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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1869, p. 1

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,--0 - wlifJY BEÂN;CI. -. IL W.LOCKHANR'. T,&uitiIBTXEB ANI# ýATOlNB S SL u Blicito rs te theôBank of montreai, lu nul thi e uPOrstiOi et tise CeUnty outarioi Sotaries, ho,,c., fWilîiuby, c. W. .t~ÂMaOMq. 'al. J. m4cOXNI.. gr jagLoniet oloànupotitlioeourity. A- ply ai l theOdloe of tls irjti,,Court lieus,- l-ARRITElgRS oAttorney## Bolettrs &h. ofru ou 20,861.M. - .i.COCpJIÂNB'Le L. li. ÇOUM TY GJOWi< ATTOI0 £EUXFORON- leherlu Caueer, K aîbile &o.- v. lows, ew ulldlug, buýî*i G EORGEII-ATE~ B BAgglOTE~R, ATTOUNY, COIN VEI AN - ey, De p ut>' Begltrtr, Mastr Jlutrg«#di Çry, snd exaunriu CbaeeTy for tbeVen- §y o ontarj. Olo Blroqck.sI.,Wbttbl. R IOBERT J.eWISON, p 'AltRIOBEit h #IZ AT LAW solcterîli Ohaupeer, ho. Whitiiy, .W fie,- Over Ouare Îîkon- the S otl BARRISTZEî,AT-.LAW AND SOLICITOR -Torot. 97u ARIB , hAtoiINIY.AT -LAW B oietrlu eiiancîry, Courcyuoer, No- tor 'Puble, &o. Uawl-xSt door te the stert et E. h J. Oawpbell, Brook &l., »iltbY, Ot. W!îlttby4 Nov, lb, 1867. 46 fi. B. FAIRBANKS, ~OLIIT>l OTARY ULIC, o o. C. Ai jOj(Eli psIrrlstev, Bolliior lu CbauoOTy, Ata tornel, ho.,9d*c. Itus renioved lui. Office to let flour ever the &hETAUIO hBAUX. Whitby, Ot.?7, 1868. 40 FAILEWELJL h&JcGEE, AltJISTEIS ATILIN LS, S<>L1CI. T-ARiES 'ÙILIC. Ouzx -re or nortli of the. l'o4t Office, (BLAUDIII, MULOCK SMITH111, AItrnCA.tt.t~i, oUeifos ti Chang cery, aud InsolvetucYp,&c. î~ OflcL-IlMIllUi'5Bock, Brook-Bt., c lgMr . JscwesiLtldeaU'nofice., W ltby, ltarlo. nios, jý0nom, Q. o., I . IICLOCE. A. W. I.AUPER, - - 0. Y. 1 W. il, DILL1RGSt SOLICITOR, £., £0. Ur hîoA MMLLNSBLOCziro W4itby, Jan. 28, 1862. - CILARtLzs C. LE, NTT£OENiY AT LAW, 90L1CITOPt1N 41 liane ry ,onveyaiioer, .&.,Cautiug 0 nBrook,(q1W. -0 J. 1IAIIER GREENiVOOD, N CTT0tNLeY kir-LÂW; SOLICITOR IN Chiwuoery, Notary Pânle, (Jouveyai3cor, 4h0.,1Whitby il. W. Orvic,, Iyrou treet, $cntil or l'om Office. 4 BA.lRITiERS, ATT£ORNtYS', COI4VEY- Andsuera sud iSotarien t'nbllo, &c., &o, FsnzALima<-QyiycL- oppoite Town 'Peunty Crowu Attiuey. ?orFeri,26tDUceinber, 1865. 51 LtiAN ENULJS1l, L L; il. DARRISTER AT LA,elcitor in Ùhau- 5> oqr, <.onvyaicie, &c., &c. 40 DR. HANCOQK (raux SNOLAND &h ÇOJîtow.> OURGEONO AOCCO£UIIEU &Cet 1REN TO 1111 .OUXTY GAQI DyrnSreW ttby. W. H., LAW, B.A,,M- 0- IPhysician, Surgeon,AccolUCheT, &o. TIIOMÂS IIUSI ON, OWN CUL1K &2TIEAgIJIIE19 WIflTBY Ti OdLoe-Tjown liait - liouié 9 téI1u'colek. - W LIM$0T , R IITI .(L yWin. Boytou'as.) 21 13OILrPTOIn MSOTEL, (LATK xjzwET'a. WM. BOYNTON bega te 'ufortp tj4 lu Whabttantaof the 06.uty of Vletorlagni litel on % 11i118m étrcet ltely oconpled i ,Jswett,and slte bas hâlie ftttd sudtnrnls pdtflrt sylevitlos wll4d veryeonve nionce. Wtne$, Liquo-,ia nCigrs of t] w» Âatsntive @btlet tilvale lu attqa WELLINGTON UOTELm, - 9V.UOTTOM, - - Foprl0tof. WILSON JOUSI >.WISON, Jr.9 - Propriota et Asburu or teemeuatlon of the t, * ma fubl blonsea la ns*. ,nd1 A 11= nte i Ouest will puIov eouide i s thebevoe eiabllshmerni, Wr, Liqa wzg Cgaro of tthet ru#sw A. WU4<>I%,.r., ?ropuIw fi.bmp)OaMY'.1, s1#?9, I JL aGe.M, o Wbiotb'ày ? " = '%saý sltyof ail ki nds oqf 1 u mbe r 0atanutly o0 a 6id. EXA fultlJseîpl.d sud atteliled Brooklin ilri'pStore. #OUI% DAVIM, anakiosf the be.tquclilty for Mdical purpoasa. CROCI<ER'S -HOTELI, NELSOiN STo TQRONT.Oe NOUTIL CF KU<t ST. PA SSgTT 4& IEBLI, 'PEBO. 1101,l biat tlscy have taken the. bovepreiies wbx1clî are> in ove yreapepte pavoulintly sud, couwfurtably fItted up 1er t.leacowdai, -eywih b. Ioîn uconstant eroool attendare, send Cali. 86 C7O !dSSION M.FJR OCL4RNI INSURANCel, a GlEEBAL AET W bitby, Jsnl., Iitil 18$06.2 ture atéeo bre lhe hemt STOYES &TNWARE' mnuay bhd, sud Ad mauner of Tlnuntb' work donc ou the. alorteét not!cc, O ld Iron, Copper, Brans, ('ottoa sud luîeu2uogsW 0olcPeinga, Hors.alor-nd ah ssoer eftrlucok t*ken Ip ,xolîar.ge. Wlltby,ilMarcli Stb, 1869, 10 UX.B ni D 0EV T Il P, U BSBIMBER ta. tted u sd coul plet.iy renovai tl te ubove lletlih ed trt-ola*â Motel, aud selicits the. ptronaà ef the publie àsud bls frlsnids. hue etable au9d W'U U~ ed wh dtis t'est. Goud reesu>'stab- ONTARIO IIOTELt .late C. Dawes&a.) jo 101h pg tlié for tus very liborsi. paJou- sbestoveul uiou lin whIla ,pprîetor ou tise, lobe botel, rooklun,sud aet hiesaine tUi fikes o=ualo to annouise ubat lie bas i05550d thé. sbovm wehl kueva> liotel. Large additionsq bave been uoutly nmade te thé premue soeusr- lu; -more conihuedIs n couuuictuton sud euîcrousiiig tise icounibe u lec-ph'g reousa te nasriy cine hsltnmore $lian formairly. A flu-l oins.; Billgr itilor vitîs tIrce.tables bau &acs bie> 1adde2. Extensive iadditionis -te ith Stablhu;, bisedu, looso Boros, ô&o., bave ao becu euIeo. AIl euabling tise nndersigued to off-ti bis Old Friendi' sud the. publoe gene>- ralh ly 'e a4~iuos ur uted by nu toer hiotel lu tIse pince. Au wvia t il Upta- clhappy te voicoîne hie eld friends. WlAtby, Deo. 2;,1858. 48-ly ~Tyla it Ibat tita busuch a run for picturea AT 'Jlt~,MrekLJ8 9 S* Tho "rîp>udrisl bas îeeetved Instruetions rYtô lvtixs large isum'of Money,' NYwBa Re-payabie, In ne Sum or b etl 01,Drved aatmxi reflts, Towilor _ _of tnteist8$ rtniN o- rBoîlcitor, ho., Whitby. sud l cufmotoa no ut, B!pue sud *it cit kh.ud ael uthe dBopts 51,(QfetüDr lie, Fuispde"iu ïl-à yr inet CaIkedl-Tuau u Aiu,oo tars, Sadfne, 0e nt, uerBu-d BaeConfeclauh.,Boka WthJsy16, 1867. 28- PIR1E ÂSSURANCE Cod" LOtBABDBTBRZET h CHXRG CMosi, E8!ABLIMIED IN 1782& QILLESPlE, MOFFATT h Co., Agent# for- JCansuls. JAMES DAVI8iN, Ksusgor. X SURANCE agaluit LOBS t'y FIEZ are X , footeul on lhe nioâstaverblo tenus sud lOUBESPrAID i h@trfrMOte tIl. ikad Il Lqdpis, ,* -ta IMPROVED FARM !Jro Bll. gent, or let on oBizess, 100 msoue, 70 acres clt ore. Appi>' (if by letter, post.pald,) te B. FIJLLEE, ever, frein tho àabOvo lot, sdu ss.iaâ doisig isu, fter thiâ date, aie trespsasers, aud will be trented as sncb, to the fuît extmut ei 4,.. litiv Lotl Ici Th tblu I'D A xàigmm wS CLAIRK'SGALLERYT 0. FUILLER.- B. PLANL, v -- PrePrieter. It la bocanse bc bas the bient Gallery lis the Wlittby, Sept. 15, 1888.87f 8tages te sud front eau daiiy. Bvery -Cauny o, sud bau lis thare patie udc u whpiie COB'S .ttentioun pâli! egoasts. b7 sd Otten- dtqité aud wor rtin ut u tii. Cut, sud te tir t~heu. gnsta <.arful -doqu t sgo whirkaa auy noter igsu n t o B J- A e 1 ' 1868.bscard about coniiug forwrd. uo dnTt e B O RIE LIVEP OU AND INIDON BJ.WcK ST.. WIIITIIY* h raetIvnîî ftoAe Wtiltby, Nov. 12, 18f7. 45 h 8 aetIvuino h g-1 Patented by J. W. Jlacobi. DomlulonRlghts ii Oq ' Y . N. VA RS, secured by Pl INTIIiC C AVTICAL Dontiat, Oshawa D. C. JACOB'S. Pl liast becilnexistence tbirty-two Yeuansd JP D.lt.Li g<xns, directi> uo. oBEAD TUE TY.5TIONIALM. s: during that poriod bas paid Los. exceedlug otteowme-n, nee M five and a hait million pogudu stf ring. R~ oss, W The tbreent cfthiormeus omuni lmcoestrept thîrdloorulurth otthe Ontario J9ri over a whde arcs, bas, vithout donbst, coutri- Bik WIW1Ef l.utod te the c.tabisbmeut oftibis Iustitution, 0EXPRUESS AGENT, &a., &aseAgent .L.IIC JiiD.UTUIJ NZEXRth ini the coîtldonce Of ÃŽ'UILboCoorooÂ'rîozu, ME]ý- cfideutsUnd tp udard lusui suce Cou. 177 IJAJLIFI? ofithe Sixtil Division Court cIlNS louIenE,,sud businesés wengeii- idesBEVR erally, wlîcrever it uyrpresonted. Ados EVRO lu lisa rt yens, 1880, tiis Fire Freiuins aîone 0. HR S'W'E E TA P PLE,21 stmoutedte ».............. £9,970 VETERINAUY SURGEON. Initi lots a, 4 ... £47,03 . .SHAWA ,20th year, 188........ 71 66 sthyer,186........789,882 2 M e- ' U Une 7oar hlter, 187........~ 1,8 Pir Reere Fudla S,7~4~ Graduate of Ontario Ietelin4ry College AI E T Y 19IAi Lui Th ieResreFndl o $,r," andi late Asistant to Prof. Smithc, M2 TUE OLD The Lite Eeerve Fund lu now $9,282,448 o oo o The Cooulpay lu repremaited tbrouglient un- of Toon 2<cm. PO ST O FFIC0E STAND, tarie sud Quebeca, by îlnential Agenti, t 101~~TCB whoin application for lusuraîice uiay tanmade. Poor., BUCKIlýANl>, I'îufcuseor et Agriculture, lu the place te gct gflat bargains iln liîojr. ssMiffH, V. B., Principal ofOntarrio V. Gélm, Silver and Oromo0 Watesu, G. . . 1811! 1-'OÃŽronTorotCok n eero i L. BvRA K ano SxxTA TD~ la e lok sd Je ery f ail esî tions, ise, L AGEiRU , Jo1ý , Do. l w ym IIO V*L ,Tu tetatieurey Biank hok, sud Facy Goodi lu etolruary 17tiî, 1868. 7 ROWELL, fi groat variety, _____________________P .B-MdB. S'WJETAPPLE eau hW poupultoi Daily and Weekly Papeo, TIuE 1rofcuiuualh>' t bisureui.d(uice, Bllrinh,li OT AR~I IO ~ F ARM SyAlil Iouru. PEIODICALB &ND MAGAZINE$t B)lrookln. April 14,1862., - 15 Te HAD> AT TUSE MUTUAIL. HENRY GRIST, OSHAWA VARIEY HALL. INSURANCE COMPY (zz.4LSHE-D 18M) 1<yenwopld !ib»y to plongéthe oye rr ifs Co panyla owvfalym <ea iin lane s6ut e n d l ant ABIEY Y ALL . J5 la pro paril te sccept rie IounFarniS LICTORAA. i .Aw buldihgu, ud their contentis, Conutry Echeel ÀA1N D Oshawa, May 18, 1889. lions.., atd Churclîe, Tho"se hlig te lu- D~AI N - B-Al orciers for Boo011, Papeni, sud sura, sud therby oupîport a lonu. Inusurance R TG I S A bnrensq rmtyetiddt. F .D <oppauy, bave uew u oPtfiijty of &olnu OcM0isz'ineshPrOrptl nt roduged rastes. se, iiy saly?1gutlir ati office, or to OTTAWA, CANADA, Goul ansuSilver Plutiuig dc'no te urder. gj. any etblcsitl.rrates wilhbe fcuud Traussets buoiaisu wtl tie tPaient Pline cuit sud examsine Our GoOtis snd AU 9siwa those ef any respenAhOle Mutua ii-Ofcsdohrdpiteit tti ueu rebulore .urcbastug elsewlce. unraun Couipui lu anada.meut. Copyrights sud the rtiotratieu of tradeF.JDBW L.FIRAKS arks arnd Dosigns prooîîred. ziUsFO84p II1tAD Dm4loi5.f 'ot îcIpool. -and OsIerDoumens cee- D . OR4J. MEAD IULDrO>c StreetitbBETUE M__________ofthe____________and______ 999 0 lu ConntY f Ontaro Debenture. la vrr &TFIE ITE S U Y searus Uie atis oicecar- love yer* te n, Interest et rte Of SIX Fer HIOTJ~L r1'~il (F i4.Cent., payable lut JsuuarY sud lut Deceni er teMfarcb, 1869. ilCh01 year, at Trenturer', Office lu wbitb7. F pR-SALE. ýAlaO2OO Couneyo çOntarioe Dbeptuîeg,ý - IT ld establsed4udWal knew I Ho.- Grand Trunk R]EailwaY Hotel. payable nt riiagurcr's O ce un aist 'Dc. ; OU ru, aconnut ofthe latter sein. $4,000 Boyg 'Cana. T. tol, the AT WÇIIITDY STATIOly dian ]Billes wihl be taken et par. CENTRAL - F£1991 bity JEueE7ON99 dri.n ,ie, I(M.ONXIL barbe rpurcbased the. botel Wltb, Jn 719.2-f lid Splendid reouîy tabling, and su9po& ad -promises, knawn On tbe- Granid Goe uLeadff cepy three tins. ho esber, witb oeeor two acres etisuafd 6#0011-Tîuuk Ihotl, *Wbltby station, begu te iufPrm- F RBA .- byC umiyladeulreasd afi 1ftuut8ar bis friend Ud t la, tawyeling public tint, b.cTABUFO IL. b-, Dg Orliord. There are tue .a11 ttlàfOO 1bas ltttd up the boute sud ptAblea ln fret- j eso an,sd eollciit wA.er. alclse$ style, sud by attention ti te wauts et re pu ho ot &o i i i9 'eb n' lo-s. favor hlm witb ,ýor parouage16 A IE 0F 0»LND id foa aji eb Islneasman. g arIs sking',hie train sud lesig WIIi u. hiaes lll ave tein ehi lken aret tgl ÃŽth cifotbl ous. sudeeîumodiboua out- well buildings, binig part ef Ust 21 aiid-2 latbm For*trsu, .aphy (ii ýY9ett9ffP, ah4I) Iboilreturt. - 8o,4ltbsp.,te. fitlîconcession Uo the.township ef Wbhltbi. - tO~ WILLlIAK BC vrOs, WlbSpt,1..TerniliberaI. Apply te- - 42 ~E W1LL TAgE ThIOMAI LUMËBDLPN, OctoesW , oI'kvi% àP. O., ]Roy," CANAIIAN IBANKL BILI.S rkliu!us2,8, -Y A rs.-AT P1B- J ~ln exobimpae .for Jtfspuwlm# e0,i Ws GXEEAL 1LACSBIhial; A0» Yaanbng iblliS, ho.>- ~, PIE8T-PRl~E ~ wiis~,, Msy WN # 4AFTTEO . R Q M W 4 i ,1 , 1n.M J B T-W? . T O U S E -AN D L O T ,JO RN K EIT B. ii îRFOR s hg,îuhbefrs btidrln4bsrei ntnee Ir tll v iraahîrfaf tiin~B~ib ~ ~, jiO~ , _ -, ~ ~~5~yussoisV. llbiusiONF1g« WXype c Bn TouOI), ONPI18 Àl.~ fWl15juns Di 17*P- OnVcht <i tris- s~ nC îu ont % , >' -ý ; -J~ oi 4 - 'fit' rcn. &o. 2tb, 1869 1 SNO , ]proprietor. i.b Aboie wel.icuown hotel bas bcau the- ubyiîevî d upwly fnruiubed by tlîe ieut proprietor. , Tic Stlilug, &c., basve w put lu an efficient, atate :ît repsir, snd ne- 1 iglies bS eltt undone te meetthe réqoitre- g 1)ta cf, zti. b Nl Tala aRu plmd wltb eaertblfug ofth tlu ssoui, an noue but tIbe bet brande 69. I!1{4 SUPERB NÈW' 1809. NOIRS4EM AN"9 'ORTU SHORE PORTS 'PORT 0F' BOCUEBTER,9 ndviii ouitiue uîsliug delly trips, lcsving ,oburg At 8 a. Mi.; port ilope At 9.8( e. u., ls AWbitby, osbaws, Dîringtou sud New- tle Weduesda mioralng, aniBrigbton, lr.day unoruhugrs, sud ICoborUle everY orltig ercept Wedcicdsy. lcturniiig leavos Port et topiiester daily at P. nu., exccpt Salut du)s, whei i uleca a t p., ndiroet for lPert liopo. Fon Faqe1il-Apphv on boord, or te. C. aper & Ce., ituy jiimes O. ÃœGy, Osha SJ.eLeln, Darfligln.;'F. Nl olo.oi, iweîsti; AOoeme and doc. If eniiemson, WC 110e;C. hlliott, Gobourg- J. Keeler, abqrne; Wiuaua hButler, Bridtou. leIl1 TOGRAEK GALLERY, M "Tz. C.owwl iI ho sla,7Fret ac ere a momuent-ter, ove or moueybuonce iLd mle iieraib1e, sud -i d Jnet îittîb Mo ubere I st. I badbeu ro»VtyIn-tt Lted sudtie dingyé otd aulÃŽwiedutb ils Y gi wood-pie,,ws au 4i<, ly'dilrut, l-gi 1 tate et .nlnd. - and' I-1.was ubirteeh joars'old,, md iy eider abo1 ster bsd speken te mee rigil befere Mr. snd- înry AltIcu, calte4 tues obld, asud sent l outIo e i.room. baie I isd ever befre smu im ; d samY ý- î iturc brotier-iu.Is, W, S a BiOul te 6 lem, and hldurle-d uiy air, put ou ny Ihb ew cimonnd.blk plaid, sud as dean tilt. aproii,.ibal Izuiglil appear wudt-,* 'esaed; sud Ibis was the end oetit. M More tee eébe said s. I went eut, '8h. boai a ver>' disagreeabio clui,, sud you mustIhb. irdon ber. 'We tliuk tbât ber plain ace bas soureul ber diapoetiOii.' 15gh 1 I ceuid bave tr M my uglY face nto piea I Regina ws riglil. In'as ugly, sud il a inde me cross anti unlisppY. a Ait aI once soine one came in sud pulleil hiul ho apron fromn iy face, eayingl1 'Wly, ,t 'ht il the mattor, Aura?' d f Iooked up. lit 'ts 1Mr. Aiden, sud md hi andsorne face va rv<adsi. "au 'Noting nothitig 1Only Vin &s-ascild, Rud rin disagreeable l' aP 'WhoeaysBor u 'Regina.i *Oh, welt, yon uetna net mind bor. o tureiy alie did not meau il, Now cleer ri ip, little girl, for 1 vaut tf0 bsie s éba t f winyen. Toeinorrow I am goifg sway, < t oe be gene for a long while-mpenltpu fû ra Du iumbei' qf yeare- sud 1 vaut to eoenor i- fce briglil.' set 'Wlat wyul Regina do 1 Issked. ail 1Wbat wouid you do if yoii wove engage- ed, maid jour lover siould go aàwày,7' '0 ',Waituntil bo came, bacit for mer , i ' De jottiuk tbiat Reg*na wil waiî for me P 'Ildon'I kuot. Shi sveryh bsoineV "w 'yea, sud I suppose yen meas> tiitcon 0r sequently aihe will have msny oftere. ii abe lovei.se e'will wait; dont yen a thinit se?'"t 1'Ves.' e Ho lad -at down boalde nie, sud bisw bajid vas wsndering ovpr ni iwpled a, bair. ' 1 II wsnt yen. to remember me, utIle Aura, 'for I like yen. Yon and I ouaI alwaya be good tricnds.' 'Vms, slways.' #iiu r your oyes, andI let us go in < 1 uppitr.' Thlic ext day lic lcft us,-sud peor Regina wopt urîtil lier beautifol cyes were s reul snd swollii e ni ' c-n on île preun day. I pitied ber; sud ucut sd Muiny iaud upou bier eboulder, sud esid, 'Den't cry, Regina- donI'& çryv;bliewmlcorne back to yel.' a 101 Sachill? site sbbed. tWist do yuh, abu uch mstters ? Go away ; you make nie nervous.' I did go swvay, sud afterw*F(dS kept niyt Psyniprsty te myseIf. lr>' sent lbItera oaci mentI, sud tiser. waa alasa kind word for Aura; aud for a year lifter his deparîtuwe'ti>' came cati ino«uti, Sonictimeidilwould be twro and tirse uionîbi beiprë e o eard 0frein uni; ùsu t the pnd of.hppCppd /tbey ceaseul altogetber. 1 questiened Regins; but ste, laugiCd, sud gave me an evagivre ailla-mu., .1 She a-as goiug te spend lb. w'inter witb 1oui ant in to"u, sud I fsncied, liaI as 5did not caro té epeak of hue absep, suad tlns' make ber'npproscingllEYlsi doneé, end I snid no, more. ý5 - ad I'board- of lier desti, I eould ual baInve becs> more' gricved titan vien I1rW .9ceived à imIter contsiniiig lie news O!flier utarrageand aiso Oieuredding card0. I ceulud bardly belloT-o il sud 1 turued theni ! iu'myhbauds and 'r« dhplutter pier anu >-over again, befo.re I mol ovnen~ self ot its IruIl. il waaideed tue rZ 'i Iheroë tbey îvere, 1Iegins aime sud Capt. -k . dardUrTe 1oUS. fosedt mn nto tlige a sd ried or feOr PodrBei. ,ÃŽ!obrI1tnd t5Iod bis lotig'siteilce. 8h. c. 1sd rnot written 'te lin,' and' b. bad'uol, cared 10 wrtwilIlWlI T8eivillg _%,r@pIyi Tl Ob,'if I ouly ,kneWr'hkddel5î'1, 14 Doet s4 AdtberP:it end& e I1mml et 4is ahusban4, snd likdh ila' 11 itr than 1 pzpected.' He wuà 'uan.14' 'mas, bu~tkild2Afl social. jIseocf'ýl3O 0>. ber raosfrmfyn iù,weý & lir. er ,tekt use Ã"ansid csîl7>?kl. - It4 In ik ias"of aILlkinda%, MP RPliS,e 1~OYP~ &c.. &e in a superior mnu- ]r, and witt' lfe like ac.inscY. Cabinet pu URE, in ver3 Pest Passepertouts, or iaigorcairva Oxford Frames. Ilatiing ilaue sragernetsith itiM. Evîse, of Toi cite, hc à puired tesupply~ the people of W bitly vi-'AESof81îidâataivery reasonable ste l'CTUItFS enrcdt Fi iE rnd Ci>lU1iID ini OIL. Speciul attention ivep toCoPYING OLI> l'OUTIIAliS.Ma. 'F os in verysuccesafuin lutakiiug IIILD- Mbttby, Aprilt 2Mb, 1869. 1 ItJTISR AMIECAN ~ss~uNfCOtMPANY Capital, $400,OOO. J~Euud.rsigned having boon appointed JL Acént for, tii.abovo'Cunipsuy, hI. ow ,retared teint1Tiîroperty agaiuut1flb8BY IiOon the moist favorable terme3. Ap-ptyto, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr-, 2-1*iOO.Agent Whitby *TUl EXTRAçIrED Nj 13Y TE USE OF NROUS OXIDE LÂUGIIING GAS, - DENTAL BOOMS,9 ýwIITByq C. W. OOMB.OVe'M.il. Coobrane'. Store. I itiiy Joue 26, 1807. 2 OMMERCIAL MOTEL9 friénand udtb public, that ho bas me- 1 d p10,01iMioùseubei thIe above a*cil anul fie- rr Mr nb uovu otel, a-bicShaMnov Itted 19 lIi hefo eiOriuner, vîth every conveIU- êseefor sh ecpiu ýFmesd tbe tu- *linà publip. ci ffii.., hîquor sud 'asu ued aliiii Je B.CAM PBELLI AD3i!~8 - - AflIBFN, P. a Ani For 11 I Ibei mm 004 ho; I1~ l te 0 une m. ioua vonisun, snd niy, love grea- deP pointofVi Otrong. ,.I have tiared tk. he.tint pitove~ bes&comfqtrtel. Tell , ' Aura, 'Thelaje Mu-. rel1is in l vin? York Timea,"w gaehmuybanda. lrie, scvuO o,: Henr-y, you baie sot iopod, luTain reputation as a àae beiq bhpiug a84 tbes "x longtue <or-tîree mxt 1M. Os> ou. occasion Heaven blesou, 'nil ýAura I 'Rot o f tIe telegrapi' lynbebnhme bjusbss>d 1 Have> ý-l roin Boa' nulor pý ra'ryer, sud blesed MO heu Webster-, oies>fi seut your iceleus love; -he rival dilims Tise leUrteQOnU llhWtVy3 -a"to veort aÈ >vas a strauger Lany earÏ'ago, tle- Dtke o e t outae o! çeppe ing Ir s eue lgît sepped ls igla-ariaýn baud' e fbis ovi Fincly, sud robWeof aitlla dalul besidiea' bimsell i. Amoug th"c spoil a-sesu old fsmuly vellons rpidit; o, hlh lhe mucl prlzed. lfe ent-mal-te 9te lutîtatÀ the plunderer te relurti il; 5 bsus, P1$<" -a u oe of tî gb tegreal VaIlq@ tie set uponil sea Huuryiig, afte iy relo,, sud addiug, tIf yqu !rit uame vwharf ai Ilàsts Price tor il, isud yul calquonieîtq niprea,-_eprt, _Mu-. rutl psy yen tor .' jT4se, itgiÏÏyuiu, boit passageô ý hp most conrteous manumu-, returued it Veort. Evcry Smnediately detlarng'hunise1f'in3cpblm t.atigable Young rdeteringtise Dn o! 'se prlbOdis a coiving tise tu Li,andproMiscbdIo4eblIllîîihebenour longsa speech, callixsg upon hlm lie neit d4y. 'Tun rival in ttue fé is ppeininient, 'lietcame;' sud lhe diaposed themi utce, equslly I rise tu. bis 'wOri e t 0850te.trip bonis id hm Il pu-miaul m, 'fls bsins ed, but lis %t 1tl 9 1- plié.e obionved, 'gay Iho net considgi-ed teatiov yen coulul ventnur- t0 Tisen- ee s OD yoref lunMy paver, vihtle gaI- igdaoey )Wa sa u yersure deorn ?'-Kay,' u-plied £Il îîprinti 'e bighia-smats, 'II kuô hevtinto behO â exclusive Beri ,sait>e ; ýtise Dut. of Mobutsgne'a louur mtan' vas reeli ras ny, mure gnebrsntee.' Ou wiabiug im Àboh od moruiug, lb. Daike, witi lie usuat buiand'st u )v. ëtý us>, uked bu sto diue a-ith 1but v itI hlm-iY alte atteu-no. Tise juYitaliQu VS lidtise mrnin, 3ceptei,, sud s lau-g. Psçasked le meet speechu, report se mn. pFui 'o uedoies, sud moal type.,'fie ru )liahedl ian umu-e, ait ver. ,s>cbsuted cotuions' in -ith lu. Wieu bis 'boum of- b"Duai th rewn' jute irived,' ho plesdcd an engagement suad- Ibm -Tr0lunej ritî drew. . As soon as le as gene, lb. iu'rsivance of qn estion aI once su-os, '«Dut., visevas fuitlscoqqnl bal maii-tbe, utgenlemsliit ansuaaid in Bo agreabie mati we ever guet ?-'samsure anotler time ulou'l kuea-' said lie Duke;-,'ail I kiiei captnred a Io o t isAa rbut e atped mqu Pn iuobieY ctartu-ed t'yj 3outmou Ilut nighl, sud rollibedit e Of a', in ith is n 1lbad about me.' i.hobailouti A singulet Incident.. Ta-enty yeau-ssgWsa gentleman nauwd .Acru latheasen resoivcd te reniove ont WesI, and starteul feu- bis destinationýll NIev (Trointhebsi York bie stopped' at- as eOnd l dai btel, A large su. and 'vIlle tIare a-s rebbedoet is purs.. hast njit ou coutsiitutgsonie 2,00 dOîlls-in goid. lu piimoutary b tbe course of bis poregnstea .va gens). snuosu4 auooMstgr nid Wdlorgotofl ait àsbýOD>his aa bas, baving acoumuhateia a ioie pro- Oie pepularý peu-t>. . Wisms>,tise a-sT roifýe1 puîbp my1a9 » ., hr tee olul 10 enliaI; bt, feelini patriollc, lhe ceuhtol ,ffered'bis servrices te Geneou-sI yOane, sudon actsd sequrtrs5ute oa b-ips .O ed'Julie do'ý igton Saumatch, tbe arnYriy r evd aet son, an anis snisll téa-n*ins outbeiï&abbams, and pau-set Cap f secou-ding teou-deorsb, teot orseuionof 1 a u-to tise lus> fer geumuel beadqualtkf.'bîIO hauds 'l talking vus îleh',andlord lie discoyer-c4 faroe, sud c tisîe fonielY kpîSilSilu Nv T rýîgicaî as> asuit upou presingp bis inquiri, teuud tint afccu. ofthbe be vastise ideurtidal ldrd ethe lieus furma 'Garni: lu vhicli i. lsd ,bogn robbed. lu3 -th li a u conne eëftlie eiclig 10 arranged aniock loue ta Lu- 0eurt-itim Pi ;rougiltletb laudbford, îy lie band wth tie'rohberY. Mucli 1011s surprIs, Stonm usemi : b. )anubi rdcoufessed thetebbery, asudo b . u--peaile ,ht d thoema.rs e molpcyorille iilligy pu 'at-auurisp. Thbe mns cvêd6PindPai. 'sud ho du asud aljthe.intereslt tbelandlord could ti 'botigh'ni, afford te PS,.Vr61A Yoerk Pàper.dageu- nt( Wbcp pre ardenpt spirits au-s taken lun- <rom tise ý i ÃŽAthe tomasnh. tisey Caen iritacte, aMotion Of tANN.. ~Co, 5-ly Up by tie o'nOiipitOrs aloi>; myuien the leat arriied, mate ng,"Daniel Nctfl,Tý>qentirO SLd t'y Mr-. Raymofld, v*3lM eport tins pu-eparcul, seveti leugîti-was ininediately the fou-msansd at 6 s. m servcd its readerS, of course ahietinu- jeurnala, a-ilS the of a-bat Mu-. Wester- bad 01 «tle previe; e venisg. At eomotive vbbcib"ad beeq a rival repoiter, aud geîttng nmvs the-ad o e individusi Lwitted, sud ef sicry body ,Aisu..a Sàmbte.d sI Dekai' , X., -:-i YEOMAN 6113sim, 1 % 1 Aont, Whitbyl ÀprIl Brd'1866.

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