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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1869, p. 4

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-Jou ]Z47 F ;y reii h ri. ac nnoinson la s pamphlet. At t1tt1inie 'isa dboyu tl fout the *eitkne#% ln my bads; lu Alost I wu f tingalmitlitlisets 1liaveisslintwo l"ottles nitaho esiell.y sdtwo oXes of the plls u1am cmauîly rostore] te )Ieali. X nover expecetW«et botter, but r Imply tr!ed tih e tI bine sse a ort- et forloru - olle. Tlism.4 et initie wu niot a privai, vie, but knoîwn _teà-Ilh myr tîallàî'oA aitîl, friend;a;nd te Lily oee îdZ eed e s wu, 1 blere 1't wueon r hjoshucshl.oy MAY ANS DOiIGITY. hr'w3rat &o ir. a4 o<jfrlklee cbaey; o il i nps, A ni gday et f . bmwi#, 1 $09. -4#. F. WVooi, J.Pq.,&C. 1 bereby cerî-if'>'that 1I bave kniownUrio. YayAunl Doiighty for the lest tifeu votre; »ho e awoma ofprobity asuottrutti. I iae bnowu ber botere -durlug, liadtsîîieo lier l'l- ume. I blleo.ie r eertiiu.ite te b. .rnolu every partlenler. 1 kuowrt hâtt wbiielitI lier' I*o pes wdeoitred lîopolossit 1sad 1 know *îbost %ho hbu, s*nieooroec'ery, eiwayo i, ttnbutoti lier nwooery te tige aSipioina Iteoiuedy. Whstovrrmany bc the poiiiîr pro porties ef MlsMemdicine, elle tii n et tailî, tui lu ber euse, % bhe se id alînoat lukthte penici îManco et Dîraoi. A. Y. WOOD, J. P. Warden ef the Conuty o et aiige, I'rovinose etf >qtiwie, Dominion et Ostistla. 16 * WTB1EVALI WOOLES P7M71'UUtY Th~~ei pM«Wdbving repumed op.ral;oont aI bo Veihevle ýoouitFu-tory, wil Puy UAbROiU ILXCBAKOK ( 0 00 for înîy queuslivr o AND ALO DO 1,CU:STOM WORK IN ÀLL 178 BTtÀNCOUE, TiZ t EANUYACTURINCIs CAUDING AND BPIN14ING* CARDING JMOLLI, CLOTU DRESBING, &ce. %VOOL nmnuliutured ibo Tweeds, Voih Coehbm Piguîeilm. %tYiltu Bhuirims. llîrise ileiLele, Drevisaed oi'tiiea iiode wili lbc kept renelt t ondmt, whleb wilI bu mlîl ehirap ftrt13uli, or celieiigil fur pveol. À portion uGril ralbilim ier lll b. drroted carIe. ivel'te (Cusiii lTpliiiiliig. mu thurt thiese Ieaiig tlil yeolu te b.t'irddand p t ineuy 'depotitiestliuïriigsil s.wel and ptiiiciiiai te rouse, nietirontriria dlasiaiiebriiîag ii i oot te ti. Cardt'd lisaro0lf. si,bya ousingcarly, bave il due tu iuke baek miii thenu tiloth greilig dote@ia uperiur imminci ou 'iehîo iidermlgaed woffld beg tea mlal ait sthe %fivl ac r ery' la e sud t-eleet-c.a lab Juent suerr > 1 0 i .ciullîî o Oiiiau !Ioîioi huttiuiig cniuiiî'ty sus d t n oi nthome CIntie&,ii l ied ilite ttîotr advaîitiige te laver Il mibh 1 ilo "rouage. T. P. w ItIiTie. JONATHAJN FIS. WVbltaval,, Sti Coli. Plckerti.g May 4Mlt1869. -18-2m COMMERCIAL HOTELs, OSHAWA. JAM13 IlPRINGLE,, *le Plioprictor. JOHN OARTER# LIOENSED AUCTIONEL. i0117MB COllX7ley ONTA1U0, YORK &PFE L. -o- ur REIIDENCE-lot et Sth Con.1 DlrirkbI-u-PoO 11ce-Unlonvllle. SALES ettendcdnti u i lortpgt noeiee, u onI-Cot4enablo tarins. Termisen bc modo aLi bpilil priîîtud attise Chronicl»ofltue for Mi D.FBURKE, -deaier# NO. 2, XmCHÂEL's DLIOK, K ING ST.. EASTr, OSHAWA. A WELL SELECTÈD STOCK VREBH TEANh, OF ALL KINDS, Ur Ait ceoap cne ' b.oume Ili Caniada. ..o May 2i6h,' 1807. 21 FUNDS FOR fl2 ?RLST AND LýOAN COMpANI T bave fonds for lnvo:trne t thesir suel *Leogos mae for #xed peoo, or rePsa&ble - lysiotalIntalmenta. i YunIier sud ful l foî me'.tioonaub. balld by latter, addrosmod to- tkp copcllouuoi ut 1:01Esttesime&coiuerait Aent. MeIcMLLAN & COmSla The Oheapest Goodai Town arc o e b hat MoMILLAN & Cool tinnèn Dufsteru Rt baif value At MoMILILAN & Cool AldweiI & Col'. Cîlebratuti Ale izg paLkages of 10, 115, sud 3(1 gai. at - MoMILLÂN &Ce WANTED 100 Ferkins of Butter, forwbich the higheut price. wUlbg polti. T l IULA O SHAWA, bege to announce that his stock of SPRING AND' SUMMER (100D81 is no'w complete, consisting of FA NOV DRY GCOQ DS, 'WaIon WILL BE POUND VERY OCgOICB AND CHCAP. g~THEMILLINERrY DEPA&RTMENT contaîns ail thie latobttityla amd novelties in Hato, Bonnets, RIbbonh, Flo et , Shsw1 ke., k g 'TEE TÂILOILING DEPARTMENT contains the finest Scotch, Englisb, and O&nadian Goods, which wîII be made to order, In the lateet sty le, and st the lowest price.. laborduiîery In great variety. MADE TO OR9DEU ND REAi>Y.XADE),. N. B -The subseriber intçnds retiring from business gnd of- fers tbe'above Stoek-in-trs4o fqr e41e, with; a loue, of tle promises for a tiras of years.' WItLTAM DIOKIE.' 40* Oosbawa, May le$ 1801). OFFI CIAL -ASSC1GN E E. GENERAL AGENCI OFFICE f0Eudsigned hsIna,,g reeived the 'ppoinment of OMcial tauIanf for North A.pj Ouau, .prpre ;o i prompt a#ts'ton to ail m.ttere n Bslru icy or Jusolyvîncy. Promiuac'ryNote, and Amaonts up-»diIy collected aud remitiances On oo fra seurtyat8 pr en iteret Seia ttention wiii b. given to the 0"egocsio o'a s Isunocawr oe eV po hvng their applications atteuded to promptysde ieiepne W Also, Lades, bUtImproved sud unimpoedoustpl frs le. iirances cft'cted lu tb. Ontario Farmers Mutuel IDsuT5tOi om opy frOso B.eJIAJOIt, OPFICFEgeowls Block, next doar to the ~v1CLdSma Bsuk staVastr Port Ferry, Depomber 2, 1868. £5yiCtdin ak ESTAJ31SHE D 1867y. THE MONTREÀAL TEk COMPANY 6 Î01SPITAL ST11eET9 MONTREAL. <T E continuednuccue-of tbF. Comgsuy taonly ettributable tetlîe ,aelity sud purlty oftheir J.Tent. Overs iînudrad tlon.sand oxet$of, Te.. havebeenumnt to, tferont part* ef the Do- toltiion, and upwardâ of a thoissaud tes<imnoniaîls ew e hown besring teutimony to the quslity aud purity of the t'en. A great aviug c.w bc affeted.by puv,,Lasýing direct liom us, cattias 0f ô and itiba., sud upwàtrds. Evory j?,ickaxe warranted to give stîilaction. Club t beter snd msuti four or lire M1. cestiies, which will bc meut carniage free suay BsilwaStatlou in the Dominion. 'She mone y pan bo îioIected ou <elivery. 1~ r our frsh round star roatd Coffee, iu 5 tiiid 101b. Tins and upwsrdm, the fLavour of wleh Ç really excellenît. and every paokage warranied. tolbg, Tes ep4 & or l01ba, Oofeo.eut to suy Ilailway tStatlou oarriggefree. W- Buron eut par. BLACK< TUA. BIlîgqi. foret . oiren Lerf, à. -oirTre..45c., .30.; Pne Fiavotrd ?New Besson do 5.0eSud65.; Vo vlls eFull i"rvoî4,tu jo. 15K;. cto&ud0Oe'e.îg, 4Z.; hIlekFleveu!,d do.0c.; Vory Fine dà. 8e; Jenthn goocl, Me.. 86k., iao M0., VeryAVies 6Oc., FisriÎ tJe. GitEEN TUA. - Twsip.~Oi5O3.;Yu~,t1m 0. 00.3 sud 750,.; Fine do. 72.;Véry Viqp 46p. j Sppefiae sud Vory 140. 1, zO.; ne. 9, #&P.; No. 8, 20c.; No. 4, Ibo. per lb. The M9ontroal Tes Oomriî TBTZLOyA t.Me lu&iss Oem-it a îîeuiy a iyar iiiiîeo Tpurcard 'b. 8.-at ei.rmotTea froie yenr bovo asbe. rebaselmonuy m;,îae, ruti1Taut ptemied te iifen y ou ibat tii. les in every came î'nved mamêts«aisoy, e weil ne lipl t Mouitrei Tes Cameimnyî tileeA9.186T heeueTes Con- Oenusxgx-Te Tes f purbased o0clit NATels lt po.y, IHompital 8lreei, aMoniirtw -W. oe 0e w1il ]ti giro esi s m"Wtl ind thew. l f aeu tis lemuetelaeaenioTab av lier.b- veey aue. t lervrymage, but sit.lirhae r ee wrded oryoue todircrent parte of be Dunimiî. sud drisnkuîger tes It vebheo ueine <oe trousaic,- w irglad te fiid yoer beminememso rzpidiqeret.înii- tunni. wib woeld alwys pain me aller breslrfaçi. I1 W plesvine yoar tetame girînir gelueni miiMte J. etibuteil te te .pWI$ iy our Teand îshall con.-etotti 0 îtelarge asineent wrosed-we lmeaoffir tiquooe uceteieef, ied Oca.gioe te rotra une bas, wldcht woe eJ.IUU(, yppu a ePTsP: 3. 00 04ibthrou s a meke.' G. CIi4n EY 15, t. oi ietbtara.Naae au e xewCo. Menirral Tee. cetp.ny Sfo~e en'e iea foue. Yen iaM pai se y <BIes rdeve.Yonrh , >. .5ufN~R 33 ~r~ e Pedmos el r "ios emng evasano efereg nTei le u geailpeotaes. Nehhîeg I-as u les -a emueby ibis Cosipmey. Jusi, aérived a splendid s -SUMMEIL TW-UDS,* THE QLD STMA [ESTA.BLISHEËD i W33. The undeysigned in returning thanks for the liberal paironacge bitherto extîuded Le the old establishment, for neerly a perioti ot torty yeare, de0bres te amy that lhe bas noir on baud s largo assonthueut of the meut nodcrn andi ele-ent styles ef And Itrustq by proper atteulion and moderate -prices to e etre- a coutinîsauce ef public patronage. PractCel upholsteninZ. Fürirue rc-stuffed sud coverecL Undertaking and Finerals Fully Supplied as heretofore. gW-Some spletidid spj'7imeos of Pief'-ae Fiameg, and Oildino,. Remember flhe O'd Sloiid. WhiCjyl Mrtrch 9, 1868. 18690 10-ly ~6498 Spring Campaign Begun! AIT THE FTJRNIUTRE WÂREIIOOMS JOHN TILL & 00., IN CALDWELL'S BLOCK, Will bc fonnd the largtPst aud Most compl;e asslortmeuto, weil-wado FURNITJIRE lu the County. W. offen great inducementsi-o parties about te furnish, as e a BUY FOR CASH we can oeil cheaper than any other ratail bouse lu the trade. A call toe-luspect our stock la solicitad. W. have aiso ou baud a larZe sud vred assonttnent of And some v'ery fine GILT CORNICFJS, which we offer ýveryý lowr. We are aise A4getîts for LARARD & KRIZGHOFF'"S UINDE RTAKING in first-class style, çat moderate chai-ges.- --UPHOLSTERY of ah. kiruds done with neatness and disp&tçh. Our inotto will be SMULL PROFITS AND QUICK e- TURINS. Wbitby,-Mearcb 17, Iffl, 1 h TL STILL T 'El c OITIE! THE SUBSOP.IB1 R, BEIN ABOUT TO CLOSE UP T1E Croeker-Y Glas &Eartnwr AND'FURN1SIIING IIOIfr] Gentlemen's Furnishing' Goods. of description, embraing-Shirts, Cplgm,, $ocko, Brace, FW .OIT NO PAY 1 A1LEXÀNDER Brock ut., Whitbyj, Mareb 24, 1869,i GOL &SILYER WÀTC±[ Cçp1ored and bright Gold Wedding Rings, Faucy Goods. 8-Day & 30-Hour Ciocks in great vai ieLy. U.epn*itg areluyitended 10. JAMES JOHNSTON, Wsctciimnaker,& Jewellers mucrerr it latendiiig puirchnRinz ci t oi' au trial c tblem mill be di»posed oet Wliithy, Jas flrck Steet, Whitb>r.1 R 1 3w81 Beef, Whitby, 5th, 1860. -B-UCCIES, WAt TUIHE undersiglied take ccson to annonce that, he h opened abranch.of>his busàiness at UXBft-I9QE, where w~ bi fouud Buggies, cevereti aud open, sud other rebicies et hie owuimaunfecturi, gel lu th'e laeset apd-best style, sud airas' kept on bandL . As b. uses noue but the b matenial anti expploys noue but l b egt wuirkmeru, tba quabty of bis work eu ka ways rled upon. .-. A& few attended t' Wbitby,1 .with promptitude-aud de'spatch. -1 1D ýe and covcràd ýbuggies ,at thle Whitby pid w o of ëamahge nftnipfacture amd. -repairaAgnt 411 wrniwarnte'l. Âgel PANtTEL WALKEY. - ý20-tf£ Corne NGSTOCK 0F s £eery. A TON. 3 iitbyJ'at PICI qpBy row eo., CGb Seil flo Benlyro S y. HtFer PyiJia éb

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