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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1869, p. 3

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soiUeunirust, ae 1wetsrr, ana,., s.wîwani fismlssed isi vth e guide, tavisaI tis is> asî sîdeoei, a iors ueesre lnnkhng pluse tliis b» wovul.! have as.! b> reiaiulng. minong tisem. reutatlo e, bwm. acéabe, Bs#q., LII.IL II; lia»Ielmu ben eus' prisilege t- t tentd le pleo aà e-uuion as tisat bol.!sa thse Town RailOalaawa, on Monda>' "oe lug, the Ut.! lait., for tiepurpose c1 aaskls a proenetatlos te Mr. Macabe, Who bas rosti> - reulas tise principal ablp of aise Oshawn1a Uit..!Graumuis sud Coemmon Sciscol, hisng accepted mthe gonra! iag4e>ofettise Crsfîasasss Lite Juiarasce Campas>' for tise wbole of Ohio and tise groster part et New Yark. Tiselarge hall wu me denteiy cîewded b> tise ladin5 citsiu ethtie place tisa IS vu Impossiblefor su>' more te gain. id. miluasse. On tise pîIâforM uyetise osisrmants Dr.- McGill, M. 1P. P., Ms'. Ne. O&UE# Ber. mais. Boit sud ÏRaéni, Mas- du £rke oS.f tise Jindfcalor, B. Cars- vol,F. W. Gie, EsFq., &a. Tbesenevu ilio a deegatien cf papils ; sud tise stralua cof tise bissa baud& euiivenod tise liia peing tise meeting',tise cialnus &(eftioseclisai tsihepnometation au tise opctueous effort of tie pupils, sud oysupotilso.luà b> tise visole cemuaiy, reled.!Mn. McCabo's management cf tise scieol, an.! pameo pon hi. thse bigis smlgy of uuing able, met cul>' te mana e effilclently bis ovp dipanmmnent, but te select a corps et able assistants, tisus soeur. in$ efiaiese>' Ibrougisout tise viole School. Ris.Noer&n, Bit s u tss, Mr. Lra nd s M. 1r. Coavell, aIse speke in ternisof tise igisest commindatiln ef 1Mr. moOsiso. lu dolng se tise>'peinte.! tate s futl tiatMr. MaCais vas a seif-usade mu aiiaiug riunaisn ema ver>' Seomble station l in e4to tise, prend position tisat buas iaioquisise..Comuenciug vusa àceun I>'scisoal, he gradn.slly sdvan. sud gote oe f'tise mont prounlueut positions le bis ps'ofealou, sud longr mgo ezcbinded lis eeelaiy boauêd'a cintifisiate for a degme <rom One ef'onr-ieadling lliveroities. Non, remarane. tise speakers, ba.! bis fume snd influence as se educatos', bhe in et>' locai; tise>'Sa.!biein provincial, an.! as s pieoot tise deep Interestiiiu h a. alivays ' kos in edeesîloual maiters, tise>' refennedto thétse act btisaiho wus elected la 1860,Lreoidcnî oftise Provincial TeSéb. on' Aseoolatian, sud decline.! elocîlen tise folovisg >'ear. Mac tise ercsînea vitlu vwiilà ho &trae aginosi thse scsese cf tise 051.1 8Up'î. cf Educaîlcu for tse expulsion et girls frosu Giammar Scisools. asaetiug tbat ta bis efforts, Iu a groat ussune, voe ân. tise modification cf tho salomue. Mni. MCabetishe>'sas.!, vas net one oethtie pouulsag..!ntaes nr;, but eue cf tise draw. lug'ous cýses,.AÀisard studesît iimusoîf, Se s oises@isapVite.! hie papils _viti sseifreil- Sanes an.! sîlasete te tisesonstern *argneoffrt.visicsbise carnie, musa>'oe tise. be>'ud oser>' obstacle, sud placed tbims lu bigh positions ef trustsud nufu!-; su.,'-iii Mr. MaCsise vas net ose ci tisat toc large àa cmsof Teaceirs vise Cougas theomsves tote <bin seol reemu, sud la tise cutside venid ore romarlusbie cu ssciueulloniiea. 'Vrn>'social, moii 'ais ' ntellectuel scisoemet vhS bis cojisympatbl andau:butaniiai support; touchser* butsas a publie spirite.! citizen. Tie> Instance.! ameng oison maltera, 5ev isat seon afior gehng te Odaisavbuho wa Instrumsental hla etablisiig Ise Mechanies' InstituteluIs tisiplice., sa.! serapit ha.! beqs lia desoiopnot aundigrovtis ht it moevÏ rials..! -second lu thse Province of Il tanlo, isavlng asi tise cie0 of ttisesto a tond of $800' te ,Seuoxpende.! luadususe- Jas i. iecesta. Mr.' (lIon rua.! lisefollevine' addroes frein ' Wo, s taclons, vitis Unit-ed lisant aud! scîca, &1m isseviltoe rsesOur duel) aîu iatlug rgna ihue sppr>sselslutg soepans.- tions, atisosigis vords er ours cou but-tcotsy givs sitîernsueetw Our resi seuttuasto. Yo'uï goutltifici» ud foniseurasee, cem1bined vihs yens' ayssspailiy lu aiuryisg out tise gov- orusuliouthe.eut te uaohotl, i sve aasslitsd a svoat imral- sainoepiore tu tltelululoao0e viilsOuriiteants lisve slsesid aus siiilesi i'iausure sud nisfrcsbsuuost 'u tise 1 fsier, lie ater oufrdsitopen, ususInhissle IcaUVas',,sloe ansi isusihou. Tise igis staildhrd ut yens qualificationa, >thîe aomlletossesutVI j oui se- sinircunaisis, youn alotiete otassel, #s-on.yns . kli ausd ssi u u efIesessi , oisàtulIoit andi Rovernmosst IuitanlWOUvoit ui ctiro cou- Ansi Dov, vwuviii, publIai>' te tensder to yau osivseut rsttkurikaelts'ti.o e roliaabl canol, th@enoyueroig iiidîos id Counley sais- iotdtas ysitu, as Pl'iodu. t-itile ilium fog U>'uve te Oui evu loist, vo *iaat-tsitisaItiseh*steasuroe et suecees aIe- 40adisi ut Jaos meu osy bis atelé cii yoirw ,i ksîcvuusiliigeuco and.!fathiasulte usoit. We Colinst cessilude il-tu adou wimvtlist #gains exîsromlug Ous-disais aindiseos'tfoit sot' no-w sus.! ediai ut Oouspiss'itiuii, taOn v titu vwliiug yen oves'> usueiviabie isuaeea lu 'wlstatte so ro tiion sa>'plasma Uo-Ite plae J'en ; aussi alucre ive o'whope îist va însa, Imous huin$et lulos, 5sdlet fieo; Sut ilieusi.11;Il 'sothoigle U. thOls-l5lles. grant lîsi muidtise glonlas e isat a"Ouis lier oar f ilissiil lit li ue 01usinai t d lt t eut-ores! I'sse, Msn P*anoeuum, * ~ ~ ~ l meMue Yu-âsu-s Teacluersettise iUited (rauiisnr s.nd Comet Ils@vas folioeaclb Miss1LonlsMoUilu, vise OUs. di. n riafaflaansi liresesite.! Mi. IeCab Wti a snaghiflenîgeo.!Chin,îî tuie. M1 a!bout Onft husdresi sud 1tilt>dollais. bruan»asAND ssu-nau£cÀuu - W,, ypun fermer pupila efthtIs OMhslava mlni ouSa., take titis ep0tu f > ai tise îaâosppneee"b 0(eu dua tgrtn Ausougins. yü euuefo lu your mcpuu'etlcsjatramu,$ vee!i'utv doekîdsun! isumMbe isshai, sud s is counseluor vigboonlal sas 1theys reay te usn- naa ts ildl ties t.tbeai uru vs op tise à6bjih e oIge" ii.! vho, bv l ooaasu< 00isesn "euan sd zs.alot î usinproso, auit,- urlis'edpred tise esoont,tisa, i. n- P5 S;rl&le tutlrie tu t t ocis for y u, W@ au ke~ ie yîn ulcepaue: ttbiacissa tina> tServe t çuluofw tc >vgsi sdded muinit>', a an hcoesil.tEeaIdIpî Btoom u tis lie nevs frean aIl 2 4lsirdm11>, sn.! the Seat ;penlos oriscfth"ied'>' Yen isave nut ossi>'eauoee.t iseenl1 Ipr sf htiisntitution, bitycu Shave aIse bmu a* at connecte.! wuisis au tostit>, lteie tsac s. tîve an.! efficient menber. Wboeu suyiing, et irn-pont-itsea fer oui interoat vas roquiras1 , o usdostakess, vea.#Iltunssed te yen as»Ils. vll lir ad able uember te aoemplieh thse chiait, sud u pi us ugsn uaudri.H iuîgtli la atisate of you Mis tonmougutuos va aIl fOuI &but tisheuS oftbyyô etn ' moil vil i se oslly Se filles! for soes.tissa.te couse, and visite vo vouls! da omire t ntuyenÏas enr pneasieut tise fl iu'un, and! prusmnctly as A, nitmber, vo knov-yeui usssf'uluae vl!net bu Isiss te otiters w hoeer yens Je îlay bs ea -,,o tIns. and eppeîtnuslty beiiig aI our disasal. We aIl now eordisaly unie lu visis ne'yen lu yonr nov spisare etfuselon, suceess lan.sp- pisîsC, sud vu chonlli th hep, tisaI yens' lu. clilation vii lests! yen tetisLiu,nitcs' us. #ain, nitfarmner friands andiaso latesluVa hava. Signe.! on beissif cf tise cousmittue. P . H. Tsumsvoetadesat, WV. Cesseiui, JM. b., Sef?'> Tise nîpl>' ef Mr. MoCabe vas a reuu eOf tise prisent position cf tise Institét. au.! its future prospects. Tise isteresi - cf tise pneceediugs vas mueS luciesse.!b>' tise Mouie frous tise Baud, sud tlis inglng lu thse intervais biiveen tise addreases et ap- propriate song%, snob as 'Wises shah vo mel againV "Ruusmiso M!,"9 aud tise '&Farevell à So n u anexeellent musnoer b>' a nuniber ofthtie girls cf'tise school. Thesol -isldemusnsmraiou pased off &e piosuti> tisat lu tise eyos et tise rocipient, it muet isavesaddeti langel>'sethetsahonons bestovîd upoma sim. We anuot coulude Oas' sotice. et-tise' proceedings viispus endersing tise higis cissiacten boteved open Mr. MaCaise lu Osawa. Haie, Se rosidod an.! hobore.! for seven yoans, s prnipal efthtie Whiiby' Grammssi Scisel; bis usa ofsea -0 vwisie,avll asisia genenal depontmesat, gained i. tise gget viiet &UIlle. He basumu>' friands lu Wiiby, sasveilias in Osawa, vise jol lu thiuingeod viaies for bis abundassi anceoaees sd proaponil>' lu tise nov caner Seoisas cheen. Tue Grat Dont ilsce.--Oxford Wles. London, Ang. 27,15.48 P. 1.-u tise, Race beiveen tise Oxford sud Harvard cs'evs, Oxford s'eu b>'tisree leugthi. Han- saids sixsconda s eSin!1 I London,Âaug. 27.-Tise IHarvard ces'w yen tise 1055, sud chose ti$bu middle #i!el tise enti.!.eofthtie smi cincle. Bctisbhasts etarIe.!ea- à o'cieck, 14 minutes di sen ceudi. Tise Oxferd'& artri. Itishe sisip ilrut, ihie. lengîba aises.!, nt 5 o'ciocic, 16 min. 47 sac, Ti.. ooupie.! lu race,22 min. 4oisec. Wbion tishenod vasgisen tise Hsivarde note.! tari came into pis>', tonrtisir omis took teeS tise vater Oirsi, uakieg 43 etrelues te tise minute; tise Oxfoide matie oui>' 40. Fer a mile mn.! a hall tise race vas splendid ; tise Hanuaide soon drîv sva>' fromu tise -Ofondianmd Sept tiseloi.! te Crases Cottage, s distance et thîe quasteis cf s mile. Oxford diew op loea lest beyond Hammorsusuti Bridge, and viscu off Chisvick, ive miles sud-s-hait (rom tise sturt, gsled tise lesad, sd afier thst von as tise>' like.!. Tise Oxford cicv nouer change.! tbiun troe duîing-tise race, bat tise siire ofettise Harvarde -vu'irise- gulsi. 1lise>' lest trous viseli>abs"soveRm- meramitis, sud vsen oef Choswick tise>' voie roeu.!te piecea, tisongi tho>' puie.! te tise end et a isepeleu asuceitis magni- Sicnt plnck, mn.! it long ften 15cmr strengsh sud coutrol ever thein muscles ha.! failed, For tise lait Ive miles tise>' ha.! pluclu, sud tisat ont>', tiso cox-svain staoning vide, snd tise atreke bolng fatali>' quiiek. Tise superionit>' cf Oxford mni- feste.! tisieneat tise raue vasneyer tieubîful ifier tise firai haIt mile, aiseegis tise Harvards tisined tise Joes.! seaime &fter tisai peint, P. I1.0 1., & Ihiavertn ta Blwuy.- Iloetmg nt Fair VaiteyNMarae (spocii Can'apondcssco ci tise CamnLlé.) Lai aturds>' evnlua meeting vas bai.! At Fait Valley, fer tise purpooet cousidelgth e m imrsbilit>' et grsnting a bossa g te isera>'.Tb@emeeting *vu veil attende.!, notvhîheaadlng theo nupro- pitions state of tise veathor. la aswuis!l lu the opensimri Aits b csol honueva looke.! mmd sao Se>'ta ha fouud, A. Kon- nedy>, PLq., vas ove.!-te tise ehair muid lu hlbisma! foreible ey>, sdiecsted the extension. ,DeatonsBlirent Billot and Bsuaiay, ef Otiiia, userai>'addressd thaï meeting, -Mesrs- J. C. dMMitenan sd 'D, OI'JJrIenali spebe os bebilf eft tie extension. Thaise oivg rosliein vas put siu cane.! usnaoeaiy, th eelncln -6 deisie an tisepart, et tise rstapers tes, tise Construdctinetrtise lino tesaGeigia More.! by 1Mr. Frsk Def>', seonde.!- b>' MrtD. O'Bile " th&t la tisa epiie oft iis meeting tise extesales cf tise 1port Heopp,Lil sud an.!B.on BlIVa>', te jouse point-on the Georgia B*,,le a b I>' regalsite to develope tiselateutnt rsou- ces cf tisaI part of Ontario tj'isg botvees Bearites aids.!ai.! point; sua.! ttfislas meeting ste of opinion "alt, ascuéable bonne sboeld ha graeme.!by tbiaI tsibp me "s"i> out ssid, preeos Fers lajwonmq ievtl ler "algit§" usI seue.!0 terli'. er nom@ laMUri. j es b sj bn uen. Sf o s idéo noir ' M a - tinsulA, I#ý md.,sudli "oirn birlis I. die Aldrenlueonstisasll imontlisi Ict a ~statodt tsciatise lust "occasIon" Ms'. J. serlcîssly 'auke,t be min.lu i' anIf Lmi opotia. wualike>ly t'ka1ep 1I, IIPq OY poeatl sglà0 i flie." thI ii th, 01i thtia tIoBev ,le . S1-e Psy to Joisn-'hier, Esq.. 0 teo' pnoparing plans et he sillages of Broungbau Putfilus' re; sud for nos notice tisat iso'wli go ;eo the cosuceil, Introdusci ýt n thse trustecs of ,tise iodiat Salem ubsrylng 1prono f tise.allowanco - ot-- & t VsnA '...nLtuesDIB oneso eh.Townsbip Of Pickering, On thse Mtn Onf Mr. Green, a by-law *a8 i'sd Ibree siverai times and paissea ssessing achool sections No's. 1 an.! 5. for school purpos an sd asto a by-iaw dividi llç the township tutu moyen Electorsi sssw dvsios, ia introituco.! by 1fr. Groeinsd-resd Ibree seral timssaisnd Mr. iGrn - mousn, that thse stinsof $40 be,,ixpofided ! On the a townfiie betwocu Scarbro' and! Pickering, thse- cueil of Scarbro' haviug ýagro..! b excend alike mum, aud that Thomas Chester be appoint' id Cemmnisionir on behali of Pickering to expcud-tisaune. Mr. UsigisI moues, thst thse Res, and! (iirk graut La Samuel Webb the neces- ary certificat, to enable iu1 keap a hotel lu Brougbem. Ms'e. Haigist moyen, that the Reeve orties -ietreasuirer fi> psy- to B. K. Chapusan $l 25, lu paymcut for a steel pick. Ms'. (orceu gires notice,it ha v iii at tise> next meeting of thi cousucil introduec a by'lv aw pon collecter for the -prisent yesr. :111 Mr.' Bfalght gives notice, that be viii at tise noit meeting gr tise council, Introduce s by-law té alter the boundatias of Union Scisool secction No. 1, sud cf achoci section No. 4, - oint. by detusciing front -union ,section No. 1 lot*Ne. b lu the 2nd concess- Ion, au.! attsciing t'he same to No. 4 Mlr,. McKay moen, that thse Reevo grant bis ordes' on tise tacatnrer in lsuc,r of Joli n Haigisi, for thse sum cf $10.9s for'provig- ions furuishad 10 insigranta ; aloo iu favor cf S. J. Grain. for tise sous of $11.201, for prosîsions aud bouse accommodation fur, nisho.! te emigrants. Mr. MacEa>' moues, tisat tis council do adjosiru sud stand adjourne.! tili Saturday thse l2th day cf Septasuber neat. ACINT AT Tue 0. T. R. Susxosx.- As tise mure.! train front Cobourg ou Mouds>'tlut vas badkin5 op te tske vood, a vod outs'samed B. Murphy fronti Belleville, sterppd off thse ogre vwhile ini motien and feu beiveesa tisaplatforus sud cars. Uu(ortuissteiy ou@ of bis leet veut oader tis he ba'ls &ad got orusis.Hoe& are enterîained tisatishe foot usa>' e ssved, althoughis hil badi>' injssred beiow tise anki. joint. WhitbyMalurkets. Witiby,. Se$tember 1, 1869. Psu Wisa. ........$0,90 te *105. Sptiug doe .......... 90o le $1,9 pae.......10 1 5t*.30 Pye. ,.... .......70 te 5cs Pers....$74 te $84, Bags...........i1ets. Butter ...........14 et&.. Potatoes...30 te 4Octs, WoI.......... 33 ais, for <an N:EW ADVERTISEMENTS. B URD E TTVS 1EESTE Op£IsN- rrIRIME <mIlANS ARE MANUFACTURED .1. uson a new Patnt pnissipie, and are se- kuoviedged to Se aispenion te miss'otiser Cabi- net Orman@ lu l'oves', iSwetnisss, sud Varety ef Expresaou.Tise mouit beauiutl u d pur l'et substtute for thse piano. 'rite desiandts. workmnathip sore very eleguiit, sud voul.! Lot on ornuamcnt te eny slrowlug.rom. A Ilit- oral disteoinut te cisureis and mti ruide. Au> person vis whits toMuerstirs very Seat romil Iustrmcnt iow mancrosctured ohouid gel tise Celcote Urgsun. Ad.lreaa, Box 170, Cebeurg. D, 1OlIStIN, 3558m lVwZuae Âgenl foranada. V LUAJJLE MtILL PBOPEILTY FOE V ~ bALPI for pais, en cosy terme aitand @&W Mill*a sievîs' erecïed i, nlt Mill coitalna 3 rua of lins- Stousce, glvissg goal estis.fsietie; Sas' MIII contaitsse u ly &1v, Esigos au.! Butt- h'Itavi ;a; sîo a J.sotls lig, mli lu gsod ondes'. 01s tisepremises are a Ilao rame Dvollinj lieuse, Crain sdStables, aiseas Mlier'e îsn- deaim. T oeter vîtbs go acres of LUd, mesti> u Odern cu lîsvatiu. The abua'. propoit>' la ast- isates lu Ils. Tovussip of 1Modonta. Caunty et Simacu, lu tise coesreofeon.e t Ii sete vîteat grevng motions, and' offons l'e behst eppýortunit>'exetAnn su *y one vttiî a siali capital teatsako s fortune lu a icv yesrs, tIse fitiss Ietllmuonduig Olt tise Ontay. tisa ppnot> viii psy"tlie reanlder. Tise visole Willii be oi.! lssrigeo, stise praset es la nuang pneparaîleaens oïsea eUited! States. Terne, oee Ird requins.! down, 'balance lu 8or4 @quel snnusel psymesîts', vlS intercet At '7 pur Cent. Forjruuthor peiuimis aÏ ppi't4) tise submcibor. JAS.QiNNx,- 'Laui A;GoueraiCons. Agenst, Prou~tet. ()niiia. Orillise Spt. let, 1849. am-DZ, -NO(TICE#. ceunI>'of ostarl, tlI breis>' giron, tisa Ta vii S 1 bie Court cf Asiz Nii Fluas, Uotama' TeSnols nsd geesiâ Usel.01 Dlivviii wliehobaldeà lu sud fir tise ceuni>' o( Optedo. lu thse Vout Rouf llte Town, e- Whittfd, b .Wednnday, Ootobèr Otb,, 89 crcusr'a là. sthîpor fho e ae, anO 111iOthon' oeuoerpad*aée seqire tg bptaeeotide au.! teeabassevea seandingly.- ,, XX» (L REYNOTI<LDS, Goods, omrisn the laiteat novelties and gr êat est "'i EVE 1fA-)TUE lPLEÂSUREtUs'OFF-ZEIN DR ES$, 0CODS, PRI ;M ANWTLE,,*.j te. An carly cail iw rcspectfully solî cite 'd. R. &.J."C4MPBELL Whitby & Manchester, Sept. 1, 869 CLEARING OUT 0F SUMMER STOCK 0P, 80 CENTS 1PER GALLON.. Ginger Wine, on draught and in botties. Hennessey's boat French Brandy# on draught & in bottles Davna's Don Ale, in 10 gallon packages, & on draught. Guinnesses's Dubin Porter, POIT, SUE RRY, SXRJPSe, And ail kinda of LIQUORS. GROCEc TEIILS, ~Opposite q@ CaYdSq8 IDikD, uWbb. 'UNDERSI%;NED BEGIS TONFORM' t THAT HE' RAS JUST RECE[VED 8011E SPLENDIDCO En g lish, andu, anadi a n flUOR - SKINS. -Just the thing for' this weather. Wbiîby, JisI>'20thp 1869. ATES ASH CASTLE FOX, Best French Vinegar sud Bottled Vineggr. Hlama and Bacon, - A FINE LOT ON RAND. R. H. JAXESON9 - Wbitby, Aug. 29th, 1869. Drro.eaSTuxr.-1 SALE T he Dry Gonds stock at and under cost price for two weeks only, to make room for large importations --AT- OLD 1tTO. 10 e.1 -9 - & WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 2,000 TUBS 0F Choice D airy BuUer, For which the highest cash price wlll be paid at Old No. 1. FINE FAMILYCROCERIES, Hlardware, Paint., Oilsi &C, constantly on hand at Old No. 1. Whiîby, Aisgust 17. 1869. YEOM&NGION F urnil-!urc IorEverybody, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRIICES, TO SUIT T-HE TIMES, AT TIIE SIGN 0F THE Dig; oi (01111%, I AIE' A ver argmsortment of Furniture, consisting.of Chairs, Sofas, Beureu, 3dsteads, Tables, &c., on hand. gv'ery -art~icle in the FURNITURE LUNE - MADE TO ORDER AND WARRANTED! Also repairing, lnoving and boxing furniture doue ne « the -beit sud molat careful mannes'. Unidertaklng attended tod Funerala uly uplied 1 31 Nos. 14& 29 Cadwel', Blook, Bý'ook trecî, Wbitby. THE P A E T E 11000 TEk &l QCOJAFE VI utiw. A s.s..,at Osa ISISO GREAT- CLEARING SALE Ceneral Dry Coods, ar* OUR LARGE STOCK NOW OFFERED AT. GREATLY REDUCED PRI4JES! Sff- AS THE WHOLE MUST ]BE SOLD OFF, w GREAT BARCAINS.,,' WILL -BE GIVEN. IIAMILiTON & Co. WILKINSON'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WHLTBY.- Cheaperthan the'Cheapest. Conising cf tise best qisaliies of SUMMER GOODS, an.! selliug, at very re. duced priosg many oftbem below Ceet. Cal! and examine tfor yurseil cyOHN BERNARDI Higliet price allowed for BUTTER and! EGGS. lAI VII! 'SSII. HATOH & BRO., have on sae, Scythes,ý Snaiths, Cradiles, Barley Fos'ks, IHay Feo, 1'aping Hooksanuaspledid stock cf Rskos, a&r. CROQUET, a few setâ* at flatch & Bro' l othes Wringers frem $5.50 te $8.00.- Factory and Parai Bellu, broad rules iwitb alec! toi». SESULI ITLS HATCH & BRO., bave received froin Rglan.! a itook cf Euatneled 1're. 8e Ig kOtt esasud panwsa, froni tiebeat Engliah- makera, - BUILDING 1IARD JARI, Loces, Butts, Ilînges, audcevevytliing required Pans 1e lassi, Psitiianoss e MAChIN 011.5 we-ke p pendid iLloli tlwaye on isýhnd, ltavlng se!. ucani' tisirI>' barrels datlog t1elatIvd sacu, uea nvguaraule qualil>, -and, if net a umsate.v i!esn!ts moncy. BlISc k Ohise tes' s, ale. b>iseh-gallons au tf-ms IN " of tes turcali by ber Attornsy, 14. J. 'Wpo<. Dsted aI Whltby, 201h ai y or Auffust,Î49. '84 j{OUeB AND Ir POR' AF Siatdneair lb. DMIlShed, at p4tïçi b- cupicalby tii. pro ricer. peisseasin iveà lot Oetobei ut 1 ai o cu ttaini aduliig- roozu, aitting rooin, 6 bedroéeme, wit!i- kltoe and woo4d-seattiiobed. Pssstry, gem! brîck coller, pflenty- of. hransd soft water, Pacel- lent g'ardeî uin fsoa fruit trees, &o. 1 For teruseuequire of thse preprietor on thu prcwnaes. . : -M Double or 'Sigle4eatodCIage, wbich tolt tbolelst Ps-lea.tthe couuijyPFir. Tise'buggy ie , aud msyb. s4en'at* Alto a New Cutterj, Sets of Harnua Nloh Cow, Housebold Eurus. - 1 ure7ck. Ire.,, TRRS - - - CASU. wbh4by, &ugibit 26, 1869. 34. DE PO S 11-0fR Y- 1 Thse %ttention of thse publieoii iuvited te thse new itud vell aelectedastock ef ]BIBLES-.and TES8TAXjNý8, wils and! vltbout thse psialm ir e. now to b. ~sud ~ tseDpOettay er tise WldtbY ýBrandis Bibi, Society, The. stock bit heen se- iectéàd blithe J>poutsry, ili Egrssl ase, mnd wiii be coeud t,, ombraS,, volumes lU Varions lityjes or bulding,f ifsand! ornamontul. *eaitýry-WAt Jm. iU. Germe'.Drug store, Wlitby,July 21st, 1869. P BOO 0T- JÀOR4 . CII (PATENTED.) ' The Greatest Issvenutsor f Ibe Agi. Pataute.! by j. W. Jàcob'». Dcoion Igfls secured b>' D.C.ACWS E. jn oBIsoNw,, JDUNDAi ST. 7EABT, kwJoImm&O Z. WLLDE' 'UL ous, 01.! spous. foks, crueta, &o, r!uited-with Sterling Silver sud u>eade squat to, no.. ,Broocises. anar.!chai»., wvali as es, rings$ &o., roplated vrwlb pure go1d. gW- <Jerriag vo.'k en tise .sorteet notice. Wisltby, Auiguqt 4th, lm?. i 01- ÂBD W. A.LAW, 24.U ~ STOUFYVILIY- Ois. (Four miks cat of Torontci) Thse subsserlbar bega te Isform bis-usany frieuds tIsaI ha lies oreno.! IsssineainIqti Ahove premluse*,'sviolit c A luaspae.! lu a tieoasstate ot repais' an.! newyrn*a slsblug sud attentive, esîlà,na.- ? C. DAWES. Nervey, ÀAud, 11, 116.8. c OAL I COA L -1-' Xsc oschooner ",BELE" uDov lnledlug, an4 rcssdy fer dellve-y., it tise vart, 111 A'CAR4O OP BEBT C044, fer lIeuse Use.Apply W JOHN KEITfl,, Wblty, minI 11h1889. 82 Tl'OUA$ BINT,. (L411 fmou jkqUOLÀUD,>. IL avP-Y: Hanviag » u ibmu du Smrz TERM& CASH. . 1 W. A. tàwo ST01IL.E>l - 1 unci FOIR

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