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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1869, p. 2

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tb glu dicr o/tA. Jf7igbp Ckroniclo. Au the day for votila epo the i. 10,00 Rslvsay Il -Law_ bs apps'oaiehlng(thb.e5M5day of Au. gtproxImo, bolng îLe - day Ohed,) 1tîvîlIne <so mamîsa, for tise rateoason te gle thia Important mattor a fullIand tborcugis latestlgatlon,,betore voling upen lt,-Iavolving, as It does, aý, large ammcmit cf mossy, for a' very questionable pur- poser. I lo, thereloro, my intention, to slmply place my ownva vewa on thîs im- portant matter talrly bîfere tise ratcpuy- mr. In hietlIrat-place thon lot us' on- qull',-would a Railway prove bcneficiui $9 tIseleva as a visole?1 I veuld answcr that lt;voulu depend greutly upon tise route.,taken, ad the terminaation eft1h. lino. For Instanco, a lino ronaing tilusu tise Connity, ftom Port Whltby to the Georgian Bay, would, I thlnk.ýprovo boas. fIclalto us as, a corperation,r ansi veulsi Jnatity us Inaldlng tise construction ofthle siai e oa considorablo citent, Inasmucis sil vewulsi centralise tise viele tradte of the county" here, and thereby make Whltby the outlet, tise rusult of visicis wolds ti ncroaa.our population, en. Lhance tise value of rosi octate, andi rés- uonably gîte a grcmt impelus te thse troeof ttise place. Scoooadly, voulti a short liaoeofsLilway, rssntIng train Port Whitby te Port Porry, be. f eqial îimpor- tance to us as £ corporation 1 I think not. On'tb.e tb2r bsand, it wes.Id ratiier detract Ireai us, as the trade of'tlîe nortis. ern and contre pertions of the connty would tlison contre uL Part Pers'y, and frein thora simpiy pansa by un, tlseroby deprlving us eft lit greatcr portion of ithe trade-bereotore enjoyed bainm Use .sec- tilons. 1< veulsi coaseqnoently by unwise -ftes tss corpôration 10 aid te any calent tb. censtruction ef a lino et Railwuy to Pert Perry. '[rue, lise lricnds oethtie litter-aciscme, argue tisaI it is net Iboir intention te stop at Port Perry, but te continue tiseline te Beaverlon or ovon te tise waters of Lake Huron.Buit lit usi here pauso, ansd' take lie oce'ssidcration1 thbOcte csa to be encouintencil, as lisey ore almosl, If siet altogetisor, lasurmount. able. We bave now la couroe ot con- struciiou tise extension efthtie Port Ilope ssd Ilndsay Ralîvay to Beaverton (vush very fair prespecte et has being continuodl on te l.the ougian Bay) tovards thse con. otructIon etfvisici tise tovnsisafeTiserais lu iasded to tise extoat et $50,000. Thon w# bîve tise Toroato ansi Nipiuiag Rail- w!a stiled tact ; tovarde tise coastrue. Mion a69viicis, the tovnships of Uxbridge and Brook have Lava givea respecthveiy #50,000,, these ainounts are large ansi liSerI, ansi go te show thse detersainatlon, ef- Ihe munîcipalîties to have thie veals ut. Nov, tise.vary munieipali. lIps, wiso have glven ao libarnlly to tise- Port iiop0 and lndsay and thse Toronto and Nipiïssin g reads, ve are toisi by tisa prbmoters efthtie Port Perry andi Port W lstby Company, vili aise aid in build- igtise extension (rom' Port Perry te lise nortiscra part efthtie county. Such a supposition, la thse face ofthtie above fact lassimply propostous, for those mu"nicipalities vi Ilnet ai site any extent thse extension (rom Port t'crry nortîs, hsasgray cemmitted tisemseîves te lise etisur rnd by givia; large bonsues, thce succesa et tise ronds are te Ibem a'ý matter et primary importance. Theoeore, ail hope et pecuniary nid freai tîsoe municipaities musai be abandonesi. Mhre ilhon are th mitonna to conte I rom. le think et a ssifllioat amount 'of private stock biola btainesi, gapy $800,000, as tisis amount weulsi bo requiresi for tise extension, la eut et question, as tcv, If ansy, capitaligsa ilI -bc founsi te Invost il aRilw #y steckç wlthesut tise aId et municipal bonus. Il la therotforo quit, la ie rond wilI mot, nor contnot, Se oteaêpd ibrhougîs thse eepnty, aud tise very advocy et It undor tisos* clroumstancesa la usp oiu&iy selfiais on tise part efthlie prosnoler .-Tise reul question aev betore tise ratepayers la, wili va, ln addition 10 the aurnunt $50,000 already votesi, asi t esr *10,000 lan mouS toi Suli a Llay te Port Perry ? If se, va simnply pursue -a course tisaI vili resait suicidilite pur boit interesi, for wev not only lonsi our cotintenance le a a .sciseme thaI wili coatract ansi Injure out logitimate trade, but wc lisrew away ti*se asa of $0000, lanisard cashf, ns It IlilI cout lisp ovna ts mount vils tise internat -adddd. Il vill lacre-ase Our taxsa bout 07 per cent tisa for Cicr y 'dollar et taxes you paisi fust yosau vil -b. compellosi le pa1 $151 ferrlthenexl 20 y.iro. We should, sinder ibis circuin- tactaisea dedIgesAi aani s ainsI lite aI; ansoi dsr tise ctations Ar, k, eorinobng sPACO, lt'wlIl be iswn,<o piacM'hie ."ove,, vi,"lu prini.~di Ïsaîdo ih.yamcaui I.? uth. 4rsI li.., biciieyrs h&. o,. folaIl to the tovcsaea Wb ole TP by i he05 e.lcni-4a .line-.running fbrough -Abe OOUt7 troua Whithy tb georgiac Eey, twuld, 1I hPiJk, proe b.mqflcal tous as a corporation am do ijustify neUs 1 aiding in thi construcétionofiie sanie a cmoîderabk, trient' inàimuck. as <t woud centralize U.e who1kk trade 'Of 11. countp here, ansit ierebi, make WhMtbj the. outietthe resm*t of wict ud bel Io enorease our popula#fbà, en1ane te value of real eiate, andi reaaonabIý gin. a great impetusio the trade.11 This le adagitting tise viole cas. Th!@s Las aiwaya been bise argument of RAilVAy men. Bat, mala Mr. IMemillan, "eeeendly- Woaid nAsoi %a fremý-Wisltby teý Port <inise Dot. but flitiî vealt, on t-La cou. trary, as Se Las I"detractfrou us",anud centre the rade cf iL. nortisera aud Central portions cf lise eeanly at Port Ferry. TSis la ahen fallaoy. No dcnbt, -th. trade anud bueu o f Fort Perey would be greatly tmpreved. And se»isehoald tise trade sud baoileui of tSe lowa cf Wbitbi b. properîlonaily asivancesi. Trais,î liko' a ranning straittl elu InIts - ntuci'ai oChannel tn find au -ontlet. Thénatuela outiet for ibe traite cf ibiscooaaty isn - deisiuably.tise leva of Wiîby - tise Railvay tLe Cisannel sao holp devolope t ai tda. certainiy wvolds seeai kaaîfiempting 1W muirc vator rua op blltu eay îLm tise tradof ethtie ceanîy wvodisilhcentre at Font Ferry. Tise latotevu voalsi b.h a large gainer by the construction et a rmtiwla; &e wonid Wliîby, asd lu a greaten dogmea, sa lise naturel onîlet, ansitise headquartors et tise lins, vhere the verishissumd pria- ciplill offie ttisa Comlpany voulsi seese- uanly e pae.. l:Wbsbyciao-a i arg. portion of Ibo expeudiuure of ton'Ueton anti maintenance et theo lne voultihLe mmd. ansi vouitigo con fronttheisecluat tisa firiss etoftise reatiwuas InussI.1if.Dne toc mach te assent <bat îLe monoauaeoe Wiiby wvolti nmas mm rcii dcrlu-gtise constrncticn cf tise roasi, rom tisa impetns- it vonisi giva to rade, as veuisi pal any- ot thoir taxes for more tsan tise 20 years tise debonînres venisi Lave te ru. The Port Ferry argument, hoeveor, la cnly a make.belleve, Tise promelers cfl tise Railvay nover intenddti iaItishe liao aboIsasistep at Port Ferry* itlu bat the firet linS la tise Chain to reacis tisipeint. Tisat once accempliiset Laifthtie batis lu vono and tise continuationuoethîe lina te Beaverton ansi tLe shores of lake Huron, as certain te follov as tisai grass grovu or vater ras. Port Ferry once reaciesi, and tisera vonisi be losu dffisnlty, ve vn- ture te say, lu procaria; tise neceasat capital for the cempletien cf theo reminder efth îlino thauntise Railvay direetors cx.v periencetisla obsainia; tise <mt bonne, or lni preenring gIL.finit stock subscripiion. Tise be once brckeu and tise teasibility asd airatages efthtie WhLby line cicr ail others mut Le snfficîenîly apparent# ne0 enly te convince tise meut deabtia;, bai to Invite <Le aId et capital, se temptfng viilSeclise prespecte cf extondesi and profitobie raturas. Wiiby bu ail tLé adlrantages et geegrapisicai po- sition - ahortneu, aàaosd conseqaunly esess cf rente. A glace at îLe map vili prove tis.u, t bLasheLa ongoat eet ocf ater Communication for the. aonveyaee o!Iambe r,.&o., vilS tise short. est lice and 'foeo attslof ralvway traval from tise toriL ansi interior of the sur- rouading coutry 1tisthfront ou Lake Ontario; (Jompared, itîtisels.Fore ope lina, tise resait ln tarer of Wisithy vouisi be as <coya ws -Dstance (rom Port Hoe teBeavartea, 75 mile; distance (rom WitLy linBeatarton, 46 umilee1 or 80 mile Qf sisortondistance lu (pvr ofethe WLltby route. Prom LUndsay te Port -Sope, tisa distane isby rail le 45 miles, vhile by IL. shenter ropte freai -Pori- Ferry'to, Whltby, tLs distuo anc 5barly 20 iei tor tise (ompancti vilS thé Nipleelas;ronia,- tha tPot o111Y'adiuaim ula avor of the Wiiby liaseare thut tis alpi enta cf oqo%111,, apparent. TW edistance fron tblI Rail- Tornto 10 tlzb<odge '0id 40 mil" ; trousp th A ilasY V;Lrlsge 10WL$b* ay$bout 20 miles, Ing tiîrec- en torpriseo ene.ialf îLSb@ taps. roqs !h.re réal ultate teWhitiy linos voult intenseet Usa 0 ýlo 'w Nipisslu; line, ai or near Joues' Cornors,ý e of mtie ln Brocis.where it lu proposeod 10 ereet a jisyeuiag station on tLe. Nbplang,'I%ô distance teO ni ç is sTorg»to vegiti bueÇO miles ; te WLltby vpno not >; on theisacniya&bout 80 miles, [ftbohlon 0,0e3 tissai'rentes vitb heï5cmlargpr ezpendlturo <or la are mess ut to 8 PConstructien aund uainsonotep. "0e aiioes;.- Ufid 4üp a banll ilLr çg oisafsst.4 t apti pu- vara marca or prcgress, adt flor tory existence salké, grapple vith ecroula44, îLey îhroa'en an& effrocud us. Toc long alrea dl have ve no'glected our cpporianlty ; Loo logbave cnr quarr@14 and disputa vus Ont anothe o b ute ie aîiston cf oalr boat- sopes, ami aow Usat tbeyar# once more place4 vlthli' "Our reaci lot uns ot *gain miesaIL.e goldep oppor- tonnhty. la tant and trotb the position le, nov or nerton radvaràIwy torth. W. entertain no donbt visilever cf-1Mr. lMe- Milla'$ siaconît,, or cf the pnrhty of li motivez in oppoaing tLe rai lvay by law. But it uit be remombord Ihat 1Mr. No- Millau le not à, îhorongb blover la rail- vals, 4ad Le noyer beau a virm, raiival man 80 fars tLe lova ofWhitby 15 con- cerned. H. 1act0 ve arte prop&me4 1o bolelot ,copsoienîloualy la ail be &ay@suad dosl inbis&malter. Aisid 50 vers otbora of Our tovnamen vho acted just as ho doua nov la yoana Put. Bai vbat !e Most remarisable lte . act that, 1k. 1Mr. Mc- Millau$ ail those onoat coasoleutions geatimmen, juil camé for*&A -Atilhée rll- cal mocas b throw cold watur on tue projet, vison tise constrnctionuorethéL railitay va. noaresî vitisin Our ret.oh. Lot ci net, wuvoweveaipiialiiyadvlua5 permiti ,our aerges te Leé vuted, anti our efforte dirorted (rom the pegrepurpoue lu visa. Tisis l ths rock on viiaise bave spiit lu lise put, Tise". Who aiouldti ontisenIct, andi apou Wvise.assistance thore vas rson tb rqly, vere, etfail others, îLe-mon vWho, viie premisin; fairly, insidiensly sove o ts ou etofdistruet, ansi vere lise ciiateauseofetburing Wisitiy in tise ba- miliasing position corsean coccuples te- day. Our tovusaien, inoteuti ef vorkia; tegosiser, Lave beau as a bonse dividesl agas itlpf. Ih le lima tiLle tats of Ilinge ver* -put an sud te ; ansitisora le but tise cns rsusaining cisaucot dolng so-vrotia; for, and paimn;lthe$10,000 y-iav. Tise, very rouoscuegiron. by tLs oppousutu ot tise by a-Itat tisa Port Hope roai l bc bailît tbBeaairtou ansi LaiseHuron, andsi tisihe Nipissin; lias le a satîlesi tact and yull ont oi' our trm4e andi huines- are tbose tsisld tîiincite as aIl the mcre te greazar ations. To Le tauntei vitS tise vint cf means- lu nc safloient argu- ment. isoea leabondance eofaicans se accomplistise andtinlaviev if wvo Osty stand sogotiser. Wisre there la a vilii iisere's avay. ILotuasmaS. a Lginning; show tise.inchiceti te Lelp pi, an4 Whou@ istoreat it iu te do -se, tisai vo are able anti villis; te de car-part Sy censtracting tise railvay te Fort Ferry, la tise firat instance, ansi tiser. viiiLe capital enouigb fotenh- ooming te continue tise liao te Ita compie- tien. But visile ve stand StÛR ansi do netiia;but iinnigo lun curping ansi fanît. fanding, vsas enu wa expect f1 Itle net correct et Mr. MoMillan t0 Blute nov tisai tise $509000 beons giron hy tise lova"'vas neyer intendedto tbSiilti a lino of railvay te Port Ferry," Lbut thai it vu intentiet te aid lu "bnuilduqg a railvay trous Fort Wiiby via Port Ferry te seme peint on Lak. Siaio." The wvcndteormu cf tise charter, ansi <Le by.uv iai opto- tradietthîe statemeal. Wu are mîloniahesi le <md Mr. MoMillan mukia; sacb au assertion in 15e face et tisa veil Snovn facls. The lamentation over 'viat tise tevn vili Laie te puy, ansi bey mach certain individuels yl Lebubenofitesi is tise elt bugaboo cry. il enceoedt before la frigieîning #cs atimiti piople anti le brongisi lu te do liSe mecieroa seervice again. No sensible Râilvay maviii gira lsead le i, aPt tise vouS anti vucillatin; vise do so wili lire te regret it, ansi iseater feelshaémet of tSeir foîly. Tise tovu of WhitLy Lu gene teo er 0ti rav bacS nov (romi tiie'Raiivay suiterprisa. Tise1 future prouperity of this lova, vo asasi- tatlngly deelare; dependa open ila sacces of the prosant BAilmy 'siieme. And asà the, sMUnes of tLe achame itteolf nov igéss 0pontii.ppasseetoftise Ly-lav, ILs ,mbuaWho taisep a stap4 19oppesin; le Lua a Ineanrdons rapenibill eaee fcr la the caisequencos. *FIrÀLAcOMDssv....AManameti CLali 40o4a lint4e employaient cf 1Mr Legan, 4àîs ahtsro Piceoring,vas baidîy crashai vilo susing la raisligàaba'-'ng 1n tb#Wrsdy lut* uaneoftheisp "Sete" ftoit bao ins *s4 prusig ia; iisrly a crois- tise siienitioneansd i oge;snobs cheg serions injuries sai Leu died in about sa t heur a(ter Ib. aient, Hé vas a puilvei cf Devonshsire, Bagianti, andi Lad beeaula 1f. ,gan's employmeaî cnly about.si apcimon odeîoog.vhr d Durham. Thse colt lea a ia. santire e&4I1i'g Olymedl.,briistbaT~kbblaek'pointe, large boisolîl e ment, sud the maki g or Sa ploudid ï<. H i brEd by 7fro. Hope, ýof tii. Lecîoty tarta, Ar- kalby, Cumberland, rad is named 4Border The sheep are alîpare Cotswelds, neanrl aI à obearlinige, anf rom ithe goutteof Meurs.. Tombe 4 Colos, of Cirncister, Glenestershure. Twoo f -Use Reins ausd. il; of thse oveé w. by the celsbratod 20b; elnma ram cf 1Mr. Tombe, chiais bok,îLe firit pris. at île #oyal Agriculturai meet- ing, hold laet par at Loiccuter. la ad*. dition 10 ihe aboie, Mr. Hope bronght oet avalcableihopberd dog wbicb he prie highly, a apair of dorltingosumd gama fovi. la Lad ac la charge Nierai head of cattie aud soep bolonging le 1Mr. CochrainoftCompton, sud Mr. Whiîney, which, yuL on.e zception-loae cêa obofp -h. l'rought over safoly. Trot# Ws Lave, porticalurs et a trot betvuaeu these (yol to b.) famoas Oshaaa nge, vhicb aswqia5pd Ibo natives et our neigis. borts8 to, on MonaI ast. -, "Cear Dale" vau diran by Mfr. James Covan, anti "Soda Water"' by Mr. Âtkinscn. Theo latteramatie peer lime, evitiently f<nm tLe vant et a little more spirite. Tise Cedan vas doclaredthelis. iner- in tvo straight bes, tLe prize Seing a finely meuntesi wfsip sp.clalilimported i fomPmrb sy bar tovsuiaupa Mr. Wm. Tlsoapien. 1Mr. 'B. Caruveli, va are latormeti, acted as mo- pire anti Seule Lodo r. SOx: SosamiT Lxr'n Yu.-Last sais vw aicuerlti a notice fer tha ovasir et a sune of moaey vhiubisl a eufo1d by 'teviasmn. Tiseavoir, Mr. Wd.-Bailey, ' cf Antiley, matie liis appearaac{ tise day aften publication, gave a propar t4scriptieu et iLs lest monley, antilit wu iudlaetell Landeti over teaLii by lise fispier, Mn. Loren Brovn. Tise amanat va420. 1< vas feanti lu tise middlie cf tise réad near Quxux's (JoLuuQz EsNcWssgx.-Tise trienda eft id bisotdin the -Tovn ansi aeigisbourisod Lave alreadyeoutribated about $550. lu ia expoc<ed <bat vison al Suie iseau culîssi pon whe ara likoîy te-- aid, tise ameunaI 'iii Le $750. FBaCNÂ.-Hn.M. C. Cameren,t Previncial Socretary, arnivesi la WSitLyi On SaîardaY, ansi remuines i atevn even Sonday, ltae gueet et Mr. H. J. Macdoaoll. CaîCKZn.-Tha retarn matois (treailui yean,) la te Se playesi te-day (Tisaraday,)( iseca IlstheCobourg antiWiitby clubs..î Wickets teale pitcheti u thue Agicultural greundu, udjoinin tiseTlev a lal, aI t'en o'clook. Aut;. çcC.O'Vea.-A sample meaunrin; more tisan fivc foot in lengtb, greva byF Mr. B. If. Thomms, etfl4rooklin, Lu been loft ut tisis office. B4aLIs.-A splendid &umpleofetsix.f rovesi barley vuSh a flac tull grain, ripeE andi fit fortisa siekle, greva by Mn. Wm.8 Stlephensen, tis hcon., bas beu et ut carf office. It le about the Lait vo remeaibor soeiseg 5eofora sutin; previoui years. LÂcuioses. -A MATOU -WIrn 'ras IXDIANS FaLosoam.-We untierutand.ti ta stops have iiaep talçcn tevardu gotipg tise Indaas te play ai Whitby vit ,oqp club,-.» anti tist a matchisie'likely te1, cl7 about tise l3tis etAugnet. l tshso<e- intention, vo balite, ta get op a 'raalitin 0 tseMayor le procllai tLe asaul annuel Lolidel abeut tisai lima. conuinuation et Mn. Joisa Skionnertsebeap sale of dry goed ti qt9Iig.4 0onvutuntarier nedactioén of pli' ">'à hon% Wanoreoeu of )£aura, Lovésà%Powefl"'l perOUi a &iO#t'aitrac.ive. andticluii d.08p-. peanance tortLe -ladies. ~'sexrutDsAru.Oathé SotS ef Mait ÉSomier-Mauer Reine st nt u fne, Tisae, aloi; vus Use Wqrkusan's Impro!emeut Socebey, anti amcad@d te the uoàsinappetin ILhe rtz àMouuiiue,- r rida;g. tlsre hg pleeti Iiaiof pon tie no ealloti Tenfelaiausneî, jusi oan tLe gdg. cOfI ffighîful srocinfice.'and h .-... ýO*r excursloniste luft fosr Charlotte by, tLe Norfeman,, en Monday atternoon, sud appeor to haie Wad aytbing but ,aàplea- saut lime of h croeping the. laite, The vesh.r wvasteîrmy, and most ci tiiose on board-<voro coaipleîely prostrated« by ses- siekeeson Le assge.As Rechuter,4 tLe Major and CoadliLa hd Carniages in vaiting for. their Canadien, visiters, vse vore dnivsa ont to see tLe olobrated'nnfr- se17 of Bllwanger and Barîy, alsooth. -Mouant Hée Coeiery, snd the nnreery et 'Froat j (Co., et vhich latter place le tise vendertul enturplant, nov buidding and expectod soon se blosom, sud wvichis i aittraoîing Lsec letr rmaIl quart., About oigbt oeclock Thnrsday morniag the cars voes tison for Syracuse, and, short. Iy 'after tvrelvé 3Le maititudinone chimasys aud týeso arep Oter rerpe or %e hoallov box voilé nsod for tolir evaporation of sait brin., came lu sight. Iu making sait by Loiling vood vas Coraii nyaed, but nov <'salinu,"'as îL., aire called, are tise pro. perty cf the Suite.' The States Goveu- meont sinki tise ville, pumpe op thse brine, aàd dsli,e"ros'it fronmthé ,pampa ta thé varions Conspania. enasged in the mau- racipre, Who pu y for a&R tSit the meroly nominal reni er prices ofhait a cent pur bislsel. «Speakiug troai memery, 1beliave tbe 15tato Qovornaient ba sospething like six, millions et doll 1ars invents luintise businoei bast lie Onoudaga sit t.rritory, v*ths tisevalls, Conld net Le pqrobne o fixtaen millions, or tpr sixîy millions cuLher. Tiss.Who profes to know say tisai as yet Only 940 ofthIe edges etfithe great salit de- pos bas been toacheïl, sud thsai tp tise sonîisvard of tLe city lie& a tut sqpply vlsic in l practically inexisaustible. Syra- cpsenumber soe 45,000 inbabitants, and' lu a fine leeking uity, ,ith l'pany plu4 buildings. Oswego le describd si a stirring sud ambitions listle city, of about 25,000 iu. habitants. Tise Ouvego mou are doscriised asiaving a keen oye tevarde certain -cons îag changes in tise coursefetiade, ibichi îthoy expeot se ouequ.ncs ofefforte nov malking by Boston aud Portland, aIse cf tLe direct.nsilway lino te Nev York cil. 1Mr. LittlejoLa is thse great apeatle oftéade bc. twoen the But and thse West, aud bis ides la transportation by vater, going through a Canadien canal yet te Le bulît, te itse vestern eztremity et Laise Saperier, thence by rail acroa tise continent. Thse party wu s sisen îirongh Kingi. ford'a starcs vers, de4cribed setise lar- geat la America, and otiser sigisia. But the banquet and haltilantise eveaing vere tis, grand events cf tise visit. BoUs tisese are described as eomcîising murpaesing nny. tising aud evcryîhiag oet hc kind ever bo- -fora vitnessed. go impreased was Our confrer.eofthlie Times witis tise Lartinsas ot tise reception tisai b. can scarcely non>- tain isimmeit, and leta off atter tise fellow. in; enraptnred style. "But nov "music arome vuitis volnp- tuons swell,"90and tise baillvas oened. Tise represontasives ofettis <o counîries stood aide b7 aide andi moved gructully te Lise inspiration etftthe ail povertut charme ot music. As e st andi waîched tise gracafal evelations ofthlie dancers, Our memory curried n back te other day., shen, la thse flash etmanisoofi ansd.-viger, we voald eetee;n it0p pe ofthtie provniag glories et our lire to participato as anceto tise dr4rnaispereno in .a suons like tise present."1 Atter assuring isarecders ts i "b.la- Qavogo front tise cr*va et bis hcadlotis. solos et bis teety,Le vuasns Iareused rrom hie plesant roveriee by tise a- seancement tist tise boat voe about te etart,'9 Our gooti natureti varm ieorted fflend .concîndea tisaly - "And au ve alovly steameti dovn tise river ve feit tisi 'va Lad enjoycd tisa Lappiest day 'ot our lite, asd laid oarselvoe4dova se ruet, vitb cur Leartu filled <ail te lise btia with gra. titude, triendship, and good-wiii tevarde svery ma. vomn an ~d-ohild in Oavego.si pair -of. Yreàceh boot fronts on îLe'day» bofore, .hicb he (Lynes> rerased 10 boy. ~Mary Brady oworn, ësud <bat the pris.. oxsr bwrded aud Jçs4ged with ber and ber ftier, tst Lis babits vero rogalar ; tisat Lo vwu home and la b.d about, halt.past ton on Friday aigbî, and tisat he did'net- getnopountil a ttor six-until long alter th. bell jrang on Saturday 'mornicg. Plor vas, committed for trial, Con4rMaion at 5t. Wilrrid's GChuroh, Dallas' ,Creek. 'On Thoruday# poil 108thîe sacrament cf Confirmation was adminisîered in 'tise aboie charch: by -his Lordship, Dr. Lynch, Bishop of Toronto, to aboqt Dninoty child- ro.Dariig the tiree provionu dayé tise cisildren voro in attendanco aItishe church in, Deffins Creek and -Hlghland Creois, and reccived appropriase instructions frons the Roy. pastor,, who wau efliciently aisioted by Rev. 1. 3. Morris, P. P., Thorni Il and Pather Kilcullen, C. C.y, Brook. On the day o~f Confirm ation, thseohilîdron presont.. .4 a beantital und toaching spectacle, espocially the' Young girls, Whso were al- most ozclusirely dresscd in wvie itevh lIeng #owing tell4 surmonled witis crowne of lov.ly interworen llowers. On arriving- la the oharob, his Lorduhip immediately 'comaienced t10 interrogaîcte he îldren, bis-questions being cbielly confinec i e Catisolie chusrcis and her sacraments. Tise questions, many of visicis vere rasSir difficule, forchilciren, vers ge...rail, anserc viS aîisuoîry rompînessanad agoaraoy. lis Lordships re.nsrks tertuin. ated, Righ Maussusng by Reot. Falber Hayden, passer ot Dufube' Creek. Thse members of tLe Osha*a choir were preseni, and under tise g9iclançe et Miss Zate Wall vise presidcd nt the harmeniums, sang wiîh excellent effeci. eau over, and the cbild. ren (maay oet <Itm far the jirst lime) hai. ing approêchec tise blesed 'Racrament, his t.ordsisip proceedeà IQ administer th. sacrament of confirmation, nsaking before and after rcmarks suitablo e te solemn occasion. Thse entire cereaiony was pan,. dnotfi in a very religions and iighly editying mnnner, and muet have lofta 1asting impression on the large congregaà tien prosent, many eofvisoxu boloesgd tg ethor ýdsneminaios.-Com. Thse Newv Vagrati Act. The folleving aro the provisions ef the Vagrani Act pused lut sesision. It wuli Se teand aattil te Magistrutea and ti oSos net Lutin; a cepy et tise mîatutos., "11clr Majcaty isy andth thlie udvicu ansi consent et tîse Sonateanifusceto Commons et Canada, casets as tollowva: 1. AIl idie pensonsavise, net baving visible menas et mainînainngtisemselvces, live wiiisnui empioy mînt-ll pensons vise biscig aLle a t vrS nd tti leby on by otisen moins abie ta mssiataiii tiscaselves andi familles,'wilfuliy refsuse or ne-loot to de se,-al pensons opeiIy expessa; or ex- Isibitin- ilany street, rend, public place or sigisvay aay ladecont exhibition, or oenly er indouoatly expesin; tisir pen- sons,-ali pensons vise, iithout a certifi- cite signosi, vithin six menths, by a pricat, clergyman an minister efthtie gospel, or tve justices efthtie penc retiiding in tise municipaliiy visene tise naitsare Loin; akosi, tisat he or ase is a deservuin;oabject ot cisarity, ivander abeut anti ho;, or vise go about tram, dean te dean, on place litnt soelves la tise strecîs, Siisvusya, passages, on public places le be; on nocoivo nînts,- ail persona loitening in tise stroats or isigis. ways ansi obsînuetin; puceengers b_î standing ocnose tise foot pathsor is nsa insuitia; nguago, er ln any eihcr vay, Qn teariçu; dowa on deficin siga, break- la; windowso, breskiag dooru or deor plates, on tise valu 1.ot b ouses, neade or gardons, dosirey 'a;n feuscos, causin; a dis- turbance l intestsrcets onrisiglsvays Ly' acreinsin;, poaring or'siagiltg, on belig dnunk, or Isupedimi; on incomsnotiiagpeace. able passeagcs,-ail contpon prosatits, ornaigist valSons veandernnin tho s #elds, puîblic sinecis, onrisighwayp,'laneWer pinces Ot public meeting, er gathisnga otPeopo, nol givin; a s;atistactory AcecouaI of tisen- seivoaq,-,al koopora etbavdy bouses'anti Sanses of il-tante.ornssa rtiserosent et progtittes, andi persans n theo habit ot trequcatia; suais bouses, net givia; n sat- isfaciory accouai t oftiscrslves, -ail pen- sons vise have ne peaceabie profession or calla; tea maintain tiesetcvee, b>', but vise do for tise nost.part'support' thoia. selves by gamin; or'crime -or b> tise avmilo of pnostiuufqn,-isnhi ha deomesi vagrnats, leese, idie antiSorderly pompons, witiin ,tise moaning ett ibs Adê, antiissîli upon conviction bettre an>' slipondiary on Police magiatrate, asayor or vartien, or aay tira ,ustices cf tise pence, bc deemeti guiîly of misdespemnor, anidbc, pnisbhp 4 a- pr ànmn anrny gaslo r' p1aSti econ- tfimnt othetthan tise penitentiany, ton a terai .nettcxcecdiag »- iomethe bsanti wits or vithont isard lnbor, p. by a, flac. net orceetiink <mfty dollars, or Ly Lotis, sucS fiemti b'ertit1ing,ýn tise diacrétion cf tbe- convioting- magittrite or justices, - " 1, - l- , - - ' , - r - *2. Aaystipnimn:'opolie magistrate, àsayor-ý'îvarnd, o . is4<vo Jnusces ýofthis Arcbttabep of iix made a specliai t5 tpOttavalte intercede for ii. Piote aiae aimo beon preîentptifer soeeof titp cuber pl'tser Wvitis reapecitaeail, tise. hnan prison, ors oxcepi Maliaitn, thse uadersigned wouiti consider it allogother inativisable ho cntertain faverabiy sny aucis applications, fer tise present ut laI. Tise Fenian organszatlen ln tise Unitedi Siatos, visiciscauseds o grent a, imof o lite and preperty la 1866, mcliiexists ln full activity-; its leaders still proelqitn, tisoir inten tion eft uttaking Vanau4u, nd tise Dominion. is put tu cenaiderable expenge la preparatieus to yard off lisese Ibrealenesi attacka. Until thua bedy is fcnunally ansi finaîy dissolvesi, ansi-cosases te Ibreatea thespeace et our bordera, il vould bu obvieualy impreper te add te tiscir punibera by' ro- loais; mon vise vouisiin ail, prusbubilily reoin tise Fenianý bddy, anti Se treatcti as martyWs vise hadsi ufferes inlatisir cause. Tise case et MoMaisen, ir liseif, preseata no reileemia; foaturos, ansi, jusigesi on ils eva monits, tisero vculd Sbe no-reuea for ozteading te hlm uny exercliecf tise ll>i! ruer n Dtthe. untoruignet iga et pinioni, tia lwosiktbe vise te uakebts an excoplional Ca c'for tIve yoses- i. lat. Tisat tiser. vere ivo cltergymien triesi for tise sumne effence-one a (Jatise, tise etisr a Protestant Tisefermer vas feuasi guilty, and tise luttor acquitiesi. Whila the, evidenco againat -Lssmsden sisovedsi cone favorable features visicis migisi warrant an' acquittai by tise jury, enougis vas prevideui àgaiast hliegsuaily te support a verdict for tise Crovn. ,, If ilet aly a .majôtrity oethtie jurera,ý in botS cases, ver. Protestants;- andtihie uadersigned Iselieves tisaitho4re l aha impressien, howvrr ili teundesi, among the co-religienista ef Mellahon- ssii evon isanded justice vas net atiinisitiin tisese tva cases, andi a "ood deai et irrita. tien bas beca cagenderesi iisreby. e- Nov itlai important net enly that impartial justice sisoulsi be adsninisterosi ia fact, but tisai the. country aboulsi [eul ansi beliove that it bas been se ailminisi tered, ansi it is oapeciuliy acivisable tisat any cenlrîry impression abeulti b. ne' moye tram tise miauleet tise Irius h ornsn Cntiselica la Canada. Tise second ansi principal renson, bovever, la tisat bier Majcsty'c Qelverament anti Canada ove a debt et gratitude le tise visele lod7 ofet ip Rousan Cathollo cies'gy in Canada. They vere -unwearesedin atieir- exortions la tise cause et ioyiity ni goosi erder tisey sparedi ne ineans te prevent thse spreasi et the lFenlia erginizatien tisreugi tise Provinces, andçiti is duoe-to their la. fluenue apsi eriortatiQna t4at tise netarious coaspiracyindn Sut Utile hcadvay amongst ut.. As. a mark efthtie approciation of tise Goveramont et their'neble cfTorts, ansinl ersier toecitishe strongly expresscd wishes ot thu CanaanBisisopa, 'ansi et tlhe sistingsqiaiscsiprelale, tise:Arohbisisep et Hlalifax, as wel ns for tise reason larst assignecl, tise unsiersigncd bas tise bonor te reconsmensifthat tise remnindpr ofthlie sentence efthtie prisonor ise rottesi, ansi tisa ie o sdisuisargosi»,'froni cânfinement. AIl et wisicls is rcspoctfuuy nuismittesi. (Signosi)' JOHN A. MACDONALD. Pickcninç Township Coancil. Satunday-, July 17, 1809.' Tise Pickering Council met punsant te nâjouirncnt. Ilom bers al presenL Minu. tes et at meeting; rend ati approvçd. Peiiessa: et J. Mentgomery, praysng ton reduction ot taxes on lots la tise vil. lageofe Luesi pool ; ot Johnà Parkcr anti othens, fon a grant et mane>' te impreve tise base lino front lots 144te 18 inclusive ; of"Jesn lParker anti othens ton nid le widev Cbapman, prefSnted iy Mn. laigisI. The Reove rend1# communicatieni frein tise cicrk et Scarbeno,' in rpfercace te ap- propriations on tise tevns line boven Scarboro and, Pickernag. ln.frccn la- troduceda by'lav viich vas -rend tbnee, severel imies ansi passos, fer po'ding funds for lIse improvemont etnfai=andi bridges, anti for the gononni cxpenses, cf tise tronortion for tis.e cr,1809. Mr. I aight ineves, tIsat the Reevo grant bis; entier enlie trenasîï ne aarer et W'm. Bolcisamniens, foar the susm et $l6 45,- keijn ,Pr ex posce.inceunneti taàoasêequence et tise llegivas l iof landi for 1takca;- ant inl <aven ofJeohn Lutigate for $1 50, for',dig,;. gin; grave for Robent Môncy ans inl tarer et Henry Booths fpr ise -gym cf $6, ý fer' cpq n f(etsafd Robcrt- Money ; slad aIse la f aven et Joisa HalgisI fer tise $si et $28 00, te lue S>' i paisi . leBuck]ley & Liscuntb, for verS done on aide reati bot ven ltë , an 16In thse4th con., On motiôo e Mr. Green, lise trcasurcr1 Wns ondoresi te puy Johisa rniey $12 o0, far verk done on' tiseWestern thwnline. Mr. Ifaple>' moves, usat Joisn HaigisI 6e autisenised 10 cause ai11ticpecayy . o-1 paire te b. put on tise bridge at Dunbar- ton, on lise Kîigston -rad'- snd- aIlso on the, Brook roadL museani<ný oe enart àf men.- uj su= cena ai borne,]1 In the flous. cf Oommoaa, tise anneau.- ceaient tiiat tise Royal asacai Lad Suen 'giron io thc Irish ýChurcii B1.1, vas re- ceireti vitis cheers.' Spainm--rA .COUster eot5 -OL New ok$ r4e ÇuprIaTh!l. -W Apeà-ial tram Mladniti, Juiy 25, amys tis: et luat* use (Jurlisaoutbroak, se long expoct- eti, Lauoccurresi. --- 1 ive bundresi weiî.drilled urocps, aissor, the conmmandi of Oea. Saisarugna, hava taken tise ficît near CiudR4<eal, viserq' tisey vere tiefoatesi, andi dis persoti by tise national' tr-&eps,-undor Oea-. Tornabeti. Thse battie teeS place la tiseni, îng, ad it lu roportedth ie Garlist party bast 15 killoti, 'anti a aumbor coIsotera vounded. Only titreae fficcra vere reperîtd killesi on tiese ide efthtie Goves'i'nsýent traopse. Ncnc thse lova etf Manz'saarco a salron- paniy et Carlis tsaise matie a duntenstra. tien, and aubsequently succeco in ninter. cepting tise R., R.trainandi cuttin; lise telegrapitwures. Thse lateat mcouta statu tisai 4,030) Carliats isas arrived ïn tise Pro- viaco of La Mmacisa, autithe Goverascent treuea*sati, been despatcisedt te s ne, otacin. Thse agitation is genenal tisrpugtj ouitlie vsele ceuntry. No Inrthser bon- tilitios have as let beeni reporteul, altisougli il la -fearet a goneral rising majy b. expoptý cd aIl ever Spain, nov tisaI Don <Jarlog- ha crossesi tise(rentier, anti isassopeni Communications vilS bis nutae*euu parti- Mladriti, July 26..-An attempt vmwaulia, Sy Canlis ta tk, tise City oftParnpeissnS inNvrra, vas frustratoti by tise garnizon. Severatl men, vore killed anti voundet i botis aides. Arresis et Canaiss stili cen- tinse te Séme initielMdrit. Madridi, Juiy5. -A figh ist Ls taken pýlaceý near CiucWidRosi beîvwec some Car- isa. iNational 'troopu'..Ts, aril vore defeateti* ansi disporsesi, lasa; inany kilîcti anti- vountiesi. Tise agitation ià gencrai Ibreugisout tise country, but nq tswtisor bostilitiés are reporiesi. TIse<Rerotutin ubla. Tise Spsüiis treeps at- Baraeoa Lave cupitreti anidsetsixty rebels. Tise chioeralu deereasin; at pcLrto Pninelpp. HAYÂA. -Julyl26.-ýAppardin& le officîu reporta, tise namben ef effective regisiar troupe on iis lelanti l nearly 32,000 anti or Yolnnteers 4,OOQ. Thse rebels stale ths,; they Lare ix tiseuant l l arînetimon i. thse fieldi, beside a nsimbes ' fGaerilla Sýantis. Marsisat- Serrano Las issned an erder-vitisioldin; thie Gocernaient ettPoa4- froui the '4eouuiîCelle;. in jiaraa, oviag te tise indiecrotion cf îLe direcoo. Nzv You; Juil26.-An'-Amenlcaql vise Las -jus&retnarned front irarelliusq Iisreugis Cuba sals :-'The reoelntionary forces dusplay maucS more aeiivity than tia Spaniardu, andi are cenutantly n;a>ing raids. Thse pineipal vanta cf the revolu.. tioniste are irais, medicineq ali, cletilis anti sees. 1Tisera le ne lacisocim e.,ai i<Se patiits Lare amunitien eaoagb et Jl Slnd. <sbare arsenal&s utablilied for thi manufacture Of cartritigu andi nepairing- vhat, m." Secome disabledi acation IThe leadera etatelhey do neooti sd ny mein <nom abreati, anti cane partionlarly ton arme vitis viicisîo oqnip tse lange numh.: of V'oluu<ýeers coastitnsiy preeontiag Sthons selves, sud vhcm thoy cuusnoî organise iu- te regimento until asuskete are proee& Tise revolustionaiste are sanguine .of ancoS, dopendipng qe uhey uleupon tLe veil lisovn eymaputhy efthtie whoiieecalive etomenaano tise choIera vwilI &o decimate. ho- saniaJh ranks as to enuer them PoverlesagJe the napidly iacrtoaing rirouionary foresat TLe Repnblicaaain Wilminghon, X. Q.1 Wisen ami fChristian', leo tiefaulier lu Mr for ycars Seau la;, reunin;, Pl vhat politlcâl p belengedti e thi ipesa fer tise1 position,aie thae aingle uet, isp end of i.i 4eaf dozen or mi Of tise Chriatiam andisasnev ru - a aMurg WtaI mperant out in-every et vhCi preacis moi fignning 0very lh jient put tise 'I zdén. anti vo cnmtdy cf mel Chistaian Aoî wiha tvang, enivel, andtier Meorality ila, -g goo ti ng-ia sential attribu if any body aiu or.& business, t acter by profet once, by blowii boa; ia o0u tura bIÉs ont il *n.à Lif LMmsgo A- Party 61 Mts. Frume, vimiteti: tLe sa purposeoet lIs unamble te effei Mark Waliag sidevalk, wvi prieior ,preceoul uiirengis a gard Mr. A. Mcl 'Liverpool, per * lfisaanti a *5,700, tise prt vince. Mise 1 ped abaroftg, fur New York, pf Baltimore- A RxLrvx jTersey City VI machsine nov -iv5ick -lis destin one tiopansmen itamely, a ne - qaaier of tise arter et tise s -iary ton-herse paver. vus 2 The prejgci ç . stismus et le taj/s ai Ai tise Medîterrar pucis canal w ports et Franc Symna, Cent Ses.Thse por wottld neot rcq diture, andti t ýce1t openaut à yvoulldti etr Titis verk wva cf iron.clauls out of tise Met preeks arc rai Tippo Sabil -* nt, bie 1

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