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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Aug 1869, p. 3

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oy viso, iceawu si 11 lnfayot l!. tli 'whsn tis orgat ii t. raya :-"Wlsole filds ofcorn lsVbcean destroyed tin Ulyt-sea by a new pneusy paiied the beetle.btg-a1att tiilaabout lisTec tiass e Lb.tezoeta bed, bugM, whicb .bus a klnd'ofaiiarppoisted-pikeo arouasd Ia anontis, wittb 'Wic isu acke CULthLe julce andi lito of thse growing curis aboot." Obaritîe sbouald bc diffued.., grain wili neot grow if pilid li a bcap; IL sbouid bu c sttered. IL la ungrsscloua *e delare that a mass dos&, good d ds iiisercly for effctIf ha' 40mthesas tit/s iect. Raahncaia borrowst tie natne of couras but IL lo of<aaother race, and uothng aitl to tsat vlrtse ; thse one descends Wa a di- rect line (romsiprudenïce, thiée r fropa 0111l1y anda prciusnptioss. Tise Two.wtei' Cowpasson-baadcuffe Proyer le ever profitable; et aigitlt le Our coverts; In tise aiornlng Ilt-lu on prieour. L Go elowiy t101h. cnterlalasmes of jour frlends, but quicieiy tu Lbir ailaortuneca. gomins inde are like alevee,--they retalas 011 that lo wortbleîa, visilo dt6al; wiich la good pasets rouugh Ibe. Trutislit ruas over br a locomotive -end train, MeteWeil; but crror dies if tihe Iock. FAIRBANKS,..At Wblîby, ou tse 12tb, lest., >tie vif. of L. Fairbaako,.jr., &eq pf e fou. - DIED. MÂCLENNAN.-Died, ut Wblîby, on Saturday thse 14th lit., safaîrta abors ilinaem, Poasalitoldeet on 'of the 11ev. K.Use. lenana, ageti 14 yeaam sd 2 anQnsa. P-ROWN.-At Witiby, on Baturday, thse 14th tat., Do A., third damagites o( Mr# 1311"lBrown# asid16 jeane andda DUNBJAR --ASDonharton Pickering, lfor getlsg Illiasem, on thse M i1a.$ susd la th 83 yeqr of bie cge, William Dubar Eq., on# of Lisp aariitps aU&leru ln tA. Towpalatp. ENNEDY-la Toroaîo'oa thse l2tis fIme,,1Irom nssjuries recelted by a tell, ,Jog*pb, osly son or Captain . a. ennedy, -ogeti 10 popra ap4 bôaonaha. Whitby Markotoa WIlbAngit 18, 1860. V'al Whet.......0po to 6105. ~pting do,....- Doqto fit posae.......,Gcs ;le. ..........bt Daté.... ....... Sci.. J?otk............1J ta*f Botter#,#. .....14 el irool .......33 ec. for edean * JW ADVERTISEENZTS. "BRIOGS' AlLLEVÂNTOR." ~fi' a etit tatasris, iseadocie, naprauîgia, aas4 ;siuVetsaielnresssdy, le ssqnçiotipably Lbe lnostacroeaibje aiie 0l eieaîue s ed esowss 0u amodern ssae. I& telieves aleian ln taasîoiy, tend reduceasflsnsitimtioa wth taiddsy-ecatasga Ilsemltiaction or' di dis- caoiogaa entýrajizing> liipo>eossoaeffeete psasd aakiasg asrapld a<d nbol âlal pprja pihosie of tdi.act di>ttsoaieiig stofnplasnte to ýwieigh maunn are sanject. ]igge' Allevantor la <lot lt-test t-s.pîuk o it aie yossfisd Il, aiasurae asîç.lcertin rcsiidy toreorisibuflons, la rpy$ssg suli, f(steai (eet, entai, britecai, ais.,uaiet . j anacte utrîpotaaiai but a *QO5i 3 se iuissnlasaset. hoisiby l, 1.Wjasessr & Co.,' I]mauî;litun Ont,, guis. pral ageutai lu theliserillaiis .si.aoi. -0. 4~î1hî $~CJI0 L1 Xia% Evaseand' Mim& Doialdaionvilii Fe- * anse thier claes Ca(D. pu oasiONDÂ&Y, .ugnst Uoth, uit. Witby, Aag. 18, 186u. i-8 W ANT1rpID iA eyu fr 0d ONE NIQH'r CdI.YII Cisaspiis oss e cfÇ.rctiilanasd Amer. &"la, verii ts4?n Of utWaiOc Moitai, sLnd. alei iîll î O i laadol aaiuted bhiesatuio.-. tIeisaica»lTroupe,.. -Tiits2lcents, Beervel obaià80ceaie. Stasasbeeparcd at #Aliti'cBooS k egre wltoai etrachre 'zxe T hé ltbyi er là 31 TIndore for 4"0 (tor ZBeetliai0( tiaoflùop 'C6istraet Nu. S8miili e ls ise Province of tice, o.autel eitend (rottie Eaateriy endi of £ustrsset Noi 9, au t imnonmeltuCoa point isear tlie Mette River, about 20 '3.Miles tli lengLis. Coatruse No. 9 viii lhe las the Provîsse. of New Branaiimiands@%end trusith ie V.atetiy ssaiô o ntrmost to, 0, toivarde LtseTowns o! Ilsatt, a' bout 29X iite lu liajtli Contsiet se. 10.wilt b. la thse Province of I4aaw Broisailk asaiextesiiron tise coutre otieChsaUnitu asitoa, aur tise Court luasse, ut N it ile, tocarde Bathurst, About 20 alca-lai husgtis. Coatreet XI. Il ,hil bu lns tise Provinoe ot Xove 14cotia. end viile@t@ue (rouité tie atn eund oC tisheasoa xtnia tiaia e tim Weatoriy end t oesiua u. 4, '(Ituldlag ise@ bîridge asri.i iePllailqasaus river, exéept tise eseaigaii bus.tstssesit> sibost 8.< autiala liigtia. CutetNo. 15 yl ne i thse Proviasée.ot Nove be6llti asd ertnd (rouithse caiteri>' ssud witis tise exiting railway at Truro, aubiStt21U miileas liil tsttsi. conitracta Nis , 9 anit 10 0 b.cotonletciy Ésin eiéto butor. Cothediet aa of Jaiiy, 1871. Cuas tract N-o. Il Co bu uuuiplet ultlieai by lot t oton çoastrsat No. l2 apet of Fosi>' River té Trurte 4 b.lsi a nd asiready for iCi.tise tiît.k b? tie lit dur of ceober,, ibo roui Fl uly 1hvr tCai poinît oppoâlte tise Londonsuderry frit uWorseb>' tiseJasr,11 anai th. reuisirlloig portion o1slsi coatreet dise li»t ii ut J u 1, 1871. .Plein asad ipofled, VIs eofatuacd Ibrise of commret, iibeubta ttso. cea ut dise Commsisionerai las taa. Wamouaki« Dausiie, Bt. Joisu Eultax ; Torouto cati Qauebec, on assi lifter tle lgth.»ipitober liet, sud oecleit Tenders adree.aid t isfe CoasaU-1 tosns ot th iItteoloaiilRaiway viii b. te. colveit et their otieo lu Otawa ap to 7 0'olock, p. i., on thea180.Oc tober 1869 sBatelsot tise-eornpitloas oÏ tis o s9ttset wiul b. -rsqaiiote agsLisute Tender. Coiansltiaiiodeicaai' (>1. Ottava, Brai Angaist,189 A. WAL**i Pis. B. ()[kDE,zz C. J. BiEY DOM1$ Comnleeloaso. A. W. MOL4tL&k, 82, (Four mile. casi cof Torontio.) Tise inbairibct baga go Infor is imssey frienda tisat lhclima orenei buies ica lsthec above preusisep vicialibeIlaPA plaee4 lasn a thorongis i tate oi repaît nasi awly repovaot toagtiut. oortoruio eposnodatlon, gooti itabling sd attentivpendtos. C. DAWES. t Notwayt,Ang, 11, 1909. '82. G OOD orIIEN: FOR ÀÂCOUNTRY - ..To be sol liersp, a 1,0014and WAEFING, MILL, lu excellenat order, wltisl Ueecmaau tootai, atgo. a gond stove, icigether wILh Lis.govai viii of traite of the asadrslgnea. .Appi>' 10 90W1EIT GUtEENLA'W,- LPot 18, Btokeq Front, Plcklag. Piches isg, Aaag, 10, *1.2 ÇOAIl i COAL 1 Ex.aiciooaerti BELLE" noirunaloading, and ready for delivor. nt.the Lb. wl ' * A CAE@O .01P ]MOT CO4)A,,- for Biopsa. ue, Appi>'te - MIHN KEJTI. WilhAngiat 111h, 1869. . Beg. teoInforthte peopleo o!Whltby andi viia- lty,oCh tiiseopenet a sop Opposite s- he Ontario -Bank, Brook eBtreatt? Whstby Ontare.ý ýVixmiI iz WrRAUD x %0 P GUNSLOK8IY0 e Cîlokuad Watpse esasd aree,1ais PEWIJ<G IACfflNEOe à ~ p~el olîel tod. TIlSIoeBuNTe Whitby, Aag. 10, 189. t UODtBILVE2 IPUTMI DURDAS OIT,,EAST' Olii epooss, torke, enseta, *o,rePlmoe lt Sterling 1jliver Ansitmodpe7nes t Sro&saliM trdba ~oWdd ôc1 *ùi5 &o0, ra'piatoi w"tiW#pare p pairtsaepLtss J'wbieh tlaey are tlsorougisy pro- Paisd ï& rû~'asss1ipuaâirata, sad fis: tihe .Tise appointassent oan additioùal XReent .Asuieuusut Mamter lis titsseordlag Mo.aue, wiii vender retill moe çffiieattlje apprrvi-el' Q theisdem died tiése geaera cndoot utheb.Pu', pli$ wlile Lise repuait erraugomsehaaa lit lave Pomae uiatËlng ilaapOIiOsiW wiii Eve7y boarde',4requuired te brtss¶ wiLh hlm a cor te of god'couduet ironstht ouster or tor untior wlsoshoie hu beau provloay TIOU .Colloge K;iibitiaas or lisolar. ittupoare lslu at. 3easal41e tiliier la s pologe or lu ul isi < ii.' iiar ýe8018001111 th Provice? 4!iso next esainatiàn furt time 1Xilaliiit k3 place lit Jane. Tiho sab>jeet. wIii h liiuaad 'ln beptesaber. Tiaitioin foc, $10, $9 and fs pot terni; taltion assubad, ba laiilng waaihassg, acet lan 'issOh aud ordlnuii imsdipaI i tteadgssie, 4., Tu.eon sqanat of tise sext seilso o Bcpteanber la Itesebest tlrato esterus: ege. Soir prour.p4aiinu, aitply ta ise friaseipïl, U. C. Coltepro, Toronito. 8-m List 09 uaeloaaed Letto ers eainatala, i -tise W#ia1Qy P. 01 oau Aaguet loi, 1809, Allen, D. J. Anis,Mies Iarrle, Ilatisot. litte. Bons, Mre. E. ,ievida. J.»Y. Browa, Ells Bett, Par, Tisosas Baker, 11,. Enebanan, Wtas. Cicaios'a, Edwr4ý Croti,,Mrs. Joa. Carpenter, MiaM. Cisuimbetlia. '. W. 2 oirke, J. W. Cieke, A. A; owsiiasg, Wtp), Drley, A. M. Esobor>', Andrev Franks, Chue. Foroytno,,Jas, fiss, Tisas poit, mri, W. Ue, Jso. B. Giiasour, J. W. Gordoîs, Tism.. r;i et, J. J. Job'e E H. Hoffisi'lire. OstiliA Itahiett, Sarah U1ysiop & Konsid Jolans. P Fom. Aep; A.W. Auaitins. Wsn. (2) Biervla, Mns. 00o. Browi:, Mie" Joueis Barrett 1B. Blsskiiorn, Win. heoket, Jno. Broyas Abegeil -POLIO, kre. J1. C Cuitdos, MIse" ~ Coffeelss 2 (lampbel, .Jamaes Cook, Johas (2)-' iSarpon, frauda* Cathasor. Elizabatis Dlsuray, D. Benjam$p D&1 ana, L. ' Fraser Dussman Fpit>l0, AndroF Feilit ,Osto Grant, J. P. or at, Jaso. lIndmeiit, M$ae ÀDora lio sc, josspis - Bigine, Jl.ai lgïay, iWd. $ Hlauai Broyn, <4. - r Aussi. hbut îplied 1 od ed to ai No, &2, ( :rashonab1ole nry. DOMINON W4UEOOXS,9 ;DruBS & Nantie Naking. Tgiloring te- Ordero New O8tocIý of, Greëy & White Cottons, £v' PIan 1Pins Yrosh Grocorios, 1?idtà, te,q juat received. ÇONSISTI1jG 0 »iLILLLANT'ru LUSTRES, PRINTS, coffroNS, SILX IX ID TWEEDS. CANADA TWEEDS, AUTN~ A. LARGE ASSOMTMENT -OF' RE.AIwlrMADEICLOTHING fÂMIL Y GROOFLIIES,-BOOTS ÀAN D isHOEksd HIGHFI$T PRC 'M Q Butter,£Eggdii«edBac,.on&o lýï RoPaidas il kna prèý Whilby, June Pth, 1869. M. H. COCLIRANE. 'i ~1 23. REDUCTION II THgpnEOF O Suai WIahtby, h CLE ARJ 1LT General Dry aoods, b jO OUR LARGE STOCK NOW -OFFERED AT GREATLY REDJOEID PRICESIe lb OlREAT BARCAINS I WLL BE, GIVEV; e NEWST( WILKLNON'S LOOK, BROOK STRE Cheapertlian,,the C Cosetissg ofthLie boul qusalities of SUTuIMER GOODE duoedpricoe,many ofthem be!ow ý»ý Cal! sed liqIsq& p4ce anl ti for BUTTRe tau Famil'y Lro£ JBe4

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