be.- 1 su or om-pela (tom, ont >dfio '-. emsinod alpne, mutuisld, hoe.- lme, upon a irail canoe; lie uvrtboiese, çonîluued te puai ou, loucbummg land cul>' viiemi uec..sry te sieep and tg pt -*51er and =cD.lie s boI1.,b' *ntrmots, On@uz o da iemd tii.luit Island.e«tthe .group, sud notbiig la>' butor, hume but the: riid o«can . li e o ç ok to build as at. It teok hm ' ypar. He Isueehed L~ The.vavos tlunpwitt mck on- lb. Is- land. N-e lrted côverai timees te*put $ te Mas, but constantl>' fsloed. He iisoivà d le. t uru hii& footaioeu lautivard, but ln a dif- t atout direction troîn the. oaniial'sihome,. Hecelimbed a mountain, crousel a disert, fei1 agaîn n mbsatage' bauds, e1ièemoe çppd froin tho>, #eld tbiough the for- - te; hia fot vaqobilten 4j veuimpus r~oets ; Lis facà .eabb6.b 4 t> $gb1w et pacquitees t lut nhspr dead tihon C lie, ho came upon white men. lHe haa n, waiking thueyoasu, sud bsd crosaod * onth Aerica on foot. The vhbtip ipp recoired hlm kindl>', sid divhâtiith fud for hm. He mbssîed lu à ai J'otugoui ahi p snd etautsreached Europe. ls __ lmly Lad long givin hlm up as Theii. ssisi sx-jeuoiod tretlg 'botsa lu the United S.taela ovnod hy Rush ?>Atlen, ef EloroumbAishaamia,, - A s Boston baby abcjvýr', iCpgbln P, Brock fild, teek tih ' pilz on tip lets. foer o'hbrce dinguera, Failli,lippe 'snd Pllarity Cenghlilu. The. Cînadisu thiatie bas effected a lodrmient garppnd Predorickbnrgm, Vii'-, Cgini8. The seecd vas carled thon lun 1*les et rhern boy durin; the var. À baby show vas held -se Winchester, Va., lait vok aml 190 huudred apecimens put on D hiiq tiou lanchepffendefor, sighî montboppli, tqo# thp pmjpe.'a atîivor The Wesieyau Ohurch at St. Marys la tp be onisrged. Tiie corner atone cf lb. OcimanIuthe- tan Oimrch waa laid st Elmura onthoellot 'Bev. Lachian. Taylor lsid tb. cerupi ptoue osa nev Wesleysu Meothoo1liet*p lace of Worahip, et Fergua, on Dominion. Day. A Masschusetts church piabes bld for popularît>' b>'adrtiiainÈ î'u Pcv vw ente and no Celc<1ioisn." - The lB". Joseph Brown, vbo bas been forth ît aOvBe, yars Catholie pansu ries of iNspsuee,, 5Tinbean reumovedl the mission of Port Bope, bi s pana- Jouerapres.z»ed hui vjwth s purs. 01.$100. A n w Jovisi Snagoguo la building In p.ondoh, -lu vhich Ilaroa RoLbtphulii cou- tributes,$100,0O0 li er. George Fpgpoon, laie Weuioyan p an istr In c n oe c tio n vI i i W a e r lo d mission , os irecpitent of $70, ou ehs Occasion e! bis iosvig or n anolicephçne cf liber. - - The Bei-J. Usrie, -iaacpr of the Bsp- tist Ohunch, Ben, (auier etfJas. H. Uer- nie, Euq, Mayor cà Whtby,) bas rpcelved A prisent cf belveen tonty sud fity dollars, fromu klud fienda of clipocldnms- lions, Do net affect s motive iu love. Tt la pot,à qucton of motive, bit ef tact. pon't marry to do pod. Thu cud doa peUssancty the meuss. W. are otin haihehouwe tee! oui- pelvis strcng, sud show Indulgencpo oly Whiun oie pain-ful>' consolous liai v. gi lu maio e oursolvos. Wboso votild fiel tho tendrult pan- til lton mjc> 'tl, 1 hiDont look ai happy plilîdren, lut *tthije r(ser sud motion Whbo nejeico te sep 1mhippy. To tkink i6 net merel>' to bave, Id..-- to b. thei hbntre-accroas vith Images sud gehIona are, msrched, butt b soit ith pildits masteroet noaconcepîmous. B>'-the aid cf a poworul imagination' y ou ias>, by the attil là era pfoomequiet livor, ef oven b>' seme yâljqw beach, ait wiîh Nsturo's wrs n ay our hbandu poyut heoceau.puises. Winlor, pale By.lceaf lu lb. book uf Timo,- ,tometimoà salips oui sud puts foylh itmvos>' blosacais, oui>' to ho cam'ied Ãaa>'b>'tihe freats ef to-iuorrow, or the chili vinds of The. pover of habit.-Flabil iu a cbiid fast finit liki.i, spider'a#eb; if noglectud, l becomes S uhresd cf Ivine;,next a cord-o np'A<nauly, sa eab "th nvie A voman la jmlous et ber viol soi, nci becausi ber busband,- but becos. ai piLher mon run aitle@l 'Oh, I athio eglad yen JikéroiUrj -Vu ldde )v oe ma dumre r ssii Young vifo e brhsand.-'Àbem I Whlu lk as2ood turb0oj1h lent>'1 nîce as &DY., 'sJ~sa g e.Y(llwft out of bis çalculationt And w > dozing streothwep the. )ella euadhimby Ibinrin n for ire. inue, ton, eiae, ltweivtfitn, four- tun,l oued he, Weil if fbliitauîlitor 0"a 1I uer know V M» .lao tsIv>' ioccdent où thêQrsuidd >mus Esiiay #rock ealibiveal'«ead et > sa W ioM' by hiespb, à fev hours 1410 er d$ 0et4qdesju o IM, lonsud. WYhiy Mark.:.. mnee of t aies mea.e hiii>', b>' tie Roi. Mir. Miîîb w forub,. Io &pînstfrt ailt.oflii toviu. INBOLVENT LCroflsI4..-ANDAMEIID- MESMEISEETO Tii, Orodifors cf thé' Iaaolv.ot are notiiod tht liehba mdeau Ramalgament ofbiat.s"te, sud effacta, under tiie abie Act, Io ie, the. undiuoliiid.Asloiea, sud 4byy arreqIùred bo fura sh me, vitIdu two iùbo fa mthia date, wiih thoir eiéli , pcfyins tbpieeurity, they hold If aî.y, and th. Valdo 01 t, snd, If noa ob tti tac (t, the viiolo e tmdunder daiiws. u vonéooîs, là support of snobh DstedJAS. HOLDEN, D aintWlu4l , tOfISCi6iAsigne.. tuafids Ohdet,1, 18C9. ia-U issoxv P AuEN£Zti H i P 1 No0tic, labereby given ubi tho psrtnerab'p heretofor, ezlt cg b.twee u nathe under- ue¶ad7John Tlland Jaumes H. 8'a iegnc- fu oitredeler»,auder tiie st la andir of J. ILL& C,"fia beu iisday, dia- solved. by mtaicouet. 111 dahua due te, the m sol tPorahml-are te b. psld te theo sud Jameas .0 a udaldebtdueby the qasd' the, Mid 1 lui, la utre, hoe arri.d on by time estd Jam s 0. mlu hLiaowu usine. st the prepile0 ortoors oid by the Irai, it h.Towu of 'Wb~y C. A. J 01111.JflNTILL,, Wituumust JAMU~II.BAbIl.- ,Daiod, J ly Bi, A. D. 1809. 81u-,28. 0IINTELEGRAP4I INSTITUTE. TORONTP, ONT. qualifydng young mmt and tiooin aitlitior:p pn Mrppe Pna. ,Thia Institution althongh eatabilalad but à short dime go, b lmsrua'y bedome s Perma- nent Instituion. The viiole Dominion la nov about timg traverme4- bys comploite cet vork of uiew Tekïgrsh lbiq, whtob'*Illogforopeo"s laducepientà 10 yonuug amanimd vomuen teen- gage lu-the. plosmasa, essy and lucrative, huai: sieu-t Telagrmspb. ' Tmaa # f vires are nov belag à ojirp à dsdiudedooo supplieti a nu" ber of olilcea wih Oporatora, wlioamorageUne lu learniq -W liébou ilrce Itotitbs, and aegly g.-l stlfots.a Enotgetio yop;nç ,noi and'osaea dosirous el giiin¶ sno permanent business Tale raplm7 cfer duoenmoate e ich are unmoaed by aay other business. 'Any poison ordlnary abîlitjr«e asI is uiltute ubzle ascoaimteai Opormtor. For faiS particulara, addrea ý JOHN ALLEN, Jl., ]P. BIpEÇuRBEN, M~waoz, Bnp'. Toiroato, .Tan 22, 1869. eotr. AUCTION BUSINESS 11i bt .1r= lb,8,2okwlb, ""lubeimmiptron-l nouqtt1Am ré rear to cônduci mies, TOWN OR COUNTY, AT BEAS'JNAD3LE R4TgB SArraugemnelmt for aies oa be mode llorlla..the cmmozx sOffice, or autaiy own Office, Uroçk treet, W hliiy. Witby, <li>', 1809. 7 ClANADIAN DOUTNIOU DIHEOTOXY ca 9e l70-71.-The subnchber pro"oest lama InE TkO R 17 I ufliciont suppot y ubsorptiona auoid Ad'vortlemenits cal] b. obtmlr.d to-covor thé Ceai of FaIllIes-. toloa Canismi Duuilnlon Dirrcoiry, cern- ininmg thé. Province% «Outaisîo, quob.o, Nova 2ctia, *atd Nov Jirunawlok - tl iloh viii b, appdth îe Provinces 'f ,wfodinand isudi pi:ce Edvard Ilsuad. .. &-ii.Deetory *1ii, contau the Narnes o( Frcfeaslonsi sud luoi- amas golf, sud et the principailubsbiteuta la th itid,Towt),.nd Villagea, t liegr vItii à lare% ountoreniralI ai qo', io4 oeinttrs, Banks, Goverameutai Dopait. met sud EtpIoîu, Roua..0cfPsrlksaint, t>', Trldb of Cusiomu, Lst.of 1 tta cf lu-, veniouh ; * Elws, 194 v sMd édoaomiml n Steoe ~ ousJ r 4-'T ' me 0 *Jt~ugtelB Thé. Cinsda Direetor>' for 1657-68, puiiiabed ib> the Subsriubi, octalas tho aâme'. ol the Yrlucai lubabitant* ln 1 SU1 CiLls ou nud V Ills a Jppiad CniaTihe ecuadlanDomiIion Direco" for 1870 71 vill oMtaî a shot dcscrption, cf ai, lmu& 8,00 Cii. Tovos and VIlIages in ;b# DomialIofc Canadaand ithe Province# #t Newvfcuudla, sud PrioneEdwsid Isansd, tokethar ithllthé Ummes of the Profmsioriand suBuniments JK snd cf heii i p nlW4a tflK.or sUDempmJot Doiniffon cf Caud a fsclm io,,.* .pafflpj FraceOemlaiT 1 , . . .2s4n. Bstes of iadrtoitilviibd onade knwviiî- *Pp lmiocto théFibialmet. ed.1-Tiano" aticéaven for thé rà eUr1; =u iprlelp on aieah-o, on evri coassions cmluedforesd eol.etWd moniW la S<i&.. 1. yf9 >U OCL4and the fP7,rtçM ig ueh -Dbe reg ftc1i for- the >aJlm.nsofinur, het-so. -W mEEÂ* lte eftstruct, n , eapietion of lie Port Whitiy andPo ,tJPenry ai va>'viiigîeslyudvsnctiege tnou.! li- tereuts simd prompeni>ty f theTovnarc Wiby, sud It is sxpodlenîthmt ithe Cor. endit aýoth sli wrkby ii dcamid b>' the Councl o! ,ticrorm1' o of thfeii Town of Wlmlîiy, advIaabla te lao and subocribel foi Tvo liuudred ahîros of thaé 0pital aue helb e ai'port Whltby Ing teTon thousa.nd DolSurs,*sud te issue *Debeatures ta the aminlait uforoasd lu mannes hereluafter providod. ADO vbsrpax tecurry luto, affect tue $nid ah - uocetinary fer tii muid £dil olu1 to issue Dobentures foif lie sa gp it mnssndmDollatrs, liu- Date elanater mpmiîoup ' Audvweies Ilîvili rqui.Cli s1-eb O tiousaud u unrdDollars toi, raiad -annual>' b>' èspoIrata for' tue pmymeut cf the *nid laoino dei,and -aIse for tie Imterest tiredu aseicreinattier meutionod. And wvheneua the amoanvit f tie- viole rateabie propeit> of the iWd Mquioipuiity, irres- peZpiI c f u ture blaisas of the sâme, and irrispoçtîve orayl imeoue tu bc de iived f roign ih- topprar>' luve-siint ci the siuking fund ieenmîfter aeicuoned, or auyprît teof, aordmug 1telime lsms s ,vIed 6aeumeut ibui -ef th. said Mui- eipili>, b.iug toi the year une tlmeuaand elgitlmuudre4 angi ahi>' talmie, va% Six lmundred sud fort>' Lirai thoasasd m alaven dollars.. Abd wiereas lie eslsting dciii o!fithe@mid Xuiîlcipaiity-amenaIs te îLe uain e1 ifty ive tiiounauioui Imudred.asud slxiy-as douisers rprnipalmlr'pnà y, and taeis setoofTic, :jimmsard 'due bindrcd sud Aud viseres foi paylmg tie ImIteremt sud ereât- lgsun tiqai yoaul>'miulklimç rand foir tLe poImyieut htie uaid a oToe Ln tlosnod ciogami ud etrbg;, Lé t.ctcinatter mn-u- $seumidi;tire aui cqunI anueal ir u * a « Oue 1ad for ftlpîirta rîteste b e ie lomieteyear. 1. Beoit Enacted, and h lu bernly Euactcd b>' tic Corucl 0f tie Corporation oet ilmTown Wiibl,under theatiorit>'c et1.'MIqiul- cipai Corporation acies 'atel"Tiie-i!si WaY Mu" ,lu relaioni herate, ualtithe snid Cor- praibn cf tie Town cf W hiub, do mmud bhall aubscrlb. foasd haire 'Iweio und St'ba.s" or e. Capital Stock oethile lPortWbiîby amîti P'ot Ferry Sîallwb>' Comapany', smrountilg te Ton Timeassmd Dollarp, sud tiges tieMayor oet<ha muid Town cf Wlmiuby, aotbuer pom-aon author- Ised by ha CounciboanJ Le lamhesly antmordsud diricted, te aubseribo for sud taire ou be I f otme nid Corporationi cftus eTovu *of'Whulby Tvo Ui mdÃed Lisses-cf Lige mad Cpihm Stock as afeor- Mal&- 2. Thot It shuil ib.lavful for tibm bayer 0o obenretscau uhcrized bW thi e mcll, te us ppyvs> cflos"feil p>'porion or peiit, 519<1>' Orbodieb' corponato, 'vie ma>' bc villiug te adranes tii sanie apon the credit, of ithe DeIuetie reiaaftor enietoamd, a suai on sains o! mov n ot ezneeslng llutige.wviola, tieanai ef Telm TliepuftDollars, san 1le cause tue anmi - te bD 'aid $pto tiseStands p thlIe Treesar tt îe sid Cerporaion, fer tise prpose and viii the oi.jcct abeye'reihed. Thâ 'iat *il ahb. lieial for the maïd Mayer, -or other 14i4rmn îiethrizc-d by the Comacl, 10 cause ti;,i'vouimite nuaibeofetDeben- buraste, b. made for 'mach suai. - ef mneY as muay bSe, reqaured, net lama uthon One ibndr.d Dollarsoi,aistd tint lthe said D)ebeuture. imab. Wscied, viitiithecsei oft te à o,ut copormin, sud sagted b>'tic Mayor, or cuir poison autiotlzd b>' the Coulomi a ne ceuuteolgncd b>'ite -ieu- au ï lthpCorporation atoresadd 4. Tuai heotil. iDebeuausah lb. made payable lu Tventy ycars sahthe 'untiencat lromn lie d>'beroe r ientieuied fer us ]By-lav te o, e e.ffo&eoaitic Onha,'ie 13m et kfimBrlat or Ageno>' office ai Whiîby sud siml bave.Coupoens athaoSmad fgr tii. 1>'symnt t uerost. 5. liai tice uad Diiot$-ras miball beau Slutoreai ut; sud alter lthe rate Of' Six Per cent. per aanim, freai the.dat.eeetf, wielcuim- te bc mtaS oamdbpmayable iuif-ycaniy on tIi.irmi d#y of'dniyupa',damna&r>'il, esci std aven>'yossr, ai îLe muid Brandi or --qgiucy office oethîLeOntarie Bank ai- e. Tint for tie purpose ef fornuiug a aiubing fand. for the payameut ort stmid Dcbeu turc, and for tLe paymnoe b interest nta tile rate aforesmid, 10 become due thora- on, aieqmaî mpecial rata cf One Mill sud founithsparts cf s Millinla'the dllamr, pimll, lnu mdell;ieu7q 0;1 -pmr rates, b.g >'Iskd;'letibd ud celled lu oisyear opon #11lIhe rateabie proportyID'lutii. id nuul "ality. diriig lte emtiluacet:o t titintidoentunis, or an>'cietiheai. 1. Tuaiter ti nrpf flelkiug the. voles et je ai mnis nucipal lLIecior# cm.isBi-lav * aollmi bopesOd, acc ingbo 1ev, lu tbe Norti W et, tioMeohmfewos'InsUi- taie, ou the Rit day et Augusu noui, ai Tonauofthbe cioek jthe forieconsand L - a.bcio, il i#eby samed te set as utiurni u Utleorad laotle votlin tie ulWar.- u1 i Cuhth.da t of- « nt thA-uU ex roe ite [ec -4REAT ~f-LERING AIl, .,-AT- McMILLAN, 8ç CO'S. P*raw Goode st 50 p« é;en- M.SCount, Lizien Dustere, at 23 per em - IulisAlmd Sffmmer flDres p&d, 25 per centdiscunt. &dwen l Ae., rmocni - IOIL é liy 9 oLL c; STIL -'-I TUE! COME! THEY COME TO APPiÀAB AMOeT T GRAND RUSH 0FPCtTSTOMERS nT Great Clearing iale of DryGoos t iu~ado wbýolo St& o tUbesold off on o ifr h prcs.The First Day od. August, -Next. T e public wll flnd it to their advantagi tocal ,-ad jndge for thoà Lvea,ý as.fnader the Above çcrcur' t'lu 9, uudeniablq Pargains, will be Choîce Farnî»Iy- Oý'roo0!ies, Hardware, PjalotsOisi Sait Pinsteir,, ad Wateiklme, together wit.h a large and uuleetedl Stock 0f Harvesting Toola, wil b e offred at very low priff., alec 120' dozen good HarvestiRg .(010V ., treaa4le rates te tih. tradq, whoeaae r rtal, emobe tia bq C~in Sae.Want-ed, 5,000 FIRIJIMOF,, Bv2Tq«eRi For wlîich the higbes eauh pricW e. pý st h pa ld N.l 27-Whitby, Juiy lo 1869. a l o 16 ., " , J - RECEIVÇD AT NE~T WITLKINSON'S JBLOCK, BROOK ST EE. WHLTBY. he aper than the ~hapest, Consistine cf the best qualitios of SUMVMER OEadsiiga e> o duqpri9ee, j PIiy othem below Cost. Cali auj'examine for' yqnrself. JOHEENU ERI A »L Ililest price allowed fojr BUERpEGS Wbitby, J0i>' 6, 1869. 4l 7 Wines?, Spi rite' an LI-uors, Begt Maderia Àud Port Wines, t$,ý' ' - Sppriô Clret (Jilin'm -'e'-cheap. - Blest Brandies*, bottled! andon, draught.- DAVIWsl DON ALE8, IN 10 GINEEKM, FieodM<ad Rve Whiilreva. - iT~ WILL BE -GI1TEN, doky II1AMILTON &00 THITY AY'S SALE- CIiIP_'ýCASH STORIE Twenty Thouaand Dollars worLl4 of Dry Goode to be aoldp, at JOHN SKINNERIS, Filve per-cent-sllowed on Bank Buis. qreaL bargains for caffh, ai JORN. SKNNEWS~, Great Clearing 81ç, - !ONSKNERS Goods offered below Cost price, at 3Q1fl:ý si CIEVS, JOHN SKIRS, Wp ptend teocar eut the wviole'et oui' Summm- Stock, vo viii offen mach indue- ;ppaI as nover befoeohâve boca sea. lu ibis pari cf Cas 't~,'otliaitvop»yUvetà ud&onhbmd * te topurciaso Fall Goode, Ve ouitc, qari>' intip Seson, se liai it viii iot hitoc laie te voar lihe goda. Au epportunty le nov à fferodl,, <ici ai ahcuid ava.dl ilieumlves of. AU geeds rednoud 1 ,lurAi.Lage sduc- -<ions in ail Dress (*oodm;- 15 ceut Dresa Gooda roducemi 2010 cent., 20 cent rod adod te 16 coimîs, 80 cent dres gocds redaoed to 25 cents, 50 cent des gouda .rodaceth, $0 conte. M(OURNING Gooda neduzed frontlOtol15percontBlack$ilksredued t. ceaýi o. Oram$ neduotions LItTveeds, 10 pat cent off all Tweeds, Doebium sud Droidcleili s,aià geed atout Tweed for 50 cents, hiimnmings la. Besjdo neduotiouu, i laha]suadJmoéx ickm Bjalri LarBal ouedl 20 aeu eiGe.duoBai edo u 8'.00eeauh, mmi- mies ud dalcetei'edued mglît ova t ceaipris SkJ a ndBalo s mques- redaeedte ce t pi. Cith aces1u5 Kmaueqedcduc* pce ra-ti <a d e e ipc.lfrcnols Foimuidboves1' er eI a sBsut-e-fo n ÂSLSl i thonew myeses soLýlat t no belwcot, ta dean ont Ipos pe nte, n i an ieu r oP ice . PALL AID XAE*NE Tho inhabilanha et Whitby and famnais cf Ontario, viii have su oppotnt> tbuy tug nev guoda fer ON FMi)NTH,aa nasnally 1ev prices, wvasdvlse purceiiU tle ilemy s6à d Pe bave a larger ebois etfbai guns. DRY 0001>8 below coiitfor 80 days, commenciug FRJDY, uly nd,18690 Hligliest price allôwed for PRODUÇ]. Whitby, Juno 2, 1869. Bega te iaforrn tiie lahabitauts of Wiîuy sud vîclity; liai Le i OMac Arnucd bausiams sa Eleptro Cold and, Slver Plater 1 Old Spons, Forka, Cruels, Tes Setl, Ombe Bualici., Watehci Case, &c., uhc.;'piad prith Sterlin'g lilirer, ai ver>' nmorem,île rati. '051 devoir>' replated wiih pure Gold. Orders uts y bu loft ait Ur. Gros' Hardware store, Mr. Wilikinson, Wsici Moirer, or ai tie W orke, B rou strcet, pçnulalyocie iiy i. John Agncw.pîîie lel'ocic Wlîiîiy, Jo]> 7,1i869. - TEE. Orf TUE Wminv. Wbutby,' eviag ho ie diseeluilea ci -mla t fteqalr.d Of u rU BUILDEES, PARIRS & Qgýff 'Tm proprietor of tise DAw Bmw MUi on lot No. 16, 7h cou ssoùUxbrldg., là propae PUNEAN» OAK LIEDERM. Re has on band a good sp anliio to suit pwurar; sud wi c.01oes à - 20i MANUFACTUEED AT THE Agriotuiti Workil. LEFYiL'$ CIELEBATED IDuble TLJ1BRWÂTER WHE G. KZBTErVEN, OY~AL ffl . IAN B&Nit 'Bui;ls, Taken nmi r, fer DRY 000DB,' Au. JOHN býiLMNEE'E, - - * CapCash -y UJeed Stor-e. qzr'CITY IIOTEL, Non.s.$800Q, sud 82,8fi. Jemc4 Street, The subamor hm hasc~a ip$>oaRe ot for the accornedaiion -o tic t.o rsve0slic g public. ita nccondaionsaî ot*the bemmi kiud. 1'ou.-ý tains 75 zoqma; viii gocu! yard and utabliag for 60 horâcm. Terme miroderato.. lis prepred 1tgév M a d s inglp Teuon te à miitcd aumnber e FpiA> iino HRLES GRIFFITH,~ J3P o '>InfOrai bis uamerons frieuda amiS eus- tomera$biat o-ba returned to Wiitby sund that ho ictoads- r.euauighise.Id bns&eM, Miapiceenbsies laMbÀý,~e fcndopro POTOFFICIE-- nea t 0Mrl. 7.tvusca'a'Psslor »hop. .ALL ialiumlui T" FÃŽRmNG ImPLEMENTsJv=AO, The aunderslgna d 1'o,"i' tate tp¶ aientà ufacture à s W= As5 Whltb,, di 6- 4 7-1 1 JORN wý 1 1 1 1 F« ope J'ont"ý at JE* ' J. ROBINSON, ST ) la a ý if