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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1869, p. 1

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quirent 'hareh8tl'sSt,Tofouto,C. W. ANOUUomoRRISVN. - J. AegAMI'8M; il'oroîitO, Jaly 20,1861. os noUNYCI£WN ATTOIIZOEX FUSON- Britrajid Attortiy-at-LaWg Bo Çtrl,iaurrierNoary ktibleb&.- Ole-iBgolowls New Buildinbna SrtWhitbv. -81si (*EORLGlff I. DARTUEIL]L, RJIISTER,ATiZECN YA B..ro Dputy MsatrrXstorExtraordiî KtODEUiT .. WILSO0N. BAIUTER &k ATtOliNEY AT LAW E) ilornOcaer, t.Whtby, (.; 0111e- ore Outarlo Iksuk, on tic INorth aide. ARRISTOE.ATLAW AND SOLICITOR Toronto. 9.12mn JAMIEsIIITU ODN B AtRITIRdeATrUKNItY-AT-L&W I S leoitot lu hJhsue.r),Cc NueN- lglw-*sai door toe ii.storr cf B. & 1J. Campbell, Brook dt., Wltiy, Olit. SOO.TX TABY ULTO, ste. 40. torsleyp &COI, &CO JJasrenioved lIss Office t. lot fioot overte Wlty ot. 79_18. 40 RA l~TERS KATTCItlN L Y, 6SOLICI- pTUIS,(:i~VlYNCkSAÏD No- Oc-Oa ru îîrth cf ià 1'os4t-ofllce, Ttiwu hll, Bownîaivllle.- R 088, LAUI>.R, MULOcX & BMlTI, Â%%pirn.aft.isfw, solelcturs in Chas. car)u-y, ss i aatsolecse ,,,'nig Mr. .iauacas igideu is Oflce, W lîtby, liOo. 1. 10, Q. a., I W. KULOC. - IV WtI, DILJLIEGS0, ($b ln x cî O it, Ac ., ac. -3ro ýFete Wiltby, Jan,28, 1802. CHAÂRLES C.J(ELLER, A £TOUXEYt AT LAW,-SOLICI'IOEIN 'J hîaiery Uon-e sucer, ,ic., (snuliag o lBreak, 0. V0 Aoisnecrpy, Nctairy Public, (Jonvepancer, *%c. Wlit:t>p V. W. Unrltai, iByronistreet, S4 to r c' 'eon010e. 48 . CL.CHJt'INE k COClIRANII. B) ARItISTERS ATTOILNEYS, tJuifVEY- . igaîora sud btfteIspublieca., dec, Pgtsoe: Aussai?-.onyi-oOpposite Towu 6 IL. Ueonuàuz, LL. B., I W.- M.Coceainta:. Ccunty Crovu Attornecy. Port Ferry, 2th Veoeuber, 1865. 6i ]LYMIAN EZNOLISTI, IL L. B.* D ARIIBER T LA, Slictorlu <han- L.lcsr, Couoyaitcrlithams.c 40 Dft. -HÀNCOCKe UU rlGou ?ÇACC oUCIIEU, &c L.%URGEON TO TIUE COUEJTY GAUL Dy rou titroct, Whitby. W. H. LAW, B. A., M. D., V.hysteiau, 8Srgccn, Aqeoucher, s&e. m OWN LtKdTULtEAUEIL WII1TBY J.. UwglNo-TowalHall -IHourulto leeok. - VICTORIA IIOTEL. yjILIAMsoTr~hOPHETO1t (Lata BOZUTONPb JIOTEIL, W 4BOYNTON baga to 'uf'orm thie lu- blabitâùte oft4Lint r itc'taoria sud eturreundijulntilo, tist lhe as opene t ti hIotel on William îrecet lataiy cccnpîed by Jeéwtt, and salieba hadit ltted sudiurriuh- Mithe. W Iueeo,i.Iqucru sud Cigare cf the béat 4uallty. CWAnattontlvsostile: ilvapi tu ttind WELLIN~GTON UOTEL, MARKUAM.i OtUEBOTTOX, .-Paoprletor. WILSONHOU SE, 4014WILSON, P. -1ro pe ton TRE SIYBCRIBEX b s tm uounco te bis T frleiidîand thé. pnUhCgcnrauly, that ha bs ,pened ho aboya nov heatalu ii îhae PotApbarn for tha atomondgtloor cftic tra- 111e p ublie. Mi0. Iîs la uew. sud fut- lîâa4ua ut p t 1hb0oc h badocnfortable rnas.r~ Opata iii cevr coiiveiesu httb6~ov<asablls Wt, lis, Ltq ur., b 'dl *1 thé blis BKend.s a&y&s k*n G1gk eStablitigand attentive OtIors iu WItLBONJr, 1ropMitor, tho sta liir Ui avrpuli SCaroal iotslssuattendanta GEàORGE-CO KAOIK. L UMIEI MECRIANT, CarpeutM, aud U N 1)FiEBT A KlýNG. W-A Hegacsto biteoônlIberalcrms. Wlîtby,Fob. 5tb,-1802. Brooklin Drug Store. J) HALER l rguintotMjIla IJýPâats, 01,»eSua ofcin dry &a.- Wluios sud-Li:ofth* bastqualltyý ~for Modîcal purpoilcs. gIbm- 4 attUeMedfcfnsolw<qis osnand Brookîlu, C isop1859 NELSCiN ST. TORONTO, NoriT» 0F K]IKG ST. BASSETT & KEEBLE, . PsizToas. I lIEropritors reipecttnlly snuines to Tltiîjr frleuds, aOta dlistance, as Wall as Bear homo, lt utiiey have taken tihe abovepronîlo whîch are In .very respect Couvoentlvsud coosfortai.ly littedl up Jor tihe accouuodation of oes sud the traveling publie. Tii.y will betfouud lu constant porsonal attendsaic, sud wvili leave uothîiug undoUe ou theirertto rive satisfaction to alrwiio May fayor t eni witii a cal. 36 YEOMA2N GIBSONÇ. COMIdIJSSýION MER OHÂNfi INSUIIANCE, & GENER4L AGENT. Whitby, Jan., lôti 18M. 2 REVIER]Ek- OUSER luaetant ci . W. 'B. PLANK, Proprietor. étages to sud front Whltby «al dally, Every Atteution pakid tg gueâts. Ostoful nad atten- tive ostiairs. 9 THE ONTARIO FARMERS' MUTUAL. INSURANCE COMP'Y. rrIlS Cmpay lanovfnuy organuzod, suld Llspeîîirel t scoptrIskir ou Pariai hidiogus, .sudraîurcontenta, (country sccio hhenaies, aaod Churcaia. Tlîote' wisboing te lu- uiare ' sid tlîirrby oupliort a Home lusurauce (Jotîpaiy, have 'LOW ett opportunît>' of dolaag bpy 11lj ciilar eaitheLillesd oica, or to un ltu.loaent».Ouraiuten viii be fo'iid uis Iow *su tlîe oh amp rcspoaîiible Mutueilu- ourunce conipani lu CanUada. L.FAIRBANKS, J IRAD OFFIC-Break Streot, Whiiby. RO0T]Lý& PRIEMISES FO R SALE. T HAT old astablib.iad ud vel kuowu go- tel, tihe CENTRAL 1HOISE9 B EON, Spiladd roouîy staiblng, sud drivlngohiie, tgothet, with qune or îwo acres cfi adi tteob- er,as maypbe aesrad, asioaçine youugbear- ing Orahard. Titpie arc tîowe veifsiti good um nd .sdexcelicta u-or. Ti. wtaoîe will b. eold t a bargaîIn, a s on oeurc tiheto hanein uthe Dominion 0f e-ae sIirclînlesa' tain. '111 be exciataged lor tarin propertp. pcFoermu, &0., apply (i >' latter, pro-Pua) to, WILLIAýM B( L.TOli,. Octohe 42 0Qeo. Ayors.u GEZ<ERAL B&CS ITIAD FIRST-PIRIZE IIORSE-SIIOE1R, DEINDAS STREZET. TH-OROLD, ONT. A. LOCKI Proprietor. HE ai E Sbse her lsing lea e iis velf-lmonic HO Hou., adearoju 3f aoliaha the paronsge cf athe publie gaîîeriliy. h3 The vary hait brani of %Vines, Liqiuors aîîd C?îges aawayo on baud. ~3'Omnibus, le .md (roai ail Traies, auncnnecUM iiî the-itouse. Bilaard'tabLe ud géoed LV.ry. or spaseîuessample Rocais fort Mercantis Àg'ts ORGANIsT ALL44 TS HP.B la propsred tc glr'iktîisliud ingipgLelous te a iited ,umber of Pop Il .A ptcticu te b. uadeto the oflie. of John L. Wutkint -Dun- dus sîreet, MWbItbp. 21. TpISSOLUT1ON OOF CO.P6RKEIISUW.P - Norwcz a l iproby g tvutathtie",c-rtfict- sblp'bereteolor, existîv nonader the DwnAniad lim et JAMES îoW st 0CO, as orwarders sud Wstoiiousoe mon, st Port Wltby, bhsbeen dlssolved, by rie dostb ofhtwo cf e net%, sud tbat the snrvivlug pat , oi -Watson, vîli close op sud "justhie busas oftl ât4 rln' - - S J. M. LÂWPRR, WM, .LAIMq? op t baif Èceitorga hal James Rove-, JOHN WATtIIU)NI N O T 1ICE, AIl Perins ludebteilho lie le 11M O f J,&MS RU E &Co,.Fperv5rdeft s d -Wi cwlagmo, té a Isolt in cfareotfted lié ouWdiadmn <cio~ulg~ la ecaared -- JOUX011 WAIJ%. Mr Id Irenun qpr, Brai, (Cotton snd Licoe Bugs, Wool ?l.klngo, Horsfliansd a»l maliner of truek taken iu excbange. JOUN ERTAN, Wbitby,Mac U,10.0 ARXSTRONS'8 Z9TÉi, rrHESUBKtIBE tasitted npsaud coin cd Ilrt-elià usa l., snfpAolltetbe patronage of the public and h. ft uida "hVie al su bar suppllad witb the, bet Good iroomy stab- jinge, su. 9,09 ONTARIO'HOTELt WHITBY, ONTARIO. A. &LBYX,.NDBR - - Proprictor. T lI£esubserube desires to returu tbanks to JLto th. publie for- the. vsy liberal patron - ige be.toeid nouhlm wlll propriotor eit te Globe: hetel, Brookulu, sud ut tii.suinotinte takes'oosscté sunounca thst he bas leaaed the above wali knowu botel. large additions "ava beeur.ceutly tuadeto the. promises soeur- lug %core cemmodins sounno<lstlon sud euersslngt te nomber c sileepibg rooius to nearly oné lîsif more -,thsn forly. A fiaut- cIam Billiard Parlor with titres tables haas beau added. Extensive additions to 'the Stabling,beds, lbus Boxes, &oe., bave alo beeu niado. Aitensbling the undersigned w offer t* bis Old Frleudansd the public gene- ral y advuutsges surpassed by no utiier. hotel lu th4 pluaceeiilst all tintes be happy to weicoi bis old frieuds. Wkiltby, Dcc. 2, 1858. 48-ly Query 1I Wiip lail t ti la ssnob s inn fer pleturea - AT ÇLAIRK'S GÂLIERY? 1h I. because b. bu lie best Gallery lu tbe t an r cer Artlat lu tb. Conty, aud eau do quit.e'asgdvcrk ssur oer insu lnthea Cuuty. -f' Tbss a vbat'stlie mutter, mc, dou't b. bakwsrd-abent acnîisig forward. BBOCK ST., WHITBY. Whitby, Nov, 12, 1867. 45 - .N., VARS, .dMpE1AOALDoutiot, Oshawa enIBomdirectlyoppo. intcocStrept third lcoru orti cf tii. Ontario Bank. 80- EXPRESS AGENT, &àe., alto Agent aidrint aud Standard Inanîsunce Ces. 17 C. H. SWEETÂPPLE, VJITERINfAnBy suRGEON, Graduate of Ontario Yeterinal7i College and late .Aaitaut te profmntle, of Toronto. E FM WEa IMM q a laE9 Pu? ic.UCKLAI'l, Professer cf Agriculture, 1 -6 Toronto aci. SM ITII, V. 0., Principal cf Outario V. Clleze. Di. BOVELL. Toronto. de TIIORBIJ RN, 6i ROWELL, P. .-IMB. SWEETAPPLE eau bc censtultel Profcsienalli atbils residence, Irooklin, at ail Ilonte. Breokln. April 14,1869U. 15 HENRY GBIST9 PATENT SOILICITOR AND DRAIJGHTSMAN OTTAWA, CANADA, Trausueta businea' viti the Patent Office, sud other departmonts cf the Goveru- ment. Copyrighit&ansd tbe regiatration cf trude 1 Mfarks, sud Desigus ptcotrod. sri,1869. i Gr'and. TrnkRailway HoteL AT IVEITET STATIOlN. T17M. ONEIL baviog purcbasecitic botel V su-pramies kuov us Lihe (Grantd Trunk lietel, Wbltbp station, be ' ho Iuformn bit fionds sud the traveling publIc tht b. lias fited Up the. iou, e sud msab0 les lu frt- dlais style, sud bp attentioni te tavnec th.W Wlhvpr hlm wîibi pst rcnsge frustoàte à merif4eEinuesiiof t#eir outent .Partieu laking the. train sudleainàu hime.wijlh hva ttent vo» takan este cf ti DANS BILLI 1,- Movers, Ploya, (~ PATTERSON. - 81. ~LE. N ew Bakoery AND 71IEundersged respeotfully t- iLfoaathe Lpbllc tbt-, 0la consantty prepareil te us1 wîb rompittide ail, ordera lu Ihie Bakery eud Cnfectieaiasrplina. Fruit, Spougo, sud <alother kiùna cfCaket,Tarte sud Biscuits oh 1 J - F u i t o f i t k f r . d s l u s a s s o n . A b ls o L b - BaeConfactioner, seBrook st Whltby, jnly 16, 1867.,2 FIRE ASSURANCE" £0., LOiMBARD STREE&T * CHAXMIOCOSSI ESIBLISRED IN 1'782a GILLESPlE, MOFFATT & Co., Agents for JAMES DAVIStaN, Manager. INSURANCE aaFtLOBb IEREarc I ofected on ttoumt aorbe ansd LOSSES PAIlD withoutrefcreuce toe ii Ikrd lu Làondon. 1-April Srd,1888. IMPROVED FARM To Sell ent, or let on Shares. --o- F AUX te el, tnt, e letou lore-West, £ aîf lot 28, lut concession cf Uxbrîdge 100 aocs, 70 scres CI< arol. Apply (if by latter, post-paid,) te 0. FULLER, WnIray P. O NOTICE.-AII parties arc fonbid cutthîîg ai-ar, fro thtii aber-e lot, sud airy peracu fond doing a", aftcr thii date, are traspiosers, and will bo trcatcd as snob, te the. <adi citent et ;Itbo law. 87-tf Jhty ÂCBsep 5 8 BOOT- JACK. (PATENTEI3.) The Greateat Inve-ntion of tbe Age. Pateuted by J. W. âIaob's. Domiuion Rigiits sccured by D. C. J ACCOBS. ISAD TOS.TFIOiAS I.Ross, LIOIENSED AUOTOER BILIF? ofthe Sixth Divistona Court Adidrs, BEAVERTON 21 VARIETY HALL! uti TUE OLD POST OFFICE STAND, Ia tii. placc te get great bargatus lu GoId, Siver and Orolde WateIIes (Cocks aud Jewal ry, cf ail de.%ciiptions, aise, Btationrey Blauk Bocks aud Fancy Gocda lu- great variety, Daily and Weekiy Papers, ]PERIODICALS &ND MAGAZINES, TaO1319 IAD AT TUEz OSHAWA VARIEY HALL. I fl o w ould b y t'o p lea the e y Be ente andl cal atYAI E rY IlI LL. y. J. DREW. Oshawa, Mayp 18, 1869. 14,.B.-Al entera for Bocks1, raperàq, sud Magazinesiprcînptip atteilded te. F. J. D. ectoo Iooks unpplied at raal'ced rate.. Gold aind Silvct Plaitmig drno te order. - Piease cati sud cxsn*-uîc our Goodis-sud prices btiea urcliaiug l5ewlîcre. F. J. DREW. ,,rCITY 1IIOTEL, Nos. 78y 80, sud 82, St. Joseph Street, Tii. subseriber bus cpdued the aber-e Hot4' for thie aceomolation cf tic travelinig publie. ltaia conndatiouuireet tiha«t kinl. Itacen- taine 75 roonts, with gocd yard sud stabliug for 60 horses. Ternis moderato. C. LARîN, Propriotor. 21. F A RU FOR SALI. 168'2 ACRES OFQGOOD LAND, buings, ortbe gut n ofLoshliptnt-a rtUitcncssioang f it 2 nd $2 lnc f he bTeme hieral.Aptebl omhpo'bty THIOMA LUMI)ENt Yokvili, P. O. Yoikr-il, Jans 29, 1869. 100 TONS $CR AIP I 1O N, Whllby, AptIl 28, 189, - 17 AfONEY TO JOAN!1 The. underslgnteeU ie î ed >IàstructIons te iuvemt a large sum éla Mouey, Re-payable lia eue Spes or by Yzarly O ný l iov F r s rp ro d u c tiv e T o w n et -Firl tes W4Mro gaptctsd %tlu itereMt 8 gev cet. No Cent- Aprîl 20tb, Selciide.,Wiitto 1 .B.69.IGS PORtT WHITIBY. rie. above w.'l-kuown hotel bas, beaû tho- rougbly lrcnovated and uewly furi.hed b be thingln boee loît undune to moot thuroquir.- montt cfi wiieertbogcft 0 le T is bp.lied wt vrtiËo h b..t in season, ana none but -ti.hast ,rsndu of Wlies, Li4uons aud Clgars kept at tlc Bar. il - . B. SNOW. 1869. TUE StTPEILB NEW igo9. 0NORSEM ALN NORTH 8HORE ]PORTS, 1'OET OP ROCHESTER, ,And wili ceitinuc iuaking daily trips, lesing. Co,,bourg ait M. n.; Port Hope at :sC -.. ]mll a Whirby, Oshawal, Darlitiglon and New- astle Wcdun.day Moraing0;.antIBrighiton, Tiîîri.daiy moruingsa ud Coiborne every mnoriing ecept Waauday l'ttnruing loi-ct Port et kliester daily at 0, p. m., except Santdays, wien sue blaves at 2 p. m., direct for P'ort Hope._ Fon FamiUiT-ApiîIV Ouboardi Or te C. Draper & C., W lnthy - Jilinia O. ôuy, Ouçba "a~J MLla, Dariungton ; F. Naicîso15n, Neja-MIellA. Cohrain and (Gao. hîandersoni, Port Hope-, C. Elliott, Cobourg J. Keeler, (Woborae; Wnanna d Butler, BtrigÙtn. Apiril 212t, 1"9. id1 jý1ONEY f MONEY i1 JONEY I Thi e r,*ned basarsceived instructions to luvest fer priete Capitalliats a large suintcf 1 UaOtET, AT CUfREXý RATES 0F INTEREST 1 Principal reTiyaibîleuoe sumi, or inetalmneuta No conmis4lu cliargad. Apply to JAIMSLAItON, Main atreet, Uxbricge. Omrcz-Oiar Armolrong'unatil. Uxbidge, Jîi,7th, 1869. 2Mi-23 D R. M. HIILLARIY, Xerp oa.(a. Ref Ce elie .2 BRITISH AJIERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $400,000. I HE undraigned aving ben appinted Atout for the aber-e Comipany, lis .w pepod teainsura property agaluat DLtMSBY vayl ntho o t. la avorable terine. Appip te, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-i2mos. Agent Wiiitby TEETI! EITLAÇTZID Iàff WITHOUT PAIN, .a BY THE USE OF MIROUS OXIDE LAUGLIING GAS, Olt TIIE NEW LOC0AL ANLZESTHIETICO, AT WVV, a. CYd&]lt>lV DY &TAL 1100118, DUJNDAL STREET9 WHITE ,0-W. E0OML-Ov.~ . Il Ccrune'. Store. Wîîitey, Jane 26, 1867, 25 COMMERCIAL HOTEL., BROOK -1T.,- VHITBY. T arE subocrber bgs w anncuee te is ..friondiansd tue pulylic, thathobulasre- aumed possesioncf the abovo well sud1fa- vorably kuowu litel, whicb la uow ftted np in a, seup4tîlor nunarwith erp convani- oncae for lie recepticu cf guesteandsudle tra- SBat accommodation, sud gapetlet vines, ilquorusud cigare. Gccd stabling viti enclesed yards, jil teute siceai- varys outii.premises. Charges Jjoderate. 1.0JM. CALIJWEILL J5B AMPEB E'L L ADDe4Sb wr , 1 6, A48UN PO Aud it And the. blooditstaaiedhisprattylittle boscin The. 0l& Story.c 'Tii. salis m e&et snd the bisez. Is up, And -tu)e pow'la turned for's nortiera ses; Elsa myuy'elieek sud vow niesavow Ttiîatyou wUilovor b. true to me 11 611 kims ycur ceeoirand I hisa jour lips; Never a"clasu o d iebeart »bal kuow,- Wliaateveî o -o elfcoin ut ei- Darling, dairing, I love pou sb il, ;O, but the notiirnlgfhts are eà -01,- The slorcignt te<otnsrouds Aud Ibis beart goos sontlit h ongh ti yu The. maiden lacgbs by Uic gardeu gate- Dreamacof love are the *ooucst o'er 1 Rissesfulilon lier lipsasdisir, 'AuJ tii. wold gcies on s it weut before. A RLemînlscearce of Don bropk Fat. liebsus, viien mou are lu happy--moodI fr tbe gentlemnisuin black,<e open susen t ééunt with-I vilI noe asert; that.I vas t arecirelp lin thoe «Wi'tu, bave, gene-tii nhoie bog vith hisatanie ntajestp ; but, 1 as iL aa appeur, I did net tutu a deaf a ean to the everturea of ou.eof bis faihifi disciples. C I ba lcrossed Car-liai. Bridge, vitens propage, stnuck vith my appearauce, 0 stopped £rlddeuly, sud communeri vith 1, bia cwu thcugiits sufllcieutly loud toeon--r able me te ovenbear the couciuding sent- enceý of the solilcqup., 'Airait i thèn. as sure aseuuy sme's Peter Caîîaghan, iL's-bimscif 1, I started sud turueri round-sund tiiore, [urge as 11f., my excellent frieuri te, gai- [sut captain, 'va8satandinig; hn presentier s <nil fr-cnt, cveiy doubt regard- îng mp ideutity vanished ;,asuri hsvinga accureri my baud lu a grip aontething hoe- tveeu tiih rue of a amitf i':vce sud th. embrace cf a boa-constrictor, Peter teudenlp inquired-WbethoritiL as ntp- self or my--giatl, IL iieing coutrarp tc ovetyr-uic laid devu lu demcnoicgy fer spectres te be seon oun Carile Bridge by dapligbt. I assured CaptsanCallgiaýthat I vas lu tiie flash saLll 6Arraii 1 darling, il par net in s partick. lai hur>', juat alitiiet u initme <o the Carlingford fer five minîutes,-tlii1 sweep a cobvcii ont cf ny thrcat vith a glass ot Guinness. Aud bow ib evesy icii cf yei1 Se ye bave Lb. fin îunsaiiandkerchief ?'- tbeebp maaning nty weunded ara bu s scsrf.-îArrab I vasu't I prend of ye, Ned, viien I hoard ye iiad drilled a bol. iu <bat opalpoon-curse o' God. upon but, <he tgb bf 1 -tiiougi wbich yen could read su ailvortisement in Saunders; Baya 1, 'By ail tbat'a hoantiful 1 I kuev h. vas just the. lad vho wouiri malte a spocu ci spbil The conclusion cf Liais pleasant speech brought us te the duoncof &tite Carî'iugfcrd' s piessant establishmntnuAton'saQuay, viiere (olhm) cysters wee nightly de- molisbed by the ticusaud, aud black epes vert libcrally butercianged. Captain Cal- Iag 'an vas received vith <hait smijiug at- tention, which a valued guit is certain tc comnd; sud before ha had Lime te blasa iimself, a fcaming <aukard cf trebie X vas rlaced in bis bandby the. obseruies pat- 'Garigoon P-Peter itad been s vcek lu Boulogne, sud, cousequent.p, spoke Frencit like a native-I a>, bolteeil 1'awn 1 Do y. kuov ceourneeine, if. <ho gentlemen are haiied ont yet ?' - 'Feaks i' returned <ho 'fait boy' if ashaif vasheti sveep, with eue sitoulder bigbly elevatori aboe .ils feiicw, sud evideutly ah croas-purposes, wae entitled hotetiat en- degnbng cpitbct, Il did net bean, captain.' Ther.- spproain<big more closel>' te bis te- spactad patron, tiinowiug aback look over bus shtouider, aud lowerinè, bis voice te s balf wbisper, <ho pothe>' ad4dr, ,Tere bts beau bioody murder about the leekin'. 1glas 1' 'Wbatlookin'-glass ' luirei Mn. Cal- lagian, with an air of innocence vbicii ipiuuated that bhovas no partieps cri- 'Arnahli 1 <ho glass up-stairi. ylen hoour .drui t<hogbntieman thnough. I took mpý ;oaîh te tiie miathubs, <bat tii. North'min -made amitlcorans cf il vid <the -ongs- suad Lie areatu re vase odriuk, <bat he cau'h deuy I1L They bave been -aftor:hlm rto tirée vatoh-bhoufes-aud vierevert<h.e ,divii h. bas stuck buausaîf, sorseune cf bim é the>' cau make euf.. Ye n ur'B sate. <Ant't Ibetter tô e pe is a bari step- Sfathor 2' '1Trot b,Corne>' >ewel,'returueri the commander, iye'lI gire the sherif trouble >ýscin beartrful moru:ug, andd ie., - likae 1 s7_ý&Bien;: 'viith yonr face h teh .ct. That's for the Guinness--sud >tbero'sa siiing tp ycprsell, for piasteriag the iookbsi egps 'wit <e Northipan Mf wiaittojoin 'thei, g s futie throng, mmbed t tii., fathicablo sud -lesti. IP' ttene, 'unti S" dark-coloui'ed halo- wbichlu icircler bis doîter optie, bsd beeupit-,P Id eut by s very r-bin'g artbat, Wh o, baow.-â- prr, did not b.long tthe . RYsl Acs- r emy. -01' 'Airait IHartjve 'wbispered CapI. saliagham, iu a sotcUd toue that weuld- av ied a bird -off ber neat, ' 'm&Yle F j roulil join fb.he rY$ sud, aifter as sUce of, a tespoleaine, raki le' «binMurtY (brru- Ban'aa oisacuon a Usbut vil bhve a0 1casut evening. cnte, ay ou villi? t br e'1 tbe b cyîs>hîeve- it or glitt col-- _ le ' c ' -'a p s - d t vo - n g i i h g e n tle m e n , n rhcare corn e over, <o fid ont it tbcy eau,p nitat thii ivs tii.malter, whicii makes ' Dan beilow like àabuhl,; abcut jti;ticO for Irelarail._1 B ad lu ck , te fit. inform ation bhey'Ii ho after getting at Donybrook' 1I ,W are lI te teli thle tru 1tb, 1h 1adPeter'pro- .r poued a short ýexcursion te tii. Antipodes, or bndeed-to any place sholrt of Purgatety', I culd ave embraed buimsof sud'tii ofer. Wie, bovever, iie oporaioui on Mr. ODriscolseyoiad beouaccomplisied, and tii. waitor vas desied te parado ýtho - twgs,' I confesa <at, ou the- production1 divrs sillegis vthi ren eriles,' I 1 would bave, bcked ot coud- I have aaged i. But the. Rubicon vas crossed -1 4d tven sàfatal- onset-tbigh .stili I -comfor-ted-inysef vitihihe colist-ý 'on that, Iwasaregularly hm d mma4 1 cld, foti, cnsequnty, he rekoud smoug lteé belligereuts. ,Gir. me- my rbit o(tblacktlierni' said tlb. captain -th te vaitor4, 'sdbring a -drop ch spirits sud ced vater te rinse ouir moutis for lucit bfore vo 'starI;- sud Diékj-aweI1 b. sure yen gelus &ý W fjhf wl 'r-o>I us iikc gentlemen tte ifait.' Ahi Lieseders 'ver. cbeyed - a carniage, vas speedily anucunced té e in lu <vsitiug. Peter Callagitain, asud I mounteri oee ide< f thb. aardredan; the gentleman itii the painted eye sud bis two companics tek theoter;ansuday ve vont.' STo rloaçribe cither au Irish jagutig-cEi,, ci the Fair f Dcuybrcck, woId be i- flicting upon thte eadar s tala ht as beau tod. It ili b. enougla te sa" .t<a the vehicuisi' appointmaents ver. unique, sand tbat,fon oua pasing pacp at the driver, I veriy baieve that George Cruikshank vould cosent to perato for au hour upon the treadilll f ithe Company t;akiug a rovi t, e Brcoi,' it becometii me not th speak-par8/ui-.aud modesy ininifates that 1 sitrud b.- suen. To dlaim any thiug like n equlity itli s group z. distingue as luat wiiic filledl the car 'voud, upon my part, bc overweening ivaityr-aud, I admit hallI looked like s poson vsuting lu proepr spirit! ad vho vcud lip round a corner te avoid s rcw- ile, ou the contrary, -the. very air f îy frinds would ave býeen a suficiet varranty for s police magistrate te ave bounci tant or-r for tiie terni f their naturs lives te kco p tieo eail bis majesty's mubjecta I.d edn, oeueshort ummary be'if '161d, tat four loosr lokng lada nover biffided te 'the Brook'-on' the- outaide ot an Irisht jaunting-car, tiau uapfrieudsansd oving counttrmeil. Ou reachng the. entrauco o the festive sena, v. disnounted froint'tii. bou-st- ter,' as-Mick Dlan terned -bs càrriag., 1Au itinerant mrchaut iiad beo-flied his establishment, sd iChiesp'Jaek' vas'in full swing, impeaing on au admi-.ing arditry thc uccoaity f taking fortune at thc flood, and scuiring the valuable pro-, perty ho was than about te sacefice- . The- affctng circumstauces under which this vatuablo stock vas submittd -te public competiticut' voe fecingly detalil-ed- 1 unitsppy proprietr beiug at, tii. Try, moment 'oufined ilth b=kbi&rt f New- .gte, laid upon s visp of trsv, baud- ,cufed sud doublo.boltd, sud ail for 'tfi v a t f -ready mouy. ' Sltpforvad ldies sud gentlemen,' ccinntiued Vheap Jack, sud t ii tell ye more han Liie cargy ill., Thy say <at tero'i ton 'commadmnets, but l'Il gve p. tisa Il levent -sud, th s's take care f persel- WVOS.' But . o n tvaut <at in daling ,hcouîarby vitbtdie -;'for a tvo-year uld child vould; geL ou 's , veli as bis grand- , fathen..- I nver could ioudm p o vu wth ' t h e i % , o r l d ; ' I va s b r a u a s < c l ,,e a n r b e f o r e - , h abdre trust' me-out, f ber aisih, my leu5, tuat venin ensuie asmaDID L enrte pick out a coliege tan in a rovdl hhoy, <00, vene ail readp prepareri foi r-an, fcr each badl a boultein4 ofhe aciý approvcd proportions, aud a bat vhOS4 upenlor surface bore the intprint of a i-stciuan's poloe, or;viiich tome plaasa4ý geentanbaid set upon for baif su bous il ne Carlbngfcrd. Heaiywvasthoegreet- ing thal passod beven th. uniteci belli,~ gerents; sud, useloas devil as I vas, whoft it vas iu<imated b>' Caphain Callaghau ltaIt I iad roceutly commnîlteci homicide, Ç was, recived vlit a deforential respect by Libe lads'<t venwold more <ban ropay, st an>' tinte,- an arraignanut fer ma- After the iu<rodutcry ceremonal aW -been, duiy peifornted,woeutered the ori- fice cf Murtp'fscaverai, wbicii o cmn aide, vas hiukocd by a barrel of beer, wM on lh. otherby tWo,,huge ircu pots, as- pended,iu gipsy fabionfront atroug atalsa sotrb inte ground -sud unîted aI lue top. 'Tii. greatercanldron vas surcbargod vita pofatees, tle bserwith inutten epUôps, sud bti veto undor the. direction of 4 femalo cuinierd. ,>Titis Leoncora c f Muci Island, vioe servires badl béen placed lan requisîticu for tii. fait,vasea atout Anis- zou v'itit baie, legs sud ted arma. Prp- vidod'vitit a-formidable ion mmpeup4, wvien s 8polr4ne vas reite£4 -11 customon, site struck hon trin à cet- b-p, sud iandod il en a plate, bold for <bat purpose, by a living sarew,1 alld 1 aiton. As site vas couantly on -dnty, th. day bot, aud bu front -andrear expce <oascouple of fites, vitici vonld have cocked a canuubal viole vititout reqîr-,ý iug bis being quai<eîed andi joiuled, repente visita ho lue adjacent beer barrel vwere excusable. -Tun'ber, nature baitai - tesson te complib -tit art badi bjureri iier proportions ; sud, badl Tomi Mo«rf benoureil <he retauratetlf francoisoloi Tinbty Cquiege v ithO bis prescuce, lie vonîri bave andnt ted latunuliko bis 'Lesbia of tlhe besmiug epe,' Bull>' Dei- ovan vas net overlace&l *Agl c-a- coof koiiad mutton. t Ad rm cf liskey, o. 7Boulteie-Ailie, a cadgei. (To b. concuîndoeixt wck.ý Eauk e frpriu.-It io tbld of s. weli.' kncvu Amtsricsu mapageut, <bat oi a receut trip-ho was aisîleari y ighw " robuera, who demanciori is moaiey. Being moreo prudent than te carry monoy in t1% counutry, tiey failel in makin.g sla p ,But,' nid ont Yankee, 61 have -sente splendid maps cf ithe country along witb' dit*, which I wcuid like te show yoa ; 3»4 li atwbuklbng hawas offis horsp, h5d resuntor bis jourae The gbcah cf Lil peared totwoIepn He couversed i il t a luarannar sa nid P. .p YEOMAN cmsoiq. Agenty Whitby

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