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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1869, p. 4

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SELLINO As LOW me, md tUrvardm, 1 i al i& I 4c0 rosi nefIlles>of difiwvret kiis, p;ei.etbc hyfltdbut of'n tsi l!. 1Icotiiîsne4 te got *coc ate endwrse, utitI-thle t4ssînrîeto1848, vliîn 1 won Induci te tr7 tise gret i eoslion- «à UiLnscdy i.y reîsdijng tmeou <tros cctorrii~, la a pamrphlot. At ti. il I lie begtn te lool thse Wsssltisoss lis my làlaids; loi tset 1J-wu UgÀttiisit alonotis 1 loui ssve tiseI wo boUles nti1w it lisonhose:Cs Jleey amni two bosco of Liii iiIs rîsi I lion C.îtireiy rertoresi tu lisossith. 1 over txexîssîtqd bget boter. but irnpiy tr!ed ise smcdlillse easà cmot )f loriorit h0pes. Tis a oâï o muiise Io it nalrivisto asi,- but kstowa- tW- isiill ies îiglbors td rriend; cot dte atiy Diie s îcsdn* à wsa, 1 issvo siy lismsstory tlise SL'susouw§, liciiedy lbiQet-wilicstrss tisu. MAIZI( AN$ JOUOIITY. rnoxrn te &o/cr# me et ta*efudoi Qsety of Ilar j#, tléie nntledall a/ Febr-uliry, 1869, . .Wooo), 3.1., t&C. I lisroby'ccrtiry dont I lousve kncswn Mrq, Xary Aun Dussgisîy for tise lissst flftà c ur; Witeln a'weîesîî tl ofrobUiy and itsutts. 1Iisava, known her beir dsriogng, tsinlce her.ili- uisse 1 blleao ier cortileto to c ltust1i) every pîrticulssr. I1icnow tsat wlsile 11 ie , case wson deeIred isopelobs ;a; ssî1 I rrow digit lier rùuevcry to tise is',sosI tesssedy. Wbatcv ri iy ha lsicpeciîli.sr pro porties of sibis tstediceîs, oss itg iii certain, tbsat las lier Mo, t ,IlionasntacdOssanoa4 ise tisa ,)Crictsnalice -A. F. WOOD, J. P'. Wsrclen Of tIle Conty of ilai4tltsgàt, Prûvi lce -#f OJntario, Doittiiosi of Castgasss. 10 wJiIITEVALE WOOLEN FACTOUIY Tih sses<cs vsg e sassaestspmioslolIsle Vhtalse Poéis ifossry, WI pay UAbu LIÉ kXVIiANEOEUDuIS Ore sslyssl5i to GOOD CLEAN 'WOOL, ANP ALtO DO cUTisTor-'M 'W (1RK t1 AUL IFS DttANCIItS, TIZ- nANUPACTUIKIW., CtRDINC AND SrINrvuNu. CARDING ILOLLS, CLOTI! DJIEHRING, &,,. WOlà mannufitisresi !na Twersie, Pull Cltie Bsai . latsiIiilsletis. Illiseiliukein, lireosassît Lhne¶FasaiiosssVassee&.A large ock a(tsf(thè ,d* wsli lke kept ceealsli v-on Ils iîsl, wjicts ,wilil sld heu fr (Cath, Or eX(emissged for wunss. À etolrhswis e iiilie sievssed exs,.Iu- w titub n rddssis sit raiydponisi. isariiisi tWuilsaneiîrissgsssg lue rwooliitasile Caruls'osi 55,rsllis. en", tsy ccamis a riy, issve si douse tuslle bssek wih then. Closs 'res4ssag sdonsc lt a superiirIsaleuns Tiesutsiersigeei wesslsi eg te say. tfi tiOse Ilisievaie i'stôlry à a ver>' latree ssssd fir*sî.es s ssbiiamesas,csper regoassy sîs tleedoCsigltortaset iorio certit %Oek, andmi te nsutinery equel on as,'lils the Desaslsa11ion, tise iorseig e0lsssssaiuiy and ehé Tu lois a4e cesstte, wili l ilato e e ie atitasgctus rae lwlth tho0k puarettago. T. P. WEJITB. JONATUAiv 1ILLB. %i> tb V.wstevale, ith cmn Ficktersng COMMERCIAL HOTELo OSHlAWA. JAMES PIINO LE, . Prepructor. JOHN CARTER? ILICENSED, AUCTIONEER. 1 oitres coux IEp0 ONÏTARIOi YORK & PFEL. g~r IlESIDENCE- et SiCou., SALES etteusidedaos tiso siiortpat notice, nui on renumsble taruni,. Tcrîuîs en ha t adeo ah lIPIlas priastesi attîieCb&'ousjlc ofico for lMar vsrter. 17 D. F. URKE, Feamily (.rocer, Wne& ipirit dealer, No0. 2, MIOHRAEL'S ELOCR, KING ST, EAS'r, OSIIAWA. GROCKERY & GLASS WARE A WELL SLELCTELm STOCKÇ GROCERIEiS, &c. OF AULKNI8 ;'As cheai taîu y Itouxe inusCsanada. «M lnvqe stment!-o T 12 TWSTAND LOAN COMPAN Lealîs smade f-txd xSpcriedua, or nepayahie h> aasns alit îîots Furfîior and! fail Infornmtion con le luadl hy lelter, uddrca.setl teftisc Cumuiisierâ at l«tgstouî, or (roui licul .Eatate & a(tserai Agent,. Oa Se-ecitrecat, Whlttsy, sept 15, 1gsC. s86J * MPOF. J. POST,c TEÂHERPIANO-FbRTE, &C. màg27.nUOoNieî lyas îs'st.s AI8 'T Tiati ItESIDENCE. Tuaxe-Inustructioua on pianoe, $10; theor>' eftMUSJAl eeuMPeSitlU, &etr, 4 5. W Aus eap.riine.etiof ttan tg y8ars poiablea profissor Veiat ta> guaranu te ti ld sdvacoemus& et pepiliapiaii u«ulist.ultlon lFbisby, Marais lut, 1569. 91> INSIRAMJI tllDMPANYÃŽ N0 EW -HAVENCIN The choicest lot c'ver te Iàtest styles simd clear Ceati sipply any I3ookc, AMu band, Orders promptlytil Boxes, -Sateltelo, Purso, &h oolloks, SlaVes, Bil lsunos, lranhet 9. Poclet Lilyi 8~?5ct. heet Music, [Perfumnued Voilet Jnk, FANS, SECRETS 0F THIE..GREAT CITY. LATEST NOVELTIES ALWAYS 'ON 'HAND. Our Goods arc cliiefly in British Markets whicb we bugqt low rates, sud wiIt bc sold cheap for cash. JAMES BORLAND, 1May 26, 1869. Variety Store, 1WhiVby. Royal, CanadIa;Bank IBlls TAKIENAT -PAR, McMLLLAN & COIS. The Cheapest -Goods in .Towni arc Vo bc had aV MeMILLAN &Cos. Linnen Dusters t hall vaine at McMILLAN & Cos. Aldwc-ll & Co's. Celcebrsted Aie in packages of 10, là, and su1 gaI. at MeMILLAN & Cos. WANTED 100 Fenkins et Butter, fur wlsielmtise Iigist price will bc pas.T.I. NeMILLAN ~Co. O SHAWA, begs to annonnce that bis stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GÀOODS,, is now complote, consisting of F A N CY pD"RY COu0DSq WIIICUI WILL DE FOUND VERY CIJOICE AND OHEAP. IW- THE MILLINEPLY DEPMLTMENT contains ait the lateat ityles and novelties in Ilato, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Sbswls, kc., "o le- THE TAILORING DEPKRTMENT contains the flnest Scotch, B4nglish, andi Canad'tan Gcodls whss c w11 b. mrade t order, in thse laLest, style, andi at thse lowet price. llaberdcîhery in great variety. MADE TO ORDER AND READY..MÂDE. N. B -The subseriber, intends rctiring frorn business, and of- fers thse abova Stock-in-trade for sale, with a leasso of thse promises for a term of years. WILLLA.M DIOKIE. Ooshaya, Mfay Io, 1869. OFFICIAL- ASSICNEE. GENERAL -AGENCY -OFFICE! ~J~IEundrsgnei iangrceceivcd tise appointanent of Official ssgnÀ orNrtis "-Ontarlo a rprei1 give prompt attention to al matters il, Bankupty or Insovcny. 53 romsssry Notes and Accounts specdily coiiected andi rewîittance promptly mad. On goosi farm seeurity st 8 par cent interest. Spacial attention wili b. given to tise negociation of Loans, andi borrotrers cati rely upen having their applications attçlsded to promptiy, and at sinali expenaie. W"Aio, Lands, both Ianproved and unianproved eonstamtly for sale. Insurances cfl'etcd luntise Ontario Fanîners Mutuel Insursance Company. E. MAJORL, officiai Assiguec and Vutlater. OFFlCFP-Bigaiow's 13leait, ncZt deor te the }oyol Cauadsiun Iltxtk. Purt I'arry, Dcemtber 2, 1868. 4 ]ESTA]3ISHE D 18'. Cflfl MONTREAL TEk (COMPANY. 6 1HOSPI TAL STREET, MONTREAL. Il£î continnasi sncces oftlîis Coin nty ie ouly attr*betrblete tise quality sud puritîpo!tiseir Jrm Tes.Over a iuîtdrc.,d thonéuantîIsxes et Ton, have beauesent te diffuenlt parte eit tseDo- tsilsie, axsdupwards of a thiietstsd testimoaiiuls, can be shown bearin F estimeuy te thse qnliîty and purity «! the rall. A great raving eau baeffeotasi by fiwu u i mne, cattlis ot 6 asîss l2lba., sud upwsrds. Evary peekige warrauts'd te givc catistiition. Club togithev snd souaci fer tour or fi vo 51b. caatiass- whieli willi ha sent carniage frea te avy Eailwey Station le the Dotminion. '1he suîea u shaolacted est dalivcry. , M- Try ont (resti grotinsi tiani reastei Coffec, ian 5 sd101h. Tnsand npwarda, tis e avenir ef wtîieii srailiy ixaulleat amis! avary'pactiscewarraead. Oi. Tessandbor lOIba.Coffie.sexst tog e altsway station carnauge frac. si ulirer et par. DILÀCK TEA, BEasgllls ireak(sai, iBrokenu Leaf, slrong Tee. 45,,ista.; Fine Flaveîed New liease do M5e. 00e. Md 5.; Dest Fll Flavuresi de, 76c - Seastdl oeg, 45c.; Mils Flavoured dosic,.; YpeyïFisse al 'ilan;Jas, VaO., à55., VFieOc-, Ver>' i;=te65c., Fines# 7&-. by.&s a flic y5o,05e. rau lsn. 60, où, 5dasud '5e.; Fie ode. '7U<,Vale 0 ia 5r.; 5opey5me ssm Vu> Cisebo. ~ ~ ~ e sk ae upw ierSc; Extra aponliuesode.$t. lie. 1, 80.; No. 2, 250.,; No. 8, 2M,. No. 4, Ibo, par lb. Thse Mmitesi Tes Cotssssy: oteci l tiaysigi se~ry yee mn1 Jparcisasti tue est ot tTea (nom yettue ss. 1 bare *asé d caisMa> mine cd 1. ieueSte in= y o lthlie Tes lu ven>' caseproves.mi ct a(asry, eau MW a ex- seesiiagiy eit ap. Yeuses tee>'aina T- THE OLD STAND! [ESTABLIS-HE D The undersigned in returning-thanks for the liberal patronage hitberto extende'! te tise old estatiliihsnsint, for neari y a pcriod of -ferty years, dosines to say that he bas now on Iband a large assortmeut o! tisetmost moderns and elegaut styles of And trusts by proper attention and nioderate pnices to secure a coutinuance -o! publie patronage. Practical upholste7ing. Furnîttsore r-stufled snd covered. Unldeàrtking .and Funerals, Fuly Supplied as heretofore, IWSome splendid specimens of Picture rirames, and Gilding. Remember the Old Stand. Wbitby, Marorh 9, 1868. 1869a M3L~3C3E..3E. 1o.ly 18690 Spring Oampaign Begun! ATTHE FTJRNITTJRE WAUIEROÃ"M1S -OF- JOHN TILL C 00., IN CALDWVELL'S BLOCK, Wil be found the largest atud most complote assortmeut of weli-made FURNITURE in tisa eîty. We offer great induceuments te> parties about te furnisis, as we LIUY FOR CASII we cana sali cisapçr thant any otiser retail bouse lu tise trade. A caîl te inspeçt our stock is solicitad. We have also on haztd a-large and variasi assortumont o! And some very fine GILT COMNICES, which we offer very 1ev. Weaiae aise Agents for LARARD &KIIIEGHOFFS fAtENTiwPR*«O EBG1 UNDERTAKING in first-class style, at moderate charges. UPHOLSTEIIY of ail kinds donc with neatness and dispatch. Our motto will be SMALL PROFITS AND QUICIC RE- TURNS. Whitby, March 17, 1869. JOHN T'LL STILL TIifEL &CO. COME THE SUI3SORIBER BEING ABOUT TO CLOSE UP THIE, -Crockery Glass & Earthenware- Portiôn of his business, will from this date seil the, same AT COST, (NOQ HUMBUCm')l j3argains1 caiq be ecured by an eanly caUl, as the stock, is coin- plee n vey deparment' .Always on band.- Srali Profits snd up.riglit adealintcin is Mf'atin- r, n Just- arrivéd a splendid stock oft' SUMMER TWEEDS, &c.1 - AT Tl] GENTLEMEN'S TAIL( AND FURN1SIIING 1101 Gentlemfen's Furnishing Goods description, embracing-Shirts, Cojllar, Soçkg, Brâs ~DNO FIT NO PAY 1, ATEXANE Bro;,k ut., Wbtby, March 24, 1869., -11 PMGLE , GOL &SILERWATCIIES,- Jlrooches, Ear-Drops, lolored and bnight Gold- Rlings, &o. Wedding Rings, Spectacles, 8-Day à-, 30-Heur Clocks isigreat variety. Repairing carefuIl7r 4fepded te. JAMES JOHNST4ON - Watcbmaker & Jewellerp whitby, 5th, 1869. -Brock Street, Whitby. BUCCOIES, WACONY T 11E undersigned takes occasion te, announce that he has, opeped a brandi of his bupiness at UXBRIDGE, wherewill b. etBgie s covered su pn nd other vebicles of bis own manufacture, got up in thse Iatest and boat style, sud alwasept en band., As be uses non@ but thse best mateial and employo none but tihe. beat work en, tise quaity of his work cau -be ai- ways relied upoit. W»Repairs executed with promptitude and despatch. A few second-hand-open and covered buggies at the Whitby establishsment for sale. Everything in the way of carrnage manufi4ure and repairs, attended tost Whitby as usual. Ail work warrantel. Whitby, May 18, 1869. BOOTS & ýSHOES Bo'na Fide îBomkrto the People of WHITBY AND; VICITY. If !Sum mer Bools you viah te buy, And- Sèsftate wlsicbsopt t - John Saundera eau yu staipy- Alotsud Sizes, -~ Andso be teils theremnowhy,- neBAdvertises. Mil' A. L ..usil.i ,,n.Ln.stanei SAMUEL WALEY. 20-tf; Feor wl fan -XI Inýteudiaag pureisesers vilado weli, beibuw p'urcssDsitgcwliere, to mens'!inutimir pdepA fdr a a i f the stve miciip.,AdanieOf themviii b. sent promptly fer titat perpesi. I~count>' and lTowuahip igla4 dispoaad o! on libeas!tarSes. JOUIN SRÂIW. Whitby, J[an. 12t5, 1869. o- BU1TOHEWS NEAT, Be4Muttol, 'veaI, Lamb, Jerk, &c9 reri'andSaierefitfly dresse'! snd jit. saut 10 sek ema, and! ferali at'tsev Corneftef, Pork and !Cx Tonpes culeia uauperior manDer; un'! evexythlasg in tise Viqtcsallog liue kept epataagij Pa baud. __- 1 W» kiomber tise nev Shop-betv eeasthe stoe»i oflesor,. BateS an'! Loves I powi Brock Street. e Wliitby, Merca Stia, 1859. il Fire Insurancé o -i OFLONx Pends itivete'!inaCul on thee utest favoursiai Pit witiseut refenence te t] IIINTOUL BIIOTRERS Agent& foi C,,snada. JOHIN AG Agent for IWbitby, ()sIU atud snrroundang country. SConter 0 orl.a'e 01I cety, california Whitby, Jan. lit flair Dïme it b ParroPl Port Pai EJEGI 1833.1 C4 P - STOCK 'OF sp.iliNG

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