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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1869, p. 2

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*peut#. Talk about leyeaulug tise terri- tory oft hDomîion, ibitu lb. Leader csyc,,va thse "ail Imporatles- tore of tise 8.caîea-tîi st .ruction of dbs trade of this. Provîine of Ontario vueld have bauded More lu tisai direction' Anootiof tibc@ pleceans sud popularisa' tertalomnentu 14 te hu hild lu-tise hall of tise Juatueou tise*eeuniagc tise lut of Jaiy, »24i (Dominion, day). Tiseâ hair, ai- Woscbeau ce liber alilsud decervedly a:.tuenddtisaivu nul u os baesir kthe publie favceurla h. hebiaf. tla ses*u- oint u mi, tsaytscoma cf tise but amateur "madaand sud eatc ar te malle 1tbiai:op paurauoM1r. Oouuielly,,, the cei.brated eomlo>cluger, fa te tae#part, aud tho.. t »Il affogted by tise ladîcron#, isd botter vear hooe aader plouslg. - Tise Couaty Cunai4i TiseJoue &ualou cr tiseOoauty Cecueil of Ontario eonceloud ou Tueuday. Afier tise vaak'aslon, we r.slly eau report ' notîii remarisaise tisat trauapired lu tise dellboratiosis of tisat body>. Tisere vu tisevoal vote 10 tise Mecceuger, of $2, per dey; the old quarrel botveu tise reeqvec ef Piekering sud tlzbridge;, revlved on tise Agglîural busies; d'Bull Bef" ou tisec rampaie; 1Mr. Gilsi.big, sveiliug vith 0 Importance; sund tise nouai quarrel about, lise uothinguec. cf a priuîlug aeeount.t Wes deotu -tise dolamne of tise CanossoLn go more readablo maotter.' Tîus ROYAL CANADIAN BÀwL.-Iriarge suid lnfiuentiol meeting of tise stockholders of thse noyai <Janadian Bank vas beld sa, 'Whltby, on Frldsy evenlnglacî. he (ullowing.genVemen yen appoint- od delegates to -attend thse prehmminary * meeting to be heid ln Toronto ou thse 2flth 104c ;:bMrconu. J. Ilaini Perry, 8. M. Cocis- poa, J. IL. Gruenwnod, snd T. P. White. Tise completion of tha report of tise sittiage of tiseBlod of tise Presbyterian Cisurcis iu nos reaoised ce, otissrwfae Ihi eouid have heu mccl villiugiy insetted7 iu ths.lcune, IÎ will, horver, appear il due courc", B>'. refntesteunr sdvertiaiag comumua It viii be obsanveal usai C. Draper & Co., katibseeu appointd soi, agents for tise S cuai>' of Ontanio for thesle cf flue sai, cuauufaetuned at Onondaga, -N. Y. Tise --pâ-tee, vuara bold, bas eureitcied-aboat 5 6e#,pur bu., atua làlmow aelliag st $i 55 par bu.,j retali, sud '$1i_50 visohesle.- C*- Remeuher tise àAleganiaus 10 morrov ilibt, at te lse Meiue'u Hlall. O~-Mn, J. Sisinner la cfferiag ai kindu o f Goodt is teost, for thirty days. Intend.. log pauerse iliido veli te eau ad examine hie4stock hefore huyiug elsevisure. Nova Scottnansd Nev Brdusvlck Rushl- Tise conspiliofortise Nova Seotis anal Nov Brunswicks railvayus tis te Stateu, ibrocÉgis Mine, la hein1 enummaîed by' tise Ranopean sud Norths Raibva>'. on visicis tilrty-fivs miles ci rails are laid, 'o bisai «euwihh ru this veek over telise leina te Harî's Mille>fiknty..îvo mile, from St, -Johnbs oitieotise Fredericton braneh - onnecta ,vuii.te <main uni. Tise braneis -fa bolag rapidl>' compbeîed. Frout, Hant's Mill# gote sliai cf the NewBrunusvick aU ýCanada Ralliroal Compa-n>' go Wood- stois, a ditance of fort>' miles, tise grait- fila lle ce fau progrosi tisaitise railsc vii Ibo laid lise proeut year ovin the antire -distance sud tovitisin six milei of tise Main boundtr>'. Tb!*îs yulheave about clxi> mil« 01cf ev linue tebulld ccxi year tocotth ees ie ind# cf tise liaist i aj&ilnig, hivun lise moutis of tise Mat- tanviabesgsand-théeliceu citise Canada sud Née ê tmoieik gailrood, videSnoi rruai <vqm'.oqlalite Woo4uteik, TItbin le i t 'e hocpenuid tiroqgh hom agor tgetS. À Mhsonan DzopIRADo.-A beastiy and wIsu rathe<'atvr oRantls .sstanI&M. the lt ard club., Tue sa mnu z, ,thseBoause of Lords 4o.a%5b4EBari Gray -gave uoje thot he Mould motve0 t omis la Aise Iriish Oburcb ilsbt O ortion cf tise pr.ambl. 'wbiais provides tisat tise prop.'riy or pro- ceds of said Cisurci&aial uot b. beld or applled for tise maintenane of oi uyCisuro or Clerg>, 'or otbsrr ministry, or1 for-th. teoing orf igle. Ràoîx,-Loudo, Joie 21..-Tse Royal Tissu.. Yacht Club agt.. came offto-day. Tisecouru asfro. tiseNore ta Doverf Tweive Yaciht. caledp:ctarting at Mb5 a. m. Tise Coisdour arrived aet Doter la tise eveniug at-"0.02; Julià at 6.04; tisewrnaet. 12 ;, Criuiabel At 6. 21 ; Bgeriaate28; Oambraant 6.2; Aksrm as 0. 25-bj tinme ud ilovane toise..uia von tise flriv'prize, £90 ; sud tise Elgeria tise 2ad prizo, £50. ARIsiVAlor JcuL u u asà.-Loqdou, Juue 22.-smil Pacha, V'iceroy 'of Egypt, sruived la Léondon to-day. E e ia tise- guesti of thée Queen st Bu oklngisam Palace, wisich . uhieninttcd up for hia residence. A cerles of brilliaut fete ssu ben awarded lu buis onor sud wilk tas plaeoediÏlug his reeldeuce lu til.country. -Tise Vleroy iau metat the rallway station by tise Price of Wan sd ecorted by, a large asilitary proeeuulo, ud proceeded tisrough tise itreets t-6 Buckiughasm Palace. 'Au 10moee r*wd 1 .f poopie erowded tise. streeti sdre obdl leeed the Pus, Tisé ion of the. late riug'Tiseodoru., of- Ahyciulu, who isbu seetaIchanoolihere, viii hi sens. t a dis, as liii climats of Eugland prove. untavonrabletO hicis ealtis. Ton Pans. ON AuzitsoàyPot zor ro- VARDS CUB.-Tse Star ta day praicea tise American Gover»oeuî for its conosicy lu taking ineouores ta rvp.h teat are cf fGllibuciering partie, for Cube. It laye theseanction b, tise Attorney Genirai of tise arrest of tise Caban Insurgent Junta lu New York la saisfactory. Tise more vigorously tise nentrality iawu ,are enforced et tsenoces, tise more eauiiy will tise pub- lie mind h led iu tise rliht diroctôn. Sympathy for a nation ctrnggliug for free. dom inus atu ral for Amerlo s uBEg- land: but -a scoon au resuînded tisat a neutral conntry iss dotiez incomipatible wiîis tieseendiug ont of 'privateers and warlike ezpeditions, tise latter neutraiity is nos likely ta exils unieu osiser law, au tise7 nov staud are enforced, sud visen tise lams are insutffcient îisey ougbât ta be îaseuded. Engliisb iawyersand stateanien ay-to tiseir own advsuntage sud instrc-. lion watei tise recuit of tise proceedings incîitnted lu tise United Stotes, for tise &uuericau ctatuts dealing with tise csbjectj cs aimoct idenîleal witi tise Engliisb law.j ris. eau will form a pracedeut of policyi wortisy cf eouaid.rationand imitation. Tne laiuCîîoacs Bit,Î..-London, Joue 22.-lu tise House of Lord. tisc eveuiug, tiseerl of 8bisabury gave no-j tie-cf an ameudmuent btiste Bihl for tise dlcectabiichment of tise Irish Cisurcis t thé following affect ; tisat tise snrplu3 risurcis property c&hall bc a fond from iici ta grant banc t tise Iriishpeu. santty.' The Prorogation. (l1rom tise Globo.) OTTAVA, Jane 22.-Tse atteudance lu tise gahbries vase net mc large tu nt tise openiug cf tise seusion. About tiit> ladsau ire on tise floor of the Sonate Chamber, but not lu evening dreus. Tise guard of isonoar vu euppiied b>'tise Royal -Canadimîn Rifles. Accompanyiug Hie Exeel)incym staff, yen Sin John A. Macrdonaal, Smr G. Ei. Cartier, Hon. Mr. MCDaugaîl, Heu. Mr- Tuble>'ansd Hon. Mn. Camspbell, la Windsor unifenus. B>' an Act "gantai!tat to-day tise Con- solidateit Fond sud tise Fie Fonmd, isv féeus coliectual in Ontario, ameunîiag ta about $70,000 pur aons, iis arrearu fnom Isel s>. 1867, are trarisferreit ta -Ontario. Tise Cousit>' Conneil of Canleton to-day îoîud $500 in aid cf tisa Fali Pair in-ths City'. 'I -1' A French 'Canadian a-nuit Pescis>' as ibis moraing fouad in an abiit yiag condition in a yard lu rue of a hanse'- f ill.fame on Buamlur Street. Hie crie$ of. 'mander' isaving'sitractea tise police, Dr, Sveethand vu sent for, viso féonnitraome cf tise @Maler artenies of tise neck Oeut b>' a venitiis aà kaifo, ne tise unf&ren debageit iunbood. Peseis>'lasina crii.icab condition- Tise keepers cf tise bouma cf 1li-fâmue baie ben arratel. Ayoang Man - aw.d MoDôoisli suspeied ef tise crime, but hlm arrecî bu nsot yei hein uffeeteal. Senai 'or Aikins lbas goas boue vithesis lakiag offico. Pue veeis age tise miMter vas looked upon as seîîod tht hi wuvas1 go latote secabinet. Nov tise report4i eustacf tba ' -ruai propunt. t>'. 15 1 Dot glven lu tieseunauxet absiraci, baitcun bu ueahhy de-buccal 1% amler or iiqalizeailuaI"TOtal of - - Perpfro. Ranms, s,2 -- -i 438 M Tsuàq 7695- S 419,0 Oranc, i124sese0 .oMAM Seasi 4158i60 0 1,M Pieker.as 1.55 - 22 ao s,i,'str W. WI MVu il,- 2riO 100 'Vm e sem 23-7 liy Soyas $M d0 40220 Vaate 7PiO' - 1150 555 Ur. FUrbiani mod, ecouded hy Mi. oho iseviohe tiruon a t, 2 P. 0.-oantled. Conueil veut luto committe of the wboe-Mr. Meilue ln the chair. Mr. Fairbanks entened h.. bngtis>'ex. pianotious upoa tise Sisedube.- Hi con- cluasit Rt>' moviug tisat Ibhereporti ýb adopied. Mr. White tison masved, cuconded bhi 1r. ubalit, -tisai theise -e uahized i. malt. Mars sya8per ceai,#,Rama i pur cent., Broik-I11.80, Plckuning 21l pur cent, Beach 13 50 pur cent., Scugog 1. 25, Scot -6,70,ý Tiserais 2.75, IJzhridge 9,00, Wisitby 9.50, Ramit Whitby 9.50, Wisby tovu -6.00, Omiasv 5.00, of tise count>' taxes, sud - tiat tise total equaizatileabe ,000,000,oo vicismotion- vas blout, Tise motion to adopi vas earied- Coneil resnmed. -Mr. Fairbsanks, cecended b>' Mr. Rbin- con, moved tise repent of tise commitîe of tise visole h.adopieit. Mn. White moved in amenalment, se- conited by Mn. 'Dryden, tise amnedment tisai Wc jut bein bout lu couamite.- Loct. Tise report wau tises adopteit. Coungili dore FIFTH DAY. Saturds>', Jane 19. Tise Conneil mei et Il. Warden lu tise chair, COMMuxiOATSONs. Tise Warde a nesd a communication froni thé Tresiorer relative 10 tisé Non-neuideut Land Debentures, for tise.îowa, of Wiiby. Standing comminte on rosds sud bridges repotted. REOR. Tise commitîe naecouspendei t bat b>'- lsv 46cf Beach be éonried. TisatE. Majorc hi appoînual umisuioner tb ix- pend usone>' on tovuftine,'belveen 'Ontario sud Victoria, la roons of A. BIsack, ru- signet! ; that $30 bu grauted 10 B. Foy', for sabar>' su Coamuissionur of Scagcg Bridge, for yesr enint Iis Jane ; that tise accouai of $15 for repaire on Scugog Bridge'bu psid; tisat the msui of $10, -h gramiteal for repaire te damages 10 Sengog bridge; tise paymeuî -of tise County's balf of tise amonti of Hall Broc., cf $22 50, for piauik fur Nsrrov's *Bridge; tise ex-' penditure of $25 for phanis for uaiit bridge âge îayinunt of $9 50, tise accont of.Job lingwodal arris, for repaire 10 Nsreiw*o bridge ; that tise Tresuaner criait Mars a-us $5, being intereut cisargedal ia muni- cipality, vhite thon vwu insibicdssou$400 to ha appbiedin lupsyment of tise luxes cf bhat mnnicipaiîy;-,tise>' report tisesoim of $83,52 incarred ou Sengog hridgeî,hait sein paid by Trasuren. Conucil vent mb oCcmnsitlee of tise WVioleu thereen. Report waaadoptedan sd sinente tisane- in upeified, venu ordereal te bu paid. EDUCATrON Stti'05T. Tise committe etaîed tise buiis for t atica for Edacaîlonai purpoes ta b- c. Scisoole. L Sap't. Brouis, $584.85 $71.40 Mars, 277.40 33.60) Rama, 33.60 4.20 Pickaering, 968.10 94.40 Beach, 187.50 15.60 Scott, 333,90 25.20 Seagog, 84.00 1260 Tisonai, 280.50 21.00 Uxisidre, 585.60 42.'00 Wiiîy, W. 265.40 29.40 Witb>', E., 427.e6s 46.201 Tis ecoamittee recommeuduit tbî psy- ment cf $215 for ciationer>' furniehedto1 Board cf Publie Instruction. -J. DRYDEN, Chairman. -Report-adopled âsuit1h. sceountt ienuin ordired te ,b~e paai. TW e opmtterecomïmeudet Lita psy. meut cf tise foloving amaonts:n W. H. Higgin., $9 6.00; E. Moud>' 14.60; Baird & Paruons, $14,60; Luise & Larisu, $14.60; 0eo. Ham, *9.,60- Total. *149.40. - - tise town7bsd'gotie to s urge expent, bc would inove tbat tise rmport be amended by luserting the cumù of $200.,*, JEr. Fanirbatiks thougljt tisaI $300 wvas, littleeuougis, sud aft- o me furtber dis- cusciou tise blank waa ftiled up witb tisaz ambunt. , - ,'ý1 ý 1 Tihe other chose, lu tise rep ort wero Also gone tbrougis WJith; when on motionà of Mr.' Fairbanks0, e coaiuitteêrose sud reportod,(horepor t ' thscertaiu n ond- ment$.-Tise reportwas adopted su amend- Mfr. FaIrbanks moyed, secondeal by Mfr., Fîaaby, for lesvé. to intr.)duce s by-law t0 appropniste messies for tise repair1 of Scugog bridge, Tise, by.law wu (heu resal, sud ou mu' tion vau ruta ssecond sud (bird timo und;passeit. Mr'. Fairbanks usovea, secondeal by Mfr. Pouah>', for leake te introduco s by-lsv bo amend al No. 181; arlîcs vas grauted sudtishe by-ia% a s rosit asecond sud third timeaslud ssa. Ou motion o; Mr. Gibbs, secondeit by Mfr. Smnh, tiseCo. retrertvwuauthor- ized (o-psy trittwu Treasurur $300. as recoLmentcb y tise report of tise stand. ing comanitteèon Finance., 1 S ACU- BY-LAWÇM Ou motion t fMr; Major, seconded Iby 1fr. Bates, s by law was intodu.ce4 1te confire> by.iw 450 of tise townsii of l'ea IL scivea tise several readinga sud passed. 1fr. Fairbanks nsoved, scondeil by Mfr. Smniths, for leao to introdasce a 'by-la ',to asticot for ceunIp urpo and for tise pay of Sciseol teacsers for 18519, and txat tise tante be now.resad fsfirst timp. Mesur. Vitait sd Whceler oi1jectud ta s second readitig of tise by li, sud said tbat as il embracedal slarge'; rs Iîber of figures tiseydial uoV»thissk. itýld bo, hurrical tirough without me moisunder-P standing it. 11r. CJibbs explaincd tisat ths flgiures isad beau prepared willa great can by Mfr. Lauder, snd tisa hise wau Pr arcd (o acccpt (seta as correct, sud' ped tihe neuve of Picka riag ould wits raw bis objections to s second rnig Thse b>' bawvràshou'read a sec4nd time, and thc council v*untinto coni ittue ot tise wisube thercou-mr. Smutii in (ho chsair. lisecoruimittue rosieanal reported tise report with certain amnents. COUNTI' PtOi'ETY. Mfr. Wisuiur gave notice flint (lh stand- ing committee on Couuty Propefty vore preparcd te report, sud ou motion tise' council weut jute consmittee of the iviscie on tise report. Mfr. Whiite iu tise chair. Tise report recosîimcuded tise ýaymrent cf several accesuts; aise (he gaoler's re- port cf (ho naîsber cf prigouera confined duriug thc past yesr, andltise report of tise Ilispecter of Weightsand îleasura'-, aise recomuînudiug (liaI a tnew fonce Ibu pbaced ini front of tise Court bouse, nt s cogt not exceediug $1 50 pur foot, andl tiat (ho grounds be placed undur tise c1sar'e cf tihe ganler, sud bc kept lu onaler by p"risol la. ber; aliatise propriety of appointiug au Inspoctor of Weighta anal Mnsures, lu. tie place of Walter U'oulthard Considerable discussion teck place in roforouco to tise netsoal cf iuaapectiug tise weigissuane nasuros ; Air. lhwaite anal lfr. Gibs,nguiug (bat it was irupropun te tax stcî'ukeeper'u twice a yuian for woigs awiuicb avenu fcurid te bu correct, andl thougiat tisatishe buyors who wrn in- terexteal. sud not tise seibuns, trnctise proper pensons te piy (lic Inspectas., andl thougist that (lie Inspecter sisuuld bc paidJ by salons'.i Mfr. Fairbanks expl.iised tit thse bmw ulid net ashow the Inspecter te cisiargg fer weigists whicis wer correct, but once a r yean. lise Cisin (%Ir. WThite) sicl (bat tIse discussion trias nait cf ordîer, sud tisea Wardon, it bein- C o'clock, adjourneal tisé ~ciuil MiI 7 P. ni. Tisa Council rosunsed at half pÉt sovcu.a Tise Standing Cesnmittee oan Counu>' prnperty agnin resasmned in comnnittcecof the wiscle-Mr. Wisite lu tise chair.à Tise committea nose,.and, neprt i. 'eotwitb certain- amten'denis~Tise report ws t heu adopteal as aieid& On motion et Mn. Wiseler, seconde-j by s, tMr. Smîtis, (Scott,) thse treasurer was autisorize a epsy tise several' acounîs0 econrmeudiug b>' the standing consanttee on Couuty propurty.e ,Ou motion et bir. Sinclair, seconde-i by ii tMr. MeRae, tise tressu-re-r vafs on-dure-jta pay Heanry tisanuse> $2,00 pur day for0 hsservices duning tise pruseut Seisiid. VOEaraOP TvNaS Tsro TUS WA1WreN Mn. HMae moveal, seconded, b>'y l< Sinclair, (biat thiscotîncil de nov express its gneat sistia'ation*to tise Wsnien,foraýtbo imipartial suit systematical mnnnerl lu vtsiae budiscisargeitisa iutieS tise pro- sent zsiion, anal tiat-the sue> -bf $100 ise placi t(o bis credit for bis services ~ prescul yeor. - Thse Wardau itesiteudlotisnk tise coun- esù for thuir kinneus suit courtes>' exenai- cd teo hiu, andasasure thtie counik-tiat liait hicsan eus>'teck, vu t eir ussiet-, tànce, te diseisarge h ie ititgoesj, Ho10alin took1hia occasion te tbsnk tise Clark (I. J.- MJaàet ) for tise taistance ho liai Weuveit at-bis banals, andl congratulutéit thbe.cil -on issving s50 eflcient s Qlbris. Ruo fuît ver>' tisukruh for tise Spprecialion usowuim by tise cousucuL. Tha MStNJO A -i.X buti wire wîsîîasg. le;tue other tvo items Afters great deai cf disusasloni oue of tise items of $% vwu atruck out sud (bu secouait ,for $04 was carriîd ; àtço tise cuverai saîoôuate .ofE. Mtudy, G. H Ham, Beuird anal Parsons,' sudLuke sand Larke. Tise cdmanittee rose sud reporteil tisa report s ameuded. eoné Oit moiosi os1er. xton. by Mr. UoRse, ho connoil sAjourued tlI 10 o'clock w morrowmorulu;. SEVOÛTEÏ DAY. 'Tuiais, Joue 22, Tise Conneil met. Tise Wa&rdist iu tise chair. Tise speeili omamitt ee ou grsntc 10 Agnicohturai Societies ruportud. Tise'raouueud tiat $140 h gsue te (th. Agriculterai Society , of NortisOns- tanlu, sud $30 escis to Societies of Tisorais and Mars-sud Rama. Mn. Robinson, secendeai hy Mn. Wiseie, moîed tisaitise report he adopîed. Tise motion vwu'p ut sud bai. Ytas-M1etort. Broya,,Tisvaite, Smiths, Sinclair, MaRse, Sextan,lobinson, Baies, Wiseien, Feauhy sud' Major-Il. Niy- AIl tise ruaI, 12. Tise by lav fer auceuing tise county vone ruaat ird lime'sud psused.' 1Mr. Gibbs, sucondud hy Mn. Witte,- usovedtisaitishe We~den 1oanîhonizeit-Io adverîlae. for Royal'Canadias Billi a psy menVfoa -part -&n so nmncis u ia>' bu thisoabt'* dvisâble-, of tise debentoreeabout to e h. lainaito0met tise carrent arpentes cf tisis eeuty. - Cried. 1Mr. Thwaite mcved tise'adoption oftise report of tise standing comauitice on Pninting. 1fr. Fairbanks, seonded b>'MMn. Bru- tbonr, move t tsaitishe repcrt bc not adopt. ed, but ruferred back vs instructions tei inenuase tise amoant b>' $18 more tissu ia shbewed te 1Mr. Higgius b>'tise contrant. Tise amndment vas put snd lott. YSAIS-Meisrs. lohinsoas, Fairbanks, faigisi, Breaisour and Major. NAvs -Ai tiserest except Kn. Whsiteu viso efetise cisamber, Tise report vas tises adopteai,4 Mr. Gillecpie, ueoonded hy Mn. EHaigist,1 moved te rcscind tise order paying $300 to tise loin cf Whiiby, s part payaient ef expenses incurredin l billeting thse vol- antspers, 1fIr. Faoirbanks objeeteal, on tise grooni tisai ne notice isad hes givea. Tis a Wrdcn tiserefoe rubid it ont cfé order. 1fr. Major proeniard a petiaicu, prsyiug bat, tise Loa'nahip of Uxbridgu bu coin- pulleal to tase :part in repairing tise tovwn ine beiveen tise to tovnships.t Mi-- White, seouded b>' Mr. Ffsis>.h tisai tise cuncit adjouru sine die Carniud. I Pîkei agtownlpCJou1,ICal. Thmo tieSaornz u eme t ponraimarait le adi- lmaarmmmmsai taa-hcr simai puoeost. 'Tito tîcuvu fim flie ecaair. lliiutia ofhJastmiiatutigrsalsaid nuy!,Q~'r C)f patitio'ia toer aam'nted a4- imag ferormaaaais t imnt-y te iaîm prcavo limaso-ada ; r -ianp mevOr:Lat acomiti tor amappiyiaag nid la> iidi- a Mrola ti!c 5iCn-ioammi tlisa IOMAeirs. iaiglt, Pacn mlhe 1-'e a boctommittec e crin limer ahle seversiputitiomns aataimag for appro-i primriqi i'a' xa So om i-t'rol 1r. latillur ancraa, liat flic Raone. Mn. Green mid mime muams' ar, o eoammitteu te ceiaider tise suturai satgoiita alunit ise- ecorporation pro - aciatit tais aiaay.-Cmirrieti. laîr. (Ircas miouem, itaat 1fIr. Ilaiglit, Mn,. Mackey and thmo uer, hc a oommitteo te oea- iidenie petitiolas presoutod. titis dayV, pnaying for Èoiva es-ilgemat çn~a.Oa.i Timo coinumittee apr'iuteil to conaider -tho ; penitiasapreaseti isday, prayg for iuouxy te imuproeuthSe rends, repens as fottova . itosoromi, timattlta followig aemsbo gramîlemi ou tise diffmnmt rnommansid bridgea, as apeeliaul s>' petitiomîs prosatua tis ay ;amàaitit tise aaimaes anniexebc a ppoiutec eemaiselnemute axpem the saine, snd na-port It (t. oungel t it ittireèlt mneutimg il J5oeiiter neat. 1 1 Oaa éiao rond isctwcuu lots 10 siil l11ian f of Oth cou., $15, George îos-eusison.i Oas side rond tsetvour 10 anal Il in rear etf SIhî con. $80 ; D, landwsuit Ya. Coclansaae. s On Aide ronit bletý is 4 and 5 luIn itscon., f $85;4-Jas Mokie, G. titggingtottoni, R. %Ward. oaa aide rosit butoeu2 sud8, I ilaRhcou., Os aide rond beivacas i andI 5 lu isokois iront coun,"$I0o;John UItomr. f On aide roud, belvceu 14 and 15 taa alI con., $40, John Mulles. .un side rosi t even sit83mlasB. IY.con., 080 ; Thoan-srttmt.? - 'Oaialirenad b&wài 8 andsit n iu thcon», Xleen, oeulimasasor; Widoow gitn, nuoaui. par veek, wlalow Irv ia e75 et* 'lier week, Fral Meusl, qism.Moues ,,,ss,110 cuN'a(* pr weaak, W &J, dlpauk com - Jolauitairas, to ts. par weuk, <'ami*ine kcty4, oit.; Magaret Mo- Uluty, 160 etff..par weec, 'Thons41, rippC, cr; wsalow (bampbull, .60 eou. pr waatc Jin 4ddi.a co. ; lisori Maiddletain, $1 par weob, W. de J. MâPluk os.J4 i~IJane,75et-à. pore veOck, James Irvsug, ecm- widlow Gates,7 cis. par vaee5. Lau àakoyf coin.; 1tOI)CIt Moasey. 80 et», pur Wek In'na.îood, coni Iwaatow Tonusir$1 per weak, J. & D ï. Maeîab coai. ; Mary tonnser, 7rt-t. per wcut, Tiacania Tripp, eom. ; tbeury $înith, àoa ti. pur week, Tlicuaiaa Trippi coin. Ibeport rteueived and wdoptWeal. , 1 un motion oit 1fr. maclruytiha Colîncil ad- journeil, andi stuasi -adjourtiod :111 Baaurday, o thse Ed*tor of flwUe %7i1bj i/rronicle. The MounckfRond. Frons constant purusal et yeur vahucal noespaper. I have fre- quentl>' noticeithtie Intelligent mauner in visics youdWout upon, aud tise invariable attention ycai gave to all hecassary isn- provemeutesud questions going ou on ru- qreid this ceuinI>'. Ifuel tisereforo, (uat You viii pardon me fer tespassiug on youn space, b>' dis-uctiug cure more your attention btiste dols>' cf tise govern- tuent in completiug tise Monck rnda, vbics bas hues already remankeal b>' yoss, will ho s leading thenotaglîfare anal outlut for s large section ef country,. 1 na>' state (bat (bis apatisetie iudi7sareuce te tise settier, wats bis produced its fruits froi tisa fact limaI suvmal parties hravo be- come disgtistcd sud discourageal b>'tise de>lain epcniug up tise rond lu question, soma bave romoveal, anal otisens are pre- paring ta lbave, bciaag under tise. iupres- sien tsaItishe Ontario Goverïnsont nevur* inteudeai (o finish tise rsal ait ail, but te devote tise sum appnopriatedl towardg ils ceau1plion, sone four or Oive yeans ago, tovardssomaetuer objecî of 's less de- serving nature, lu a public point of view. For tise information of tisoe vis tako an intercstlun(lie complution cf (bis rnsd, visicis issu now buen ini baud for tbrue yena, permit me te stale, that il noe oi> gees (isrough Mars sud Ramas, but also tisrough tise township of Dalton. Digby,- Lnttcrwortls, lu tise Count>' cf Victoria, Colinization road, abocut s.nmils nants cf Ilenal River bridge, 20 miles f(nom Lake Couchsiching, wliere tbene ilas fine grov- ing settlemen, tise inisabitants cof wbics, vesilfinal a good market st Aiserbey or Oniblia f'on (her produce, from thence il preceas on toetise Bobesygeen rondl, pas-t. ing, tbritg sescerai flounishiug settie- munis, vise aoulailgiadi>' hailth(le con- -struction cf tise rosnd as tise grestest beon tbat ceuid bece cnferrel open theni by tise slow crack governieu cf Ontario. For ni> part, ri'mstirpnised-tbat nurn cuengorie member' cf Panhiausera, Mn.rPaxton, dcc. net taestise malterluinsband,, sud tinge tise depan(meut te puashtise aors pratupl>'aom. 1 ciu assure tisat gentie- mai, isit imneare numisers cf bis cou- stitueuts astasuisseai at tise tanaliuess sud negiaretef tise geveinmniet dispisycal lu (bis mnatter-su t tie>' expeet hm (to exort bis imnfluence iu (hein beisîf. Tiscir is anotiser ?a?.P, is aise equal>' as muci cencenin l aving tise Mnck rosit epencit up anal consîntrutas sonu as possible, 1 refur ta ?afr -A. P.,Cockburn, mamben for Norths Victoria-ho is callesi tise friand of the. b2ckwoaismucn, aid ""s"'gisia greatl>' by tise<Pmess,' ton bis, nsiiýngexertieus teoprécuré assistance fer tise Pioneans,f wil hoe not aise ceano to thue rescue sund sfi'rd utsegone relief, aaîruly tise cembinudit fierts cf Palessrs,. Paxton anal Cockburu, oasgit te bc sireug, said influantiai enosagîs to gel use roand con- stnucteit 'fitisout itelay. I trust tisat (bey wili endeavor ta have tise rosai oxteudeai sI once. Tise prompenit>' of s couttialrabbe portion cf (bu ceunitios tisase gentlemn repruseut ila involveit in tise conipletion cf tise -nd, anal ils nanifest importance soùlalconuqaent>' induce' tiein atten- tion. Latt Usonsbîstfor a moment nefleet sud considmr' tise banislips esnd incon- renieuces wisich (bu settler lo.bonsanales. taid encouniters, for want 'of conumtsnicsi-- tien witis hl-ront townshmips, tanal I fue issureit tise> wiil immidtely urge tise goverumentto spueit> action in tise pro- miscs. Theyw iii (busmenittse varnest ;lanics, neol > of tise inisubitants slong tha reoutocf tise Iunclo rosai, but aise thse 'osiduts is tise-tovnsmips Ibrougis visicis t wvill bu made. I cnave your-indulgence for occupying so muci cf yossr valisablo apace ,but ruly ons your forgivenessu bc- aluite I s av aare that you are sud al-- s'ays bave beeu tise fesarles adavocate sud siithful oxponcant cf ail- objectusuad grie' - rances cf s public nature, demaindiug ne- dress -or-attention. t- l isteFetone, sir,1 mereIy t4 cutire Pr On moui Lord G: tails aud tise illt Ganterbu objeistoa Peot lo ti ,ai dato hu Bill araus.auseesn na former oscaaonu, liedusa- - tnusteoEâIt Ran nvile's assertion tisat ai i baniL>'sum aueitteients vould receiîe care fii ossid- Stroets ensution. The course lbu (Iari Derby) iad Ruosarî -takeon, vas net as leader' of the Conserva-. to drive Mr, B (insu;> but.ou his ovu convictions tisI tise Biht was impollîlo sudimmoral. Smur> Rari et Kimberysei>itfended. (lia prinoipies - lr, anal details cf tise Bil. He beleved con- h o mr1 currenicnudont inexpedient. and im etines :-à possible. -Total -disestablisbueut.. and estiusistcu dioondowmcentvas ise ouîy mnsnueisich ie,$,700; e coulal rumove tise grivsinccs complaineA tisties, s$..5t 'Of. Tiseopposition contendeit that tise tino, $1,700- land, anal net thse chauois vas tise rai oceau andt nisa gnievauc. It vlas unfair ta refuse to-re-- sud beaicon, Ni nioee grievance becauso suesr caIofeconfuda exiautel, vhsic i imigsi ercatter bu leil5(geeumnt cul upon. - uaei pulic Thse Iisisop 0f Ripen opposci ed trisele aBr-uwik, ro Diii.- - -anal Militia ii Tise Duke of Cleveland supporteilthtie Neçar lnsvi4 BilI, if amndameuts coubl bc miade. tien of (ho rer LordReaiesimleopposçed 1tise Dii, es~- Sir G. ECai peciably tise ekuse depriviug Irish Bisheps tia estirnato, t1 cf tiacir -couasin the Bouse cf Lords. wouîci drill 1,1 Raliser tissu rejecî tin tisa1 Episcopai dayV, eticers $ honda trouldt ceusent .te ahnit Roulis last year. 2,C1 probales le sit vitis (hem. cis a ai ten p Tiseiarqasis of Salisabury said isaI voîunteeaa in lviae bu inteudeal te vote for tbu second drill. tise-volu reading ef tise Bii, ho did net viiss ta a s <rillin0 commit luniself te ail tbé details of tise' in answer 1a s mucasue u e stngly ,objocctet 1tiste Sir G.E, Car position anal attitude 'of"tise lieuse cf aisposedlota n Lords %titis respect(otis te n,-tion, anald sscitio, deumealtise assertion tisaI, tise Lordf, ilu courage cousit assuutiung (o tise viiiof tise nation, express possible. subordination ltatise Corme -s, as fate. - Ail thse milii If (bot r-ne a tset il vwoulit bu butter-for Tise motion tise lieuse cf Lords te du,appear s a.ace- flouse ta- go ï ordinale branci cf Governsment, Tise ob.1fr. ýMcKenr jet of s -second Bouse 'vas tao su pply ouei u omissions, anal rectify itefocts of tise final. ter of ver>' gni lu inu>'cmes (hoe se1 of Gommons cf the paspers1 cun represeuteit-isenatinin tisos.>'InTuLions.jutbre tis najority of casesiseflieuse etr Lords' li te 8 1 troug must decide fer Ibeniseivus. But vscu lieo flime Go' tise flouse or Commons anal tis nation are 000, for fortific a-greon r a giveas point, tise fuctions of ever, toolca di the flou"e otfLordnavse passeaway,and -ual. lu (ho pal tihe nespousibiiity devolves ou tise-nation (bore vag a dii anal on tise iouse. Wc ruigist faini>' accept intention cit (b tia decissen svimeut abuegalson of dut>'. deal witis Ibis Opposition-(o tise deciit opinion cf thei..all the coloie,, ,nation, voulal u>'dola> tise inevitaibie ' differenîl>' trot issue, sund ertaLe a - pern o f dishunhauce Granvible, lu hi anal di5oeteut. Ho tisougist tise BitI: il - ^belore tise îlou' -libéral anal injîsnioass. 1-le id not -believo tenuzinstion of uiatameudnients wouid ho coutemptucosy 10 to , ldrawai] dioregmrdeaila>' Uihlouse e of (Mmomss, neIrcepas frons(hi hait been in(im'sted. lie -timougist tise tention toatisrc Gouer Men t .cfta imr&e maj'anity gave 'Îisereafter oh th prospecto ftisuintorrupled., s.,cmBs; but eutnstauceca, as tise nation woulai son (unisagminst s min- cînse andal stiel iter diaplayiug .a domiiicerng spinit. ivien on mass> Admitting an>' amount cf, arrogance in abot ta( leave. ,Gladstone, lime fouse of- Coiniïons ,migimi wouîal give (bu considon iti atm preseut position as-cei- ftise vonks cent paLreal iti isposqible poitini f the, Bill passage of tise1 oe nejctual. 2otising coulit bu mor bupocdi fatal tis uch a poiicy. - Tise conteat aetien vouli b, wouid timon ho, carriei on under s dis- tise Parituent advansge,ý analtise Ilemîso of Lords woul tunil>' cf prone fiually bave te gire va>'. malteraemubra LosNDox,Jane 18.-Tse excitemeul Smr G. E,. Of oven-r tise debste, in tis eflouse of Lords on (hait questionv lise IriasCisnrch Bibi' ineerses. Tise cf Canada s-e bencisus, hobbies, sud galtenies of tise-appropriation q Hanuse mveucrotrieitagain la nigit. lfortifications;1 -Rani Rusqsell vas tiese ia speaker. He tisat tise mperi asial tun> lîusqtnioma Aatesosen, animaleit (hein gluarsntee b>' feelingscf justice suit genursmit>' for action cf tiseIr Irelanal, hait unitavouréal ta settie lissmat-tes. ' Chuncis queston, but (hein efforts wramseMn. %IcIi'enzi madte in vain. >Tise fact tisat a smali pro- Ibeau senlt tIst portion of tise people of Irelanit bulonguit Apnil ? It vas ta tise Chinois esalsishses tise -justice as gentlemen look voli' as tIse necessity of dualiug x s is 8th0 St paragnsph q queston. Tise creatioru of thIinshuh osperial Govenm in tise beginning vas a vise tbing,; but duspatois frein lise rusult of tbnce centuries msade ans ai- Sir Geo. F5. t tenahlon noasesr-y. Tise net of Union wu hoba eu exphic îoe-soiemu a- qiusfon , ta10bu intes'foreitini yb vos witb saîve in sgreait Oris; -butnov -ea in b' is- Exe gmest eiseisvas -at baud, - Herevievui t1h. eipl offil former promises of. concession vih ir. tis ecn. menât Pl' t if ime hait - hal tisa --oartunitv. «-<b iaC. lvl tus. - aiAci fortha 1 npert'sissad an W hou ussattm Acta uisis n'-Act ta mess n Aito.îsn Act ta proris "d psîd oainoim aa - Mthse Demnissie - Act ta amena Âot nsepctir1 Juvunileo ffeuml Aet respectS: - - eInto gbipvreet tAct respoctit - Act repecti IO Oen. 0nt c sut ta takea vire nme>et, sautil pomi- a the an asssen thse 14th et 1 b w ci tc bg M ir . e

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