41 05.Db P~IokI,3 st4 d o, s~ ud p*yý- 0dà prompt7 -evoed I&ANCIS ETZS 'Wbltbl, XMmv loti,180.s5.2 FAINIS§,O ILS. &(Y. INLSDOILES MP MW .Linseod 011, J AX i 9SY GENUINE WHITE LE», »Ma mSors, WItby. a t 808.1s ub inortmntf 0onw pst- nt LO' i'rlers, »ORtDZERINGS, WINDOW BLINDS, ho., h&c.9&O. To Ùeacrs. Cn uietLÀln & Sras, Cn av P. 0., Ce-unty of Lennox, Ont., bl Fr , o'Cutty of llstiusgs, Poice of CUtiolo, Fob. ltit, 1809. T['1H IS t oe serlif>' tisaI durlu',thtie wister a), 18*i1 tweootzlcos wlth a weahneâo of thse sssklco, whIllugrssluliy slurlug plis 8pns of -1807, extomndled toa uy listees, andi es tsp ta uîy 11 i Ar sd I lîcous fe ,oîîeak titt1I ouid flot w sk, bsat won eosfisied tu :ny chailr. For about tre >eus, trisie tlsiq wooka n s c orsitg 01 me, sud oftenwetrdmil ouft"snsdioai soirsea, osupicyit[sg at siSL'rest tites, threcedoctors. un(uttodiclieno or dllTereit kinsd, pneserlbed -y lyfriessi,. btnt9e11ssoasi!. I Costlssue'l Ioget worsîu ansdlworme, ssii tis e lirnsueror cfMao0, whitut çI s dusced lu try tise greest $Sluuss- ces litsiedy r5v rosdisg tie onces rerlermci, la a Iotiioslit. At ttis tites.1I id begusi to leu tlise weilsksess liisssîy Isfaoodso; IlisfatilvetoWl uettiolr g st lieljiess. 1 liave. tskesstwo elttes oS tlise blscstti-x os insedy asod two boxes of thse jilin ssssd 1torts etîtirel>' romtoro] ta liseltis. i1titrer exiosctoe wgelbotter, but glinply tricid thilse tclcicun ae tort )il irioru isope. ,Titis suco of mneswax îtisot e ptivete Oise, tut loowis te (SsIi i ty oils'org Aund frliodsan îd stassIy elle s'iletesd à os saWu,I itsi' essi> ii o is>' Ir;' tile Sbusbouteoe iedy; * bole'e It viiOuro you. MARY LANN DOUuuIIrY. hh&,nte bfore erno. t .Ifdoc, Quaty q lis e dgo. 111, ,iul, ag f Ftrc'z:'l, 1,0, I lsrehi eorify A. lF'rWoot,, J.P., &a. 1 heroby ce thia t 1 line ktsowu Mrs. Mtry -Astu )l)sgtiy for Ilite lut fireli yesroo; sise I. a voîssuîtsof p1o<ity auoditrtt à linv ieo kusovuslier heore dstrsng, ssnd ssee liser iul- nasa. 1 bliete lid er rtiliesste te lie truie lit sVory ipitrt5iielr. i ksscw thuit wiilie %il lier Cno ase Wattloerotdi sopelesto; ali 1 k noyt:lsitt os l élias, sitsci lier reooer>', elwayis ttrlbisted lier recovur>'l tate diSlsoices lLst-glidy. Wistevi na os>bu tisti penlîiir properîkos cf titis tîsediceis,,Ucoe tilslni.certaini, thigst flslier ,ease, it lies sne ed sistent liVe tise rerlesitusesce <>5 s tîsîrsite. A. F. WOOJD, J. Il. Wardeu of tihe Cotit t I listiisgo,Provinco of tinl, Dlcsisiuiesos of Cessuda. 10 COMMERCIAL 'IOTEL, OSHAWA.« -JAMES PRINCGLE, Proplrietor. JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARO, YRK &PFEL. Ur REsiDENCE-Lot. 8 Sth Cou., Markiam-Post Oflle-Uniouyi e. SALLS attelided on tihe sisetest isoico, ui on reasniusblo ternis. Terni. eau be msade si., blilleprltted attise Chrousl.fiefobr Carter. 1 De f. BURKE, Faml; grocer, & ne spi rit deaier, No. 29 KICHAELY'8 BLOUR, KIGST. EAB.r, OSHIAWA. COOKERY & GLASSW* A WEILL OBLECTED I4 FRESt£U TEAN, RUGAR9U. 0P ALL KINDS, 5 »As ceisa s as,> lons. la Canada, May 29tb, 187. .-2 PFUNDS FOR Investment! T B'TRUST AND> LOAN (10HPAN'n teotooiiistot oeuerity'of lmproved Roi eS ae., Loe adstieofor llxed perioJsç, or repayable hyLsoslnotitouts. Fuygùrtiselr suid fu lIformation cau ise hsd by lettar, sddr.ssitd to thée Comtuissioneros at Kigston, or fromt - Le FAlIWANKS, Jr.,i 11R0si Estato &GénualsiAgent. Qvso-Brook Strot, Witby, sept 16, 158. 85 luoiviortouss lvux vo rvrzs. AT r"Me Tsseé.--Iutruetloue on piano, $10; thoor>' Mt.Us6l00i oompoatiou, "o, o amf 00 gr Au èxperoS uetara 'tb"su12 ymars 0" luprofeâot Put taglirsnts. thés rsptd Amont .1pupilalséésd un - ar bhitutlon Whtby, Marsh it ., 1569. 9 INSURANCE COMPANY# irNEW JIAVEN, COIN. MEN oldwSi aablltshod and t)ohlv ai... NEW VARIETY' STORE.' J S em Elv-D, A -LA RGe; S O K 0 ROM PAPER M"WINDOW BL INDS The çhoicest lot es"er offéred in town.Pa r Collars and CÇuti the, li±st styles and -ehespest. Three boxes o, Ge,,,r, Collars for ,$ cents. Cau suppli auy Nlok, Magazine or Paper publielned. SheetMugie aliays, on haud. Oirders prompfiy filied. Fm"c Goods, such as Wriing 1)esks, Worit Boxes, satcelss, Purses, Albuïms, ilrushcs, Combe, Speutacles, Jewely, &ný. Schoël B3ocks, Siates, Bibles. 1'ocket Knives, Scissorî, &o. oj 5ots, sheet Mlusio, Perfunx-ed Voilet Ink, FANS, SECRETS 0F TIuE GREAT CITY. LATEST NOVEMTES ALWAYS ON HAND.1 Otur Goods arec cliefly in British Markct8 wlieh we buy at low rates, and wvilbo sold cbenip for cashs. JAMES BO1ILANDO SMay 20, 1869. V'asiety Store, Wlsltby.1 ~xx E.& r3C5XX O SIAWA, begs to announec that his- stock of-SPRING AND SUMMER (kOO0DS, is 110w complete, caDsisting of F A N CY-DRYIGOOODS, WIIH WILL BE FOUND VEItY OfOICE AND OH1EAP. gAr THE MILLINEftY DEPARTMENT contains ail the latest stylcsand noveltios in ilats, Bonnets, Ribbous, Flowcrs, Slsawl., &c., &c. W~ THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT contai ns the finest Scotchs, English, and Cana4ian Goodo, whieh wiIl b. imade to order, in. the latest style, and at the lowest pric.. Ilaberdaahery ini groat variety. £YW if ro9 x a MADlE TO ORDER AND UEADY-MADE. N. B -The subseriber intends retiringy from business, and of- fers the above Stock-it-trade for sale, with a lease of thse premises for a termâ of years. Ooshawa, MAY 10, 1869, WILIWDI~ OFFICIAL ASSIOGNEE. GENERÂL- AG ENCY OIFFIOE ! lIE undersigned having recczved tihe appointment of Officiai Assigeco for North Ontario, lâ prepared fo give prompt attention to ail matters in Batnkvuptcy or Jnsolvency. le- Promiséory Notes and Accountas opecdily colleeto and remittanees prousptly made. mac>ro x.3cg9m On good faru security at 8 per cent interesot. Special attention will b. giten to the negociation of Loans, aond borrowers canr rly upon having thscir applications attendcd te promptly, and at smnall expenie, j-e Aiso, Lands., bothIs mproved and uni-nproved constantly for sale. Insurances efl'ected ini the Ontario Faruiers Iouttual lusurance Compsan.y.B.MJR OfIiel Asisigre nderlVelnstor. OFFICP-Bigelos'. Blloek, nnxt door to thse )oyel CoLiadisîts i aik. P'ort I'erry, Deecober 2, 1868. 49 Just airrived a splendid stock of SUMMER TWEEDS, -&c., AT TWýI Higestprce iioas pa4 o~ nyquantityocf W~oOL NOAL&U.U~ AN CONSISTING 0 F FANCI BRESS GOOBS, BRILLIANTS, LUSTRES# PRINTS, COTTONS; SILIÇ MIXED TWEEDS. CANADA TWEEDS, ALAPACCAS, SIIIRTINGS, LIOSIERZY, A. LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0F READYMMADE CLOTIEING FAIIILY GROCELiIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. HIGHIEST PRICE PAID FOR Butter, Eggs, dried 'Bacon &o. o::>- Royal Canadian Bis taken at par. M. H. COCaIfANE. Whitby, 'June 9th, 1869. 23. TH OLP STAND!1 Spring a nd THE1 &GENTLEMEN'-S IAILORING AND FURNlSIIING 11011SE Gentlemnen's Furnisliing Goods of every description,- embracing-Shirts, Collars, Socks, Braces, &C., &C. i~NO. FIT NO PAY 1 Brock st., Wlsitby, March 24, 1809, ALEXANDER PRINGILE, 12-iy * E8AUIS-TED 180V TIHE MONTREAL TEA (JOMPANY 6 HOSPITAL STREET, MONTItEAL. 7T HFE Continued suilcees. of titiscompauy 1. only attributabletcto quality sud purit2y of their .Teusi. Over a tîundred thosnsd oxes of Tea haveobeen sont to different parts of the Do- illtion, aud npwards of a tltousand testimonial». eau bo showu -bearin g teshimouy te tthe qushsty sud purity of te F... A great eavissg essa ho effeted by pà ruL~asing dre et Ilem une, cettiem ot 6 and 1214., snd upwards. Y£very pacikege wsrranstod to givo sstisfactiou. Club togethar snd Bond for foror vae 51b. eatties, whieh wilI bc sent carrnage froc to auy Rsilway Station mistb. Dominion. The mouey eau bc eoletoed on doli'very. ien svOur frolis ground .team rousted Joffée, iu 5 snd 10b. Titns ai' upwards, thse avu f hhs roally excellent. altla every 1.paekgewarranted. 20Ibi. Tea and bor 11. olesn to &Dy Iils tation parr4agofree..W- SiIver ut par. EsihB rosrfi. Broken W, iatrong Tou. 46c, 50c.;i ine Fisvoied New sessondo, e000 e. Sud 6.; VeyBoit Pull Flavoutrcd do. '70e -Sousid Ooleitg, 45c.; Alois Flaroureil do, . 9. rey Fusane i'0e.gJss 05w M . ., Finle 60c, ery eim55e., Fissesi '15c. 0 BRE EN T EA Twnkty. 40. e.; Yolmq Iyson. 50, 60,65 and '15c.; Fins do. 12c.-, Tory Fine 86c.; Sqpenfqse sudVery Ch"oie $; Fins Osnpewder 5E.; imeSuperf.io. 01. N1o. 1,80M.; No. 2,25C.; i. 8,2SOC.; No.4, 160. psr lb. TIb* Montrni Tes Comny î lmte!,10 emsî-li l my a yesr itce .1purebasard l.i Sme.. oTe amu 0r boume. 1. bave gpeehm MWus .ice, sud 1Ia su e e 'oioom yen limhe il.Toi in evory Cas medvSmsu s"tlaory, as e li sWng. eeeiingy champ, l'omrevery =oY, P EUU Met"r iTaupsvsIffoneresl, April,158-Tp be Nonsemi TusCouw~ Gsnmw.mxa-T e les1fpmus'ba 0oon m lrach Iposi;, liospis.sî Sreet, Mnr~'y s~ bu Wgt lemdosdt2 s'o 0neIpoasre te Jugesaomof0Te tsa .liy le lme a, bpt mie. Ibave heen trneS forjou te Slulreot parts.ofîle Dominial MWsu dtink) 15 baelsa i tia ù< te<rsabearn- Ivoare gso noud your btssaeemo alliarmlg hum wl es old lway. palimeuA aer brcskfss. 1Ive. piumur W" Ka ma r wingsa -ûnsa sibuei b"sgo il» parity cf ypr Tîsmsad obsil cou- s onof thl. erge nmas.o r - s ss b ave ' dm.. ~ ~ oees.ion te regum one box, triseir u' adeeaad - ~ aiNX CBEN"EZ~~,' 84, 51 Jba trt, MusgéjCgosds> il,,o, CemonT us.a( ~gIffl BmkMsgand Young HymsSTuswbich ye ,tm ie esmi NOBTfl£ORBS-Teioirmp.sCup,,TBepois! rt4MoasresJ Kr s U 0 Ã"t4dIfl MhIf 10n#Og NIjaQ1 9; ce" osr Tp5eJ# qqiU pmekm e 2ohawllme -rESTJ.B LIS IlEDý The undersigficd iin returning thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto extendcd te the old est.ablishment, for neari>' a period of <ont>' yeans, desines te sa>' that ho has nov ou baud a large assortmen cf -tise moît modcrn sud elegaut styles cf And trusts by propeý attention and moderate prices to secure a continuance of publis- patronage. Practical npholstering. Furuitu.re re-stufled and covered. UndertaIkiig gud Funerals Fully Supplied au heretofore. W~Some splendid specime4s of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remember the Old &tand. - Whitby, Mareh 9y 1 8. ka UlkÂJJ54 UUY uu fLJLLei1 THE SUBSCORIrsEI BEING ABOUT TO CLOSE UP TIE Urockery Glass & Eartllenware Portion of hie business fo m tisda e sa me ATr CQ$TÃŽ (NO ýHýUWBUO.w Bargaino can le secnr&i. by ap. early çç11, as the, ptoek ig cc>m- picte in evcryd,-epa4me1et. W.ly Whitby abhetev-,June C3,'188q.~ DIVISION COURTS I,1NTUE Of COUNr-TY, 0F7-ONlWTARIOl ]VFO R HY 869 ots " . ' l z r i g o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 2 1 2 9 . . ~ . 4 j 3 1 S n t o i 64 6 .........~.. . J i 1. 8 .... I.. 1 .. .. GO 7,AI.l'...... .......... ..... .. , s. Whitby, Jaugsry 18th, 1869. , J,.D G.os torg of Linsaj NOTHING tIKF A WCRSR.rs'oftmone venit ti. Aud every descriptiou of SHOEMAKINQ, Made to ovder by Ladies' and Gentlemen s Prunellas fromoiýe dollar, lildren's Shoca iii great varieey. TERMS'- CASH. Till's Blocik, Brook-SÉt. Wfiitby, Jirne 15th, 1869.. 24 Colored and briglit Gold spectacles, Fanoey Goodo. 8-Day 4 3-four Clooks ingrca t varkty. Repairing carelully attended toi JAMES -JOHNSTONl Wptchmaker & Jeweller, 1Whitby, 6tho 1869. BUCCIE,9WACONS 189 1869.x-lno 20) sionor, Notany 1'ub!ie, &., t"c. OFFIC-sond Floor, mcmlIIn's -Block Brook Street, Wlnihtby. N.Bà -e,I ontaiso prepsred te lnvest lunail old f Deoeistures. (*neenbackm >botslst sud sold; alio s lasgg qunantit>' of Siyr non ale. JAS. HOLDEN. NEWYLY impORTED PAPE seleced Cl areiully b>' iiieIf, viicli ho bason saie at Ver,' Réduced i'riees. I~ Pa~mun, Gsv imGisg sRd Paper Ilranging, executeot utls awonk usulie su e;pditiu uunen, s.ussi A.C. WILSON, Dundas Street, Wliltbl Whitby, ÂAprfl 8, 1868. 14< B'UTOER'S NET, V1LSII&_CURED! lIE 5USCRIBIR loifutorm ouateint T'Lrs sud tise pubie atblm Shop is eoi stauti>' suppiied wnth tise beat flef, uttnVeal,. Lamb, ?orkj, &c., prpnl ud>esrefulhv dnessed aud jointed to sit isousoyktfppr»,,und for isele nt tue 1owesg Cq Bdfeet, Pork and CX Tongunes -cnred lu a spperior mauner; ;ud everytlng lu the Vietizslliug lisso kopt eoustssntiy o4 haud. Or" iUembor tise uew Sisop-betweeu tisa stores of iMessrs. jlatch and Loves h Powel Brook Stzeeu. - - ' 1 1~ Whitby, arcs ts, 169. - 104Y; FieeInEraiAL Co TPHE- undersigned takes occasion to announce that he has 0F LON(Dori opened a branch of his business at UXBRIDGE, where will ESTABL 1ISJ:IED 1808.1 b.fund Buggies, eovered and open, and othervebicles of bis own mabufaptire, got up in the ittest snd best style, snd aiways kept on baud. As ho uses noan.-but the best Capital, £1,945OOO, teorling. material sud employa noue but the best workmeu, the quality of bis work eau ho ai- Fundsinvested iunCanada-15'oS. ways relied upon. UU__C _ giut <ubylieeDptc W~Repairg 0ecuted with pron1ptitq4ç an4 despatch.I ou tise mobt faoUrn1110611terss.AIese Afew seconid-band open and covered buggies at the Whitby P- 111 witbout referene tlotis. Boart.nna dd'ou. RINTOUL B3IOTUERS, MentreiW oee establisbhment for sale. Agonts ftir C;à nadn. E verything ini the way of carrnage ma~nufacture and repairS) JOHEN ÂQNEW, .Woen, atteuded toat W bitby asusuaL All work warranteai- Agent for IiVhitby, Oshsawa, pjmauvlle nosd surroundsssg conu>'r. Wbitby, Ms>' 18, 8119. M U L WAK 20L,, TRE ALBION HEOTEL, Corlier of Brocik & Duudas iects5 WHITBY. 8PR N G STOCli 0F J. O. McPHERSON, Proprietor. B OTS & l OE 5 1869., __ E[iair Dressing -and Shaving 30 . jUNT Bono Fi4e Bootmnaker to the WHITBY A14D YICINITY. If Summer Boots you wisb to, buy, And hesitate whieb shop tq try, ,Johp Saunders eau your waots supply-,. Al Sorts sqd Oigo, ho teils tii. vesaoa rb, R14D e Adverti*es. bl1ce uuders i Ri,uwmna a Pe3ople of .1w oiitorin, DRfIe.-Over i aide. I ARRtISTER tsiy Publie, &c. Campbell, Jrock W!hitlsy, Nov. SOsaa'C.1l - 3 arrIste;, sol te;r Han remvedid OxTrÂiuo B,4xa.r Wiitby. Oet. 7 TARILES -PLBL, - - O.iawa; sd TUwu lBan, Bown oery,i]n BON%. J. lxis, 1 W. 1 SOL Street. CULAR] A Chsuecry,l o n, Brook, C.M je HAM] STTOIRNEY- son, Whîtby f'1 th - e tsof P o t 0 ..SDers and Parues AXaSS 0 IL Cocnk&xy, T 3 - Cc u u t ro tu Pont Penny, 267t ]LIMAN -IE DR.; SÇURGEONT ~Byron Stneo TH4J j T%7DER T irycriTo W- 801Ta ojm Witby, Jan, >4, sa4, - -- Always 1 Brook Stiree% Whitby, 1 imý 1833.1