front, go, à" efp. tos0&isue. BOL 1Lots ou"IBrook Street, bolweoa Erys souâ MMiWlala ulding, 24S< (r Irt, fintou d" to& Izte 0 mvIde. Yint lose mor4Pgegs Parelsued, zate cf intevemt 9 per eant.'No coin Apply te April "t, 1869. ol4,h.,Wtb ]UROR OJE PORT WHLTBYI. R. 6NOW, -Proprfotor. Tha e û4cve .llkncvn iotd bas beautiIbo- 1 gl~ropveawýd d ulyfuuiiad b7 lb. Stslug, h., av enw-ptlnàn ëlen*tatof'rl$ air tsudi- 0ý tbtttgr fies lbeau ld «ba4o cpie ltherequire- of Wiuem, Liquots sud Cigara it eat thes Bar. 1809. THE 8UPERB NE 'W 1869. ~NORSEMIAN"1 NORTH SHORE ?ORTS PORT 0F ROCJHES icER, And wiii eo.tinu akiug dally fripe, leaviug oourg et 8 a. tu.; Port Hlops At 9:8( a. ta. Cala sWbitby, Ousaa, Jarliue u d 1New- ensile Weduemiday mrutugit Brightoa, Thurede>'mcruaugs, sud Cýborue tsvecy morang sxccpt Wedesday. Returning loevex Port eftklitter dail>' at 0., p. tu., except Sstuidays, W1100a&he leaves at 2 p. ma., direct for Port Uopo. Foi F:tenrU-Apply on! board or te C Draper h CeoWLitbY , ai 0 a . u (sba* Newcèstle . Ocifla sd'GOm Heanerou Port Dope;C. Elllo'. Cbrg Keoler, Coibgrno; Wlasaah bBçitler, Brightot.' April Ziat. 1849. 1 r,4TILSON'p PHOTOGýAPH GALLERY, %L4ru J. C. Iita) D 17&D.I.S8 BTE, &.2Y ML .WiLsoN i1l be alvayo lepsred te tat. ikînomesq of 111Iinjds, PeOTOUJIAPIIS, AMBBOTYPF, ho..&o., ila a uperiorMa- ner, sud Wilh lite utosSscoue>. Cabinet FlOTtillE, is l'r> ucat Passepartouts, or plini or earved 0ford Fiaâmcs. llsolug utade arrangemient& ith IMi.Mate, ef Toi ente ho la purearcdte suppi>' theopeopleef W itt withFAM Es8c(AI i iiidsaet Toeyrenscuable rates -pIuTU1 erarged tû Z BIsîZE, end CLOB BPuO(AL. Spediel attention giron le C01'Y?,G OLD FOTRAIS. -Ma. W l ve o eusul la takliug CEUlD- Wbitby, April2gtt, 1859. '1 ASSURANCE COMP.ANY Capital, $400,000. Il l11uudoeikaed having, beon mpPofuted Azéat for the steve Cmtpu',i t~ re îd te luure proverlyaaat f18B Vif;', onthe Most favorable derpmié. Appi>' W, LEVI FAIRBAN1fl, Jr., 2-12mo*. Agent Wltltby TEETH XEXTRACTEl) gâF WflHOuT PAIN, M& BY TIE 118EOF NITRDUB OKIDE LÂàUGHINQ GAS, Olt TUE NEW LOOALANSTHETIVO. ,%WF, DZUTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS SrTREET, WfflTSYu C. W. RaOOMS-7ir'M. 1B. Cocte's Stro Wilîtuy, Jlue 26,1867. 25 OOMERGIAL MOTEL, 001 sT., çrHITB',. , T US s lber begsotc'sanoupete bis, fr1. s"d lts publie, ttlitIebur e- sstaed psesalcf ltceaboye vel sud lfa- rerabi>' co b otel, vbioh leu aca Ied up lu s s , or tuanuer, ihrvcuet- eaee foe receptioa of guesta sud titra- J I ADDR 'a- vîthl prutpt CAM.PBELLt AIYCTIONFEBR, - AIJUIN, P. o. iWhimb, MAY lltb, 1859. i9. TIi. aTO ntV .ftA13w sw MY o ol Uxbridge, la pose PIEA=DOAKILUEBER. Ro i,»oolumd lad edtpy cf iiikindi to toit poer ; sud V . mld olesp fore w Vtica P.'O. YABIETY 1HALL! ni mis OL POST OFFIOE'STAND, c god Blior -and ,or"leWatcJèes dlokasumd Jewelyc ldemetip-e, ao, stwoorav. BlakifBock, s u Pacy ina gres$t varisy,t Daily and4 Weekly Papo, OSHAWA VARIT AL If YcOD would boy tcleu" the. Be au'eand pua VjIPYHL V. .J. DREW.1 0ob4a, May 18,1186. N. B4j1 l cders- fer Bockm, I>peu, and MapiWe 9p0 atitoded rer'P.J.D. 00 ippuled At rcdaod rate.. 'Gold sud Silver Plstlag-douu to eider. Ploape, ean sd examiae car Goodsansd pÉcès>for PurbWmgelsewbere. p~4pbek~purctt, YI j4-DREW K.t . . S-'L BE811ENC~ - - DmhD4sSi., R YLCANADIAN 1BANK BfmUA Takea st par, l1cr lYSODi, Cbup Cub Dry 600& odm e Wbitby, May' 6, 10. 1 LIENSEDAumTO"EERt BI gjjpP 0(r5k. Si t Division Court AoaBEÂVEETOJ< ÇITY BOTEL, gos. 78, 80, oui 82,5M. Joseph eIteot Th@. sabscriber bu cpmned lte aber. Reel for thuetacmdstica cf the travolllug public. Its mocaodatima refthbuet ind.- It ecu7 Ulaso 75 iomtn, wtit gocd yard aud stablhi* forW (1 lopgs. Ternsis terate. 0 . ' C. iLAEUI, Propretor. OIIGMfIST ALL WIMNYFCHUECB Uspropmred te gir. Mamie sud MSlagiatesons toia limlte nuaaberof Paplls. Application te bu aiode toe ofceocf Johb L. Witkiu, Don-1 dum stree, Whltby. 21. fq loUSE AND LUT *FOR SALE. A aim. l" Huse sud lt for s"le ctes p lu lb. VILL4AGg OF PUMARTON, 40 m 24, co-sud-s bslf storetys blgb, sultâble fW à st*o or pdiruter.i,lôocsud witisPip ve minutes auiof.1 reucbiaaululs Lion, G0. T. B. Fcr partieulars mppli ta, WU. DUIEBAR, Duabeton P. 0. Or te, OWE.N DOYLE, Greeawcd P.0. April 281b, 1859. t _JOBN WOLVEDENI CEiLEBRA.TED )SCOTMI W-AS Nanti. »prks -of JOIR1L~ IWOLPENDWCnds0.,WubI1 OHN f.WATMIB upc! sfter bounrsd gueB Y. 1 Vould not bave, sdvrisday Mdy to toach hlm thea.ý Ifbis master wsnted togo to cbarc or té Ste tieatre, or l lD bsnyvbere, wbere be didn't vent lte pto acconi- hlm -sud aMy, 0" 1as o home V' sud Oppms turaed roud, AlI ughb ncrtifled, snd veut sgbthomte, vitLi locldug tte b.glt orIl!, Myabw ei oknBArea b"d takeuhIis dog *longto-&Ysssasnl, and badl a rathea lengt>' conversation. vitb bis friead,,tite baaker1 wboji be ?ol14f"or abat .parpoeo he'*htt e hnew Soiias. Tô Ay amithe ailier, veddiug: day cf co cf bis cld servants named Clana, vho basd heein lb.heservice Of bis fatbe2, aud bea true te 'thein -for minu'y sra.As th.mà inuas not ver>' velioff, -for h. bid a great mn ci jr o' Previde for,' h. va tét' * htasles4 arr vith these fit>'flcrins. Hoe reciied thent tigbty doue pp iu a rol b lte, aver vas raîber besvy,-auef Kynheer, Voit Beeren ratiter lsçy ,i 4ould net Ppt t iu b la pociet; Ïd'did not 11k. te carry l anbias band!; sud t irefere,ý asaonaus h.o1usd gaiaed, thee It;lio g a it te bis do&, vio proad>' put' tIn bis uucutba sumrebed solmini-, long w ilbbis malter,until lte>'resc.Ld b. boas.o cf is former mervant. Mynheo Vau Beem'dig'oUt lieu fte the moue>' lut wanted'to baie lb.eu cfs aeia be dog ititaseif deliver IL Hfedid Ibhis elegei>', for, vbeu liii master sald te bita "O1pps, ow give up jour proean sd poiuted Se themsurpris- cd servant, b. ven,t pto'bmm; ii bi"-i. an sd a-ovAd Ëbi t tetaki mnono>' cut cf bis mout. TPh.oc servant vas .greatl>' m.ied. 14 e i r , v i e n - M y ub c cr V an Re e r c u lfCasbé85.d lesve te reSalathe dog foaaîelongerthat hbb higbt-revard» bita fcr bringang sucric ,a presant,'The Mbldreb Joiaed'iu bis entreaties untikîbo marcbantsald mlesâ WIi, for'ni> part YO May oebita for sa guis!,but, doa't ciereed bit, and mflerz up Jtua open te door toi bita ntsud.-0 Wl 9 g9e PPUI"' thon, you und ot &bou'a t îbita au>' more; ihe koov bis vs>'. 1 'Buvewil ho 915>'laore, !wbep yai9g0 'Oerlainly, bh ous ayltiag Itellbita. Opps,ycu sam>' ere"-vbo quietly aut dean. Wheu bis nis;er veat'oitf li- aiediately al'ter, lie nover sUrred ;ý,and pcv th« ciidreu begmû W coaz sud cureu bita, 1 tili e . omen repsfred a god reput fer bita, vitiit caejoe buagti util te timte came wheu lte>' , dt seud lm of fspiu. WMonaClosiopeaed tbe door fer bfitansud id, as ho itièen bold 'Now, Oppu, you go bome.l'- b. vag- gcd bis Sali once, more, sud "retui.xid straigit boni. A fea mn a ud psused _iva>',-sud >Iyubter Van Weerea ad $POP4pJluoa eue aftiuen vllb lb.eaima' iâniètr.Tii. deg veutsag as usalsu ane IlgotMW bimmelfvbheabhoarrived as tae cuntiiig table, sud c&fred bis paw rIe .casitie. Di, oe, b woul d sol noua. bitao"dY sud ail soe#mued ezslteil ; the 'caue cf vrblci asi lmdately, e4IlaiW by«tté banker bluusei Dethneutia b,~ s lT Phre-1b&d be 'te dcgjr pore sud more ah>', ad nov l' e'n'od'hîïtéily sud crawled up te his-,ûtt, vite id,-langhiag: 'Abat dyi'jeti&oledge yoar guilt antlbst1 Oh. you goodiruentingbesall' .Aaaoo as lb. dog sa Lte cieerful face, bis fear vas goaesaIouce. Beforen ynheer ceaie baie-titagit cf il, b. jtfinped ap -tebita sud lick.ed bis vitele face tain ciasin- uer tit t -b coald hardi>' keep. bm itaff Mben beobsdquieled hmb itt e1!, -b. tol4 the vhle story of te teft at Van G10.1 tea's, vhicb nonutthb.deg could bave bad on!>' doue asIahonIe! baye doue bituseifIfbeo bad kueva cf th. alcltucs of bis fstbfiul serisunt He. should e trouble ig i abot l.'ben, as sooa ls usaugone, be tookarofllcf 511>' ,gens, ut nbi a, and gave lten t bis Gtd en Ido mo.é, 49- 'Nr#, hought Van Beeren, wvinupea rescblug ta boas. h o bud lthe yiadow ope% n ýo hait ëf lbé eather, 'if 1Ieend 0pasl new iy tlb. asme va>' hoegel lb. moe>, ie viii nigit off if be can jump reac.bon pg lte windo.sill, h., thbfe,-., : 'opis, hep, lump up, qaiéloli Wilb oe u1 amp be au Ilire sud vailtt for ordena, wsaggiugbis tsiI Miynneer iVan Bearneasrd s leud or>' of utôubnient, bviea lte dog tmmcd We bita-be beèoenedibt ju Jp intolh3 office, viticit b.did, apo wbieit eh. b- - aolf veut init. tte ece. ,T vas hGit w eot a lit11e atouuib viteu it asir bis friend's dcg viit a ri cf, moue>' lu bis niclt. VaBeerea auoon-solved lb. preblein te bita 'Phe>' lsgbed a gent desI about lb. sf- tsir,- PjtMyaeer acier lait lte windou' cpeîn ahi tbat ahen b. 1.11 tb. offlec p»- tlibit4*'lîtqlo atîlce affixed S't f .Be dld na-t us pua, for be thoagitt b. mug gi u ungry 1fer su cxrts me=4, latr opce bself in possession . C mUr3c THOROLD, - N A. OOK, ýPoveo. XNG SHAW, i MANN. ,ce co, .803 rs, la Icu 'al, fli [OTEL, BMerau"tq woumsa,, - WILBOI4ýIOSIe WISN,1, rorrtr IEUMAIN uiisnuiv Agent, wbithy 1

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