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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1869, p. 2

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WP55!IstrMon te b. -taleDn og bâlf, mors; Par- bai beau plusbed pust sommer, sud sing îbslr.purs. the butealu.g of llbougb- laie, vo 0 ril trade to 4>0 us. This i. ocr igent correspon- *-dont, travellng îbrougb tbo nortsoru part of the con't>, bowever, takes0 anoîher' ndlof uthe l . asÃŽ.leoriî os S ~iTfssr the morebanis and -îraders of k WbltbY viii baie' a duil fal buiness. My rouesons for couing to I bis conolusion ar@ liai the baàrvest la' fuily îbrea evekts iales'lban It vas last yer; tbe quantit>' tobeb.tfkoc. cas of fali>' ous..îbird mono thon it bas bien le an>' former year in the bittory ocribis coonnîr>, anA ibm eau esdiffi. -oulI>' experleuced la .ecouing tb. grain during lbe vot veaibor. lu tbst portion of tsbe connu>, ibrouis wib I have jusi passd, (Roseb, Uxbidgs, eoît sud Brook) fuli>' on@ baif the harreat romains yst to b. sened ; wbeream, laut year aet thIis lins. h vas saici>' in ibe barus sud *tncks, Thore vii .b. but 1l'ittie ban.>' markotôd noutil the -barrait Ieorer-sa>' about tlb. 20rk Septemben--sud tho moson viii Ibes 1. sn, ale Ibat farmers viii voe. qulrs te commsaises thesalaupiougbçing. I so, tben.foré-,mrongi> of opinion that the filV"d viii b. du!l -au su>' rate, of abott Auatloji, 557 frot 2Oîb Septombor Io 0& Otobr," À. VW salA, vs differ frons tbm conclu- sions arr4ved aI b>' our correspandent. As te the marketing o! barliq, it vooid be companativol>' vartiiousi tip farmser unies. *sold lu thé flu. lH.knovs banc>' le b. ntalsale.lu th i nter, and viii therefane sen Se eessitated 10 lion loigbîngfiH oretier etcobailto-manket. Oun opinion is - Ibaiibeno viii beià rush to manket etd rer>' large saies i thin àabsort #puceofo! ure. Prices.viii' 1eesaanliy range et a iov figure, snd Mbis on aceount cf tho pon anti discol- onedtesmple o! ibis year's gsotbt us Wall us otIs ontues. But tise former viii bc noi e .paorsr. H. vii inaocnari> - Ivebriboha ibis yssv suhoeeho bat but one lait yean. The encreaset y ieit vii mate uop tehbim tise diffenence lu pico, 50 îisst on the shole he viii pocket about au mais mono>' for oue >'oinls crop as ànotiser. Doyens haro scancel>' 701 shovu thir teeth, but sa 'fan ve sel dowu 70 cenas as a rasin-anê perisaps nu oulsido figure. Naoia ieExcursiun. Tise nttîned excueinsiuio n the trip b>'-tise Noreaeu u a thé iseauspice. of Peuufaiphe, Caplen, spese la lise most flattering terme cf tho hiuduessaiftise na. limailrecoption cxienisect hons b. the broîbora at Rochsester, au Mouds>' lu. About Ibro. isnndnod Maman.silding -Mocnde ant ladies attideti. Tise Cana. iliaus yenrs acotevt aI Ciloîte > a te- paitlion ropnesenting tise varions lodges ha !Wobester, suit ou tioin irritai stthbe ciîy vwere mai b>' ths Kuight Toaianud (laptens lu regalit wv-llhagother iadges, bc- sites àavoat concourse ai ciîizeass sud a baud piyod flot Savelise Qius ,Tise ptocession boatoti b>'Scot'&splendid - Hysu Zouaves baud, marceoi ta tb. Muanie Hall, suhene an- LAtremas of vo- came vwas road b>' s iesdiasg mouser 4f -the iraîern?îy, anti abi>' respc'ndod te b>' Royv. J. Wi t, oai1eie.luoitise ovea- ing s maguificeeulcollation in boueur aif tise Cansdiens risitons vms -erved ini ase.ai tise Masonha , ll oiioweti by speeches, moucýensd dancing. Tise neception anti ententainuseul ai the Cana-hans vas ai tisa t sost ouspliwentany anti fiallering descrip- tion. - vsryting pasaed-off in the meat harmonioas manner, and ud asaelsowiaeet by al, ta lbe the masi suécesie sund Ira.- tenual affain ai tise kint aven paticipateti in bv those oi iblu district, W.fibiti a g!ow ing descriptions in tise Rochester C/i-nclie wih e b ial i reproduce uext veek. DuamcT IMPRATIoaNS.-Mr. James -Campbell, of ths firmnof eors. a. & j. Campbell, bas juil rohrnet suter a tva -montS. soquro lu Europe, whero ho bas nuots extensive purcbuaes o! Fal foots. Tbe>' are nciw *ponlng the final shipuseni o!flise bsson. Czia-na eOaeaws. -Attention is neqnest- eà te tbe atvenîiiue@ ot Iis iustrument Town Connota. regularitesatugs coplsined of,, admitied snd condonsd, ocuýrs4 d'uilng'a psrlod <of gréât affliction snd ulckness la thé post- mesler's aml>', Whou h.o btublete attsnd to business personsliy or b. pros uit in tbé office. -Ther. remsluod but th. r.analoiing cbargsvwblolsMr. Dowe, inas mistaken moment, 'tnf ortunatsiy took foe riàtod. The nesI procosding wus tb. swearing ont of à vrit of extent-in bot haste, >on Monday mornlog by, Mr. Dsv*# -uotwitbsanaid ing bo. bad ps'oiMlsd on tbe Stuorday eveniiDg to_ giv. tbe Pos' mater the figures of thebm amon of bis defcincy bvig tke ~ossssonof ail the bi>oku and apier of, the off0. The postmssten, sbltbough auxiausi>' viking 10 hean Ina. Mi. Devo, anA psyover tise delloiene>', hears notil, uig aner o! the mglterutil Thoruns tah ie 2îis, vison Se ii, wisSant a yard of notice, avrestedb>' the Shonif bis properu>' OeiseA,-sud b, 4*mpb from croppee etters, s*I4 ibstif any~ weve renSoved îbey yern reioed 'by Mr. Smithà, nd thb'at ho wonid wrlti) at onee to Mr. Dews wo corteect bis wrong imprslion or the matter."$ The postmaster posively niastsai h.t never reàmoved &temps*, thm bti lmieusap- prebsnded Mr. Devê wbsu th. questo'w'U "IsA, and %bat anysadrnlssioumads b>' hlm w.. ocuin lreference to piaciug the stamps ln the envelope, wbicb jenvelope vas ieft in an o,'pen drawer lu îbi olE i; -jand tl i n the surprise sud ceonfusion ,of tb. moment, and belogtldaýso shorî9,he Na( ui Wilho' wigh: bo> eompetly bewidered, gainet ail ibis the Inspector deffldedsVeroeiy 10 the postmaitet. Ie>e ven vent so far us f0 sel, tohitb.bd mdeup, bi'scmidA b- fore tbe investigation- b.d, ommenced. Thore, vu no wilingness evinoed 10 gir. the postmaster the full and fair benefit of the evidence, sud of bis o vu expi anailons. nimmeà cul nso pio-u~5We "" eri, -These voro totahi>'c,ý ceptbaly aibogh ond to so reon.suspicion& ovidouce eofa&eicharged dork, cep Saiahîsoub oad t an' rus Whois apeni>'mertdth" tis wuus becanse abIs amÀnnt were IanAe. - Theia snewy u- vas pald sud the pastinusuer tusu>brgoed next dsasri tvould bveben @ n> -timo Mv. Dove miaelise amountknu u s bs bat promisedtho do, sud so u.t.A cooss and tibo dhograce-cf impnisonmouU-othls ho vas plut, saayhoe batturned informer, aecepted andAcBteti upan -Tise'.ase-oui>' tva vsys lut vbcion, co acca, uët r . iuonseaîe action of - lb.u Iapou itor.th Findinghi bat blundoeotin se0bastiý snsponding the posimaston vithoisnv aesti, l,5 s 5555 155iVgalion, sit oun the ovideuso of a perion varrnted iIncarceuliinander sas>-circum- stace. eavbheoulb smo ion-prorot la be snob a ustorious - iar us a on th@ýosme T ai - nry, lai vas afnaid t10 dra bok. H. ta>' on vbicis théivslxt otis meent. desireti aure tu jus sif>'bis owu s 0outst et, M. Deve agrées in Toroato-te halA id ~ ~ ~ inn.5, an investigation mb ,tise eag !rm lui gstamps frntsdroppect -lettons, sud ahînaf It ta heuandeAa.,o..A s,t .i, h . posîmasier sud gis-e bius lie beneflu of tise doubi. Or thai recoiisctiug his ovn has-oe >re ilmmsa.5 nd t'su a aienait inila n usu l iiisu u pastmaseiov'*seouaI, (ascurisined Isseu la reviov bis prenions report advising dis- nissal, auA recommend that the poilmas. ton ho nelusttet. Tise timuelsiseeti uring vbieh ail ibeso proctediugs bave taken place, let it ho recoloctoti leoui>'f ro m Saturda>' eveninng unili tbe Tiosuaa> lolloving. And M. Deve, wsubli agre.- og- to tiqinluToronuo, uas'.ncîhing about the va-i of extent'putifs exeenîlon shat ver>' tay. Tise facto of tbe oxcution o! the va-il sud pa>'menl o! tise mous>' are tlegraphed him on Frits>'. -Hoeanrivea in Wiitby on Saturta>' uorning sud is van>' indignant cf the exvcution af tise vnit, sale's at ho gave no instructIons ion itâ execenion, snd tisaitshe Sheriff hsd no authonit>' for thse anreat ai tise poutisater, ibat be-bas exceedet bis dut>', Le. Ho chargeA vils neglîgence -of tut>',sud the excitemsuL canseti b>' reouub-exposures af delanltiug gareiramint officers; b. issd not tise moala courage la stand fiin>'b.- tvean Keller anA bis acenonrs, snd seaSi- ioved bim ta fail a tictim-to ho ibee scapegot-an tise occasion, iu antan la vindicate tise diligence sudsa- vanuage ai Peut Office Inspectian. Hat 1is poatasaser tise' bouafli ai an inves. tigation, in tha firsî place, lisecase migisi bave bîeu tidifberent. But tise luspecton, barin3 mate up bie mmnd aud neportet vitisunt investigation, vau baunuto stick to it, and ta stick la Lanr,wisose soie evidence vas tise jumiicmîiou ai tise Iuspector'a,con. duat. Hariug senteucedth ie pos-imastin vithotat trial ho <oit banût (ou trial suter conviction,) ta malketeho evidence jutif>' bis pracoodingi. Magistrates visa vere thonens au a #vetiaion. -.ad n di ,1praseut S ha ouquar>' scout tue oare sida se uses lînguago l, e bo fliaing offet 5Thne abjoct ai tbe enquin>' vas fa investigaw i etain changes, mate b>' Mn. Sitih, againsl Mn. Keller,- sud vbicis M. Keler donied. Thea prinipal charge vus uhsaIo! haring removed ti amps tros dropped bIttera, deuledl by Mn. Keller,vwho oas lise contran>', accuses Smith is il bar- iuug toue en. Tissre vere also changes ai bsviusg issuet fictitians moneoodoya viîb- ont tise anisanit>' aftise part>' obtslning deficiencies in bis. tne-s-asle henevu- papon account. Tise oui>' charge, boy- evens thtit wuuld ho noc'essan>' ta investi- gaie, ulisthi parties ailienis. teuinesi it, vonitihlieas la ibe nomoval c! atampi (ous drappeti ltters..And bore, Se ne- maniueu, h5tiop la Apil, 1868, Ibisie. beonet te Posinias-ters,, anti formet part ai tbehn perquisites." 6lLarry'9 is examined, anA e! course ai condeusing lise posîmasten an tlise iu- dence Seobre Mn. Dcv., mut in su>' tase tise> de. Lsry9s evidence Unuvathy af credence. Couusicn0ing thie pesîmaste's iinesanA bis faissu>' ffliction, vbicis pro- ventet bs attecdnth ie office snd 50 iet ci ait bis trouble, evunubiasseti uinAs viii came ta an>' ather conclusion than ibat h. b b einbanahi> teait vitis, anA tisaI tbm Inspeclar vas ual jusîlfieti in tho extrema course lalten. We rosI tis o, auslae's case on Ibis tisaf, ahilo admiiîing irregniaritie., tison. vas ne intention ta damantd; tisaIlise ir- negniaities vire nepaiset sud the deficiene>' ta the Depurtmseul pait aven, and tisat witie Ibsisste case, sud vben ani>' ans monts audtwieuf> dmys of the quarter ta viicise vas emuitedto10malte goa lis svear ta ise cargetisatise amai ineai> enucy bsimu opoe5ijan oam ae 1 trnatpau and irdsu.UmIne ass,.mt sa a masde, that tise pasimaster nemavedti hé atampa froua drappet lettosi tiat Le ("oLmrr>"') hati einyed t ampa <on Jet. tens an si lhro iccuios,an,~sd onu>' informer, bis tusmisset clerk, nelaineti in tise poit, office ln onder 10 nant rdhi. Set- ter- faciltiies for lnnuping op Lis aces- on threo occasions Ihat ho coudr itons. iirismcltialoauieun- inemeuber"-and ho vas partionian as la- the fates-Frits>' ui, enud Tuestis>, ifitS FieSi-nan>, anA Tisuaat>,27tb- May', aud tisai Se thon -titi se "because ho bat shorti>' Sucre got mariedisant- bat a vile té support, (Se bat I> $3 s veok,) sut bo did pot litre lacaient Mn. - Kellor for fean o! Seing dismisso," Tisa& was lie suin ofI-tbe jtforjuss'5a eridence an lise chargeofaireusering if ampe iran Aoppat hutert. But thons vus aise Mn:Doee's - - trecol.loo o! satnission mate b'tbs No meeting loch pise. on Manda>' hat, pestouter te >hlm îissî b. dit so;,«ou ii for vaut -o! a quoruQm. .t ten minutes Stra rnu bnIilte-vnnn putl 8 boeick, ln tiseabsouceof <tihe maj'or - îb.yreset ook teIbosir, anA deciaret the -soungîl #djounen.. - Tise oi>'oîteèr meu. -bers preaesuLvire Mesans, Bow, MeMlilian, Piilp, sud Thvalîe. Dorlag the prensiliag Inarus veatier mspisiou of tise ganesi vusfoont »ne - ~uç~,4rnumTwrsa-Attention i. peudeti, ud-ushea, vithoutvas'iu-g or no-, lice, tise Ispector pouacit dova usbo hlm. -'0n this lMs. Inspecter, Who vu. botS jutige anti accouer, laidth greatest stress Hi. cerk, Mn. Paiterse., aise corrolsoraiq ed tMteuain ty d iatet t4et ho bsard Mr. Kellsr sa>' I dit te lu.' The évidence ois the oibet side sua tisi a! Mos. Keller, snd Miss Keller, (occean-'m îsal asaisaîiuinths officeevith Iânny,) vise uveire posltlrqly that they D astis sthlb pesams$e rae>. tmps tsai~uwes u9frn9weprudu 1>in.4bspIoetg do '0 jeci, lu proof of viciev neet oui>' meon aista a potition bas beo'n cm- cuintedt iarelustalo Mn. Keller, t icivbc amongal otisen ignaturos, are tis oo Z. Buams, Judge;N. G. Reynolds, Shoniff; J. U. PeVn>, Regiafrar ; S. H. Cochrane, Coant>' Ailonne>'; H. J. Mactanebi, Clerk aI lise Peso. J. H. Gennie, Mayor ; N. W.,BroaaBeeve; nemni>' ai thîe Towu Councilions, sud mosl aiflise pramineul mou of Lbe lova. SAt lise moment o! gaiag lu Prou a telegnaus bas becu placet belons ue, an.ý nonnîe sappoinîment e! Mn. R. H. L.vden as Postmuiîer, iunlise place of Mn. Ka lier, -if Mn,, Lavder'*.appointaient'Sas been confraed, va coagrattlato tbeF'De- jas'lmeut sud tbe public -aipos bariasg os taietîe services tf se efficient uecer as vo kuov ho viii prove go be. -Hein in liuer>' respect vsil fiffttii e isehas'<e"tisa titilez.andi Mr. e s-rAauoan po.ing an acmnt uot thesua aLuu5 m'alle byUsbe Oateran tb 1ev>' bisëcmai Qui theo Lowlanderot Scoîlund, in thse year 1707. But as tbe afiair ln quesitinibsBnover had ' sa0y1t, A P1t-c3 asiguet e oilt ise page ofhlatory, sud. lising'iecqiirod, My Dinurmatiot>, bürderingî oùs sixty yezas sInce, tbroùgh i chaussaI from tise sous'of <aIlers wbo in nged lu the bloodystirifi, I. am enaled te gir. you tie autseistie de- talla or fhtisIromauuie adveniur%, ir it l thse freshuesa-f a mensCeuvont. -But ýbe. forelI essîer on a desoription of tbeo Taid, perbaâpu hiii ,aflord- soeae lutereat b part'oftheii.mrpy readers of thse Oustoxscax, tg liraI glance Asttie ciiuf-u.-u'f tise.*va>' cause Wiih prod iced Ut.ý com- uuoneeusount of thse black-asalevying visi&- tationao, front lme ie ifidon thse Laîwlanders 0f Scotlsund, ' 'ud <coitfibuid dsriug a poriod exceediugllbree bsudrod' years ; sud iu course o! wbich crimes dI thse duepeit dyei*ore frequesiiy comusitiud by, a cias of çen wbo werq noyer kilown Wo drop tis'e ler of.pit>' ô vb%ýthose iliiir cruel snd exaciing avarice iiad ade eid- aws and latberloss citrce-- As a part of the legacy which thse iront- ul, bgitlo'Qf lHastinugsconferred on, the counr>'onsof lise tweed, 4n -legsathOiu two conluries tisereafter thse Anciens Cuic b.d te give plsfce'to a dialecci ethte Saxon, wisichbcbcame the living lOnguage of tihe peoplo, al Souths0 of isGrampianss. But tise .ligisianders being, ýisen AS nov, greatiy iu lotvll tischir Ecýic, snd con- fldentjy 'belioving'tliati ' wts lin itasd in' ne oltho chtisiour firgt pare4s bail chatiedi te eacb olier 4ýaratise, lise> ceuse-4 queuîly lookcffnoutie iiewij imporced1 Saxon jargowth abisarrence, sud nj longer victi ed e~e Lowlaudoes as brethnei descouded frosu4Oce asme pure ýunadulter- ated stock'sud lipeage witis tbemsetves ; but a mougrel pépie. allen lu biood andà lu lailguage, an illa hwhoià tio friedly1 isîtrrcourse ssou1l> Pe beILIf tis laid bee4 ail, probabl' , 0great isaras wossid huve foituwed; b1uby a muai unconsciOuàh perveruiou of comManu scasse justice, manyi of tise ighlador ,et up 4 daim of right tu lev>'.black- mil'on y-îblckri th -Lowlaaîers; tieir estimation,. llslà u ldn4gisbossi and4 feliow subject -ot i lerctisse -the Samaisach ortise- SoUu£r,, a ternui wici tise>' lsd long biscinl coutume1>'; and prerlous ta tise introduction of thu e nev taigasage, iad been edclusiveiy aP -t plie tu th ie Essiglisb,aalisereditar>' enemiles.1 ilerice tise> origin af tise fornation of pow-c enfui banda af bauditti ,-wllo wene caiied "(Jaternu," (a Gvalic nai meauing bill robbens.> Tise> becamne un ongauizcd bodyr Ily eiucting a clan ci tiseir ovo, Wteisoust they ackrsowletigeda petty .4iicgiauicc, aud,t as olten as cupidityjsrompted, or opportu-s nity favoreti, tisey, unden bis leading, Matie% stitden raids into tise Lowlands, andt tsarec seized by violence visalever pnaperty tiseirc eyes arnd huarts covetcd' saud, beoue tiset slow arm of legisi jusstic~ e 'ould okrtake1 ibem, lsad isurried back witis iheir1 booty 1 into tise roimote fasten ss of thse\hills,'3 wisere tise nei ,gibornsg Chas gave,- thin s indirect protection, and whaw ere b4ieved1 not t b tq tasys a disinttrented Part>'ç wlàen n division sud an appropriation of tihe plunder iook placé.e Strauge ta as>', tise Most ýrueI and op-a prwasive of ailtchose raiding, Clans wii"fi iistory takes notice of, -wvs Alexansder,t Banl of Iluchan, a son of $ober& Il., ta r visons tise people Éave' th,- apprapniatec tisame of thé -Wolfe oi Iiadenocis." Ir-t respective of bis blood-staisj-d raids ino tise Lowlandis,,ainlthe yesr 1 Se chtisa suati cop burned tise tovu o!feroles, sud lu thset foliowing year, isavlng Il d a squabbiet wihi tise Bislsop, ho nîsto bulied tise catis-t etirat of Elgin, esteemed thoînoal beautitul( building oi ils kiud lu Sdotiand. Bar. ing alike defled tise ptower of i lii fatiser's gaverasînent tuaranest antia bring isim tojsaice, and vlisai wns ctîsersf f ar more terrible, tise excommunication ofil tise Pope (Cle tent Vil.,) diati alune put l an end tLo is sayage career. Tise Wolfeof i Badenocislaid a son, viso, in tise apeuingv ycans ai Iis manhood, bade fuir ta equsilr bis fatlser's ferocity o aicsracten, but inus agLer lift turned aven a new leaf, and be* came ouae oftis es ost #orable diatin-e guisiset collaleral t-rutnoe4^baf lise Bouse,-i of S8tuare-conducteti a powir(ui raid tubo Fonlaasire, sud wtsie tiserecarry'n on1 tise usual work of snurdering sud pluasder- iug tise unoitending sssbabitants,ise was un- I successival>' apposed b>' Ivo Lowland flan- l tieinen, visa were bothsiaidrf, *4getiserwitl a sixi' of tiscir uMen. .ElatecPb1 Isis vittory, sud bis foliawcrs bcing 'foaded& will plunden, tise young Barn o(ibltjian vas inr -neahic ua -nt -thon pitt sor tari n aus91' y m uals-, le Wih salvýyBa Ouro iàdex4otetise, -aineanispiP oite of farmiug inrsovory country, rangeA mnducea tise[ fram a sixpeuce, teone shilling anti thnoo- b>' far tiia, ;ponce ans sore (Iiuponial), aud-such waà the doue lu any, poveriy, anti dissatisfactiou visicis pos-vad- iuig expediti ed tise-rsal -popuiîtioas, icis s century go Well wlth o!f nelrogaclonational proaperit>' b.d pro- go many' otil du1oci1 sud lis.bopelesaprospect. ofseeiasg as hindi, sf1i more prosporous .limes,, that laudiortis days journe' yoe quit. wilîug tW.-grant long loesstW sorue-bound tisoirtenants aetishe lowrents indicated, -and dowe ai fos,. -peiocts 6f oigbty,' and-ujnety years, teasting thel and Isa fiew - r"exceptlonal cases, much tise>'doubhc ioesgon,t wiib tlienajority oftheir tenansts luue;'sud a< laid lise gooti sonse neadil>' toeacept. Tisýe round'a fine piougis lisen luuses vas eharacteristilleaiof ea ,Cai tise limes,, a -buge, ans>', Ondrous (wi)îpwk)-v machine, visicis ncquircd tisee,,osuous caanpmeaat- d'raugbî paver af frous four, le sik yokeo ai viic cousi oxes; uAnd, as a ýcouseqeence, tise frrow: slsughlered% visici il-drevW as quile a dilcis companeti aoup. But 1 to-tise deplis of tise modern plougisfurraw. ulse b>' -tis. C Tise cisief grain crop gravas, vas au- infer- litle chane-' i r species, of bas-loy, called bigg, or boe, ou dy.k i wrhich is.ig'sovu in sn,uuakifsîly pro- as of tise -pareti, ungenial ssiI, ilu the'-avenc'age i up round the< seasons neturned but tise shadow ai a cnop stack m t t te tise poor farmer; sud thée ou>ail ter' nexitishe fine, grain vorl a sîing, vas eaa siard',. ,ing uanimal Io long. hwagry'bodietigrain, wiich vas holdbti hutrecouru ta bc af se 11111e accotanttisatIt wIl vas 'fre-, limes, A lit quenly not sovu al;.11, but-,gnow--vilti lu ýa bitof elovu vialishe>' calied, tiseir, 'tut fieldq." Andi figure ofthise ta cite but oofaitheiisema>'piofea, viëssemiuuçi>' i coulti bu adtuced, af tise oxtreme acarcit>' cëhieZ>' sunliae of usane>', andi low prie of labour, tiseIn'-eue 1 gar fariner, and lais fait, ieibîr at home, its appearar or elseviene, nejaiced lu tiseir isotuespun rievethelis.f veetis, "baodin gry>'nd a' tbet" which Ca.tersu, Heu vere nmade np by tallons, visa liidtheir ouI lheis avocation, b>' trsveliug irons ho'ue taevsic-laidA hanse tisroughoul lise yean, &l lie loy 'Tese gorges change afI wo-pence à daii, andthoisir vic- falliasg,-or-suc tuais. Andi much laer in lise century, IlI, visan1 vison tise members ofthtis rade succeotiedti esir deep eu lu raisinîfitiseis- psy tWfour-pence n but lu ardur day, tîsein ciaplayers atouti>' asuerted tisai Il vas lin n surel>' tailara changes a at Ilasi neacised hi& men, sud tisein ultimate point ai extravagance 1 In stcailby uppu gisant, tihe claie!, if uat tiso oui>' persaal stiglal>'tea shi prapens>', possessed b>'tise <arsuiena, Ibelonstise> unnuasi> conivertible juta sa litba money, ainruvas gi vas tiscir apane cattle, ariicis tise>'solt insuleapoti out af tise stimmler and sutumu markets, tisen as sud fired a vc naw, besng seld in utise country..Ilu view af astanisseti C tisese depressiug circumanancea, ne vander turueth ie fis consternation isat-seizeth ie aninda ai tise o! tise Fearu farmers on tise dîscover> ai tise lasa o! vas ant iesd tiscir cattie, vitisout vliieb lhiseur insparties litew most bave lhum barnsufon tisayear But tisein avords, tise final bunsut ai surprise sud vexation suda tise-th being aven, anti knawing veli visa 1ud csiug escis ai sttolos tueur lite stock, tise mon af Feaun about twentj vernt fiatatinfi in promptitude, antide-é.sutidoual>' a cialoîs o! csanacterboy ta adetOui tisec- matie aatep b cassion. Swift messeugers uvere sent point ait but tbrougistise pariish, wansiug eveny able absenvizsg tsii bodieti man ta tunaut anined, aI au nni>' vison tise Cli iuour aitisae day, nnd meet in tise ciuncis-ta bui informe yard, eccsmian carrying provisions ta leader. Hoe sulhice forsassort casupsig.. gy noan a amc ns ato lasndreti andti Lvnty thsneounen bati con- clan tison'* e veneti, anti, after counicii baing takeon, il blaodashed, te vas uuaeni oualy Tesottet iaItishe>'asoulti averse, ho cou vitsout base ai dîne pursue tise Cateran, tise botter va and if poisiblu. necoven tisuin caille b>' shouiti ticida fonce o aas.luving nppointed anc ai bat, anti if lie tiseir numben ta ncl.as leader, isllise umon queror,,bho pis maveti i om tise grava-yard iviLis seeming sdp issitise onaniait>' ai purpase. But aies ton "tise given up, bi besi laid pliais o! mies, anti asen ;" lise combat bu aIl nevi>' appointetilater 5usd adtvancedi hai&ssiouuiliebaill uascu but s litth va>', *ben hoe antiretivitisout molei tisca ta hiait.. le thonu, In effucl, toit hea o! tise Fean tiat s cisango bai cotie sutideni>'l"aven at once sccopl the spirit aiflais dreana ;" irepnesunteth ie upan tisaCilan Caternuas being nuunerous. isowenful asi, tise middle sp anti luroclous, vus visom tisa>'couiti have phi eeth ie no chsance ci succoas in a personai contiet, ani= sa prool andi as fur himacif, ha asti resaivate go for ii couvag home andi suismi t tisebas aiof uis lite Position. At stock, ratson ISsu foobisisi>sacrific lis ta have beau a lite in sa isopeleas au undertakiug. ThIil i is undenstoi maltdions, craven councl vas, keeni>' op- tisa hostile pa poacti b>' s tulslenden yaung muas, ai tisa-b>' Heur>' dis name ai Latin Henry', wvisad atl>' -- viica ho tunneti fraia tisa ¶ uiiitsny sciool,visere bo gava bim - bhat acquired tise repulation ai being an level a i 0 expert swortsman, who claiefi>' arguedtwteive:inctou froua tise bnci tisaise 15cmcaiLle isatibeen bataulu had b ail stlon untien nigisl bu bat tesson tW be- thlai1k. e lotve that the <Jiteran veto 1ev in nuinisa, iimiuans ala %veak, sttid afraiti té seot tiscu in arma, anti satiafaction ai tisai if tise>'vauld u~ccept bi'inas ilium lormeti a sans leader, ha vas conflient tise>' osstidbe chiois, ant t suecesaful in rccoveriaig ,tisoir livcstok1. on tise otiser. Tise min thon dia'lded, vion tbirty-ýtwa vasu ai once veut -over lteLleury's side, sud eiglsty- counienet a, i ninu veutlÏhme vitis tiein seif-nepuduat- anti visul v ced, coward>' leader, wvisa stineani>' knock- Ihathbiatilun cd tise violo untienlnking on lise isead. -trengîla of wi Aften sayiug s fev vondswoiencour4gcmaul up, bis ga ts of vui ky Mitesl asuimal', tiseyvene ooituug ino ,he substilute for a kelio, luij lat'eran Gou.-the occflion, 1batl 1of becomiug fasisiona&bie lu vasu neoion tissu ' tise grce*l 'nevi>' layeti animais, tucheti ýsites, anti aupporteti b>'poila ho grounti-vitia the bais-asille .- Tiii vudè, eîtaod ai cook- [od vas yw,lkiçan, snd ofIon, se ta lu lRoberltÏie Bruce'u iii.l spart,,sut b>' blunsoli, lou ateti grount, atoothelb.stand>' Broket slirk,in himsaîlia hast, ,eopiîug 'a sharp tlaok oui, e directi o ithie Lowlands;, Vernusent. scout should aie i ci. - Hariug tisos carafuhi>' Ireugil and position af tise ir>", nezx abject aas Ici seek nearoat moonîskin ; gorge. dowu la lisoir eccmpnut. s are <armet b>' beavy Tain tide«n nalttng of snow ais the rut atreama rush tbroogh ut cissnnuis îtiste lovisaîda inar>' weather tisoy ancetir>. se af theso tisaI leur>'placoti - sncbvus thise csofa! i Moscls tisaI tis>henu aa'e itiin huhatiedy>arts ai tisanolis vos-e dîscoveret-wh-bn th. vos.ý -Tise eanmusa then 1ti gorge, tirew up imb lase, r6lly, but witisaut ulfect, aitishe interan,visa ps-ampl>'Te- Ire,, visicainstanîl>' kiliat ane mon. As lIse;practico tison been (nom reiniate liusaes,botis Y aitiateir Éguns sunidtruw ýfor a baud Ici banticombat ; hin hostile linos wero Spptoa- )her avilstodu>' fujient, sud ýY yards spart, Lise Cateran taustimli, andth ie!?> leader bciore bis msen vits iis avord touciig tise grount. Ou s tise Fean mon also lialteti, us, lu civil tuirmtis, requestoti id visa amon.- tiscua vhi si in>' prompthy tePtie, 'I l'ofaI sbotter." >Tise oeafty ;atlt: taavaiid uuuccSt-isry A wbich ha bat licou ahrsys osidered ti il aaiblieby lfan ay tIsaiLise>', tisa tva caiies. ,e lise quarraI b>' single cam- c(tisa Feanchsiot) vaa con- adtihe ** ho non ofýib a alk caZtie vouiti be peaceal> >ut sisouidth ie is;sue ai tIsa iservise, tise>' (tise Caieruns) loeati Wdrive tilaomaa> altation. Ta tise astonissment' men, ticit iaa-ha-d>leader pted tise proposition. WViere- a, vilS a amile, adivancedti t pasre batvi cen tise linos, coin- eFoanleader ou isagaulantr>' >faof tise regard visica lie at ,je, offered bimen a.aioiÇe ai t final îsititsis sa>' appiat s ver>' amati affain ; but wluîn oot tisaitisaegrauntion vhich, nriés stooti, vas shapinag anti ioasiug tise hsigiser grounti, v as, caneful to do, iLt sanu elavation ,aSci tehie opponent aio froua ninie ta s;no-masaoffer 'if th. cana- àec in otiset respectsa aiy equalh>' - maicheti.,Tise pro- cvugbon anagedtolatisa r bath parties, lb. Foansuen ni circle ou on> aide!of ibair se (Jaternuas aimiiiat figure Tise h combat begsu. Haut>' m'atie avare ts ho batil ou- auartismanaiflise fis-st mark, ra W bim fan more ses-loua, aotier atreugLis of as-., non veapen, 10 ensable him ta keep fa ila figlaîing vus s-uch, an- ;i' povonoi.Jslaun'-as ýtise ; lise eensequlenc« vààas, tlIe ed Paai f.thse. Ciau's iorti, tenyasaord biade lu piéaes, a stump ai somne bs-ee or four, td tise hilt, Blu t istaI-maL usent of bis lite lise F9àsn -tank, isatingdrivoul uotia nuises £uup i bis bodin lutise reioni af-tise bearl. Thisi fa-jtasl ounçi caused lis aord anus eof the stroug manitW bang b>' bis aide, visen tise Pelvris mcii, secng-i ihsir opiposrtutsuly, bus- id inad compicteti bis deatb. Tisu Jll tise, hast,«-emudprobabi>' the ust notable Clani tise Caletaisjoer hid, a ans vise atthse usmeofai eing msor'e poverfu, tring,,,antidreadeti tssuan>'n -othen Man o! bissccintr>'jatisi iae. - e ivas isrsisi>' rcateti when la.cain hil lise vontd,antibcho uisier scogist uor ob- tainedt nera>' visc b. vas seul oui of it; anti if lis means of- acquiing-dsil>' broaçi 1usd been as liancal sstiselwere dim-opîai- ahS'ie aïti inj <urious ta biislio mna,lise conclusion vaubti bave bien unavoidsbie, Cisat ho vus chuat eut of, bis- ile. Tise cissualiies onhlise aidéeaitishe Cateranvore five kliet, anti tva- martaill>' vowundeti;1 one ai tise latter vas abaera'ed te izn-frouai tise contesî early, uasiagbisSeat endiars 1 as lirau,'ta lald in lis prolniutiing heav-4 elu. Osa ise Fearn aide tisere,,vas oulyI one man kihiodby tisefine 'of lise'Osterun, tise man visodreamed ; tise ts3vn fi te s-s>, gaI aff sénatgh'fric. With Ilae exception.o! tise greal prize, f la. 5-coter>' af tiseir catLie, tise spuil visicis fell.ta tise vicions ,vas imsignifiaul; a- -1fill -guns, avants, andtioaidplaids. vire ail lise>' guisoe-etup. It vas a day o! greatjo>' sud 'nejaicing among tise peopie ai Foanu vison tise nova reaciso thietis Caitihe Caieran hati bien r del»eatod. andtir einctte reiovcned;,lu-- doeat, tisa> have isatino aucla anotisor day ai rjoicing since. Anti it lu t& bis cisaril- abi' isopedthtia-il bat atili lurtier addsesi ta tise gratification o a nu>ofatise.,in lisy e>'vo soril>' aller iuiormed, tisaI tier gaîlani,' SutIuncauiioua Ladin Henr>',i visc li uhe face aifunucla cravesa oppositiona,C bad spiniteti on 5aamalit uinoril>' cil tiseir0 nnisbes-to tiese uccesaiuh noacue of - their ive-tock-vta sither niglectoti non-r forgobten b>'tlb. menvisa e vene aI tise hbais ai (aenncsnt tise. time. Lise Lardasaof er bMjesly's (Queun CI Aune) Triasuny fon Scotiaut, con!eruod a pension upan hM, causoti a- nev house ta bu bu ili anti caroful>' futifiet, for bis se- ra comamodation, anti sale protection lu, bis0 native -parias; W tvisicli tiscy atdîti s I sislpioce aifanun lanti, fre. fon iii. -Such vas tise libural revmrdWviaIthtie govenu-b mont conferned, upois an obscure youasg 0 man, ai a lime vlaeu goveruiment novants ý venu, as s noie, but narely anti sesutil>' deul .outinluScoîlanti, s csrcunsulnce1 ai itscif Suggestive of atnong presumpti a proal o! tise ma iu e iepesl cf visiela ho bail boom instrumentli in rititing bisà counîtry>. But if latidie lHenry.'<vas seure ira. tbc t assaunts ai hi. suwecrosa noualeain bis s nov sud strong bouse, lu vaq tar oliser- a vise vitîs iia, ou vaniaus occasions ont o! lu, Th iseuaevoient Caterns asseritidj ta tise laitaiftisoir ia>s,-thal thier-mucis iticiizeti clan hat bien muuderedb>' the treaciser>' fnise Fearu mou, sud holding, lHenr>'i-espansible fan Choir acta, sud b.-- 'mg,,, enratItise appisuso anti regardi liebo recieira for iuflicting au ivrepar-u auieinu> upowtseui; tiey pursuet i hm vîtis iuuesmalice aud ticaire tW wueaki thiai vengeance upon hlm', viicli tSi>' iatih nesoivedtu taaccomplishi b' l tise mons-b tise> casait devise. But of tise sevenalat aI- tompta matie by tisenafrou final -t0 hast, a 1 shah oui>' bniefi>' nattce on. o! tiseusi froua visici tise ex-Fearua leatar matie but C a--buir-bs'eatisescape wvus bis ie. t Yeans after the raid- in question, a fsrm ti or ai lise pariait ga' up a feuitaevisicisCI ie, inritît a nuaber af neigisbors, eud d 11,o119lith'aihena, Heur>',.for visa. lachb mfectoti especializidnthip ,anti regard.-T Wben tiseliay of -otertaiumint -came ari round, ail voeindi>y,,sociai sud happy'I Ili suad'né one présen is u se uremiiingY bisaer amiling hast. Andi visn lise lime us ai bis ioaiug Wo go home came, beii>'g a ri fov boueÏs aller nigist <ail, lais gra cions di laudiord- vouid,ti lli addtiau atittions e-s of tue Fe'rvcas- i. Un tuaejasa of tçu.u a-edoubted chieltan oan lb. banks 'of lui Saugse, vse tiad long beau thIr a-pride, their gnidiug stan, and Ibeir baekboej.of aia-ength lu ever>' ruit aud roisery. in visicis-hhIatiben hiSoa-le.ader; tsa> despsfret af linding anothber <Clanpossesa- ing cycu th ise napeuls ot bis cburjPecf. anti p)enýhipeing luflucun et b>' suavosw- ed 'determinaiion of tise Geverumoufte put a final stop-te Itheir lavîcus peactices, tieso h-anS lie o beuasit', aut net hlong aftet ceaied tW criaI us-an-orgaixied boA>', -a.cousutnatiau isica bailli igisiant mna sutLoaatmon,wvisolier ut home or n atler lande, are net nov bîikeyto, nv ats a mîtterof regret lt vas:é#adit: able lte - people aif ea-uitise way lise> deportedt tieuseltes lavart tise bisck- sois-ledscoondret, tise tas-nev.jw-bsf -bad -eceiveti a bribe W SeIns>' bis susspeet- asg guest lusbotheo banda of lise m.hniese ras-s bho ver aie-, davis te. thse lime or bis <bouth, liied. a -dospisedaaua.oid. ed mAn. - In 1822jo'urcerrespontentvus prompt- cd b>' curaisîit>' W psy a vlàlt tu Latin fieuty's dveiiing bouse, andtihie banks of the Sugs, visonstise sla-nggle,- vu tise Juteras b.d Seen. Witi tise exception o! tise atrng mailet toor, visiis butibeois remorèt jears belon., ho fontitishei - i tise houieenliro as isoriginal occupant het i i lTiside vails iroe sahis star tveIve ieet isigh tisicis and ti îôgly, built, tise>' biing been ceentet laongis- out vila greni lime ;, aud isaeat of vin- leva, aI visic i i-bat none, bath sidç,and end valu von ithickly poforatoti *llis s-an caset loop-isoiosvhics were o con- sîn 'uctat usaI this e occupant, at an>' oue aI lie bat a consiterablo nangeo0f sulte viev. Tiese ae - vi Ibm in as- uily -mieusureti about sixteen b>' Ivent>'- vwaebel; bol us tise buailding tidti ou-os seus the ordiuary comioa-ls sut conveusen- ces o! a modern.-tvohlig bouse, il- , b.d beeu long vithoul a tenant, aud the ont>' isarpose vii i thon sented vas its bcuug asueter Wo caIlle in limes of inciement- remiser. My guide oxperienooti ue diffi- nîslty i asksng ume direct Wte ePlace, rbet-e theo afin>' its the robbonsrbad becoas. lu ryasg lise tend, theo- Foia mn bat Wseo ibein broativords, iuste.d ofspades, anA cousequentl>' the trench - unta which tiede.d Soties were Ibrova sat beau ssabbov sud lie ooveting moult but sauui>t', vhich nain in the, cours. of - oses but vasheti a portion oaitl aa>, se s ta expose Wtisaheviev- of -tise pasag -tu-angr pari af-lise boues of th iseU<aln alsulutis ioj e of-lise bani, 'ab6xil vont>' feal above tb. level.-of lb.eusoun-- tain-airean,wvich stii-unarmnret paài lu th aolilary - vusle, a il debtlesaibnbd aonc wion- tise ovuora of tboa bances von us>' caokiug thiba-breakftis n ils liantes bhe romaina o!fluhe Feura mnu oro-can- rit Wo15. cbnuých-yuasdof OýÃ"rtichy, andi luesý-ie Ies-- wih i ,haM.. a. > i Ea susmpîned hi ut stinulafs a fforts whii tesoher, bt i a a Teinse tauscet am tlsst ioo almter gci -iusîrumeuwalinu oa Ilwtitzto in jisapli ben 5its torelopine »W r rnko -seconud Ontario, haviga a lund of $8010 loi zug ifs luîests. Mvr. .GIa1a-d th TeselerV ýj buvu vpvuo au iuvuu&isubiuut UUU la uging , 1 1..A l.-A dt- - 1 1 .

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